88-111 G / ��
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� By t .:��.s� , �' �.-�..��--..�r...�.
File No. 1�4�9-20
Voting In the Matter of constre�ctia� s tary, stos� =nd aater conae�ttto�es, if
Ward r�qaeat�d !►T the propert a�enar, for t6e co��i�d s r s�paration
pro�ect kaarrn as the I�tfsfl A�EA S?O�S 38WSR�@ PdYZ'!t6 AIID
unde Preliminary Order —��� approved ��I"�°2°2—0 7
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has onducted a public hearing upon the abpve improvement, due notice
there f having been given as prescribed by the Cit Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons objections and recommendations pertai ing to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, the fore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City o Saint Paul does hereby order that the i�bove-described improvement
be m de, and the proper City officers are hereby di ected and authorized to proceed with th� improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the co pletion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all ex enses incurred therein and shall report the sam to the City Council in accordance with C�apter 14 of the City Charter.
OUNCIL P�RSON Adopted by the Council: D e
JAN 2 6 1988
Y as�s.at °�a`ys
3i.tcos3� GGoSwt7'`t., Certified P sed b Council retar
Sclieihel � In Fa r By
�DlMOncp � Again t �'
wilson �JAN 2 6 ,��yor
PUBUSHED ! �=�Q 6 1988
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Cowncil File Noc�8?-1778—B Chns�icos�a-� �� . :. ' '"
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I3+�.�lat =�Rtt�r of cc�tra� i�_Aa3�#�a�;:4k��#�!�t� . 4�, �
reciuested,h,�!_the ProlaertY o nex,��A��►IR}���e� ��,
kna��e;�,���,� .'�,���:�'i.: �a . .
in Vatirig. erii��, '
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The�o�tncil.ot�e Y ;� � hav < ,
upon the a}SOVe improv t, an� 'ving eo�l . �4 � �a3�P� •
resolves;, �:�� ,
\ 1. ' , ,
Th��. .the; Sa#�,� ' �am� • _�
is � ' �..
alternatives, and Eha '�'e` e��ma"t `�°���' s ��
ed cost ereo�
, fi�anced by ass . : itar,�r storm a�d water
, . . �. .
� -- $�'C�. - ._ S. .,X*" r ..::s{ :,q..� -fi t. �.
<_ t_<
2. Tfief a p bIic�hearing` •`: ha�.ox: said�improvemen�+� �` '> ° � �;�'
_ cioc s.m., in the Cou�ic�G� 'i�o'Y y ..,
aIl and Court House u ng:;�p t��;�,�,�,,��,�
�,'�e;.e�± :
, , 3. T1ist nottce of said pu 1#c hearing be given t�pe�tte,.peer�t�p�s � ���p
manner.provid�d by th �hser�eT.stat' � , tfine and.�i�e of aring,
' t�se�tture of Ehe impro ement a�t�e��cost thereo!as: ted, \
i�.File No� 18479-10 : _.�
; _ Ado ted.�b the Councii -
P Y mbes�7t�`�i9� :r ;� a �,s r, �. ;
A�roti�eel=�cc�!tnb�p ''�84,-�396 _ ,
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'� ,'i�Couaei�oi t�e City n 5aixs���'sifi'av�`��s►e�'t�e�oxt �ay�a'
� fihe abc�v+e improvem t, and �q�ru�t c,o�s,�c�Cl �d � * �'�7
. . _
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�t�oet. ,?'s4�d �:�r'��: :�� =-�y��.. ''
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J � , � , .�B►t�;9,: � ,,.�-tTY�a�t�cii,q�s�mnl,�e�S �►...
a an �'t". �in t�Cixy,af Saint'Paul. �
, 3. That notice oi s&id �e�ring'��''tt� t��s• .�the :
:manner'provided by.; . Gharter,stating the t�me��:p�uCe h�riti�, -
the nature of ttie vesnent aifel°'t��a�tt�i9t= �sd#-{;%
Fi��Ta�i4'P9*3b :t''., . .. � �.;�;�t a' �.�
�sAt�ted by t�e�e3� 22,1�84 }` ` i` L'
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