88-193 WHI7E — CITV CLERK COIlI1C1I PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I T PA LT L CAN,d1RV -'- OECARTMEN 7 BLUE — MAVOR File NO• � . Co ncil Re olution Presented By � �,��� � Referr T Comm ttee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date WHEREAS, i May of 1986, the Council of th City of Saint Paul unanimously passed an I.U.C.C. (In er Urban Catholic Coalition) sp nsored city-wide "First Source Employment Agreement; and WHEREAS, t is public policy was and is aim d at creating jobs for the poor and disadvantaged; nd WHEREAS, i was to link publicly funded de elopment projects with the City's employment agency; and WHEREAS, t e goal of the First Source Empl yment Agreement was and is to create jobs for people who ost need them; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, to officially 1 gislate the Office of Job Creation and Training (J.C. .) as the "appropriate City offi ial" to execute the First Source Employment Agr ement (F.S.A.) in all publicly f nded development projects exceeding one million dollar and with all businesses enterin these projects; and - FURTHER B IT RESOLVED, that 1. J.C.T mu�t be included in all discuss'ons between the Port Authority (P.A.) , Housi g and Redevelopment Authority (H.R.A.) , and Developers, as well as betwe n these developers and new busin sses until such time as the F.S.A. is fille out and signed. 2. It is the responsibility of J.C.T. that all F.S.A. 's be filled out and signed (and e forwarded to the City Council) at least one month prior to City Council or Po t Authority approval of Bonds to fund for all development projects excee ing one million dollars. 3. Al1 F S.A. 's shall be filled out and igned (and forwarded to the City Counci?) at le st one month prior to City Coun il or Port Authority approval of fundi g for businesses entering these projects; and COUNCIL MEMBERS equested by Department of: Yeas N s Dimond Lo� In Favor coswitz Rettman B s�ne�be� Against Y Sonnen Wilson orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Co cil Secretary By gy, Approved by Mavor: D te pproved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By �y WHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII (//�' CAf�ARV -� 3EPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I T PA U L /{ �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. " ' �� Co cil Re olution Presented By ` Referr To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date FURTHER BE T RESOLVED, that this Resolutio will take place immediately upon publication. -2- COUNCIL MEMBERS � equested by Department of: Yeas Na s Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman � Sc6eibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen .�ilsee� ccR 1 1 �pQ orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ���_1�uu CertiEied Va.s y u cil S ta By By A►pproved - lVlavor. � pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ppgUgHED F�Q 2 01988 .��, (,,c�-�q3 �. � •'� r ouncit Resear�h Center �o p 11718 : Cit Council DEp,��� FEB 0 2 � � Janice Rettma CONTACT NAl� 298-5289 PHONE DATE _ , S G (See reverse s de.) _ Department D rector 2 Mayor (or Assistant) � _ Finance aad nagement Ser�rices Director 1 City Clerk Budget Direc or _ 3 City Attorne O (Clip all locations for signature.) W C T TER 1 (Purpose/Rationale) � This Resolutioa ill officially legislate the Off ce of Job Creation and Training (J.C.T.) as the "APPROPR TE City official" to execute the First Source Employment Agreement (F.S.�i.) in all publicly unded ,development grojects excee ing one million dollars and with al� businesses enter ng these �pro3ects. 2,�� � �� COS G AND M C D: � �k✓� rn None. F N C S U D: N/A ' (Mayor's signatu e not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount o Transgction: Activity Number: Funding Source• _ ATTACHMENTS: (L t and number all attachments.) ' City Council Reso ution. • • ADMINISTRATIVE P C . _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures� or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable a tached? . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTdRNEY REVIEW X Yes No C uncil resolution required? Resolution required? ,�Yes ,No _Yes _No I surance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes No I surance attached?