88-203 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO�1flC1I BI.UERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAI T PAUL File NO. _�� C uncil Re olution � �� �� �� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #68657) f r renewal of a Class A State Gambling License (Bingo, Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards, and Pulltabs) applied for by Knights of Columbus Council 397 at 408 Main Street be and the same 's hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBER Requested by Department of: Yeas N ys Dimond Lo,� In Favor Goswitz �� � A ainst BY Sc6eibel g Sonnen 11G1sen� Adopted by Council: Date FEB 1 1 1988 Form App v by City Attorne Certified Pas e o n il S ar BY By, � � Approv Mavor: ate � ' � �^ Approve b Mayor for Submission to Council ` � By PUBIISHED F E�, 2 � 1988 a,ra.,�►�+ �►,��„►,� �►,� �-�a�3 : ��,�, oa��, , GR��1�1 S�EET� ,�c,. 0 0 09 4 5 CCNTACT . . � �� DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � � ANVOR-QOR AS�TNR)' � . . ��'1L13"�]I!E �ZP�C NU�MB R FOR FwwcE a wNUaa�r sEnv�o�c►oA �cm c�ec p'� . pOUTINO e�maEr aaccrori Fi�� & r�nt 2sa-5o�6 �R: ��,-� �- �-�'T i �,�.,, �rant appraval o r�ewal of a Class'A State ing Lioense for Kni.ghts o� ColiaNxis �ou�cil �39.7 at 08 Main Street. �r�c�xr �,s �ID sY z�rr�t � 1/27/s8 � �.�NG � wzT� � �/17./88. ?IONB:(MD►ars(N ReJ�Ct ll�) CouNqL RESEARq! . . �.PLANNMlO�ION CML S6iVICE CCMMI98�oW� - DATE xl onTE nNALVSr . . .. PNOWE�NO: � � � � . DONMO.00MY�ION .. IBD Yffi BGqOI BWIRD . .. . . � . � . � � � � . A sr�v a�R� ca�w���s�s �woti ww.�oo�* aEru ro�cr�r oa�niear _Aon�aot�o. ��oe�ac roow• as��cr oa� *exw�ara�,: s�wPOars w�ca+couNCr.oe�cnvEv N/A . � Mn�►Trw�oetsK�s, 1w�,w�w.w►,�,.vim.re.vwy�y: _ Knights of.0�1 Ccxancil #39Z m�de ap�lica for �l o� t3�ei�r State �f M�.r�»�ot�:a� Clas.s A Caaombiing ?�i.oenge b� Jani�ary 14, 1988. : ,�+nc��tca�ie.�� r+..�a: - . xna:ghts ot ool Qozu�cil #�97 wil.l be graritsd a state of r�,ix�es�ta cl.ass A G�ilu�g _ Lioense. _ i �lrNrt:fNC�en.enil T YYlqm)� . . ,. , 7.'�e City of ' Paul (tt�e l�ca.l gpv!erning. }x�dy will not be app�wirig said a�pl.icat�.oa within tlye 30 fran date of applicyati�. , ,u:�r+nnv�•; . _ nnos . ooNS. � � �sromiv�re: �'�.1.T10 � � �"�t�' War'�4� �E6AL IS�t1EB: . �d d -`��-`'� T�IVISION OF ICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ��,, �_ / a$ �� INTERDF.PARTM NTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud A licant �H me Address - �' �"t `'a �p h.��_�,�, � va� ���- � � Rusiness Nam ��_,�, H me Phone _�;j� _ ��y'c�._ Business Addr ss �C�X ��;��,� T pe of License(s) ���, n �('�yv;�, Business Pho � " _�-� lS ;��,� �- E�- �L�,�� _l�� f Public Hearin Date �� /� � �� L cense I.D. �i � `�� � ') at 9:00 a.m. n the Council Chambers, 3rd floor Cit Hall and Courthou e S ate Tax I.D. �l � +A llate Notice S nt• 'j� D aler 41 j(� � �( to Applicant �� � c� F deral Firearms 46 ��'(� Public Hearin DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A ro ed � Bldg I & D + � (� Health Divn ' ��� � , , - � Fire Dept. i ` a � \ ! � � f Police Dept I License Div . � � v `' ` �S i ��� City Attorn y � ! Date Received: Site Plan �`� T Council Research Lease or Lett r I Date from Landlord < < � ����3 'r�.`ff�ES a:, Charitab e Gambling Control Board _'�3'Y�`��D4y"'�'�;� Rm N-4 5 Griggs-Midway Bldg. .,�.. For Board Use Only �3� 1821 Un versity Ave. Paid Amt: ` St. Paul, MN 551043383 Check No. ••z....:'� -(612) 64 -0555 Date: `�f=a ;:."- GAMB�ING UCENSE REN AL APPLICATION . ._.,r.r'';..:.- �' - UCENSE NUMBER: A-O4145-Odl /EFF. DATE: /01/87 /AMOUNT OF FEE: f104.0(1 , �= 1.Applicant-Legal Na of Organization - 2 Street Address 4��`� KNISHTS UF COl.tl��35 IL 397 1 �1 Seventn St 3.Ciry,State,Zip 4 Counry 5. Business Phone St Paui. INN 55142 v 1� t2-1492 -.a;:�:. 6. Name of Chief Execut e Officer 7�.8u�iRess Phone /�/O/7'IF �5:;:.. N:n4 t . �. ..� „ � - � ( � , r �?.i _ �LSZ'1!)!�I'^ / Z - �0� � 8. Name of Treasurer or erson Who Accounts for Revenues 9. Business Phone •, r .7 � 7 - •)r.7r :ll' 10. Name of Gambling M nager ^ � 11. Bond Number 12. Busiaess_Phone rf Of7;G rr3nx Kialir�nsr 'lo4'so;� ,1 y c�- (� 7.1GL 13. Name of Establishme t Where Gambling Will Take Place 14.Counry 15. No.of Active Members ttiarth Star aldg AsSOC S: Paul ey IOC�Q 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: ��?rf' ':t3t' '�iCR =�.5:0 ��'a' � �0�%���'i 18. If Bingo wili be condu ted with this license, please specify days and times Bingo. Days Times Days Times Days Times ^, ,�,_a � ,.^, :'1 t1 1 ^ •:l s'1 ,, 19. Has license ever been ❑ Revoked Date: ❑ Suspen ed Date: ❑ Denied Date: 20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? Q es ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) 21. Has current lease bee filed with the board? p es ❑ No{If"No,"attach copy) 22. Has current sketch be n filed with the board? O es ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) GAMBLING SITE AUT ORIZATION By my signature below, I al law enforcement officers or agents of the Board ar hereby authorized to enter upon the site,at any time, gambling is being conducted,to obse e the gambling and to enforce the law for any unaut orized game or practice. BANK RECORDS AUT ORIZATION By my signature below,th Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank reco ds of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of curr nt gambling rules and law. OATH I hereby declare that: 1. 1 have read this applic ion and all information submitted to the Board; 2. All information submitt d is true, accurate and complete; 3. All other required infor ation has been fully disclosed; 4. I am the chief executiv officer of the organization; 5. I assume full responsib lity for the fair and Iawful operation of all activities to conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself ith the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting ga bling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules, includi amendments thereto. 23.Official Legal Name of Organization Signature(Chief Executive �cer) Date Title St. :�aui Co i;►ci1 �-., ,.�� . - �; . ;,, � :r��a � � ��� �r��ci =�nm h � b ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE B LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge rec ipt of a copy of this application. By acknowledging r eipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charit ble Gambling Control Board and if approved by the oard,will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted below), unless a resolutio of the local governing body is passed which specific Ily disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling ontrol Board within 30 days of the below noted date. s;-: 24.City/County Na e(L al Govemin ody) Tow ship: If site is located within a township,please complete items 24 " ' � and 5: ' ,Signature of Perso ec ing Appli 25. ignature of Person Receiving Application � � , 7.�, .}-.; •� �y.� . � , .y�, , , ;. °:y Title Dat eceived(thi]�date begins 30 sy ri� Title: • ` -`�:_-r ,`��� . 1^a��< ��.��)°/�T' + � � Name of Person Deliverin Applieation to Local Governing Body: Tow ship Name CG-00022-01 (5/87) White Co y-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body . . . , __...::. .. �,. • , City of Saint Paul � � � � Department of Finance and Mana ement Services �Q/,'�� License and Permit Div sion UU1— � . 203 City Hall �� ,����' St. Paui, Minnesota 55102-2 8•5056 C�� .. APPLICATION FOR LI ENSE �� EC CLASS N , New Fienew 7,v,� .. -,;�"�'.iy„'�rt,i+�� r �.... fr . � �.. Y,..�� �: J ...�. . �-.+r..- �a h �1t r/'. �a�@ �� �19 . - �� �, :.,� -..- _ ,. •<. ::. _ s� ,� � - .. �7 � 19��� �� _. _ ,�. � / .��� � J — No. Title of Li ense - F m �� r�/ I 19��0 ' •. :,� _ y �. -�O +:`< �._. �:> = �5.� ����1. -�--d ; _ � 4� aG��i , �� ! � . �— l P lic Company Name - l:'.`.� /� � - 100 � , . _��f, 'e� i := 100 uslnesa Name A�� • '�;� {m� '`:'.r ; -. ,� /� � . �, ioo /1 - � � ' �"�=_ - . .. Business Add ess (� P o�O� _ �-` 100 f � t : �a� � { 100 Mail to Address Phone No. r 100 � ManapedOwner•Name 1 100 �} 100 AtanageNGwner-Home Address Phone No. � rc �gg Application Fee 2, 50 �ived the Sum of 10/0�,/� ,��; cJ C.� �agedOw�er-City,State&Zfp Code � 100 Total 100 � � ' - . , �� /� � .. � _ � t - ( � � �- 5ignature o(Applicanl nse Inspector ^� ` ^- BY ._ ' _ .. / ; J l.. :�' � ld' Polic No. Expiration Date CompanyName Jf8�C8: Polic No. Ezpiration Date Company Name inesota State Identification o. Social ecurity No iicle Information: ia�e Number ' Serial Number ' �er: THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR A PLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO PERATE.Your application for license will either b granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the=oning ordlnance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning andlo License Inspectors. . . _ �• - _ y; $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETUR ED CHECKS � _: ,... ; _ . . ,:. - � , . . . . -, ._ .. . �s,,,: . , �,.._. ._,, •• :: � �..-fg. . --� ���4��`�"` - _ . � /�/$g � � 1 � • .• Citv or Sain[ aul �� ��� • Deparcment o[ Finance and M nagemenc Services � Division of License and Pe it Registration INFORMATION RE UI D WITH APPLICATION rOR PERMIT T CONDUCT CHA.R.ITABLE G.�MBLING Gr1ME IN SAINT PAUL - 1. Full and complete name of organization which s applying for license �� ,�r� G �, - �c�r� d� G��r� s ��9� 2. Address wher games will be held �j'� � //U p�T, �I� V�-L/�- ��� ���0� - � Number Screet City Zip 3. Name of manag r signing this application vho i11 conduct, operate and manage Gambling Game /'j�i�/l�'/� �• K/�Ll�'��-� Date of Birtn ��"' �"'� � (a) Length of time manager has been membe� oi applicaat organization p�:� liJ�,��2`� 4. Address of M ager ��� �7��L��/1 Qif/C' �• ST I'�l�L ��� ��143 Yumber Scree Cicy Zip 5. Day, dates, a d hours this applicat�on is ior ���/�S — o `�0��'m " ��`�� �V�, 6. Is the applic nt or organization organized un er t:�e Ia�as o= t:�e Scate oz �ST? � 7. Date of incor oration —,�� `—!�j� 8. Date when reg stered with the State o= M:nnes ta �. +,�JrIE 9. How long has rganization been in e:{istaace? � _, I0. Haw long has rganization been in esistence i St. Pau�' �� �/Cj�/QS lI. What is the p rpose of the organ:zation? /"�' r��i�L C�•������� /C G��Gl�j� � � T�f!-�T7 G C��� ���iQ� . I2. Officers of a piicant organizatioa Name G•i��¢,,E'� S �,ri� /11,�,2 Va.me 1�/�Ll/�/�? C9"/LGG—�T� � Address � j�,j C/���77� Address ���,� ���'�}} T1tle /�/L� �Il�/ DOB ! ' �' `!` � T'�rj�/7`�/V�L.�-�/Q. �09 c>^l47 —!GJ Name � �CJ�I'CLLc'� Vame ��%�l�CA1 �/ . ��C��6��= Address � �� /.7'(/G, �ddress ���'�j� �/�.��C� Tit1e�LCP .����7 DOB fJ —2s--� TitTe �il/I}i�QL�/� - �OB ��-5�—'(i � I3. Giv� names of officers, or any oc^e: pers�ns - no �a_-z Lor se^.�!ce� to _:^.e or3ar.i�at:on. Name ' � /9N C L� Vame _ Address � � fC�,�//�'�/P� '� �r �dd�PC� Ti t 1 e /��,� 'l�/�-L ��C'�'�734k'l _�_z (�,t;.ac�: sEpa� e s;z•_ ' - �;._-=-_.--- ..__._� . C:ty oE Sain; Paul • • Depart�enc oE Finance and Haoagemenc Ser•J1ces D:vfsion oc License and PETfl1C administration UNIFORN CHARITABLE CAMBLINC FINANCIAL REPORT Date /����� 1. Name of Organization�T� ��� ��i(/G�` F� �39� 2. Addresa vhere Char2table Cambling is eoaducted ��� /�,��qJ �7�f 3. Report Eor period covering //�Fi����19 a(0 through /(!�`//L{���� 19 Q � 4. Tocal number of days played �0 S. Groas receipca Eor above pariod � �D�y` 6. Crosa prize payoucs Eor above periaJ ; ���3� 7. Nec receipcs - 11ne 5 minus line 6 s //���/ 8. Expenses tncurred in conducting and ope�acing gaoe: A. Crosa vages paid. Atcach vorker 11st vith � namea, aJdress and groas vagzs. ; �a GD�r�s��70�Z B. Renc for � ueeks ; �aJ�O C. Llcense Eee S �OO /.4L�qA/,Ci6 T OL/G��.3�� D. Insurance $ �� /,���,,L E. Bond ; 9L� F. Dislionored checks noc recovered ; �!Q C. Empioyers F.I.C.A. � /l�Or' /���1/Ci�[:C H. Sales Tax �� � C�/y/� v7Yf/�� /�d7�� � ��� I. riinn. U.C. Tax S � /�jC��„�igGL= � J. Federal U.C. Tax S /I/0'1" /�/I�L/Cjb'�,�LC� K. Hiseellaneaus Expensea. Identify the amounc and �o vhom pald. . 1. /J�uV'Af. /fP��*1�t20�19�i:S s ��lo Z.�l�Pvi..rntc. pt�cju�s : i/�3� 3. ; 4, ; 9. Tocal c:cpenses TOTAL ; ��f� 10. Net Incooc - line 7 minus line 9 , ; 3 Z �J ?i. Checkbook Salance beginnfng of period �7y,3�lsQQ - S �o►� �",3 12. Total oE line 10 and LI s � 13. Toca2 coetribucions :rom line l7 s ���� 14. Checkbook balance end of reporting period - � �Q(� �, /D� line 12 less line 13 s Ff�� — `5'� — 15. Speeify uae made of amount on line 13: . - L �ffi��e/�'�,�"s Tr�L��`,G �' /�Li�'l�6�s � � C�/o,2 . . c:oMri.rrr r�ii: ticvr•.esF Sit;E • • ��'-�-�[(i� 14. Attached herec is a list of names and addresse oL all aembers of �he organization. 15. In whose custo y will organization� records be kept? � Name f� O�� �(Vl7 Q�j � � A dress lQ�a �� L � �/ , 16. ,Persons who wi 1 be conducting, assisting in co ducting, or operating the games: Name G �(/ � Date of Birth l�- 2�—�3 Address cs- '� G � �'�- , 1 /�, �S10 J� Name of Spouse Date of Birth �"-��7 "-l� Dates when suc person will conducc, assist, or operate ,� Name Date of Birth Address Naae of Spouse Date of Birth Dates wzen suca oerson *aill concnct, ass�st, or pe_ate 17. Have ��ou read a, a 30 ;�ou tharaugniy uncezstand t e orovisions of aIl laws, ordinances, and regulatior.s ;ove=-t'ng �Ze operat�on c= Chari ab_e Ga�b�in� �ames? u T 18. Attac::ed here�� oa che for*. �ur��shed 3�r t!��e C�t; o� St. P3L'I is a Financia? Report whicZ :�e:�izes ?'_ rece==cs, e::�enszs, a,d d=sbu semeacs o: c^e applicant organization ' as wei� as 2,= ?2I:_za�'_�ns �ec i7Z�T_ �•1?Q = :�(1S =or tze �rececfzg calendar year 'a �p��� W�'1fC1 �'1dS �2°:? S��.^.2'a, , -'�ared� 8I1Q V2��L�F.'Gi 7!T ��N'�(i/�/(/✓ �� •�C.i:���l�� . Vame �q��s �- � ���-, L�����'r� � /��; s�a�cs ���:�S; � who is che � �Q E �� � o� c:�e apolicant Organization. ' vame �: Oi=:.:e ' 19. Operator o� pre� ses where ,�ames ��:: �e �Se.a: Name �1' )`�,� ���i .��G B�rsiness �ddress �- / � � � 7', � L �N'� �h�' � �� Home Address 20. Amount of rent p id by a?o�:csnc Or3an��ac'_on ror re�t o� che ha11.; specify amount :�. , _ _. _. paid per 4-hour s �s:on ��� �d ;n. �`_..�:sz.^..e.^._5 .:om a:our.. '_z i:ae 12: • 'lame ��(� ��� Naae Address � / Address • Dace Rec'd Dace Rec'd Pvrposa 'Purpose Signacure Signacure of Recipienc of 8eeipient Amaunc Amoun[ Name Nme Address Address Oace Ree'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purposa Signacure Signacire of Rscipienc of Hecipienc • Amount Amoun[ Name Name Address Address Dace Rec'd Date flec'd Purpose Purpose Signacure Signacure of Recipienc of.Recipienc AmounC Amount Name Name Addresa Address • � Dace Aec'd Date Rec'd ' ?urpose Purpoee Slgnacure Signacure of Recipienc of �ecipient Amount � Amcunt 17. Tocal Disbursements � e���Q ` THIS REPORT HUST BE FILLED•IN COi�I.ETELY TO QUALIFT APPLICATION FOR CHARITABLE G.1tiBLZNC LICENSE. . NS o n S O �y-1 wy. �u �a S O �-�l .y e�*f � m o n Z �9-] 7 •n re c > Oo 7 .. �_1.� � O 2 •i 7 C N Vl �3 I n rn H t+f � I � O ,.�� m C .�-3 .+ a O� �y IC O 'C 6. � r n G R O Gn C/,�i� � y � ° o � S �e o � � a -�n = o > �Il � � r � s � z n m � � z �= a y m .. w � Z a � �. w � Z :� � A ~ � .• m t�ii n B � z � .• rn urni v � a�� `? � z � �e o n i+ �e o+ � �e O � > o, 11. A m � � q a c n n > S -�i �d m ��Qn � � I e n o .~- o C � � O c� � ._.n, � n O 3 is � 7 n .w 3 � m '+f O rw C. n v v v r1 (0 �v Qo a . -� y � �a v a � �s = a �� � �C `G n ui o x . m m �� o� •e �e �f � A re fG .n � •t �C m A � � L N •+� ul ... � O � ' � O O 5� 2 i . . `. � R O ,, '�. f� ' . � r1 1� ' '- .. _ �... � . � ... .. ._ . � � . p � n � _� '' '. a �.. '.":��..:..,. .. Z Q, - - r— ----`--r n . _ ' n � - m I e> > .Tr . . � • ' er n �e" .- 7r . �� � '. � �' � .. �,� c^ I ._ � . o o :� � :� _ __ ; m E £ . > ?.� � _ ^ . \ r '" '-' r� 9 O � � „ � a � � � � m a. a. a � I G � I �� ��� � night K � f olumbus 8AINT PAUL C UNCIL NO. 397 <� ,.; : 222 t492 , � ` ,s 1028 W.7th STREET/SA1 PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 � �` r f `;: � Charitable G mbling Disbursements Dec . 986 thru Nov. 1987 �'�, � ,� :�M� �: � _ . . . ,����.�� „ ,,.;,Jt- � , s ��A 12-12-86 21 8 Catholic Athletic Assoc Athletic Programa $ .. 200,00 -a` ' � ��': 12-12-86 21 9 Catholic Athletic Assoc Rosary Schedules . �., 15.00 '� x ;_. '<�' 12-11-86 21 1 Church of St .Stanislaus Church Donation � : 50.00 .��.�? ' 12-11-86 21 2 St . Francis De Sales Church Donation - :- 50.00 �.'_ �, '' 1- 8-87 21 0 Catholic Atheltic Assoc . Athletic Programs •' 200.00 � 1-16-8.7 21 1 Callighan Council #3659 K of C Metro Program 50.00 ' ' ' � � 2- 6-8� 21 8 Catholic Athletic Assoc Youth Programs ' 200.00 2-15-87 21 9 TEPEYAC Marian Movement Donation - Priests 50.00 .: ; ^�"� 2-27-87 21 4 KofC 1987 Convention Donation 100,00 � �'` 3-13-87 21 7 Catholic Athletic Assoc . Youth Programa . 200.00 3-13-87 21 8 Catholic Athletic Assoc. Rosary Schedules ��- . 15.00 .;�t �;; 4-10-87 22 5 K of C Bowling League Donation Trophies . � 75.00 ' �'� 4-10-87 22 6 Catholic Athletic Assoc. Youth Activities .`' 200.00 4-10-87 22 7 Catholic Athletic Assoc . Rosary Schedules ' 16.00 4-10-87 22 8 Church of St . Agnes Altar Boys Donation 250.00 `Y ` 5-12-87 22 4. Catholic Athletic Assoc. Athletic Programs ,. �' 200. 00 6- 5-87 22 4 Catholic Athletic Assoc. Youth Activities 200..00 6-17-8�'��.. 22 6 Catholic Athletic Assoc . Rosary Schedules 16.00 =�,_ ; 7-22-87 �,2 1 Catholic Athletic Assoc . Youth Programs 200.00 ' 8-11-87 22 5 Catholic Athletic Assoc. Rosary Schedules ` 21.00 . ,', ,' 8-25-87 22 3 Catholic Athletic Assoc . Athletic Programs 200.00 10-6-87 -22 O Columbus Memorial Assoc. Donation Program Book 25.00 '.s � • 10- 6-87 Ca holic Athletic Assoc. #2251 Athletic Fund � `:'200.00 • 10-13-87 22 2 Columbus Memoraial Assoc. Donation 135.00 ',. -: �,;: 11-2 -87 22 6 Catholic Athletic Assoc . Rosary Schedules 22.00 ° � : 11-2 �-87 22 7 Cat:holic Athletic Assoc. Youth Athletics � � ` 200.00 _: :� "' �� • ,,. � .. .::�... . � •• , �� ,R.�:..: TOTAL $ 3090.00 . �. . �Y �lv � ya . . � � . . �:K. o":P : A,1 . � � . .�_'L - + ;�7 � �T . . � . ' . ' . . � ����1. `rti4. . . � . . t..y4�;,�,� `�� ,i. . .� . . . �_, 'r-�', ...' . . . .. � '.. ' -:��_ .... e �..M �.._ : ';. ��r . �, r y: . . � � - � ,i' r ka�� , � . ' . . . . ,. . . '���f . . � . . . ,.' , � �_-��^': 4t . . . . .. . 4. ' {n . . . . �1 Y,y eµ+,ta�; ... � . . . } {� - � . . � � . . . � . � . . ,1.:: _ . � � - � _ . P,{� r�: � , - ,.. __ ' ,.;y`* � a. •'�':�; • %_,i...:. , ,�' :_- -..y � ������ 2I. The proceed o� c;^.e �acnes will be disbursed itez deducting prize layout costs and ' operating e penses for che tollowing purpose and uses: r" r9�.L C�fiS1K.'ir,�B�.E ,�/G�Qu� � �ri�L�T�G <5' . 2�. Has the pre ises wE►ere the games are to be h ld been certified for occupanc}• by the City oE Sai c Paul? 23. has your or ar.�zat:on �iled :edera'_ �or:n 9°0 T° /v C� Ii answer is yes, please atcach a copy wit;� t�,is zpplicac�on. I: answar is .o, explain why: ��d n'l �)'"�'�Fo -- � D% �lc.�v��� , Any changes desi ec b•r t�e a?plic�zc �ssociac=on a� be �ade onl;r With t:;e conser.t o� the City Cour.c�l. �j`, �i�f[ �iOtf�L'G/•C� �ti�6,�r-s aF ca,��rr�,��� �'03� Orgaz:zac:.on / /� � °J� A � � Date By _ -��,..�. ��� ��-n L� y'i'�7 • =-� � ---� Maaager i� cnarge ot�'ame � � R ,� ` � :n _ _ _ .-. — n cn rt r- t� ;T j i _ � � I O r. fD (D � f .. _1 b � -t - � i.7 I :A rD � r � .� �� � � � . � (D T _ = .r 1 G r� �' r'T "' � ^ O ? (0 I— ► � rn A :' 'f. i v :D rr r fD � rn ^ � � � , � I .�t �7 = ^ fT :J U7 G7 7 '"' _ "� — fD n E 9 7 � � � � I , � R rS I fD (A , %a �I � � r-0 :p ^ I� !*'' = �t. O _ - I = - : r rt - � r+ �c' :9 W �� �a 1 � O I � :� (9 77 '< ' �9 E ( `G v v..., 'C ':' I ( T I Fr �"S . �i � � 1 I N F+ f9 n ! � � -n �'l1 N n �o � _ � � I n I = ' fD C� U1 � �! I � � _" 7 �'! R )� I C� 1-� f� � .. � .t i� � '� � n � T � - I n ' `� � � I I � I � , I r* T A �9 C 'f9 � I ' I .= � � R � I . 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CITY OF SAINT PAUL �o" '�� DEPARTMENT F FINANCF AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �,` ����� ' DI ISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION •� �O ,��� Room 203,City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Geo�e Latimer Mayor January 1 , 1988 ' T0: Lt Bailey FROM: Kr s Schweinler-Van Horn RE: Re ord Check In connec ion with application for the ren wal of a Class A Gambling License at 408 Ma' Street, (Knights of Columbus C uncil) a police record check is requested on the following persons: Charles K= Nurnberg William Gillette Betty Schaus Ray Reibenstein 877 Tusca ora 1423 Alaska 1246 Cherokee 1925 Fox Rd.#A Birthdate: 7/9/47 Birthdate: 3/lb/ 6 Birthdate: 7/8/28 Birthdate: 9/28/11 Gregory S uelc�er Steven St. George Mariette Schmidt Frank Kimlinger 1488 St. air 1944 Palace 2191 Reaney 558 Sherman Birthdate: 8/25/20 Birthdate: 6/24/ 1 Birthdate: 9/27/35 Birthdate: 10/6/21 Marion L na Nick LaManna George Mueller 1557 Pala 1557 Palace Ave. 1753 Wellesley Birthdate: 6/13/16 Birthdate: 10/23 13 Birthdate: 2/23/22 A copy of he application is attached. KV/lk Attach J 1 ���C� l/! ; <<.T• o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �o� 'y� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �,+ �_�����° e DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �• w ' ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor _ Jan ary 27, 1988 Rni hts of Columbus Council 102 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Dea Knights of Columbus Council 397: You application for_ a State Charita le Gambling License has been rec ived in this office. A h aring on your application for C1 ss A Gambling ID ��(s) 68657 will be hel before the St. Paul City Counci on February 11, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. , Thi d Floor of the City and County C urt House. This date may be cha ged without the License & Permit Division's consent and/or kno ledge. Therefore, it is suggest d that you call the City Clerk's Off ce at 298-4231 to confirm this h aring date. You are hereby notified that your at endance is required at this mee ing. Failure to appear may resu t in denial of your application. Ver truly yours, Jos ph F. Carchedi Lic nse Inspector JFC Ik ►