88-190 WHITE - C�TV Cl RK
C uncil Resolution
Presented By ��
Referr To Committee: Date
Out of ommittee By Date
BE IT R SOLVED that the City of Saint Paul e ter into Ag�eement No. fi4398 with
the State of Minnesota, Department of Transporta ion for the following p�-pases,
to wii: to ovide for payment, estimated to be $1, 1,341.93, by the City to the State
af the Cit 's share of the costs of th� cooperative onstruction and associated
consiructi engineering fvr the �-adir��, surfacin , storm sewer facilities, li�ting and
other as ciated construction work to be perform d upon, along and adjacent to
Trunk Hi way No. 35E from Ramsey Street and and Avenue ta 10th Str�eet within
the cor ate City fimits under State Project No. 8�-231 (T.H. 35E=390) and
State Aid Project No. 16419&20, the financing of the City's sh�e to be from 1988
Capital f provement Bonds and Municipal State id already adopted in the City
Capital I provement Budget and Progam, and
BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED that the proper ity Officers are hereby au#horized
and dire to execute such ageement.
BE IT F THER R�:SOLV�D, The City shall i stall directional signs showing
how to onnect from 35E to 94 westbouric�, and be it
BE IT F NALLY RESOLVED, That passage of his resolution shall not preclude
conside ation of connection from I35E to westbound I-94 if that connection
is dete ined to be in the public intere t during the Ayd IMill/Short Line
study c rrently in process, with full in olvement of the affected neighborhoods.
COUNCIL EN Requested by Department oE:
Yeas preW Nays �
Nicosia [n Favor
Scheibel � �
sor,ne� __ Against BY
Adopted by Coun il: Date �Eg > > 1� Form Approv by ty Att ey
Certified Vass d � ncil Se ar BY
gy. `
A►ppro d y Mavo : Date _ ~`- Approve b Mayor for Submis on o Council
BY - —
Pt18l�SHED `-r�.- n �; 198$
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. .j .. . . .. : . . ... DATt IItM, OATE. � � • :.
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°R°ffR: c�rr�„oar�r -
Resoluti:ca� tering into an agreement with Mumesat� DEp�arht�nt of Transportaticn
to Fay far Gity's shar� of in�prov�srients trv��ed by tY�e�State inCluded in
tt�eir 1-3aE ran Grand Avi�nue ta lOth Street pro�ect.
'17CIIj. (p c►Fieject(Rl) COUNCII Nf1�O11T:
. 'P611NR/8 ... .. � .CML SERVICE OO�tl�118310N DA7E Mi .� � _ . . . � PIiOWE NO. . . . �� . ..
. mlN�Ki OOMII�ION. . � 18D 6Zb BGIOOL BOARD � . � �� . � � .. �
.� .:8'LAPF � . � - CMARTER OOIAAMSBION CaMi1.ETE 18. � . . � � �ADQL * . �- RET9 TO Cf�H�A�T , -�.CONBiRUBt� - .
- . _� . _fOR AEDi ViPC. _FEEDd4qC 7100ED* .
�� .�P�,,�: RECEIV�D
Coun il Resea�ch Center
� JA�N �7 19�8
� : �EB o 31988 FEB t�2� �ITY ATTC��NEY
q�'FICE _
rn►+�sNa 0�oa.r. orronns.rx(wno,wna�.vw,«,,v�mere,wnr): _
Gi:ty ' ts oar►structed by �he Statre ' 1 enhaaioe the t�as�structic�. Of 35E thrar�c�
dc��mt�xnm by . 'ding an attra�.ve e�tra�2c�; the:dcx�tuan at Fost R�aad and Fifth Stxeet
as wiell as �.i9hting and wa]ks and the ti� of other requ.i.red facilities.
�nno� �w+�..��: . , :. ; .
It is �rclvan to the City to coaperate th the; State be�ause o£ wark c�ooraination
and passible c�x cvsts as �aell as scerie of £acititi�s will be eligible for
Fecc7�earal cx�+st .����.
,�.twMr, .pe�o v�>: , . r t� :
�e �ost to city is �out �i,063,o00 , �►a N ?, :, �9$8
. . ` �tlDG�p�/CE . ' ,:
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�s�+wr,�: . vHOS _ c� . .
. Nat a�rp�ve t aoBt ItrQz ov�me�i� do i�at 9et
Msromrwnc�rrs: _
� City of �+�;cipaties in MnDO�T contr whe� � is an advantaqe to tltie City.
� �w.�uea: . _
, �. : . . _
_ _ _ '`�.�..� _ _. _ _. _
'hNITE - Ci1v CLER . � �
�`•NK - FINANCE G I TY O F A�I NT PA IT L Council � -
=:11.UE - MAVoR � Fite NO.�
, C uncil esolution ��-� ��
�sented By '��'�G'l,'�'��
Referred o Committee: Date
Out of C mmittee By Date
i3� f-� �� C1L�f�� t�at tc�e Gity a{ �ai�t r���; eni - ,��;�o Ac�Aa��t,; �1i�. r��M� ��;��:
.L:� ... ._.... .�..,.���.���i.r'�a .1`.:wG4. .�,.�� ai� yllGrs:.:4J'VTe�.�._ . ._.� .�!� ivir.-��i�:t�i,� t�"4`.:.r-,.:....... � .
- . .:.^ir - ..�l�4 VC' fi/�.�..tn `Y+.i:; ''�'.,t ..' -� i�i Q�♦ � r t. �-, �}!y+�y . .
� .. .. � �:SS� ✓.. . ' .r�. , V��., .�.G:.. .W �llb +i• �ti� �V'r':..JV. i.� - ... ✓ :§ ..� . .� •J'C�.i�€.� . .
9 A f e� n+ th.,� ...�n..��r a -��.�..t� .�i �,.-.-� *nr+ . ..
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r;vt �ir �; o � t` . �s -� e^ c � ts C��Q
:"± Gti,., J: rlr't�il8e?�� -`� �C�' .;?? :%t,<,,,..;, S'Llii'i�..ls?C�; .:z'!T? �.$Nl� '��MIlfii 4 -:��tliii?�
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Tr f �y� ��`. '2v{.. �rn..�v', ��^^. 1� GG .r.� '��%:.!� � �pfy ep 1. 1 tS #?' II� }�t'7 . .
;�,rk -;:_ ay . „ .: . v... ��s�� S� � .:{,u G .a �w :t; .� :ut: S�e , fro _.. <<
��� .,., --,.�� � Ci'y iirt�:s t�^=�'p' `��a�Q �'''oje�t tU�, 6�'G-�31 (T.�. :s5�-?j�'�`-• ���
S►a,� �;a r ^:�ct 4n 1 E��-���d-`�. th? tinancing c� t:+� City`s st�are ;� �� ���m ���8 .
�.a�;+c',l fcil' �V@i7'��'�`: ��;"t�S ��?C i�i�11�{Yi�ai ,��,i�i� �lI d�reatly ado�teu =.-, :�c8 �;i�t
Ca}'atia: �i';j'- C+VSr?c+`�i :;,lG'+...ia�t �ii'.�+ 1";'(`i`�'u'�1, �nG�
is� iT �'1� TNE� r��Sa�VE� tn�t t�e �t-o�� Cty 4�;cers ar-e fnereg�t a�:t�cr«�
� an� d;recte ' to exec�:� 3t;ch a�esi�ent. �
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COUIVCILM N Requested by Depactment of:
1'eas Nays f�'.
Drew (
Nieosia — — :h� ,�� �
Rettman In F8v0C ' /3 } � �' �/, � Y '_o �� , � %'
Scheibel {, / ;' / `1 �� r% � l {..'�'l! �i
Sonnen _
_ Against BY ��z"� ` �` � � `
Tedesco `
Form Approv by ty Att ey
�pted by Councii Date
C.ert�f�ed Yassed by Councit Secretary BY
�.pproved hy 11avor: Date _ Approve bv Mayor for Submis oa o Council
BY' -- - — —
_ _ _ _ _ �� ���
'kM�TE - C�7r C� K � � �
CAN�R\ — DEPART E�T � C I TY O F A I NT ��A LI L File N0.
C uncil Resolutio� ?_ _�� �
�, ��� � �' � �
resenied $y �'�
Referre To Committee: Date
Out o# ommittee By Date
� �
�..�' �
�SE r 3 � StJLVE�3 that T^e �,,;iv oF Saint rai,�� e, ter into A�e��en€ i�t�. a�v��+ wt€�
� 4� _n ♦ � ..�..t f T r..-,.�y-!�s �s�.• tL� FniS..r lt:C }}Llr..::;a��.
.��� .r . .._ :�,:;:<<�so�a. ve�a: .,.�e�t �. t rai���,,. <<.: . <� . . �M�t::iJ''�
_,. . _ .'.�i-�s ±v� : ,:U�r+ ��t �....-� ~..+ r:�; ^ . � t ,(�^ �� .�•� °`+1!� i�•� '�'t7+Gs ' .
. . � . ,) `-�T�� �J ✓� :S �.+E:� . =f�C+♦ .
_ � t. r,+ + r wi.s .+nn^ r * . .•t� �n,a � �L+� .
.. -_ .. � ..•li.�wt� �. C!:� .- ... .GT. �: .j � ..;r_��?!�G"ii���. . ,.. ...... _... .it.-. .d.r, . ..t.:,-���. . .
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� :i�n7� �::a .-:f� ,:L. �fvr. .:V�:: Gillia7 � �Urr t li�E�� .��. .. }-id ;.E.:.. iY �' �.. �i:L'1' ��•:�=:F.
fh Y 1 i i�! �+t� � �.♦ ♦ �. ('i\� ,��
u�B C�:�'✓tl: ? ,,�:�f .4m::a �^�°r �:u:°> �0}°C� ��?. � ��:?�� tT.i'�. ��J�=��.,,, cs. :,;
Statc r��a �o�ect iva. 16�-��6-j�, t�e financ!n� oi he C�ty's ���r� �a �e �ro►�? ���8
���+;"�,! ilil QV���n: 5ai"cuS �;1G� �U['i1C���i :���i� f� c�.;C���t' a���i�C ;t: :.�t �.:t:
�ap:tai 'm c��emeni �udge: ��� P�u�-am, an�
�E iT�i� TH�r� RES�LVEC� that the pro�� itv Qff���s �re he�ebv au����ze�f
arj� ��r�ct � fo exec�:� sucn a�e�m�nt.
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Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� i
Nicosia - - $ .r,
Rettman i� FavOL � -
, ; /' ! ,ti' l ,� �`+�*
5cheibel /�/l/� ( �/�,�/ {/ � // "`
Sonnen __ Ageinst BY z � � ' f�
Wi�son � '
Focm Approv by ty Att ey
:�dopted by Counci : Date
i.erliGt•d Passed b Cuuncil Secretary BY
S; _ �
A{�proved by :Navor: Date _ _ � Approve b Mayor for Submis on o Conacil
�5' - - - —