88-98 WHITE - CITY CLERK . �,:�ARV - DEP TMENT GITY O SAINT PAiTL Coun il �'/y BI.UE -MAV R . File . NO. U �- �� � ou c R olution � Presented B Re rred To Committee: Dat � Ou of Committee By Dat I RESOLVED, that upo the petition of th I Faith Baptist Church, et al, per file n . 26-1987, those parts f Clear Avenue, the south 30 feet of Lot 6, and the alley in B1 k 3, Strub's Addition to the City of S int Paul, hereinafter d scribed , be and the same are hereby vacat d and discontinued as p blic property. That the vacated area be described as fo lows : PARCEL N0. 1 All that pa t of the alley lyin south of the westerly xtended south line of t 3, Block 3 , Strub ' s Ad ition to the City of Sa�nt Paul . PARCEL N0. 2 All that part of Clear Avenue lyilg between Westminster treet and the souther �y extended west line of Lot 26 , Block 3, Strub �s Addition to the City o Saint Paul . PARCEL N0. 3 — All that part of the south 30 feet If Lot 26 , Block 3 , Str b' s Addition to the Ci y of Saint Paul I 1 . That the vacati n be subject to all th terms and conditions of C apter 130, codified Ma ch 1 , 1981, of the St. Paul Le�islative Code , as a i�ended . 2. That the petit ' oner pay the City of aint Paul , $12,514.50 as c mpensation for this vac tion which is due and payable within 60 da s of the CO CILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays In Fa or � � Again t By I Form Approv d by City A to y Adopted b Council: Date Certified P ssed by Council Secretary BY By Approved Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for S �►mission to Council By BY I WHITE - CITV CLERK /�" PINK -,�P�NA cE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Coun '1 (� �j/�� CAM RV - OEP RTMEN T . � j!�_ 7X � BLUE - MAY R � F�le � NO. 0 u � Counc l Resolution i Presented B Ref rred To Committee: Date I Out of Committee By Date condit.ions of t is resolution and shalljwithin the period(s) speci ied in the terms and co ditions of this resolution comply in all respectslwith these terms and condi ions . That the proper City Offi ials are hereby authori�ed and directed to execute a quit clai deed for the street 'easement being vacated as a part of these proceedings descri ed as the south thirty (30) feet of Lot 2 , Block 3, Strub's Addi ion to the City of Saint Paul , originall dedicated to the Cityland recorded as document no. 585041. I �. � I I COU CILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Dl rid Nays i Gos itz �_ In Fa r � - Lon Ret man � A gai n t gY �' � Sch ibel So en 49i1 on J�' � 2 1 '�� Form App ov by City A orne Adopted by Council: Date C��`�C Certified P ss b ouncil Sec r BY gy. I Approved b lVlavo • Dat �N 2 5 ,i Appcove by M r or mission to C uncil � Y ��� BY - PUBUSNEO J A�d � ` 19 88 � � k ��--� ! � publication date of this resolution . 3 . If, in his sole discretion , it is later determined by the Directo of Public Works tha an alley right—of— way ' s necessary for access to the remainder of th unvacated alley in sa d Block 3, petitioner her by agrees to grant or obtain for the City an ea ement for such purpo es. This easement shall be subject to the appr val of the City Attorney a d shall be described as follows : The north 1 feet of the east 10 f et of Lot 28 , the west 10 feet of the no th 10 feet of Lo 4 and the north 10 f et of the alley v cated in this resolution all in Block 3 trub's Addition to the City of Saint Pa 1 . 4 . That the petiti ner shall be responsib e for all costs and expen es for dama�es caused o petitioner's pr perty due to storm wat r run—off from the remaining portion of the unva ated part of this alley. 5 . That a specifi easement shall be ret ined within the vacated a eas to proteet the ' nterest of Northern States Power Company. 6 . That a specifi easement shall be ret ined within the vacated a eas to protect the i terests of Continental Ca levision . 7 . That the petit ' oner, its successors or assigns, by acceptance of the terms and conditi ns of this vacation , agr es to indemnify, defe d and save harmless the C ' ty of Saint Paul, its fficers and employees fro all suits , actions or claims of any character brought as a result of in juries or damages received or sustained by any person , persons or pr perty on account of th s vacation , including but not limited to a cl im brought because of a y act of omission , neglect or misconduct of said petititioner or beoause of any claims or liab ' lity arising from any iolation of any law or re ulation made in accord nce with the law whether b the petitioner or any f its agents or employees . 8 . That the peti ioner shall within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution file with the City Clerk n acceptance in wri ing of the `�C (��fi� �� 2