88-172 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI111C11 CANARV - DEPARTMEN GITY OF S INT PAUL File � NO• �� /�� BLUE =MAVOR � Council esolution Presented By / - Referred o Committee: Dafe Out of Co mittee By Date RESOLVED That Application (I.D.#��lp ) for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor-C, Restaurant-B, and Sunday On Sale Liquor License currently issued to McTeague's Bar Inc. DBA The Townhouse� (Emmett Jewell, President, Kathleen Jewell, Secretary) at 1415 University Avenue expiring 1/31/88, � be and the same is hereby t ansferred to Hollis L. Monnet � Martha M. Bergman DBA The Townhouse e piring April 30, 1988 at the same address. � .. COUNCIL EN Yeas Aimond Nays Requested by Department oE: Goswitz _� In Favor Long � Rettman Against BY Scheibel Sonnen i�dilsOri FEB — g �� Form Appr d by City Attor ey Adopted by Coun il: Date Certified Yas y ouncil S t BY gy, A►pproved b 1Aav r �- - ► o - �� FEB 1 0 ��pprove by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBI.ISHED F E 8 2 01988 �11o�01t. � o���atu►tEO o��oorvt,� . `���/� . , ,�� �. . ��E�N ����'�'. ,�. 0 Q0�3 5 - ��, �,��„��, xris vari Ii�rn �cN — - — NUMBEfi FOR , — ����� �� carr�cr P►+�ue r�ro. ROUTINQ suoo¢r a�croA Finanoe & : 298-5056 cRO�: — —, . _ CRY ATfORNEY :. . Per�o�i to transfer' O� an 011 Sa1e-C r X f� Sa.le� an�l R,�stz�t�t B . . � � � �►no�a: t�+)«.�(�1> couMCw R r�oRr: PIJIMNlK��ION . CNIL 9EAVICF CA4�yM8810N DATE M � �.DATE OUT � AtJALVST . . . �PFpNE ND. . . N!K ���» ����� � )z��� ►1�'1� � _ sr� , o►+nar�co�assa� , �C co�w�.� is ; �n�o.�ooEO* �rv no oa�tr�r oor�smu�rR — _Foa�oov.urro. _�ae�ac�o* o�nicr cou�rx ' *ocv�nra�r�o�u: �"""�""°`�" ' C uncil R�search Center _ JAN 2 9 i988 M.n►t�l�oM�� i�.,�.wn�,,wn«�.�r�: Ho11is L. t and Martha Margaxet Bex�rnn reque�t Couneil ap�x�val, of their ap�licati.c� tar the - of the On Sa].e Liqu�r, ��-B, and Sun,c�r ],a.c�s p,re�t1,� h�ld by I!�i�ea:gue`� T�c. I7�i T�e Zb�wnt�cnise at 1415 iJni�r�.t� t� tt�m at the s�te ��. They wiu c�n � �o c�sate the bax'�a� T�e , T�e offive�.^s �f Mc��agi�e's '�c. a�e Kathleen J , secreta�ry; �n�d IInnett �'ea�:11 ��,�t. Mr. ,T�rell �a cieveas+ed. : ,�nc�t+a�t tc,o.us.�+.a�.. ��: . _ . All required 3.icaticais, 3nspect�;aas, ar�.� l�v� been sukxni,tted, �d �parc�ral has been jiv� by Fire, Health, Pc>lice, B�ti�ldiix�s � Lioense D�.visi,on. ' COIIMii{�10�4MIIriR and To Nllwm�: �. . - , If ODt3'i�Cll �,S 1'�t qj.V�.'Il� A'�1�E'�t ariC� W].11 Y10't b@ 311GJGJ�Bd fiA Cl�S�t� thL' b3'C �Q�Of�i11 ZSS '1�O�fn�l2'1f�l3SE. ALTirll�l►91ftLMt:` _ PROS �pMg , — — ... � � � lMTOR1f/MIECEDEqTB: � IEGAL 188ttES: � . G�=�����- J DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�;RMIT ADMINISTRA ION DATE / INTERDF.P RTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applican �h�11 S �C�i'l�'1��'l � ��1'`�rl�'��- '"Ao�e Address �pZ rnOl�v�.C��v� Business Na� � ����hp,�,��_ Home Phone `]�c.�- '��Q � Business Address ��1 � `�,�,L���gL�`I Type of License(s�rpry� O� �, Business Phone �y(.�(�� ��'�K� 4�,1G � ltivl ,LJh�.SLe� t �• ��-! ��r ' Public H aring Date � License I.D. 4{ �'"�1��� at 9:00 .m. in the Cot cil Chambers, 3rd floo City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� ��j� � �{ a (p� llate Not'ce Sent; � Dealer 4� ✓� �� to Appli ant �� f�/�� S7 Federal F3xearms 4f� �Ft Public H aring ��� , �\ DATE INSPECTI N REV EW VERFIED (COMPU ER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved ( Bldg I & D �� Zl � _ � , . Health ivn. �I�7 � ' Q�', �� 5_��1.z_ �Jl..n.�,-� l i Fire De t. i � � ^ y � ' � t i��. � � � � � . . . Police ept. �� � I , �(�,p CI�C_O�c� � >. , License Divn. �� aS j � b� . City At orney � , 1 Date Received: Site Plan '�� �,� � �b To Council Research � � Z(�-�Q Lease or ette Date f rom Land ord����p�,� � • ; . . , . ��-�� � . . !�` Application No Oate Receiv By CITY OF ST. PAU , MINNESOTA APP�ICATION FOR ON SALF IPJT XICATING LIQUOR LICE�SE SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXIC ING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICA ING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SAIE MALT BEV RAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: T is form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole o ner, by each partner, by each p rson who has interest in excess of 5� in the c rporation and/or association in hich the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEIJ BY THE PUBLIC 1. Applicatio for (name of license) �UiU 2. Located at faddress) �� 3. Name under which business will be operated 4. True Plame Phone � - (� First Middle Maiden Last 5. Date of Bi th � � ��� �`� P1 ace o Bi rth ��},�,5o7�1 . �LA Month, Day, Year 5. Are you a itizen of the United States? 5 Native Naturalized 1. Home Addre s � �?IJiU Home Telephone � C�� 8. Including our present business/employment what business/employment have you followed for the pa t five years? B siness/Em lo ment Address ✓L� ��v� l�(/L��(J�.�S/7�/ �`tU� �� � � TS 3�0/ Lcli�ncv AcJ�' /U. 9. Married? (' If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. ���i�y-✓ L. ��iave you �rer been convic�ed of any `elony rime or vioiation of any city erdinance, . o��er tha trafric? Yes No Oate of a rest 19 �Jhere Cnarge Convictio Sentence Oate of a rest 19 Where � Charge Conviction Sentence 1?. Retaii Bee Federal iax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �_ �Ni11 be used. 12. CTosest 3. P1ace Church /� !� Schoal �TlE� �� . I3. Closest in oxicatinq iiquar place. On Sa1e L � Off Sa1e � /Q i�. List the n es and residences of tt�ree pers ns of Ramsey County of goad mora] character, not relate to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who �nay be r2T rred to as to the applicant's ch racter. Name Address � - �Fti 2�3Z �v�2Gu .E'v, oE 5� `��v�v� �`u,o /�� ��ti�� ���.4s �9� ,C1tiGVC�v �v� I5. Address or prem�ses for whicf� application is made /y/� G�/U/v�,�i'T5/ Al/� Zone CT ass�ff catf on — Phone lo�� � ?0.�� i6. Between wn t crass s�reets? � � � T '�Jhich side of Stre�t /�uk� I7. Are premi5 s naw occupie�? G/ES � hat Bustness? d�eJ u%!�� �/C�c�,F' ttow Long? :3. LiSt lfCenS s which you clrrently ho1d, or r rneriy he1d, or may have sn int;rest in. l9. �fave any or the lic�nses listed by you in No I8 ever been r�voked? Yes ��o If answer i "yes" , l�st the dates and reaso s r! � .' . • jy�.�',.��� i (1/ • 20. If busi ess is incorporated, give date oi incorporation /�� 19 and att ch copy oz Articies o= Incorporat'on and minutes or tirs meeciag. 21. List al officers of the corporation, giv ng cheir names, offi.ce held, home address and home an business telephone numbers. 22. If busin ss is partnership, Iist partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. '��e U � Address ((,C�. ��jT. Phone2�7�'fl�� '�Tlt � .J Z f� i ;�LU�D t — 23. Is there anyone else who will have an inte est in this business or premises? /��� 24. Are you ing to ope ate this business per anally? �� If not, who will operate it? Nam Home Ad ress Phone 25. Are you g ing to have a manager or assista t in this business? fv� If aaswer is "yes", gi e name, home address, and home t lephone number. �Iame Home Ad ress Phone A1�TY F.�L,ISFICAT ON OF t3.►�1Sw�RS GZVEN OR :�IATERIAL S BMITTID WILL RESULT I*I DE:TI�1L OF THIS APPLICaTION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered a I of the above questions, and that the information co tained therein is true and correc to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state f rther under oath that I have rece ved no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection wfth the transfer o this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribu ion or otherwise, other t:�an alre dy disclosed in the application which I have herewith submi ted. State of ;Sinne ota) �i , ir I � } , Countq of Rams ) _ � /J ��1 (Signature of applica Subscribed and wo to before me this ^� da o f�,��y 19 R'7 ...,,'�,�„' ` _ � V 3,� KRISTINA L.S(�Iyy6I�p,8i ���� Norar�v�u�ra � � �� ��...- DAKOTA COUNTy .to arq Public, C uaty, ;Kinaesota MY� �S JAN•2, 1982 :Sy Commission e res r-L., - i �t`ta ` , �� . , . : . . ���y� Application N . Oate Receiv d By CITY OF ST. PAU , MINNESOTA APPI.ICATION FOR ON SALF IPJT XICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXIC TING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICA I�VG LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALF INTOXICATI G LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEV RAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directians: T is form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole o ner, by each partner, by each p rson who has interest in excess of 5� in the c rporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIE��1 BY THE PUBLIC 1. Applicatio for (name of license) ��c.� � � 'LLr )��r � ' �tJ� C�-/ J.�_� - � 2. Located at (address) �f/,� �i�%i U ' ��S ��.. 3. Name under which business wil l be operated ��`?.�.% {-�C.��- 4. True PJame � �CL�S .�t,'ti� S- .►.i � T�- Phone 5��7—���� First Middle hlaiden Last 5. Oate of Bi th � � S y Place o Birth J��.�cg�� �i"�.t.1ti' � r�l�_u'"i� Month, Day, Year o. Are you a itizen of the United States? �-S Native Naturalized 7. Home Addre s `� � ��C.,�- %� � �� D-� Home Telephone �3-'7 —S`���`/ 8. Including our present business/employment what business/employment have you followed for the pa t five years? B siness/Em lo ment Address � '7, � �; �,� ��s� ��✓�� I�� s-" .�; u��,�� i�-i .�v�� 9. Married? /V � If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. . . �-�,�. 10. . �-?ave you eier 5een convic�ed of any felony,, crime or vioiation of any city ordinance, other than traf�ic? Yes Vo Oate of ar est I9 �Jhere Charge Convictian Sentence Oate of ar est 19 Where � Cnarge Canvictian Sentence 1?. Retail Bee Federal iax Stamp Retail Liquor Fe�eral Tax Stamp �_ wi11 be used. 12. C1 osest 3. PT ace ��� Church School �7�L�/�'[ ���.i� I3. Closest in oxicating iiquar place. On Sale "U�� � Off Sa1e /t,� i�. List the n es and residenc�5 of three pers ns of Ramsey Caunty of good moral character, not relate to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business , �Nha �ay be ref rred to as to ttce applicant's cn racter. Name ,4ddress % �,J ���c-p �:� ��'3 � ,t��.ut,���� ���-f7 _ ��t— .� � D _ ,�� CtJ /'O `�"� �'T , �:�' ,`'�"/��� .��.1 C� ,�L'� �' %D — �T I5. Address or premises for whict� application i made /�f�s fi�(,�ivr�s � i`� �� Zone C1 ass ri cazi on �- � Phone ����G-� -�G,�� I6. Betwe�n wh t cross streets? ~�!� C,e's'c2' '�Jhich side of Street C,z'�-/ I7. Are premis s naw accupied? '� What Business? d� „�-� L-t�u�/L I�ow long? _ '_3. List licen es which you clrrently hoid, or o rnerly he1d, or may have an fnt�rest in. /� ,� I9. 4ave any o �he lic�nses listed by yau in y . 18 ever been r�voked? Yes ,'Vo If answer s "yes" , l�s� the dates and re3s ns ,N � : �-��7�-_ � 20. If busine s is incor orated, �ive date of i corporation /V/ // "-*� 19 P o and attac copy of �rticles oi Incorporatio and minutes or zirst meetiag. 21. List all fficers of the corporation, givin their names, offi.ce held, home address and home and usiness telephone numbers. 22. If busine s is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. :Jame LI 5 /�'(O•1�� " � Address ,, � '�� D�'� '� Phone ��-�'��� / -i�-' ���''v� . '� / 1��'1 �L �/� ��'��7�f)� 23. Is there nyone else who will have an inter2st in this business or premises? �� 24. Are you g ing to 9p�e,rate this business pers nally? �-S . If not, who will operate it? Name /V f� Home Ad ress Phone 25. Are you g ing to have a manager or assista t in this business?�� If answer is "yes", gi e name, home address, and home t lephone number. :1ame Home Ad ress Phone Ai�TY F.4LISFIC�T ON OF �vSW'ERS GIVE�i OR *iATERIAL BMITTID WILL RESULT I*I DE,tI�I. OF THIS :�PPLICaTIOV. I hereby state under oath that I have answered 11 of the above questions, and that the information co tained therein is true and corre t to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state f rther under oath that I have rec ived no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer f this license, from any person by way of 1oan, oift, contribu ian or otherwise, other than alr ady disclosed in the application whic:� I have herewith submi ted. ' l � State ot :4inne ota) , • � / � %��J �� Q-�,,,�-��G' -. Countq of Rams y ) (Signature ot applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this � 19 �Srl da or \ �.JJJWw'VVVLyy��yy�YVWYJ4MN�N�I- �/ ✓ � "��� �F1iSTiiVk L.SCHWHNN..1taA • ,�.a���----,�,,,,,, `� iIOTAfiY PUBIlC--AMNNESOTA }'`�. OAKOTA COUNIV ;totary Public, ouaty, Minnesota � MVCOMM.EXp�qESJAt�l.2,�s� :2y Co�ission :sp res ,�•d. ��t ��,�•��.�•wv,n�,v,,,,, n�v'v�nnn�w�v�. ��=� ��-i7� S AZ�T P AtTI: I T� C O UN G IL RE���ED K� Z�� �� �Z C� pEC z 21987 �ity Cle k. 3g6 Cit Hal l E Ap p�Z CA'�Za NT ��TY CLERK a� F!L�. NO. LJEWE LL Dear Proper Owner: * Application to �trans er an On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Restaura t License PURPOSE �P�j Ca fi Hollis Monnett F� Mart a Bergman DBA The Townhouse L`O C��Z � 1415 University Avenu uF'ARZL C January 28, 1988 9:00 a.m. City Council Ch ers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Pe 't Division, Department oL Firance and �QZ*TCir. 5 �T �ianagement Servic s, Room 203 City Hall - Court douse, Saint Paui, :iiane ota 298-5056 This da e may be changed without t e consent and/or knowl.edge of the License and Permit Division. It i suggested that you call the City Clerk' s Office at 298-423I if you ish conf ir�ation.