88-133 N � f � 1 q. C Y OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO I�, ��'��7 PRELI INARY ORDER BY ��, �'i�/ � File No. X88—S— '�019 i Voting In t e Matter of improving the following streets by grading and pavi�lg, Ward constructing a street lighti g system and storm sewer inl�the following streets. 'Ij, 4 Raymond Avenue from Hampden venue to Energy Park Drive; Energy Park Drive from 650 f et west of Raymond Avenue tll 1,050 feet east of Raymond Avenue; Tainter Avenue from Everett ourt to 450 feet west of Ev�rett Court. i Also, improve and change ali nment of Energy Park Drive rom Raymond Avenue to 650 feet west by g ading and paving, construct� ng curb and gutter, new catch basins, ne driveways and a new storm ewer system. Area bounded by Energy Park rive, Bayless Avenue, Hampd �n Avenue and Vandalia Street more-or less. All to be known as t e Energy Park/Raymond Area Imp ovement Project i I� � Th Council of the City of Saint Paul having recei ed the report of the Mayor upon the ab l e improvement, and having co sidered said report,hereby resolves: ! 1. hat the said report and the same is hereby ap roved with no alternatives, and that the �timated cost thereof ' $ 607,750.00 , financedby miscel aneous aid. No assessments.; � � f 2. hat a public hearing be had on said improveme on the lst day of ,at nine o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of he City Hall and Court House Building in e City of Saint Paul. 3. hat notice of said public hearing be given to e persons and in the manner provided by e Charter,stating the ime and place of hearing,the nature of the impr vement and the total cost thereof as estir�ated. COU CIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date JAN 2 81986 Yeas imond Nays ong � Certified s e y Council Secre ry oswitz ettman In Favor By cheibel ' _ onnen 4 Against ilson , N 2 9 �98$ Mayor PUBI! HEO `�� 6 1988 �