88-289 ,,��� AMEND City f St.Paul COtJNCIL FILE N0. �/ � °2a � FINAL O DER IN By CONDEMN TION PROCEEDINGS 18488E File No. (AMEND) Vo t ing In the tt�r of Ward I � 1 F� 4 ' condemn ' ng and taking easemen� s for the Marshall/Hamline Area Sewer Separat on Pro� ect , described as follows : PERMA�ENT EASEMENTS Northwe t 1/4 Section 3 , Township 28 , Range 23 : Va ated Dayton Avenue from Hamline Avenue to centerline of vacated Albert treet . Th North 1/2 of vacated Da�yton Avenue from centerline of vacated Albert treet west to existing D�ayton Avenue . Southeast 1/4 Section 34 , Township 29 , Range 23 Lo 4 and North 1/2 vacated alley , Block 9 , Ingersoll Addition; Lot 5 and North 1/2 vacated alley, Block 9 , Ingersoll Addition; Lo 26 and South 1/2 vacate alley , Block 9 , Ingersoll Addition; Lot 27 and South 1/2 vacate� alley , Block 9 , Ingersoll Addition; Lo 1 and North 1/2 vacated alley , Block 10 , Ingersoll Addition; North 1/2 Lots 2 — 15 , Bloc� 10 , Ingersoll Additon and TEMPO�ARY EASEMENTS Construction easements as shown on Map 4�563 of Project 18488E , on file in the Department of Fina ce and Management Services , Division of Valuations and Assessments , 218 �City Hall. Said temporary easements to expire ecember 31 , 1988 , or upon completion of the project , whichever occurs first . I RESOL ED, That the Council of the City ot sai t raui ne�C�y u�.,�.� �na.. ....Y...._.____ � ���� FURTA R RESOLVED, That the Council hereby de erminea that the estate required tor thia improvement be as describ- ed above, an LLat Lhe proper City officers submit a re t Lo the Cfty Counoil fot the pncpoae of the Counail's making an award o[da es for the interest��nd determinatio ot assesaments, if any, againat the benetited propetty. acquired MAR - 1 1�$ COUNCIL EN Adopted by the Council: Date YeasDimond Nays Goswit Certified s d �y Council ret Long Rettma In Favor y Scheib 1 Sonnen ��Against — L �9SS Mayor Wilson PU�LISl�ED i�►�=�� 1 � 1988 O�GINATOR � ' DAT�p11f1Ai� 16 V• V- � Finance & Managem t Service . �Zi�6ia� GREEN SHEET No.���2�9 ACT PERS�N � O�C�R MArON�OR A�iM/i) Peter White N�B��p a�rs�cES� �cr,,,n� NO' -Caun�il Res�a:rch Finance Dept/ V&A 298-5317 oROa+� �,�r�„ iKust be on Agenda 1 7 i o �RecuESr: I _ ° . . , ��prove acquisit on of easements for the Mars l Hamline 1988 Storm 'Sewer Pro�ect. � � � AMENDED — Eas ment descriptions are update du to more complete information now� ` avail ble from consultant. (P li Hearing �2�58') , �;� �ZD. �� �/i/�'�' : �1MEDIOAT10NS:IMp�U)a Hsject(R)1 COUNp�t�ESEARCl1 P6A11�IMIli CdINIB810N CIVIL SERVICB COM►BSpON OATE n1 T! � nWN.YBT PNONE NO. . � �Ml10�810N �SD 626 SCHOOL BOAAD I A sr�cR aaa�n cow�esaN _co�a.��a �_�ooL w�o.�ooeo- �ro ro conrniccr cor�errtu�r ron�oot wRO.* _r�r►c�c�+ asrn�cr cou+ca. � . .�� :�"""�"�`°�""E' � � �i � Courcii Research Center � . . FEB 2 3 i988 1 I I wi,u►taao�oe�ar.�t,�, �w�w,wiw.vw,�.vn+u..wnr,: . The constructio and future maiatenance of th Ma�rshall/Hamline .Storm Sewer requires the easements as de ribed in the attached resolu io�. � .a�ca�ror�cc�a,e�.�. a�.r. ,/� �hese easements result in the most efficient d economical routing of the sewex. i . . I coNSeauarcas�,wn.�.ffia o wn�r � Easements are encumbrance on properties a ec ed. '�" - ru.�rnES: raos c�s To be dete ned. I i ' wsroAVinnecao�rs: St dard Operating Procedure �s(v �4ues: \ N/A iI I . t. � " r.r i�` .,�'... * _J' • � � . ��. .-N. . _. . ._ ... __.. . __... __. .. _ . __ ... ..__ .._._ ._ .__... ._-_'__ __�_._. .___ ._. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . ... - ...__ ._ __�...-__ _ _. ._... _.____...__.. ._... ... ....... . ...__ ��� �-��y, City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FI E NO. FINAL O DER IN � -°� � � By CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ' ��$$� , File Na 9oGi�t� In the atter of ' i�lts'd ' . �.....i 4 � condemning and taking easements for t e Marshal�%Hamline Area Sewer Separation roject, described as follows: i ,�` PERMANENT EAS N1�S fJ Northwest 1/ Section 3, Township 28, Ra ge � 3: The Eas 1/2 of Vacated Albert Stree f �om Marshall Avenue to vacated Dayton Avenu . The North 1/2 of vacated ayton Avenue from centerline of vacated Albe t Street west to existing Da ton Avenue. Southwest 1/ Section 34, Township 29 ngei23: That pa t of the West 1/2 of Sou west 1/4 Section 34, Township 29, Range 23 f om Pascal Street to 700 feet est that lies north of a line 672.38 : feet south of and parallel o the ou�h line of University Avenue and south of a line 657.38 feet s uth of a d parallel to the south line of University A enue. That pa t of the West 1/2 f Southwes 1/4 Section 34, Township 29, Range 23, rom Pascal Stree to 600 feet west that lies north of a line 707.38 feet south of and p allel to the so�th line of Universiy Avenue and south of line 697.38 eet south of a d parallel to the south line of University Av nue. That par of the Eas 1/2 of Southwes 1/4 Section 34, Township 29, Range 23 from Hamline Av nue to 660 feet w st that lies north of a line 25 feet south f and p allel to the south lin'e of University Avenue and south of the outh li of University Aven e. Southeast 1/4 Secti 34, Township 29, Rang 23 Vacated igel w Avenue from Syndicate treet to 300 feet east; Lot 4 an No th 1/2 vacated alley, Blo k 9, Ingersoll Addition; Lot 5 an N rth 1/2 vacated alley, Blo k �, Ingersoll Addition; Lot 26 a d South 1/2 vacated alley, B1 ck,9, Ingersoll Addition; Lot 27 a South 1/2 vacated alley, B1 ck 9, Ingersoll Addition; Lot 1 and North 1/2 vacated alley, Blo k 10, Ingersoll Addition; North 1/2 Lots 2 — 15, Block 10, Inger o11 Additon and Lot 30 an South 1/2 vacated alley, B1 ck �10, Ingersoll Addition TEMPORARY EASEME S Construct on easements as shown on Ma �5�63 of Project 18488E, on � file in the epartment of Finance and Man geiqent Services, Division of � Valuations and Assessments, 218 City Hall. Said temporary easements to j expire Decemb r 31 , 1988, or upon comple ion of the project, whichever ' occurs first. ; Rettman ln Favor t3y I Scheibe ; Sonnen Against Wilson Mayor . � �— `�°•�� r .� �L�l�v[..�^-. f ���'���[�%�i-ca.il.9���` ..: _ _ _.-. ,_�. _,.y___ _ ._ ._ ...-- ---_ _--- - -_-- '. . . _- -'---- --- ,..- — --_._...".--_ ._.►�.�.� ^ �_��LJ�-r� , /v C _/����� �-�'J �� n���^��- _ �`�'` �;. � �._ �� - � .�� -� � ��IEND City of S .Paul ' COUNCIL FILE NO. �FINAI. ORD R IN ; By ����� CONDEMNATION PROCEEDiNGS ' 18488E File No. � ) , Voting In the Matt r of Wa^-�. i ,, i, co;n:demning and taking easements foic the Marshall/Hamline Area Sewer Se�g�aration roject , described as follqws : PERMANEN �A$EMENTS Northwest /4 Section 3 , Township 28 , Range 23: Vacat d Dayton Avenue from Ha line Avenue to centerline of vacated Albert Str et. The N rth 1/2 of vacated Dayt n iAvenue from centerline of vacated Albert Str et west to existing Day on Avenue. Southeast /4 Section 34 , Township 29 , Range 23 Lot 4 and North 1/2 vacated a l�y , Block 9 , Ingersoll Addition; Lot 5 and North 1/2 vacated a ley, Block 9 , Ingersoll Addition; Lot 6 and South 1/2 vacated al�.ey , Block 9 , Ingersoll Addition; Lat 7 and South 1/2 vacated al�.ey, Block 9 , Ingersoll Addition; Lot and North 1/2 vacated ll�y , Block 10 , Ingersoll AdditYon; Nort 1/2 Lots 2 — 15 , Block 10 , Ingersoll Additon and Lot 0 and South 1/2 vacated al�.ey , Block Z0 , Ingersoll Addition TEMPOR RY EASEMENTS Cons ruction easemeats as s own on Map #563 of Project 18488E, an file in he Department of Finan e and Management Services , Division of Valuatio s and Aasessments , 218 iCy Hall. 5aid temporary easements to expire D cember 31 , 1988 , or up n completion of the project , whichever occurs f rst. FURTH R RESOLVED, That the Council herebq d termlinea thai the eatace reqnired tor Lhis inprovement be ae deacrib- ed above, an tLat the proper City otficers submit a r lort,to the City Connail for the pnrpose of tlee Conneil's aoakfng ea award ot da es for the interesL�7q3ir�38Kand determinat n q't asaesaments. if any, against the benefited�opstty. acquired COCINCI MEN Adopted by the Council: Date YeasDimon NaYs G�sw' z ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary Long I P.ett n In Favo By Sche bel ' Einnn n Ag2inst .. .. T,� ..: . . �� �.:; �=:�: -�. ,r� _ , �--: - «=ond�e#se�ng~��� and taking ea�ements for he Marshal 1 /Haml i ne Area S�ew r �� ��� SeRar-at7 pn "Pro1 e t, descri b�d as fol 1 ows: .'�`�. ', . . ��� � -� �� F'Ef;MAh1EPlT ERS MEI+lTS (! !�,/,�' �`��� 0 y�'��, _ :�orthwest 1!4 S cti on 3, Townshi p �8:, R nq 2�+: �� �' 1 'J�c�ted Day on A�wen«e from Haml i n� v ue to centerl i ne caf �•acated +=,1 bert S•tr�et. Tt-r� Atartti 1 w �f v�c�t�d Dayton Ave �r� frc,zm c�n�erl ine of vacated �l bert Street we t to ex i sti ng U�ytan� n�u�. �duthwest 114 S cti c�n �,4, Tawnshi p , arrge �.a: T�h�t par�t o the West . 1/:' af S uthw s� 1/4 Sec�kion �,4, Tawnship 29, � �:ang� �,� from '�scal Street to 7' s?t �ee wre�t that 1 i�s north of a 1 ine� ��7�.�ti8 f�e�� sc�e.tt-� af and p�ralle ta �th �r�uth line of Universit;� Avenue �nd so���th of � 1 i ne 65;. 38 feet otith nf and paral 1 el to the sc�uth 1 ine o� _��i ver-si��y F��v�n e. That p�rt f th� Ulest ll • of Su�cth es� 114 S�ction -�.4, Tc�wnship �9, ;�nge �3, fra flasc�3 Stre ta b�%3t�i f et ,' w�st th�t I i es north nf � 1 ine %4%�7. ._y9 f�et s �ith of �ne! �r�l 1�1 ta he' so��th I i ne c-rf Uni�r�rsi y Avene.ae ar�+� s��.�th of a ine b9?. ._,8 feet south o a��d p�ral: iel •tc� the south line of !Jrri •rpr-si t�� Av�n �;e. That� par-t f the Ea t i/� of S��«th es,t f 14 5�ct i on ._,4, Tvwnshi p 2�?, ;::.t►-rye '�.� �rom H ml i ne A enue ta 6b�F f ee wriest tha�k 1 i es nar-th af a I i ne .?5 ���� south ��f �nc} p� r�l 1�1 to the so �th,' 1 i ne o�F Uni�•er-ai•t'y Avenue and ��u�th rf th� �r� ith 1 i �e of Uni versi ty A eni�.��. �c7i_�the�st 1/�} a �c�ti n i,4., Tow�nship '��, 'arlqe ��, L_nt 4 �n�J inr- �h 10: vacated �Ileyt E+liack: 9, Inc�er•sall ��iditic�n. Lc�k � ar7d 10 th 1 I'� v�tc�ted �1 T�y, E�l oc�:: 9, Inyersal l Adcli t:i�n: Lnt 26 �rie� ' ou•th 1/� vacateci alley, �lr�ct? 9, Inr��r-�oll Acidit_ion: Lc�t �'7 �ri - 5c�uth 11� v�c�t�d �1 1� , �1 oc�; 9, Iri_yer-�n1 1 r�c1rl�i ti or�: Lot l and Narth 1f� vacat�d �Zley, E+1ack: l�f, Ir�c��rs�ll �c��litinn: � I�lor-th 11 � Lc�ts ^ - 15, E�l ac6:: is?f, ngersol l Adci:i t�n �n� Lot �y� r� South 1r� vacat�d alle , �1c�cb; it:s, Inqersall �tdciitian 7EMF'�F�A�tY E SEMEl�TS Co�7struct ori �asemen•ts as shown n M�p #�6•� o-f F'rr�j�c:t 18488E, an - r i 1� i n the epartmen�t t�f Fi n�nce �n l�F�a��gem�nt Servi r_�s, Ui vi si on of •:ttluationa anc! Assessmen�ts, �iS City all . S�id �k�mp�rar-y easem�nts to �->:�,ire Decc�mh .r ,�1 , 1988, or upon c mpl�tion of th� �r-n..ject, whichever :,�_curs first. _...,.....___� ._._..._.�.,. -.,_ �.....�_ __.�.:.._._ _ .. . _.. .__. .._ _ ,.....�.,.. � , . . .: ��t. . . . ,.`�... ,. . :� . y�.�`.. ' . -,..i ; ;���,�� � - ; . Y�y� .. ; '-�n; ; r, . , , y� . ��. , . � � - � �' � - �� � ' � i va�$'�; � _ ��.����i. _ ..��, y_..,.:_.:._ _ :;.._.�... . .:.,_. .,,wry6p..�.;w.,.d . ..i_., ...,R : . `�^ � .,�� � �{�..` . �y 3 � _ i� � . � � ;w'�1'tie.�� `�.rv � , :A ., .. . : �'. ' : ,, : s.,x " s. �� ��� ��. � : .� sd:`r X : .f w�; z . � c� �;`XS s^��. �*:..�' �2"'`'�'" �r ,t,�, M �„vs ^�,. R'�y i,�� �' .�'f.+�-+� 'iA^� ,,, � ,. ,._ {+'.� , < .. ' y� - ri^�F'. £- �/4' � *� ,A�� .; � .. y •a r ; e t .+..,r�""w i. " .: ;, � .�':� � '�'--+' P� .,y . `�.:L'.:y _ ,_ .. '` �., __ .•��'f� -s '�' � :�`` ` �,:��� � � ��.��� � µ > R, � i'x � . ' . _" ;�, ... . : . i '� ,�i ++ . . ' . , . . � '� .,. , _ ,._ . _... .Y.�_ ,...< 3-'*i�k- _ . �, . .. - -' _ ����� Members: � CITY OF A;INT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair ,� ,� Janice Rettman i � �n _ OFFIC� OF T E�CITY COUNf1IL Tom Dimond Date: RECEtYED Comm' t�e Report FEB Q 91988 To: S int Paul City Council � : cinr c��RK � From :Public Works, Utilitie , �nd Transportation , Committee ' Roger J. Goswitz, C air , The Publi Works Cor�xnittee at its meeting of February 24, 1988 took the following ction: Hearin Date 1. 3/10/ 8 VACATION: Petition of . Brook Hauser for the vacation of the north-south unimp ove�d alley in Block 7, Wifleburg Hills (bounded by Ric S�'treet, Maryland "Avenue, Park Street and W. Hawtho ne Avenue) for the purpose of building a drug store nd upgrade a parking lot for the surround i ng corrnnerc i a 1 re�. Recommended approval on a wnanimous vote. 2. 3/8/8 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSM NT�: for the SNELLING AVENUE STORM SEWER PROJECT. � Recommended approval on a unanimous vote. 3. 3/1/ 8 RATIFICATION OF ASSES MENTS: for the storm sewer service stub connections inci ental to the PAYNE/ARCADE EAST AND WEST STORM SEWER AND P VING PROJECT. Recommended approval o a unanimous vote. 4. 3/1/ 8 RATIFICATION OF ASSES MENTS: for improving GRAND AVENUE FROM MACALESTER STREET T0,'SNELLING AVENUE by constructing curb and gutter, lands aping and widening the boulevards. Recommended approval o a unanimous vote. 5. 3/1/ 8 FINAL ORDER: Constr ct;ing a sanitary sewer in DESOTO STREET FROM NEBRASK AVENUE TO MONTANA AVENUE. Aiso construct sanitary se er �service connections. Recommended approval n a 2-1 Vote - Dimond voting "NO". (CONTINUED) � C1TY HALL SEVENTH F OOR 3AINT PAUI.� MllVNESOTA 55102 `��e _ ,_..� . . . . .._ _.._. .. . . , _. . _.�.. _�__ ,�. , , . . . , _ .. . ��OS-� __ _ ___ _ __ ___ 6. 3/1/88 FINAL ORDER: Improving E ER�TT COURT fROM ENERGY PARK � DR[VE TO TAINTER AVENUE b gr�ding and paving, curbs and gutters and a green lanter style street lighting system. Also, installation of new signal system at the intersection of Energy Pl�rk Drive and Raymond. Constructing sanitary, s or and water connections if requested by the propert o�ner and improving parts of Raymond, Ener�y Park Driv an� Tainter Avenue. All to be • known as the ENERGY PARK/R YMQND AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT> Recommended approval on a an'�mous vote.. 7. 3/1/88 F1NAL ORDER: Improving VII�GINIA STREET by regrading, paving, constructing co cr�te curb and gutters and installing a street light ng system from Idaho Avenue to praposed cul-de-sac. lso, condemning and taking additional right-of-way fo t�rnaround purposes. Recommended approva i on a nar�i mous vote. � i ��yr��;���:�' F I NAL c?RDER: for MARSHALL HAmL 1 NE easements { 1 a i d over on February 2, 1988 to March , 1988) . Recommended approval on a nanimous vote. ' i • . SAINT PAUL C TY ,ICOUNCIL C ,:�� CI�`l� i � PUBLIC H�AR NG NOTICE /�,,,� ��_�� (� PUBLIC IMPROVEME T aCQUISITION � RECEIVED ' i � JAN 2 i 1988 , � CITY�CLERK City Council District 4�1&4 District Planning Council 4�11&13 i File No. 18488E De r Property Owner: ! t�, t-� c To decide on whet er to proceed with condemning and taking . • Ftt�iZ�'t,..i G. permanent easemen s �nd acquiring temporary easements for the Marshall/Hamline re� Sewer Project for the purpose of construct- ing and maintaini g � public sewer as per attached map and descriptions. ' i �E A�' I �' '� Tuesday, Februar 2, 1988, at 9:00 A.M. � City Council Cha bers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Call 298-4513 an refer to the file number above. City staff ������T ��tt� will be availabl tc� answer any last minute questions on this L- j '� project in Room 18 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the heari g. � I Notice sent January 15, 1988 by the Valua ions and. Assessments Divisio Department o Finance & Management Servic s 218 City Hal � Saint Paul, 55102 I . ��--�{�t _.��% �x— . - . , , _„...�..._.,.-.- - :�.•,�,.,-.,,„..� n, ,._. ,. ; , m� , :;_,� _ . ; . _ . , . . . , . '� - .�,>•�:..�" --',-='— ; , .�Il Filt�:.�'� ' 1�l7r '�,,�,�`��` . ` - ' -; Ixi t}�e lEeeE�ir of f � t�e io�� _3[�ar�pitl�I#�� ' ` � A�a�ver-$e�ta� , w,� ��: '��. 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