88-231 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU�ICII G CANARV,- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SA NT PAUL File NO. �`� -��/ BLUE �- MAVOR i � � Council R solution � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comm ttee By Date W EREAS , Certificate of Tii�le number 33346u indicates a public sewer easement in favor of 'the City of Saint Paul over and across the following described parcel : T e North 1/2 of that part �lest of Germain Street of L t 6 and that part of Lot ! 7 in Block 3 , Cruickshank ' s G rden Lots , lying South of IFauquier Avenue and north of t e alley in Block 7 , Densl w' s Rearrangement of Lots 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , Block 2, Lots 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 1 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , Block 3 and Lot 11 , Block 4 , C uickshank' s Garden Lots ex ended to Germain Street . W EREAS, the new buyer of this parcel , Mr. Keith R. MeMurray, is una le to secure insured title to this property due to the Title Company ' s interpretation of the description of this easeme t as an encumbrance over t e entire parcel ; and , W EREAS, the Sewer Division of the Department of Public Works as agreed to limit this ea ement to the easterly 27 feet of thi parcel , � T EREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are he eb� authorized to release by Quit Claim Deed any and all intere ts it may have in this parcel reserving an easement for public sewer purposes over and , across the easterly 27 feet thereo . The easement is describ�d as follows : T e North 1/2 of that part W�st of Germain Street of L t 6 and that part of Lot 7 in Block 3 , Cruickshank' s G rden Lots , lying South of Fauquier Avenue and north o the alley in Block 7 , D nslow ' s Rearrangement of L ts 5 , 6 , 7 , $ , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , Block 2, LOts 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , Block 3 and Lot 11 , COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas N ys In Favor Against � By Form Approved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Co ncil Secretary By C 2 3 By Approved by 1�lavor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA NT PA iT L Council /�^ CANARy- OEPARTMENT � - �j�'� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. V _ -�� `Jal ationsy-tRoo 218 Council R solution (RM) (McMurray) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date Block 4 , Cruickshank' s Garde Lots extended to Germain S reet ; reserving an eas ment for public sewer p rposes , on , over and acros the westerly 20 feet of s id lot 6 and the easterlyi 7 feet of said lot 7 in s id Cruickshank' s Garden Lot�ls . COUNC[LME Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond ays � Goswitz Long In Favor Rettman � Cl �' Scheibel Against BY Director Se�rct�rr Wilson FEB � 8 �� Form Approved City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date � /� Certified Pass by nci�cr ry BY � 2 � � gy. t�pproved by iNavor. 2' lq' �� ��� � '� � s�Approv y Mayor for S i sioA to C ncil B � � Y - PUBIISNED F E B 2 7 1988 __ G�`-a-�� �, .�,� ,�� � _ . �na�rce � l�tai�;e� nt Serwices 1/3/88 V1� ""�� ��� NO..���8��, , 2 ��Nr wr�a+ wwoa toa�aeriwn: tJick McC�t Ro.offi 218 ,�aN —� y��l NUMBER FoR 3 aHnr�:�r se�v�owHaon �crn c�c. ' �cr Ho. �� ewo�r a�croA . Valuations ' 298-5317 o�ao�: � --- ' 1 c�rfv�rro�r . • Approve re lu.tion a�thorizing a Quit Claim Deed wh�Lch will'reiease the sewer-.easement over part Lat .6 _aad 7 Cruicksha:nk's Add� ion except ttie East 2�.f�et. The s�b�ect area is bo ded bq $ush, Reaney, Germain an Hazelwood. 110qQe(�vProvs O ar Relsct tR)) COUqq�RESEARCII :. _ o„�� j � ��. aM.n,n c�a� cm�,se�v�co�as�. _ ao�w«�c�w�asaN +so x�a scNaa�sawo A .sras au�arEa� oa�r�rE _ x _�roi�o=QCt�i4�. ��+ o�srwcr c�r. � E7CPLANATION: � � . . .. � . . . BUPPORTB MRIICFi COLRICL 9 ' � : � . . . � . � � � � . � . . . . Located in Coun 1 District 6. R�CEfVf� . v _ FEB 0 5 1988 .�►,.��.�.�,�. �.�.�,�,.,�.��: _ n�►��roas oF��cE - The Owner's Cert ficate indicates a sewer easeme t which encumbers the entire parcel. �NISi�l�tliON K�IAw�INs. ReeuMsl: , _ . The Sewer Divisi n has advised that an easement f 27 feet is adequate to protect the City�s interest for thi �ewer. �i , I , : _ _ RECEn�a �. , _ CON�EC11�N6M tYYpit1 Wlw�. To YN�omi: , . , - ,, •.: _ . ' OFFlCE OF TH�`.DIRECT�R Owner wilL be a e to aequt�e cTear titl� to his property. DEP�M��T OF �A�JG� f '. N�Ip MANIrK'aF.M�NT 91�RYICES ..: - , � ia.n�+neaes: _ . w�os . c�s Do nothing. Owner will not be able : _ to aequire cle�:r ,title to his .propert�. '. �sranivn�arrs: . Th.is is a routin .matter that adequately .protect the Citq and, helps:out a City .pxoperty owner. k _ . _ b ' , � LEOAi�: None apparent at this time. � '