88-236 WMITE - CITV CLER COUf1C11 y- PINK - FINANCE ( CANARV - DEPARTME T GITY OF S�A INT PAUL n BLUE - MAVOR r- File NO. " _�� �Council �Zesolution 3g Presented By ���'f-�'t"�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By � Date RESOLVE : That Application (I.D. #134�54) for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor-A, Sunday On Sale L'quor, Class III Entertainment, Hotel/ Motel (255 Rooms) , .Eaterin�g-A, Restaurant-E, and D-Original Container License expiringlMarch 31, 1988, presently issued to St. Paul BiltmQ�'�.�,�{otel Inc�. (Earl Worsham-President) DBA St. Paul Biltmore/�`�`�0 Marke Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Horizon Man�gement Hospitality Service, Inc. (Frank Thorn, President) at{ the same address. COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g In Favor j cosw;tz Q Rettman B �be1�� _ Against Y �� I Wilson Ff8 18 1988 Fo�m APP� ed by City Attor Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified P s-e Counci , c r i By By Approved by Ma or. D �-'-��"�$ 98 Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council By ��-� I By PlB!_ISHED �r�>' `' ¢ 19�$ l���� � �� . �„��,,,,� o�,�� C�a�RE�N S�E�'1' No.�0 p 0 9 5 2 ��� �� ����� I�'1.8 �`"�Yl F�'Cii ��N �a wiw�or�r sd+v�owEC,�ron � cm aapr - carr Paor� NUMBER — R()tJ71MG euoc���cro� �' �l �3�C�1 ' Finance & t, 298-5056 .or�: — � c�A� _ P�ersan to transfer of an C�n Sale Li. A. Sunc�Y Oaz Sa�;e - Lfqi�a:, ���SS ��z .'I�t�e.t/�btel (255 �xt�s) , Ce� �ng�-P,, Res�turant�, and D-Ox�i.g�r�al Coritc�i,ne,z' 'Lioe�ses. , w«�c�1 c�ouNea.nES n�voar: P�MaMMa crv�sEnwcE car�aee�ow a�h x� o��a�r � r�aw�Na � . n01Mlq o01A1M881aM. ' 19D 628 9CrI00L BoMIqD . � . . . x 6TAfF•. . .. . f�NRTEti COMIdIB810N � � C�iPLETE IS . . � ADOL ` . .•� . . 1�TD TO OpiTA�T ,..�.�OlIBTRU@IT � � . . . . _ � .__F[1R AODL Mi'O. .. . _.,,'f�0lAdC MDED• . . 016'TRICi COHNCIL � . . � . . . � . �. . . � � �. . �EXPLANA710N: - . .. . . . . . &F'PORI8WIIICM.COUNCIL .- ? � .. . -- . . . . �. . . . . � . MfN7Nq#�IO�L� OP�'QRT{ItNTY(YNp.YYF�et.YN1�11�VNlor�:WhY):- _ : ; I�r].�OCI 't I�QSp�'�.�.'� FS�."y�OE�y �1C Y'Qt�tii�'Sf8•-C�Ca.l d�C�: �f:tl'1!@3.�' �1.1G'S't7.Oxi for the fer of the On Sal.e I.i:quoz°��i, .. Ch1 Sale Liqvar, C]:a�s II� En�:�airii�t, Iiot,el/t�tel. (255 Roa�mg) . Gat�ri�A, R,e�staur t-E°, at�d D�rigix�al C:c�t�tau�r lio�nses= . , p�reses�.t1� : b� St. ;Fau1 B�ltmare F1�t�1, . D� S�. Psu7. Bi�.fima�e Ho�:l at'350 Market ` Stre�t t� at the sa�ne �dd�e�s�. �hey wi 1 c�ant�.nue t�a:c�aerate_:th��t. -Paou�: '�filtnra�e Hotel. 2�e fioer flf Horl.zo� M2utsagea�nt itality Services,: Tnc. is Frank T�Cirn, president. . . �s�►na�r �aw,�,�r. , Al.l a�plicatic�s, 3x�apections. and �e,s �ue_b�e�a �tted, ar�d �ort�al har� � bee,� giv�n �'i��e, Hea.].tt1, P�c>lice, Bui:lc�3ng , a�d L3c�.se Divisian. _: ,. ao�weo�twnr�, na To wno�a: - „ , . . . . , .. -. If �1 is rwt glven, Tio�rizcan ectrnt Fk�espltaTity Services, Inc. wiT1 not be alluwed c�erate th� }�u,sirhess � as St. Pau1 Biltm�re Fiotel. �r�u►�s: rnos coMs �anrivn�rs: , Rnutir�e �i ve work. _ , . . :. . ua��s: � ` ' . �ll,r- ��- �3� T�IVISION F LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRA ION DATE �. / � � ��g� INTERDF.P TMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � �,��,�,� Home Address Z'ZpG p�.,,�, se��:c�.s,,.X.�� � . Business ame ��_ ����;`�--yy�p���j iiome Phone pZ,�a —��p(p� Business ddress �Q 1(nAN� �,� Type of License(s� ` Business hone �a-qa�a �� ��.Q,l� Public He ring Date � •`-� c �6� License I.D.� � � � �•34,s'� at 9:00 .m. in the Council hambers, ' 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �C �1.�/ •�.f'� 3 � llate Noti e Se , ��� ealer 41 �}- / � � to Applic nt J � v� �' � I� Federal Fj.rearms 4� Public He ring DATE I1cSPECTI N REVI 'W VERFIED (COMPU ER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I D �I �, I i d I Health ivn. ' � ` I O�� I � I I ' Fire De t. i 1 ' � a� � c� � � � Yolice ept. ��I I � r� re c�� License Divn. � � i 1 a1 , Q City At orney � f Date Received: Site Plan �� (�� i To Council Research Lease or etter Date f rom Land ord � � ���c{g� � . � �. @r-��-��� ✓ Application N . Oate Receiv�ed By CITY OF ST. PAU�, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IP�TpXICATING LIQUOR LICcNSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICIATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATI�VG LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALF INTOXICATI�G LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEV RAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions.: his form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole wner, by each partner, by eact� p�rson who has interest in excess of 5� in the orporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIE'�I BY THE PUBLIC — � — — 1. App1 i cati n for (name of 1 i cense) Horiz n Management Hos italit Services Inc. 2. LOCdted a (addre55) 1200 Anastasia A�e Coral Gables F1. 33134 3. Name unde which business will be operatea The Saint Paul xotel � -4: True Name Frank Thorn Phone (305) 445-1926 � irst Middle Maiden Last ' �' 4/21/38 Place o Birth Munich, German 5. Date of Birth Y Month, Day, Year o. Are ou a itizen of the United States? �eS Native Naturalized X Y 7. Home Addre S 1200 Anastasia Ave. Cora Gables Home Telephone (305) 445-1926 ! 8�. Including our present business/empioyment what business/employment have you foTlowed for the pa t five years? B siness/Em lo ment Address Horizon anagement Hospitality Servi�ces, Inc. 1200 Anastasia Ave. Coral Gable� FL. 33134 I.H.M.S. 1200 Anastasia Ave. Coral Gables, FL. ' 33134 , 9: Married? N� If answer is "yes" , 1 st the name and address of spouse. � i � ' ����-�� ✓ � +, felony, X rime ar violation of any city ordinance, 10. �ave you e�er 5een convic__d of any �- other tnan trafTi c? 'tes Vo �,_. N/A 19 tJhere Oate of a rest — , Charge Sentence Convictio . Date of a rest lg Where Charge Sentence Canvictio 1?. Retail B r Feneral Tax Stamp X Retai Liquor Federal Tax Stacnp =_ '"��Z be used. 12. Clasest .Z Place Conev Island Churc Assumpt� Scriool ' I3. C1 osest ntaxi cati ng 1 i quar pl ace. On Sal�le Moonev' s Off Sale Capp s he names and residencss of three persons of RamseynC�hetYr�tisesdor�businessaCNno� ia. List t licant or financially interes�ed i P not rela ed to �he app licant's Character. �ay Ce r Terred to as to tf�e app ' Address Name '� 2200 NCL Tower Wi liam M. Mahlum St. Paul, MN 55101 � N L ower Ke Erickson St. Paul, MN 55101 2200 NCL Tower Ch istina Stalker St. Paul, MN 55101 � ress oT premises for whict� applicatio is made 350 Market St. St. Paul, MN 55102 I5. Add - Phane 292-9292 Zone C} s;ification B-4 16. Between what cross streets? Fourth & Fifth ��lhich side of Street East I�, qre p ises new accupied? Y P� What Bu5ine55? �.��n� ta1 ; �v Service — How Lo g? __��P a Yr— ' : !3. . List 1 censes which you clrrently hold, �r ro rnerly heid, or may have an int�res� in. N ne y X g Have y of �he lic�nses lis�ed by yau n �o. 18 ever been r�voked? Yes _ � a � If an er is "yes" , l�s� trie dates and easons i � � �I ������ V �.. � 20. l� busin ss is incorporated, give date ot incorporation Oc tobe r 19 19 8 7 and atta h copy of articles o= IncorForation and minutes o= rirst meeting. 21. List all officers�of the corporation, givi g their aames, offi.ce held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. Fran Thorn, President, 1200 An stasia Ave. Coral Gables FL. 33134 22. If busin ss is partnership, list partner(s , address and telephone numbers. �Tame N A Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an inte�rest in this business or premises? r t e it of lint Paul 24. Are you ing to operate this business per onally? No If not, who will operate it? :1am Gunther Schnee Home Ad ress 350 Mar cet St�. Phone 292-9292 25. Are you ing to have a manager or assista t in thfs business? NO If aaswer is "yes", gi e name, home address, and home t lephone numi�er. :1ame nee Home Ad ress 350 Market St. Phone 292-9292 k�tY FALISFICAT ON OF c1,►�1Sw�.RS GIVEV OR :�1ATERIAL �LBMZTTID 6JILL RESULT I:�I DE�IIaI. OF THIS ?,PPLICaTIOV. I hereby state under oath that I have answered 11 of the above questions, and that the information co tained therein is true aad corre t to the best of cay knowledge and belief. I hereby state f rther under oath that I have rec ived no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer af this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribu ion or otherwise, other t�an alr ady disclosed in the application wnic:� I have herewith submi ted. State ot :ti,nne ota) � . ) County of Rams y ) ( ignature o= applica t) Subscr�bed and swom to before me this � 1 R da o f ,�/Z1/2c�,.�v 19� ' r � :Totarq u li , �e , Minnesota My Co ission :cpire��h �� _ ac�� �9Q� . s �� �� M�r �Ao�24 2990 � ■