88-266 WHI7E - CITY CLERK � . PINK - FINANCE COLLflCII J`- CANARV - DEPAR.TMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL F11e NO. �I �� �" � BLUE - MAVOR . � � Eo �l Resolution �r Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date RESOLVED: That the On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant, and Class III Entertainment License presently issued to Sylvia's On Cedar Inc. DBA Club Cedar (Kenneth Haider-President, Lyle Eide- Secured Party) at 369 Cedar Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Eide Enterprises Inc. DBA Cedar Chip (Lyle Eide- Sole Officer � Stockholder) at the same address. COUNCILME Yeas DinlOnd ays Requested by Department of: Goswitz '� Long � �n Favor Rettman � Against BY Scheibel Sererte� ��' FEB 2 ? 198� Form Appro by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Pa_ ncil et BY gy. t�pprov b Ylavor: Date �� B 2 �J �� Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By BY p������� �.;�.�•; ° ;r �g OiiIOMiA . . OATt IIMTMTeD COIRlflo ��� "- ✓ "�� . - ° � � �•. � - H��T Ho.000�3� �� . . : �� ���„��, _ Kris Sct��einl van Fb�i � �8��� —�� . �cr�ao. �NlM�A fon _ RiriJTN�t3 euoaer omECraa Fin� & . 298-5056 ' a+oc�: — . C(M 11TTOfM1EY•. . . Persor� t+o transfer of ain On Sale I�i , Suitiday Qn Sa1e Liga�r, Restau�cant, and.Class I Elntertairmerit Lio�nses. iIOM�.(ApR'are .)a Fie�t(R)) COUNpL RESEARCH i��ln+nx3 oawue9ip+ t�vx.eeiv�oo�or+ o��Ma ��avr �uwu.rsT P►a►E ta. . �Opl►q C�SION �� �SO e26 9CMOO6 eoMO � f s3— � ./�L`���� �� ' . .. . - S�AFF. � ... -t�iARTEA COWMB&ON . � Q (�MPLETE.AS IS � —ADD'L�INFO.ADOED* _WR MOt�.�' . ��._�ADOBD �. . y DIBTNCT COMICIL � . . - � � *EXPLANATION: . . . . . � -�ffiIPPORTB WHCN COUiCN. �� � . . . . . � � . - , � Caunci{ Research Center !��� t�N 2 7 i988 . �1�1�a �P - R� .�.�a►,ra.�o.tar.�, :wn.�.wn�.w►�.�+r,:. _ . . : Mr. Lyle Eic3e. �n behalf of F.�,de k�t�rprises . T�, Cec�r Chip, req«ests f7a�ncil � of 'hi� a�plica 'on £or transf�r C�f t3�e l3 present}.y hel.d by �lvia�s an {7edar Inc. ' at 369"C�ar S t. � _- .�nsn�+a►�o�e�ca.veen.Ms; �r. - _ If t�s �pli reveives Ocxu�cil dpp�val,. licenses pa�ses�t3y hel.d by S�Ivi,a's � �ed�.r Tt�. t Hai.cl;ex, Pres3.cl�it; Lyle , secured partx) at 369 Ced�r Stree� wil]. be_-t�+�otasfe�red' E�.c3e F�terprises Tnc. (Lyle E' e, presicle�t) at 369 Cer]ar St�eet. ` � �-COfM�PMrt.vre.n: To�Nw�: � _ If this dQes not rec:eiv�e C7oux�cil , all Licenses pree�tly at 369 C�da� St,r�et w�ll � t�o be hald of Sylvia's (� (Ker�ne�h Haider, p��nt; Lyle Eide, , � P�-Y) . • ----�-� a.�an�s: �nos - cae�s �t� - Nsroar�r�rrs: «�s. - � �� � �,�-�Oa o�W� � � , ;.,��?.$�� � � � � , ��� � > =��_ i DIVISION LICENSE AND ��:RMIT ADMINISTRATION �ATE ;a1 a g� � �,� I � � g� INTF,RDF.PAR FNTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant Ct�� � �hL. Home Address �Y� �I(l0.!(l.�n �•5,�, Ru s ine s s N me C��u,r CA,^,r, Home Phone �7 - ��(.Q.C� Business A dress 3co� Cec�.a_,, ,d� , Type of License(s�rn�,�.. Cj„ $�0• "�,.G . Business P one _�_�acr' 0`��1(�-�1U� ,��y �,,�,--�,�• - Public Hea ing Date ��, � License I.D. # ��o S � at 9:00 a. , in the uncil Chambers, 3rd floor ity Hall a d Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� a O��"� L�5 � llate Nutic Sent; Dealer � }� (J� to Applica t Federal Firearms 4� �� Public Hea ing DATE Iiv'SPECTION REVIE VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & ,z� ,-� ! � � Health Di n. ' � , � �� l� � � Fire Dept. � 4I 1� � I � I C�� f �olice De t. �� a� � c� . License D'vn. �a) � � I�-' � o� , City Atto ney � I Date Received: Site Plan To Council Research � ( �)� � Lease or Le ter Date f rom Landlo d i�� as 1�� ��� 'D-�-�-��- _ � , , . �����,� �/ , Application No. Date Received By �= CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA � � ��- -- APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IPJTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ��= `' SUNOAY ON SAIE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . u;�= — PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATI�VG LIQUOR LICENSE ��� ``' OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE "'=;• � ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE L== ON SALE WINE LICENSE – � Directions:�ihi form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole own r, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the CO1" 01"dt10t1 and/or d5SOC1dt'1011 lli which tnp �lo�Ti2 Or LM� �'C°:15° 'n"?� I?i° 1�Slj°�. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEIJ BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application or (name of license) .�.�,)� � ��c�e 2. Located at ( ddress) ���� �'e ��r S; __ 3. Name under w i ch bus i ness wi l l be operated �..,}v;�;ts C`��J C.�c,� ��c d�c� e 1�1, �Q�c�c� 4. True Plame �-� � � r' �� � Phone irst Middie Maiden Last 5. Date of Bi rt )1 G � � P1 ace of Bi rth s��I I Y qR -� �� Month, Day, Year � o. Are you a ci izen of the United States? � � Native � Naturalized � 1. Home Address �l � `'I C �,c.r��r��1 ��I S% .�c��,\ M� Home Tel ephone �f 5r7 – 1 �5–!��� o. Including yo r present business/employment, what business/employme�t have you followed for the past five years? Business/Em lo ent Address ►1�s P� ,� �� ;� r � �MC- � .�� g � � � i ��- L�X,��� �� S ��5�� , �9� 55�� i 9. Married? If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. ,� ;-- �, _ � ,�� �,��� c�,���.� .�,� w ,— p�,�� M�l 1 , . , . � ���� .✓ 10. Have you ev r been convic�ed of any felony, crime or vioiation of any cit� ordinance, other than raffic? Yes No � - Oate af ar st I9 Where Cnarge Conviction Sentence Oate or arr st 19 Where � Charge Canvictio� Sentence lI. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor FEderal Tax Stamp wiTT be used. 12. Closest 3.2 PTace Church School I3. Closest int xicatfng liquar place. On Saie Off Sa1e ia. List tt�e n s and residenc�s of three persons of Ramsey Caunty of qood moral character, nat relat�d to the appiicant or financially interested in the premises or business, �Nno �nay �e r�fe d to as to the applicant's character. � Vame Rddress /�fo I5. Address of p emises for which application is made .�C � ��rlo.-- .S� .� ✓��� _ / Zone Classif cat�on Phone 16. Betwe�n what cross streets? S'-� �- G fs 'rJhich side of Strest 17. Are premises now accupied? GI What Busfness? C/�,,; ���,— tfow Long? !3. l.1st license which you clrrently hoTd, or ro rneriy he1d, or may have an interest in. ���'O I9. �tave any of he lic�nses listed by you in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes �o � Ir answer is "yes", l�st trie dates and r�asons , , . � ��a�� ✓ �� 20. If busines is incorporated, give date of incorporation �n. f-,'�O 19 and attach copy of ?,rticles of IncorForatioa and minutes of first meeting. 21. List all o ficers of the corporation, givzng their names, offi.ce held, home address and home and b siness telephone numbers. c., i �!/ t�..�^ — I/ f� �i�✓n�yr�' C i �P!' � ��'f 23. If busines is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name /� Address Phone /, 23. Is there a yone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? !'✓U 24. Are you go ng to operate this business personally? If not, who will operate it? vame �, , � � o,-r/ J� �.f Home Address Phone 25. Are you go ng to have a manager or assistant in this business? ��,�,�v If aaswer i� "yes", giv name, home address, and home telephone number. Name Home Address Phone A1�TY FALISFZCATI N OF e�vSWERS GIVEN OR :�IATERIr1I. SLBMITTID WILL RESUI.T I*I DENI.4I. OF THIS APPLIC?,TION. I hereby state der oath that I have aaswered all of the above questions, and that the information con ained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state fu ther under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, n connection with the transfer of this license, from any person bv way of loan, �ift, contribut on or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application wnic:� I have herewith submit ed. State of :sinnes ta) � . • � ) Couacq of Ramse ) gnature of applicant) Subscribed and orn to' be ore me thi� ?/i day 19 � :Jotary�Pfi lic, ey ounty esota �Iy Co�� sion . ires r;;:%��... EORGE Fi. ROEDLER JR. 1:,.��.��� NOTARV aU°t.IG-biiNNESOTA ����:'; OAKOTA COUNTY � �. . �„ . �,�.:�' y Commission Expn�Me.8.1�7 , � � ����� ��:';�, C1TY OF SAINT PAUL ~�� '-� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGE��tENT SERVICES ��+ ��mim s� ,�. „ DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayw 1) Iiave you, � �y�/ � ���_/ �, completed qour financial obligation to �, � �. ��i Q ��, ,�� � �,,f' _—1-�0`J �t,•L P r� � 2) Was there any other consideration other than the original sale price of �fc ? � �� �n T� C�a.l T'P '� �n i`f' !�o �.t� T'<� 1°1-e.v� �;?� r �i I�''� �� 53 � �S �.v � ° � 7"���5 i z' � �c(� 3) Does ,> � �,/;.�,N • �, �i� have any security interest in the business known ' _.... ....,_ . . as ��., t.`-J`r• � �=��-v,xrp:�, 'o or propertq where the business is located? ' , �/V _ 1 Li ti� r-v .-,-,, ..��,:.,; ��"�.> ���� - I^ , _ �-Q-� �t,�/ �✓!'�' //✓�!� �!V y C i G' �JCi?` / (/(i��/ . ��' T�� / /�! �" o .�/ �'a'�'��' 4) List alI ersons having a 5 percent interest or more in this Liquor License. � �:,,;� �J/ - ;: . f State of Min esota) ) SS County of R ey ; �; %j /-'; �� being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has +�ead he foregoing statement bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon informa ion and belief and as to those matters he belienes them to be true. Subscribed a d sworn before me �� � this � day of f , 19 ,� � _T �i�G , , . . � . •��. . .. .. . . � �k� �. . .. . . G=O . .. � f�u�.1�,_ f/ Notarq Publ , s � My Commissio expir ��• ��I�I�IM�N�E�/M�t�.*,�