88-286 i� City of St.Paul COUN I N a a �"�'` ' � � Resolution Approving Assessment �; By nd Fixing Time of Hearing Thereo 18450—E an Fixing Time of Hearing on the A ard File No. of Damages Voting In the atter of Ward 3 I condem ing and taking easement� for the RANDOLPH/SNELLING SEWER SEPARA ION PROJECT, subject to easements of record and existing struct res , on the property des ribed as follows : A temp rary construction easem nt on, under and across the South 5 feet of the North 15 feet f ' Lot 6 , Block 11 , Sylvan Park Addition to the City of Saint Esul . ( bounded bq Jefferson , Palace Saratoga and Brimhall ) ' Also , temporary construction easement as shown on the plan on file in the Division of Valu tions and Assessments , Room 218 , City Hall. (bounded by Gran Ave. , Macalester , St. Clair and Snelli g) Said temporary construction e sements to expire on December 31 , 1988 , r on completion of the ro� ect , whichever comes first. under Admi istrative Order � approvecL Preliminary rder 87-1781� approved December 22, 1987 FinalOrder 8g-120 approved January 26, 1988 The irector of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the tak ng of the land ar easements therein ap�ropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RES VED, That the said assessment of benef�ts be and the same is hereby approved. RES LVED FURTHER, That a public hearing�be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awa d of damages made by the Director of F nance and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, i the Court House in the City of St. P�ul on the �� day of , at . 9. o'clock A.M., and that the Director of Finance be and he is direct d to give notice of said hearing as presc ibed by the Charter. COUNC LMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �R _ 1 �88 YeasDimo d Nays Gosw tz Certified asse b Council Secretary Long Rett an In Favor By Sche'bel p , Sonn n Against Wils n �R — � �v� Mayor PUBLIS'NED ;r;�+�Z 1 � 1988 I �