88-282 � �*�`�"��` MIYITE 1GTY C�;EiiK �� _. � . � . � �i�� //�� �,�./� . ... �. PfNK � - RINANC� � . �. G�IT'�� �F �1 .PI� ���PALT.I:� ],� //'I���//�+r/}//,��j/ c2��' � CANiiRV -�DEAAR �AENT � . . ����� --�i��• � G�riiL'.� .��µ. � r. � OLUE � -MAYOR � . � . . � � .,. , u � � . . � ���c�l�� � ��t�a�t� � . _ E� _ r : , , �_ . Presertted By - . : ,.. ; f' " ' Refer�ed 1'0 -: : ; .�_ _ �,_ , ' C�t�aittee: � ,�. _ � , ,�� Ot�t o�. ittee;�jt � "� � �. ._:���z . ' B �T��R�S���ED, T��t ;the �i3- c�f '�}�e �����*� €��' ���r�'t: �?�u� � her��ay c�rtif��s and �pproves e a��<ion.; af t�t� �,���'�r +c�,S�iri� Pa�al.. ��trd f .1�p�at's aMd Review pe ta ni�� �o th� €��3��w'��:T�:E��t� pr�o:- . pe�t3r d �s s���ri �y the E�ce t cl 'M��tes. s3� ��,�}��rd=c��;'A��als ` a��t R� �e�r, dated .�anuary 12, 9a an�� ���b�er� ����I.'�`��:i�, ��;; attac�ied ��ret4 a�c1- n�ade a part hereof ' �fer��c�: .� - _ t' D�►+fi� � ��1�D ; _ ; ,; ; �� CASE 1�0: PR 1�E TY �F. - . : , . ' �:,.� _ , � 0�;/12/ 8 . - 123-8`7-H 58 V'nBuren G��ce` 1T. ;�E� �., �I}�: , �'T�QN:' Hoard moved to wa ve the fees of' ��+�U,���,��n.� �h�Y �- � condition that if� Ms.Murphy retai�s �it� �-w�`�in ��' � ninety (90) da s, ! takes out a peritti� '�k'r�r��ns wa�s ' . ` - to bring house up to code. :` P�, � D���PTION: The Eas 3 ' �� * � � ; . p feet of Lbt �', ��1+���, �,#- —" Michels Su division o£ �33:s>c3� ��, �� � � � � � � � Stinson s �ivision, accor��.�r�tt�`'`'°�Y#�� � " � ' .. . .-. F ., . +{.J P . � , map of lat thereof or� �f� =� s�' ; record n pffice of th�. Ra,�t�:<���lt:� . ; ' Recorde (�/k/a 586-586? V�'�r'�'��x� �.���,;, ��;�� St. Pau , t�finnesota) . �,� '��'" � � r � `" ��,��' � -------------- --+--------------^- ' uI�' � �.°" - ,rs --� � 4�;✓�.� � - 118-87-H 17 3 Randolph Ave. D�� � ;;_ � clson , `' - ` �� ., x � , <, �� ��'� �'��: � Board granted n xtension a�� '�:�:st� fc�� .�`i, � � �.f g0) � �� _ days, pertaini g �to dead bolts ar� ��� �s, f affira�ing the rdlers frofn a Iet��,� u '�,"�,� - 19$7. � r . . - . . tyr, . ,. � � � ' �`:T COUNCIL Request+ed by DcP�rt�ae c�: _ Yeas Nays i I��aeiid ; ' ,. �r� in Favor , ; �, .�.� Agairn.�t B3► � va� , , .. �F��.��F�dt��+e�a�._ ���,ed.by�i!i -� .t�e"� � '-" � �� Cec�ified;Passed�r ou�ciF'-�eceet�ry .�" -----=�`— -�':�. a��- � . , - _ . , r. .. ,,v �_ :, .. , ;; , - 8y : ;', 3 Ap�rs�rre8 by,�r+Pf: t7�ta . ��-'��'�$�ia��tt��e�tt �� _., Y . ._ , �� � � ,�.� �„ ;. ��� � � : �� �� �S�r ���� ����� ��. �sJ,� � .� , . . . . .- . _ ,�::. <;. . �. . , , ; . , . .. x _. � ��;. � I ����� ���¢ � � PROPER Y DESCRIPTION: WebsteriAddition to the City of Saint Paul , Ramsey County, Minnesota Ex Ave Lot 17 Blk 2 - ------------------------I---------------------------- DATE O BOARD MINU ES CASE NO: PRO ERTY RPPELLANT O1/12/ 8 107-87-H 210� University Ave. Rihm Motor Co. John Rihm BOARD CTION: Board granted a extension of time for six (6) months to insta 1 automatic fire extinguishers ; and an extensio� of ninety (90) days for install- ation of a vent�ng system, affirming the orders from a letter d�ted, October l , 1987 . PROPER Y DESCRIPTION: Hewitts �ut lots - lst & 2nd Divi�ion Lots 96 �nd Lot 97 -- ----------------------- -�---------------------------- I . . . . ... ._._ . . . . . .. t _ _.. ,... .._.- �:� . __.. . . . ._.. _ . ._ . . _ WHITE r C1TV CLERK ✓ �INK • - FINANCE COVRCII CAN,,.RV - OEPARTMENT GITY � OF AINT PAUL ��`(��� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. �. Council esolution Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date DATE O BOARD MINU ES CASE NO: ROPERTY APPELLANT O1/12/ 8 115-87-H 50 Summit Ave. Mary Gallivan BOARD CTIOIV: Board granted a extension of time for ninety (90) days , to instal proper door closures , affirming the orders from a letter dated October 8 , 1987 . PROPER Y DESCRIPTION: Terrace ark Addition to the City of Saint Paul , Ramsey C unty, Minnesota Apartmen Ownership No. 5 Being Pa t of Lot 6 Blk 3 Terrance Park Addition Apartmen No. 301 & an undivide 16 2/3 int in the comm n areas & faciliti s. -- ----------------------- ----------------------- COUNCIL MEMBER Yeas N ys Requested by Department oE: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Schetibel � _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson MAR - i 1g88 Form Approve by � orne Adopted by Council: Date �' Certified Pas e il , e B gy, t#pprove �Vlavor: D te ...� — 2 1� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUStt�H�D ��`:;r„� 1 � 1988 ' Councii Research �/���^�` �en�°r .N° 013 5 5 2 '� ��� � r���r FEB 2 3 i98g - - - - - - CONTACT NAME 2 8-41 FHONE � ., Fe ruar. 1 1988 DATE S � � ' �G 0 (See rev rse� s ide.) , , � _ Departmen Director Mayor (or Assistaat) _ Finan;ce a Naaageeent Services Direct r � City Clerk Budget Di ctor � City Atto ey T 0 G G (C1 a�.l locations f signature.) � W N C 0 ? (PurpoaeJRation�le) ; � Approving the actions of the Boar o� Appeals & Review meeting of 3anuary 12 19$8. Number of cases 'i 1 - waiver of fees 'i 3 - extensions ' C N UDG P P D: N/A N C D V D: (l�iayor's *igna uze not required if under $1 ,0 0.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: N/A Activity Number: N/A Funding :Sour e: N/A , i � � � ATTACHI�IEN'PS: List and number all attachme ts ) 1 R solution with minutes at a hed. ADI�I�NISTR#T V " C �JRE ' _Yes _N Rules, Regulations, Proce s, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _N If yes� are they or timet l attached? D AR' NT R CITY ATTORNEY REVIEi�1 _Yes _No Couttci2 resolution required? Resolution required4 _Yes _;,,No _Yes _No Iinsurance rsquired? Insurance sufficisnt? _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? ��� � . �� ��� 5AINT PAUL BOAR OF APPEAL5 AND REVIEW 705 City Hall St. Paul Minnesota 55102 Minutes, meeti g of January 12, 1988 MEMB RS PRESEN7: Ron Glas man, Chairman Harold K utson Oavid Sc ultz Sean Car y Glenn Ga sman MEMB RS ABSENT: William ilton Rosann B strom OTHE 5 PRESENT: Sherry W bb, St. Paul Fire Prevention Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Prevention ' Hope Abr ms, St. Paul Fire Prevention Jim Prill , Vacant Buildings Donald E. Ostrum John Krost John W. ihm Dennis Davidson Gloria W inblatt Anne McDirmad Bruce C1 vdenen Dale Carmichael Janice R e Arcand The meeting of the Board f Appeals and Review was called to orde by Chairman Ron Glassm n, at 1 :30 p.m. January 12, 1988. Mr. Glassman welcomed t e Appellants and explained the proc dures , stating that wha the 6oard does is recommends action to t e City Council . Minu es of the December , 1987 meeting were approved as subm tted in writing. CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALEO APPELLANT 123- 7-H 586 Van Buren Ave. Grace V. Murphy (vacant bldg. ) APPE RANCE: Peter Fooshe, J . SUBJ CT: Appellant is reques ing a waiver of the vacant building fees in the amount of $370.0 . as per letter dated December 15, 1987 PROC EDINGS: Mr. Fooshe repr senting Grace Murphy. the fee owne of the property located at 586-586 1/2 Van Buren. Ms. Murp y has a Contract for D ed on the property which was sotd to Lamb rt W. & Karen L. Fiotz. They as Contract purchasers were resp nsible for taking care f the property and have failed to do so. The rear property has een vacant for a long tirne and is in very much need of repair, he building has been condemned and plac rded by the city. Mr. Motz failed to response in anyway to the notices and they have accumuiated for a considerable length of t rne. The amount outstan ing is in the amount of $480. 00. A 1 n�tice of cancellatian an the Contract for �eed has been f91ed. It was expzctPd that by this time Ms. Murphy would be the owner of right. Ms. Murphy has paid delinquent taxes and presently has hired an Electrician to do the electrical work to try and bring the building up to code. Jim Prill , from Vacant Buildings stated that the ordinance reads , all delinguent vacant building fees shall be paid prior to any transfer of ownership interest in a vacant building. Mr. Fooshe feels that Ms. Murphy is a victim of circumstances . therefore. would like the fees waived. BOARO ACTION: Motion made by Ron Giassman to waive the fees of $480.00 with the condition that if Ms. Murphy retains title within 90 days and has a permit then work is started to bring building up to code. Seconded by David Schultz. THE VOTE: Yeas 4 Nays 0 Abstension 1 (Gausman) ------------------------------------------------------- , 114-87-H 847 Agate St. LeRoy Smithrud ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE: NONE SUBJECT: Appellant is appe�ling the orders from a letter dated November 10. 1987 pertaining to EXTERIOR: Cement steps broken; ' INTERIOR: Room addition, north side ceiling is water damaged, South Bedroom ceiling water damaged, Kitchen ceiling on east wall is sagging, Basement vent stack to chimney is not secured, Bathroom walls are water stained, Bathtub wall area has cracked tile and needs caulking around tub, No smoke detectors. EXTERIOR: North wall damaged, Front Porch inside east wall is unfinished. Repair floor, because of the unreasonable time to comply. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schuttz to deny the request for a variance pertaining to EXTERIOR: Cement steps broken; INTERIOR: Room addition, north side ceiling is water damaged, So. bedroom ceiling water damage, kitchen ceiling on east wall is sagging, basement vent stack to chimney is not secured, bathroom walls are water stained, bathtub wall area has cracked tile and needs cauikin� around tub, no smoke detectors. EXTERIOR: North wall damaged, front porch inside east wail is unfinished, repair floor. 5econded by Harold Knutson. THE VOTE: Yeas (5) Nays (0) Abstension (0) ---------------------------------------------------------- 2 . �� °���. 90-8 -H 444 Lynnhurst Reentry Services, Inc. 855 West 7tt�� S reet Ann McD i rmad (Group Home? APPE RANCE : Ann McDirmad SUBJECT: Appellant is request ng a variance for 444 Lynnhurst and 855 West 7th Street pert ining to deadbolt locks. Also requesting a variance on he room size for the number of resid nce as per letter dated October 29, 1987. PROCE DINGS: Ann McDirmad, st ted that the building has dead bolt locks on presently. 7he co t of replacing the locks would be very ostly. Atso, because of the nature of our facility it would be v ey difficult for the ch ldren to open the dead bolts with a one i ch projection. It is xtremely rare for all the women and child en to be home all at on time. No re resentation from the Ci y. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Glenn Gausman to grant a variance perta'ning to dead bolts at 8 5 W. 7th St. aiso the requirement for 0 square feet per pers n. allowing occupancy of 26, at 444 Lynnh rst, with the conditio that this variance is only granted for he time that Reentry Se vices, Inc. manages the property. Secon ed by David 5chultz. THE V TE: Yeas t5) Nays 0) Abstension (0) ----------------------- ------------------------------- 118-8 -H 1753 Randolph ve. Dennis M. Davidson (4 units) APPEA ANCE : Dennis Davidson SUBJE T: Appellant is reque ting a variance pertaining to Item $#5-In tall Door Closures an ltem #6-Deadbolt locks, from a lette dated October 28, 1 87 because it is unnecessary and a hards ip. PROCE DINGS: Mr. Davidson s ated that the building has dead bolts Fire Department measured the dead bolts and they measure !/2 i ch. The building does ot have corridors, each unit has a front and rear entrance, only ommon stairwells. Pat ish, from Fire Prevention stated that door closures are requi ed on all apartment door . 3 BOARU ACTION: Motion made by Glenn Gausman to deny the variar�ce pertaining to dead bolt locks and door closures, instead giving an extension of time for 90 days to complete the work. Seconded by David Schuitz. THE VOTE: Yeas (3) Nays (2) Abstension (0) -------------------------------------------------------- 119-87-H 941 East third St. Dale R. Carmichael (4 units) APPEARANCE: Dale Carmichael SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on Item #2-Provide Tub a�d Shower for Apartment 943, as per letter dated November 17, 1987. PROCEEDINGS: The unit at 943 E. 3rd st does not have a shower or tub within the unit, but a shower has been installed in the basement. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that the only issue is the inconvenience to the tenant, if tenant is willing to live with this, than there is no objection. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Harold Knutson that a variance be granted with the condition that the unit be rented to only one adult, no children, and only the tenant in this unit be allowed to use the bath facilities far as long as Mr. Carmichael owns the building. Seconded by Sean Carey. THE VOTE: Yeas (5) Nays (0) Abstension (0) -------------------------------------------------------- 120-87-H 333 Atwater St. Alan W. Weinblatt ( 10 units) APPEARANCE : Gloria Weinblatt 5UBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from 5t. Paul Legislative Code 34. 09 pertaining to Item #9-Deadbolt locks, as per ie�ter dated October 17, 1987. PROCEEDINGS: Ms. Weinblatt would like a variance from requirement on deadbolts, the building has security locks on the front and rear doors. Each unit has dead bolts-5/8 inch. The cost would be $350. 00 to change the dead bolts. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that the ones that have the 5/8 inch be replaced, probably 3 or 4. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant variancE pertainin� to present deadbolts, with the condition that when the 4 . ,�,,�,�f �� ��`_�� dead olts need replacement hey are replaced with the one ( 1 ) inch projection. 5econded by Glenn Gausman. THE OTE: Yeas (5) Nays (0) Abstension (0) ------------------------ --------------------------------- 107- 7-H 2108 Universit Ave. Rihm Motor Co (Commerical Bldg. John Rihm APPE RANCE : John Rihm SUBJ CT: This case has been 1 id over from the December 8th, 1987 meeting. Appellant is req esting a variance from St. Paul Legi lative Code pertaining to Item #4-Provide automatic fire exti guishing system in spray booth, from a letter dated October 1 , 1987 because it economically not feasible, nor pratical beca se of the building layou . PROC EDINGS: Appellant woul like a variance from Fire Code pert ining to having to in tall Automatic Fire Extinguisher Syst m in 5pray room. There i only one painter at a time working in t e spray room and operate only as a convenience. Rihm Motor Ca. deals with trucks, loca ed in the Midway area covering one squa e block. The building is separated from any other business by he streets that surround it. The amount of spray painting that is being done is so minimal , that it woutd not pay to inst 111 the sprinkler system The co$t factor is about $27. 00.00. The building is solid concrete blocks. The ventilation in the building is called the make-up air system. This system is turned on be ore the spraying starts, stays on duri g spraying and then left on after the painting is completed. Sher y Webb. from Fire Prev ntion stated that the building has room for spraying, rather t an booths. The contention of Fire Prev ntion Code is that all s ray finishing areas are required to have Automatic Fire Extingui hers 5ystems, either Sprinkiers or Dry hemical . Ms. Webb sta ed that the Dry Chemical systems is less costly. The cost on the small rooms would be about $3,0 0.00, in this case thre sytems would be required. These rooms are ground level . Mr. strum, MPH, CSP, Consult nt spoke briefly on his observation from his inspection. The sp aying area has a ventilation system with a volume of 60,000 cf which exhausts the vapors to the outside of the building. Th ventilation system is designed to prev nt accumulation of flam able vapors and to keep the vapors belo the lower explosive lim ts . Based on the conclusion of Mr. Ostru s observation, the ve tilation system has such a volume that the accumlation of vap rs would not occur. The cost of installation is excessive w en compared to the amount of work bein done. 5 Ms. Webb, fram Fire Pr-evention stated that the ventilatian must be vented directly to the outside. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Glenn Gausman to deny the variance, pertaining to Providing automatic fire extinguishing system in spray booths , instead giving the appellant an extension of 6 months to install automatic fire extinguisher; and 90 days for installation of venting system. 5econded by David Schultz. THE VOTE: Yeas (5) Nays (0) Abstension (0) --------------------------------------------------------- 122-87-H 615 Drake St. Thomas Finn Company (Commercial Bldg. ) J. James Walsh SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from Fire Code compliance regarding outdoor above ground fuel tanks-restrictions on type of fuel that can be burned, because this is unreasonable, as per letter dated November 24, 1987. This case to be laid over to the Febr�ary meeting. � -------------------------------------------- 121-87-H 1901 East Maryland Ave. Roger 8 Vicky Woitas (3 units) APPEARANCE: Vicky Woitas 5UBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paui Legislative Code 34. 14, pertaining to Item #3-Provide Escape window for interior sleeping room, as per letter dated October 13, 1987, becuase it would create a financial hardship. PROCEEDINGS: Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that these are interior sleeping rooms and are required to have iight and ventilation as well as escape windows. Ron Glassman suggested that maybe rooms should be switched around. (Living room be made into a bedroom and bedroom be made into the livingroom. ) BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David 5chultz to deny the request for a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Provide escape window for interior sleeping room. Seconded by Harold Knutson. ThE VOTE: Yeas (5) Nays {0) Abstension (0) -------------------------------------------------------- 6 � �� ��� 115- 7-H 550 Summit Av . Mary Gallivan (6 units) APPE RANCE : Mary Gallivan SUBJ CT: Appellant is reques ing a variance on Item ##3-Install Door Closures-because of t e Historic Value and size of the buil ing. PROC EDINGS: Ms. Gallivan tated that this being a smaller buil ing and of Historical alue that door closures are not nece sary. Pat ish, from Fire Preventio stated that this a requirement and thes doors enter a common h llway. These door closures are a matt r of i i fe safety. Sean Carey suggested that t e appellant write to the National Hist rical Preservation Socie y, and maybe they could advise the appellant as to where the spring loaded hinges could be purc ased. BOAR ACTION: Motion made by Harold Knutson to deny the request for a variance pertaining t having to install door ciosures, inst ad giving the appetlan an extension of 90 days to locate the roper door closures. econded by Sean Carey. THE OTE: Yeas (5) Nays (0 Abstension (0) ------------------------ -------------------------------- 111- 7-H 1076 Agate t. Howard 8� Janice Rae Arcand (23 units APPE RANCE: Janice Rae Arcand 5UBJE T: Appellant is req esting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code 34. 09, pert ining to having to insta1l deadbolt locks, as per letter dated Oc ober 28, 1987. PROCE DINGS: The building is security building, presently the dead olts are in good shape. Pat Fish, from Fire Preventio stated that the dead bolts are 1/2 inch. the doors are metai fra es. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Glenn Gausman to grant a variance pertaining to the deadbolts with the condition that when these need replacement that the 1 cks be replaced with one ( 1 ) inch proje tion, this variance is granted for as long as it remains a security building and Ms. Ar and owns the building. Seconded by David Schultz. THE V TE: Yeas {5) Nays ( ) Abstension (0) 7 117-87-H 1040 Agate Str-eet Howard & Janice Rae Arcand (23 units) APPEARANCE : Janice Rae Arcand SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from 5t. Paul Legislative Code 34. 09, pertaining to having to install deadbolt locks, as per letter dated October 28, 1987. PROCEEDINGS: The building is security locked, metal frames on all the doors. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Glenn Gausman to grant a variance pertaining to the deadbolts, with the condition that when these need replacement, that the locks be replaced with o�e ( 1 ) inch projection. this variance is granted for as long as the building remains a security building and Ms. Arcand owns the building. ------------------------------------------------------- 59-87-H 189-1891 /2-191 E 8th St. Gayle E. Stangeland (21 units) APPEARANCE: NONE SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from the St. Paul Legislative Code 34. 14 (Provide escape windows from sleeping rooms #4 and 20. ) from a letter dated December 15, 1987, becuase � this building is a historical building. BOARD ACTION: Motion rnade by David Schultz to deny the request for a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code 34. 14, pertaining to having to (Provide escape windows from steeping rooms #4 and 20. ) 5econded by Sean Carey. THE VOTE: Yeas (5) Nays (0) Abstension (0) ------------------------------------------------------ Meeting adjourned at 4: 10 p.m. 8