88-159 ai � _ � �� WHITE - CITV CLER COURCII PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F S I NT PA LT L � / CANARY - DEPAitTME T BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Co ncil olution ,. , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date RESOLV D, That upon execution an delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be app oved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09 70-511-000 , to: 1 . De nna Sato the sum of $1 , 463 10 in full settlement of her pr perty damage claim of dama es sustained on or about IVo ember 30 , 1987 , as more pa ticularly set out in the No ice of Claim filed in the ity Clerk ' s office on De ember 7 , 1987. COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond Lo,� In Favor coswitz Rettman B �he1�� �_ Against Y Wilson pp FEB �t �9�p Form Appr ed by City t r y Adopted by Cou ci!: Date Certified Pas e b cil Se ta By By r � A►pproved Ma or: D e _ ' � Approv b Mayor for Sub i si to Council By �� PtlBtISHED rt� i � 1988 t - C unci! Research Center �+�'/�� � , , . . JAN 271988 .C11° �13401 � Cit At orne DEPARTMEN'� • CONTACT NAI3E � PflONE DATE SS Qk ROU�ING OR�: (See rever e side.) � t �� _ Departme t Director _ Maqor (or Assistant) \1�1 �'R'f _ Finance nd l�ianagement Services Director City Cler _ Budget D rector �, �.t�c � !��l� _ City Att rney _ � fi (Clip all locations for signature.) V Y C A ? (Furpose/Rationale) Sett�ement� f Deanna' Sato�s �claim :of amad�@s -to���r at��+�mob�le on November 3 ,' �t987, when Cir�r .vf�3a�nt - P_at�� employec, Stephen S�hultz , was driving a blic Works dump truck. O r d�iver failed to stop in time and struck the rear end 'of a stopped vehi le owned and riven by Deanna Sato. Ms. Sato ' s vehicle was totaled in the amount of $1 ,463 .10. Y ND 0 I T D: � , . N/A ' F N N UDG T BER C D: (Mayor's si nature not required if under $1 ,000.) Total Am t of Transgction: $1 ,463.10 Activity Number: � _ _ ' Funding S rce: 09070 AC S (List and number all attachme ts.) Resol ion DM .ST IV PROCEDURES _Yes No Rules, Regulations, Proce ures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they or timet ble attached? D P TMEN REV EW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �„Yes No Council resolt�tion require ? Resolution required? �Yes _No _Yes No Insurance required? �Insurance sufficient? _Yes „�No Yes No Insurance attached?