88-233 i � a� � -�� City of St.Paul j COUNCIL FILE N0. RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT �AND By j FIXING TI E OF HEARING THEREON ; File No. 5-11454 Voting il Assessment No. 3397 Ward In the ma ter of the assessment of benefits, cost and ex�enses for File No. 5-11454 Assessment 4� 3397 Sidewal construction and/or reconstruct�on File No. 5-11455 Assessment 4� 3398 at the ollowing locations: � File No. 5-11456 Assessment 4� 3399 File No. S-11457 Assessment 4� 3400 �I File No. 5-11458 Assess�emt 4� 3401 File No. 5-11459 Assess�emt �� 3402 ' i File No. S-11460 Assessnent # 3403 4 S 1454 South side Concordia Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Pascal St. (New and reconstruc�ion ) 3 S 1455 Southeast side Fort Rd. from Springfield St to Madison St. 4 S 11456 East side Fry St . f'rom Thomas Ave . to Lafond Avenue . 1 S 11457 East side Hamline Ave. from Edmund Ave. to Thomas Avenue 1 S 11458 Both sides Lafond �4ve . between N. Lexington Pkwy. and Chatsworth St . 3 S 11459 Both sides Princeton Ave. from S. Wheeler St . to Fairview Ave . 1 S 11460 North side Sherburne Ave. from Mackubin St. to Kent Street submitted t the Council,and the Council having consideredisame and found the said assessment satisfactory,therefore,be it RESO VED, That the said assessment be and the ,�ame is hereby in all respects approved. RES LVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be ha� on said assessment on the 24th day of March, 1988 , at� the hour of 9 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hou e and City Hall Building, in the City of St. P ul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings,as required b the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount as essed against the lot or lots of the particular bwner to whom the notice is directed. �I I FE8 18 �� COUNC LPERSON Ado ted b the Council: Date II P Y Yeas Di ond Nays � Go witz / � Certifie sse by Council Secretary g (� Lo � Re tman In Favor i By ` Sc eibel � Against � �= Mayor W'lson �"�"�� FF� � 7 1988 1 .