88-262 WHITE - GITV GL RK COUI1C11 PINK - FINANC GITY OF SAINT PAUL f CANARV - DEPART ENT �� BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. � o cil Resolution 31 Presented By , % 2� Referr d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOL ED: 'I'hat Application (I.D. #79329) for a City of St. Paul Gambling Permit (Bingo Only) applied for by the Chuxch of St. Stanislaus at 398 Superior Street for November 13, 1988, between the hours of 2:00 PM and 5:30 PM be and the same is hereby approved/d�ad. COUNCIL M MBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Long _�_ In Favor coswitz Rettma C Sche�be _ Against BY �� �s FEB 2 � 1� Form Approv by City A orney Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified P . e b Council et BY By, � ,, j A►ppr by Ma o�: _ ��B 2 5 1988 Approved }Sy Il�ayor for Submission to Council �. v By By Pt,���S;��Q �.�;"`.sti �� 19�$ ron ., _ , _ w►,rt smn o��e ex�neeEO . ���(� � _ J� �. . ���� ��� �.aoo9s� � �„�►�,T�, �►�,s�„��, t�ist� �" — �a��� 3«T,-� ►+u�n . _ . aoun� — �oo�a�� �.�7- R� �'irx�r�e & t: - 298-505�6 ° oROa�: — ; CRV ATT�OWlEY _ - ,_� � . ...:,` . . Q� Day 'ty c�f.Saint Paul Ga��lang P t (Bingo Cn7.y) • aN:IEi'�'ER SF�1T: 2/9/88 , L1ATE � H�� N►)a`�(a)) oo�xic�. �'r: ' � �.��� ��� a g� Y _ ��. � ���� �� �� �� ,� • ���,� � _. . �Fon�aot�o. _�eoe�ac�oam* o�srroc.�►ca�c� - *owu�w�ra� �� � �QUncit Research Cent�r, � FEB 121� IN11R1N19 MOM.�M. OPr011111MiY(iMa.W�t,Wlpn�Whsro.NRIy): , , FathPx J Clay, on behalf of the Church o St. StaMisla�us at 398 �3 or, re�ts t�exu�cil app�.roRral �t.�e���applicatic�ri for a Qne Day Gambl3.�g Pe�m3.t 'c�i ?. This (Sir� y pesmit wi11 - -� be u�ed in �unction with tY�e church's . key .Bi,ix� aa� �'o�v+e�r 13, i988 betta�een t�e h�urs . of 2=Q0 p. , and 5:30 p.m. _ : �ustn+c+►n�t �.+�...�r. All ' appli.ca�.ibns and fees hav� filed. If Cb�ut�ci.l app�+oval is giv�, th�e Church of . Stanislaus wiil be allc�d to spoaa�or the Turkey Bi� event as sc�eduled. , .:�{�einrr. .aa�o w�>:. - �: If Oo'ta�cil i.s nat giv�, the of St. Stan�.s�.atts wi}.1 �ot be allvwr.,d to . - spo�or the Z�irleey Birx�o event as scheduled. ` �Tenw►n�s: � c�s Ms�ro�r�r�a+ss: u�u�esues: , _ _ _ _ . . ,. � : _� . . , ������� UIVISI N OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE I�a5�1 a���� INTERD PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applic nt T�..�t-� t�n.� lX. Home Address �� � ���,�''�r� � Ausine s Name Home Phone t � Busine s Address � r' ype of License(s) Busine s Phone �go�— �3 D 3 � Public Hearing Date � lo`�aJ 1 g � License I.D. 4� / � 3a� at 9:0 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd fl or City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �1 � �9' llate N tice Sent; + + '�`�� Dealer # N � !�" �/....'. to App icant �.�. ;,�i-1 �r��� ,_��� � � � Federal Fi.rearms 4� ti ��' Public Hearing DATE I1vSPECTION R VIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D ! N�� � Heal h Divn. ' N (�- i Fire Dept. � ►V �,q- � Pol'ce Dept. �:�'-�"`ia���S lp,�"'� Lic nse Divn. � (� f a) �S)� �� Cit Attorney � I Date Received: Site lan �iy To Council Research a,'�0''0 p Lease or ter Date from andlord �� �er 1r-2c�e��c� Gt-�a�a. Minnesota Charitable Gambling Control Board LAWFUL GAMBLING EXEMPTION Room N475 Griggs-Midway Building • � - 1821 University Avenue > FOR BOARD USE ONIY - St.Paul,MN 551043383 ������'�� (6121642-0555 INSTRUCTIO S: 1. Submit request for exemption at least 30 days prior to the occasion. 2. When completing form,do not complete shaded a�eas until after the activity. 3. Give the gold copy to the City or County. Send the remaining copies to the Board.The copies will be returned with an exemption number added to the form. When your activity is concluded; complete PLEASE TYPE the financial information,sign and date the form, and return to the Board within 30 days. Orga �zation Name f� Number of Members License Number(if currently or previously Zt ��V�t Yl (�f' vf, �fC%���� ����-�,s ��C�O licensed)and/or permit number�{—�)J�J�f3o��(-(`,�i�7�j' 7� Addr s Citv�. State Zip Cou�{y �^�r C' (-- ,j/. {'��V� !1�l h �-=�/O i !��(IH�F}1 � /v .� �c�t?�c.K" �� Chief E�utive Offi er's NBpie Phone Man�a er's Name Phone Number :�U�7c-, r. ���t� �!�/.,i� �`/� 'J 3�� ;..)U�IL� LU • ���%fi 1 v/_-"�� �il-Z-�?�iJ.3 Type of Organizatio If Other Nonprofit 0►garrizaaon(Chedc One and attach proof of noriprofit statusl. O Fraternal ❑ Veterans ❑ IRS Designation �Religion ❑ Other Nonprofit Organization ❑ Incorporate with Secretary of State Attach proof f three years existence. ❑ Affiliate of Parent Nonprofit Organization Nam of Premises here Activity�II,Occur Datelsl of Activity,drawingls) ��. �fr�N�(�I�i US `t�lUil�(,•i�/iSr'%f�rPU'� 7 Premises Address Cit�„ State Zip C�nty ��U. ��7( �%�� .�y� •:U�I/?t i�/Z .i�f• ✓�` l��v � ��h �!/O�2 Gjlil.:r"� Game Yes No Bingo )( Raffles X Paddlewheel X Tipboards �( Pull-Tabs X Use�Profit l' t��ut'c, f<) ��'�e�rer� c" �t ..��n�,�r/U�.,S I affirm all inf rmation submitted to the Board is true, accor- ate, and com lete. R:;��. ` . ;�,GCt2�: j-/� -�c�5 Chief Executive Of cer Signature % Date ;< ; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby aC,kn wl�dge receipt of a copy of this application.By acknowledging receipt,I admit having been served with notice tFiat this appl ation will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and will become effective 30 days from the date of recei t(noted below) by the City or County, unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed which specifi- cally disallo such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the b low noted date. CITY OR COUNTY TOWNSHIP Name of Local Gov ming Body(City or County) Township Name(Must be notified when County is the approvng bodY) - _ � c�� �� �j�t..r �. ,�� Signature of Perso�`eceiving Applicaaon / Signature of Pe�son Receiving Application � . . . � .. rll . _� �..i�� ' �i��/ � . '^ Dats Recaiv Trtle Date Tic�e l --. � �i. =i-./ �, � ...-.� ,.`.l:� �~ '�x' j / � CG-O�J020-01 I6/ 7) White—Board Canary—Board retums to Organization to complete shaded areas. � Pink—Organization Gold—City or County City of ,Saint Paut vl`���� Department of Finance and Management Services , ' , . License and Permit Division ' C .�� 203 City HaII � . St. Paul, �utinnesota 55102•298•5056 APPLICATION FOR LlCENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. New Renew a �-- - o a ^. _ _ _ � � .�• 'j � Y Odt6 � 19 " i 1 �. Code No. Title of License From �, ( J�� � `19� To 19 oZ l�(p� ` l+7 1'l� � � C��`J' � T � �"� ��'r�,��Qa�o +��.u.�rc� 100 ApplicanUCompany Name 100 � �4� ��.�.����� �'�-�- 100 Business Name 100 �� �C,� l.0 1 ;�1 �._��� �i Business Address Phone No. 100 100 Mail to Address Phone No. 100 �'��. i ManagerlOwner•Name �,j�.-�p� 100 .. � f . � ._ 100 AlanagerlGw�er•Home Addreas Phone No. 4098 Applic tlon Fae 2, 50 _ � _ __ Received the Sum of 100 � '� _ : - _ ManagsrlOwner•City,Slate d Zip Code 100 Totel 100 LiCense Inspector By: '—' Signature of Applicant Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No. Vehicle Informat on: Serial Number �ate Number Other: THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NO A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for Iicense will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordlnanCe a d completion oi the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or license Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS 1:.�.•,w /l.t.� c�.y�.�...✓ ��—�Y —'�p -r-'1'�-L...:._—sl �—�' �� �-�=��� 20. Give .a.c�.es oi oi_�c�rs cr ar� ct:.er �ers� �aid -_or se�ces �a �7e Qr�s�z�v�or.. �1ame L�`.1e ad��ess �ata o* '^;-°�i. . f � /� r _ . �._.. C ��"c� � 7 /' '�l�v"1-tv-'{'!� /� �� .� 4� 21. Ia w' ose c•:stod,; ��ri.L recards oi �ar�zatiion's Gam�lin� Sessioas te ke�i? ida.me ' � _ t. �e�� :►�.�ess ?��;,�.e_.z.__ ��°_ --- 22. At� h a c opy oi �ovr Organizatioa's ae�bers�p roster and date eac'� raembex� ,�c��r,ed. 23. Att �..'ze Gaab �*+ Sess�oa kanaser's band. � 2L. nt� � a copy oi the �eaa.�ent oi tue `"reasw-�, Inter:�al ?eveaue Service "R.���:�r:.t o� Org 'zatica �ee�nL �rom Inca�e '^�c", ?or� 990. (C:�a�ter Ll°.Ot� (i;.) 25. �t :� a ceP7 oi De�a.-�:aen;, oi t�e ^:�a.sur�, In;,er-ial ?e•renue �e�ce, ''Y.Le�-;�5�: >an- izat on Busiaess �coae '"�", �'e� 9a0T. (C:a�ter ?�i°.OL. (2).i 26. att : i:e a�^_ua: ?b�ort requ`rsd of c"at�;able or�anizat�ons bv ;'innesoLa St_ ..:<�; --_-,, Secti on 309.�3. (Chaptar I�19.0� �3).) 27. :�ave �au read and do �ou thorouF�;r ��s�ar.d the �rov=sions oi aL 1a*.rs, ox�-=..T-��s,cas and e�lations goverain¢ the oeeratic�a o� Gamblir.� Sessions? _..__ __�_!: �_;. _.. 28. � aan.�es desi�d b� w e a�pLca.at associatior_ map he r�ace or.Zy with �:.e cc�z.�.��:- , o.: t:ie 'csn.se Ceamcitt2e. � � 29. iias persoa(s) par*.,�.cipai'+:g ia tne ot�eration oi an� oi �:e gax�b �*+_ se��-i� : �v- ered by this Lc�nser ever been coa�c�ed oi a :elox� i.Z �2:e Statz oi iiirneso�c:�., �a��. :.n ar� ther Staie �r .�ederal Cauz�t? Yes i�Io �� . I_ a�swer is "7es", �:;� :,�.,�.e r.ame , acid�esses and birth-dates. � �..__1L��.��.�...�, (�,......�c�i -�_ ,. ..� Cr�anZZaZion _.. _._ �p �c�-�' _ � '?J�.� (/!�? - - (Of��c�r-`1'�tle) T � ,_� . and • (:�anaFer in c:arre of C ambL� Sessio�) � State oi '. sata) %S j . .. Cauntp oi . ep ) �� • � and beir.3 d• swcx-a sa7 �nat �'r. 3 s t�+e petyt�.eners � the above 3L'_JJ.:C2.L7.OII� ',..�at ���� ^ave � �°_2� � OT°F�O�� pet.'��7.OII TmOW �`.�12 COII't8AL5 vi@I'SOI'� Lt13't �lE S3II1@ 1S `T"SE Gf' �Lz?r O:JIl T�SOS�T]. �e:°. Subscr be ana to oefare �e t��'r�� r : ,� ,. ��'���LINGER .��2.� OI lOjS f� A.�;;;;�:;a•.,�",r�RG��y,`--'�,�-.;J,M�NNESOTA r.�.� ' �3� ;:� u,��e` �.�,�TAR'; F` COV � .� � N ��L �c ��y�.�€ fiJ�.,`'•:��ExPices Mar.21,��� ' - .�';'�,�4.�: MY�ommission :•�OL32'�J �'1 'C� �+0�'L�� ' 2SOte,3 :•!p ca�tl.ss' on ��i.-�s �--�/--/99/ '�,�d�nc D paxti�+�t dnproved Disaaorov=_,by �� ��ire De� �ent ��roved �isa��x�ved bp y� =y __� ?v��ce Jep :,.eni Aa�rovec"-�isa�rovzd ap -_ �_�_ e� �;,-)c� L Q�l i�; .,,. i y:_ l:� J�. �=v... ... .�..�,� ^..., „ ... � �J G '- - �.?r:-,.�?.��1 GF' _�'v�1::� �i� t!�,�.Cy=.::'_" :.'r."''_.�CLS 3 � 7:� ' ' DI�J?'SiC:i QF �.i�JSa �:II� P�:�T �,MZ'.Ia"'�'.���1 -� � , S�, _ . � ' ; —�"� --i� �K+ 7. Tn/ r7 1 en ♦♦ +�� �+C T T �1 a . Z'i^Qi3:ATICY �C,�7I-'.=J =�Iia �.c"'�T..���.'�IG2i :OR ?r.�� '"C CC.;�7UC� G:s:�'�T�T�:,G S�.,S_Ol`. _.. �T. _4UL . �. ::�e o.� �rgaaizatioa .�1'r -���-,.�..�.� C-�-�-.�� � : 2. �d��°ss where Q:�aniaatioa's re�ular mest`�s �*s held 3 jn���,-�.;-� � Ss ic z 3. �ay ar.d t�.ae o� ^est;�s �r /�'M ��'-r-a���w-�.��� �.z��_...� - L... Addrsss whera Gamblin� Sessi:oa :ri11 t�e he?d 3 �i�-���,�,_,r � _ �. Zs aap�cant owner oi propert4 �rhere �aabl�g Session �ri71 be helc? � Yes � "o - �. I_ leasec, wno is awner oi px�cercp w'r�re Gat�b?inE Sessioa r�ri.L be !:eici'. 7. If Ieased, at�ac: lsttar of pe�ission �o caaduct Ga�.�L-'.r.� Session, s'_gned b�r lessor. &. Name oi off�cer ma..� a�licatioa iQ��--. �, C�u �T J 9. �ddress oi of°�cer mal�.ng a�nLcation ��'y� .�,U.�.�Z:,v -�S Date oi birth ��7-�i 1o. L;aiae of maaager who wiL conduct Gaaibliag Sess3on L�z�-/J•-.-. �.° �i _ � L. �dd.r�ss oi „ er . �! 8 ,��. - .� ]ate of b{*-th. �-7-..7� I2. In coiu:ecLion �ri.th Wha.t event is th:.s GambLng Session be=r.g held? �/.u.,-�...., � -u--,�, I.3. ;�'hat �oe of gaabLn� cev�.ce(s) :riL' be u5ed? P�e��l 'i`?Dbaard ?af`_1e IZ.. �a�, datas a,uc :�ours t�s a�vlicaiion � =or a_nc number of s�ssicns. �ay(s) y,,.-.� �ates _ /l-%3-S � �o�s ,��dv-s;3o/�it� t:o. oi Sessioas / __ 15• rTi1i pr�es �e pai.d �� �one� or acerc".3.^.�se? �P,�� ?6. Is t�� appLcaat association orEanizec uader :he laws of �r.e State oi :�i�.r.esota?� � 1.7. �ow long has Cr_sai:.ation beea i3 ex�.steace? �%�� / �� � 1�. 'r��+�.t is the pvr�ose oi the Organization? -�-et��y,c.,-=.�.,,� _ 19« QPficers oi the Orgar+ization. � i�a.aie-Ti}�.].e 9adrsss �ata oi bi��,.h !.ta-�- C-'-�c.*9 //./� :-�1 S�-�-u-f5-��=�,,�� ���?��� 7-7-.�� ���fa �� /u��c„-�,-- �U -�YT; ���=-.r' �'` �ui .�.� %6-/��G U�,�������,,.. '_,�m �',�,��.� �2��� 7'�>>.:.�,�i �? ���' G-r�-3�� ����� . -_ . . . . .. . .. : . .. . _ ... . . . _...: . ... . . . . . ... . : . _::: . : . ��Zec�i o f cSE. cSEarzi.s�a.us 39B SUPERIOR STREET � 4T. AAUL. MINN, ggt02 �'t � � �� ��C �C . . . . . ;`Q�i/(iLC-C-i;.� ?� � - ',i .. u . .. . � _ � .... _ ,/� //�y. /f/�y� A . ' . . .. _ . / v �{� ��r `��t /�-'/ YY!/t/`kf1�.. Z � ���` .�l ��`L � .,4 � � . � - ���-�t`y""'c/ rl�L'�ti�c.�4�- , / ��Z,�-� �. �� � ��� - i3-�.��. �� � �.� l� ���L _ _�z�.�j�� � �G[�f.GCL'-K.� �.,.�/l� �5 Y 8 - (3-�^-�'j .���, �. ��.w /3 ���� �. ��� � �� � , � C�, C '��., � ��',,�o��Y�� // ,. - � �,'C'�- �;-�-.��4 •'��c' :���v j; u _��.c�u ,���, ' �... �;�'�-d::.-Ga.�r�i �.-�...r'' � �� ^ �f'7�;,_�', i< _. , / �,2v�/ % . o J ✓ u.G�:��`: �.;�' �"t�z•.. w,-�.... --C..���� _,L, 'G�� -c-,�-�-- '` j �� , _�: ,.�. <�_ � � . _., �G�7�%—. ���a�� .;.�;o;�,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _=.• ... " '" DEPAR'MENT OF FiNANCL AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES °; ,� :; �� '_�'���� e� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �,• a 'H ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul.Minnesota 55102 George Latime Mayor 2/8/88 To: Virginia Baisley From: Christine Rozek ��� Rr�: Record Check In connection with an application for a one day gambling permit by the Church of St. Stanislaus, 398 Superior Street, a record check is requested on the following: John C. Clay William Darling 398 Superior Street 2087 Stanford St. Paul St. Paul Birthdate: 7/7/26 Birthdate: 6/19/39 Lucille Smith � 480 St. Clair St. Paul Birthdate: 10/14/26 A copy of the applications are enclosed. CR/car attachments ���� ?�:"o;�, ClTY OF SAINT PAUL ;`� ' `;�;''�a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES °o .,. + ��=����n ' DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �: : '' ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latime Mayor February 9, I988 Father John Clay 398 Superior Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Father Clay: A review of the investigations whi-ch were made in connection with youz� application has been completed. It will be my recommendation that your license(s) be granted. A hearing on your application for Bingo, Raffles, Paddlewheels, Pulltabs, and Temporary On Sa1e Malt Beverage License(s) , ID �(s) 21554,12805,21554 & 79329 will be held before the Saint Paul City Council on February 23, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the Third Floor Covi,c:� i Chambers, City and Countq Court House. This date may be changed wit-hout the License & Pernait Division's consent and/or knowledge. Therefor� y it is suggested that you ca1.1 the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 t� confirm this hearing date. Your presence is required at this hearing in order to respond to ai�y questions that may arise. The City Council may have and/or receive other infarmation which I a��, presently not aware of that may cause them not to follow my reco���ue,,d�- ation. Ve truly you� � i �{if-��' � ,�'� _ '�� ,a � � ,.� r�'�.'�♦ � f'f �..l�✓"i�jf/.�%�� oseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lk