88-285 i5 City of St.Paul ', COUNCIL FILE N0. , d O ���`f ^� Resolution Approving Assessment By nd Fixing Time of Hearing Thereo ' an Fixing Time of Hearing on the A ard File No. 18459-E of Damages , Voting In the atter of Ward 4 condemning and taking a 35-foot permanent easement for utility p rposes under and acrosslthat part of the southwest quarter of Section 27 , Township 29 North , Range 23 West , lying 31 feet east o and 4 feet west of the center line of vacated Pascal Street 1 ing between the north line of Taylor Street and the south line o Pierce Butler Route. A so , a 15-foot permanent �asement for utility purposes under and a ross that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27 , Township 2 North, Range 23 West ly�ing Southwesterly of a line that is 15 f et northeasterly of and parallel to the northeast line of P erce Butler Route between a line 270 feet east of and parallel t the west line of said �ection 27 and a line 830 feet east of a d parallel to said west line of Section 27 . A so , a 10-foot permanent easement for utility purposes under and a ross that part of the southeast Quarter of Section 28 , Township 2 North , Range 23 West ly�ing southerly of a line 10 feet north of a d parallel to the north line of Pierce Butler Route between a und� 1 ne 130 feet west of a d parallel to the east line of said S ction 28 and a line 1 ,�50 feet west of and parallel to said Preli e st line of Section 28. A so , temporary construct�on easements as shown on the plan on Fina f le in the Division of Va�luations and Assessments , Department of F nance and Management Selrvices. Said temporary easements to t rminate upon completion of the pro�ect or December 31 , 1988 , w ichever occurs first . for also I con� unction with the Hamline /Hewitt Storm Sewer Project . ( ounded by Energy Park D�ive , Taylor , Aldine and Holton) 1CL'JV VDL PVI�1R�it� 111QL Q �1uv111: llcalllts vc iaau v�.ivi�. uia. a.vu,aa..a urv.. au+.. ..�1+.,-. ....�- -... » .,.................. of the awa of damages made by the Director of F nance and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, i the Court House in the City of St. P ul on the _ 5th day of , ati � 9 o'clock A.M., and that the Director of Finance be and he is direct d to give notice of said hearing as presc 'bed by the Charter. MAR - 1 198$ COUNCI MEN ' Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Dimo d Nays Long , Certified s d y Council Secret ry Gosw'tz Rett an �In Favor B Sche'bel � ' Son n Against ' Wils n , i„tl�� _, � ���Mayor �-a P���������� ,. . ��. l9��