88-155 WNITE - CITV CLE K �INK +- FINANC�E COU�ICII `� L � CANARV -DEPARTM NT GITY OF AINT PALTL �/ BLUE -MAVOR File NO• " ��� � , .� cil Resolution .� Presented By Refer Committee: _: Date Out of ommittee By Date RESOLUTIO to authorize the development o a plan to merge the public health services of the Ci y of Saint Paul and Ramsey Coun y WHEREAS, he Saint Paul City Council and he Ramsey County Board of Commissioners are concerned about the health and welfare of the residents of Saint Paul and Ramsey County; a d WHEREAS, t may be most effective to meet those concerns through a consolidation of City and ounty public health services; a d WHEREAS, he City Council believea that p ograms and services may be enhanced and not reduced combining City and County publ c health services; and WHEREAS, he City Council recognizes that the protection of employees' rights and the assurance of employee satisfaction are es ential req uirements for effectively and efficien ly delivering public health servi ces; and WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges th t the bargaining units that represent the Division of Public Health emploqees muet ccept and ratify the provi.sions of the Merger P an that impact on the employees ights as provided for in the respective collecti e bargaining agreements .with the city; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Counci authorize staff of the City of Saint Paul to negot'ate with the ataff of Ramsey Cou ty for the purpose of developing a Merger Plan whi h may consolidate the Saint Paul Division of Public Health and the Ramsey County D partment of Public Health; and it FURTHER SOLVED, that the Mayor is ac�th rized to begin development of the Plan by appointi g a Merger Team consisting of o representative of each of the following: the Mayo 's Office, the Personnel Office, the City Attorney's Office, the Budget Office, nd the Department of Community ervices; and be it FURTHER SOLVED, that the Merger Team w' ll �et publicly and report to the Saint Paul Boa d of Health at monthly achedule meetings; and be; it COUNCI MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays C OMMfJ1VI TY SERVI CE S [n Favor _ Against BY ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified Yasse by Council Secretary BY By . A►pproved by Ma or: Date Approve by Mayor for Submi o to Council By B WHITE - CITV CLE K �INK �- FINANCE GITY OF AINT PALTL Council . � �- CANARV - DEPARTM NT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �' � � Council esolution Presented By . Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date FURTHER SOLVED, that any Plan developed or City Council consideration will provide for the intenance or enhancement of curr nt City health services and progra� and for the p otection of anployees' wages, be efits and job security; and be it FURTHER SOLVED, that the personnel consolidation component of the Plan shall be re viewed nd approved bq a Personnel Commi tee, appointed by the Mayor, and consistin of one representative from each of the following: bargaining units that represent Division of Public Health emploq es, the Mayor's Office, the Personnel Office an the Department of Community Ser ' ces; and be it FURTHER SOLVED, that the Mayor will soli it the full participation of Ramsey County through t e adoption by the Board of Commi sioners of an authorizing Resolution and the appoi tment of corresponding Ramsey Co nty personnel to the Merger Team and Personnel Committee; and be it FINALLY SOLVED, that this Resolution doe not represent City Council approval of the merge of City and Ramsey County publi health services, but rather suthorizes the devel pment of a Merger Plan for City ouncil consideration. COUNCIL EN Yeas Dimond Nays � Requested by Department of: Goswitz COMMUNITY SERVICES Long In Favor Rettman � Against BY � Scheibel ,Sc�ae�- Wilson FE� � �+ � For Approved C' ney Adopted by Counci : Date � Certified Pa. d b ouncil r ry BY � By A►pprov IVIa r � — Appro b Mayor for Sub `ncil B BY PUBUSNEO F E B 131988 �:aur;cit Reseerch Center. � . �� � � t98 �T° 09230 ' S rvf es D�PARTMENT . 8 �� Ja�es 0'Lear CONTACT ' - 7 4 PHONE Januar 19 198 DATE �ie� Q, Q � ASSIGN NUhBER � .ROUTING ORDER Cl.i �Al l Locat ons for 5i nature : ;. � � Department irector 3 Director of Management/Mayor���� � Finance an Management Serviaes Director � 5 City Clerk Budget Dir tor� 4 Counciloaa Seh ibel 2 C i ty Attor Y �'�, �s � .�s"" WHAT WILL BE AC IEVED 8Y TAKING ACTION ON THE A TACHED MATERIALS? (Purpase/ Rationale) : The Council vi authorize the d�velopnent of a Plan to nerge the public health aervicea of the City an Ramaey County; as well as eatab ish a Citq �lerger �eam tfl develop the Plan in cooperation ith a correaponding Ramaey Coun y Merger Team. OST BENEFIT B DGETARY AND PERS NNEL IMPACTS A TICiPATED: ThE Merger Pls will detail the costs and benef ts to be g,ained �r the proposed merger. 1be �arpoae of he B�esolution i,s, therefore, to detail the b�d.�e�ary aad per8onnei impacts and to then re nd a plam of action to proce d ahonld tfiat be the decisian. . FINANCING SOURC AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CH GEp OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- , . ture not re- Total Amount of "Transactio : $�to �nc�wn quired if under � $10,000� Fund�ng Sour e: , _rt/A Activity Num er: �KlA • ATTACHMENTS Li t and Number Al1 AttacFanents : - 1. Resolution • QEPARTMENT REVI W CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW Yes No uncil Resolution Required? ' Resblution Required? Yes No Yes No I surance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No I surance- Attached:' (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR I STRtlCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . �/�-�/� � ✓ ��t=�o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� =i i iiiu ; ��dA�� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latime (612)292-7741 Mayor Jan ary 26, 1988 Mr. A1 Olson Cit Clerk Roo 386 City Hall �� Dea . son: I a transmitting the City Council Res lution that was passed by the Saint Paul Bo d of Health at its meeting on Janu 26, 1988. The Board of Health is for arding this Resolution to the City ouncil for its action, and is rec mmending approval. In this regard please include the Resolution on the nex , most convenient Council Agenda. Ple se contact me at extension 7724 if you have any questions. Ver 'ncerely, �,_ : �_., ��'r O'Leary