88-292 �� C TY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ��9� FI AL ORDER By ,{ l�_.-.�, , �� '� • File No. 1lW►79—�2 ,k; :" Voting In t e Matter of �s����� �t , stA�1 ae0d �rttlr tOa�tisctioa�s if Ward = est�d � tLe p'rop�i't7 e�a= �or tl�,a �'oerp Par1�/ ts�o�d �rsa y S S�nsr sad l;sias amd Li� is� lro,�eat. under Prel' inary Order o �� /'3°� approved ` °2��a� The ouncil of the City of Saint Paul has c nducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof ha ing been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WH REAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and as fully considered the same; now, ther fore, be it RES LVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, nd the proper City officers are hereby dir cted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FU HER RESOLVED, That upon the com letion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expens incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COU CIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date MAR ' � ��vp Yeas � Nays t= Certified P ed b Council Secretary t�� � In Fav r By ibel � Again n Mayor �son MAR - � 1988 � PU�9.l��lED ������,��,l��1 `' 198$_ , , . . �,�,..�� ��� . - ,• . - ,�� �;,�,�� f,�;.$�-� -�- , .�. �T°�iJ r�,..._3� � t� t�$,,. ,���lr��rr � ( Co�l�i�'}le"1QS3:'�0=�� $��: r " e' '' , ' � `.��..�f:� r;'; . In the �atter of coi�st � ; san�tary,°.�E ", -,�up�,s� W�Y�r `� `` � �: requested bY �he PropertY ow er, or,t1a� ��r�►�ark'l�i ; r :.,{� ; Sewer and Paving a�d L3ght' e�t in�T'at�"1���� �" � £ . The Council of the City of � .$ui haying re�s�the t�epwp�C+�f'��� ` -upon the above improv�unen , ' hgvi"� c�idef�ed s8id•report, h�re.��t resolves: , ,.`.: L That the said report and the.s�cfe is hergbY .R�pPt'�tv'+e�d dv. �� alternatives, and that the �t�'m�t�d^ ctlist''t6tt�eof�is �ier c�dit►n�� � i�nanced by 'as's�e�si� ts: itbu'y, �8�dri'Y►��af�d W�ater`�+ao�s�� - ''assessed 8t COSt. � � , .. .. _ ;r� ' .>���' 2. That a public hearing' �tl drY''�a3d imp�toveriient aar'f.�e i t��t ' March,1988,at 9:00 o'cl k�a. . i�rtli�Gount�i G'kattabers�'t1¢i�'��:� - an u ouse C ity°o!Sairtt-P.at�i � :� 3�.. � ,�; 3. That notice oi said pu ' rl�����►� to the perso�s aad In t}�e P �Y t , ��tinS�a��ne aad place of h�ar`i�x man�er rovided ' , the nature of ti�,e i�pro t and the tatal cost thereof as estipr�at�L , F'ile No. 18479-12 - .. . . :;?;�,,�,,�; . .�'�.r+7��'����.r� � �sf=��r- .l7���. 1�A`�.F`.�> . �_'� �(� .::��5, APArowed J'sitiytsry 2�,°1�6: � : , , ;a :�•�����x + _ ( eb_ a%�:�$� I�1 _ , ,�: �,�� � . ....�..__..