99-127�DR�GiNAL Presented By Referred to i - ��(\CV\o�G� - CITY OF, ��.b.10�\`l�� LUTION Council File # � Green Sheet # 32375 r_� 1� Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Chestnut Street between Shepard Road and West 2 Seventh will be reconstructed during the `99 construction season 3 along with Eagle Parkway and portions of Exchange Street, 4 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation and the 5 Department of Public Works have worked together as a team to 6 develop a comprehensive design for the entire project that will 7 be in accordance with the principles of the Saint Paul on the 8 Mississippi Development Framework, and 9 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation, with the 10 strong support of the Irvine Park neighborhood and the � 11 concurrence of the Department of Public Works, has recommended 12 burial of the existing overhead power and transmission lir_�s 13 along Chestnut Street, and 14 WHER�:AS, burial of said overhead power and transmission 15 lines, which is presently unfunded, will be most cost-effective 16 and least disruptive to the adjacent neighborhood and traveling 17 public if completed in conjunction with the reconstruction of 18 Chestnut Street/Eagle Parkway in the area, and 19 WHEREAS, the estimated cost to the City of Saint Paul to pay 2� to NSP, US West, and MediaOne to bury all existing overhead power 21 and other transmission lines in conjunction with the 22 reconstruction of Chestnut Street/Eagle Parkway in the area is 23 $250,000, and, 24 WHEREAS, the Shepard Road Project has CIB funding approved 25 in the 1999 CapiE�l�3udget for landscaping work on Shepard Road 26 which wi1L•now not be needed before the year 2000 construction 27 season, 28 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of 29 Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Long Range Capital 30 Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1999 Capital Improvement 31 Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council is hereby 32 further amended as follows: 3 3 ;he Si. Paul i.on9 - Ranga Cap�tal Imp.-ovsr,ia�t �SCLgBY CG�13M1Yt2� q'e-vsd this reqnESt on �date) and Lecosme°���< ryJA�_ �,r.. �.�,..�.� �;��: ,.--- - - - 34 ', '� 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FINANCING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 MSA 1999 CIB 1999 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 Construction Current Budaet 3,500,000 1,0��.000 a,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 47 FINANCING PLAN 48 Chestnut St Power Line Burial 49 C99-2R03S 50 CIB 1999 51 a shortfall in 52 SPEN?�ING PLAN 53 Chestnut St Power Line Burial 54 C99-2R035 55 Construction 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 without prior review and FURTHER RESOL�IED, that the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Public Works shall work together to obtain funding to replenish funds transferred from the Shepard Road (landscaping) Project, such that said landscaping work can be completed on schedule and as originally planned with roadway completion- and with other Amended Chancte Budcret a' ,�f� q 3,500,000 -25�,��0 750.000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 of the Ci n of Park � ey.t o f PL �, Yeas Nays� Absent Benanav _1/ B2akey _ Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry _ � Reitez Adopted by Council: Adopti n Certified b 0 250,000 250,000 0 250,000 250,000 0 250,OOG 250.000 0 250,000 250,000 Requested by: Divi By Date ��. -Q-. �'("� ��,�1 ��o..��� � y Co}lncil Secretary ���t��� •.. . -• . . �_ - ' I w " �'" „ . ��i�'�. By c •� ,,,,' Approval Recommen d Services Director: ByC=\Z�e/�. n U Form Approv �d by Ci� \ By: � Approve by Mayr� £o f nimr � . � � 1 ion to DEP9RiMENT 9FFICE/COUNCIL Pazks & Recreation and Public Works CANTACT PERSON & PHONE John Wirka 66411 & Ed Warn 66142 MUST BE ON CAUNGLAGENDA BY (DAT� 7an. 27. 1999 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES l+c� � - 99-1�"f ir'iii999 � GREEN SHEET No. 32375 .�-.� InNaUDate IniliaVDate DEPARTMEMDIREGTOR �f� I �CfTYCAUNCIL ASSIGN ❑S � CfIYATTORNEY CRY GLERK NUMBEfi WR HOUi1NG ❑FlNANCIAISERVICESDIF. ❑FINANCIALSFAV/ACCT6 ❑ MAYORIOR ASS15TANr) �L ❑ Etl Wam 2 1 O Parl¢ & Reaea�on ark Flu ert 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED Approval of Ciry Council Resoluuon providing $250,000 for burial of overhead power and transmission lines on Chestnut St./ Eagle Pazkway in 1999. � � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION A CIBCOMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A Statt t. Hasthisperson/firtneverworkeduntleracontractforthisdepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO I 4. Is tfiis pe�sort�S�m a targeted vendo�? INfr1ATING PR06LEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: YES NO Construction of Chesmut Street and Eagle Pazkway in 1999 presents the opportunity to bury existing overhead power and transmission lines, removing visual blight from major entrance to the city. Funding for this work can be obtained by temporarily reducing Shepazd Road landscaping budget A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Burial of unsighUy overhead power and transm��s��n�l i�n �ona�n¢tia 1999 street and parkway consh ��i� `� � !$'�Q DISA�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Temporary reduction in landscaping budget for Shepud Road. n�:�v'�'�au �'a' �:,�ti" ���� �� ���� �k���$ DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Overhead lines will remain, inhibiung placement of pazkway amenities and perpetuating unsightly appearance of entrance to Saint Paul. iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ $z50,000 COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE 1999 CIB ACTNffY NUMBER C99-2S060 & C99-?�]2Q:j�5,.� „-� FINANCIALINFORMATION (EXPLAIN) JAN 2 9 1999 �iAYOR'S OFFICE 34 ' 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 FINANCING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 MSA 1999 CIB 1999 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 Construction FINANCING PLAN Chestnut St C99-2R035 CIB 1999 SPEiv}3ING PLAN Chestnut St C99-2R035 Current Budaet 3,500,000 1,000.000 4,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Power Line Burial 0 0 Power Line Burial Construction 0 0 Amended Chanae Budaet a �� ' .}� �� ��� ��� , �v� s � ��� � 1� ``' 3, 500, 000 -250 00 750,000 -250,00 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 250.000 250,OOQ 250,000 250,000 250,OOG 250,0�0 250,000 250,000 � 57 FURTHER RSSOLVED, that the Division of Parks and Recreation 58 and the Department of Public Works shall work together to obtain 59 funding to replenish funds transferred from the Shepard Road 60 (landscaping) Project, such that said landscaping work can be 61 completed on schedule and as originally planned with •r ��a���,,,,,�f 62 completion- cCr�', ��_ �u,�r,rf 2 R�5 •. �+' � pr�caaf M rr�tt a 6lcrrf��! u, I�s<���� cvlm �oarrral J� �auur� . T R�cj'uested by: Divi on of Parks R�c �ation V�,, , g ; '.—.. � /�T/ / � ��J � Departm of Publi Wo H'��"� BY � Approval Recommen d b i ncia Services Director: By C�'7� rr' Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Approved by Mayor: Date: BY: Form Approv�d by By; r � on t� e " DR�GINAL � Presented By Referred to _ Council File # ������ Green Sheet # 32375 Committee: Date 1 WFiEREAS, Chestnut Street between Shepard oad and West 2 Sev tn will be reconstructed during the `99 onstruction season 3 alon with Eagle Parkway and portions of Exc ange Street, 4 EREAS, the Division of Parks and Re reation and the 5 Depart ent of Public Works have worked to ether as a team to 6 develop a comprehensive design for the e tire project that will 7 be in ac ordance with the principles of the Saint Paul on the 8 Mississip i Deve2opment Framework, an 9 WHEREA , the Division of Parks d Recreation, with the 10 strang suppo t of the Irvine Park n ighborhood and the � 11 concurrence o the Department of P 1ic Works, has recammended 12 burial of the xisting overhead p wer and transmission lir_�s 13 along Chestnut treet, and � WHER�:AS, burz 1 of said ov rhead power and transmissioa lines, which is pre ently unf ded, will be most cost-effective and least disruptive o the a'acent neighborhood and traveling 17 public if eompleted in conju tion with the reconstruction of 18 Chestnut Street/Eagle P kwa in the area, and 19 WHEREAS, the esti� 20 to NSP, US West, and M� 21 and other transmission 22 reconstruction of Ches 23 $250,000, and, cost to the City of Saint Paul to pay to bury all existing overhead power n conjunction with the tr t/Eagle Parkway in the area is 24 WHEREAS, the Shep d Road Pro ct has CIB funding approved 25 in the 1999 Capit��u get for land aping work on Shepard Road 26 which will=now not be needed before t e year 2000 construction 27 season, 28 NOW THEREFORE E IT RESOLVED, by the ouncil of the City of 29 Saint Paul, upon t recommendation of the ong Range Capital 30 Impravement Budget Committee, that the 1999 pital Improvement 31 Budget as heretof re adopted and amended by th Council is hereby 32 further amended follows: 33 � ;'he S. Paul I.on4 - Range Capital lmpioveriant Bud et Ccmmittee Q'e1ved this request on and zeco�me^�.s �d e? ✓A�_ ..----- r ��,.... �./� s�s��� �� OR�GINAL Pr2sented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its resolution 2 98-963 appropriated Neighborhood STAR Program funds in the amount of 3$181,725.0� to the Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council for the 4 Dayton's Bluff Community Theater Project at the new Dayton's Bluff 5 Recreation Center, and 6 WHEREAS, the Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council has 7 requested that the City oversee the project through its Division of 8 Parks and Recreation, to ensure compliance with STAR Program 9 guidelines and coordination with the recreation center construction 10 project, and 11 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is willing and able 12 to provide said project coordination services upon creation of a new 13 project in the 1998 Capital Improvement Budget, 14 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint 15 Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long 16 Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Capital 17 Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council 18 is hereby further amended as follows: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FINANCING PLAN Dayton's Bluff Community Theater C98-3D020-7306 Neighborhood STAR Program SPENDING PLAN Dayton's Bluff Community Theater C98-3D020 Equipment and Installation Green Sheet # 61071 �� CURRENT BUDGET -0- -�- -0- -0- 33 SPENDING PLAN 34 P7-930-90306-0547-77213 181,725.00 35 P7-930-90306-0565-77213 -0- 36 - - - - 37 181,725.00 Council File # q t��Q� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHANGE +181,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 (181,725.00) 181,725.00 -0- AMENDED BUDGET +181,725.00 +1H1,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 -0- 181,725_00 181,725.00 �DR�GiNAL Presented By Referred to i - ��(\CV\o�G� - CITY OF, ��.b.10�\`l�� LUTION Council File # � Green Sheet # 32375 r_� 1� Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Chestnut Street between Shepard Road and West 2 Seventh will be reconstructed during the `99 construction season 3 along with Eagle Parkway and portions of Exchange Street, 4 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation and the 5 Department of Public Works have worked together as a team to 6 develop a comprehensive design for the entire project that will 7 be in accordance with the principles of the Saint Paul on the 8 Mississippi Development Framework, and 9 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation, with the 10 strong support of the Irvine Park neighborhood and the � 11 concurrence of the Department of Public Works, has recommended 12 burial of the existing overhead power and transmission lir_�s 13 along Chestnut Street, and 14 WHER�:AS, burial of said overhead power and transmission 15 lines, which is presently unfunded, will be most cost-effective 16 and least disruptive to the adjacent neighborhood and traveling 17 public if completed in conjunction with the reconstruction of 18 Chestnut Street/Eagle Parkway in the area, and 19 WHEREAS, the estimated cost to the City of Saint Paul to pay 2� to NSP, US West, and MediaOne to bury all existing overhead power 21 and other transmission lines in conjunction with the 22 reconstruction of Chestnut Street/Eagle Parkway in the area is 23 $250,000, and, 24 WHEREAS, the Shepard Road Project has CIB funding approved 25 in the 1999 CapiE�l�3udget for landscaping work on Shepard Road 26 which wi1L•now not be needed before the year 2000 construction 27 season, 28 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of 29 Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Long Range Capital 30 Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1999 Capital Improvement 31 Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council is hereby 32 further amended as follows: 3 3 ;he Si. Paul i.on9 - Ranga Cap�tal Imp.-ovsr,ia�t �SCLgBY CG�13M1Yt2� q'e-vsd this reqnESt on �date) and Lecosme°���< ryJA�_ �,r.. �.�,..�.� �;��: ,.--- - - - 34 ', '� 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FINANCING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 MSA 1999 CIB 1999 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 Construction Current Budaet 3,500,000 1,0��.000 a,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 47 FINANCING PLAN 48 Chestnut St Power Line Burial 49 C99-2R03S 50 CIB 1999 51 a shortfall in 52 SPEN?�ING PLAN 53 Chestnut St Power Line Burial 54 C99-2R035 55 Construction 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 without prior review and FURTHER RESOL�IED, that the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Public Works shall work together to obtain funding to replenish funds transferred from the Shepard Road (landscaping) Project, such that said landscaping work can be completed on schedule and as originally planned with roadway completion- and with other Amended Chancte Budcret a' ,�f� q 3,500,000 -25�,��0 750.000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 of the Ci n of Park � ey.t o f PL �, Yeas Nays� Absent Benanav _1/ B2akey _ Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry _ � Reitez Adopted by Council: Adopti n Certified b 0 250,000 250,000 0 250,000 250,000 0 250,OOG 250.000 0 250,000 250,000 Requested by: Divi By Date ��. -Q-. �'("� ��,�1 ��o..��� � y Co}lncil Secretary ���t��� •.. . -• . . �_ - ' I w " �'" „ . ��i�'�. By c •� ,,,,' Approval Recommen d Services Director: ByC=\Z�e/�. n U Form Approv �d by Ci� \ By: � Approve by Mayr� £o f nimr � . � � 1 ion to DEP9RiMENT 9FFICE/COUNCIL Pazks & Recreation and Public Works CANTACT PERSON & PHONE John Wirka 66411 & Ed Warn 66142 MUST BE ON CAUNGLAGENDA BY (DAT� 7an. 27. 1999 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES l+c� � - 99-1�"f ir'iii999 � GREEN SHEET No. 32375 .�-.� InNaUDate IniliaVDate DEPARTMEMDIREGTOR �f� I �CfTYCAUNCIL ASSIGN ❑S � CfIYATTORNEY CRY GLERK NUMBEfi WR HOUi1NG ❑FlNANCIAISERVICESDIF. ❑FINANCIALSFAV/ACCT6 ❑ MAYORIOR ASS15TANr) �L ❑ Etl Wam 2 1 O Parl¢ & Reaea�on ark Flu ert 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED Approval of Ciry Council Resoluuon providing $250,000 for burial of overhead power and transmission lines on Chestnut St./ Eagle Pazkway in 1999. � � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION A CIBCOMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A Statt t. Hasthisperson/firtneverworkeduntleracontractforthisdepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO I 4. Is tfiis pe�sort�S�m a targeted vendo�? INfr1ATING PR06LEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: YES NO Construction of Chesmut Street and Eagle Pazkway in 1999 presents the opportunity to bury existing overhead power and transmission lines, removing visual blight from major entrance to the city. Funding for this work can be obtained by temporarily reducing Shepazd Road landscaping budget A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Burial of unsighUy overhead power and transm��s��n�l i�n �ona�n¢tia 1999 street and parkway consh ��i� `� � !$'�Q DISA�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Temporary reduction in landscaping budget for Shepud Road. n�:�v'�'�au �'a' �:,�ti" ���� �� ���� �k���$ DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Overhead lines will remain, inhibiung placement of pazkway amenities and perpetuating unsightly appearance of entrance to Saint Paul. iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ $z50,000 COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE 1999 CIB ACTNffY NUMBER C99-2S060 & C99-?�]2Q:j�5,.� „-� FINANCIALINFORMATION (EXPLAIN) JAN 2 9 1999 �iAYOR'S OFFICE 34 ' 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 FINANCING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 MSA 1999 CIB 1999 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 Construction FINANCING PLAN Chestnut St C99-2R035 CIB 1999 SPEiv}3ING PLAN Chestnut St C99-2R035 Current Budaet 3,500,000 1,000.000 4,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Power Line Burial 0 0 Power Line Burial Construction 0 0 Amended Chanae Budaet a �� ' .}� �� ��� ��� , �v� s � ��� � 1� ``' 3, 500, 000 -250 00 750,000 -250,00 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 250.000 250,OOQ 250,000 250,000 250,OOG 250,0�0 250,000 250,000 � 57 FURTHER RSSOLVED, that the Division of Parks and Recreation 58 and the Department of Public Works shall work together to obtain 59 funding to replenish funds transferred from the Shepard Road 60 (landscaping) Project, such that said landscaping work can be 61 completed on schedule and as originally planned with •r ��a���,,,,,�f 62 completion- cCr�', ��_ �u,�r,rf 2 R�5 •. �+' � pr�caaf M rr�tt a 6lcrrf��! u, I�s<���� cvlm �oarrral J� �auur� . T R�cj'uested by: Divi on of Parks R�c �ation V�,, , g ; '.—.. � /�T/ / � ��J � Departm of Publi Wo H'��"� BY � Approval Recommen d b i ncia Services Director: By C�'7� rr' Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Approved by Mayor: Date: BY: Form Approv�d by By; r � on t� e " DR�GINAL � Presented By Referred to _ Council File # ������ Green Sheet # 32375 Committee: Date 1 WFiEREAS, Chestnut Street between Shepard oad and West 2 Sev tn will be reconstructed during the `99 onstruction season 3 alon with Eagle Parkway and portions of Exc ange Street, 4 EREAS, the Division of Parks and Re reation and the 5 Depart ent of Public Works have worked to ether as a team to 6 develop a comprehensive design for the e tire project that will 7 be in ac ordance with the principles of the Saint Paul on the 8 Mississip i Deve2opment Framework, an 9 WHEREA , the Division of Parks d Recreation, with the 10 strang suppo t of the Irvine Park n ighborhood and the � 11 concurrence o the Department of P 1ic Works, has recammended 12 burial of the xisting overhead p wer and transmission lir_�s 13 along Chestnut treet, and � WHER�:AS, burz 1 of said ov rhead power and transmissioa lines, which is pre ently unf ded, will be most cost-effective and least disruptive o the a'acent neighborhood and traveling 17 public if eompleted in conju tion with the reconstruction of 18 Chestnut Street/Eagle P kwa in the area, and 19 WHEREAS, the esti� 20 to NSP, US West, and M� 21 and other transmission 22 reconstruction of Ches 23 $250,000, and, cost to the City of Saint Paul to pay to bury all existing overhead power n conjunction with the tr t/Eagle Parkway in the area is 24 WHEREAS, the Shep d Road Pro ct has CIB funding approved 25 in the 1999 Capit��u get for land aping work on Shepard Road 26 which will=now not be needed before t e year 2000 construction 27 season, 28 NOW THEREFORE E IT RESOLVED, by the ouncil of the City of 29 Saint Paul, upon t recommendation of the ong Range Capital 30 Impravement Budget Committee, that the 1999 pital Improvement 31 Budget as heretof re adopted and amended by th Council is hereby 32 further amended follows: 33 � ;'he S. Paul I.on4 - Range Capital lmpioveriant Bud et Ccmmittee Q'e1ved this request on and zeco�me^�.s �d e? ✓A�_ ..----- r ��,.... �./� s�s��� �� OR�GINAL Pr2sented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its resolution 2 98-963 appropriated Neighborhood STAR Program funds in the amount of 3$181,725.0� to the Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council for the 4 Dayton's Bluff Community Theater Project at the new Dayton's Bluff 5 Recreation Center, and 6 WHEREAS, the Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council has 7 requested that the City oversee the project through its Division of 8 Parks and Recreation, to ensure compliance with STAR Program 9 guidelines and coordination with the recreation center construction 10 project, and 11 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is willing and able 12 to provide said project coordination services upon creation of a new 13 project in the 1998 Capital Improvement Budget, 14 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint 15 Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long 16 Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Capital 17 Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council 18 is hereby further amended as follows: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FINANCING PLAN Dayton's Bluff Community Theater C98-3D020-7306 Neighborhood STAR Program SPENDING PLAN Dayton's Bluff Community Theater C98-3D020 Equipment and Installation Green Sheet # 61071 �� CURRENT BUDGET -0- -�- -0- -0- 33 SPENDING PLAN 34 P7-930-90306-0547-77213 181,725.00 35 P7-930-90306-0565-77213 -0- 36 - - - - 37 181,725.00 Council File # q t��Q� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHANGE +181,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 (181,725.00) 181,725.00 -0- AMENDED BUDGET +181,725.00 +1H1,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 -0- 181,725_00 181,725.00 �DR�GiNAL Presented By Referred to i - ��(\CV\o�G� - CITY OF, ��.b.10�\`l�� LUTION Council File # � Green Sheet # 32375 r_� 1� Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Chestnut Street between Shepard Road and West 2 Seventh will be reconstructed during the `99 construction season 3 along with Eagle Parkway and portions of Exchange Street, 4 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation and the 5 Department of Public Works have worked together as a team to 6 develop a comprehensive design for the entire project that will 7 be in accordance with the principles of the Saint Paul on the 8 Mississippi Development Framework, and 9 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation, with the 10 strong support of the Irvine Park neighborhood and the � 11 concurrence of the Department of Public Works, has recommended 12 burial of the existing overhead power and transmission lir_�s 13 along Chestnut Street, and 14 WHER�:AS, burial of said overhead power and transmission 15 lines, which is presently unfunded, will be most cost-effective 16 and least disruptive to the adjacent neighborhood and traveling 17 public if completed in conjunction with the reconstruction of 18 Chestnut Street/Eagle Parkway in the area, and 19 WHEREAS, the estimated cost to the City of Saint Paul to pay 2� to NSP, US West, and MediaOne to bury all existing overhead power 21 and other transmission lines in conjunction with the 22 reconstruction of Chestnut Street/Eagle Parkway in the area is 23 $250,000, and, 24 WHEREAS, the Shepard Road Project has CIB funding approved 25 in the 1999 CapiE�l�3udget for landscaping work on Shepard Road 26 which wi1L•now not be needed before the year 2000 construction 27 season, 28 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of 29 Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Long Range Capital 30 Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1999 Capital Improvement 31 Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council is hereby 32 further amended as follows: 3 3 ;he Si. Paul i.on9 - Ranga Cap�tal Imp.-ovsr,ia�t �SCLgBY CG�13M1Yt2� q'e-vsd this reqnESt on �date) and Lecosme°���< ryJA�_ �,r.. �.�,..�.� �;��: ,.--- - - - 34 ', '� 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FINANCING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 MSA 1999 CIB 1999 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 Construction Current Budaet 3,500,000 1,0��.000 a,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 47 FINANCING PLAN 48 Chestnut St Power Line Burial 49 C99-2R03S 50 CIB 1999 51 a shortfall in 52 SPEN?�ING PLAN 53 Chestnut St Power Line Burial 54 C99-2R035 55 Construction 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 without prior review and FURTHER RESOL�IED, that the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Public Works shall work together to obtain funding to replenish funds transferred from the Shepard Road (landscaping) Project, such that said landscaping work can be completed on schedule and as originally planned with roadway completion- and with other Amended Chancte Budcret a' ,�f� q 3,500,000 -25�,��0 750.000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 of the Ci n of Park � ey.t o f PL �, Yeas Nays� Absent Benanav _1/ B2akey _ Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry _ � Reitez Adopted by Council: Adopti n Certified b 0 250,000 250,000 0 250,000 250,000 0 250,OOG 250.000 0 250,000 250,000 Requested by: Divi By Date ��. -Q-. �'("� ��,�1 ��o..��� � y Co}lncil Secretary ���t��� •.. . -• . . �_ - ' I w " �'" „ . ��i�'�. By c •� ,,,,' Approval Recommen d Services Director: ByC=\Z�e/�. n U Form Approv �d by Ci� \ By: � Approve by Mayr� £o f nimr � . � � 1 ion to DEP9RiMENT 9FFICE/COUNCIL Pazks & Recreation and Public Works CANTACT PERSON & PHONE John Wirka 66411 & Ed Warn 66142 MUST BE ON CAUNGLAGENDA BY (DAT� 7an. 27. 1999 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES l+c� � - 99-1�"f ir'iii999 � GREEN SHEET No. 32375 .�-.� InNaUDate IniliaVDate DEPARTMEMDIREGTOR �f� I �CfTYCAUNCIL ASSIGN ❑S � CfIYATTORNEY CRY GLERK NUMBEfi WR HOUi1NG ❑FlNANCIAISERVICESDIF. ❑FINANCIALSFAV/ACCT6 ❑ MAYORIOR ASS15TANr) �L ❑ Etl Wam 2 1 O Parl¢ & Reaea�on ark Flu ert 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED Approval of Ciry Council Resoluuon providing $250,000 for burial of overhead power and transmission lines on Chestnut St./ Eagle Pazkway in 1999. � � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION A CIBCOMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A Statt t. Hasthisperson/firtneverworkeduntleracontractforthisdepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO I 4. Is tfiis pe�sort�S�m a targeted vendo�? INfr1ATING PR06LEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: YES NO Construction of Chesmut Street and Eagle Pazkway in 1999 presents the opportunity to bury existing overhead power and transmission lines, removing visual blight from major entrance to the city. Funding for this work can be obtained by temporarily reducing Shepazd Road landscaping budget A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Burial of unsighUy overhead power and transm��s��n�l i�n �ona�n¢tia 1999 street and parkway consh ��i� `� � !$'�Q DISA�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Temporary reduction in landscaping budget for Shepud Road. n�:�v'�'�au �'a' �:,�ti" ���� �� ���� �k���$ DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Overhead lines will remain, inhibiung placement of pazkway amenities and perpetuating unsightly appearance of entrance to Saint Paul. iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ $z50,000 COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE 1999 CIB ACTNffY NUMBER C99-2S060 & C99-?�]2Q:j�5,.� „-� FINANCIALINFORMATION (EXPLAIN) JAN 2 9 1999 �iAYOR'S OFFICE 34 ' 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 FINANCING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 MSA 1999 CIB 1999 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Road C99-2S060 Construction FINANCING PLAN Chestnut St C99-2R035 CIB 1999 SPEiv}3ING PLAN Chestnut St C99-2R035 Current Budaet 3,500,000 1,000.000 4,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Power Line Burial 0 0 Power Line Burial Construction 0 0 Amended Chanae Budaet a �� ' .}� �� ��� ��� , �v� s � ��� � 1� ``' 3, 500, 000 -250 00 750,000 -250,00 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 -250,000 4,250,000 250.000 250,OOQ 250,000 250,000 250,OOG 250,0�0 250,000 250,000 � 57 FURTHER RSSOLVED, that the Division of Parks and Recreation 58 and the Department of Public Works shall work together to obtain 59 funding to replenish funds transferred from the Shepard Road 60 (landscaping) Project, such that said landscaping work can be 61 completed on schedule and as originally planned with •r ��a���,,,,,�f 62 completion- cCr�', ��_ �u,�r,rf 2 R�5 •. �+' � pr�caaf M rr�tt a 6lcrrf��! u, I�s<���� cvlm �oarrral J� �auur� . T R�cj'uested by: Divi on of Parks R�c �ation V�,, , g ; '.—.. � /�T/ / � ��J � Departm of Publi Wo H'��"� BY � Approval Recommen d b i ncia Services Director: By C�'7� rr' Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Approved by Mayor: Date: BY: Form Approv�d by By; r � on t� e " DR�GINAL � Presented By Referred to _ Council File # ������ Green Sheet # 32375 Committee: Date 1 WFiEREAS, Chestnut Street between Shepard oad and West 2 Sev tn will be reconstructed during the `99 onstruction season 3 alon with Eagle Parkway and portions of Exc ange Street, 4 EREAS, the Division of Parks and Re reation and the 5 Depart ent of Public Works have worked to ether as a team to 6 develop a comprehensive design for the e tire project that will 7 be in ac ordance with the principles of the Saint Paul on the 8 Mississip i Deve2opment Framework, an 9 WHEREA , the Division of Parks d Recreation, with the 10 strang suppo t of the Irvine Park n ighborhood and the � 11 concurrence o the Department of P 1ic Works, has recammended 12 burial of the xisting overhead p wer and transmission lir_�s 13 along Chestnut treet, and � WHER�:AS, burz 1 of said ov rhead power and transmissioa lines, which is pre ently unf ded, will be most cost-effective and least disruptive o the a'acent neighborhood and traveling 17 public if eompleted in conju tion with the reconstruction of 18 Chestnut Street/Eagle P kwa in the area, and 19 WHEREAS, the esti� 20 to NSP, US West, and M� 21 and other transmission 22 reconstruction of Ches 23 $250,000, and, cost to the City of Saint Paul to pay to bury all existing overhead power n conjunction with the tr t/Eagle Parkway in the area is 24 WHEREAS, the Shep d Road Pro ct has CIB funding approved 25 in the 1999 Capit��u get for land aping work on Shepard Road 26 which will=now not be needed before t e year 2000 construction 27 season, 28 NOW THEREFORE E IT RESOLVED, by the ouncil of the City of 29 Saint Paul, upon t recommendation of the ong Range Capital 30 Impravement Budget Committee, that the 1999 pital Improvement 31 Budget as heretof re adopted and amended by th Council is hereby 32 further amended follows: 33 � ;'he S. Paul I.on4 - Range Capital lmpioveriant Bud et Ccmmittee Q'e1ved this request on and zeco�me^�.s �d e? ✓A�_ ..----- r ��,.... �./� s�s��� �� OR�GINAL Pr2sented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its resolution 2 98-963 appropriated Neighborhood STAR Program funds in the amount of 3$181,725.0� to the Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council for the 4 Dayton's Bluff Community Theater Project at the new Dayton's Bluff 5 Recreation Center, and 6 WHEREAS, the Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council has 7 requested that the City oversee the project through its Division of 8 Parks and Recreation, to ensure compliance with STAR Program 9 guidelines and coordination with the recreation center construction 10 project, and 11 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is willing and able 12 to provide said project coordination services upon creation of a new 13 project in the 1998 Capital Improvement Budget, 14 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint 15 Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long 16 Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Capital 17 Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council 18 is hereby further amended as follows: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FINANCING PLAN Dayton's Bluff Community Theater C98-3D020-7306 Neighborhood STAR Program SPENDING PLAN Dayton's Bluff Community Theater C98-3D020 Equipment and Installation Green Sheet # 61071 �� CURRENT BUDGET -0- -�- -0- -0- 33 SPENDING PLAN 34 P7-930-90306-0547-77213 181,725.00 35 P7-930-90306-0565-77213 -0- 36 - - - - 37 181,725.00 Council File # q t��Q� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHANGE +181,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 (181,725.00) 181,725.00 -0- AMENDED BUDGET +181,725.00 +1H1,725.00 +181,725.00 +181,725.00 -0- 181,725_00 181,725.00