88-107 WHITE - ITV CLERK PINK T iN.Ar+�:e GITY F SAINT PAUL C ��uncil �_��� CANARY�- E'�ARTMENT BLUE - A1�R F'e NO• � Retur �oPy to Room 218 Coun il Re olution � (Study HCH) (DN) )� / Present.e By � eferred To Committee: D te ut of Committee By D te WHERE�S, Two studies the CH/CH Study and th Ad Hoc Study, ave been done in previous ears in order to determ�ine the extent of estoration and renovation eeded in the City Hall/�ourt House uilding ; and KHEREAS, Major renova ion is needed to avoid �'urther de— erioration and at least mi imal work is needed to 'omply with codes nd health and safety; and WHEBEAS, The Saint Paul City Council and the Mayor feel it is ecessary to undertake this project in the most com lete way possible; ow, Therefore , Be It RESOLVED, The Saint P ul City Council and the Mayor hereby tates its desire to undert ke the Ad Hoc Restorati n/Completion Scope f Construction and Design y: a) bringing the uilding up to code b) making remedi 1 maintenance and repai s c) making funeti nal improvement to the uilding systems d) constructing five—floor addition nd , Be It Further RESOLVED, The Board s ates its desire to take full advantage of onstruction activity and completely renovate offic space, and to hase design and construction over a four—year peri d to : CO IVCILMEN Requested by Depactment�of: Yeas Nays Finance & Manage ��ent Services In Fa or , Again t BY Director i. Form Approved b City A to ney Adopted b Council: Date Certified P ssed by Council Secretary BY By Approved b Mavor: Date Approve o or ission to Council, By B r WHITE - CITV LERK COl1RC � PINK T FINAN E � GITY OF SAINT PAUL File �NO. � ���la� CANARV � DE�.I TMEN7 OLUE MA� � Return copy o Room 218 Counci Resolution (StudyCHCH) (DN) Presented By Ref.e red To Committee: Date Out f Committee By Date ' � a) use minimal leas space b) construct the ad ition and occupy three `ffice floors as swing pace i an , Be It Further RESOLVED, The Council a d Mayor desires comple e office reno— va ion including those floors not included in the Ad oc Report Figures fo interior renovation . and hat office floors would be renovated ut ' lizing a ratio of 75� open and 25� closed offices. COUN ILMEN Yeas DimO d Nays Requested by Department o ' Gosw tz � Finance & Manageme t Services ��n In Favo � 9 Ret � �_ Against By � Director Sche bel Wils n JAN 2 � 198$ Form Approved by City Att #ne Adopted by uncil: Date Certified Pas d ' Secr ry BY sy A►pproved by avor: Date ` "— Z'� —�� S g�pPP�ov y Ma r or u ssion to Council f By PUBLISNED ��� G 1988 . e ��-�o� ,�' � , _ o„� �.� . . �, . r����� �r �:-ovo�t�$� Fi ee & emerit;;Servic , . ,o�ow�cron �von ia��srn+r► DS`7e Nelso � � �a Ww�e�rr s�os�an «rr a.a�t �,1 . NO. AOUrINti auoaer owECiaa — �'alua��.a�ns -�,xm 21. 298-5317 °�` ar�„o�� _ Gity Counc� l to apFrove -the renovation of t e City Hall -. Cou�t House a described in the E1lerbe .Re ort: of December 2�., 1987, cost 6,971,900 iaak�ing total o fice renovation and , a five-sto y addition. , (MProw(!�l«Aelea tpl) c�t� nEParr: .. �.P1,ANINVG . . CNIL 3OtVICF-t30i�M,4810M QA7E IN�:: . � DATE � �. - ANALYST . : . � PIipE NO. ..� . t30i�N. � � ���� ► �' o` � i9oo �'���'' '�t5 � x �� ��� �� _��.� - �'�� ��� �. °'srn�r *�auw, : p+,.� a�oara w�xa, oe�rnr�� � -(Z,�,CS hc�t►_S �9'�'n-� `7 S`{�""'1 Prudent ca e snd management of the /� t��l t+�1 �t'����Rc�� �'�E _ .City's fac l�ties. : S STCw�S w � _� � ��� �g � c�.5�r�.�.c--rc..-`7 --- �ra�r�a rwe�oNroa�uMrrr�wno.wn�.v�,.wn�.��: _ The aeed renvvate the CHCH. ..�tJat�IC�t10N" �es:peeuns)> : _ : 1) Increa e egace utilization 2) .More e anomical operation - repairs 3) Correc doe deficiency ` 4) More e €icient �energy usage: �� ��r�+..rw s�.an�a„�. , _ . _ _ A coatin tio�a of Code violations and non i�orm remodeT�g pro3ects. :xss�►inms: �os : . i) Do not ing oo expensive in the 1 2) Build' ew . Too expe�sive - _ : igh leasing; costs. �ortrr� .. . . . 1.iQw.MitlES: NfA' :