99-143� tibs� �-�-�� c� - k=��. ��t, l`l�lq RESOLUTfON Green Sheet #� y o c� � Council File # �q - ( `� 3 RESOLUTION RECOGNiZING TI-� Oi3TSTANDING CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY KATI3R1'N PAULSON, CFIARI,ES SKRLEF AND DR. ROBERT FRAME III TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 1 WHEREAS, citizen advisory committees perform an invaluable function and provide opporlwiiries for talented 2 and interested individuals to contribute meaningfully to the City of Saint Paul; and 3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission performs the critical function of holding 4 hearings and making recommendations on areas, buildings or districts to be designated as heritage preservation 5 sites in the City of Saint Paul, and reviews building permits for designated historic areas, buildings and 6 districts; and 7 WF�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes it is vitally important to recognize the service and 8 contributions made by individuals who serve without financial compensation as members of citizen advisory 9 committees; and 10 WHEREAS, Kafluyu Paulson was appointed to the Heritage Preservafion Commission in August of 1998 and 11 served unfil January 22, 1999; and despite her short tenure, she was seen by her colleagues an the Commission 12 as a rising star, having been elected to serve as the Commission's secretary for 1999; and she is recogtaized as 13 expert on historical concerns of neighborhoods as a project manager for the East Side Neighbarhood �` 14 Development Company; and 15 WHEREAS, Chazles Skrief was appointed to the Heritage Preservarion Commission in February of 1996 d 16 served until January 22, 1999; and he has provided tremendous leadership by serving as the Commission°s vice- 17 chair in 1997 and 1999 and as its chair in 1998; and he brought to the Commission an enormous expertise 18 having also served as head of Minnesota's State Historic Preservarian Office; and he demonstrated his passion 19 for the City's history, its historic areas, buildings and districts by, at tirues, devoting more than twenty hours a 20 week to the activifies of the Commission; and 21 WHEREAS, Dr. Robert Frame III was appointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in Febniary of 1984 22 and served until January 22, 1999, making him the longest serving member in the history of the Commission; 23 and he has provided vital leadership over his 15 yeaz tenure by serving three terms as the Commission's chair, ?4 the most in history by any committee membet; and he is recognized as an expert in the field of historic ?5 preservation, specifically in the area of industrial and engineering structures, having a doctarate in American ?6 studies from the University of Minnesota and having received a Leadership Iniriarives in Neighborhoods (LIN) !7 grant from the Saint Paul Companies to pursue a master's degree in public administration at Hazvard :8 University; and �19�1�3 29 WHEREAS, Kathryn Paulson, Charles Slaief and Dt. Robert Frame III concluded their service with the 30 Heritage Preservarion Commission on January 22, 1999, and their leadership and expertise will be missed by 31 the City of Saint Paul, its residents and its historic district associations; now therefore be it 32 RE50LVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council recoguizes the unselfish service and the outstanding 33 contriburions by Kathryn Paulson, Charles Slffief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Paul's Heritage 34 Preservarion Commission. Requested by Depaztment of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � by Council Sectetary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By. � ��� �� � �� � Adopted by Council: Date � s� �� 1 t`�� 9q-►y3 Citv Council 2-1 GREEN SHEET a 64006 Councilmember Benanav 6-8640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES IRrt�:*Z_ :, nv,x,.a�xr cwecra� ❑ arv�naw�v ❑ anasnK _ ❑w+.waa�-a¢rtmcESqx ❑nuxtw.aaaiaccro ❑ wrort(uR4sstarsMrl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Recognize the outstanding contributions made by Kathryn Paulson, Gharles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Paul's Heritage Preservation Commission. Of PLANNING COMMISSION C18 COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSS10N IL50NAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this perso�rm everworketl untler e conVact Por Nis depertmeM? VES NO Has this pwsoNfirtn evxr hes� a city empbyee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a sldll rwt nwmallypossesseA by any curreM city employee? VES NO Isthis personlfirtn afarpeted vendof7 YES NO Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III concluded their service to the Heritage Preservation Commission on January 22, 1999. IF APPROVED Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III will be recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Di. Robert Frame III wi11 not be recognized for their outstanding contributions made to the Heritage Preservation Commission. TRANSAC710N SOURCE COST/REVENLIE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO INFORMATON (IXPWN) Council File # Qq- ly3 QRIGINAL RESOLUTION SAINT P,AUL, M, Green Sheet # bQ Presented Refeaed To RESOLUTION KAT�IIi7� JG THE OUTSTANDING COt CHARLES SKRIEF AND DR. � I S MADE BY ' RAME III COMNIISSION TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S HERITAGE PRESERVA 1 WE�REAS, citizen advisory committees perform an invaluable fu 2 and interested individuals to contribute meaningfully to the City of provide opporhuiities for talented and 3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Pzeservation Commission p orms the critical function of holding 4 hearings and making recommendations on areas, buildings or di 'cts to be designated as heritage preservation 5 sites in the City of Saint Paul; and 6 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul City Couneil believes it is vi y important to recognize the service and 7 contributions made by individuals who serve without f cial compensation as members of citizen advisory 8 committees; and 9 WF�REAS, Kathryn Paulsen was appointed to Heritage Preservafion Commission in October of 1998 and 10 served until January 22, 1999; and despite her s ort tenure, she was seen by her colleagues on the Commission 11 as a rising star, having been elected to serve a the Commission's secretary for 1999; and she is recognized as 12 expert on historical concems of neighborho s, having served as a project manager for the East Side 13 Neighborhood Development Company; 14 WHEREAS, Charles Skrief was appoi ed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in February of 1996 and 15 served until January 22, 1999; and h as provided tremendous leadership by serving as the Commission's vice- 16 chair in 1997 and 1999 and as its c" in 1998; and he brought to the Commission an enormous expertise 17 having also served as head of the tate of Minnesota's Historical Preservation Office; and he demonstrated his 18 passion for the City's history, it historic areas, buildings and districts by, at times, devoting more than twenty 19 hours a week to the activities the Commission; and 20 Wf�REAS, Dr. Robert F e III was appointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in February of 1984 21 and served until January 2, 1999, making him the longest serving member in the history of the Commission; 22 and he has provided v' l leadership over his 15 year tenure by serving three separate times as the 23 Commission's chair e most in history by any committee member; and he is recognized as an expert in the 24 field of historic pr ervation, specifically in the area of industrial and engineering structures, having a doctorate 25 in history from e University of Minnesota and having received a Leadership Initiatives in Neighborhoods lfi (LIN) grant m the Saint Paul Companies to pursue a master's degree in public administration at Harvard 27 University; and 9R • 1�}3 28 WF�REAS, Kathryn Paulson, Chazles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III concluded their service with the 29 Heritage Preservation Commission on January 22, 1999 and their leadership and expertise will be missed by 30 the City of Saint Paul, its residents and its historic district associations; now therefore be it 31 RESOLVED, that the SainY Paul City Council recognizes the unselfish service and the outstanding 32 contributions by Kaxhryn Paulson, Chazles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Patil's Heritage 33 Preservation Commission. / ORiGINAl. Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lanuy Reiter Adopted by Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption CertifieSYby Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Su6mission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date � � � tibs� �-�-�� c� - k=��. ��t, l`l�lq RESOLUTfON Green Sheet #� y o c� � Council File # �q - ( `� 3 RESOLUTION RECOGNiZING TI-� Oi3TSTANDING CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY KATI3R1'N PAULSON, CFIARI,ES SKRLEF AND DR. ROBERT FRAME III TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 1 WHEREAS, citizen advisory committees perform an invaluable function and provide opporlwiiries for talented 2 and interested individuals to contribute meaningfully to the City of Saint Paul; and 3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission performs the critical function of holding 4 hearings and making recommendations on areas, buildings or districts to be designated as heritage preservation 5 sites in the City of Saint Paul, and reviews building permits for designated historic areas, buildings and 6 districts; and 7 WF�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes it is vitally important to recognize the service and 8 contributions made by individuals who serve without financial compensation as members of citizen advisory 9 committees; and 10 WHEREAS, Kafluyu Paulson was appointed to the Heritage Preservafion Commission in August of 1998 and 11 served unfil January 22, 1999; and despite her short tenure, she was seen by her colleagues an the Commission 12 as a rising star, having been elected to serve as the Commission's secretary for 1999; and she is recogtaized as 13 expert on historical concerns of neighborhoods as a project manager for the East Side Neighbarhood �` 14 Development Company; and 15 WHEREAS, Chazles Skrief was appointed to the Heritage Preservarion Commission in February of 1996 d 16 served until January 22, 1999; and he has provided tremendous leadership by serving as the Commission°s vice- 17 chair in 1997 and 1999 and as its chair in 1998; and he brought to the Commission an enormous expertise 18 having also served as head of Minnesota's State Historic Preservarian Office; and he demonstrated his passion 19 for the City's history, its historic areas, buildings and districts by, at tirues, devoting more than twenty hours a 20 week to the activifies of the Commission; and 21 WHEREAS, Dr. Robert Frame III was appointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in Febniary of 1984 22 and served until January 22, 1999, making him the longest serving member in the history of the Commission; 23 and he has provided vital leadership over his 15 yeaz tenure by serving three terms as the Commission's chair, ?4 the most in history by any committee membet; and he is recognized as an expert in the field of historic ?5 preservation, specifically in the area of industrial and engineering structures, having a doctarate in American ?6 studies from the University of Minnesota and having received a Leadership Iniriarives in Neighborhoods (LIN) !7 grant from the Saint Paul Companies to pursue a master's degree in public administration at Hazvard :8 University; and �19�1�3 29 WHEREAS, Kathryn Paulson, Charles Slaief and Dt. Robert Frame III concluded their service with the 30 Heritage Preservarion Commission on January 22, 1999, and their leadership and expertise will be missed by 31 the City of Saint Paul, its residents and its historic district associations; now therefore be it 32 RE50LVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council recoguizes the unselfish service and the outstanding 33 contriburions by Kathryn Paulson, Charles Slffief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Paul's Heritage 34 Preservarion Commission. Requested by Depaztment of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � by Council Sectetary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By. � ��� �� � �� � Adopted by Council: Date � s� �� 1 t`�� 9q-►y3 Citv Council 2-1 GREEN SHEET a 64006 Councilmember Benanav 6-8640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES IRrt�:*Z_ :, nv,x,.a�xr cwecra� ❑ arv�naw�v ❑ anasnK _ ❑w+.waa�-a¢rtmcESqx ❑nuxtw.aaaiaccro ❑ wrort(uR4sstarsMrl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Recognize the outstanding contributions made by Kathryn Paulson, Gharles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Paul's Heritage Preservation Commission. Of PLANNING COMMISSION C18 COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSS10N IL50NAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this perso�rm everworketl untler e conVact Por Nis depertmeM? VES NO Has this pwsoNfirtn evxr hes� a city empbyee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a sldll rwt nwmallypossesseA by any curreM city employee? VES NO Isthis personlfirtn afarpeted vendof7 YES NO Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III concluded their service to the Heritage Preservation Commission on January 22, 1999. IF APPROVED Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III will be recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Di. Robert Frame III wi11 not be recognized for their outstanding contributions made to the Heritage Preservation Commission. TRANSAC710N SOURCE COST/REVENLIE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO INFORMATON (IXPWN) Council File # Qq- ly3 QRIGINAL RESOLUTION SAINT P,AUL, M, Green Sheet # bQ Presented Refeaed To RESOLUTION KAT�IIi7� JG THE OUTSTANDING COt CHARLES SKRIEF AND DR. � I S MADE BY ' RAME III COMNIISSION TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S HERITAGE PRESERVA 1 WE�REAS, citizen advisory committees perform an invaluable fu 2 and interested individuals to contribute meaningfully to the City of provide opporhuiities for talented and 3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Pzeservation Commission p orms the critical function of holding 4 hearings and making recommendations on areas, buildings or di 'cts to be designated as heritage preservation 5 sites in the City of Saint Paul; and 6 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul City Couneil believes it is vi y important to recognize the service and 7 contributions made by individuals who serve without f cial compensation as members of citizen advisory 8 committees; and 9 WF�REAS, Kathryn Paulsen was appointed to Heritage Preservafion Commission in October of 1998 and 10 served until January 22, 1999; and despite her s ort tenure, she was seen by her colleagues on the Commission 11 as a rising star, having been elected to serve a the Commission's secretary for 1999; and she is recognized as 12 expert on historical concems of neighborho s, having served as a project manager for the East Side 13 Neighborhood Development Company; 14 WHEREAS, Charles Skrief was appoi ed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in February of 1996 and 15 served until January 22, 1999; and h as provided tremendous leadership by serving as the Commission's vice- 16 chair in 1997 and 1999 and as its c" in 1998; and he brought to the Commission an enormous expertise 17 having also served as head of the tate of Minnesota's Historical Preservation Office; and he demonstrated his 18 passion for the City's history, it historic areas, buildings and districts by, at times, devoting more than twenty 19 hours a week to the activities the Commission; and 20 Wf�REAS, Dr. Robert F e III was appointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in February of 1984 21 and served until January 2, 1999, making him the longest serving member in the history of the Commission; 22 and he has provided v' l leadership over his 15 year tenure by serving three separate times as the 23 Commission's chair e most in history by any committee member; and he is recognized as an expert in the 24 field of historic pr ervation, specifically in the area of industrial and engineering structures, having a doctorate 25 in history from e University of Minnesota and having received a Leadership Initiatives in Neighborhoods lfi (LIN) grant m the Saint Paul Companies to pursue a master's degree in public administration at Harvard 27 University; and 9R • 1�}3 28 WF�REAS, Kathryn Paulson, Chazles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III concluded their service with the 29 Heritage Preservation Commission on January 22, 1999 and their leadership and expertise will be missed by 30 the City of Saint Paul, its residents and its historic district associations; now therefore be it 31 RESOLVED, that the SainY Paul City Council recognizes the unselfish service and the outstanding 32 contributions by Kaxhryn Paulson, Chazles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Patil's Heritage 33 Preservation Commission. / ORiGINAl. Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lanuy Reiter Adopted by Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption CertifieSYby Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Su6mission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date � � � tibs� �-�-�� c� - k=��. ��t, l`l�lq RESOLUTfON Green Sheet #� y o c� � Council File # �q - ( `� 3 RESOLUTION RECOGNiZING TI-� Oi3TSTANDING CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY KATI3R1'N PAULSON, CFIARI,ES SKRLEF AND DR. ROBERT FRAME III TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 1 WHEREAS, citizen advisory committees perform an invaluable function and provide opporlwiiries for talented 2 and interested individuals to contribute meaningfully to the City of Saint Paul; and 3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission performs the critical function of holding 4 hearings and making recommendations on areas, buildings or districts to be designated as heritage preservation 5 sites in the City of Saint Paul, and reviews building permits for designated historic areas, buildings and 6 districts; and 7 WF�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes it is vitally important to recognize the service and 8 contributions made by individuals who serve without financial compensation as members of citizen advisory 9 committees; and 10 WHEREAS, Kafluyu Paulson was appointed to the Heritage Preservafion Commission in August of 1998 and 11 served unfil January 22, 1999; and despite her short tenure, she was seen by her colleagues an the Commission 12 as a rising star, having been elected to serve as the Commission's secretary for 1999; and she is recogtaized as 13 expert on historical concerns of neighborhoods as a project manager for the East Side Neighbarhood �` 14 Development Company; and 15 WHEREAS, Chazles Skrief was appointed to the Heritage Preservarion Commission in February of 1996 d 16 served until January 22, 1999; and he has provided tremendous leadership by serving as the Commission°s vice- 17 chair in 1997 and 1999 and as its chair in 1998; and he brought to the Commission an enormous expertise 18 having also served as head of Minnesota's State Historic Preservarian Office; and he demonstrated his passion 19 for the City's history, its historic areas, buildings and districts by, at tirues, devoting more than twenty hours a 20 week to the activifies of the Commission; and 21 WHEREAS, Dr. Robert Frame III was appointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in Febniary of 1984 22 and served until January 22, 1999, making him the longest serving member in the history of the Commission; 23 and he has provided vital leadership over his 15 yeaz tenure by serving three terms as the Commission's chair, ?4 the most in history by any committee membet; and he is recognized as an expert in the field of historic ?5 preservation, specifically in the area of industrial and engineering structures, having a doctarate in American ?6 studies from the University of Minnesota and having received a Leadership Iniriarives in Neighborhoods (LIN) !7 grant from the Saint Paul Companies to pursue a master's degree in public administration at Hazvard :8 University; and �19�1�3 29 WHEREAS, Kathryn Paulson, Charles Slaief and Dt. Robert Frame III concluded their service with the 30 Heritage Preservarion Commission on January 22, 1999, and their leadership and expertise will be missed by 31 the City of Saint Paul, its residents and its historic district associations; now therefore be it 32 RE50LVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council recoguizes the unselfish service and the outstanding 33 contriburions by Kathryn Paulson, Charles Slffief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Paul's Heritage 34 Preservarion Commission. Requested by Depaztment of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � by Council Sectetary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By. � ��� �� � �� � Adopted by Council: Date � s� �� 1 t`�� 9q-►y3 Citv Council 2-1 GREEN SHEET a 64006 Councilmember Benanav 6-8640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES IRrt�:*Z_ :, nv,x,.a�xr cwecra� ❑ arv�naw�v ❑ anasnK _ ❑w+.waa�-a¢rtmcESqx ❑nuxtw.aaaiaccro ❑ wrort(uR4sstarsMrl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Recognize the outstanding contributions made by Kathryn Paulson, Gharles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Paul's Heritage Preservation Commission. Of PLANNING COMMISSION C18 COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSS10N IL50NAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this perso�rm everworketl untler e conVact Por Nis depertmeM? VES NO Has this pwsoNfirtn evxr hes� a city empbyee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a sldll rwt nwmallypossesseA by any curreM city employee? VES NO Isthis personlfirtn afarpeted vendof7 YES NO Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III concluded their service to the Heritage Preservation Commission on January 22, 1999. IF APPROVED Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III will be recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Kathryn Paulson, Charles Skrief and Di. Robert Frame III wi11 not be recognized for their outstanding contributions made to the Heritage Preservation Commission. TRANSAC710N SOURCE COST/REVENLIE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO INFORMATON (IXPWN) Council File # Qq- ly3 QRIGINAL RESOLUTION SAINT P,AUL, M, Green Sheet # bQ Presented Refeaed To RESOLUTION KAT�IIi7� JG THE OUTSTANDING COt CHARLES SKRIEF AND DR. � I S MADE BY ' RAME III COMNIISSION TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S HERITAGE PRESERVA 1 WE�REAS, citizen advisory committees perform an invaluable fu 2 and interested individuals to contribute meaningfully to the City of provide opporhuiities for talented and 3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Pzeservation Commission p orms the critical function of holding 4 hearings and making recommendations on areas, buildings or di 'cts to be designated as heritage preservation 5 sites in the City of Saint Paul; and 6 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul City Couneil believes it is vi y important to recognize the service and 7 contributions made by individuals who serve without f cial compensation as members of citizen advisory 8 committees; and 9 WF�REAS, Kathryn Paulsen was appointed to Heritage Preservafion Commission in October of 1998 and 10 served until January 22, 1999; and despite her s ort tenure, she was seen by her colleagues on the Commission 11 as a rising star, having been elected to serve a the Commission's secretary for 1999; and she is recognized as 12 expert on historical concems of neighborho s, having served as a project manager for the East Side 13 Neighborhood Development Company; 14 WHEREAS, Charles Skrief was appoi ed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in February of 1996 and 15 served until January 22, 1999; and h as provided tremendous leadership by serving as the Commission's vice- 16 chair in 1997 and 1999 and as its c" in 1998; and he brought to the Commission an enormous expertise 17 having also served as head of the tate of Minnesota's Historical Preservation Office; and he demonstrated his 18 passion for the City's history, it historic areas, buildings and districts by, at times, devoting more than twenty 19 hours a week to the activities the Commission; and 20 Wf�REAS, Dr. Robert F e III was appointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission in February of 1984 21 and served until January 2, 1999, making him the longest serving member in the history of the Commission; 22 and he has provided v' l leadership over his 15 year tenure by serving three separate times as the 23 Commission's chair e most in history by any committee member; and he is recognized as an expert in the 24 field of historic pr ervation, specifically in the area of industrial and engineering structures, having a doctorate 25 in history from e University of Minnesota and having received a Leadership Initiatives in Neighborhoods lfi (LIN) grant m the Saint Paul Companies to pursue a master's degree in public administration at Harvard 27 University; and 9R • 1�}3 28 WF�REAS, Kathryn Paulson, Chazles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III concluded their service with the 29 Heritage Preservation Commission on January 22, 1999 and their leadership and expertise will be missed by 30 the City of Saint Paul, its residents and its historic district associations; now therefore be it 31 RESOLVED, that the SainY Paul City Council recognizes the unselfish service and the outstanding 32 contributions by Kaxhryn Paulson, Chazles Skrief and Dr. Robert Frame III to the City of Saint Patil's Heritage 33 Preservation Commission. / ORiGINAl. Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lanuy Reiter Adopted by Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption CertifieSYby Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Su6mission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date � �