88-225 I I � ' . � �--..�.- �` '1 . . � �� �� �-,. y� � . ; �NHITE - C��TV CLE K �, � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S'AINT PAUL Council /} (�� ^ CANARV - DEPARTM NT File NO• `J v _ ��"'� BLUE - MAVOR •' O� ZIZG�IZCP. Ordinance N O. Presented By � �' Referred To Committee: Date °Z— '-' Out of C mmittee By Date An Ordinance amendin the Civil Service Rules by establishing the cla sification of Legislative Secretary in the unc assified service. TH COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PA L DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 34 of the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby is amended by adding a new subsection 34U to read as fo lows: "34U. The osition of Le isla ive Secretar is placed in the unclassified service of the C't of Saint Paul." Sec ion 2. This ordinance shall take effe t and be in force thirty (30) days from an after its passage, approval, an publication. , COUNC[LM ,N � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 4 � �� Drew f� � l` — Nicosia `� �� [n Favor � Rettman °tE� Scheibel �� ', � �-' Sonnen , '� `-�---- Against BY Tedes�o r� ,°. wi�son ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci : Date Certified Passed b Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By r . s ' p� 1st �-�,/�'�� I 2nd �'��� 3rd Adopted Yeas Nays � DIMOND �C d'�'o�o�� I i GOSWITZ , LONG I I 12E2'mMAN I SONNEN I WILSON MR. P1�ESIDENT� SCHEIBEL I *'' s7M.ki1'�'�C" �CxTV:::�� - - � .: '. :�'.. ' ` :: .,' Y .,. :::_�' .� _., '° , s :-� �� � iwlftS"" =F�IANCE /� s. �^CAf$�iAY �ISEPARTME T��� �.`� �� TY 1V F ��� ��� 'COU�C."I�.. ���' �,,, . � f'y* xi1 �, et.u�E. M�,row _� Fite NO t'1����+�t� :: >. , -. - . �'� � � - . _ 4r� � ��ce � � prdinance N 0. � � . ' . ..� . �. � .. ' . . � " '. . ' �4�',rt ��'� • ��L� . '" Pces��ed By _ � �Referred o� = f �F : .. y Gommitfeei Dafe �. '��'.r � ,;� �. , �.: . � Out of Co mittee By . Date . ��. :`�; ia Oa� aw�Ei� td�s Ciwi� l�st�is �r�s �r �sMl�r� �ir � � L�s3�ti�s � � . tscr� �a �tr� !�i s�l�a. '� if� !� 6t'!Y' �T fr�!'t ! �6�i �: .. . l. � � . ;" °� � �st l+�e� 34 +� t��C3� �t�s sf t�ra Ctt� �t !tlst !�� t :. . -, , ,,' � �� +aw�.i�► is ar�i�i �aiitsi a � aarls�atl+rr� � � s�t �ss ,` �' y, .� � . : � � � � � � _ . , � ":. �� �� 'lf�a �# if �a�M tia:t�► . . � . �3: . rt +ri�a , . + � ;'. ., �-.., . . , ; . •::_� _ ..�, . , , . � - 'j. . '� :� � � �;� ,: 'lYi� , .! a�t �s �a for� tits�t�r t�3 � i�. �. � aM att�s !ts : , , �12tsatf+�a. . �y . . .�� _ � - ,t . - ' � - � � . � .. � 3 . ^ �. .. � ' � . � �-�A . . . � , . . . _ � . . �� . . _ . . � �.S :� � . . . . .�:T �r . - . . . '� .... � . � - . 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' 3 Departmen Dirsctor, Personnel Office 2 Maqor (or Assistant) _ Finance a Management Services Director , 4 City Clerk _ Budget Di ctor � � City Atto eq _ 0 (Clip 1 locatioas for signature.) ii V ? (Purpose/Rationale) � Th s O.rd i�han'c.e:, adds the pos i t i an:. f Leg i s l af i ve Sec reta ry to the unclassifi d service of the City of Saint auT. There are currently approximately 93 such po itions, before count'rng additio of legislat`ive analysts. Ru e 34 of the Civil Service Rules deals with listing of urtclassified positimrtas COS AND ER 0 G 1 is possible that seven secretar es to Counci .lpe,rsons�•could be ` counted u er bhis change. If a monetary hange accompanies the Civi1 Service �hange, that amou t would impact the General Funds �budget for .the year the change occurs, -and �ontinuau ly thereafter. C C C D T . (I�ayor's si ture not required if under $10, 00.) Total Am of Trans$ction: not known Activity Number: , Funding So ce• Z r I o / �� ' `�l— -` -_ O+�'' . ATTACHMENTS: (List and r�umber ail attachmen s.) wf �L,,V�� 1 � _. ��� �L� Qr.da.�a�r�e ., i n one page AD?�,j�+iIST � PROCEDURES �Yes No Rules, Regulations, Proced res„ or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they or timeta le attached? DEPARTMENT V W ,, CITY ATTORNEY xEVIEi1 _Yes o Council resolution required? Resolutian requfred? Yes ,,,_No Yes o Insurance required? Insurance su�ficisnt? _Yes _No ' Yes o Insurance attached? �. � � _ r ,�v KOW TO tTSE T�B GSE�,,;,� -__` •. • �1� ` ... �. .,. .V �-+�/M .. , . . . . � . al The GREEN SHEST h�s three PiJRPOSES: . 1. to aasist in routing documents aYnd � ,�euriag r�aq�rired signatures; 2. to brisf`the reviavers of. documents on,:�e, ilapacts�of approval; � 3. to help ensure that necessary supporti� srt�srial-s�`'�are prepared and, if xaquired� � attached. . . Providing complete information under the li�ted=haadings enables revi.ewers to make decisions on the doaumeats a�d eliminates follar}�uEp contacts that may delay execution. - Belo� is the preferred .R00TING for the five mos� €r�quent types of docwrteats: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency . 4. Mayar . 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attomey 6. Finance Accounting 'Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than $1fl,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department directar signs. A contraG� must alvaqs be signed by,the outside agency before routing through City of£ices. . MIN�STRATIVE -0RDER (Budget .Revision) . A,DMINISTRATIVE ORDER (all others) , 1.. Activit,y Manager _ 1. Initiating Department � 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department 1Sirector 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Managamen�. 8ervices COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Ameadment/Grant Acce}�a�ce) COUbTGIL RE30LIITI0N (all others) 1. Dapartmant Director . 1. Department Director 2. Budget Director 2. City At�oraey 3. City Attornep 3. Mayor/Assist�nt 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. � and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk \ 7. City Council � 8. Chief Accounta�t, Finance and Management Services ° The COST,(BENE�IT. BQDGETARY. AND_ PERSONN�L Il�P��TS heading provides space to explaia the cost/benefit aspects of the deaision. Costs :atid benefits relate botb to City budget {General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeo�ners, or other groups affected by the action) . The person�tel img�tct is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positia�s. The ADMINISTR�TIVE PROCEDURBS section must be completed to indicate �rhather additional administrative procedures, including rules, regulat�ons, or resource proposals are necessarq for implementation of an ordinance or resolution. If yes, :the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be at�tached. . SUPPORTING MATERIAI..S. In the` ATTACHMENTS section, identifq all attachments,. If the Green Sheet is �ell done, ao letter of transmitta� t�eed b� `included (unless: atigning such a letter is one of the requested actions). ote: If an agreem�nt requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include contrac.tual relationships with other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnifieatian; agreements with state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. �------.- � � . l'�. ���� . � � . � CITY OF S INT PAUL ii ii�iii'i ' OF'FICE OF TH CITY COIINCIL � Commi�t e Repart : � �uaance �i a em �.t 8� Person eI ommittee. . April il, 1988. Est. , Presenting Time Councilmember/Staff PERSONNEL - 1 :30 1. Report on proposed.personnel ch nges in the Vice Chief McCutcheoc► Unit. 1 :45 2. Resolut'ron amendinc� the Satary i�n and Rates of Chief McCutcheon Compensation Resolution by esta lisning premium pay far Police Officer in Section IIt , Speciai A11ow- - ances by addi�g a new Subsecti L for polfce� �lpproved as anended, officers assigned to the Narcotics Unit. . ���__ (.. .shall remain i.n (Refe�red from Council March 2 , laid over in �� effect through Dec. committee April 4) 21, 1a88) Z:00 3. Resolution establishing the ra e or pay 6or Lead Rafaei Viscasillas � Video Specialist in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution for Gr de 13, Section I03, Professional Employees Non-Sup rvisory Standard Ranges. (Referred frorn Council March 17, laid over i� cortunittee March 28) `�.�Apnroved -______._. 2: i 5 4. A�a-t�d i �I�+i�ga�� G�t v t S�rV f�e Ru l es b Tom D i mond/ .� ,., --�eataCiS"i s ng t�ie c T�ss t��t of l��:i s 1 at i ve '� Pau i McC i oskey Secr.at� i n t'�f�e unc 1�s.s 3 f i ed erv i ce,.„, .� (F�efei��'t�zi frotn "�bunc i 1 Februar 18, 1 a i d over i n caM�3��te Ma�;�• '-<.t�tr,��-'��nTit - --- --____..__ _ - ---_ _...__�____----.__..m____ �r��L�.tm _; 5. An Administrative Resolution a ending the Salary l'om �imond/ . Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding Pauf McCioskey the rate of pay for the classit�ication or Legisiative Secretary. (Rzferred from Cou cii February 18. laid to city Clerk withaut ovEr in c�xnmittee March t4r � recom�nz�zdation ' r�.�nt i nueo? CTTY HALL SEVENZ'H FLOO� ' ti O�F'A SSI02 SAII`T PAUL. ,IINNES "��''�s i --�- -- I '