88-124 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINAN E COUnCII CANARV - DEPA TMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L /� ,� BLUE - MAVO Flle � NO. � ' Counci Resolution ��� Presented By � - ' Refe red To Committee: Date Out f Committee By Date RESO VED: That Application (I.D. # 9655) fox a One Day Gambling Permit (Paddlewheels, Tipboaxds, and Pulltabs) applied for by St. Casimer Church at 930 E. Gerani m on January 30, 1988, between the hours of 4:00 P.M, and 8:00 P.M. be and the same is hereby approved. COUNC MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 'mond � in Fa or swstz � ttman be1�� _ Again t BY nnen �Ison pp JAN z�J 00 Form Approve by City ?Ittorney Adopted h Council: Date Certified asse .' Secr ry By g}, ' Approved y Mavor. Date —�-'� - �� `� Z �ove b Mayor for S�ubmission to Council By "'"�—." � By PIIBI.ISHED r=�=��? � 1988 _._ ,��_.�: ___ � _ - _� - _r -_ . , • _ ���-�� . //1� - /� . {�.F• ���.�. .. . � .DAT!NiIM DA7Y . .. . M���� �� � � ,�R/. �V����� �� �. T�.�.. ��y� �L�.�,,..� . . . � OEPANI'MEN[OIRECiCR � IMYOR�(OR ABBISTMiT) -. . . . yy,.� -� :P.�VGYi isV.�+a � - � �N � FWANCE�#INWIOB�IBff�BBIVICES DIRECI'OW - CRV CLERK �� . . . � ' � � � � ACE N0. ' � N� .� � . � . � .. . � Z�98-5056 o�o�w:> �� , �nt c�es_ . — �.crn�?�ow�r t3ne Day . Per�ni.t. t�ev�.t�t a�(R>) c� �: �anc� ctii�sERV�c.�oN w�w o�rE arr ,v�rsr v►�No. : mw�o �aaa scHOO�eawo � )t g � t +?S�f't� � sr� ca+�a�s�or� � �e�s '�DO�+.�o.�ooeu* _ �.°�T _�e�ac�MOSo � , D�aTRtCr *oa+u►� . ,' s��oars wriar+ oe�cnJe� � f�f1A7A10 MN11E�O/P011iUt�ft'Y(vY1a,whet,wha►.Where.VYhY)c Mr. Stin�oai, an beh�alf of St. Cas 's Church at 930 East G�x taia, x�st�s �prwal of ' applicatiaai for a Or�e Day Gaamb Pex�u�t.. It:.wil]. be-u�ed. voa�junctia3-with t�e. �s annual booya. .IYI�At101! `��R�)� _ > , . If the is given. th� church wi 1 be a11c��d t4 �uct a �.tab].e Gaa�b�ling sessi.� :the h�rs o� 4:a0 p,m. �nd 8:00 p.m. oa� J�nu�a,y 30, 1988. , : � 'N11+M�.aiu!To°Wlwm): . . , .. :. - ; ' If the al'is rr�t gi.ven. th�e will nQt be ailo�a�ed t�o any Q�arit�.� ` activi.t�ies. ��r.�� . . Pnoa Msronr . _ t�rui rewea: � __ : � 1 ' � • � /���O ��� Y , ° l/� DIVIS ON OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIS RATION DATE IZ(a�1y� / �Z� '3�7 �4"� INTER F.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Prbcessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Appli ant �, .�S i m�Y \:.tr 11.�.rc_Yl Home Address ��� '� � �,Yc.�� � Busin ss Name G, Home Phone '�''� � , �—�(Q S Busin ss Address 3(� � . � ; Type of License(s) ����.� �p,rrn,�. Busin ss Phone �1 -��I'� � l�Olg� ��' �p(X�� • n°� ,` Il���� Publi Hearing Date . � � � � License I.D. 4� (QC������ at 9: 0 a.m. in the uncil Chambers, 3rd f oor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t �(� llate Tutice Sen�; �, � � Dealer �P ��,�} ' to A plican S � � Federal Fj_rearms 4� � �� Publ'c Hearing DATE INSP 'CTION REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CQMMENTS A roved N t A roved � B1 g I & D y� I � i ; � 4 � i � He lth Divn. ' ' � hI� , , � Fi e Dept. I ( � � �� i Yo ice Dept. I � �� � Li ense Divn. � 1zI� I o � C'ty Attorney � � i Date Received: � I Sit Plan �' To Council Research; Lea e or Letter �, Date fro Landlord �Z 2 ' � . . . . . . . �.. . . . . ...- . . . . - ._ . .... . .. . .� ,.. .Y: ". � _. ..... ... .. . . . . . CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Offieers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: � � �. �� � �_ �, ��. ��y �-�-��y t/ " �rr"st�.TA��T OF FT1_'� ;C�., �.[:TD t�1�;�;�C:..:��:T S:.:?VIC,^-.S " " DIVISiQ;I 0� LICr'�1 �, x:TD P�'?�T :s�MLdISTa.A��1 ,� I2�OR''A CN �C,UI?� '•lIT? Ar��.;��.TIGPJ �0 �:t,.""ST TO CC?d7UC'" Gx:•��`;G L�JSI01" I:d ST. ?AITL . Z. .. :: e o� Orgar�ization - � �lm � C .� , � �.,�..�. 2. � ' ss where C�g,anization's regula mest�gs ars held ���Er' ;��_���/L` T 3. D and ti�e of �eetin€s � S �3�tJ ��' Ql.c.. :. 1�.. dress Hhere GambZint� Session �rill he held �3c� E . (9-�-�-�2l� .0�G�f� �. I aap�.icant owner of propert� wher Gambli� Session will be halc?,�_'�es "o b. I� leased, who is awner of pro�ert wrere GambZin€ Sessi�n sri.Il he heid? 7. I Ieased, attac:� letter of nerr�is ion to conduct Gaz�blir.� Sess�.on, s_gaed by lessor. 8. N of officer �aIa.nr arn�lication F �� /�cr � O � 9. A ess of of�icer ma.iang az�oLcat on �3�L C �y}�Jl U!�J'f Date of birth 1o.. 11 e of manager who wiL conduct G bling Session ��O H ll� %/N SO� L. dress of nar.ager J � �SOl� �ate of birth -� 7-36 I2. connection with �rhat event is t -�s Gambling Sessioa beir:g he�.d? 0 iS f� 13. F at tvpe of ganbLng devics(s) rri. be used? Paddlewr�el X 'y3.pboard Jr P.a._f`1e IL. ` ag, dates a.nd. hours t�:.s applicat'on is for anc't number of sessions. ay(�i:� B �L�� �ates �- 3�1 �Iours -�-- � prI"I�rlo. of Sessions � 15. 1i?.i �r;zes ee paic �n �on�p or � rc:�.andise? /,'�B,CJ� I6. s ths a�pLcant association or� 'zed under �he laws of �he State oi :�iir.nesota? �� I7. �ow long has Cr�aaization been i.a e�dstence? �� �"y�1�5 I8. �'Y�at is the pvraose oi tt:e Orga.ni ation? ,�f c.Z� G2d�s " i N C�,U,CJ�lO<� .-I ,���-rr�-N C' �� c _rtl /eu �rti' ;�b �;��-T� 19.. Of�icers of the Organization ilame-Ti}�.le 4ddress Date oi bix�h �!� ��'1 I�?.C��J2.- �?�c/ R�:�3¢ � �72.I�.U�ll 1�. ����3 b � �L�?N.�d�AJE C�.�/�'�OCiQt- - kS '� l 16 ��I��l7G ���3�3� � � ,+�,u t�/lr� P��2k�N ._ 772Gts _ C, � 1 N �(,/k�� .�Z � � � . � � . ������ � 20. G� na�.es oi oi°icers or any otr.er ersor.s paid �or se�ces to the Or�-a.�-ii.zatior.. � ' ;Iame-Title �ddress �ate o* ��-t2: 21. In w�ose custad� will. records of azization's Gamblin� Session� te kept? _ .j e ^. S, USd� Address 7 '�'� � . �Gf✓SO� � 22. At ach a copy of �our Qrga.ni.zation' �aesabersr.:�p roster and date each me�nber joi.ned. 23. At ach t:^.e Ga�bling Session �anare `s bond. ZL. � �ac:� a copy oi the Denar��.ment of the Treasu.-�, Interaal �evenue Service "Returr. of ani zation :�cer.roi �rom Inc one ^_' ", Form 990. (Cha�ter Lla.�L. (1).) 25. ..A tach a ccp� of Det�a.�i:.ient of the ^reasur?, In�eraal °evenue �elrv�ce, ''='Ye:rmt OrPan- i ation 5usiness Income Tax", Form 9°OT. (CPapter 1�1°.01� (2).i 26. a tach the annua? report requ�red f c!�aritahle or�anizst�ons byr ;•iir�esota Statutes, S cti�n 30°.�3. (Chapter 1�19.0l� ( ). } 27. :: ve �ou read ar_d do �ou thorou�hl unders�ar.d the prov:sions o�' all la�rs, ordinanc�s d regulations goverIIZI1� the oper tioa af Gamblin� Sessions? ;_T�� 2�. cnanses desired b� �he appLc �t association may be made or�7.y T��th �r.e consent o� t License Coirmiit�ee. � � 29. a.n� person(s ) partici�ating ' the operation of any oi t�':e �€aribLin� sessior.s cov- e ed by this Lcense ever been cor �cted of a felony �n tY:e Sta�te oi �li�nesota or in other Statie or ��ederal Court? Yes N��_. I� answer is "yes", provi.de es, add�esses and birth-dates. � S C` S/�'// � �/��.CtE Orga.nization n � � ��'/ /� !�? rp , (Offic�r-Title P � (�ian `er in c!:arge o� C lin� Session State of 14irs�esota) . jSS Count of ?.astsey ) � �v�� � and �� R� being duly sworn sa� ihat ��: f a°e t:�e pet�t�on in the above a�plication; that t::e? aane read „he foregoing pet�tion ar.d Tmow ` e contents t:�ereof; tihat the same is true of t::e_r ot�rr± _ ,rled�:e. � + �• ?•,, �llice Ii. Jan.sen ubsI� ribed ana sworz ,.o before r�e t..i � , 01 IL �a.� OS (��..1�,.(�yyy�t/ �� O ( �+��:i R.:;: INNES^v?P t,%' �� NOTARYPUBI.IG-M . . � � � �'<�ti`^� ..._. . � . h WASHIfvGTON COUNTY MY COMM�Sg��N EXPIRES APR 28• 19�2 . �i0't t�Ab1.iC� l:OUA � irL1.Z1A SOt•8 :•� c �mission Pxpi:�s ; � 3ui1 ' �eparv:�eat �pproved iSaD�Z'OVBd b� ii �ire Denart;aent .��proved 'sa��raved _^y �, Poi� e Depart.�enL Approved isa�roved �y_�i„ _ � d � ���a� � ,Minnesota Cha�itable Gambling Control Board LAWFUL(3AMBLING EXEMPTION Room N475 Griggs-Midway Building FOR BOARD USE ONLY �,},: � 1821 University Avenue - - - = St.Paul,MN 55104-3383 �"'��`�� (612)642-0555 �; �,>: .. �� INSTRUCTI NS: ?._ Submit request for exemption at east 30 days prior to the occasion. £ x-: �: 2. When completing form,do not c mplete shaded areas until after the aG+tivity. ..�" 3. Give the gold copy to the City or ounty. Send the remaining copies to the Board.The copies will be `���` returned with an exemption nu ber added to the form. When your activity is concluded; complete `'`"` PLEASE TY E the financial information, sign an date the form, and retum to the Board within 30 days. , '� Organization Na e Number of Members License Number lif currently or previously . LF".'; St. Cas�mir Church � �Qp licensedlandlorpermitnumber. �C&203j4�;� " `'•.;Address . _ - . Ci y State Zip County � 934 E. Geran i uEn S t: Pau i Ptta 5510Ei itamsey , „,Chief Executive fficer's Name Phone Manager's Name Phone Number _ - F�.Tom Meyer �6i 2 � 77t+-0 G� Jonn St i nson �612� 774-$9�2 Type of Organiz tion . If Other Nonprofit Organization ICheck One and 8ttach proof of nonprofit statusl. ;-'` ❑ Fraterna O Veterans ❑ IRS Designation ; .� Religion ❑ Other Nonprofit Organization ❑ Incorporate with Sec�etary of State �Attach pro f of three years existence. ❑ Affiliate of Parent Nonprofit Organization • ,�,::- „ Name of Premis s Where Activity Will Occur , Datelsl of Activity,drawinglsl St. Casinir Hall ;;, ' Premises Addre s City State Zip,. County )30 t. Geraniur.� �t. Paul i1�! �:,1(?fi i ams�y Jan. �0, 1�°3 . �. ,,._ , � , ,,. :. _ ��. . u ,:. ,� �"se��nd° � �fa�$`'� ,._ - . . � �� � � � Ga e Yes �No � � � , � �� � .� � - ��, ' . �- _ ..:, Bingo ;� : Raffles � .�.��� -�;,� �,�� � �. n ��. . ..�. ,e � . A. .���.< �. ��.- ��� � � ,,., � Paddlewh els �� � � ����� � � �; :� ���' �. - � �� � � ' ' � Tipboards ;( � '� r'� �#;�#�� �����"�:;� :�,�� �__. ��, � , , ��<, �.� �_ . �. _ �,� n e , ,_ � .�� s,fi'`=�r � a✓ :,�t� :��'�, .`, � a •�` '�� `���,r,""„�"`���z. r ;° � Pull-Tabs ; s�- � � �� � �`4 ° `, ,���, �� :;� .:a Use of Profit Nelp support educational acti ities o` paris�� scf;ool ` , r. , ._ �x_._ ,� ,,� �a,��.,.s�,�.: �� �DisVfbutcir sF:�cenae No. � �� • . . � � � �> r x � °,�k� ��`�'������� .:n�������;�'"�ae�,�. ' �'a' - �,'�;i..� s���" '` .�� �`s"#'� ;� �,�r. I affirm al information submitted to the Board is true, accor- .'T r r��c�a ""' ����` � � '���F�!� " �. �� �'�, �� c� ,.. ate,and mplet . �� � ,� . ,� . - - � - � �� /� �3 5 � ' � � � " .. a. .�..�,_. ' .,. _,:.� _- : Chief Executi e Officer Signature Date y ;,, -° d�'" . �-.`. _, .._ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT O NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby cknowledge receipt of a copy of this applica ion. By acknowledging receipt,I admit having been served with notice j r;�.af4.; that this pplication will be reviewed by the Charitab e Gambling Control Board and will beaome effective 30 days from the ; _�'`r date of r ceipt(noted below)by the City or County, nless a resolution of the local governing body is passed which specifi- ay cally dis Ilows such activity and a copy of that reso ution is received by the Charitable Galmbling Control Board within 30 ''��`=` days of t e below noted date. <<":;;; CITY OR COUNTY TO I NSHIP �'���' ` Na�pf 1 Govg[�ing B dY City or�unty � - Towns hip Name(Must be no ti fie d w hen oun ty is t h e a p p r o v i n g bo d y) i �� �i -!Et(. _ 1 {�'''`' ��`'�'� Si n reof rson ReceiGi Applic�tio � -;� Signature of Person Receiving Applicati n r� � 9 i : ,r �T/ • + 4' i y,T �.-r r'' �`�y�:i1✓j� j.} .J'P,�-, . . c� � ` "T,n, �P ec R��ea Title Date ' s =' � �°:r5e.. P.r�°r' -71 . , � CG-0�J020- 1(6/87) White—Board Canary—Board retums to Organizatipn to complete shaded areas. • Rnk—Organization Gold—City or County �. _. —