88-149 WMITE - C1TV CIER PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL F1eci1N0. ������ GANARY - DEPARTME T BLUE - MAVOR � Coun ,l esolution ;�' �� g��` Presented By ��- ' Referred o Committee: Date Out of C mittee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #97908 for a Second Hand Dealex Motor Vehicle License applied for by Scott . Thomas DBA Stone's Auto Mart, Inc. at 914 University Avenue be and he same is hereby approved with the following xestriction: 1. No outside storage or dis lay of vehicles COUNCIL MEMB RS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel � _ A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson FEB — 21988 Form Appr v by City A orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s y ouncil Secr BY gy, Approve i�lavor. Dat �EB s'; 1988 Approve b Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBIISHED :=�::�_� 1 � 1988 � . � � a►��u►reo o��� `'^ ' ` /` ' � Jae� �. . �f�Ef�l SH�ET No:000923 �,�„�� �,����; Kris van. �iorn �N — — & �wo. NUMBER h'OR _ �a�oaaarr�or�ci� dtv cxEwc .��� Z�s-sas6 - � _ �� _ crtr�,-r�v - ��.1.Cd�iD[l � d 5�00[1C� FIc'1IK� I�}.P.x' N.k�A�' �C3.@ .I+�,C�'. A�1��1011�: (N o►Fkjact(R)) COtNICIL REPORT: _ PLAtMM10 OO�NN�ION CML SERIIICE COMMIS3ION OATE IN � � DATE OUT /.. . ANKVBT . . .. PWONE N0. . .. . . zonu+o oanresia+ �so en sa+oa.eonno � �L' '� � ��'��° � _ sr� cwv�n cow�ssiorr �caNr��s _.�ooi�o.�oo�* _�w�'a� ��,�oom +. o�srnwr�cn, *ocruru�aiu: s�iProars wwn�oou+cu_ _ COUncil R�earCh Cerrt+� 'JAN �61988 rin�wo�r»u., twno.nmat.wr,s�.v��re.wny�: . . N�. SCAtt �. � �'1 �'�'1d1� Of S'tOd1E�s ALitiO 1�61�'t r IhC.� �.3 �Qll@8'�;TIg '�I.II'�C��. �7cZ�- o£ thair ��iand Dealer Mat�ar Vehicle Li at 91� tk�f.v�ers�ty Av�. ,A s�.�u]:atiai �has Y�i p -ari the �:sflluti� that there ,r� outside st�rage or d�,apla� ca� v+�.cl+es. _ ,w�cnnewriao�re.rwe: A..w�sr. . _ : , : If this a�p tion reaeives C7oLn�ci1 apprvval, ':s� Auto Mazt, Ine. I�BA Stor�e's Auto Mart n�ay carr� on or be en5a.c�ed i,n th� tr�e I�usine�ss of a Seoond Har�d Mo�or Vehi.cl.e Dealer. _ �Iw�ri wi+«r. To w�anr• , . ;:: - If tY�i:s app . a�oes r�t reoeive council rava].,'',st��� Auto I+�t, rr1c. w3.1.1 not be all��ed to ge in.the business tA sell Hand Nbtor Vehicles in the City of Sai�sit P�ctl. ,��nres: Pnos -: cor� . �r�r�rrs: �asu�s: . +, _ ��,�� T�IVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIST ION DATE ��_ / 1p�. -7 INTERDF.P RTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applican ��no� , � rn��(� �,y� _, Home Address ��jc.�c� c5t.�� (� .,�� ��O Business 'ame _ Home Phone ��1� - `� 1,�( � Business ddress ��C.� ��Avp;,��.� ��y� Type of License(s) � �� �-d} . ''�1�.�. Business hone �c.� c155'3 ����Y , Public He ring Date aa � License I.D. 4� �T_� d� at 9:00 a m. in the C ncil hambers, ''I 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� ��v`t'ja� llate I�TUti e Sent; Dealer 4� �'��(.�,a to Applic t � rederal Firearms �� n f � Public Hea ing —�� � ' o�-� O DATE IIvSPECTIO REVIE VERFIED (COMPUTE ) CUMMENTS A roved Not A oved Bldg I & D � I � � ^ �� 4 �3v I o.� c�.t.s,�lc� � � . ! � � , Health Di n. ' , ' . � � � i Fire Dept i � ; �I ;� i o� ► Police De t. �ZIz� � n� ��� License Di n. � 2,/ � l ��t � b City Attor ey � i Date Received: Site Plan t� Z o Council Research � � ,q � c�� Lease or Lett r T— Date from Landlord � 'L�[ &L.� $� � ._ �. . /,f� �,p, ��C� , (� dd" � `� , CITY OF . PAUL DEPARTl�NT aF FIl�A1�iCE MAAAC� S8R1/ICES � LIC�ENSE AAD DIV�SIO�A � � , These stat m farms are isaued in dnplics . Please aas�rer all queatiana ltiil�y aad completely. This applicatfon is thorougt�y cbecked. Any falsiticstioa Mill be csuse for deaial. �ste � � ^Z 19 � 1. Applica ion Por (License) Permit) 2. Name ot applicsnt C n„ � c . 3. If appl csnt is/has been a msrried femal , list maidea name b. Dste of irth _�'�� (G �C�j,� pge� Plsce o! birth �tt1 CA�� 5. Are yau citizen of the United Statea S Fstiv�e Fsturalized ,,—� — 6. Are yau registerea voter � \ . _7,_ 7. Hame ard ss L-i �( . � ��e __��Q A. Preaent sinesa addreas 1 V' J� Buainess telepbads ZZ. — 3 9. Includin s� your present businesa/employmen , Whst- b�isiaeas/e�plcyment l�ave yai folloved or the paat five years. Bu ineas/F�nployaient Address � � �� • , � �,1� i 10. Married - �If ans�+er is "yea", liat name and addzess af spouse 11. Ftave you er been arrested for aa o!lense bst has resulted in s conviction! It ans�+�er a "yes", list dates of arrests, re, chargea, convictioos and sentenees. � Date of ar st ,v 19 `ihete ,V � — CAA�?GE CONI/ICTION g� Date �: st i9 Where CRARGr CONV IGTIOi7 S��� � . ' .: . 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name o! spause also) o! all perso�s, corporations, partnerships, associatfona or orgariizations rl�ich in any way have: a. A mortgage interest in the licenaed premise, � � � b. A security interest in tha licensed premises, license, or hzrnishings o! the licensed premise, /U O c. A prvmissory note for Pt�nds loaned !or the aperation of the licensed premise or the pnrchase o!'the license, �/V ,(� d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self � ' e. Ar�y other interest eittler direct or indirect, either financial or otherwise � � /' in the licensed premise or the license itaelf, /V � Attach a copy hereto oY any and all documeats referred to in this atiidavit. 1?. Give namea aud addresses oP two persons, resideats ot 3t. Paul, Mi�esata, vho can give intormation coacerning you. gp� S � Z� wi -�(.� �-bL� � � (�Z 14. Addreas of premises tor which Li ense or Permit is masle Addreas � �'" Zone claaaificatio�n 15. Between what croas streets ��(�`�— V C'`���,��ich side of street � /� 16. Na�ae under vhich this busineas rill be conducted �1� f�U��fi(�[ �C -, 17. Busi�ss talephone n�unber Z��'''1 >� 1�. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, sad square footage of the premises to be licensed �� �" �c� � ��� Z9. ?re premises no�+ occupied�_Whiat business N� long � � � U � � r� C ►�, � � � .C�--�-��.� `�20. Lis license whic ou curr ly hol , or foziner�y h r have an i�ere it� � 21. Hav aay► of the licenses listed by yo in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes N� . If anawer is "yes�t, liat ates aad reasona: 22. Do y u have an interest of a�r type i a�yr other baisineas or business premises. I.° wer is "yes", list business, bus nese address aad telephone number.__ � 23. If bu iness fs incorporated, giw da�e ot incorporation Z 19� and a tach copy of Articles of Incorpo stion aad ffinutes of f st meeting. 24. List 11 ofPicers oP the corporation g ving their names, o held� hame ire �, and home and busineas telepho n�bers: ���'�''�t S � �•� t✓ �� �'�-� -� �^� ZZ � 25. If busi ss is partnership, list partner(s) address arid telepho�e n�bera: Name i i= Addre s 11e1.Ao. �_ ..�� 26. Is ther ar�yone else Who �+ill have an i ereat in this busineas o� preatises4 If answ r is "yes", give name, home ad sa� telep�e nt�bers aad in t�hst manner s tl�eir interest: � 1� V 27. Are yon oin�t to operate this business pe aonal]y -�$it not, xbc� xill operste it: Aame Home address �e1.Ao. - Are you going to have a t�fanager or assistaat in this business? It ans�rer is "yes", give name and home address and home telephone number: Name N v Home address Te1.No. 29. Has anyone you have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arreste�? Zf answer is "yes'�, list natae of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, com►ic- tions and sentence 30. I C�'�'J��� S nnderstaad this premise ma�y be in- spected by the police, fire, health and other city oft'icials at a�r and ali times when the business is in operation. State oF Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) being lirst duly sworn, deposea ar�d says upo�n oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his sigaature and l�o�rs the contents thereoP, and that the same ia true oF his own l�or�rledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief an as to those tte he be- lieves them to be true. .__._.._. �_.._. _ .. -- __-�-�_ Subscribed and ss+orn to befoxe me igaa Applica.nt this � 5 da4Y of � � °�..„`� __ � .��.,��e�9�.� _ No Public, �County, Mfnnesota 'riy co�ission expires -,�,�. � � . � II� �`� � S�y1�V fi P�_U-L I`I'� C 0 UN� �- � �UB�Z� Il�T� i`TO�Z�� � _ I����T�� I'I�Z�A'�ZaN ' F'iT,=' N�. 17402 Dear Prope y Owner: � � , w Application for a S cond Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License PUFZ 0 E 2,pp�i� � Stone's Auto Mart, I c. DBA Stone's Auto Mart 1�0�i��T 1y 914 University Avenu January Z8, 1988 9:4o a.a. T'� t�-R� C Cicp Cauncil. C� ' ers, 3rd iloar City Ba.LI - Cau:.. Eousa 3q Licsase aad Pe 't Di�ision, Depar�eat oz �`�acs aad �O���� L�� ��Sa�gemeat Serric s, 800m 203 Cic7 ^aaL' - Cour� ?ouse, Saizt Pau1, �.;aae eca 298-5056 ' � This da a map be c�ian;e� c�ithout t e conse�t ane./or I�ocal.edge ef the License aad Pe=mit Division. Zt i suggested t�at you ca1L the CitT Clers{' s Of�ice at ??8-423I if you :s� con*_=�*-�at�on.