88-106 � ! , I � City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE b. ����a � PREL MINARY ORDER B ` �_ r,�, Y File No. 18486 A Voting In the Matter of Ward 6 & 7 a quiring the following parcel n connection with the Stil�lwater/Nokomis S orm Sewer and Paving Project de cribed as follows: L ts 1 thru 11, Block 1 , Lots 2 thru 30, Block 1 , Lots 1 t ru 11 , Block 4 a d Lots 26 thru 30, Block 4, urora Addition. Also the ollowing land d scription in Beaver Lake Height : ose parts of Blocks C and D of Beaver Lake Heights, in th� city of Saint aul, described as follows: Commencing at the intersecti n of the West line on B1ockID and with the asterly extension of center li e East Seventh Street; th�nce South 00 egrees 32 minutes 46 seconds Eas a distance of 21.35 feet, Ibearings based n state plane co—ordinate system, along the west line of Lot D, to the point f beginning; thence continui g South 00 degrees 32 minut s 46 seconds ast, a distance of 11.65 fee ; thence South 89 degrees 9 minutes 34 econds West, a distance of 10.0 feet; thence South 00 deg ees 32 minutes 6 seconds East, a distance of 594.46 feet; thence North 89 degrees 20 inutes 10 seconds East a distan e of 153. 16 feet; thence n rtheasterly a istance of 193.37 feet alon a non—tangential curve c ncave to the outheast, the long chord of said curve bears North 48 degree 04 minutes 20 unc econds East, has a chord lengt of 193. 15', a radius of 1156I.67 feet, and a entral angle of 9 degrees 34 min tes 43 seconds; thence Nort 36 degrees 15 inutes 32 seconds West, a dist nce of 298.20 feet; thence N rth 16 degrees 5 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 261.78 feet; th nce South 68 egrees 57 minutes 14 seconds We t, a distance of 44.50 feet to the point of hav: eginning. 1 That the s id report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that ithe estimated cost thereof is $ 526,�00 . financed by torm Sewer Service Charge. i That a public hearing be had on said impro ement on the 23rd day of February, 1988 • � �� o'clock a.m., in th Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. . That notice of said public hearing be given t the persons and in the manner provided jb,y the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,the nature of the i rovement and the total cost thereof as es imated. JAN 2 S 1988 CO NCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas imond Nays oswitz Certified P d b Council �re ry ong , ettman In Favo By cheibel - � Against _ � JAN 2 6 ��Y°r ilson PUBIISNED F��:��' � 1988 ' . ��'��� � �, .� �,� �,R� .., ���� i�-�. vov��. Finance nd Manage�ent Services �:/ / gg o��anrs►rr dn�cra� w�i�o�ron�iirm BeCer te � F� — �a�:� _L�,'a� _ P"or�'''°. � ewaEr oa�cTOa . . . � _� �`tE+'Rai�'�'@'' Valuatio s ��Assm� 298-5317 ; — �,,,,�,, �6 �lpprove acquisition of easements and pro erty for the Stillwater/Nok is 1988 Sto1-m Sewer P oject File No. 18486-A � '(�DPr�{A)a Ryed{R)� COEIq6YL R�OR'f: . . RNR1Mfi. . � . � Gvll SERVICE CO�MBS�ON � .. DATE w � DATE olR� . . MI�I.rSi . .. . . RioNE.N0. . . ..�� .- . 1�825,3CFpOL BOARD � . � .i.��1 � 1 �;I��.. . f-� - � .. . � . --� e STN� � � CFNR7ER GOMM18810N � . � � . AS IS- �-ADDL MIFO.MOEb*' .. __ �i piF'O.'� �_� . �.._t� _ ♦ . D16TAILT . r p(pIANA . . �� . � . � � . � . � . � . . 8tllrQRT'31MFIICFt � 08Jf�TIVE? � � � � ' . � ... . . . . . . . � � - . . . � . . ... . .. 1i . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M�A1Y10 1l811E OPPOR7I�ITY(W�.WhBf.VM�N11.WIIBIl.�Y�� ' ° _ The const uction of and _future maintenanc of the named.storm se�aer p 3eCt requires ; �he ease ts and ;pr.operty as described i the at.tached resolution. �us�wc�►�►+. �a�o.�,,�s►: ,. � , . • These eas ents result in the mor� efficie t and economic routing.,of t sewer. The _�_ S.torm wat ponding areas allow the contin ed use of ma�or trunk aewer �ich w�ould otherwise ve .to be replaced. . _ COI�S(Mll�t. .na Tu vN,omf: . _ . _ � � _ . , . _. �i' Easements re an encumbrance on progerties affected. The City's right d eminent domsin for public improvements will re�sult in the transfer of title upan ps t of just eo�ensation for the pr perties necessary for the: pondi areas._ : N.r�w±►�mt�:. c:oMS . To be dete ined ` r�t�omr�nec�Hrs: Stanslard Op r�ting Procednre �cc�u.is�s: N/A. at this ime "