88-228 WHITE - CITV CL K
Co ncillZesolution
� Ib
Presented By
Referre To Committee: Date
Out of ommittee By Date
RESOLVED That pursuant to Minnesota Stat tes 471 .59 commonly referred to as
the "Joi t Powers Act", the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and
directed to execute the attached joint pu chasing agreement with the City of
Hastings said agreement providing for the joint purchase of equipment,
material and supplies as needed, copies f said agreement to be kept on file
and or r cord in the Department of Financie and Management Services.
, z- �'�
COUNCIL EN Requested by Department of:
Yeas � Nays
�o � Finance and Manaaement Services
..lNsaeM y
[n Favor
-�Ilcosla rr r� �{0
scnetbe� __ Against ' By
-�a�eoa �t/K Oiv�D �
Adopted by Coun il: Date FEB 18 1988 I Form proved by i y C
Certified Ya b C ncil S tary BY
By '
Approved by M v r: te � ��R—�� EB � � 19 8 APP�o e by Mayor for Submi o to un�__
B ��-�--?
PUBLISNED �-L:�s �? 'r 1988,
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-F i�iance .� - agemen t' Serv i ces 2l 1/8$
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• i1dUTYl�i awaET Ou�cro� �
. Purchasi . z9$-4��39 °"°�' �,� -- .
Joint :Purcha irig ,�lcjreement with _the City of asti�gs will b� executed.
' � Council Research Cen#er
.. . 1 i 1988
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City of Hast ags, h�N wishes to participate i the co-aperaf-ive bid for police patrol
`vehi.cles whi Fi was`teken in December of 198� by the C#ty ofR'�"rnt 'Paui Purchasi�ng -
- . : , . : .
: Division... . _
;.,�N�41R�'�. . �av�r�s;n�.i,�sr. .
The City of asti�ngs wiil be able to save ov r $1 ,000.00 per vehicle by purchasinq
� off_St. Paul s bid. The City of: St. Paul may realize. additionel savin�s by incr,easing
, .. ,,
Lhe nu�ier o participants in the co-op and hereby making larger volume buys.
. �n�. ..�..,�w��: RECENED . :..�- .
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- FEB 51988
.at.�s rnos �s
Pce'sently tM Ci.ty of St. Paul has joint pur hasing agreemertits with r�ver 3Q enC�ties.
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T IS AGREEMENT made and entered 'nto this day of January, 1988 by
. and b tween the City of St. Paul , Ra sey County, Minnesota and the City of
Hasti gs, Dakota County, Minnesota.
W EREAS, the City of St. Paul and the City of Hastings, pursuant to the
provi ions of Minnesota Statutes 47 .59 are autMorized to enter into an
agree ent to exercise jointly the g vernmental powers and functions each
has i dividually; and
�W EREAS, the City of St. Paul and the City of Hastings desire to com-
bine heir purchasing functions for the purchase of equipment, materials
and s pplies in order to secure more avorable prices.
N , THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGR ED by and between the parties hereto
as fo lows, to-wit:
1 The City of St. Paul shall p rsuant to the procedures set forth in
the S . Paul City Charter and applica le State Statutes make joint purchases
for b th �he City of Hastings and th City of St. Paul of whatever same or
simil r equipment, materials and sup lies are authorized and requested by
both he City of St. Paul and the Cit of Hastings.
2 Each party shall make payme t directly to the vendor according to
estab ished procedures.
3 Neither party shall assume any responsibility for the account-
abili y of funds expended by the oth r or the issuance of a purchase order
by th other party.
4 Each party shall be separate y accountable for its own expenditures
of pu lic funds made hereunder.
5 After bids have been receiv d by the purchasing department of the
_ ., . ��-�_���
City o St. Paul and awarded, each part shall enter into its own contract
or agr nt with the vendor.
I WITNFSS WHEREIOF, the City of St. Paul and the City of Hastings have
execut this agreement the day and yea first above-written.
CITY O ST. PAUL, A Minnesota CITY OF HASTINGS, A Minnesota
Munici 1 Corporation Municip�al Corporation- �
/ . / % .
BY �_ 4--��} "l 1-�-`� _ ���/ r
, Its Mayor , _ LyAnn Stoffer,—���s' yor
DEPAR OF FINANCE Ah'D By �L�sC,�� � ,�ysk„-/
II�Tr SERVICES rbara C. T'hampson, ity Clerk
/ (
BY ( ��- �`� 1�-- �'
. �.: _'�., u�l.
`" , , Its � L t '_-
By � � By / Z-
, Assis�ant Shawn M. ynih ; Assistant
City Atto ey City Attorney
� ' I
Hertogs Fluegel
Sieben Polk
Jones & LaVerdi�re
999 Westview Dri e January 28, 1988
Hastings, M
550 3
Samuel H. Hert s
*Donald J. Flueg I Ms. Ca rol n Bol en
•�Michael R. Sieb n y
��MichaelS. Pok Purchasing Office
*Harvey N.Jon S 233 City Hal l - Courthouse
*cRichard A. LaVerdie e St Paul Mi nnesota 55102
Steven D. Ha n • �
George L. M y
ThomasR. Longfello Re: City of Hastings - City �f St. Paul Joint Purchasing Agreement
Leo F. Schumach r
Shawn M. Moynih
Mark J. Felim Dea r Ms. Bol en:
Michael R. Stro
John P. Sieb I am encl osi n two ori i n 1 si ned co i es of a Joi nt Purchasi n
Scott,1. Herto s g g g p 9
John D. Skink Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the City of Hastings. You
John O. Sonste wi 11 note that both copi es ha e been si gned by the Ci ty off i ci al s for
the City of Hastings. The City would like to become a member of the
*AlsoadmittedinWiscon � joint purchasing group organi�ed by the City of St. Paul .
*Certified as civil tri I
specialists by the Natio I
BoardolTrialAdvocay If everything meets with our approval , I would appreciate you
sT. PAU�oFFic : forwarding both copies of this Joint Purchasing Agreement to the proper
Gallery Buildin offi ci al s for the si gnature b the Ci ty of St. Paul . Once the document
s��teao has been signed by the City o St. Paul , I would appreciate you
»w. EXCnan9e s. returni ng a si gned ori gi nal t me so that the Ci ty of Hasti ngs may have
St. Paul, MN 5510 an ori gi nal Agreement on fi 1 e.
If you need anything furtY�er, please do not hesitate to call .
Thank you for your assistance.
� Very truly yours,
� .
Shawn M. Moynih n
Assistant City torney
cc: Chief Daryl A. Plath
Barbara C. Thompson