88-138 : _ ' i! WHITE - CITV CLERK . � PINK - FINANCE� COQI1C11 I' �r"�+ , �BLUERf-MAVORTMEN GITY O� SAINT PAUL File NO.� �v ���� Ordin nce Ordinance N�. � �-� Presented By ' Referred Committee: Date N Out of Co mittee By Date � „ An ordinance amendin Saint Paul „ Administrative Code Secti ns 15. P13 and 15. 04 , and 15. QJ6 pertaini g to meetings „ of the council . THE COUN IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA L DOES ORDAIN: ° Section . ; Th t Section 15.03 of the 5ai t Paul Administrative �ode be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : ° "S c . 15. 03. Meetings of the council . ; The council shall meet at the City Hall �� ��e x�e ����s e� ��es�a�sT Pie��es� �s a�� ���t�s�a�s at leal�t on e a week� �a�e�r}de�T �ew �re�T ��a� a�� V�ed�esd � �e ���� �a��e ea�ee��e� �� � e �a�es����g e�€�ee� �� a �� e�s��g x�a��e�s a�e se�e�� e� €e� ee�s��e�a��e�T n ad ition to the regular me tings of the council s re uired by the Charter , spe ial meetings may be he��1d an where in the city on the call of the presid entii�f th council or upon the wri ten request submitted !'to th secretary by any four (4 ) members. �le��ee i��� w ����g e� s�ee�a� �ee���gs e� ��e ee��e}� s�a�� �'�e s ��e� �� ��e e�e�l� ��e eae� �aex��e� ��ie�e �r g �se�a���r e� �e �e�� a� �� g�aee e� a�ede a� �e��s� �I � � i� COUNCIL ME BERS d Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: I, Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman �be;�i Against BY Sonnen � wa�oo � Form Approved by City Attorney�; Adopted by Coun il: Date �� � Certified Passed Council Secretary BY ��'�'-'�-� �' �'�'�/�ZJ-Q.-��' �-J�'�g By Approved by May r: Date Approve Mayor for Sub ouncil By �Y � . , � . .� � . �' � � ���-/�� . , ,_,�_�� _ _ _ . . _ _ s� -{C�} �s��s �� a��a�ee e� s e� �xee����T e�ee�� w��� �� ��a��aae�s ee�se�� e� wa� e� e� s�e� �►e��ee �� ��ie e� ��e ee��e��T w��e� ee�se � s� wa��ae� s�a�� �e �� v�� ���g: s�e�i w����e� �e�� e �e�t���e� �e �e se��r�� �� � eae� ee��e-�� �e��e� s�a � ��e��de ��e da�eT ���ae a� g�aee e€ s�e� x�ee���►Q a�d a� age�da e� ��e �a��e�s �e �e d�sei�ssedT a�d �e add ��e�a� �aa��e�s s�a�� �e de e�x���ed e�eeg� as g�e��� � �� ��e w����e� age�ela i�� ess v�a��aed �� ��ie ��a�� e�s �ae�e e� a�� ee��e�� �e �e�s: Notice of special eetings shall be in the fo m and manner prescribed state law. It shall be th duty of the presiding o ficer of the council 'to pr vide notice to the public pursuant to Section 15.�05 an the provisions of state 1 w. " Section 2. Th t Section 15.Pl4 of the Sai t Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended to ead as follows : "S c . 15. 04. Notice requirem nt. Except as herein other ise provided , it shall be t e duty of the presiding officer of the council o� a c mmission to notify all of its members in writing ;; of t e date, time, and place of ineeting and the topics �� to b discussed , at least twenty-four (24) hours befbre s ch meeting; provided, how ver, that where state �.aw o council or commission ules require an earl �er n tification, the provisions of such law or rule sh„all t ke precedence over the p ovisions of this secti°on. A ditionally, the presi ing officer of s�e�i a c mmission shall furnish a copy of such notice to "the c ty cclerk who shall act i accordance with Sect�ion 1 . �5 and the requireme ts of state law wh�re a plicable." � Sectio 3. ` T at Section 15.016 of the Sa int Paul Adm ini strative; Code be and th sarne hereby is amended to read as follows : „ "Sec . 15.06. Emergency meetings. (a) Emergency meeti gs shall be open to the ublic, ��� �e��ee �e����e�e��s �e�et���e� as �e ��ie ����e �ee� �e� �e ee����e va��.�i -�€ ����ae��ea� w i th otice given in the form an manner prescribed by state aw. Notice requirement for such meetings of � the ouncil or of a commission as to the members thereof u WHITE - CITV CLERK t . PINK - FINANCE COIIACII I��. T / CANARY- DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PALT L � ��''/,� BLVE -MAVOR File NO. �� • . Ordin /`CG Ordinance N�. ��J4�� Presented By ' Referred T Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date - � sh 11 conform to the proced res set forth in see��''e� �� 63 state law and to any additional requiremen;,ks es ablished by the council or a commission. � — — — ( b) An emergency me ting is one called �to in titute immediate action i volving the protection �of th public peace, health , wel are or safety." � � Section 4. ` T is ordinance shall take eff ct and be in force thi�ty (30) days fr m and after its passage, a proval and publication� �� � � � I � � COUNCIL ME ERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� ��s In Favor c��� Rett Scheibei � Against By 8��glIF- �i�lleeir Adopted by Counc 1: Date /� FEB � 8 ��(i Form pproved by City Attorney II g V�C(.-�.c.�._ /fr' /—/�/�P�� Certified Pa Council cre ary Y By u � Approved by Ma o : Z - ��-g� FEB 19 1 Approve Mayor for Sub i si ' o ouncil B �`^'�`�"' BY � PUBL�SHE� �L r� 2 7 �988 �I - - - f .� ����-i��' �� , � � . .�� : . ;. . .� . . 11t° 011702 � Counci 1 se�rch � -��3=�q DEPARTI�IENT • J Joseah H nasch CONTACT NAI� ' 2 $-416 �PHONE < 1-14-$$ • DATE • A 0 DE : (See ravers side.) � _ De�paa�ie t Director 1 Mayor (or Ass stant) ��'Z����-- _ Finaace d l�anagement Services Director 2 City Clerk _ Budget D rector cc ta Pres of C rter Commission _ City Att rney T (Clip all locatioas for signature. C D G 0 D ? (Purpo /Rstionale) , � T is is an ordinance, amending the Saint Paul Administrative C e, Sections 1 .03, 15.04, and I5.06 pertaining to CounciT meetPngs. It pr ides that , t e Council shall meet in City Hal at least once a week. The ld language p ovided fcar meetings in the morni gs on Tues. , Wed. , and Thur . T e new ordinance also � provides f r. minor changes in meeting otice require- m nts, bringing them into conform ce with state law. (JH) 5 G Y N P S C N � budget impact known at this time. AN D C VI C G 0 (Mayor's ai ture not required if under $1 ,000.) , Total t of Transgction: none Activity Number: Funding .S urce: � AT (List and number all attachme ts.) emo from Jane McPeak to STurner 1-14-88 on Admin.Code amen ent , one page. � � rdinance amendment, three -pages in length. D N S P OCE � _Yes No Rules. Regulations, Proc dures, or Budget Amendment quired? _Yes No If yes. are they or time able attached? � E ARTM J V EW CITY ATTORNEY REV _Yes LJo Gounail resolution require ? Resolution requ ed? _Yes _No _Yes No Insurance required? Insurance suffi ent� ,_Yes ,_No Yes No Insurance attached? ' � ° � • • � � , �� ���Y /.,�r� �.,. � �'— a , _ry �� �r<,��� CITY OF 5 INT PAUL " INTERDEPARTMENT L MEMORANDUM � Janua 14, 1988 „ gI� r� -�1.,.� � r. - C�«n��l ��.���:�a��:-� ��,,����,. JA��I 1 a 1��;; M E M O R A N D U M ; T0: John Sturner, Acting Dire tor „ Council Research Bureau , FROM: Jane A. McPeak �,,,� " Deputy City Attorney �1�� � �� RE : Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter 15 Amendme�t Enclo ed please find the amen ment you requested wi�h respect to t e frequency with which Ci y Council meetings must be held plus some additions of my own. The amendments which I 'have added woul simply bring Chapter 15 i to conformity with rec�nt amend- ment to the state ' s Open Me ting Law which takes ��recedence over the City' s ordinance requir ments. ' � JAM: jr �� Enc. � � �� ir �' ,���4, � I�,/:�!:?,���� �,f-..�;t � a, y, �� �''"{,� : G" r-�.:�a� > .. ,� +�s .�- . � � , � ����i�� ' �.��t��.. , � Ci�`Y OF SAINT PAUL ~ �� OFFICE OF!!THE CITY ATTORNEY • .� �' �i�ii i' := � `'-„ 1---j- „�� ' EDWARD P�. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY '`'�n�e�,��:`'�' 647 CityuHall, Saint Paul, Min�esota 55102 " 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIME i� MAYOR RE(�EIVED Febru ry 12, 1988 ;, � F'EB ,� � 1988 CITY!CLERK � M E M 0 R A N D U M � TO: Members of the City Coun il ,; FR�JM: Jane A. McPeak ,�p� � Deputy City Attorney'�' " �� RE: Amendments to Saint Paul Administrative Code ^ Sections 15.03 and 15 .04 February 17 , 1988 Counci Agenda � At ur Cit Council meetin on Thursda Februar '' 10 1988 Y 9 Y. Y� > > the ' ssue of what state law r quires with respect t�► notice of spec al meetings was raised. Attached please find��' a copy of that portion of my September 6 , 1987 legal opinion ��which deals with that subject. Please give me a call if you have �ny questions. I re ommend not incorporating the specific requiremerilts of state la�a 'nto our ordinance. State law may change from y�ar to year, whic would most likely nece sitate changes in our� ordinance. Howe er, if you wish to res ate the language of �'he statute, pl�a e let me know and I will p epare a new draft for �ou. � JAM: 'r cc: Edward P. Starr , A1 01son . , , �I � f r' _ _ _ . _ ;-;�..�. . : - � . _ - . _ �; � ��.. . � . . ���-�� . . � � � Members of the City Cowncil ,� . Page Tw . . . . Septemb r 16, 1987 � . �. . . . 2. Let ers or teleph�ne convers tions between fewer th�n a quorum � • of the members of the go erning body or of c�ne of its co ittees .or subcommittees. Moberg. � � - �� _u .._ _ . . There a e two types of ineetings hich may be closed toi!�the publict � ,:_ ., , .:._� .. _ ; _. ._.._,. ....._..._._ -.�.- � -: . . . .. . .. _ _�;;�-. • 1. � M�e ings of"' the� �qoverniiig��b_ dy of� 8� public` emplo�►er ' to�"�coh-� .��� ' sid r strategy: for labor ne otiations,� including �,negotiation ,± � str tegies -or � developments' r� discussion or revi�w of _labor - ' � »eg tiation�"proposals �candu ted � pursuant� to���the�" provisions�'. of Minr�esota �Statutes Section 179A.01 to 179A.25�':� Minnesota"'_ � • Sta utes Section 471. 705�,��Su d. la; ��nd � -` � '�' . : - . . 2. Mee ings held to receive legal advice from th��. governing bod ' s attorney with regar to threatened or pe�nding liti- �. gat'on. Minnea olis Star a d Tribune Co. , et al�� v. Housin an Redevelo ment Authorit 'n and for the Cit of 'Minnea olis, � 251 N.W.2d 620 (Mn. 19�6 . ,; . • . . � � Unti� his past legislative se sion, Chapter 471 did �� not contain specif' notfce requirements f r meetings. Nowever!�; this past�� sessio the legislature� amended innesota Statutes 5ec�tion 471.�05 by add ng very specific notice procedures. Minnesc�ta Statutes Sectio 471.705, Subd. lc(a) p ovides that a schedul� cf regular � meetin s be. . kept on file in- th '�primary offices of t�ie governing � � body. If a meeting is to be eld at a . different t�.me �or place�= � than a regularly scheduled on , then notice must !'be ..given in� ' the sa e manner as -for special eetings. _ - �, '�, � . ' . . _ . :.._ .. � � _ . . . . . .� - ._ _ . _. . . Notice of spe�ial meetings; �hich • d�" not include=�� ��emergency� meetin s or a special meeting for whfch a notice�� requirement is oth rwise exgressly establis ed by statute� must t�e in writing . - � and se forth� the date� .time, `� place and purpose of ,,the` meeting. �. . This w itin must be. '" � � . J . . . . _ }. ., . . ,. : . . M _. . . _ . _��� . . . . 1. Po ted on � �the principal� b lletin board of: the !rpublic body; - � - : an _ {,+'-- _�_� . J ...: . - . . .� .�:� .: . _ . . .._.. . 2. Ma led or otherwise delivered to each person w�ho has ff2ed � a ritten request with the public body for notic4'e of special me tings. As_ an alternat ve to �mailing or de�'ivering this no` 3ce, the public body • ma publish it once in �' the official � � � • , ne spaper of the public bod . ;, . , . .- . - . . • • j� - , � , . _ � ���_��.�' . ; . _ - � . Member of the City Couricil i, . � � Page T ree • Septem er 16, 1987 ' . . � The p sting� mailing, deliver ng and publishing muj�t occur �at least three days before the ate of the meeting. ;;� Minnesota Statut s Section 471.705, Subd. lc(b). . . - _ - . - � . - = �: : �.. _ . , .._ � . The C ty Charter allows the ouncil to hold spec�al meetings anywhe e in the City at the ca 1 of the President ofi�, the Counc�.l � or at h� writter� request of ' a leas� four Councilm�ers.- � Saint . . _ Paul C arter Section �4.04. Th provisions of Saint' au1 Admini- strati e Code Section 15.03 tha allow for only six�. hs�urs' advance � "� . notice of special meetings;- fo waiver of notice � asp'��_to Council- � member have been pre-empted the previously note�i� amendments ' • � to sta e law. , � ! The b siness conducted at a pecial meeting mustllbe confined to th t stated in the notice or that meeting. Chairter Section' 4.04. This section pre-empts a provision of Saint ���aul Admirii- strati e Code Section 15.03 wh ch would allow the wa�i�ver of such . a proh'bition upon a unanimous cte� of all Councilmemt�ers. Emerge cy meetings are special meetings called becau�e of o�ircum- stance that, in the. judgme t of the public b�dy, require immedi te consideration by tha. body. Minnesota Sta utes Section 471. 70 � Subd. lc(c) . Emergen y meetings have thei'� own notice requir ments. Members shall b notified by telepho�ie or by any other . method used to notify he public body.. The�e must be a - good aith effort to provide, as soon as is prac�icable' after . • notice to the members of the public body, notice !to � each news medi that has filed a written request . for notice i�' the request includ s th� news medium's t�lephone number. Minne�ote Statutie5 • Secti 471.705� Subd:- lc(c 3 . . . .� .. � - _ _ . ` � . ._ �. ,. ..___ . . .: .; - e_ � _ . : • . : .. - �. . . , • The n tice must include : the_� s b j ect� of �th� meeting� == Ar�y ms�tter . • ' discu sed or acted upon� at an emergency meeting and not . directly ' � relat to the emergency must be specifically desd�ribed in the. ininut s of the meeting. � Mi esota . Statutes Sec##ion 471.705, ' Subd. lc(c) . Saint Paul . Admin strative Code Sectioni15.06 limits . th�e C uncil.'s abilfty. to call. emergency meetings tolthose situa- - tions hich call for immediate. ction to �protect the �ublic peace, healt or safety. � Because . t is a more restric�ive measure� the C de ' s criteria for wha constitutes an emergency rather than he �tatute' s more gener l definition must be ' used. Under . the ity Charter and Admini tratfve Code� emerge�ncy meetings . .; . . � • - - � . � • � ii