88-191 WHITE - CITV CIERK COUI1C11 � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI T PAUL g��-�Q� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR - . Flle NO. � Cpu cil Re olution Presented B �''� Referred To ��W�-' �' d S Commi ttee: .:- Date a�"�� Out of Commi tee By Date WHEREA , The P�innesota Department of Transportation is about to let a contract or the removal and/or inst llation of temporary and/or permanent t affic control signals with interconnect at the following locations i the City of Saint Paul, i conjunction with the T.H. 35E development Kellogg B vd./John Ireland Blvd. T.'t. 94 Connection/Main St. Kellogg B vd./T.H. 35E West Ramp Ninth St./Smith Ave. Kellogg B vd./T.H. 35E East Rarnp 6th St./John Ireland Blvd. Kellogg B vd./Smith Ave. 6th St./Summit Ave. T.H. 5 (W 7th St. ) /Kellogg Blvd. 6th St./5mith Ave. T.H. 5 (W 7th St. ) /5th St. Sth St./Smith Ave. T.H. 5 (W. 7th St. ) /6th St. RESOLV D, That the proper City of icials be authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of S . Paul, Agreement Number 64401, between the City of St. Paul and the M'nnesota Department of Transportation; explaining he responsibilities for co t, maintenance, and operation for the removal and/or installation of tem orary and/or permanent traffic control sig als with interconnect at v rious locations in the City of St. Paul. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The City shall instal directional signs showing how to connec from I35E to I94 westbound. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That passage of this esolution shall not preclude consideratio of connection from I35E to west und I-94 if that connection is deterniin to be in the public interest du ing the Ayd Mill/Short Line study curren y in process� with full involv nt of the affected neighborhoods. COUNCILMEN (PTK 1/22/88) Yeas D].ItY�rid N ys Requested by Department of: Goswitz � Public Works-Traffic-Donald E. Sobania �ng [n Favor Rettznan (����k���CJ�J �' ScYbeibel � Against BY Sorinen � FEB 1 i 1988 Form Approved Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s �(� uncil Se ar BY By, �c. A►pprove Mavor: ate • ��+� Approved mission to Council By PUBIISNED ��_���s 2 � 1988 . ,. -l�i( ,�.�, - � . � � � - ���.� ��aa,�8s - Gi'��"��� �%�'�3�'3$`�� - ��� �,����� Paul T.. Kurtz �u�we��' �a��� ��«,� . � NO. RouTara �a�, .� "�City Gouncil Pu�11C WO�'k s . 2 92-?4 51 oAOe�t; cm�rro�we�r _ — ' : ; See Referenae.A : pprove agree3m nt between Mn/DOT and the ity of St. Paul, covering the co�t, '�" aintenance an operation of traffic cont ol sYgnals with interconx�ec�t at arious locati ns in St. Paul. 1f01Re(API�(A) Re)e�t(Fl)) COUIOCL RESEAIIqI . � �I�MMIS OOM118810N �CNR SEAVICE(�MAA18810M DATE IN DA OUT ANAI.YST � . � . �. PNONE.Np. . � . , aowra oo�aeeia+ �so sza sc�oa aawo 1 }27 I 8'� 1 8'J8� . i�—� aT� c►va,�oowwreaoi+ �p cauwx�as� _�oa,:�o.aoo�o* r�rv,ncawrn� ooNSrmie►�r _Fon�oo��o. _�ac�oae�* astwcr�u�cn. *e�uw�rroN: euwome w��a�+c�oe�crn� tC�'1 �i@1'1�@1' _ - Council R REe�iv�a JAN 91988 JAN 2 N T?8g � - N�A. MA�YOR'S OFFiCE �11A I�E, Mma vYhat.vVrna.vV1,.rec�MhYr. Mn/DOT has init ated the project in order o continue staging for the develQp�ent . o� T.H. 35E. T ` project al�o includes pr viding access inta and out of' the < Downtowti 'area ing T.H. 94. The project ill involve exten�ive traffic sign�I w4rk .in and ar <. d the Downtown area.. � �{E�tls�ina.. �+.nrts): . . _ . ... .: _ This agre�ment �11 secure Federal and Sta e monies to aid in the €uindi�g for the projeet. T project wili imp�ove acc ss into and out of the Downto� area which wiil incr �e traffic £}.ow efficienc whi3;e decreasing Downto�n ec���.it�n. ��r.wti.�..ea. :w�o�►r .. _ , _ , - - : There will be a� eed ' for some detot�rs and ad closings du�ing con�truction, wl�ieh will. undoubtedl eause traffic congestion d delays. Mn/DC�T ,�e�s 2�r.al�en �he project down in �tages in order �n minim' ae car�gestion and� delays. �.�t+��: vaoa cp�s To be determ' ed �r�en►s: Typieai agree nt between Mn/DOT and the ity of St. Paul. " �ou�: N/A: ' . . , � ? ������/ MINNESOTA TRANSPORTA ION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTR L SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO 64401 BETWEE THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPA MENT OE' TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF S . PAUL FOR Removal nd/or Installation of temporary and/or permanent Traffic Control Signals with Interconnect at various locations in the City of St. Paul , Ramsey County, Min esota. S.P. 6201 63 , 6280-247 and 6282-148 S .P. 164- 98-19 S .A.P. 16 -134-07 , 164-158-11 and 16 -198-20 F.P. I-IR 035E-4 ( 225 ) Prepared y Traffic Engineering ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBERED Cit of S . Paul $114 ,990 . 79 $57,035 .00 Q�� / , . ���=i�/ _ . . . � THIS AGREEMENT made and ntered into by and between the State o Minnesota, Department of ransportation, hereinafter referre to as the "State" , and the City of St. Paul, hereinafter referre to as the "City" , WITNESSE H: ' WHEREAS, the State has de ermined that there is justific tion and it is in the publ 'c's best interest to remove the exis ing traffic control signal and install new permanent traffic ontrol signals with street lights, signing and emergency vehicle re-emption on Kellogg Boul vard-Concordia Avenue at John Ireland oulevard, on Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street) at Kellogg oulevard, and on Trunk Hig way No. 5 (West 7th Street) at Sth S reet; remove the existing raffic control signal on 6th Street a Summit Avenue and install a new permanent traffic control ignal with street lights, igning and emergency vehicle pre-empt 'on on Trunk Highway No. 35 West Ramp at Rellogg Boulevar ; remove the existing traf ic control signals on Smith Avenue at Kellogg Boulevard and at Sth Street and install a new permanent traffic control signal wit street lights, signing and emergency vehicle pre-emption on Trunk Highway No. 35E East Ramp at Kellog Boulevard; install a new 64401 -1- i . . . . , . ���,`��/ permanen traffic control signal wi h street lights, signing and emergenc vehicle pre-emption on Tr nk Highway No. 94 Connection at Sth S reet-6th Street-Main Stree ; install and remove temporar traffic control signals w th street lights and emergenc vehicle pre-emption and i stall a new permanent traffic control ignal with street lights, igning and emergency vehicle pre-empt on on Trunk Highway No. 5 West 7th Street) at 6th Street; nstall and r�emove a tempor ry traffic control signal with eme gency vehicle pre-emption n Trunk Highway No. 94 Temporar Connection-9th Street at mith Avenue; install intercon ect on Concordia Avenue-Ke logg Boulevard from Marion Street t Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street) , on Trunk Highway No. 5 (W st 7th Street) from Kellog Boulevard to 6th Street, and on Trunk Highway No. 94 Connection- th Street from Trunk Highway No. 5 (W st 7th Street ) to Sth Stre t-6th Street-Main Street; and WHEREAS , the permanent tr ffic control signals referred to in th s agreement are part of a omputerized Traffic Control System 1 cated in the City; and WHEREAS , it is anticipate that the permanent traffic control ignal with street lights, igning and emergency vehicle pre-empt on work on Kellogg Bouleva d-Concordia Avenue at John Ireland oulevard is eligible for 9 percent Federal-aid Intersta e ( IR) Funds; and 64401 -2- � � � � . . . � � � � �-�°-i�'� WHEREAS, it is anticipa ed that the permanent traffic contro signals with street light and signing work on Trunk Highwa No. 35E East and West Ram s at Kellogg Boulevard, and on Trunk ighway No. 94 Connection at 5th Street-6th Street-Main Street, and the temporary traffic control signal with emergency vehicl pre-emption work on Trunk Highway No. 94 Temporary Connec ion-9th Street at Smith Ave ue are eligible for 90 percent Federal-aid Interstate ( I) Funds; nd WHEREAS, it is considere in the public ' s best interest for the City to provide six (6 ) ne traffic signal controllers and cab ' nets with emergency vehicl pre-emption control and interfa e equipment to operate the interconnected permanent traffic control signals on Concord ' a Avenue-Kellogg Boulevard at John Ir land Boulevard, on Trunk H 'ghway No. 35E East and West Ramps a Kellogg Boulevard, on Tru k Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street) at Rellogg Boulevard and a Sth Street, and on Trunk Highway No. 94 Connection at Sth S reet-6th Street-Main Street; and WHEREAS, it is considere in the public ' s best interest for the City to provide one ( 1 ) ne traffic signal controller and cabinet with emergency vehicle pre emption control and interface equipme t to first operate the tem orary traffic control signals and the to operate the interconne ted permanent traffic control 6440 -3- v� . . . . . � � �� ' . -.. . signal on Trunk Highway No. 5 (West th Street ) at 6th Street; and WHEREAS, the City and Stat will participate in the cost, mai tenance and operation of t e temporary traffic control signals with street lights and emerg ncy vehicle pre-emption and the permanent traffic control signal with street lights, signing, interconnect, and emergency vehicle pre-emption as hereinaf er set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The State shall prep re the necessary plan, specific tions and proposal and sha 1 perform the engineering and inspecti n required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. uch work as described imme iately above shall constitute "Enginee ing and Inspection" and sh 11 be so referred to hereinaf er. 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the work is not cont acted, the cost of all lab r, materials, and equipment rental r quired to complete the wor , except the cost of providin the power supply to the s rvice poles or pads, shall constitu e the actual "Construction Cost" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 3 . The City shall furni h to the State the seven (7 ) new traffic signal controllers and cabinets with emergency 64401 -4- . . . . . . . ��,-`--�_��� . . �.. .- . vehicle pre-emption control and in erface equipment which shall be inst lled under State Project N . ' s 6201-63, 6280-247 and 6282-14 , State Project No. 164-19 -19, State Aid Project No. ' s 1 4-134-07, 164-158-11 and 1 4-198-z0 and Federal-aid Project No. I-IR 035E-4 ( 225) . Suc materials as described immedia ely above shall be hereina ter referred to as "Department furnish d materials" . 4. The State with its o n forces and equipment or by contract shall perform the traffic ontrol signal work provided for unde State Project No. 's 6201- 3 , 6280-247 and 6282-148, State Pr ject No. 164-198-19, State Aid Project No. s 164-134-07, 164-158- 1 and 164-198-20 and Feder 1-aid Project No. I-IR 035E-4 ( 225 ) with the Const uction Cost shared as follows: a ) Kellogg Bouleva d-Concordia Avenue at John Ireland Bouleva d--Systems "A" and "K" . S .P. 6280-247. S.P. 164-198-19. E. P. I-IR 035E-4 ( 225) . Remove the existing traffic control ignal (System "K" ) and install a new pe manent traffic control signal with stre t lights and emergency vehicle pre-empt on (System "A" ) . Total estimated Constr ction Cost is $76 ,860 . 25 64401 -5- J'� . . . . . . .�-�-��� . . .... . . which includes $11,300.00 of Department furnished mate ials, funded as follows: 1 ) Basic per anent traffic control signal. Estimated Construction Cost is , $65, 560 . 2 which includes emergency vehicle p e-emption materials (cable, detectors, and lights) . Anticipated Federal-a 'd share is 90 percent. Anticipat d State ' s share is 5 percent. City' s share is 5 percent. 2 ) Department furnished materials. Controller and cabinet, which includes emergency ehicle pre-emption control and interf ce equipment. Estimated cost is $11 , 300 00. Anticipated Federal-aid share is 9 percent. Anticipated State ' s sh re is 5 percent. City' s share is 5 percent. b) Trunk Highway N . 35E West Ramp at Kellogg Boulevard--Syst m "B" . Sixth Street at Summit Avenue-- ystem "L" . S.P. 6280-247. F. P. I-IR 035E-4 ( 225) . Remove the existing traffic control signal (System "L" ) and 64401 -6- ��� . . � � � �.�l,� install a new permanent traffic control signal with s reet lights and emergency vehicle pre-e ption (System "B" ) . Total estimated Con tructi'on Cost is $43, 246. 25 which include $11,300 .00 of Department furnished mat rials, funded as follows: 1) - Bas c permanent traffic control sig al. Estimated Construction Cost is 31, 584. 25 which excludes eme gency vehicle pre-emption mat rials. Anticipated Federal-aid sha e is 90 percent. Anticipated Sta e' s share is 10 percent. - Eme gency vehicle pre-emption mat rials (cable, detectors, and lig ts ) . Estimated Construction Cos is $362 .00 . City' s share is 100 percent. 2 ) Departme t furnished materials. - Con roller and cabinet, which excludes emergency vehicle pre-emption control and interface equipment. Estimated cost is 64401 -7- , �� . � � � � �'���/ $10,00 .00. Anticipated Federa -aid share is 90 percent. Antici ated State's share is 10 percen . • - Emerge cy vehicle pre-emption contro and interface equipment. Estima ed cost is $1,300.00. City' s share is 100 percent. c) Trunk Highway No 35E East Ramp at Kellogg Boulevard--Syste "C" . Kellogg Boulevard at Smith Avenue--Sy tem "P" . Smith Avenue at 5th Street--Syst m "N" . S.P. 6280-247. F.P. I-IR 035E-4 225) . Remove the existing traffic control ignals (Systems "N" and "P" ) and install a ne permanent traffic control signal with stre t lights and emergency vehicle pre-empt 'on (System "C" ) . Total estimated Constr ction Cost is $53 ,839.00 which includes $11 ,300 .00 of Department furnished materi ls, funded as follows: 1 ) - Basic ermanent traffic control � I signal. Estimated Construction Cost is $42 ,024 . 25 which excludes 64401 -8- �� , . . . � . ��i�/ . - _.. . . emerg ncy vehicle pre-emption mater 'als. Anticipated Federal-aid share is 90 percent. Anticipated , State's share is 10 percent. - Emerg ncy vehicle pre-emption mater 'als (cable, detectors, and light ) . Estimated Construction Cost ' s $514. 75. City's share is 100 p rcent. 2) Department furnished materials. - Contr ller and cabinet, which exclu es emergency vehicle pre-e ption control and interface eguip ent. Estimated cost is $10 , 0 0.00. Anticipated Feder 1-aid share is 90 percent. Antic pated State ' s share is 10 perce t. - Emerg ncy vehicle pre-emption contr 1 and interface equipment. Estim ted cost is $1, 300 .00. City` share is 100 percent. 64401 -9- _ �� . . � � �r d�=�-1�� . . � . . � d) Trunk Highway o. 5 (West 7th Street ) at Kellogg Boulev rd--Systems "E" and "Q" . S.P. 6201-63 . S.A.P. 164-158-11. Remove the existing traff 'c control signal (System "Q) and install a ew permanent traffic control signal with st eet lights and emergency vehicle pre-em tion (System "E" ) . Total estimated Construction Cost is $76 , 525.00 which includes $11,300.00 of Department furnished materials, funded as follows: 1) Basic perm nent traffic control signal. Estimated onstruction Cost is $65, 225. 00 which includes emergency vehicle pr -emption materials (cable, detectors, and lights ) . State 's share is 50 perc nt. City' s share is 50 percent. 2 ) Department furnished materials. Controller and cabinet, which includes emergency ehicle pre-emption control and interf ce equipment. Estimated cost is $11 ,300.00. State ' s share is 50 percent. ity 's share is 50 percent. 64401 -10- "�" J � i . . . . . . l:� ���� e ) Trunk Highway N . S (West 7th Street) at Sth Street--Systems "F" and "R". S.P. 6201-63 . S .A.P. 164-134- 7 . Remove the existing traffic control signal (System "R" ) and install a new p rmanent traffic control signal with str et lights and emergency vehicle pre-emp ion (System "F" ) . Total estimated Const uction Cost is $70 , 520 .00 which includes 11 ,300 .00 of Department furnished mater ' als, funded as follows: 1 ) Basic perm nent traffic control signal . Estimated onstruction Cost is $59 , 220 .00 which inciudes emergency vehicle pre-emption materials (cable, detectors, and lights ) . State ' s share is 50 percent. City ' s share is 50 percent. P 64401 -11- . . • . ��7 V ° /� r / 2 ) Department urnished materials. Controller nd cabinet, which includes emergency v hicle pre-emption control and interfa e equipment . Estimated cost is $11 ,300 . 0 . State 's share is 50 percent. C ty's share is 50 percent. f ) Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street ) at 6th Street--System " " . S.P. 6201-63 . S .A.P. 164-198-20 . Install and remove temporary traffic control signals with street lights and emerge cy vehicle pre-emption (System "G" - Sta es 1 and 2 ) and install a new permanent tra fic control signal with street lights and emergency vehicle ' pre-emption (Syst m "G" ) . Total estimated Construction Cost is $72 ,972 .75 which includes $11 ,300 . 0 of Department furnished materials, funded as follows: 64401 ' -12- u�(,�,� d' ' - - - . . _ ��- ��G� 1 ) Temporary raffic control signals. Estimated onstruction Cost is $20,000.00 which excludes emergency vehicle pr -emption materials. State's share is 5 percent. City' s share is 50 percent. 2 ) Basic perm nent traffic control signal. Estimated onstruction Cost is $40,605.00 which excludes emergency vehicle pr -emption materials. State' s share is 50 percent. City' s share is 50 percent. 3 ) Emergency vehicle pre-emption materials (cable, detectors, and lights ) for both the temporary and permanent traffic control sig als. Estimated Construction cost is $1, 67. 75 . City' s share is 100 percent. 4 ) Department urnished materials used for both the te porary and permanent traffic control sig als. 64401 -13- V_ � . . . . . � : ��_. .� _�9, - Cont oller and cabinet, which excl des emergency vehicle pre- mption control and interface equi ment. � Estimated cost is $10, 00.00. State's share is 50 perc nt. City' s share is 50 perc nt. - Emer ency vehicle pre-emption control and interface equipment. Esti ated cost is $1 ,300 .00. City' s share is 100 percent. g) Trunk Highway N . 94 Connection at Sth Street-6th Stre t-Main Street--System "H" . 6th Street at S ith Avenue--System "M" . S .P. 6282-148 . F.P. I-IR 035E-4 ( 225) . Remove the exis ing traffic control signal (System "M" ) an install a new permanent traffic control signal with street lights and emergency vehic e pre-emption (System "H" ) . Total estimated Construction Cost is $78 , 033 . 50 whic includes $11 ,300 .00 of Department furn ' shed materials, funded as follows: 64401 -14- �� . � .:���-��( 1 ) - Basic permanent traffic control signa . Estimated Construction Cost is $6 , 294. 50 which excludes emerg ncy vehicle pre-emption mater 'als. Anticipated Federal-aid share is 90 percent. Anticipated State 's share is 10 percent. - Emerg ncy vehicle pre-emption mater als (cable, detectors, and light ) . Estimated Construction Cost s $1,439.00. City' s share is 100 p rcent. 2 ) Department furnished materials. - Contr ller and cabinet, which exclu es emergency vehicle pre-e ption control and interface equip ent. Estimated Cost is $10,0 0 .00 . Anticipated Feder 1-aid share is 90 percent. Antic pated State ' s share is 10 perce t. 64401 -15- ��� _ ��y�� - Emer ency vehicle pre-emption cont ol and interface equipment. Esti ated cost is $1,300.00. City's share is 100 percent. h ) Trunk Highway o. 94 Temporary Connection - 9th Street at Smith Avenue--System "J" . S.P. 6282-148. F.P. I-IR 035E-4 ( 225) . Install and rem ve a temporary traffic control signal ith emergency vehicle pre-emption. E timated Construction Cost is $25,000.00. An icipated Federal-aid share is 90 percent. An icipated State's share is 10 percent. i ) Concordia Avenu -Kellogg Boulevard from Marion Street t Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street ) ; Tr nk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street ) from Kellogg Boulevard to 6th Street; Trunk Highway N . 94 Connection-Sth Street from Trunk Highw y No. 5 (West 7th Street) to 5th Street-6th S reet-Main Street. S .P. 6201-63 , 62 0-247, 6282-148 . S.P. 164-198-19. S .A.P. 164-134-07, 164-158-11 and 1 4-198-20 . E.P. 64401 -16- ' .,- U - r • � . . � ���_��✓ ; r� i' I-IR 035E-4( 225) . Install interconnect. Estimated Const uction Cost is $36, 239. 25. Anticipated Fed ral-aid share is 56. 25 percent. Antic ' pated State' s share is 18. 10 percent. City' share is 25.65 percent. 5. The State shall inst 11 or� cause the installation of overh ad signing, at no cost to he City. 6. Payment to the City ill be made by the State for the Stat ' s share and the Federal-a 'd portion of the actual costs for the epartment furnished materi ls (estimated cost $57,035. 0) furnished to the State nd upon submission by the City of n invoice in quintuplicate to the State' s District Engineer at Oakdale itemizing the c sts and certifiec7 by a responsi le City Official that said materials have been furnished under th terms of this agreement. The invoice and supporting records re subject to audit by the State' s and F'ederal Highway Administ ation ' s representative at he direction of either party. 7 . The amount to be encumbered for payment to the City fro Trunk Highway Funds for t e Department furnished material Provi�3ed under this Agree ent is $57 ,035.00 which includes S37 , 170 .00 for the Feder�l-aid portion. In the event that at ny time it appears that such reimbursement will exceed said sum, the City shall promptly n tify the State' s District 64401 - 17 - ���� . . . . , . . ����`-/�f Engineer at Oakdale in writing of t e reason for the increase in cost and the amount of additional f nds necessary for the Departme t furnished materials. If approved by the State's District Engineer at Oakdale, addit 'onal ;funds shall be encumber d by the State and notice y the State's District Engineer at Oakdale will be made to the City of that additional encumbran e. 8. Upon execution of thi agreement and a request in writing b the State, the City shall advance to the State an amount eq al to its portion of the p oject cost. The City' s total por ion shall consist of the s m of the following: a ) The City' s share [as specified in Paragraphs a (1 ) , b( 1 ) , c( 1 ) d( 1 ) , e( 1 ) , f(1 ) , f( 2) , f(3 ) , g( 1 ) and i] based on the actual bid prices. b) Six (6 � percent f its share [Item (a) above� for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. 9 . Upon completion and fi ai acceptance of the project, t e City' s final share shall consist of the sum of the following: a ) The City' s final hare, based on the final payment to the Co tractor. 64401 -18- � �� . . � � C�r�-��� . : b) Six (6 ) percen of its final share [Item (a) above] for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. The amount of the f nds advanced by the City in excess f the City' s final share w ' ll be returned to the City without interest and the City agre s to pay to the State that amount f its final share which is in excess of the amount of the funds a vanced by the City. 10. The State shall provide an adequate electrical power s pply to the service pad or pole, and upon completion of said te orary traffic control sign 1 installation (System "J" ) shall pr vide necessary electrical ower for its operation at the cost and expense of the State. 11 . The City shall provi e an adequate electrical power su ply to the service pads or poles, and upon completion of said tem orary traffic control sign ls with street lights installa ions (System "G" - Stages and 2) and said permanent traffic ontrol signals with street lights installations (Systems "B" � ��C° nF" i "G„ � and ��H° ) shall rovide necessary electrical power fo their operation at the co t and expense of the City. 12. The City shall perpe uate an adequate electrical power su ply to the service pads or poles, and upon completion of said per anent traffic control sign ls with street lights 64401 -19- �� . ������ . . . -. installa ions (Systems "A" and "E" ) shall continue to provide necessar electrical power for thei operation at the cost and expense f the City. 13 . Upon completion of t e temporary traffic control signal w th emergency vehicle pre-e ption (System "J" ) , it shall be the S ate 's responsibility, at i s cost and expense, to maintain the traffic signal controller and cabinet. It shall be the Stat ' s Contractor 's responsibility, at his cost and expense, to perfor all other temporary traffic control signal and emergency vehicle pre-emption mainte ance. 14 . Upon completion of th temporary traffic control signals w th street lights and emerg ncy vehicle pre-emption (System " " - Stages 1 and 2 ) , it sh 11 be the City' s responsib lity, at its cost and expe se, to maintain the traffic signal co troller and cabinet. It s all be the State 's Contracto 's responsibility, at his ost and expense, to perform all other temporary traffic control ignal, street light and emergency vehicle pre-emption mainte ance. 15. Upon completion of the new permanent traffic control si nals and interconnect work provided for herein (Systems " " , "B" , "C" , "E" "F" "G" and H � . " " ) , which are part of the Comput rized Traffic Control Syst m, it shall be the City' s responsibi ity, at its cost and expen e, to perform all permanent 64401 -20- �� .. . . i � �,, ?/ � .. - ' ���/y traffic control signal, street light, signing, interconnect and emergenc vehicle pre-emption maint nance. 16 . Any and all persons ngaged in the aforesaid work to be pe formed by the State shall ot be: considered employees of the City and any and all claims tha may or might arise under the Worker ' s Compensation Act of this S ate on behalf of said employee while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third pa ty as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said mployees while so engaged n any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligation and responsib' lity of the City. The Sta e shall not be responsible under the Worker 's Compensation Act or any employees of the City. 17. Any and all persons e gaged in the aforesaid work to be per ormed by the City shall no be considered employees of the State and any and all claims tha may or might arise under the Worke ' s Compensation Act of thi State on behalf of said employees hile so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third part as a consequence of any a t oc omission on the part of said em loyees while so engaged on any of the work � contemplat d herein shall not be the bligation and responsibi ity of the State. The Cit shall not be responsible under the orker ' s Compensation Act f r any employees of the State. 64401 � -21- , � }� v���a/ � v � , . � . �/`- ��-f�l/ r , . . 18. Timing of the tempo ary traffic control signal (System "J" ) shall be determined b the State, through its Commiss 'oner of Transportation, an no changes shall be made therein except with the approval o the State. 19 . Timing of the tempo ary traffic control signals (System "G" - Stages 1 and 2) and he permanent traffic control signals (Systems ~Aa� "B" � ~C" � "E � "F° � "G° aRC� �H° ) shall be initial y determined by the City' s Traffic Engineer. Adjustments of said signal timing may be deter ined by the State, through its Commiss 'oner of Transportation, an no changes shall be made thereaf er except with the approval of the State. 20. Upon execution by th City and the State and completi n of the construction work provided for herein, this agreemen shall supersede and termi ate Agreement No. 60482 dated June 30, 1981, and the terms and co ditions for maintenance and electric service contained in any o her agreements that may exist between he parties, for the traffi control signals contained herein. 64401 -22- �� � :. : � ` � � � .�i��j�i . �-- . CITY OF ST. PAUL RECOMMEN ED FOR APPROVAL: y Mayor Director of Public Works (City Seal ) APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: y Director of Finance and Management Service Assistan City Attorney STATE OF MIN ESOTA DEPARTMEN OF TRANSPORTATION RECOM FOR APPROVjAL: D PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IB �District ngineer Assistant Commissioner Operation Division D ted APPROVED S TO FORM AND EXECUTION: D PARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION B Special A sistant Attorney General - State of Minnesota Dated 64401 , -23- ��