88-210 WHITE -�C�TV CLE K I� PTNK - FINANCE COIIIICII BLUERV - MAVpRTM "T GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. � _��� � Council esolution Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date WHEREAS, at its January 7 , 1988 meeting, the Operationa Com ittee of the Metropolitan �ircraft Sound Abatement Council (MA AC) voted to recommend to �he full MASAC and Metropolitan Afr orts Commiesion (MAC) that MAC suspend ite Preferentfal Runway Sys em for a 180—day trial period beginning in April , 1988, to maximize use of the diagonal r nway, Runway 4-22; and WHEREAS, the MAC is also ropoefng a ma,jor extension of Runway 4-2 which would make permanen thfs redfstribution of air traffic ove Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, the MAC and MASA proposals could result fn up to an 00� increase in air traffi over Saint Paul , and specifically the Hig land Park area, the Miseis ippi River corridor, and Fort Snelling His oric Area; and WHEREAS the MAC and MASA� ro osals to abandon the Preferentfal ► P P Run ay System and extend Runwa 4-22 have failed to consider the po— ten ially eignificant enviromm �tal impacts on Saint Paul , the Hig land Park area, the Miseis ippf River corridor , the Fort Snelling His orical Site, and, specific lly: 1 . The MAC and MASAC proposal fail to consider the sir traffic� air raft noise, and air pollut on, caused by general and corporate avi tion which has already bee directed to Saint Paul's Holman Field as art af MAC'S regianal syst m of airports. 2. The MAC and MASAC propoeal fail to consider the low level or bac ground noise levels which he Highland Park area already receives fro the airport as a result o its close proximfty to those areae whe e aircraft are firing thei ,jet engines to warm up or get in or out of hangarB. COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� in Favor Goswitz Rettman B s�he�be� Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appro+e i by City torney Adopted by Cou cil: Date ---� � I Certified Yasse by Council Secretary By /, sy Approved by IVIa or: Date _ Approved�Mayor for Submission to Council � B By _ .�—� Y � ����� _ �. � �. ��-_�-�-� . . —L— .� . 'lhe MAC and MASAC proposals iail to consider the environmental im- pact of the increased air traffic noise over Hi�hland when weighed ir► con.,j nction wi.th air trarric an resulting noise that the Highland area already receives from the nited States military aircraft de- parting and arriving at the 12es�rve Base located just across the Mis�issippi River from the Highland area. 4 . T e MAG and MASAC proposals r�ail to consider the relatively high r elevation of Highland Par�k as compared with the other com- muni ies sur•rounding the airpartj . Highland's greater elevation mean that aircraft travel overlthe area at a much closer distance to h mes and businesses than in the other communities. This results in h'gher detectable decible le e1s and a greater amount of par- ticu ates from the aircraft exh�ust settling on the homes and yards of t e Highland area. 5. T e MAC and MASAC proposals t�ail to consider how the increase in a r pollution resulting from the proposal would affect the Highland area when considered in conjunci�ion with the air �ollution already bein produced by the Ford Plant� in the Highland area. Many of the airc aft over Highland fly at alvery low altitude upon takeoff or land ng over many homes that al�eady experience particulate pollution from the Ford Plant Paint Shop n Highland. The increased air traffic woul increase the already high levels af particulate pollution in the area b. he MAC and MASAC proposals�fail to consider the efiects that the arge increase in air traff c would have on the structures and grou ds oz the Fort Snelling Hi toric Site which lies near or dire tly beneath the flight pat carrying the SU()� increase in air raiiic . i. he MAC and MASAC proposalslzail to consider the environmental impa t on one of Minnesota' s gr�atest natural resources , the Miss ssippi Ftiver , alon,� with i s many species oi plants , wildliTe and ish which can be found in �.he area directly beneath the flight path which would experience suc� an increase in air traffic. An incr ase in air traffic over th Mississippi River at this time would seem to be in direct conxlict w�th the erforts currently underway in Cong ess, initiated by Minnesot 's Congressman �3ruce Vento, to desig- nate the Mississippi 12iver fn t�e 'Twin Cities area as National Park. I � ��j:/T . . (%��-,��,' -�- 8. T' ie MAC and MASAC prop�sals �ail to consider the environmental impac on the Federal Veteran's dministration Hospital lncated direc ly beneath or near the fli ht path on which the increased air t affic would occur ; and HEREAS, Minn. Stat. , Sec. 16D.04, requires that an environ— menta statement or environmenta assessment worksheet be completed by th State Agency proposing ac ion whfch could have significant envir nmental impacts ; and HEREAS, Minn. Stat. , Secti n 116D.04 and Minnesota Rules, Part 4410. 100, allow for the public o petition the Minnesota Environmental Quali y Board to require the pro oser of action that could have a sig— nific nt environmental impact to conduct an environmental aesessment works eet before implementing a y such proposal ; and HEREAS , members of the Hig land Area Noise Coalition <HANC) are c llecting th� necessary sig atures pursuant to Minn. 6tat . , 5ec. 16D.U4 and Minnesota Ru1es , Part 4410. 1100 to require the Minne ota Envfronmental Quality oard to request MAC to conduct an Envir nmental Assessment Workshe t before implementing this proposed air t affic redistribution �lan nd extension of Runway 4-22 ; and HEREAS, the MAC and MASAC roposals could have a significant econo ic and social impact on th City of Saint Paul and the metro— polit n area by causing a maior eduction in property valuss in Saint Paul ; and HEkEAS, Minn. Stat. Sectio 473. 173, and Minnesota Rules , Chapt r 5700, authorize the City of Saint Paul to request �he Metro— pniit n Council to cortduct a "Me ropolitan Significance" review of gover ment actions that cauld ha e significant economic or social impac s on the metropolxtan area; and HE1tEA5 , overall noise redu tion, rather than noise redis— tribu i�n, is the only r�al solutian to noise pollution problems ; OW, THEREF�RE L�E IT R�:5ULV 'U, "That the 5aint Paul City Council hereb requests the Minnesota En ironmental Quality L�oard to require the M tropolitan Airports Commis ion to conduct a detailed environ— menta impact statement , or in t e first instance , an environmental asses ment worksh�et , before implementing, even on a trial basis � the propo ed abandonment of the PreT rential Runway System and redistri— butio of air traffic over the City of Saint Paul and, specifically, over he Highland Park area and ississippi River corridar near the F'ort nelling Hist�rical Site ; a d WIiIFE- = CITY CLE K C�uACIl �.y PINK - FINANCE CITY OF �AINT PAUL j� / G'� C,4NARV -�DEPARTM NT (/ ) BI.UE - MAVOR File �O. (, !�" Council ' esolution Presented By Referred To l- Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date � _y� I E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha� the City of Saint Paul officially endor es the petition efforts bylthe Highland Airport Noise Coalition and i dividual Highland Park residents requesting the Minnesota En- vfron ental Quality Board to req ire the Metropolitan Airports Commi sion to complete an Enviror�mental Assessment Worksheet before imple enting either the proposed lair traffic redistribution plan or the e tension of Runway 4-22; and B IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That pursuant to Minnesota Rules, Chapter 5700, he City of Saint Paul here�y requests the Metropolitan Council to con uct a "Metropolitan Signif�cance" review of the MAC and MASAC propos le before they are impleme ted to determine the economic and social impacts that the proposalslmay have on Saint Paul and the metrop litan area by causing ma,jo� reductions in property values and potent ally significant shifts inlSaint Paul's population base; and B IT FINALLY RESOLVED, Thatllthe City of Saint Paul hereby reques s the Minnesota Legislatur¢ to adopt legislation implementing a mand tory n i ght t i me f 1 i ght batt �€�,�e-�-��-68-p-.�e►:-�--�'-i+Fe#�r- at.i-cros-rtata�rifsisf7rg- �vfa�=_�_==--et--��rr-- M#mr �r--9�af�-P�rrrr-� a��r#rpvrt. on regularly scheduled fli hts ith arrivals after 11:00 .m. d de rtures before 6:00 a.m. and "Noise Bu get" regulations establishing m ximum noise levels at the Minneapolis- Saint Pa 1 International Airport. COUNCIL MEMB RS � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I Dimond �' �ng � In Favor Goswitz Rettmao-� Sc6eibel �__ Against By Sonnen i�ilseur Adopted by CounciL• Date FEB 1 1 1988 I Form Approv d y City ttorney Certified Ya s o cil S ar BY �� �'�" �t.+ II �"ut�,`�y` Approved by 14avor: Date _ II Appro e y Mayor for ubmission to Council gy By Approved without t signature of the Mayor pursuant tp Section .08 of the City Charter. p t� I �E UB �0 Q 2 0198�3 �'` DEPARTMENT CouhciF Research Cen#er 1'1���� t�8�:�5� �. , _ .. Counc'lm mber Bob Long, � CONTACT JAN 2 71988 ��� �� 298-4473 • PHONE Jan. 26, 1988 DATE e..��?� e e ASSIGN NUMBER � ROUTING ORDER Cli A]1 Locat ons for Si nature : � Department irector Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Dire tor � � � )z�Jsr� , . City Attorn y WHAT WILL BE AC IEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE A TACHED MRTERIALS? (Pu�^pose/ � Rational e) • City of Saint aul supports efforts by individ al community group(s) of Saint Paul ,, to address noi e generated from the Minneapoli -Saint Paul International Airpozt and asks for a Environmental Impact Statement Environment Assessment Worksheet prior to implementin abandonment of Preferential Ru way System; City requests "Metropolitan Significance" eview of MAC/MASAC proposals be ore implementation; requests Legislature adopt mandator nighttime flight ban after 11: 0 p.m. and "Noise Budget" regulations. COST BENEFIT B DGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS AN ICIPATED: - No City funds ppropriated by this action. FINANCING SOURC AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUP�ER CHAR ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's si,gna- ture not re- � Total Amour�t f 'Transaction: quired if under Fund.i Rg Sour • -Z� I ��q,� �10,000) . Activity Num r: • C�c�, ATTACHMENTS Lis and Number Al1 Attachments : _ . Co o �.�.SL, �, � . L.tr� � c���„e " � DEPARTMENT REVIE -CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �o Yes No Co ncil Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? �v Yes No Yes X No In urance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes ►� o Yes�No In urance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR IN TRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �� _+' 4 �)�.�(�. � � .c ��y�.�..� �•.�,�1}F/.I�w1 ��..''�.~J 4�i R1{ML'•i��E � VACI�� SAT�� �' � t �R w w:N!'t.. �'Y � .�i w The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: � ' � � l. to assist in routinq documents and in securing required signatures � 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if - required, attached. Providing complete informa'tion under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. y The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETAbtY AND PERSONNEL II�ACTS headinq provides space to explain � the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broac�er financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . Tiie personnel impact is a aescription of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. � If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's siqnature is not required, if the department director signs. A contra�t must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. � Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of docwnents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) � � 1. Outside Aqency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiati.ng Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk ' 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) ' 1. D�partment Director 1. Initiatinq Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Manaqement/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngn►t. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, �&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACIiI�NTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transinittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreeiaent requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routinq. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2.. Collective bargaininq contracts. • 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent dmaain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or qrantinq by City of ind�nific�tion. : 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providinq funding. 8. Budqet amendments. . � • � {'� ��J�-6 � / r-����,,, I CITY OF S INT PAUL �° r an'osa'a� � �uE tt:�t OFFIC� OF TH CLTY COUNCIL �r�% �+' • ✓ BOB LONG MARY ANN HECHT Councilmember Legislative Aide �ebru rY 10 . 1988 T0: COUNCILMEMBERS FkOM: HvH LUNG �� RE: ATK1'UkT NOISE RESULUTION The A" rport Noise resolution irit oduced February 9, 198£3 was laid over until Eebruary 11 , in order to m ke a change that clarifies the man— dator nighttime ili�Yit ban and o allow a starr presentation ori the plans the Metropolitan Air�ports ommission is considering for redistri— butio or air trarric and the im lications ror the Highland Park area of Sa' nt Paul . The c ange to the original resol' tion occurs on page 4, the last claus . so that it reads as foll ws : "BE IZ' FINALLY kE50LVED, T at the City or Saint Paul hereby equests the Minnesota Legi''slature to adopt legislation irr�plementing a mandator,y ighttime rlight ban on re,�ularlv cheduled�fli�hts � � arrivals after 11 :00 pm and de�artures before 6:00 am nd 'Noise Budget' regulations stablishing maximum noise levels at the Minneapolis—Saint Paul International Airport. " The intent is to prevent the sc eduling of regular rligYit arrivals and depa tures between the hours of 11 :00 pm and 6:00 am. This language woul not prohibit regu"larly sc eduled flights which are delayed past 11 :0 pm from access to the air ort. ,, CI'TY HALL SEVENT'H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4473 �as �I