88-280 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUflCll ff PINK - FINANCE -GITY OF SAINT PALTL ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT y BI.UE - MAYOR .. �, File NO. � � Council Re lution IC� Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Comm ttee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul supports �he high quality adult education that has been pro ided by Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul since 1972; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to redevelop the St. John's Hospital site as an educational acility to serve the Eastside and the rest of the city; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota State University Syistem's Board on January 26, 1988 selected St. John's Hospital site as the home for Metropolitan State's Administrative and Student ervices Center and requested that $7.6 million be included in the capital bond'ng bill for Metropolitan State University; THEREFORE, B IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul support legi lation of the Minnesota State University System for Metropolitan State at the St. John's site. COUNCIL MEMBE Requested by Department of: Yeas ays Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman B s�6e;be� _ A gai n s t Y Sonnea^�' Wilson � � � 19U0 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� ,O Certified Pa se uncil Se r By `✓�'�'�-�— � ��Zz-U7 �¢� �'��� By Approved by vor: � �7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By � v�_ B Y PUBLISHEO �'����� 1 ' 1988 �t�r' s� Offi e-IGR DEPARTMENT ��"p° �� 11T° _ 0'742 � CONTACT 4323 ' PHONE DATE ��� Q Q ASSIGN NUNBER- FOlt OUTING ORDER C1i All Locati ns for Si nature : Department Dir ctor 1 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Ma agement Services Director � ! � City Clerk Budget Directo 3 Council President 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACH�E ED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT AC ED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The City of St. aul will go on record s pp rting $7 .6 million state bonding for cons ruction of Metropolitan St te University's Administrative' and Student Serv' ce Center. Councii Research Genter FEB 2 21988 COST BENEFIT BUDGE ARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS AN IC PATED: FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHAR ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of " ransaction: quired if under � �10,000) Funding �ource: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List a d Number All Attachments : � � � � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Counc 1 Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insur nce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insur ce Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR IN TR CTIONS) Revised 12/84 t � . ,. ����' ,/ BRIEFI�TG PAPER• METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY AT ST JOHN'S SITE BACKG UND Metrop litan State University, an upper division member of the State niversity System, was e�tablished in 1971 to serve the specia ized educational needs pf adults in the Twin Cities Metrop litan Area. The University has grown steadily since that t'me and has acquired a n�tional reputation for its succes ful approach to high qu�lity adult education. Curren ly three degree program$ are offered: an individual Bachel r of Arts, a Bachelor of Arts in Nursing, and a Masters of Adm'nistration. The Univer�ity's Administration has been princi ally located in Saint P�ul since 1972 . On Jan ary 26, 1988, the State University Board recommended that t e St. John's Hospital, a 9.2 acre parcel, be the site of Met opolitan State Universi�y Administrative and Student Servic Center. It passed a motion directing Chancellor Robert L. Carothers to include $7. 6 million in the capital bondin for Metropolitan State. The Sa nt Paul Port Authority has reached agreement with Health ast for the acquisition of the 9.2 acre site. In additi n, terms have been reached with the State University System to give approximately three acres of this site for $1. 00, which satisfies the State's request for free land for the ne development. Agreement has also been reached to sell the ad itional five-acre parcel of land to the State for future University expansion for $1. 3 million. The Port Author ty will retain a one-acre strip along East 7th Street. The Ci y's offer is contingent upon the State bonding during the 19 8 session for design, planning and engineering of the facili y. Minimally, this would be $1. 3 million for the five acres, plus planning monies. THE SA NT PAUL POSITION The Ci y of Saint Paul supports passage of the State Univer ity System-initiated legislation, which includes $7. 6 millio for Metropolitan State University.