88-188 WHITE - CITV CLEFiK PINK = FINANCE G I TY OF S I NT PAIT L Council EANARV - DEPARTMEN BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' � Council esolution Presented By .wReferred o Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By � Date WHEREA , the City of Saint Paul h s applied for a $30, 000 grant from t e Department of Public Ser ice Community Energy Council progra for the purpose of fundin the Saint Paul Rental Energy Effici ncy Enforcement ( SPREEE) p ogram; and WHEREA , subject to approval of t e grant application, the City must e ter into a grant agreement with the State of Minnesota to receiv funds for SPREEE; and WHERE , subject to the approval f the grant application and the execution of the community energy council grant, there will exist reven s in excess of those esti ted in the 1988 budget, and the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10 . 07 . 01 of the City Charter, does certi y that these revenues are available for appropriation; and WHERE S, the Mayor recommends th t the following changes be made to th 1988 budget, subject to t e execution of the community energ council grant agreements; NOW, HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, hat if the application is succe sful, the City of Saint Pa 1, acting as the administrator of th SPREEE program conducted uring the period October 14, 1986 hrough December 31, 1988, nter into a grant agreement with the S ate of Minnesota for fundi g this project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, up n entering into such Grant agree ent, the City Council does hereby accept the $30, 000 commu ity energy council grant a 1 for the SPREEE program; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized and directed to execu e certifications as required and exec te such agreements as are necessary to implement the SPREEE prog am; and COUNCI EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: [n Favor . _ A gainst BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified Yasse by Council Secretary BY gy. A►pproved by Ma or: Date Approve by Mayo for S ion to Council � By WHITE - CITV CLER PINK � FINANCE GITY OF S � INT PAUL Council C�ANqRV - DEPARTME T � �Gry � BLUE - MAVOR . . Flle NO. '/v � Council es lution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date . BE IT FIN LY RESOLVED, that the Cit Council adopts the following changes to the 19 8 budget subject to receip and execution of all grant agreement : Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 001 Ge eral Fund Co munity Services 03 26 Housing Inspection- -Complaints -3699 Miscellaneous Grant ( State Grant for SPREE ) 0 + 30, 000 30, 000 03 26 All other 479,972 474,972 Change to Financing Plan $474,972 +$30, 000 $504,972 SPENDING LAN 001 Ge eral Fund Co unity Services 03 26 Housing Inspection- -Complaints -0219 Miscellaneous Contractual Services 3, 000 + 30, 000 33, 000 03226 All other 471, 972 471�972 Change t Spending Plan $474,972 +$30, 000 $504, 972 Financing is Available __ � � Blees COUNCI MEN Yeas Dimond Nays Requested by Department of: Goswit � Community Services �ng In Favor Ret � Against BY G�Z��'l,- , Schei 1 Sonnen Adopted by Cou cil: Date FEB � � 1958 Form Approve by City At ney Certified Pas e uncii Secreta BY i� gy, Appr by �41a or: D � -- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUBIISHED F E B 2 0198g , _ �ouncil Re 4�i�,��eenter N� 06 06 C�m.ini ic-,es D�PA�r � ��ts 01 1���3 /�,�O - , Alic�e Bi QO�I'ACI' " �'/ 292-7700 Pl�IE ���� �� J 12 1988 DATE ASSIGN NtA�'R l�tJ'.I�Il1G ORDIER Cli All Loca ions for Si ture : 1 �t Direc,•tror 4 Director of Managem�ent/Mayor Finarx7e Man�agaanent Se.tvices Direct�or 6 City Clerk � Bu�g�t D r � Chair, F�irk•uvoe, ND�gmt. & Per.sonnel C�an. tY 8 Chief Aoaoa�ntant F&MS — ��, �/i�/ r� w.tLt� aE sY � �o�r orr � cs� r��r�s? (Putpose/Ratiw�.) : 731e Divis of Public Hea].th is applying the Mi.nne$ata Department of Public Servioe f a $30,00o C�amuzity Enexgy il program grant to ftuzd the St. Paul Rental Efficiency Enfom�nt (5 ) program. 'I�ie City Qoau�cil in C.F. 87-508 ted the city's intent to apply r $30,000 of the $189,276 Ccen�rounity IIzergy tiatives ama�nt resexved for S t Paul for contirnaance of the SPR'EEE Pz'�'�• Before state will c�sider the grant lication, the City Cauncil must pass a resoluti which will, c�tir�gent upon apq,aroval of the grant - -- -a the gralzt, aryd �°�:.'.-='•''J`�' -enaU e th�e city to entar int�o a agree�nt with the state Zhis reso ution acczenq�lishe.s both upo� state's appraval of the grant.J:"<,": �% %' ����.��'� It also ides the need�ed �lgetary . �ST �JDGEI'ARY AND PERSOAIlJEL Il�ACTS ANI'ICIPATED: `' , :'': � `�`.� `_ 'This ution will enable the city to the state's requirements for a grant propo�al wi.11 facilitate the city's ipt of grant mor�y, which if it is d�tairyed ' 1 allow for the contirivation f the S� program. 'I'his program prwid�es enfor�oe�mer�t of the state standaYds and will result in energy savings reduction of hau.sir�g rental . FIl�TANCIlJG AND �7DGEr A�TY NUNID�'R OR ITID: (Mayor's signature nat raquired if under $10,000) Total of Trat�s�ctio�: $30,000 F�indi.r�g : Minnesoita Dept. of Publ' Servioe (7anmm�u�itY �9Y �u P�► �ti�ity �: 03226-oa i9 R E C E I��.D z�t �r�a x�x �l Att��e�ts : JAN N6 1988 i. c��. iut�.� ���'Y �T`�C�����' 2. C�apy of lication to Mirnzesata, t of Public Service Gc�nity � �otuicil D�PA�]T CITY ATI+ORNEY REVIE�T X Yes _ o dauncil Resolution Required? Resolutian Required? _ Y� _ No _ Yes X o Insuranoe Required? Insuranc:e Sufficierit? _ Yes X o Insurance Attached: (SE'E RE'VF�i.SE S FbR INSTFt[TGTIONS) �, ° - - , � . �'��i��' � '; � ' .��••�. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL "� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES a � a ' �ii • . , � " DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ���� SSS Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesoq 55101 Gcorge Latimer (612)292-7747 M'r�nu ry 19, 1988 Mark Schoenbaum Depa tment of Public Service 900 erican Center Building 150 . Kellogg Boulevard Sain Paul, Minnesota 55101 SUBJ CT: Community Energy Council Gr nt Saint Paul Rental Energy Ef iciency Enforcement (SPREEE) Program Dear Mr. Schoenbaum: I am pleased to submit the City of Sa'nt Paul's application for a $30,000 Comm nity Energy Council Grant to fun staffing costs for the Saint Paul Rent 1 Energy Efficiency Enforcement (SPREEE) Program. This program, which was egun during the 1986-87 heating season is simed at encouraging, and if nece sary enforcing, energy improveme ts to rental properties in Saint Paul. We h ve now had a year's experience with the program and are ready to begin our econd season. The rogram represents a cooperative effort to address this problem, in- volv ng not only the City of Saint P ul through its housing inspection prog ams, but also the Neighborhood nergy Consortium (NEC) and Northern Stat s Power. In addition to the en orcement action, we also make property owne s aware of the many resources silable for paying for the energy impr vements. We h ve enclosed a copy of a City Co ncil Resolution, Council File No. 87-5 8, documenting the City's inten to apply for $30,000 of the Community Init atives funds reserved for Saint Paul. Also enclosed is an additional reso ution authorizing the applicati n, as well as accepting the granting and uthorize the required grant agr ement, should the grants be approved. It w ich has been submitted to the C'ty Council for approval. As soon as it h s received final approval we wi 1 forward a final copy to you. If y u have any questions regarding r application for funds, please feel free to contact Alice Bij jani at 292 7700; she will be ou� contact person for this project and can assist you. Tha you f or the opportunity to app y for these grant funds. Sin rely, udith Barr Act'ng Public Health Services Manage JB/ Enc osures c: Kathy Stack Frank Staffenaon Alice Biiiani r _ �_ _ _._.... . ..__.. �___-- -----._ ..—.._. .._..--- �---- -__- -•---�--------- --____—_ . • f �• ' r � �� �� ...:�—. r� �.���a MINNESOTA � � ����.s- artment of �. �� lic Service En¢rgy Divisio 900 American Center (612)296•51 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul. Minnesou 55101 APPLICATION FOR CO ITY ENERGY COUNCIL GRANT . FY 87 Cycle 3 FIRST C SS CITIES l.i Name nd address of Applicant Un t(sj of Government: - City of Saint Paul Department of Commu ity Services Division of Public ealth 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minneso a 55102 1.2 Cont ct Person: Name Alice Bi j jani T�tl Sanitarian II , Stre t Division of Public Health 555 Cedar Street Clty Saint Paul Stat /Zip Minnesota 55101 Phon ( ) (612) 292-7700 1.3 Name of Community Energy Counci (s) and Dates(s) Established. (On a sepa ate sheet attach a list of Community Energy Council members and thei relevant affiliations, f any. Also attach a copy of the reso ution(s) establishing the Community Energy Council (s) : sint Paul Community Energy Coun il - April 16, 1987, established omposed of 5sint Paul City Coun il Members. - (Copy of resolution attached) : � 1 -__��. . . AN F��le►1 nF Rl)NiTV EMPLOYER ♦ �i .II , , . . • ' � . / "./� �V ! V �+ l%" �1.4 PtOj6 t�tle: Saint Paul Rental E ergy Efficiency Enforcement (SPREEE) Program 1.5 Proja t Abstract (A short summa of projact inlormation in sections 2.1-Z.4) � . Throug the SPREEE Program, the City o Saint Paul has undertaken to enforce the state nergy etandards for rental resi ential properties within the city. The progra is complaint generated rather han systematic with the intent that the violat ons creating the most problems ill be addressed first. The sudits are perfo ed under contract by the Neighb rhood Energy Consortium and paid for by with nservation Improvement Program unds. The Saint Paul Division of Public Healt follows up by sending orders, c ecking for compliance, and taking enforcement actio if compliance is not forthcomin . . 1.6 Propo ed Fundinq: a. Commun y Enerqy Council Grant Fu ds Requested 530,000 b. Local tch Indic te whether ourc ash r - ou Saint Paul eneral fund In-kind 4,650 NSP er Audits In-kind 22,290 � Local match total 26,940 TOTAL PROPOSED FUNDING 56,940 1.7 To t e best of my knowledge and beliel, data in thiB applfcation are true and correct, and submissio ot this application has been duly auth rized by the governinq bod or bodies of the application(s) . . Judith Barr Public Health Services Manager / 9 _ S n ture of authorized offici 1 Typed name and title D te signed (Att ch a copy of the resoluti n or resolutions authorizing submission of t is application. A sample esolution is enclosed) . : 2 � � �� -, � �� . � . ��-��� 2.0 PROJ CT INFORMATION ' 2.1 Prob em statement (Describe the problem this projact is expected to addr ss. ) . Minn sota Statutes section 116J.27 S bd. 3 requires that all residential rental prop rty meet certain minim�an energy conservation standards. These standards were to be forced by Department of Energy nd Economic Development (DEED) , but due to fun 'ng cuts from the 1985 Legislatu e DEED (now the Energy Division of the Dep rtment of Public Service) is no onger able to carry out any enforcement act' ities). 2.2 Proj ct objectives, includinq antitative indicators, Buch as numbers ot omes or businesses served. To ommence enforcement procedures n all cases initiated during the winter of 19 -87 which have not come into co pliance voluntarily and to bring at least 80 percent of them into compliance whi e continuing enforcement action on the others. To investigate 100 new cases or as any as are generated by the complaints we re eive. . To send orders on all properties f nd in noncompliance. . To stimulate voluntary compliance ' th energy standards through the presence of an es ablished enforcement program. e reports of compliance submitted by the Energy Re ource Center requesting energy ompliance certificates in conjunction with their Pr ject Insulate will provide some evidence that this is being accomplished. To make an assessment of the long erm effects of bringing properties into energy co pliance through this program in order to determine whether or not energy � en orcement should become a peiman nt part of the City's housing code program. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . 3 ' �- - : . . � �r- ��=��� . � � . . . . � 2.3 Work lan (Describe each major p anninq, promotion and implementation task. State the expected beqi inq and �ndinq dates !or sach task. Ident !y the sta!! poeitions, c sultants or volunteers assiqned to each task. Identify the axpected res lts or product ot each task. On a aepa ta sheet, provide a proje schedule that liets major tasks and thei beqinninq and andinq date .j a. gin advertiaing 1988 program January 1988 b. stablish enforcement procedures February 1988 ( ith City Attorney's Office) c. nergy sudits for new complaints Ongoing d. einspection of 1987 complaints July 1987 - ongoing e. nforcement activities for 1987 c mplaints not resolved March 1988 f. rant proposal to NSP April 1988. g. valuate 2 year experience with rogram in the areas of September 1988 nergy cost savings and effect o rents. h. edesign program for 1989 September 1988 2.4 Coor ination (Indicate how acti fties undertaken with community energy coun il qrant funds will be coo dinated with actfvities of other energy servi ce providere. ) � The ity of Saint Paul contracts wit Neighbohood Energy Consortium (NEC) for req 'red energy sudita. We support roject Insulate, a joint program of NEC and the Ener y Resource Center (a non-profit organization) by the issuance of compliance cert' ficates and provision of incent ve due to the presence of an established enfo cement program. We rovide lists of resources for en rgy improvements (government, non-pr.ofit and uti ity company) when we issue order to make energy improvements. _ _ _ _ _ . 4 �,, .�. .. ����� �` � � 1\ � . N v1 � � � w ^ � M � � r-1 �t � � � � . � ��. . � � � . O � � O O� N N � � � � � � o � � o � � � � U � • � O n N �1 1 1 N u1 u1 �_ �O � rJ fO v t� .--i .� S � . � � •� 00 N � tf1 � � � N � 1 1 1 1 I I � � W � W � � O � � � .�' � . � � � � � �a � � m � �� � � � _ � ,.,� � � H� . .� � L � � � � �� � � � oa u ci �i �: c� aa � �i a� «i , .. ♦� '�� � • ' ' U � /Q U � 3.1 Effo s to secure additional tun s and documentatia� o! lac�l match (If appro riate, describe efforte th t are underway or planned to secure funds in addition to community e ergy councfl qrant lunds for project impla entation. Attach any avai abla documentation o! these afforts, e.q. , latt�rs o! request, propos 1., stc. l�ttach documentation of local match in ths torm o! resolutions or minutes ot the City Council or Count Board and letters o! cash or in-kind commitment lrom other soure s.) The C'ty of Saint Paul has secured fun s for the in-kind City match through the Housi g Complaint budget of the Divisi n of Public Health for 1988. (See attached total budget for the section. ) In ad ition, funding has been requeste from Northern States Power for $22,290 worth of en rgy sudits to be performed on re tal properties. (See attached NSP letter). The S int Paul City Council, acting as the Community Energy Council has designated $30,0 0 to finance the staffing costs for this program. 4.0 Appli ant experience. (If appr priate, describe applicant's past or curre t experience in conductin enerqy-related community programs. ) The f rst year of operation of the Sa nt Paul Rental Energy Efficiency Enforcement (SPRE E) Program in 1986-87 accomplis ed the establishment of the program and basis for ntinuation. Last winter was an unusually warm one for Minnesota and because SPREE cases are complaint generated, the caseload was a light one. This created a good pportunity to begin the program making it essier to identify and resolve diffi ulties in the operation before oo many cases were affected. The 1987-88 seas should operate more snoothly a d the City is in the position to handle a more usua level of complaints should they materialize. The o critical areas to be dealt wi h in 1988 are the enforcement procedures for thos who were issued orders in 1987 ut did not comply and evaluation of the program in t e areas of energy savings based n improvements and the impact on rents in prop rties where compliance occurred. Both areas require a full year's experience whic we should .have starting in 1988 5.0 Eval ation (Describe how applic nt wfll evaluate whether objectives have been met and how energy savinga will be evaluated. ) The rimary evaluation criteria for termining whether or not the program should be _ cont nued are the effects of bringing a property into compliance with the energy cons rvation standards. If these ef ects are positive on �lance, changes can be made to improve the compliance rate. Comparison of before and after consumption reco ds will be used along with degr e day records to determine the energy savings real zed. Follow up interviews with the owners will be used to determine the cost of the mprovements and with the tenant to determine the effect on rents. 6 - . . ��-�-��� CITY OF S INT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENT L MEMORANDUM Da e: January 12, 1987 o: Edward Starr, City At orney F om: Judith Barr, Public H alth Services Manager � Re: Resolution relating t the state energy grant We are applying for a $3 , 000 grant from the Minnesota D partment of Public Service Community Energy Council p ogram. $189,276 of those unds have been reserved for t e City of Saint Paul. In .F. 87-508, the City Council d clared its intent to apply for $30, 000 of those dollars f r continuation of the SPRE E program. In order for that a plication to be considered by the state the Council must p ss a resolution which acce ts the grant and authorizes a g ant agreement with the sta e. The attached proposed r solution does just that, c ntingent upon the approval of t e grant. Furthermore it i cludes the budgetary "amendment r quired to receive the fund . This will save our having t go through this process f r a second time when the grant i approved. P ease review the attached r solution to assure proper f rm. proved, by ���� , , � athy Stack irector, Depa tment of Community Services pproved, b �I � I ee Ann Turchin, Deputy May r