88-268 WHITE - CITV CLER PINK - FINANCE ,{� r CANARV - DEPARTME T G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L COIIIICI y ���� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �" ` � C�u cil Resolution � � Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul app oves the appointment of Bonnie Balach to the position of Ass ' stant to the Mayor effective January 25 , 1988 . COUNCIL MEMB RS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor coswitz Rettmaq�/'` � __ Against BY - n Wilson FEg 2 5 �ggg Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council Date / Certified Yas• ouncil S eta BY �� �` -�y2-CA�.f� z.—'7 ��� c g�, ). A►pproved � avor: t� , � Approv y Mayor for S siqp to Council � By Pt�IISHEQ ���a� - � �9 8 8 i��yo�'s iflistration _ COU�CiI ReS�;�rCh Ce11�@t' �0 0'7423 ' - � DEPARTMENT Diane Ly h +�323 CONTACT FEB 18 ���8 C�o � � PHONE 2/12/�38 DATE �e/�� �� ASSIGN NUhBER � ROUTING ORDER Cli Al1,, Locati ns fo� Si nature : Department irector 1 Director of Management/I�ayor Finance and anagement Services Director � � City Clerk Budget Direc �or 3 ncil President � City Attorne. WHAT MIILL BE ACH EVED BY TAKI.NG ACTION QN THE AT CHED MATE I LS? (Purpose/ Rationale} : Requests suppo �t for appointment of Bonni Balach as Asssitant to the Mayor. Sne is assigne to the Intergovernmental elations function. See the attached �ob escr�.ptian. COST BENEFIT BU ETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANT CIPATED: This position is new, however, it mainta ns the staffing for Intergovernmental Relations at hree (2 in Mayo�r' s office nd l in the City Council Office in 1987) . Bonni Salach is at the entry le el, or Assistant to the Mayor I, at an annual lary of $20,881.57 (1987 lary Schedule "Q°) . This position � was included ` the 1988 Adopted _ Budget. FINANCING SOURCE D BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CHARGE OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amour�t of "Transaction: quired if under � �10,000) Funding Source• Activity Number ATTACHMENTS List nd Number All Attachments : DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Cnunc 1 Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insur nce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insur ce Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTR TIONS) Revised 12/84 � � ����� � �•?T a. CITY OF SAINT PAUL e�`� '� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR '' i�li'i i m � a +� �o 347 CITY HALL ��6• GEORGE LATIME SAINT P�612)M 98 4E20TA 55102 REGEIVED MAYOR FE g 111988 Feb ary 10, 1988 CITY CLERK Coun il President Jim Scheibel an Members of the City Council Seve th Floor City Hall Sain Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Councilmembers: Toda I am forwarding to you for your consideration a reso ution appointing Bonnie Balach to the position of Assi tant to the Mayor. Ms. Balach will provide research and legi lative coordination for our Intergovernmental Relations func ion, as well as assist with other administrative proj cts. Ms. alach has excellent research and writing abilities and has t e energy level, communication, and self-motivation stren ths necessary to keep up with the demanding legislative pace. She received outstanding references from members of our S int Paul legislative delegation, who had first-hand knowl dge of her work as an administrative assistant for the Minne ota House of Representatives. Very ruly yours, eorg a imer Mayo GL:bz Attac ent s4�.e RESEARCH ASSISTANT ��J ° °��� Descr' tion of Work Gener 1 Statement of Duties: Facilitates research and analy is of state and federal legislative issues in coord'nation with city administrative staff, the Mayor and the City ouncil. Su e ision Received: Works under the general direction of the M nager of Intergovernmental Relations and the Mayor. Su e ision Exercised: None S eci 1 Duties Performed The 1 'sted examples may not include all duties performed by all p sitions in this class. A tivities: Durin State Le islativ Session (First Priority) Re earches issues Pr pares reports and drafts testimony At ends legislative hearings Mo itors legislation As ists in statistical computations Co rdinates and manages Capital Renort Pr vides office liaison between lobbyists, staff and pu lic officials As ists in delegation events planning. Con re sional Activities Re earches legislation Pr pares reports Co rdinates departmental and congressional staff Other ctivites St ffing assistance to Mayor and Administrative As istants, such as: - esearch - peech writing - vents planning - ublic inquiries. Knowle e Skills and Abilities Demonst ated ability to present information clearly and logical y, orally and in writing. Demonst ated ability to work well under pressures and deadlin s. Knowled e of legislative reference materials and resources, and abi ity to research issues in depth.