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City of St.Paul COiJNCIL ��LE 1�0. - �`�
FINA ORDER IN .� f � � ' �
By '
File No. `�"•,�
@'vEit�� In the'Matter of
A perpetual easement for the Ed erton/Bush Area, for storm sewer purposes
over, under, and across that p rt of Lots 7 and 10, Block 2, of Warren and
Winslows Addition in the Northwe t quarter of Section 32, To�nship 29 North,
Range 22 West, and that part of Stinson's Addition in the Southwest Quarter
of Section 29, Township 29 Nort , Range 22 West in the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota, described as follows:
Said easement being 20.00 feet in width, the centerline of said easement
described as follows:
Commencing at the Sout west corner of said Section 29; thence south
89 degrees 55 minutes 0 seconds East, 298.04 feet along the south
line of said southwe t quarter of Section 29; zhence South 21
degrees 27 minutes 1 seconds West, 30. 14 feet; ; thence south 3
degrees 39 minutes 3 seconds West 303.34 feet; thence South 5
degrees 03 minutes 32 seconds West, 35.02 feet tm a point on the
existing Trout Brook Sewer and said point being the point of
beginning of said eas ment centerline; thence North 5 degrees 03
minutes 32 seconds Ea t, 35.02 feet; thence North 3 degrees 39
minutes 30 seconds E st; 303.34 feet; thence North 21 degrees 27
minutes 15 seconds Eas , 166.89 feet; thence North 37 degrees 11
minutes 53 seconds E st, 259.24 feet; thence Narth 46 degrees 26
minutes O1 seconds E st, 110.00 feet; thence North 53 degrees 56
minutes O1 seconds Ea t, 184.46 feet; thence North 64 degrees 39
minutes 53 seconds Ea t, 262.99 feet to a point �thich lies 10 feet
west of the centerli e of Clark Street; thence North 75 degrees 10
minutes 57 seconds E st, 130.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 52
minutes 09 seconds Ea t, 247.90 feet to a point which lies 8.00 feet
northerly of the cen erline of Bush Avenue and which lies 33.00 feet
East of the centerlin of DeSoto Street as prolonged northerly, and
said easement centerl ne there terminating.
The side lines of said ease nt to be prolonged or shortened to begin on
said existing centerline of t e Trout Brook Sewer and end perpendicular to
the last course of said easem nt.
In addition, a temporary eas ment for construction purgoses lying ger.erally
20.00 feet North of and 30.0 feet South of the above described permanent
A perpetual easement for Sto m Sewer purposes over, under and across that
part of Lot 1 , and that part of Lot 4, Block 13, Stins4n's Addition, all
being in the southwest quart r of Section 29, Township 29 North, Range 22
West, in the City of Saint Pa 1, Minnesota, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 4, Block 13, Stinson's
Addition; thence South 20 f et along the East line of siaid Block 13 to the
intersection with a line whi h lies 20 feet South of and parallel with the
North line of said Lot 4; thence West 35 feet along said line to the
intersection with a line w ich lies 35 feet West of and parallel with said
East line of Block 13; then e north along said line 60 �eet to the North line
of said Block 13; thence east 10 feet along said North line to the
intersection of a line whic lies 25 feet west of and p�rallel with said east
line of Block 13; thence sou h 40 feet along said line ta said North line of
Lot 4; thence East 25 fee along said North line of Lot 4 to the point of
. In addition, a temporary co struction easement lying 10,00 feet either side
o� the above described per nent easement. Said temporary construction
easements to expire on Decem er 31 , 1988 or upon completion of the pro�ect,
whichever occurs first.
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In Lhe Matter`of a perpetual t tor.:#�e " -
sewer purposes ovex, uader, and s f�ati pert o at[ ,. �
Warre�and Winslows Rddition in Narthwestqt���l�i�te�'�i ; � I
2�North, R�anQe�22 W�t. and that'' ` r�Fe�$�i�s a�Additiaa in t3��S�v '
Quarter af Se¢ti�29. Township� o�.:RagBe Z2 R►est in the Gity'a�' ;
,Paul,Minnesota,des��r,�(;�. �, as follo . =
�Rld 289�11�It b2�IIg aV.W I�'�� .,`�}Y���Ea�1���tlt.f2@SCTI � �
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CO217IriP11Clrig 8t �'LC .cf011�'!WC$t '��-'5������'�}l�'�b� �y'
degreesP55�►futrtes;38�em�ot� =E�6.04�t�smutba��! d '
southw� qu��i^6er•M Se�ti6a��Z th�ee.$otit�.i9�di�<�:. . :�,
seconds West,�30.14 feet; thence outh 3 degrees 39 mfnutes�6r
303.34 feet;thence South 5 d s 03�tdae�e��;�amda,�ye�k�- �' �
;Point on the.existing Trout k Sewes anc�s�+d���:�#ng•�
=�beg' ng of said easement ceat rline;�N�t�ff:8��rees p3�d �
E�t,35:bt�eet;tYr�cs� :S clrgree�3&min�s S�se�on�t ,
303.34 feet;ttiez►ce North 21 de s 27 mittutes 15 secon�.;E�st,'3$4;8D ;
:�ee Nbr�►.37 d��1�tau . ,Q3 t�con��as�,;�8:24�et;,t##�:• x ;
• �>�B d�tre��B:�ut�.-�s�cc���st,1�:AR�t���.�@l�0�:�8 . � ,
minute.�03.�eeonds�ast;l$�,+� . ����k 8#-�,39�
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��treet;�ence North�lb de reea IQ 'm�nutes°5'T secoriSs�ast,� :
the�}ce North:, de.8reeg �� ,. � tes 09_s�ndst,E�st.,�47.9Q_feet ;,�}.; '"�'
vvhirn lies 8.O���et ilortf�' af �ce�terlit�ot�ush A.qenue and
33.00 feet East of the ceat� t T��o'Strf�etas'pro�dfi�ed�ic . , $
I�aI�iQ�senle�lt'cei�teTY�l1�' 743�![1��g '�'J � ,e.>' v� i" e
The sfde llianes of said easement to e pmlonged or shortened to be�n o�`, d'r'
existing centerline of the Tt+nqt B R'$s�������}��eto�: t
cour��ei said easement. . �, ;�.�, , �;:�r �_
In addition,e a temporary -fqr;�nu�n purppseg iying. .
20.00 feet Nnrth af and 30.00 fee .$st�tth_9�:t�?�_above described , t �
ess�merrt. . �
A perpetual easetnent for Stortn er pqrp�es over;under aa$ac�t�ait; ,
of Lot 1, and that�t ai Lot 4, B ock 13, 'Stinsaa�'s Addi�;�be3�.' the
�s�u�ha�es�, .ot�ie�n:29�To P�l����g, ���� ��
='Staint Paul��ota,deccri'F�}i f�}Ilows!. .r , ,,,,� �,,�,
, ��,.>J `at�'t
' Beg�nn�ng at t�e Northeast corner of'said� r � ,. '
���1�e' 2e�ef�tt��t�e� `o#s d$ c��ie
line av�i���i�'�e��Soui�i'idri 'y�`rail . i � ��
��$�?�3p 1�:��;���,'4-�ae , the fnt���I '� a�fii ' .
est of and eI ivi � Iine of 1� � ;th iiu �-\
80#eet to the Pibrth line of said Bl k 13;thence east 10 feet al�iii �
,to the intersection ef a Iine wltf�h 2,5 fQet west oi s�ad parallel with sa st
ltae of B�+1�;"C�e�ce sout���l0' ' said�i��o=�$��+1o��e!! +�c:-
thence East;25 feet along said No tiae of Lot 4 to the } ,r'
poi�t of
T��tdditio�.a.t�tnpqr�ry construet on ea�ment�►ing 14i.�;iee,�;q�t� . t� ��
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1. That th'e said report c1 the same is hereby.a�p�k ' ' ��p �
alternatives, and that th es�aa�eid�cogt•thereof is$58.�, °{�.
Sewer S e r v i c e S e p a r a t i o S y s t a e m-Fun d s.- =r ,.- {
2. That a public hearing `� ' .
snt cu� th�:: �
J�:u , 1 8 at nine rir'��. ��y,� �
a a ou ouse 2tl�L�t�ty of Saint Paul. '
3. That notice of said publ c h�'���" '
:°�c►aa�ss�-Prn�+9Aed��ju�tb� �4A�itatitt�±�hG�iri�t:�iQ,�� :
�t-: ,�t,b�,��tta3Ee�f fhe;#a�pr�nr ,
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