88-116 _ _ . _ __ . i
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cirY oF sT. aau� COUNCIL FILE NO. � I�l�
File No. 18496—W �
Voting In the Matter f Constructing a water main in idwell Street 40 feet north;of
Ward Curtic Street to 50 feet south of Curt'ce Street. Also construct diater
2 servic connections. �
Also, nstall Water Service Connection to the vacant properties fr�nting
on the East side of Bidwell Street bet een Annapolis and Winona Str�ets
� �,
under Preliminary Order 8�-1832 approved December 29, 1�87
The Counc' of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improve�'nent, due notice
thereof having b n given as prescribed by the City Charter; a d
WHEREAS The Council has heard all persons, objections nd recommendations pertaining to said ptoposed improve-
ment and has fu y considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVE , That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-descr�bed improvement
be made, and th proper City officers are hereby directed and a thorized to proceed with the improvem nt; and be it
FURTHE RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City offid�rs shall calculate
all expenses incu red therein and shall report the same to the Cit Council in accordance with Chapter 14 0�'the City Charter.
COUNCIL RSON Adopted by the Council: Date J�� Z� �88
Yeas Dimo d Nays
Gosw tz Certified se Council Secretary
Rett an In Favor By
Sche bel p/ Against '
Sonn n `JA 2 s 198�ay.or
Wils n
Pt)Bl.ISHfD �EB 6 1988
g:,. p /
`�,; °^.'_ � /O ! /!!� /d��UJ �
� �� ;
- Public Works DEPARTMENT s 1137 ✓
,,.; ���
�_ Thomas Kuhfeld CONTAGT
:� 292-6276 PHONE ���� �
)ecember 4, 1987 DATE
.,. .
� ;,i� Department Director -+4�Director of Mana4 - _ .
.: ;�Fnance and Manag ent Senrices Director •8'C i t y CIe�C /�
� � Budget Director ��� �?���-w
� City Attorney '
� H W � (Pi /�
� �lO
`�` —
: Public hearing wili b held to decide on proceeding with improving Bidwell fror _
�� -�: Annapolis to �non and sanitary sewer in Bidwell from nnapolis to 30 feet south S , /�/�.�
;A.„'� of Sidney. Also, co structing a water main in Bidweil fro 40 feet north of Curtice to /
s 50 feet south of Cu 'ce.
° ' T
�'�' Estimated costs ar $125,465.00.
f� •
� : (Mayor's sign re not
�� required if ur�d r$10,400)
�� Total Amount of T saction: $125,465.00
t�' '
� Fun�ing Source: 34,175.00 Assessment .
:��; Ac�vity Number: $91,290.00 City Aid
TT M NT i n N r h m
: :.
'�� 1. Preliminary/Fn I Order for street improvement and anitary sewer.
°s 2. Prelinimary/Fin Order for water main.
�� Yes Counai Resolution R ired? ResoU�tion R wred? �es No
���• , _ � �. eq .
�'�.'� _ Yes �, Insurance Required? Insur�ce Required? ,es No
_v� Yes �, Insurance Attached: '
-Revised 1?J84
: � �,.-. . .�.. . , � �, „�. ,
� �# �� �
��. ..��°ffi�. ��RiA1M�. �'.. aG'. �i�Klri_-�4M�:^1'i+2'yyNYr'c:A�R�.:':^9���K:' .. M -�. �'�b'M1�f4���i'��'. _ .:.A.:�':`^e'bavle4�.�i?b�:�i`�e..b�- �;_.*�l•A31.�'�d}3-:.wh{,`r�,�k.','�'�4�'$;yl}�e
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By e_..L-c��
��' File No. 18496-V
Voting In the tte of Co�struetims a watar �sin Bid�rall Straei 60 f�et no Ith af
Ward t�rti treet ta 5C feet soat� of t�rti � Street, Alsa �u�t_�.ct t�r
s�rviae aansctioas.
Also, lI vatar Servicn Coa�aections o ttu vacaat propdrties_ f tiag
on tlus at ids of Bidv�all Str��t ba ifjra�igg aad Qinoaa Str:ee .
under Preliminary rder � ���'3� approved �°�—`�i �
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a ubli hearing upon the above improve�ent, due notice
thereof having be n given as prescribed by the City Charter; an '
WHEREAS, he Council has heard all persons, objections d reco endations pertaining to said ptoposed improve-
ment and has full considered the same; now, therefore, be it °
RESOLVE , That the Council of the City of Saint Paul oes hereby order that the above-descrit�ed improvement
be made, and the roper City officers are hereby directed and a thorized to p oceed with the improveme�tt; and be it
FURTHER ESOLVED, That upon the completion of s id improvemer�t, the proper City office�rs shall calculate
all expenses incur d therein and shall report the same to the City ouncil in accorc�nce with Chapter 14 of�the City Charter.
COUNCIL P SON Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas �reW Nays
Nie�ai Certified Passed by Council Secretary
Rett� '
Scheib 1 In Favor By
Sonnen �
k�e ic3 a Against !
Wilsott I Mayor
. '�
I `' --�{^_/j�
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In the Matter Qi Constructing a wa �in fn$�K+v���` " ,
/ Curtic� Sfreet to 50 fee� south aP� �t��ilso ec�atrsct`.��r�� -.
coimect�ons, "' _ ' . . ,, . �
. - � � �-_..._`.--_.. . ... _....__. .
Aiso.instali Water Service C ious_ o the vacant noperties front#���:•t�hc i
� East side of Bidwell Street be�,, - .�-�a�treets in Voting Vii�rd
The Coancil of the City of Saint Paut agr�at'��d.tl�aq�it�rt��t�i�:, `.
uP�c�; ��;f�a�P ;ne�7t� , a ,� i
i'estilYes: , , �i •��, �a ��idB�d � .,�Q� 3*
'eS - - ` n. _ :.,�7�:.'`:i y s:��. .,��tJtt� K;;t,,�, ,.,,; �t,.,�. '
1. 14�at the said rep�l��pltc�.. +'#�k�lE�9�f���v�x1�,;�
alteraatives, and that t3}e ����;.}�y ,. �
assessme�its.>5��8-a�d��E�It�';Azi :`��7��;�� S�rrr� ��qr:` '
assessgd at�o�t.a#,$Bl�,�e�'. um: , _ .;��;.r{��:�•�-.
�"�L: '=�� a"��ii'ktiie�eei�i�i��:l�i.�bri.£ ird i�iipr+3�ett�tbf���°'ffie 8##��aey��� :. '!
an�ua 1988,at nine o'clock a in th�Council Cha�ber�
� `Rl� i3! "��}t='t���.�A�`: t'.��iU i.Lf':,".
�g.' �t=ne�ice'�f saiti p"sibIfe-h�rin be �iwe����t�ie��so�s�a-�i�d`�It ti�r - I'
manner provided by the Charte�r, tating the t#me and place of he�•�;'
. � �t�nalurE of the imprbvemeat,am �e:°�a�si:+ooa�=:�eA�o�s�sL�ed,C
Fil�i�=���ll ..: " � , �i - ;f< ;ri
Ad'op by the`Cbuiicii 17ec�miser 2Sf, � - .`
�'31�.�9$7 � �.; t� a--��;r �
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