88-99 WN17E - C�TV LERK PINK - FINA cE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Councl CANARV - DEPA TMENT BLUE - MAVO FIIE � NO. ��' � Counci esolution � � �� Cv� Presented By Ref rred To Committee: Date Out f Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for S oreroom Assistant in the Salary Plan and tes of Compensation Resolut on. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title of Storero m Assistant be set at the rate se forth in Grade 13, Section 1�D1, of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Co ensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that thi resolution shall take effe t and be in force on the first pay period a ter the passage, approval, d publication of this resolution. � CO IVCILMEN Requested by Department o • Yeas Dl rid Nays � Go itz [n Fa or Lo g � Re tman _�___ A gai n t Sc eibel W]. SOri JaN 2 �i � �8 Form pprov d b City torney Adopted b Council: Date Certified as e ouncil S ta BY � By� Approved 1�av r: a ` Z � � � ` � � 9(�ppro by Mayor for ission to Council � By _ B PUBLISHED �=�t3 G 1 88 , ~ � ~ DEPAR'f NT ` � ��'��O _ 0�221 , ,�.aura Gi 1 be t � � CONTACT V 298-4221 PHONE ' . ` . 12-17-87 DATE � � . . Q Q � ASSIGN NUMB F4R ROUTING ORDER C1i Aa1 o a.tions for Si nature : 1 �epart nt D�rector 4 Director of nagement%Mayor Finance and Management S rvi�es Director - 5 City Clerk � Budget irector �� _3 City At orney - WHAT WILL B ACHIEYED BY TAKING ACTION ON TH ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpa e1 �s 'jy�� � Ratio ale) : ' See attach d . : �► � �� �.2I � COST BENEFI BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPAC S ANTICIPATED: ��i�tD See attach d DEC 3 0 �g87 M�Yo s o��rCE FINANCING URCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUh�ER (�iARGEO OR CREDITED: (P�ayor signa- ture t re- Total unt of �Transaction: quire if under � $10,� ) Funding , ource: � Activit Number: • ATTACHMENT List and Number All Attachment R EIVED 1, , Respl ttQn . z, coQr or c�ty c��rk RECEIV�D QEC 24 3. Copy f Cla�ss Spec�ftcattion 1987 4. Attatc nt as noted aboYe � DEC N 9 �987 Buu T o��ic� j . _ � i�Y �TTaRNEY DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW X Yes o Council Resolution Required? ' Resoiution Requ red? Yes No Yes X o Insurance Required? Insurance' Suffi i�nt? Yes No Yes X o Insurance Attached: � ' (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12 84 ' ' . , � � � CODE: 36904 �� � � � BU: O1 EFF CTIVE: PROPOS D TITLE OF CLASS: STORE OOM ASSISTANT DESCRI TION OF WORK j i neral tate ent o uties: Per orms simple clerical and ma ual rk in the delivering, receiving, storing, issuing, and allo ation of e uipment, supplies, and material ; and performs related duti s as quired. ervision Receiv Works unde close supervision of store 'oom nager or unit head. � e o Exercised: None TYPIC DUTIES PERFORMED The 1 sted examples may not include al the duties performed by al positions in th s class. ' icks up, receives, unpacks, cou s, inspects, stores, issues and delivers quipment, supplies, and material ; includes in-person and te ephone ontact. kes physical inventories and m ntains stock records on co uterized ventory control system. ports missing� damaged, and wo -out items to supervisor. ocesses and repackages equipme , supplies, and materials. ' . intains storerooms in neat, cle n, and orderly fashion. ills storehouse orders and prepa es them for delivery. icks up outgoing mail from all C ty/County departments in Cily Hall, on ot or by truck. rforms miscellaneous duties suc as interoffice mail delive and rniture moving as assigned. KNOWL GE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES ill in oral communication with ustomers. ility to follow written and or instructions. ility to maintain records on p er and access information i� a omputerized inventory control s tem. (continu on reverse side) STOR OOM ASSISTANT � , . . . Page 2 STOREROOM ASSISTANT Ability to perform physical activity in the lifting and moving of ob�ects. Ability to operate simple storeroom equipment used in moving supplies. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year as Trainee (Storehouse) ; must possess a valid Class C driver's license. STOREROOM ASSISTANT , , . .. G�__� � � !CODE: 36904 � ' BU: O1 EFFE TIVE: PROPOSE TITLE OF CLASS: STORER OM ASSISTANT DESCRIP ION OF WORK Ge t n o Perf rms simple clerical and man 1 wo k in the delivering, receiving, storing, issuing, and alloc tion of eq ipment� supplies, and materials and performs related dutie as re uired. F,� u e R v Works under close supervision of storer �'om :�> ma ger or unit head. c ed: None TYPIC DUTIES PERFORMED The lis ed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Pi ks up, receives, unpacks� count , inspects, stores, issues, and delivers eq ipment, supplies, and materials includes in-person and tel phone co tact. T es physical inventories and mai tains stock records on comp terized i entory control system. Re orts missing� damaged, and worn out items to supervisor. i Pr cesses and repackages equipment supplies, and materials. I, Ma ntains storerooms in neat, clea , and orderly fashion. Fi ls storehouse orders and prepar s them for delivery. Pi ks up outgoing mail from all Ci y/County departments in Cit , Hall� on fo t or by truck. Pe forms miscellaneous duties such as interoffice mail delive and fu iture moving as assigned. KNOWLE E� SKILLS AND ABILITIES S 11 in oral communication with c stomers. Ab lity to follow written and oral instructions. Ab lity to maintain records on pap r and access information in 'la co puterized inventory control sys em. (continued on reverse side) STORER M ASSISTANT Page 2 � STOREROOM ASSISTANT - Ability to perform physical activity in the lifting and moving of objects. Ability to operate simple storeroom equipment used in moving supplies. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year as Trainee (Storehouse) ; must possess a valid Class C driver's license. STOREROOM ASSISTANT . ` ` ` ��"�r` / �/ Stor room Assistant WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKI G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MA RIALS? By this action, the title of toreroom Assistant will be reated and established in the classified service at Grade 13, Sectio ID1, of the Salary Plan and Rates of ompensation. This title se es the purpose of an appropriately g aded career step from Train e (Storehouse) . COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND ERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATE : Although this specification i being created for potentia multi-departmental use in the future, this is currently a single-incumbent title. The wo current titles used for imilar positions are Stores Clerk an Storekeeper I. Both class �'fications appear to be overgraded. By reating the new title of St reroom Assistant, the position will e properly classified and $ 664 will be saved in annual salary costs. �