88-129 WHITE - CITV CLER PIIyK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Coancil ,/� /� ///yyy CANARV - DEPARTME T //�.��/ � BLUE - MAVOR File N �•��` �'" 1 unc 'l solution Presented By Referred To Committee:: Date Out of C mmittee By Date a:- - Whe eas, the Minnesota Departm nt of Transportation i about to let a co tract for the removal and einstallation of a new�traffic signal a d advanced warning flasher on the T.H. 35-E West 8mp at Universi y Avenue. Res lved, That the proper City officials be authorize � and directed to execute, on behalf of t e City of St. Paul, Ag �ement Number 6 395, between the City of S . Paul and the Minneso a Department of Trans ortation; explaining the r sponsibilities for cos , maintenance and oper tion for the removal and r installation of a new �raffic signal a d advanced warning flasher on T.H. 35E West Ramp t University Avenue i . COUNCILM N (PTK 1/7/88) Yeas D]Illpnd Nays Requested by Department of: II Goswitz � Public Works-Traffic-D nald E. Sobania �, [n Favor Rettrnan � A ai n s t BY ���C;�:JlJ�-� �' " Sch.eibel g r Sonnen W11SOri JAN 2 8 1988 Form Ap ro ed by City ttorne Adopted by Counci : Date Certified Pa_ ouncil Secr y BY ! By � A►pproved 1Aav : 1 `�'� `� �� 2 � �Y+PP�o by Mayor for Su i 1 By ff7D��JHCY r E L� U �JOS . TOR . •• ' ._.. ... � - DATE M/1tA7� DA�E 0011�LlfEp � .._ . � �,.� ' . _... . . � � �'� /O"/ ,�. . .. : . � : . � . � � ���`i�� � .. - ... ., .�•0������� � PuY�1� Wo ks - Traffic I/7/88 r,Mroa��sr� `b�, P du Z T. K r't z '18SI°" �s►mw�oe�r a�nv�e o�cror� «rv«�wc �'� ooar�cr afarrF nro: MUMBER F� - � �oun� �o�RE� City Council Pu�>I1�-c Wprks aff• 2 9 2-7 4 51 oaoeR: -�a,,,�no�, • See Referral A pgrove ag eement between Mn/DOT and he City vf St. Paul, co ering the cost, aintenanc and operation of a traffi signal and advancer� w ning fiasher n T.;H. 35 . West Ramp at University A enue. TIOIi�:( tA)a F�eject(R)) COUtICIL i�ORT: ` �PI.MlMWf# . . � Crvx.BERVICE CAMMISBIOW� oATE p� � oAt'E.our -� ANUV9T _ . � � vIqNE No. . .� � . . �fkMNO , !SD 82b BCNOOL 80ARD . . I (�,�i�I �I.��'� F� � . . . .. . . .. .' 9TiVF � � . . � Gf11RTER C�AM�MS910N �COMPL AS IS � -ADDL INFO..ADDED* _!A�OR� MPO� . _-FEEMAC�ADOED• � .. DIBTINCT GOUPK;� � � . � . . •EXPV�PIATIq�I: . . � . . �°"'g,"�"'�` ' C uncit R earc�i Gen�er` RECEIVED _ JA 191� ��c�iv�D :� � JAN 1 N 198� : JAN � 3 1�88C� a�-ro��v��r ..,,��� ..�„�.,�.�,.�.�>: ; Mn/DOT has initiated the project in c junction with .the reco struction of T.H. 35-E West p at Univ�ersity Avenue. he project involves re ving the existing sigrial equ' ment for reconstruction p poses and then r�in.sta ing new signal equipment ter .reconstruction. _ • � .as'�+►na, .�ar.rwqee.�>: , , � The State ' ll pay for the removal of he existing traffic si al and for the equ�.pment a d re�nstallation cost of a new traffic signal. T City shall in�ur ; the� cos� of operating and maintaining : he new traffic signal uipment. (Tha - City operat s and maintains the curre t signal system) . OOpN01�(YMiaR' and To.Wlwm� ,. . -. . .- .;; Typical com laints involving traffic d lays during constructi . (Mn/DOT will handle traf ic delay complaints) . � ��u►nv�: �s c� . To be de ermined �+ir►cnr�s: • T�pical agr ement between Mn/DOT and t e City of St. Paul. uo��,ES: N/A_ _ . �-�-�%''� - . . � . . . -. ,., . MINNESOTA TRANSP RTATION DEPARTMENT I . TRAFFIC CO TROL SIGNAL i . AGREEMEN N0. 64395 I� BE WEEN THE STATE OE MINNESOTA, D PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA�iION A D THE CITY E ST. PAUL ' I F R I Maint nance, Operation and Elect ical Energy for the new, Traffic Contr 1 Signal with Street Light , Signing, Emergency Vel'hicle Pre-e ption, and Advance Warning Flasher on Trunk Highwa� No. 35E West amps at University Avenue n St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne ota. S.P. 280-260 - F. P. -IR 035E-4 ( 199) Prepa ed by Traffic Engineering ESTIM ED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT EI�CUMBERED None No e Otherw is ! Covered , � �� V u _ � ��'�'-��� - - .__, ,. _ ., __ _. . , _ THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and b�tween the Stat of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, herei�after referred to as the "State, " and the City of St. Paul, h�reinafter referred to as the "City, " WITNE SETH: WHEREAS, the State has determined that there �,s justi ication and it is in the p blic ' s best interest tc� remove the e isting traffic control sig al and install a new trllaffic contr 1 signal with street light , signing, emergency vel�hicle pre-e ption, and advance warning flasher on Trunk Highwa� No. 35E West amps at University Avenue; and WHEREAS , the City and tate will share in the I maint nance and operation of the traffic control signal �+ith stree lights, signing, emergenc vehicle pre-emption, a�d advan e warning flasher as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE , IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The State shall pr pare the necessary pla�a, specifications and proposal and s all perform the engine�ring and inspec ion required to complete t e items of work herein�fter set forth. 2 . The State with its own forces and equipmer�t or by contra t shall remove the existin traffic control signali; and instal a new traffic control sig al with street lights, l�signing, emerge cy vehicle pre-emption, an advance warning flashelr on ' 643 5 -1 ' I �� I . , , . i ���'-/�� Tru k Highway No. 35E West Ram s at University Avenue,' in acc rdance witfi the plan and s ecifications for State project No. 6280-260, and Federal Proj ct No. I-IR 035E-4 ( 199) '` all at its own cost and expense. I 3 . The City shall erpetuate an adequate electrical pow r supply to the service pad or pole, and upon comp�etion of sai new tcaffic control signal with street lights, sic�ning, � emer ency vehicle pre-emption, nd advance warning fla�her inst llation shall continue to rovide necessary elect ical power for its o eration at the o �I P c st a d expense of the City. 4 . Upon completion f the work contemplate herein, the ity shall maintain and kee in repair the new tra�lfic cont ol signal with street ligh s, signing, emergency vlehicle pre- mption, and advance warnin flasher, all at its own cost and expe se. 5 . Any and all pers ns engaged in the afore�said work to b performed by the State sh 11 not be considered emplloyees of r the ity and any and all claims that may or might arise� under the Work r ' s �ompensation Act of this State on behalf of salid empl yees while so engaged, and any and all claims madel' by any thir party as a consequence of any act or omission on he part of said employees while so engaged on any of the work conte plated herein shall not be the obligation and 64 95 2- , , " '� ' � �� �� -��� . , -- . res onsibility of the City. The State shall not be re�ponsible under the Worker ' s Compensation Act for any employees �f the City. � 6 . Timing of the tr ffic control signal pr�vide for herein shall be initially deter ined by the City' s Tra$fic Engi eer . Adjustments of said ignal timing may be de�ermined by the tate, through its Commissi ner of Transportation, l'and no chan es shall be made thereafte except with the approv��al of the Stat . 7 . Upon execution b the City and the State�' and comp etion of the construction ork provided for herein'p,, this agre ment shall supersede and t rminate any existing agl�eements that may exist between the oart ' es . I � � 54 95 �I -3- � ' � �N� � . " ' (�,�����' _ � . , �_ . .. .- - . � . CITY OF ST. PAUL ' I RECO MENDED EOR APPROVAL: By I; Mayor (City Sea� ) Dire tor of Public Works APPR VED AS TO EXECUTION: By Director of Firtance and Management Ser�ice Assistant City Attorney STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPAR MENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOM EN EOR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT OF TRAI�SPORTATION I By I �./ Distr 'ct Engineer Assistant Commissioner Opera ions Division , Dated APPRO ED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTIO : DEPARTMENT OF ADMI'NISTRATION By Speci 1 Assistant Attorney Gener 1-State of Minnesota Dated 64 95 . �^�"X " V