88-244 V WHITE - C�TV CL K �` PINK - FINANCE COUflCll BI.UERV - MAVORT ENr GITY OF AINT PAITL File NO. C uncil Res lution 3�, Presented By . � �� Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date � � RE50LVE : That application (I.D. #968 1) for a Physical Cultural Health Service Club License applie for by Janos Takacs DBA Janos Takacs European Therapeutic � Spor s Massage Center at 1619 Dayton Avenue be and the same is hereby a proved. � COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Dimond Lons _�_ [n Favor I Goswitz ' �ee� Q Against BY � / � FEg 18 1988 Form Appr v d by City Attorney Adopted by Cou cil: Date _ Certified Pas e uncil Se tar ' BY By Z —�q ��� ; �;� ? , � � Appro ed y Mayor for Submission to Council A►pproved b- Mav r: �� gy r BY PUBLiSHED � r_.`.' `� � 19$8, `. �OH , o�r�emu�rm a�n cor�e�eo . ✓' ��� . _ t�'#E�� ���tT No.O 0 0=�3� J� F. _ � _ oEV�Nr oi�cron ��,v�von(oa i�sr�arr� I�'].S �{Tl�Yl HOtLZl �N �a�o�r s�s o�cron crrrcxewc NUMBER F _ _ �x Fi:nance & t. 298-5056 : R°vr'"c _ ���, _ oRO�: cR,����° �i�.i c� �r a pnysic� �tu�caa. xea�. c1u� �,c�se. Council Reseatch Genter _ �a� 29 � - ti+or+s= sN a�c�>> � neaoar: PLAFIMNO.. . . . -CNR SERVICE COMJI8810N .. DA7E qJ � DATE OUT ANALYST � . � � PHONE NO. � . . � ���� ��yY) �f�'!�� rs _ � �� � �� „�,.�.�• �,��,� �„�,� �� _ —�,,,�.�. —�„�• ��� z .�,,,o�: ..�,�,.a�. �,�.�,��,,�,,�»�.,�.��: Mr• Jai�os r�equ�ts ��. apQrorva]. f hats app]ri.c.�t,�pn �r a �hya�,�a7. Gul.tw�.7. Health Sex'vioe_ Li.c�nse. . Tf t.his.app]:i,Gat3,oa1 s ap�+o�vedi he wal.11. �ae c'�Z� b�i�ess a�s_sar�s Taka�cs Z�yarapeutic and.5pc�rts c�e C�ent� at 1619 Daytoar Avenue. .�us�cRrow �eM.�r,.4.A..�ra�: - , � -. : . � Al.l. �pliCatit�s. �,n�Pect.i.O�1S, ar�e1 feea 11dV�e Y.�1 reoe3.'V�ed and aty�ed. �� �c.i.l is rec�ivea, rfir. Janr�s T anl.11 be al:l«+�a t4 vperate w�t�n the city - of �aint P . - �lwMC .Ae sawrwm>: . _ . _.,: If Oouncil is npt given, Mr. Ta�c will not be allvt�ied to le,cJa11Y oPes'atre within _ the limits f Saint Pau].. �u.�w►rn�s: . - . caorw : i+istanm�ecc�+Ta: �¢o�►�asu�s: � . � .. . �/-"�-���� DIVISIO OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRIATION DATE 'l / — INTERDF. ARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicat t; � � � � II Home Address � �� � ��� ''�Q I l c�Ssi.0: � 1� l Rusines Na e � �ti�ac ��,�..r0 � Home Phone �ga - �C.o�t�- ��, �� ti S po r-�,s '�l�rt�� C��- Busin s Address �� � ci ����.�ype of License(s)� � ,� ��,.aQ Busines Phone ��� �� A� • I (', �1 \ ,���cj ��U�Cx� , Public earing Date I License I.D. 4� q�� 4'3 � at 9:00 a.m. in the Council C ambers, 3rd flo r City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �� �' �C�� llate Notice Sent; I Dealer �� Vl � (�t to Appli ant I Federal Firearms 4t y� � {� Public H aring i DATE INSPECT ON REV EW VERFIED (COMP TER) CUMMENTS A roved Not roved Bldg I & D �� � + t� I � � � Health Divn. � ' �, � '1� � � . , , 'IL � � �r � � �Fire D pt. � � � I �� � I a Police Dept. f j � j `, � � ��1 Licens Divn. � � � 1� i � � City A torney � I Date Received: ' Site Plan (�{ ic��5 � X`1 I� ^ To Council Research % ���p �� Lease or etter I T Date f rom Land ord � ' �� 1 `6� I I . _ �,,-�� -��y � , � CI'I'Y OF II ST. PAUL DEPAR'1'f�NT OF FIl�ANCE AND MAIiAG�P� SffitVICFS . LICENSE A14D �Q'r DIVISIOA These sta emerrt forms are issued in duplic�ste. Plesse ansaer all queations ltiil�}r aad complete . This application ia thorough�yr cbecked. Ar�y laleificatioa +rill be esvse for deai . �{— c�s,e�C�i��. I � fi �b 19 � ���, � � � 1. Appli tion for cease) (permit) 2. Pame f appli cant V�n o s �0. �I0.G S 3• If ap licant is/has been a married fem�I 1e, list maidea neme I �+. Date f birth � f 6 5 6 Age�� Place o! birth ��_i u�''�0.n/�v 5. Are y a citizen of the United Ststea I_ Fativ�e _ Aaturalized �et'd'�"�+ A�'e n ---�Az�83�3�f� 6. Are y a registered voter NO IIW1�en ?. Home dress _oZ3� s wAoc�bridq� j�OSe���le� MN ,SSII� � ���e � �6qr�t A. Presen business addreas Z� y �rG„d A� S�'�a.�- B�asiness telephone 2.2_!� 9. Includ ng yaur preaent business/employm�eat, �st bnsineas/e�ploymeat ba�e yon foll d for the past live years. Busineas/F�playment � Arddresa I�c�ntecl SiS{�r ss4..t�� 'f �af, M4rSa Ce^�'Pr fi/1e a �r-f 7 3`t G�a� , S'.+�, t�o.�-t , M�l Sel�- lo ed l�«,�red Massa e �ier� ; rf Far o N• ��� . ��;c.t l�et ��'d( d�a�lP� �heYapeKf•�I�r�;se Rk�aU�iq 4rna � r• � ���e� � �kMQr��a�., QllrPUf+r e4� e% �(t�'af%sh 10. hfarried �f IP answer is '�ves", list n�me aad addresa of apause D� lak4 cs Z3 4�f Gveod6r,�q�, t�o.s���(te , P'�� -S��'3 Zl. �iave y ever been arrested Por an ofira�a� th�i� h.� resulted in a co�vietioaY Nd It ans r is "yes", list dates of arrestls, whes�e, cl�rg�a, com►ictiona and aenten s. Date o! arrest lg �� — CAAF?GE . � - � SSiTEL�CE Date �P arrest 19 Wherell CfiARG�' CONVIC'^i iJ S�� I ' ��-��� 12. L'st the names and addresses (iP ms�ried, name of spouse also) of all p�rsat�sy c orations, partnerships, associa�tions or organ3zations Wtrich in auy Way !:sve: a. A mortgage interest in the ].icelnsed premise, `� b. A security interest in the lice�sed premises, license, or ltirnishings o! the � licensed premise, "� c. A promissory note for Pt�nds. l d tor the aperation o! the licensed premise or the urchase ot'the license ' � P , d. Financially contrfbuted to the �urchase of the premise or the license it- se1P r �,� ,�.,,� Ann Ne+��4KC✓ /3S5 Fa;�+he�„� ✓c• ��' •�w.l M� SS�o S e. An4r other interest either direc or indirect, either Pinancial or otherxise � in the licensed premise or the ]�icense itaelP, � Attach copy hereto of aay and all docw�enta referred to in this aftidavit. 1?. Gi namea and addresses of two per ons, resideats of St. Paul, Minneso�t.a, vho can give intormation coacerning you� AAME p�g �e Ner�a.h� 1355 Fa�rMersv� �e. s'-�,l�a� f ��°�"'4,�'� ��7� I�MDQr�-, �'���a`a.� � 14. Add eas ot prqaises for Wh3ch Liceas or Permit is made � Add sa �q �,�/ 51�. Pqct � Mn/ ,$�Sio Zone clasaificatiau X15. Bet een what cross streets �//; . -f-+� Which sid��P„�treet �o , �4d 16. N under ahich this business rrill �e conducted .Ianns ��t��'�leraP��.�''��SporfsMalsa.�C ��'Q�'0,� Y 17. Bus ness telephone mm�b� -`� ����fUi���fc�t-��✓��/.� �' X lQ. Att ch to this application, a detail d description of the design, location, atid squ re footage oP the premises to be�licensed _ � , p pp � , .�.� /C � �� �C �9. ?re oremises nov occupied _ 1/(�_Whfit business Hoa► long I I , - �--���y . , 20,- Li � license w!Zich you currently ho1d, or fonner�y held, or mey have an intere �in i'VI Q tf�4� tr�P;S"1` —� S�•�� G��-y (;cznS e � Minn� S�'a.rt ��G2flfe �� �e in ;�� �c�4c�.�'�o..� �,� qr..des k-12f Afork� Oo-ko1� J�'�'e ��cers� ��,. ►�assAr�e ��S1V `, I+1�Prnh2r s� �Mtcr;Ga... /hASJa.�� �ie-ra�.� RSteG.; 21. Ha e arry of the licenses listed by �ou ia No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes Na �to . If anawer is "yes��, lis dstes and reasons: 22. Do you have an interest oY ac�r type in arLy oi:her business or business premiaes. I° answer is "yes", list business, usineas address aad telephone number._ 23. If business is incorporated, give d te ot incorQoration �la'����'�`� '� �� �����5 9���'/P�:Cn7��°'� an attach copy oP Articles of Incarporation and ffinuLes of first meeting. 24. Li t all officers oP the coxporation giving their asmes, ottice held, hame ad ss, and home and businesa telephone numbers: � 25. If usiaess is partnership, list ner(s) address ar� te3rephone numbers: N dress Te1.No. - 26. Is here a ' � r�yone else who will have am iaterest 3n thia busineas or premiaes4 Zf swer is "yes", Aive nsme, home dreas, telepho�ne nv�bers aad in �+hat.. r is their fnterest: �rut��/VQ✓fan,0 I3 5 Fa�N�no� f��e. ,5�.Pa�,Mr� sS�o 5 ��P. 6 9�-76�ti p�� �7I-�s-&� d 4�s �i/1�l��a.-� Gsnr�r:6�;61 Q� f1QS:/iPtj' /rte�rto, TP..� %��''�i'�'s. 27. Are you goinq to o�erate this busine s peraonal�y ��S it not, Who will eperste it: R Home address Te1.Ao. I . � C��-��y. � Are y�u going to have a '�Sana�er or a�sistant in this business? It answer is ' "ye ", give name and ho.�ne address an home telephone number: ' Na e � �ome address Te1.No. 29. Has ar�yone you have named in questioris 22 through 25 ever been errested? ZP ans er is "yes", list name of person� dates oP arrest, where, charges, comric- tio s and sentence C1 3 p. I �Ah o S �0.�C a c.S understand this premise may be in- spe ted by the police, Pire, health a�d other city officials at a�r and alI . ti s when the bnsiness is in aperatiJon. State of Minnesota) )SS County o Ramsey ) � �`�`'�5 �Ot'�`��5 being irst du�y sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the f�regoing state�nt bearing his signature and lmoxs the contents hereoP, and that the same is tru� of his ovn knoy+ledge except as to those matters t erein stated upon informati�n and belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves t m to be true. Subscrib and svorn to befoze me Q Signature of App icaat this �? ��� day of • �� �c,�9 0�] /n ., _� �� No ary Pu lic, Ramsey County, Minnesota !�fy cammis ion expires �N�� �� �'p O�aB':� t. G�TtiSf L �� '" Netat�r Ouitic- Minnesou i•lf+� �t Ramsey County ��:}.�' ��� My Commission F.*Daes , ' Januery 27, 1990 . � ��.�� . �c�c� c � ��` � �' �':C�U�I.: � Z�`Y C 0 LT�I��III City �lerk ��i ���` �� ��� -�+ RECEIVED 386 City H 11 . sy.JUi�t �E ��PPL�.Z�A'�ZaN JAN 19 19�;;� . CITY CLERK Dear Prope ty Owner: ��'� V�• L96831 .. � Application for a P�ysical Culture F� Health 5ervices Club License PURP SE �,p P�j �'� Janos Takacs DBA Ja�os Takacs European Therapeutic �, Sports Massage Center �Q�2� �� 1619 Dayt on Avenue i February 18, 1�88 9:00 a.a. T""��T� � Lsr.t'� _ - Cit-� Council. C��mbers, 3rd Lloor Cit� HaL - Cou� House 3y Licanse aaa e_-�ic Division, Deoar�enc oz z��ace aad �O��r� 5��T !Saaagement Ser�ces, 2oo� 203 C�t7 �al? - Court couse, Saint Pau1., �im�esoca 298-5056 I � This d tz may be chan�ed Without ti�e consent and/or knowiedge of the Licens and Per-mit Division. �t is sugaested thzt you caI? t�e Cit j CI.e��c' OfLice at 298-423i ir yo� urish con�,_.�at_on.