88-200 WHITE - CITV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI T PAITL Council /7� /� CANARY - DEPAHTMENT (./yi_>� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. l��"� ��` Co ncil Re olution - Presented By �� �-� �� 9 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comm ttee By Date � � � I RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #19363) for the renewal of a State Class A Gambling License (2392) app ied for by Abrahamson, Biglow � Spector Post #354 at 408 Main Street be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond `4 Lo� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman d ��;�� Against BY Sonnen �iGlse� FEg � � �ggg Form Appro e by City A orney Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified Pas e uncil Se By B, �� / S � ��� E s �y�7�% Appcove b Mayor for Submission to Council A►pprov Yla or. Date By PURL�SHED ; ���� �:� � 1' �b ���'v � . DA7E NSTIA7lD. DATE - ' � � .. .. ',. : . � . . . � . �r►� A� , �,��ar� t)d�l.en ��`� �F��l l�lt3. �Q����F� COKrJYCT o�utr�r wnECron µ,von(a+��Tj (�]�1$'�l11e I�Z�C , NlNIBeR FoR �"""�s�oa�s�+v�a ar�on �cm a�c , "�P"°"E ' 3 Cl�t�Cal.� �esea�+�'�11 Fir��re &' N�1 . 298-5056 or�roe�-. �� _ .. ... . CITV A'TT01ryEV �- :- . . .. , . . , <. . . . ,,. Grant appro�a�l f r+�e�ial of a Class A.State ing T.io�nse fat Ab��Dx�, B,i.g],�a, & �tor P�st 354 at 408 Mai.n Street. �c�e �s BY � � 2/�,/sa � �.�.JC n� w� E� 2fu/ss. �w�1o��:tMv�• �lR►) ca,�cn.n�wa+ WANIYNfi COIIMIBSION � CNIL 9ERVN�C�AMI8310N [SATE IN � �DA OUT� � ANN.Y5T � . .. . :Pk10llrs N0. � . . � � , . �O�Mi6CO1�A19&ON- IlG.6�68�%i001.80ARD . . � � . . . . . � , � p� ar� a+Nnen oowsaow co►�aeErE�s re ,wus.wFO.�* r�rv ro canr�r _w�aoo,..rPn. ._.��moe�� D�srwc.T Odrncw +Exwwranda: _ eunvoma w►MCi�co�x�. _ , : � 1NtfM7�10I110�L�1,lisuE. (Nmo�VYhat,vVtbn.YV1Nri.Nl�: . Abr�haa�ori, Bi law, & Speetar Post �354 made li.cativai for r�. p� their Sta�e of Minnes�c►ta Clas A Gaanbling I�ioe�se cm 3'anuaxy 5, 1988. ,�usnncn��, �.wu.>: r , ' Ab�'at�oc�, 3Aw, & Specfior Pc�st #354 will granted a State of i�tinr�esa�ta Class A Ga�nbli,r� I�i. ao„�ea��.wn:� fa wn�u: �. : _ . �e City of ' � Paul (the local gdverning y) w.i.7:1 not be w�.thin the 30 da frcm date of ��� � ��� Ys application. �u.�mn�: rAOS cc�s r+�o�ntn�ats: �Otat'i.t'e strative e�rk. - : ��es: , ��_�l t�d DZVISION OF L CENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINISTRATION DATE � ��-��/ j � a � -� � INTERDF.pARTME TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut � �R� I�JCU�d�� Ho e Address a � C1 �{ ��n�e..�� A .,.7 /_ Rusiness Name �J�����t�S y H e Phone (�! �'/Cf - �`.i 3v Business Addr ss � C� � ' l�'u� T pe of License(s) � Business Pho e lP1 �J�-j - (p S 3� �(J �-p�. �.,d�-a� !7 ,�CJ d� Public Heari g Date � I� �b L cense I.D. �� j � ��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor Ci y Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �j(Pvwpr llate Notice ent; �� ealer 4� N�14` to Applicant �-���i� (p� ��o? t� � � ederal Fi.rearms 4� N ,�- Public Hear'ng DATE IIv'SPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTE ) COMMEENTS A roved Not A oved Bldg I & N I� � � Health D vn. ' , N! � ! , � Fire Dep . i � 1 ��� I Yolice ept. ' ��' 'I� Z�' � � License Divn. � � City A torney � I Date Received: Site Pla �V�� To Council Research Lease o Letter Date from La dlord l"a5'�� ' . , ��-�6-1i ' ' ��'�'E�i�;,, Charita e Gambling Control Board °%��.�°""" For Board Use Only , � :�3`''� -�'��`�;-� Rm N-4 5 Griggs-Midway Bldg. _`��,1821 U iversity Ave. Paid Amt: :� �..: � - - :-r = St. Pau MN 551043383 Check No. . ••+.....:�� (612) 2-0555 Date: � x '� ' GAMBLING LICENSE REN AL APPLICATION �.,y; . . . � UCENSE NUMBER: 1 /EFF. DATE: /Ol/87 • /AMOUNT OF FEE: ti00.174 �'%F 1.Applicant-Legal Na e of Organization -�� . Street Address � t,_ �`<::.:;,JE{JISH WAR VETE�A�iS 354 ST PAUL 2194 Pinehurst Rve - . 3.City, State,Zip 4.Counry 5. Business Phone fit Aaul, �Pi SSlSb �a�sey i� 59-�6534 rt . _�_. 6. Name of Chief Ex tive,Officer 7. Business Phone �� :, I�t;r�rti*at toutS�. poR� Na�✓ /�L y �'1EL�o y,�i •, ,f7: FR✓c-,rr�n.N Gta �99' Sy5"o 8. Name of Treasurer r Person Who Accounts for Revenues 9. Business Phone �1/1 f L 4�/N" :., �d V l'7"G N• !��° �v�r�o�v �c v , � r.o,a vc_ r�.f in� �" /2 - G Q`�-37 9T 10. Name of Gambling Manager 11. Bond Number 12. Business Phone vttarles �aioM..an 3���;�A;Bi,i+ (� �;, i f`-l. ":: � 13. Name of Establish ent Where Gambling Will Take Place 14.County 15. No.of Active Members ' .�. i(niahts crr i,r��iw�us 5k ►�aui Aaa�ey 22t1 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: ft111�Rt5 ��i i,`vit�at'JU 'v;f� 18. If Bingo will be co ducted with this license, please specify days and tim s of Bingo. Days Times Days Times Days Times �F, /Dtiy ���o ro ,5:�� ' �,, 19. Has license ever een: ❑ Revoked Date: � � S pended Date: u `� ❑ Denied Date: �� , 20. Have internal co trols been submitted previously? C'�Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) ; , . 21. Has current leas been filed with the board? ❑ Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy). � 22. Has current sket h been filed with the board? , �77CYes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) . GAMBLING SIT AUTHORIZATION By my signature bel w, local law enforcement officers or agents of the B rd are hereby authorized to enter upon the site, at any time, gambling is being conducted,to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for any nauthorized game or practice. � , BANK RECORD AUTHORIZATION By my signature be w,the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the ba k records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements f current gambling rules and law. ATH I hereby declare th t: 1. I have read this pplication and all information submitted to the Boar ; 2. All information bmitted is true, accurate and complete; 3. AII other requir information has been fully disclosed; 4. I am the chief e ecutive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full re ponsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all acti 'ties to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respe ting gambling and rules of the board and agree,if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules, including am9ndments thereto. 23. Official Legal ame of,O�aniza�n5.�,���, S' re(Chief E cu ue Officer) /�►�e Title _ A�r�►H,,.,.,;,.,✓ ��!>a.-�=� /d Fo s t'. a,�, .;r, y✓. V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT F N TICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowl dge receipt of a copy of this application. By acknowl dging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by t Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approve by the Board,will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted below),unless a solution of the local governing body is passed whic specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable G mbling Control Board within 30 days of the below not date. ;,. 24.Ci�s�/yCo-unty ame ocal Gyn.v�@min ody) Township: If site is located within a township,please complete items 24 l.�l�'. 1 Q,-�- .r Y- and 25: I _ � - Signature of pe� n Fieceiving Application: � 25.Signature of Person Receiving Application � ��� �, ,: ► ..�� � �a� _ , � tle -- Date Received(this date ins�o day ri Title: ;•�� - _� �': '��'s !`.-° - . ..�: : N- ; �-� ._r� :.,,.�'J �-�,1,c,,A��e�r-- �1�s g!� Name of Perso Delivering Application to Local Governing Body: Township Name ' �'�-�4 r- � �,'.+L'J �f 4 .4l CG-00022-01 ( 87) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body . . �a,� ��� ,' City of Sai t Paul ' Department of Finance an Management Services ' �1�L? License and Pe mit Division �; � r �/ 1 � 203 City Hall - �1`+'�`� St. Paul, Minnesota 5102•298-5056 � � APPLlCAT10N OR LICENSE �CASH CHECK C ^SSNO. . New R new _ ��0 0 - 0 �-�- . , .�, .,. Date � �o?� 19 g � ~� ,Code No. Title of License �� a(a p p �_d� 2 Ci From 19_To 19�' . � ���'I:� ��C1 .v-> >� n. y T��5 � � . ° > �0 �',��rin;,.��50��� �3ic.l���,u S ��P�_�r- ; � ,� ,, ,�, AppiieanUCompany Name �� �. � �"'D.�C �S 'I 4 , ' �? �1 � � `��i-�u_ 10 Buslness Name � ti `�� j' 0 10 S ( �'��.� `� � Business Address Phoee Na 10 1 Mail to Address Phone No. . ^ t�n�It ; . t � �,,� r i-%� '-��-'cl .Y`c, ,� � �3� � y. ManapBNOwner•Name . 10 � ' � � � �{ ; � 1 �.. Elu � �.L 1 0 AlanagerlGwner-Home Address Pho�e No. • 4098 Application ee 2 � -� Received the Sum of 1 0I, .� y�r _.�. + ��` ' ! �.o �L��'J v ManagedOwner-City,Slate d Zip Cade 100 Total 1 0 . ' � � �--� i 7 ��`�4''``° ��� "-'`"�" License Inspector �� By: �— Signature of Applicant Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expiretion Date . Insurance• • Company Name Poiicy No. Expiratfon Date Minnesota State Iden ification No. Social Security No. � � Vehicle Information: Serial Number late Number Other: THIS IS A RECEIP FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LI ENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license ill either be granted or rejected subiect to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and c pletion o(the inspections by the Health, Fire,Z ning and/or I.icense Inspectors. � - r ' �'�� $15.00 CHARGE FOR AL RETURNED CHECKS 1 x�� � _ . -� .- . ��. _ ._ , " � ��' Etics14�' Chvr�� �cva�dw.�r1 M ' � �7 I ���L� �� �l�� w t� � �� � �1 �L`.L�� ' �� "r �' �`� �`��� � ���/ / ^7 `� , << ,_.. � � � �1 —�!. � �;i�, _ � . , ' Clcy oE Saint Pa 1 �jr-��� ' ' Deaar��enc of Finance and yan gemenc 5e-�•ices ��V Division oE Llcense and Permi adminlstracion UNIFORH CHARITABLE CAHBLINC F lfANCIAL REPORT Date / ����/ 1. Name f Organizacion /�- /���M$ON Q/(r W,s�p��/'Otj' � T3,r5/, .�wv 2. Addre a vhere Charitable Cambling is co�ducted ��� ���`�N S�� ��, ��v`� 3. Repor for period covering ���� j 9g� Chrough p�'�' 3 � 19 �� 4. Total number oE days piayed � I��Z� � S`'������ S. Groas receipts for above period s ��� �r(p, ,�� 6. Groe prize payouts for above perioJ ; 9� �� ��" , y� 7. Nec eceipcs - line 5 minus line 6 s �' L�/�/� �.7 8. Expe ses incurred in conducting and operating ame: A. rosa vagea paid. Accach vorker list vit ames, address and groas vages. ; ������ Q d 8. enc for �j� veeks i _�3 s}'��': r.. � C. icense fee .6-�/17���ji�s� /C�tS $ •�jD O ,. O � D. nsurance ; _� � _? J, �, O E. Hond i fylc.�t.�dCc� iAo /i73�'��:sc� F. Dishonored checks noc recovered ; j 7�,� O C. F�¢ployers F.I.C.A. � `� 8�� (�� r H. Sales Tax � ,��j�,,0 � I. Minn. U.C. Tax ; ���� c�p J. Federal U.C. Tax s �z�. /�� K. Hiseellaneaus Espensea. Idencify che am unc and ta vhom paid. i. j'..�i/ i r:.�l ��'>��s� : :Z �i 2. ..°�/�/, e'v' ; n o.J� r.. 3. �%/c. e r��Z i d C� s D �..J ..�1� 4. ; 9. To al _s?enQes ?OTAL S �J�'�Di'�3 10. N C Incoae - line 7 minus line 9 . s •2 Tf1�f4 !1. C eckboak Salance beginning oE perlod ` � z 1�,_1� �. /�l 1Z. 'f cal of line 10 and 11 S ��� �`'""'�� � �' T-_Y 13. T tal cootribucions :rom line 17 S ��� �y� ��3 14. C eekbook balance end of reporting period � � ne 12 less line 13 f /�� , �!�. 15. S ecify uae made of amounc on line 13: ' (:OMPI.li1'fi T11h: It VC•.RSii Sif;E � , • City or Saint Paul ' , • . Deparcment oc Finance and Managemen[ Services Division of License and Pe:mit Registration INFOR�SATION REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION rOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHAR.ITABLE GaMBLING Ge�ME IN SAINT PAUL 1. Full and complete name of organization whfch �s applying for license f�'B�i'ANAM56/�, ,(31G[.ow �-SP�=cT�1� , PoST' 354, ,?�w�sff (,V/� 1�' V����Aas 2. Address where games will be held y �� /����✓ S� ' .� /�AVL �5/O� - �- - . Number Streec City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games C%��f� /1'L �S �/1�i� �-I�/�'�'4h/ Date of Birta �/�-�-�iyi9 (a) Length of time manager has been member ot applicant organizacion � � / ���'�S 4. Address o f Manager ,,Z 1 �� P��� ����5 r �✓�=� :ST�A v�- .S��� G' Number Screec Cic� Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this applicat�on is ror ����HY ., /,� 3� l�Nl TV S•�3� �'�'� 6. Is the applicant or organization organized under the laws o= t�e State or �i? y�'S 7. Date of incorporation I c/y � 8. Date when registered with the State oi Kir.nesota ��� 9 9. How long has organization been ia e:cistance? J��b� y�� R'� ., I0. How Iong has organization been in existenca in St. Pau�": 3� / �� (�S 11. What is the purpose of the or�an:zation? TD /-�IIJ t-.S v r'�'o���'• �/t T'�=r?i.�n�s /FN D Ri-5� ,4/D /�/v� ,�sn����'�r3�rc= Tv �c�.r,rn�,v ,��7y P�o��c AMS vn��+ nioi� 5tc'r,q.�iarv �,��.5/� � c�vGi-F ftS T1�4: �Si• l�ia✓t- .T.�Ci M OS� /��NdG.d N(GDoiv.��p h-ft�v5'L� C/AMl� COUr�/tG'L I2. Officers of applicant organizac�on "4 Name �d U!S T po R<S��� �'�/ 'iame C H A l�l�G-S W I-�L.� �'1�N Address I �r7' 4-� �/L L� �+4VE ,5�1�A'V(� Addrzss .� � �y �/NL-/-fl.'/1�ST �41/�-r Title �'.-C'`/L/Mfl-NO l=�Z DOB �� �� TiL1e �,�D V/GC G�/�l/N�Og g' / ! Name 1{r{E:.I..V i N"Jb1• [U��S"T'v�v Vaae tij o i�r� �v � L�.Zc�� Address 13by w• M k7J«'/N� 'LA�tC �l v� 3ddress �•Xr� i3yz�+ .57. W�S7' A oi /o , • Title /s'T V/CL GoiNN, DOB � — �3 �'�c�z 3r�o vicr GoHM.,�pg �^ 3�` 13.` �� Give names of officers, or any ot:^.er persaas �rno 'pa=d"�or ser��ces to :ze or3ar.i�ation. 5 Name '"�� tRN�.r�� /1�•. SfjEI��Gl A N _ ._ . Vame Address � �o S ��Gc.E �1�1�G G ��-3 aad_e�s Title �'li rD/=�''�� __�_e (�:ctac`: sepa_�ta s:.a�_ -. - a��-==.,..__ ..__.as. , , :'r.. D'' ,.:se^e:�_s ._o:� a=our.� _.. I=Ze 12: � fiQi�(� 00 `�a e Naae Ad ress Addztss Da e Rec'd Date Ree'd Pu pose _ Purpose SI nature Signacure ' of Recipienc -- of Recipieac �. Amaunt Amount Na e Name � r�gs Addreas D ce Rec'd Dace Rec'd P rpose Purpose 5 gnacure Signat�re o Recipient of Recipieec • AmounC Amo�tn[ N me Name A dress Addresa D ca Rec'3 Date Rec'd P rpose Purpose S gna�ure Signature o Recipient of Recipienc Amount Amou�t N me Name A d:esa Address • D te Ree'C Date Rec'd ' P rpose Purpose 5 gna�ure Signacure o Recipienc of cZec:pient Amounc Amcunc 17. cal Disbursemencs THIS POR2 M]ST HE FILLED•I:1 COi1PLE'fELY TO QUA IFY APPLICATION FOR CHARI2ABLE Gd24BLING LICEN E. , / � ..._-- -•. a ` S �o n S O �y-t � �a �e s o a r rn = \� (� � ^ .w �D C > w '9 .r `�� tA I O n 2 �-1 7 I O 2 �i 7 O tB i•, q 'n .1 l+f �e •t rw �-1 :°1 f0 A �� /�� -� n o •e o. A o .e e .i .+ \�. V� •t O tn ^ a n O �v*f 3 A O � �-i n • � m �s w �n ,� S z � m ae �n O > n� > n `G i+ � r•� � R � � f�" r�=+ � � O� � � m r W � 2 O M r� W � 2 �7 C � 1�+ i0 UJ RI n'I a �C fe V1 fn t*1 1� >^ ►► RI N �1 B 2 r► +1 N m ' 1\� O. A 2 7 �C O n Iw �'O m I 7 �C O �1 > a R . m m m . --I n m c 3 m -i n z n O A n � C r r n � � � 3 �-1 0 rA h .t C •1 O �+ O C ' f � O A � m `�, r. O . 3 ...... o � n ^^ � ........ cmv � z rw C n n lV1 � �> �7 ii 3 ra . 'O a � n T A A n � � w .�w � n � R m � � � . \ y w •n J O n O O 3 2 � `v � � � .m ...__..__...� -�-._. ..,._v._....... __ r ...._ � � ... . ...... . .... l'��" 2 �` '_'. ° _._._O _ . ........ _._.._ . �_ 9 i ° o � � v -�t � Q n � ►- � ^� '� � '� .O O �-' �t .� � � � O ^ . t t � � o� E r ,r f" , • �� 9 ? A A V1 rs a a A 00 � �1 � � � � � a a� a �,, G i i � 14. Attached hereco is a list of names and addresses oi all members of the �organizatio:,. 15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? :� Name /���1-U//1� l-���� V/ 7'GH Address �6 �v �✓f�?Sp N �lf� t I6. •Persons who will be conducting, assisting in conducting, or operating the �ames: Name �H�4l��r S W�4-`-DM aN Date of Birth y Z�� ���9 Address �i� 9 �f �✓/N�j��?Sr /� �� ,, �T P�Q ✓L• M /N/v, s.���c Name of Spouse �^�-� �L �VCC W� l�D/y Ani Da[e of Birth � ^� �� � �''�� Dates when such person will conduct, assist, or operate � iiame /ti1�l � � �• f-�=�3�"~T Dace of Birth ��/-�s /!�1� Ad d r e s s _ �,��.v L��^'"�- �.`� �•` ��iOJ� • i �� / ��..� . S S`�;�j� r Naae or Spouse Date of Birth Dates uzen suca oerson wi?? concLCt, ass:st, or ope=ate 17. Have ��ou raad ar.d 30 ;rou thorou�aiy understand the provisions of a�I laws, ordinances, and regulatior.s ;ove�j�g tze operat'_on ci C�aritab_e Ga�b�:ng games? y�s . ` 18. Attached here�� oa t�e forw �ur.:ished b.r tF.e Cit;� o� Sc. Paul is a Financial Report whicn ;�a�izes aI: recei�cs, e:c�ezses, a.d disburse�encs oi cae aoolicant organization ' as we:l as a;: o:�ar.:za�'_ons uho ia�re rece_�ed _uzds :or tZe �L'�C2C:.^.g caler.dar y2dr W�'lf C:1 :1dS �i72°_1 S�,�?_^.2'a� n'�Z7Pr?d� and V2���.�L'C 7!J r�7�vtq+�.•'�-d'L'�!��/'"""' 'y'vL:.�--/ `'ame � G�S" �2c• . ° vC�; �/3 �Ztx��� /� , �li� . s'i r c y ?.ec:ess ' who is the CZ�����-''� o� the anplicant Organization. ' Vame oL Oi:=ce ' 19. Operator or pre�ises Nnere ;�ames �i_: �e ze.c: Name (�' ����� � � �f- C�L lUl�l �3G"5 B�tsiness Address yb u ����Nsj� � 1 l�� Ci� , N/ / N N Home Address �'��5 ����N �� S� ��UL' /�'t (/`�/V 20. Amount of rent oaia by a?p:.�canc Or3ani:,ac:an zor re.^.t o� the hall; speciiy amount _. _ ._. ._ _ _ �/a 5-°" -- ' _ pafd per 4—hour se�s:�n , .� . � ���-�� 2?. The procee s o� tze �a�aes will be disbursed after deducting prize Iayout costs and operating xpenses for che tollowing purpos s and uses: ! b ,� !� Y 5v��'�-cR-7— �/LT�r?Hi� C�.�-���/Z�T�/�;✓ G6M�v�✓i7 y �i�66�it,ar�s ,�ivp 6 �F� /VoN'l'�h'0%�'r—' p�R. i Z.u?IONS p/�' � /�GN �'�T/1'l�lhl✓ J3,4SIs 5l3 Gh��S �?6/Y/�L D /X G.OQ/!�i4 L�4 �4i'� L F( L�j �/,f�i4!/G-, J.0 C•� r T�, 2Z. Has the pr mises where the games are to be eld been certified for occupanc}� by the City oE Sa'nt Paul? �. 5 23_ Ras your o gar.izat=on �iled iedera: �o rst 9° —T'. ��_ Ii answer is yes, please attacn a copy wit t;,:s applicac�on. I: answar is no , e:cplain why: =�� /1! ',:.�j/��%Q�� Sc�L _ .� �/ .�lG .5. Goc�a �L! ' !!/l7c.� /�^-� �i'��n �v c u - ar�r �!d `%"�(�� /��G- i r�7 �•,// � F/r� - Any changes des red b•r ��e a?�I:caat �ssoc±acion ma� be �ade onl:r with the consent o:: the City Cc+uncil. f;u��re�°.;=.:,..,,.. , L,r�..,.✓ $ $�cC i CR F`ST 354 Orgaa=zacion �7ate '�� �i f��� B . C. la,�.�l �iF:�=�w�%l� , Maaager �n ci�:arge or game . . �G� �t'�`�2-d'`-� :, a � � z� �j :n �- — -: .�, — ;� cn :� � _ � •< . ` _ - - � � � ! a r- rr rr (o rr j Il — � :o r. — G ('� rD •; ;n . �0 7 r. ro � i � �. .. r- to — n = '< � � r !7 + _ _ v � G r� rr r- ^ O T rD r-� _ C � i-n 3 �n'.� v p rT r ro :- rn A � •r. _ � — �: = I � = y � :. ^ � ^ :� ^ .^7 r+ I _ � . �, ;� — r rr � a w � i '` - '0 r'* E 3 � � � � � � � � i :J ^ �• � R •'S (D fJ1 r � �A A �� "' . � � n � s, C � � � F � � � � � � � ' �7 - I � � � � � J f0 :7 � �9 E � `G v v.� "7 -' O �+ r� I ^� ,^� O � :� I I N 1--� f9 1tfpVyy�Vy1/�d� � C -+� � (A � N A _ � I � = 'R � c� -� n � J � *] K rr �:� C� r ^t � � '7 � n � ^+ < "� � 3 i- �n '� � ( "„ � t� = i �o E r• _ ? — � � .. � f�j�� = _ d i9 < � . ` �o r 77 � A £ �t "t � C! � ���' - � I I � �°�.:.':.,f�'?� � .' c9 9 ..'w_::. ° ° � I � cr3„ :m — .. � '� � . ,i� �� � T, e�iY.,.,-, •:i�s . v�J�-�, ' �_4.;�,=,o;�� GTY OF SAINT PAUL o �� DEPARTMENT F fiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � �'��� e� . DI ISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �• � ... ' ���� Room 203,City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Geo�e Latimer rNaro. __ 1/2 /88 To: Virginia Baisley Fro : Chri sti ne Rozek (','�-- RE: Record Check In onnection with application for State Class A Gambling License by Abr hamson, Biglow, & Spector, Post 354, Jewish War Veterans, at 408 Mai Street, a police record check is requested on the following people: . Lou's J. Dorshow Plorton I. Lazor 196 Field Avenue 6256 134th St. West St. Paul Mpls. Bi hdate: 5/1920 Birthdate: 3/1935 i•lelvin M. Eddelston Mike Liebgot 13 4 W. Medicine Lake Dr 7220 York Ave.So. St. Paul Edina Bi thdate• 6/1923 � Birthdate: 12/25/19 Ch rles Waldman 21 4 Pinehurst St Paul Bi thdate: 8/22f19 ► A opy of the application is attach d. CR car ��-.�o-� � ' �'�.`�,.. a�,,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3o y,� DEPARTMENT OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �: "����u e� DIVI ION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '� Room 203, Ciry Hall I••' Saint Paul,Minnewta 55102 Geo�e Latimer , Mayor - Febr ary 1, 1988 Char es Waldman (Abrahamson, Biglow, and Spector 2194 Pinehurst St. aul, MN 55116 Dear Mr. Waldman: You application for a State Charita le Gambling License has been rec 'ved in this office. A h aring on your application for C1 ss A Gambling ID 46(s) 19363 will be hel before the St. Paul City Counci on Februarq 11, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. , Thi d Floor of the City and County C urt House. This date may be cha ged without the License & Permit Division's consent and/or kno Iedge. Therefore, it is suggest d that you call the City Clerk's Off ce at 298-4231 to confirm this h aring date. You are hereby notified that your at endance is required at this mee ing. Failure to appear may resu t ia denial of your application. Ver ruly yours, � �� ,:�+ ,-9 %'. �/i.' .•Li •/ ..�_ _ . . ��� � f i� ,� `.i�%�./��/�.������/ J ph Fy Carchedi Lic nse Inspector JFC lk i r