88-91 WHITE — C�TV CLERK �� �
CAN,�►RV — D€{",+ARTME"aT .. C I TY.. O�F" SA I NT PAIT L File N0. �� 7 I
eLU� _ nArcroR ,
� � ,O �n�nc Ordinance N 0.
Presented By � �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By_ F Date
An ordinance amer�ding chapter 60 of the
Saint Paul Legisla�tive Code pertaining to
Zoning Regulations.
WHEREAS, the existing Saint Pa 1 Zoning Code permits adult uses to be
located only in certain zoning classjfication districts; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commissidn has conducted a study of the existing
zoning provisions for adult-type use� and has recommended that these
regulations be modi�'ed; and I
WHEREAS, some of the purposes f restricting adult-only type uses
include the following findings:
Areas within close walking dist nce of residential dwellings and other
general commercial uses should e free of adult entertainment land uses.
Areas where children could be e pected to walk, patronize or recreate
should be free of certain adult entertainment land uses.
Adult-only entertainment land u es should be located in areas of the
city which are not in close pro imity to residential uses, churches,
parks and other public faciliti s, schools, and other commercial uses.
The image of the City of Saint aul as a pleasant and attractive place
to reside will be adversely aff cted by the presence of adult
entertainment land uses in clos proximity to residential land uses,
churches, parks, and other publi facilities, schools and general
commercial uses.
Regulation of adult entertainmen land uses should be developed to
prevent deterioration and/or deg adation of the vitality of the
community before the problem exi ts or gets worse, rather than in
response to an existing problem.
Yeas Nays �� Requested by Department of:
Nicosia ln Favor �i
s�ne�bei Against �i BY
Adopted by Council: Date , Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor. Date i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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Commercial areas of the city patronized by young people and children
should be free of adult entertainment land uses.
Adult entertainment land uses hould be regulated by zoning to separate
it from other dissimilar uses 'ust as any other land use should be
separated from uses with chara teristics different from itself.
Residents of the City of Saint Paul , and persons who are non-residents
but use the city for shopping nd other commercial needs, will move from
the community or shop elsewher if adult entertainment land uses are
allowed to locate in close pro imity to residential and other commercial
uses, churches, parks, and oth r public facilities and schools.
Location of adult entertainmen land uses in proximity to residential
uses, churches, parks and othe public facilities, and schools and
commercial uses may lead to in reased levels of criminal activities,
including prostitution, rape, 'ncest and assaults in the vicinity of
such adult entertainment land ses.
Merchants in the commercial ar a of the city are concerned about adverse
impacts upon the character and quality of the city in the event that
adult entertainment land uses re located within close proximity to
residential and commercial use , churches, parks and other public
facilities and schools. Locat on of adult entertainment land uses in
close proximity to residential and commercial uses, churches, parks, and
other public facilities and sc ools, will reduce retail trade to
commercial uses in the vicinit , thus reducing property values and tax
revenues to the City. Such ad erse effects on property values will
cause the loss of some commerc al establishments followed by a blighting
effect upon the commercial dis ricts within the city, leading to further
deterioration of the commercia quality of the city.
No evidence has been presented to show that the location of adult
entertainment land uses within the city will improve the commercial
viability of the community.
Experience in numerous other c ties, including Saint Paul , Minneapolis,
Indianapolis, Phoenix, Los Ang les, Seattle, Tacoma and Detroit have
shown that location of adult e tertainment land uses degrade the quality
of the area of the city in whi h they are located and cause a blighting
effect upon the city.
A reasonable regulation of the location of adult entertainment land uses
will provide for the protectio of the image of the community and its
property values, and protect t e residents of the community from the
adverse effects of such adult ntertainment land uses, while providing
to those who desire to patroni e adult entertainment land uses such an
opportunity in areas of the ci y which are appropriate for location of
adult entertainment land uses.
The community will be an undes�rable place to live and shop in if it is
known on the basis of its imag as the location of adult entertainment
land uses. ,
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A stable atmosphere for the rear'ng of families cannot be achieved in
close proximity to adult enterta'nment land uses.
The initial location of adult en ertainment land uses will lead to the
location of additional and simil r uses within the same vicinity, thus
multiplying the adverse impact o the initial location of adult
entertainment land uses upon the residential and commercial uses,
churches, parks and other public facilities and schools, and the impact
u�pon the image and quality of the character of the community.
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Sec ion 1.
That the definitions for the te ms Adult Bookstore, Adult Cabaret, Adult
Conversation/Rap Parlor, Adult Health Sports Club, Adult Massage Parlor, Adult
Mini-Motion Picture Theatre, Adult Mo ion Picture Theatre, Adult Steam Room/
Bathhouse Facility and Adu1t Uses, co tained in section 60.201 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, be and are her by amended to read as follows:
Adult bookstore. A sbe� buildi or ortion of a buildin sed for the
barter, rental or sale of items consi tin of printed matter, pictures,
slides records audio ta e videota or motion picture film if such sbe�
buildinq or portion of a buildinq is ot open to the public generally but only
to one or more classes of the public xcluding any minor by reason of age: �
or if a substantial or si nificant o tion of such items are distin uished or
characterized b an em hasis on the d iction or descri tion of "s ecified
sexual activities" or "s ecified anat mical areas." No obscene w rk shall be
Adult cabaret. Ap-es�a�}�sbr�e �-wq�Eb-��ev�des A building or portion of
a building used for providing �e-�e- apEe�s;-exe��e-�a�Ee►�s;-s�����e�s;-e�
s�r���a�-e��e��a�pe�s dancin or othe live entertainment if such buildin or
portion of a buildinq ap�-wb�Eb excl des minors by virtue of age: , or if such
dancin or other live entertainment is distin uished or characterized b an
em hasis on the resentation dis la de iction or descri tion of "s ecified
sexual activities" or "s ecified ana omical areas." No obscene ork shall be
Adult conversation ra arlor. A conversation ra arlor which excludes
minors b reason of a e or which r vides the service of en a in in or
listenin to conversation talk or d scussion if such service i
distin uished or characterized b an em hasis on "s ecified sexu 1 activities"
or "s ecified anatomical areas." No obscene work shall be allow d.
Adult health s ort club. A he lth s ort club which exclud s minors b
reason of a e or if such club is di tin uished or characterized b an
em hasis on "s ecified sexual activi ies" or "s ecified anatomic 1 areas." No
obscene work shall be allowed.
Adult massa e arlor. A massa e arlor which restricts mi ors b reason
of a e or which rovides the servic of "massa e" if such service is
distin uished or characterized b an em hasis on "s ecified sexual activities"
or "s ecified anatomical areas." N obscene work shall be allow d.
Adult mini-motion picture the tre. Ap-epe�ese�-�a����p� A building or
portion of a buildinq with a capaci y for less than 50 persons used for
presenting material de€�ped-�y-P4�pp se�a-��a�a�es-6��:292-as-'-'sexaa}}y
��eveea��ve'-'-apd-wW�EM if such buil in or ortion of a buildin as a
prevailing practice excludes minors by virtue of age: , or if sych material is
distin uished or characterized b a em hasis on the de iction o descri tion
of "s ecified sexual activities" or "s ecified anatomical areas" for
observation b atrons therein. No obscene work shall be allow d.
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Adult motion picture theatre. Ap e�e�esed-�a�}d�p� A building or
portion of a buildinq with a capacity o 50 or more persons used for
presenting material �e€�ped-�y-M�ppese� -S�a�a�es-6��:29F-as-'-'sexaa}}y
��eveea��ve-a�d-wb�eb if such buildin r ortion of a buildin as a
prevailing practice excludes minors by irtue of age: , or if such material is
distin uished or characterized b an e hasis on the de iction or d scri tion
of "s ecified sexual activities" or "s ecified anatomical areas" for
observation b atrons therein. No ob cene work shall be allowed.
Adult steam room bathhouse facil t . A buildin or ortion � a
buildin used for rovidin a steam ba h or heat bathin room u ed for the
ur ose of leasure bathin relaxati n or reducin utilizin s eam or hot
air as cleanin relaxin or reducin a ent if such buildin or ortion of a
buildin restricts minors b reason of a e or if the service rovi ed b the
steam room bathhouse facilit is disti uished or characterized b an em hasis
on "s ecified sexual activities" or "s ecified anatomical areas." No obscene
work shall be allowed.
Adult uses. Ada��-ases-a�e-�bes -ases-exe�ad�p�-�a�s-wb�eb-a�e-pe�-e�e�
�e-�be-�b���e-�eRe�a}}y-�a�-e�}y-�e-e e-e�-r�e�e-e}asses-e�-�be-�a���E-a�d
exe�ad�pg-apy-��pe�-�y-�easep-e€-age; a-��pe�-�e�pg-a-�e�sep-apdep-�Me-age-e€
e��M�ee�-yea�s: Adult uses include;- a�-a�e-pe�-��r���ed-�e; adult bookstores,
adult motion picture theatres, adult ini-motion picture theatres, adult
massage parlors, adult steam room/bat house facilities, adult rap/conversation
parlors, adult health s ort clubs, ad lt cabarets, e�-s�r��}a�-a�a}�-ases: and
other remises enter rises business s or laces o en to some or all members
of the ublic at or in which there i an em hasis on the resent tion
dis la de iction or descri tion of 's ecified sexual activities" or
"s ecified anatomical areas" which ar ca able of bein seen b m mbers of the
ublic. No obscene work shall be all wed.
Se tion 2.
That the definition of Convers tion/Rap Parlors contained in section
60.203 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as
Conversation/rap parlors. A�- s�a���sMr�ep� A building or portion of a
buildina in which there is ��Ee�sed- y-Eba��e�-4}3-e€-�qe-6��y-A���papEe-apd
advertising, offering or selling the service of engaging in or listening to
conversation, talk or discussion �e� eep-a�-er���syee-e€-�be-es�ab}�sH�ep�-apd
a-Eas�er�e�, regardless of whether ot er goods or services are also
simultaneously advertised, offered o sold, and regardless of whether those
other goods or services are also re uired to be licensed.
The term "conversation parlor' shall not include bona fide legal ,
medical , psychiatric, psychological or counseling services by a person or
firm appropriately licensed; or bon fide educational institutions, or panels,
seminars or other similar services ffered by such institutions; or churches
or synagogues.
S ction 3.
That section 60.208 of the Sa'nt Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby
amended so as to add the following hereto:
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Health s ort club. A buildin o ortion of a buildin desi ned and
e ui ed for the conduct of s orts ex rcise leisure time activities or other
customar and usual recreational activ'ties o erated for rofit or not-for-
rofit and which can be o en onl to b na fide members and uests of the
or anization or o en to the ublic for a fee.
Section 4.
That the definition of massage p rlor, steam room/bathhouse facility,
health club contained in section 60.21 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be
and is hereby amended to read as follo s:
Massage parlor;-s�ear�-�eer�f�a�qb ase-�ae#���y;-bea}�b-E�a�. A�
es�a���sb�e��-}�Eepsed-�y-EMa��e�-4�F- �-�be-6��y-EeQ�s}a��ve-Ee�e A buildinq
or ortion of a buildin which is use for offerin "massa e" defined as the
rubbin strokin kneadin ta in r rollin of the bod for tMe ur oses
of leasure relaxation h sical fit ess or beautification offered for a
fee or other valuable consideration. �d-wq�Eb-�es���E�s-r��pe�s-�y-v���ae-e€
age-apd-��E�ad�p�-�Mys�Ea}-ea}�a�e-ap -kea}�b-se�v�Ees;-�Mys�ea�-Ea��a�e-apd
bea��q-e}a�;-�edae�p�-e�a�;-�edae�p�- a}e�;-ap�-�assa�e-�a��er: This
definition shall include any building, room, structure, place or establishment
used by the public other than a hospi al , sanatorium, rest home, nursing home,
boarding home or other institution fo the hospitalization or care of human
beings, duly licensed under the provi ions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections
144.50 through 144.703, inclusive, wh re non-medical and non-surgical
manipulation exercises or massages ar practiced upon the human body for a fee
or other valuable consideration by an one not duly licensed by the State of
Minnesota to practice medicine, surge y, osteopathy, chiropractic, physical
therapy, or podiatry, with or without the use of inechanical , therapeutic, or
bathing devices, or any room or rooms from which a masseur or masseuse is
dispatched by telephone or otherwise or the purpose of giving a rpassage.
��ev��ed-�Ha�-pe-�assa�e-�e�-a-�ee-sq ��-�e-��vep-exEe��-�p-a-��Ee�sed
Sec ion 5.
That section 60.215 of the Sain Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby
amended so as to add the following th reto:
Obscene. Obscene has the same eanin as defined in cha ter 274 of the
Saint Paul Leaislative Code.
Obscene work. Obscene work has the same meanin as defined in cha ter
274 of the Saint Paul Le islative Cod .
Sec ion 6.
That section 60.219 of the Sain Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby
amended so as to add the following th reto:
Steam room bathhouse facilit . A buildin or ortion of a uildin used
for rovidin a steam bath or heat ba hin room used for the ur se of
leasure bathin relaxation or redu in utilizin steam or hot air as a
cleaning, relaxing or reducing agent.
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Specified anatomical areas.
L1,� Less than com letel and o uel covered: a human nitals b
ubic re ion c buttock nd d female breast below oint
immediatel above the to o the areola• and
u Human male enitals in a di cernibl tur id state even if
com letel and o a uel cov red.
Specified sexual activities.
� Numan enitals in a state o sexual stimulation or arou al •
,� Acts of human masturbation sexual intercourse or sodom • and
j31 Fondlin or other erotic t uchin of human enitals u ic re ion
buttock or female breast.
u No obscene work shall be allowed.
Sec ion 7.
That Section 60.532, clause (2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is
hereby amended to read as follows:
(h) Pbys�Ea}-Ea}�b�e-apd healt s ort clubs� a�d-�edae���-sa�eps:
conversation ra arlors assa e arlors and steam ro bathhouse
facilities which are not a ult uses.
Sec ion 8.
That Section 60.�3, clauses 10, ll, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code be an are hereby amended to read as follows:
(10) Adult ases bookstores subject t the following conditions:
(a) The bses adult bookstore s all be located at least e�e-�qeasa�d
�b�ee-Mapd�e�-�wep�y-��;32 } 2640 radial feet from any other adult
use in anv municipality me sured in a straight line from the
closest points of the ro rt lines of the buildings in which the
adult uses are located.
(b) The adult ase bookstore shall be located at least �we-qapd�ed-{2AA�
800 radial feet from any esidentially zoned property in anv
municipalitv, measured in a straight line from the closest point of
the propertv line of the uilding in which the adult ase bookstore
is located to the closest residentially zoned property line#-�b�s
Eepd���ep-r�ay-�e-wa�ved-� -�be-�}app���-ee���ss�e�-�€-�be-pe�se�
a���y���-€s�-�We-wa�ve�-s a}�-€#�e-w��M-�qe-�}a�����-ad��p�s��a�s�
a-ee�se��-�e�#��e�-wb�Eb- p��ea�es-a�p�eva}-e�-�be-��e�esed-ada}�
ase-�y-98-�e�eep�-e€-�be- �e�e��y-ewpe�s-w��b�p-29A-�ad�a�-�ee�-e€
�be-}e�-ep-wb�eb-�be-ase- ea}d-�e-�eEa�ed;-�be-�}ap��pg-Eer�r��ss�ep;
Ee�s�de��pg-saeb-a-wa�ve� -sba}�-�ake-�We-€e}�ew�p�-€ipd���s=-�ba�
�Me-��s�ese�-ase-w�}}-pe� �e-eep��a�y-�e-�be-�b���e-���e�es�-e�
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�be-e����a�Ee-w�}�-�e-e�se�v d#-�Ha�-�qe-ry�s�esed-ase-w�}}-�s�
ep�a��e-e�-e�Eea�a�e-�be-�ev �e��e��-e€-a-'-'sk�d-�ew"-a�ea#-�ba�-�be
es�a���sbr�ep�-e€-ap-ad����ep �-ase-e€-�b�s-�y�e-��-�he-area-w�}}
�e�-�e-Eep��a�y-�e-apy-��e�� r�-e€-pe�gM�e�bee�-Ee�se�va��ep-e�
�r���ever�ep�;-e��He�-�es�dep� a�-e�-pep-�es�dep��a�;-apd-�ba�-a}}
a��}�Ea�}e-�e�a�a��eps-e�-�W s-e�d��aa�ee-w�}}-�e-e�se�ved:
.0 The adult bookstore shall be located at least 400 radial feet from
an " rotected use" defined as: a buildin in which a m 'orit of
floor s ace is used for resi ential ur oses• a da care center
where such da care center is a rinci al use• a house of worshi •
a ublic librar • a school ublic arochial or rivate
elementar 'unior hi h or i h school • a ublic re io 1 ark or
arkwa ublic ark ubli recreation center or ubli
s ecialized recreation faci it as identified in the ar s and
recreation element of the S int Paul com rehensive lan• a fire
station• a communit reside tial facilit • a mission or a
hotel motel . The distance hall be measured in a strai ht line
from the closest oint of t e ro ert line of th b il in in
which the adult bookstore i located to the closest oi t of the
ro ert line of the buildi in which is located an aforementioned
protected use.
(d) �be�e-sba�}-�e-pe-aeEess-� e�-�He-�b�}d���-��-wb�Eq-�We-ase-�s
}eEa�ed-�e-�be-a��ey-e►�-�e �es�dep��a��y-�eped-��e�e��y:
Conditions b and or c ma e waived b the lannin co ission if
the erson a 1 in for th waiver shall file with the lannin
administrator a consent e ition which indicates a ro al of the
ro osed adult bookstore b 90 ercent of the ro ert owners
within 800 radial feet of he lot on which the use wou d be
located• the lannin commission in considerin such waiver
shall make the followin indin s: that the ro osed u e will not
be contrar to the ublic interest or in 'urious to nea b
ro erties and that the irit and intent of the ordinance will be
observed• that the ro os d use will not enlar e or e oura e the
develo ment of a "skidrow' area• that the establishme t of an
additional use of this t e in the area will not be c trar to an
ro ram of nei hborhood c nservation or im rovement ither
residential or non-reside tial • and that all a licab e re ulations
of this ordinance will be observed.
(e) All signs shall comply wi h chapter 66 of the zoning code and with
chapters 274 and 275 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code.
� No erson shall en a e i an activit or conduct or ermit an
other erson to en a e i an activit or conduct in he adult
bookstore which is rohi ited b an ordinance of the Cit of Saint
Paul the laws of the St te of Minnesota or the Uni ed States of
America. Nothin in thi ordinance shall be constru d as
authorizin or ermittin conduct which is rohibite or re ulated
b other statutes or ord nances includin but not 1 mited to
statutes or ordinances ohibitin the exhibition s le or
distribution of obscene aterial enerall or the e hibition sale
or distribution of s eci ied materials to minors. N obscene work
, �,r, ��
shall be allowed.
� The s ecial condition use ermit or the adult bookstore shalli be
reviewed annuall to ensure that no chan e in use occurs and ha
no additional adult uses are add d to the buildin containin ' the
adult bookstore.
,j,h� The adult bookstore is conside ed to be one use. No two ad lt uses
can be in th same buildin bu must be s aced 2640 radial eet
(ei) The ase adult bookstore shall not be located within a building also
used for residential purpose .
11 Adult cabarets sub 'ect to the sa e conditions listed above in 60.543 IO
for adult bookstores with the bstitution of the hrase "a ult
cabaret" for the hrase "adult ookstore° wherever it a ear . The
adult cabaret is considered to e one use. No two adult us s can be in
the same buildin but must be aced 2640 radial feet a art
� Adult conversation ra arlor sub 'ect to the same conditi ns listed
above in 60.543 10 for adult bookstores with the substi ution of the
hrase "adult conversation r arlor" for the hrase "ad lt bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The ad lt conversation ra arlor i��' considered to
be one use. No two adult u es can be in the same buil i �` but must be
s aced 2640 radial feet a a t.
13 Adult health s orts clubs ub 'ect to the same condition; listed above in
60.543 10 for adult book tores with the substitution of the hrase
"adult health s orts club for the hrase "adult books ore" wherever it
a ears. The adult heal s orts club is considered 'o be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the same buildin but must b s aced 2640
radial feet aoart.
14 Adult massa e arlors s b 'ect to the same condition listed above in
60.543 10 for adult b okstores with the substitut on of the hrase
"adult massa e arlor" for the hrase "adult books �ore" wherever it
a ears. The adult h alth s orts club is consider d to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the same buildin but must be s aced 640
radial feet apart.
15 Adult mini-motion 'cture theatres sub 'ect to th same conditions listed
above in 60.543 10 for adult bookstores with t e substitution of the
hrase "adult mini otion icture theatre" for he hrase "adult
bookstore" whereve it a ears. The adult mini-motion icture theatre
is considered to e one use. No two adult use can be in the same
buildin but must be s aced 2640 radial feet a rt.
16 Adult motion ic ure theatres sub 'ect to the ame conditions listed
above in 60.543 0 for adult bookstores wi the substitution of the
hrase "adult m tion icture the tre" for th ' hrase "adult bookstore"
wherever it a ars. The adult motion ict e theatre is considered to
be one use. N two adult uses can be in th same buildin but must be
s aced 2640 ra ial feet a art.
�1 - �.�.x�
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17 A ult steam room b�thhou�se facili ies sub 'ect to the same cond tions
1 sted above in 60.543 10 for ad lt bookstores with the sub titution
o the hrase "adult steam room b thhouse facilit " for the 'rase
"adult bookstore" wherever it a ars. The adult steam room athhouse
facilit is considered to be one se. No two adult uses can e in the
same buildin but must be s aced 640 radial feet a art.
�. ther adult uses sub'ect to the same conditions listed above n
0.543 10 for adult bookstores ith the ubstitution of th � hrase
"other adult use" for the hrase "adult bookstore" wherever it a ears.
The other adult use is considere to be one use. No two adu 't uses can
be in the same buildin but must be s aced 2640 radial feet art.
(}�19) Auto repair, subject to the fol owing conditions:
(a) The minimum lot area shall e fifteen thousand (15,000) square
(b) A ten-foot landscaped buff r with screen planting and ain obscuring
fence shall be required ai ng any property line adjacent to an
existing residence or adja ent to land zoned residential .
{c) All repair work shall be d ne within an enclosed building.
(d) There shall be no outside storage.
(�220) Accessory buildings, structur s, and uses as defined in s�ction 60.201.
Se tion 9.
That Section 60.554, clauses , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and l0 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code be and are he eby amended to read as follaws:
(2) Adult ases bookstores subject to the following conditions:
(a) The ase adult bookstore hall be located at least �M�ee-bap��ed
f38A� 1320 radial feet f om any other adult use in a�v municipalitv
measured in a straight 1 'ne from the closest points gf the propertv
lines of the buildings i which the adult uses are located.
(b) The ase adult bookstore shall be located at least e�ie-hapd�e�-E}Ae;
400 radial feet from an �es�dep��a�-ase residential�lv zoned
ro ert in an munici lit measured in a straigh� line from the
closest point of the r ert line of the building in which the ase
adult bookstore is loca ed to the �a�}d�p�-�p-wq�Eb��be-�es�de�a��a}
ase-�s-}sEa�ed closest esidentiall zoned ro ert 1ine.
� The adult bookstore sh 11 be located at least 200 r� dial feet from
an " rotected use" d fined as: a buildin in whi ' a ma 'orit of
floor s ace is used fo residential ur oses• a da care center
where such da care ce ter is a rinci al use• a h use of worshi •
a ublic librar • a sc ool ublic arochial or ivate
elementar 'unior hi or hi h school • a ublic e ional ark or
arkwa ublic ark ublic recreation center or ublic
s ecialized recreatio facilit as identified in t e arks and
� a�-�,�
, . -. . . . �=l/
recreation element of the S int Paul com rehensive lan• a fire
station• a communit reside tial facilit • a mission or a
hotel motel . The distance hall be measured in a strai t line
from the closest oint of t e ro ert line of the buil in in
which the adult bookstore i located to the closest oi t of the
ro ert line of the buildi in which is located an af rementioned
protected use.
(d) Conditions b and or c ma b waived b the lannin co ission if
the erson a 1 in for th waiver shall file with the lannin
administrator a consent e ition which indicates a rov+ 1 of the
ro osed adult use b 90 rcent of the ro ert owner within 400
radial feet of the lot on hich the use would be locat d• the
lannin commission in co siderin such a waiver sha 1 make the
followin findin s: that t e ro osed use will not be ontrar to
the ublic interest or in ' rious to nearb ro erties and that the
s irit and intent of the o dinance will be observe • t at the
ro osed use will not enla e or encoura e the develo ent of a
"skidrow" area• that the stablishment of an additiona use of this
t e in the area will not be contrar to an ro r m `
nei hborhood conserv tion or im rovement either resi n ial o
non-residential • and that all a licable re ulations f thi
ordinance will be observe .
(de) All signs shall comply wi h chapter 66 of the zoning �ode and with
chapters 274 and 275 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code.
� No erson shall en a e in an activit or conduct or ermit an
other erson to en a e i an activit or conduct in ' he adult
bookstore which is rohi ited b an ordinance of th Cit of Saint
Paul the laws of the St te of Minnesota or the Uni ed States of
America. Nothin in thi ordinance hall be constru `d as
authorizin or ermittin conduct whi h is rohibite or re ulated
b other statutes r ord nances includin but not 1 mited to
statutes or ordinances ohibitin the exhibition s le or
distribution of obscene aterial enerall or the e' hibition sale
or distribution of s ecified material to minors. N bscene work
shall be allowed.
� The s ecial condition u e ermit for the adult book tore shall be
reviewed annuall to en ure that no chan e in use o 'curs and that
no additional adult use are added to the buildin ontainin the
adult bookstore.
� The adult bookstore is onsidered to be one use. N two adult uses
can be in the same buil in but must be s aced 320 r dial feet
(Ei) The ase adult boo stor shall not be located withir� a building also
used for residential p rposes.
,u Adult cabarets sub 'ect to t e same conditions listed ab ve in 60.5 4 2
for adult bookstores with he substitution of the hra e "adult
cabaret" for the hrase "a ult bookstore" wherever it " ears. The
adult cabaret is considere to be one use. No two adulrt u es can be in
�{-. i� - k'�
.� . . � � � . ��� �i
the same buildin but must be s a ed 1320 radial feet a rt. �
� dult conversation ra arlors su 'ect to the same conditions' listed
above in 60.554 2 for adult book tores with the substitutio of the
hrase "adult conversation ra rlor" for the hrase "adult ookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adult onversation ra arlor is c sidered to
e one use. No two adult uses c n be in the same buildin b t must be
spaced 1320 radial feet apart.
�5,� Adult health s orts clubs sub 'ec to the same conditions lis ed above in
60.554 2 for adult bookstores ith the substitution of the hrase
"adult health s orts club" for t e hrase "adult bookstore" her ver it
a ears. The adult health s or s club is considered to be o e use. No
two adult uses can be in the sa e buildin but must be s ac 1320
radial feet apart.
� Adult massa e arlors sub'ect t the same conditions list d above in
60.554 2 for adult bookstores with the substitution of th hrase
"adult massa e arlor" for the hrase "adult bookstore" whe ever it
a ears. The adult health s or s club is considered to be ne use. No
two adult uses can be in the s e buildin but must be s ac' d 1320
radial feet apart.
�, Adult mini-motion icture thea res sub'ect to the same con itions listed
above in 60.554 2 for adult b okstores with the substitu ion of the
hrase "adult mini-motion ict re theatre" for the hrase adult
bookstore" wherever it a ears The adult mini-motion ic ure theatre
is considered to be one use. o two adult se can b in he same
buildin but must be s aced 13 0 radial feet a art.
.� Adult motion icture theatres sub 'ect to the same conditi s listed
above in 60.554 2 for adult ookstores with the ubstit tion of the
hrase "adult motion icture heatre" for th hrase "ad bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adu t motion icture theatre is :considered to
be one use. No two ad lt use can be in the same buildin but must be
s aced 1320 radial feet a art.
� Adult steam room bathhouse f ilities sub'ect to the sameiconditions
listed above in 60.554 2 fo adult bookstores with the ubstitution of
the hrase "adult steam room bathhouse facilit " for the hrase "adult
bookstore" wherever it ea s. The adult steam room ba hhouse facilit
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be i the same
buildin but must be s aced 320 radial feet a art.
10� Other adult uses sub'ect to he same conditions listed a ove in
60.554 2 for adult bookstor s with the substitution of the hrase
"other adult use" for the rase "adult bookstore" wherewer it a ears.
The other adult use is cons'dered to be one use. No tw adult uses can
be in the same buildin but must be s a ed 1320 radial eet a art.
Section 10.
That Section 60.563, clause 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and� 10 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code be and are ereby amended to read as fo;�lows:
. , _ � .� � �. �'-4/
(2� Adult ases booksto'res subject t the following conditions:
(a) The bse adult bookstore sh 11 be located at least �q�ee-Mapd�e�
E3AA� 1320 radial feet fro any other adult use in anv;municipalitv
measured in a straight lin from the closest points of�the propertv
lines of the buildings in hich the adult uses are located.
(b) The ase adult bookstore shall be located at least e�ae-ha�d�ed-{}AA}
400 radial feet from any es�de���a�-ase residentiallv; zoned
ro ert in an munici alit measured in a straight line from the
closest point of the ro rt line the building in ��which the ase
adult bookstore is locate to the �a�}d�p�-�p-wM�eb-� e-�es�de���a}
ase-�s-}eea�ed# closest r sidentiall oned ro ert �ine.
� The adult bookstore shall be located at least 200 rad al feet from
an " rotected use" defi ed as: a b ildin in which ma 'orit of
floor s ace is used for r sidential ur oses• a da c`re center
where such da care cente is a rinci al use• a hous of worshi •
a ublic librar • a schoo ublic arochial or riv te
elementar 'unior hi h o hi h school • a ublic re ' on 1 ark or
arkwa ublic ark ub ic recreation center or ub ic
s ecialized recreation f cilit as identified in the ` arks and
recreation element of th Saint Paul com rehensive 1' n• a fire
station• a communit residential facilit • a mission '� r a
hotel motel . The distan e shall be measured in a str�ai ht line
from the closest oint o the ro ert line of the b ildin in
which the adult bookstor is located to the closes int of the
ro ert line of the bui din in which is located an 'aforementioned
protected use.
(d) Conditions b and or c ma be waived b the lannin ommission if
the erson a 1 in for he waiver shall file with t e lannin
administrator a con ent etition which indi ates a oval of the
ro osed adult use b 90 ercent of the ro ert own rs within 400
radial feet of the lot n which the use would be loc ted• the
lannin commission in considerin such a waiver all make the
followin findin s: tha the ro osed use will not contrar o
the ublic interest or n 'urious to nearb ro erti and that the
s irit and intent of th ordinance will be observed that the
ro osed use will not e lar e or encoura e the deve o ment of a
"skidrow" area• that th establishment of an additi 'nal use of this
t e in the area will n t be contrar to an ro ra of
nei hborhood conservati n or im rovement either re idential or
non-residential • and th t all a licable re ulation of this
ordinance will be obser ed.
(de) All signs shall comply ith chapter 66 of the zonin� code and with
chapters 274 and 275 o the Saint Paul Legislative �Code.
Lf,� No erson shall en a in an activit or conduct I ermi an
other erson to en a e in an activit or conduct i the adult '
bookstore whi h is ro ibited b an ordinance of e Cit of Saint
Paul the laws of the tate of Minnesota or the U 'ited States of
America. Nothin in t is ordinance shall be const ued as
authorizin or ermitt n conduct which is rohibi ed or re ulated
�}-��.� �
. . � � � �-9l
b ther statutes or ordinances inc udin but not limited to
sta utes or ordin nces rohibitin t e exhibition sale or
distribution of obscene material e erall or the exhibition s le
or distribution of s ecified materi ls to minors. No obscene w rk
shall be allowed.
� The s ecial condition use ermit f r the adult bookstore shall e
reviewed annuall to ensure that n chan e in use occurs and t 'at
no additional adult uses are added to the buildin containin 'he
adult bookstore.
�, The adult bookstore is considered to be one use. No two adul uses
can be in the same buildin but m st be s aced 1320 radial fe t
(Ei) The ase adult bookstore shall no be located within a buildirug also
used for residential purposes.
� Adult cabarets sub 'ect to the same c nditions lis ed above in 60. 63 2
for adult bookstores with the subst tution of the hrase "adult
cab ret" for the hrase "adult books ore" wherever it a ears. he
adu t cabaret is considered to be on use. No two adult uses ca be in
the same buildin but must be s ace 1320 radial feet a art.
.�4,� Ad lt conversation ra arlors sub' ct to the same conditions 1 sted
ab ve in 60.563 2 for adult bookst res with the substitution f the
hrase "adult conversation ra arlor" for the hrase "adult bo kstore"
wherever it a ears. The adult co versation ra arlor is con idered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same buildin but must be
s�aced 1320 radial feet apart.
� Adult health s orts clubs sub 'ect to the same conditions list d above in
60.563 2 for adult bookstores w th the substitution of the hrase
"adult health s orts club" for th hrase "adult bookstore" w erever it
a ears. The adult health s ort club is considered to e on" us . No
two adult uses can be in the sam buildin but must be s ace ' 1320
radial feet apart.
u Adult massa e arlors sub 'ect t the same conditions listed bove in
60.563 2 for adult bookstores with the substitution of th hrase
"adult massa e arlor" for the hrase "adult bookstore" wherever it
a ears. The adult health s or s club is considered to be ne use. No
two adult uses can be in the s e buildin but must be s ac d 1320
radial feet apart.
,� Adult mini-motion icture thea res sub 'ect to the same con itions listed
above in 60.563 2 for adult b okstores with the substitu ion of the
hrase "adult mini-motion ic ure theatre" for the hrase adult
bookstore" wherever it a ear . The adult mini-motion i 'ture theatre
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in 'the same
buildin but must be s aced 1 20 radial feet a art.
� Adult motion icture theatre sub 'ect to the same conditi� ns listed
above in 60.563 2 for adult bookstores with the substi 'ution of the
hrase "adult motion icture theatre" for the hrase "ad "lt bookstore"
�- �.�-k�
� . �.� . �. . �'- 9/
wherever it a ear's. The adult m tion icture theatre is con idered to
e one use. No two adult uses ca be in the same buildin bu m st be
�paced 1320 radial feet apart.
u Adult steam room bathhouse facilities sub 'ect to the same co itions
isted above in 60.563 2 for ad lt bookstores with the sub titution of
he hrase "adult steam room bat house facilit " for the hr se "adult
bookstore" wherever it a ears. The adult steam room bathho se facilit
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in th ' same
uildin but must be s aced 132 radial feet a art.
10 Other adult es sub 'ect to the ame con ition list d ab v in
60.563 2 for adult bookstores ith the substitution of the hrase
"other adult use" for the hrase "adult bookstore" wherever t a ears.
The other adult use is considere to be one use. No two adu�. t uses can
be in the same buildin but must be s aced 1320 radial f t art.
Sec ion 11
That section 60.622, clause 1 o the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
is hereby amended to read as follows:
60.622. Principal uses permitted. I an I-2 Industrial District the use of
land, the location and erection of ne buildings or structures and the
alteration, enlargement, and moving o existing buildings or stru�tures from
other locations or districts shall co form to the following speci�ied uses,
unless otherwise provided in this cod :
(1) Any uses permitted in the -1 District as "principal u5es
permitted" and "principal ses permitted subject to sp�cial
conditions" exce t for ad lt bookstores adult cabare s ad lt
conversation ra arlors dult health s ort clubs ad lt massa e
arlors adult mini-motion icture theatres adult motion icture
theatres adult steam roo bathhous facilities an o er adult
uses. provided that they eet at least the minimum conditions
imposed in each district.
Se tion 12.
That Section 60.624, clauses 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and �2 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code are here y amended to read as follow,�:
u Adult bookstores sub 'ect to th followin conditions:
jal The adult bookstore shall be located at least 2640 ra ial feet from
an other adult use in an munici alit meas red in a strai ht line
from the closest oints f the ro ert lines of the ' uildin s in
which the adult uses are located.
.(� The adult bookstore shall be located at least 800 ra ial feet from
an residentiall zoned ro ert in an munici alit � measured in a
strai ht line from the c osest oint of the ro ert !line of the
buildin in which the ad lt bookstore is located to he closest
residentiall zoned ro rt line.
� �. �-!!
�, The adult bookstore shall be 1 cated at least 400 radi 1 f t from
an " rotected use" defined a : a buildin in which a ma ' rit of
floor s ace is used for reside tial ur oses• a da care c n er
where such da care center is rinci al use• a house of orshi •
a blic librar • a school blic arochial or rivate
element r 'unior hi h or hi h school • a ublic re ional ark or
arkwa ublic ark ublic ecreation center or ublic
s ecialized recreation facili as identified in the ark and
recreation element of the Sai t Paul com rehensive lan• fire
station• a communit resident'al facilit • a mission or a'
hotel motel . The distance shall be measured in a strai h line
from the closest oint of th ro ert line of the buildi in
which the adult bookstore is located to the closest oin ' of the
ro ert line of the buildin in which is located an afor�ementioned
protected use.
jdl Conditions b and or c ma be waived b the lannin comm ssion if
the erson a 1 in for the aiver sh 11 file with the annin
administrator a consent et'tion which indicates a rov l of the
ro osed adult bookstore b 90 ercent of the ro ert wners
within 800 radial feet of t e lot on which the use w ul be
located• the lannin commi sion in considerin such a:waiver
shall make the followin fi din s: that the ro osed us' will not
be contrar to the ublic i terest or in 'urious to near
ro erties and that the s irit and intent of the or i ' nce will be
observed• that the ro ose use will not enlar e or en 'oura e th
develo ment of a "skidrow" area• that the establishmen of an
additional use of this t in the area will not be co trar to an
ro ram of nei hborhood co servation or im rovement e ther
residential or non-residen ial • and that all a licabl re ulations
of this ordinance will be observed.
,�gl All si ns shall com 1 wi h cha ter 66 of the zonin de and with
cha ters 274 and 275 of t e Saint Paul Le islative Co e.
u No erson shall en a e in an activit or conduct or ermit an
other erson to en a e in an activit or conduct in he dult
bookstore which is rohi ited b an rdinance of the Cit of Saint
Paul the laws of the St te of Minnesot or the Uni ! d States of
America. No hin in thi ordinance shall be constru a
authorizin or ermittin conduct which is rohibite or re ulated
b other statutes or ord nances includin but not l mited to
statutes or ordinances ohibitin the exhibition s' le or
distribution of obscene aterial enerall or the e hibition sale
or distribution of s ecified materials to minors. N obscene work
shall be allowed.
.(g� The s ecial condition u e ermit for the adult book tore shall be
reviewed annuall to en ure that no chan e in use o curs and that
no additional adult use are added to the buildin ontainin the
adult bookstore.
�h.� The adult bookstore is considered to be one use. o two adult uses
can be in the same bui din but must be s aced 264 radial feet
. ��r-�!
u The adult bookstore shall n t be located within a build n also
u ed for resid ntial ur os .
,� Adult cabarets sub 'ect to the sa e conditions listed above i 60.624 4
for adult bookstores with the s bstitution of the hrase " ult
cabaret" for the hrase "adult b okstore" wherever it a ear . The
adult cabaret is considered to one use. No two adult u can be in
the same buildin but must be s aced 2640 radial feet a art.
� Adult conversation ra arlors ub 'ect to the same conditio s listed
above in 60.624 4 for adult bo kstores with the substitut on of the
hrase "adult conver tion ra arlor" for the hras "adul bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adult conversation ra arlor is onsidered to
be one use. No two adult uses an be in th same buildin must be
s�aced 2640 radial feet apart.
� Adult health s orts clubs sub 'e t to the same conditions li ted above in
60.624 4 for adult bookstores with the substitution of th hrase
"adult health s orts club" for he hrase "adult bookstore"�� wherever it
a ears. The adult health s o s club is considered to be " ne use. No
two adult uses can be in the s e buildin but must be s aced 2640
radial feet apart.
� Adult massa e arlors sub'ect o the same conditions liste above in
60.624 4 for adult bookstores with the substitution of t e hrase
"adult massa e arlor" for the hrase "adult bookstore" wh rever it
a ears. The adult health s o ts club is considered to 'be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the s me buildin but must be s a ed 2640
radial feet apart.
� Adult mini -motion icture thea res sub 'ect to the same con itions listed
above in 60.624 4 for adult b okstores with the substitu ion of the
hrase "adult mini-motion ict re theatre" for the hrase "adult
bookstore" wherever it a ears. The adult mini-motion icture theatre
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same
buildin but must be s aced 2 40 radial feet a art.
10 Adult motion icture theatres sub 'ect to the same conditi ns listed
above in 60.624 4 for adult ookstores with the substit tion of the
hrase "adult motion icture heatre" for the hrase "adu t bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adu t motion icture theatre is considered to
be one use. No two adult use can be in the same buildin but must be
s aced 2640 radial feet a art
11 Adult steam room bathhouse fa ilities sub 'ect to the same conditions
listed above in 60.624 4 for adult bookstores with the ubstitution of
the hrase "adult steam room athhouse facilit " for the hrase "adult
bookstore" wherever it a ears. The adult steam room bat house facilit
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in" the same
buildin but must be s aced 640 radial feet a art.
1 Other adult uses sub 'ect to he same conditions listed alove in
60.624 4 for adult bookstor s with the substitution of the hrase
"other adult use" for the h ase "adult bookstore" where er it a ears.
�� ����,�
Ord ndnce Ordinanc�,N�.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
The other adult use is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in
the same buildin but must be s aced 26 0 radial feet a art.
Secti n 13
Every section, provision or part f this ordinance is declared to be
separate from every other section, prov'sion or part; and if any section,
provision or part shall be held invalid, the invalidity shall extend only to
the section, provision or part involved and shall not affect any ot�er, and
the remainder of this ordinance shall main in full force and effect to be
const rued as a whole.
Section 14 �
This ordinance shall be in force and take effect thirty (30) idays from
and after its passage, approval and pu lication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays � —
re �lAM O��
� ;a �oN� In Favor
R maa,��i7�
eibel �2ET7Manf'—t/Ay `._,> B °
nen So�N EN Against Y �
esco „�t�-so�t
i son S G{��g�L
1'UiY � 9 ��UC7 Form Approved by City Attorne
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pa s ou ' S e ry BY
Appr Mayo . D �Y Approved by Mayor for Submis ion to Council
By��� By
'UB1fSHf0 MAY 2 1 1988 4. 1,,g� '
; i
��' �� 4
�� CITY OF � INT PAUL ' s_S� ��
li 'ii
Ci0IIIIC111l18II Legislative Alds
T0: City Councilmembers
FROM: Bill Wilson �
DATE: May 5, 1988
RE: Amendment to Council F le 88.91
The purpose of this proposed am ndment is to reduce th� impact of
adult uses on �public housing pr ,�ect properties.
Amend Section 8, 10, (b) to rea :
,�-� (b) The ad�lt use bookstore shall be located at least we F�ctndred
f�99} 80U radial feet from any residentially zone property in
a� munic,.i�ality,, measure in a straiaht line from the
closest point o_f the property_ line of the buildin� in which
the adult use booksto e is located in th� closest
residentially zoned prap rty line; exce�t the " adult use
boakstore shall be locat d at least�2t640 radial ; feet from
a� pub 1 i c hous i nq pro,,�ect, i n a� mun i c i�a 1 i tv�. me�sured i n a
straight _line from the clo est �oint of the proper�tY line of
the buiidi_n� in which the adult use bookstore is fiocated to
the c 1 osest . pub 1 i c hous i n_g ro ect �ropert� 1�,1 ne. �a+s
ea�+el+�i�eR r�aa l�e wafived y �be ��-BRR�FfE! ee�n�#ss�eR fif �be
persen epp�y+ng fe� �he w fiae�° s�e�� fi-�e w#�b ��t {�a-BRRfiR�
8CIfl1�R�Z�PO�e1° f3 CeF13@R'� p �-���-9R Od�'IfiC�°t �-R��CB�E.".J � 819PPe�@}
ef �be �repesed a�Jd�� d e bb 98 t�e�°eeR� ef ��ie prepertp
ewner°s H#�h�-�r �89 1°8P�fi6� fee� ef �be �e� eR wh�e�b �be ase
Mf9tl�d 19P. �-BeB�Cel? �19@ H�-8R �-REJ e9fl1RIfi33fi9R,- �8R3�-eId'1°-1-Rg 9tICp1 9
r+afver°; sMa+� �na4�� �F�e fe -}-eMfiR� �fiRf�tRQS:- �F+a� �+b� prepe�ed
ase �r�}} ne� b� eeA�re�p e �be I�ab��e fiR�eres� br +n#ar�eds
�e r�eat°bp preper��-e9,- eRe1 �ba� �be s�fir+� anel �n�eR� ef �be
e�-eltnsRee wfi�� I�e e�se�°�t el= �be� �F�e p�pesed e�e a++� ne�
` en�arge er e�eodree�e �I�e eae+epmen� of a '�sk#el �°ewu erea#
�Fte� �he es�ab�#sbe�en� e �n add��#eRa� ase e� �p#s ��+pe t�►
�ae e�°ea wt�+ ne� �e een��° rb �e eRq �raa+°a�n ef �e�-ghberpeeel
ee�se�r�e�#eA er �-�n�rerte� �+�.- efi�kte�° �°es#deR��-�►� er ReR-
�estele���e� er�d �Ha� e+� a��+#eeb+e �°ee�d�e�#er�� ef �h�-�
er�d+neRee wfi+� be eHse�ae .- �
Amend Section 12, 4 (b) to re d:
(b) The aduit use bookstore s all be located at least �vae pandreel
f�69} 800 radial �feet fr m any residentially zon d property in "
anY municipalitY, measu ed in a straight lin from the
closest point of the ro ert line of the buildi�g in which �
the adult use bookst re is located in t�he closest
� .
s�as ;
� . . •
residentially zoned pro erty line; �exce t the, adult use
bookstore shall be loca ed at least 2,640 radia1 feet from
an�i eub 1 i_c hous i n�. -Lro�,j,ec i n a� mun i c i pa 1 i tv, m asured i n a
straiqht line from the cl sest �oint of the ro e t line of
the build,i.n� in which th adult use bookstore is; located to
the closest �ublic hou in proj_ect property line.� ��ts
eend�-��-eR r�ay be we�-deel L�y �i�e {'��BRRfiRQ ea�nr�tss�i-ert tf �I�e
�e�°seA a��-Fp-��g �e� �I�e a�-ve�° spa�� ��-�e w�-�h �°►e ��-8f1R'1'RE!
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�`o �����m �c'y� DIVISION OF PLANNING
25 West Founh Street,Saint Pwl,Minnesofa 55102
May 18, 1988
President James Scheibel and
Members of the City Council
7th Floor City Hall
Saint Paul, l�i 55102
Dear President Scheibel and Members of the City Council:
On May 5, the City Council asked th Planning Commission to eva�'uate the two
adult entertainment zoning alternat'ves that the City Council i� currently
considering--Alternative A (the "Wi son/Planning Commission Proposal) and
Alternative B (the "Wilson/Sonnen P oposal") , and to return com�ents to the
Council by May 19. The Zoning Comm ttee discussed the two propmsals on May 12
and on May 13 the full Planning Co ission adopted the following motions:
1. To recommend that either Alter tive A or Alternative B is p�referable to
the existing zoning and should e passed by the City Council; before the
moratorium on new adult uses ex ires. Passed 18-0.
2. To recommend Alternative B as t e alternative preferred by �he Planning
Commission. Passed 17-1.
3. To recommend that the Planning ommission evaluate any new �dult
entertainment zoning ordinance n one year, and include in its evaluation
a study of whether distance req irements between adult uses�and
residential areas can be furthe increased, and whether add�.tional
"protected uses" such as shelte ed workshops should be iden�ified. Passed
18-0. i
A formal resolution is being prepa ed to reflect these three m �tions and will
be approved at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. �
Attached is a copy of the staff re ort concerning the two alte�}natives which
was prepared for the Planning Comm ssion.
'�����1 I /� � ' �
Peggy A. Reichert i
Deputy Director for Planning I
cc: Mayor Latimer Jerry Seg 1 i
Ken Johnson Phil Byr i
Gerald Strathman A1 Olson
Jan Gasterland
. �e�C t t 7 01►jr
25 West Fou�th 5heet,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
���• 612-22&3270
T0: Zoning Committee
and the rest of the Plan ing Commission ;
FROM: Mark Vander Schaaf �E � �
Lar Soderholm1 � �
YJ' t,,�
DATE: May 10, 1988
SUBJECT: Adult Entertainment Zoni g Alternatives
The following is a draft staff repor which is still undergoing �review and may
be revised prior to Thursday's Zoni Committee meeting.
On May 5, 1988, the City Coun il voted to defer for two weeks a vote on
a proposed adult entertainmen zoning amendment to allow �itizens more
time to review the proposal. e City Council also reques�ted the
Planning Commission to review and comment on the proposal 'during the two
week layover.
The proposed amendment had be n recommended to the City Co�uncil by the
City Council's Housing and Ec nomic Development Committee. This
proposal differs in several w ys from an earlier proposal which had been
recommended by the Planning C mmission in 1987. Consequeil►tly, the
following staff report evalua es the new proposal in comp�rison to both
the existing zoning regulatio s and the older proposal. Iteference to
the two proposed amendments w 11 be as follows:
Alternative A: The "Wil on/Planning Commission Propolsal"--the
proposal recommended by the Planning Commission in 1987, based on
a 1986 proposal by Coun ilmember William Wilson.
Alternative B: The "Wil on/Sonnen Proposal"--the pr�posal
recommended by the Hous ng and Economic Development Committee,
based on a compromise b tween Councilmember Wilson and
Councilmember Kiki Sonn n, the chief critic of the �arlier
The staff suggests that the P anning Commission evaluate the strengths
and weaknesses of the two pro osals and pass a resolution conveying its
comments to the City Council.
- �
Current Zoning
o Standards apply equall to all types of adult uses.
oAllows multi-functiona adult uses.
o Adult uses permitted b th outside of downtown (B-3, I-1 and I-2
zones) and downtown (B-4, B-S zones) .
oSpacing between adult ses:
- 1320 feet in B- , I-1 and I-2 zones.
- 300 feet in B-4 and B-5 zones.
o Distance between adul uses and residential areas:
- 200 feet to re idential zones in B-3, I-1 and
I-2 zones.
- 100 feet to re idential uses in B-4 and B-5
oNo "protected uses".
o Special Condition Use Permit required.
Alternative A
o New standards apply o ly to adult bookstores, motion picture
theatres, mini-motion picture theatres and cabare�ts (current
zoning standards woul apply to adult massage par,lors, health
clubs, saunas and con ersation/rap parlors) .
oAllows multi-functio 1 adult uses.
oAdult uses permitted nly in industrial zones (I-1 and I-2
zones) .
o Spacing between adul uses: 1320 feet.
oDistance between adu t uses and residential areas:
- 1320 feet to r sidential zones.
- 1320 feet to " rotected uses" outside of �esidential
o"Protected uses" inc ude residences, community r�sidential
facilities, missions day care centers, houses o� worship,
public libraries, sc ools, public parks, public laygrounds,
public recreation ce ters and public athletic faCilities.
oDistance between adul uses and retail/service bu�inesses: 50
oSpecial Condition Use Permit required (note: the Planning
Commission had recomm nded that the Special Condition Use Permit
not be required but C ty Council sentiment was otherwise) .
Alternative B
oStandards apply equal y to all adult uses.
oProhibits multi-funct onal adult uses.
oAdult uses permitted oth outside of downtown (B-�, I-1 and I-2
zones) and downtown ( -4 and B-5 zones) .
oSpacing between adult uses:
- 2640 feet in B 3, I-1 and I-2 zones.
- 1320 feet in B 4 and B-5 zones. ;
o Distance between adul uses and residential areas�:
- 800 feet to re idential zones in B-3, I-1 I�nd
I-2 zones.
- 400 feet to "p otected uses" in B-3� I-1 a�tld I-2
- 400 feet to residential zones in B-4 and BI-5
zones. �
- 200 feet to " rotected uses" in B-4 and B-5
o"Protected uses" inc ude residences, community r�sidential
facilities, missions day care centers, houses of worship,
public libraries, sc ools, public parks, public playgrounds,
public recreation ce ters, public athletic facilities, fire
stations and hotels/ otels.
oNo distance requirem nt between adult uses and retail/service
oSpecial Condition Us Permit required--must be renewed annually.
1) Deconcentration or Se aration from Neighborhoods ,
Municipalities which egulate adult entertainmentlthrough zoning
must choose between o broad policy ob�ectives--deconcentration,
or the separation of dult entertainment from resldential
neighborhoods. Given existing land use patterns �and
constitutional guidelines, developed communities cannct maximize
both policy ob�ectives. o�unity leaders must make �ough choices
to find an acceptable ba ance between the objective af
deconcentrating adult bu inesses and the objective o� keeping them
away from residential ar as.
The following discussion analyzes the main features 4f the two �
proposed adult entertai ent zoning ordinances that �re being
considered in Saint Paul using accepted land use an$ zoning
principles. This analys s relies in particular on a nationwide
study of adult entertai ent performed by the City of
Indianapolis. Based on his study, staff has developed a simple
model of the negative la d use impact of a single, i�olated adult
a) Sufficiency of Di tance and Spacing Requireme�ts.
The following res lts are obtained from the m�del of the
negative land use impact of a single, isolated adult
Sufficiency o Protection from the
Negative Impact of Single, Isolated Adult IIsef
Current Alternative Alternati�e
Zoning A B
---------------------------------- -----------------------------
Spacing Between Fair Fair Good
Adult Uses
---------------------------------- -----------------------------
Distance to Minimal Good Fair
Residential Zones
---------------------------------- -----------------------------
Distance to None Good Minima�
Protected Uses
Categories: None, Minimal, Fair, ood, Optimal
The above matri yields some useful conclus�ons:
o Both pro osed alternatives are superior to the
current oning standards. Alternati�e A is superior
in two o t of three categories; Alternative B is
superior in all three categories.
o Neither of the proposed alternatives, achieve an
optimal level of protection in any siingle category.
oBoth pr posed alternatives balance slpacing between
adult u es and distances to residen�ial zones. That
is, alt ough Alternative A emphasiz s protection of
residen ial areas and Alternative B emphasizes
deconce tration, neither seriously acrifices the
other poli y objective to achieve its end.
oWithin thi framework, Alternative A appears
preferable insofar as it offers significantly more
protection to "protected uses" outside of
residentia zones than does Alternativ� B. However,
this model applies only to single adult uses and
does not c nsider the more serious land use impact
which a mu ti-functional adult entertainment complex
would like y have. This topic is discussed in the
� following ection.
b) Sufficiency of Li its on Multi-Functional Adu�t Uses.
The current zonin standards and Alternative p both permit
multi-functional dult uses. That is, each w�buld allow a
facility which co bines an adult movie theatrl�, an adult
bookstore, an adu t cabaret and any number of' other types of
adult entertainme t in a single business locakion.
Alternative B exp icitly prohibits more than bne type of
adult use per loc tion. I
The federal cour s have accepted the legal p nciple that a
prohibition of m lti-functional adult uses c be a valid
way of deconcent ating adult uses (Hart Book ores c v
Edmisten; 612 F. d 821--1979) . Staff has el ewhere outlined
an argument why multi-functional adult use could be the
equivalent of se arate adult businesses in c ose proximity
to one another ( ee Adult Entertainment 1988� pp. 5-8) .
Relative to the ssue of multi-functional ad�llt uses, three
important points must be stressed:
oThe model used above to evaluate the �Sxisting zoning
and the p oposed alternatives does noG apply to
multi-f tional adult uses which have a more
serious gative land use impact than: single-
function dult uses. Thus, it could be that there
are grea er negative land use i�pacts at a distance
of 1320 eet from a multi-functional adult use than
there ar at a distance of 800 feet from a single-
function adult use. Indeed, the past experience of
Saint Pa 1 supports this conclusion. In 1986,
serious treet prostitution problems �extended for
four blo ks (2640 feet) on either side of the
concentr tion of four adult uses (twa of them multi-
function 1) at University and Dale. �None of Saint
Paul's o her 15 deconcentrated, sing�e-function
adult us s were associated with simi�ar problems.
o The econ mic law of supply and deman� makes it
likely t at restrictive zoning will �ngender one or
more mul i-functional adult uses. A� zoning for
adult us s becomes increasingly resttictive, the
number o commercially attractive si�es for adult
business s becomes smaller. An entr�ipreneuer would
• likely be w lling to pay more for an at�ractive site
knowing tha few, if any, attractive alternative
sites exist in the city. Given a virtwial monopoly
on new adult entertainment in Saint Pati'1, the
entreprene r could then recoup his investment by
creating a large, multi-functional fac�lity.
o Alternativ B is superior to the curre�t zoning and
to Alterna ive A insofar as it would pxohibit multi-
functional adult uses. However, there may be social
costs acco panying the benefits of cho4sing
Alternativ B.
- It is possible that a greater numt�er of new
adult businesses would locate in $sint Paul if
multi functional adult uses are p�ohibited. - For
examp e, rather than establishing a single adult
books ore/movie theatre complex, �n entrepreneur
might open a separate bookstore a�d movie
theat e in different parts of the�� city. On the
other hand, the effect could also';be the
oppos te. If only a multi-functi�nal facility
were udged to be profitable, the,; entrepreneur
might not open any adult business� in Saint Paul
under Alternative B.
- If t result of Alternative B is;; a larger
numb of adult businesses in the� city, a
coro lary is that more of the city will suffer
the onsequences of being in pro�imity to an
adul use. City decision makers will need to
deci e if this scenario is bettex or worse for
the ity than the alternative of a smaller
numb r of people bearing a great�ir cost.
2) Vulnerability of Como/ ale Under Alternative B
Considerable concern h s been expressed by residen�s of the North
End that Alternative B makes the Como/Dale area eligible for adult
uses. Some of this co cern has been based on misi�formation and
rumors of an adult bus ness obtaining property at 8 site where
adult uses would not b permitted under Alternative B.
Nevertheless, it remai s the case that adult uses �could
technically be permitt d on a portion of the Saint Paul Foundry
property bounded by t Burlington Northern tracks; on the south,
Dale Street on the wes , Topping and Atwater Stree�ts on the North,
and Como Avenue on th East.
The development of an adult use at this site woul � be unlikely
because, under curren property configurations, n adult use would
be permitted there by Alternative B. Because dis ance
requirements (between adult uses and residential ones or
protected uses) would be measured from property 1 'ne to property
line, the entire prop rty must be eligible for an adult use for
any of the property t be eligible. In short, a ot split (and a
street extension) req iring City Council approvalPtaould be
• • necessary for an adult se to be permitted at the S�int Paul
Foundry site. No site ould be available with fron�age on either
Como Avenue or Dale Str et.
1. Overall, staff recommen s Alternative B because: �
(a) The risk is share among several parts of th� city;
(b) The one-adult-us -per-building rule is a sig�ificant
safeguard for ot er property owners near an a�dult business;
(c) Using the same d stance standards for all typies of adult
entertainment bu inesses (rather than separa�ing out
theaters, bookst res, and nude dancing) will simplify
enforcement sinc businesses will be less pr4ne to
manipulate their activities to meet the defitkitions in the
zoning code. �,
2. As a second choice, st ff supports Alternative A. fIt is
preferable to the curr nt zoning for the reasons c�ntained in the
1987 40-acre study.
3. Some citizens have rec ntly advocated the creation' of a combat
zone. Staff opposes a combat zone because of (a) �he danger of
creating a regional vi e center; (b) the technical, difficulty of
finding a site that wo ld pass constitutional must�r, would not be
harmful to neighboring properties, and would not require public
site development costs and (c) the political diff�culty of
selecting a site in on part of the city.
4. The map that goes with Alternative A is not direct�.y comparable
with the maps that go ith the current zoning or Alternative B
since the Alternative map would be used to regulate only adult
motion picture theater , bookstores, and nude dancing, not adult
health clubs, massage arlors, steambaths, etc.
5. The risk of an adult b siness locating anywhere i� the North End
is clearly less than the West Midway or the dow�ntown. The
property two blocks s th of Como and Dale would be very expensive
and difficult to deve op for adult entertainment. The staff
regards this neighbor oods' fears as unrealistic.
6. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a new ordinance
during May. The City's moratorium on adult businesses was
recently upheld by a ourt on the premise that th� City is moving
expeditiously toward he adoption of new zoning r�gulations. The
moratorium could be i jeopardy if it is extended �for further
zoning studies. f
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�o: City of St. Yaul Council ers
From:. Gina, Magnuson, 23?.�i Co ealth Ave., St. Paul� 5y],Q8
xegarc�in8: Adult �:ntertainmeat oposal for Zoning
Date: lpril 2T, 1988
I am writing to let you �ow th t I am concerned a�out the
current proposal for the zoninZ of "�dult Lhtertai.nment"' in�
the city of St. Paul. Wha� fo ows_ is a� list of � concern�
th�t I would like to see a;dcires ed. Please rera�ember tha� �r�
in St.� �aul now have the opport ty to clearly answer the `
issues, aurrounding "Adult �nte ainment" and its' zoning.
Hopeful� we can s.et aa example for other cities to follow.
I. Freedom of movement
I have a� a� student anct noH as as msmber of this nei�hbo�hood
(St.. Anttiony Park) bicycled to trie University of Minnes�bta's
Minneapolis campus along �o Ave. as well as Universitry Ave.«
lhe zonuzg runs. right up t,o Como Ave. aad to an ace�+�rhich
�rhich a�ppe�rs very clos� t R�nd Ave. �d Universit�r Ave..
I xmuld be very concerned out u� personal safet r (and that
of others) if we ha�ve to p s by not on�y these estsbli;,shmsnts.
but their patrons as well. erhaps�. I xould use thase rqutes
in the middle of the cl�y, ut certainly not in tt 3 earlier
or later hours. There is. so the large faa�ly student housing
for University of Minnesot studenta �ust a few blocks dawa
on Corno A�e. a�d I wonder they have been iaformed o� this
A. .Ia��ct on busineases
On the coraer oY Universit snd Ra�ym�ond there is a liq�or store,
a� bank, FiLa in the Cities Keyes ttestaurant, an antique shop, -Pood co-op and
sever�7. other shops and onalds �ust esst on Univers�ty Ave..
I �rould feel nncomfor�table p�troni';� these places by aQtself
or with � children if the e wsre an TMAdult l�tertainment" shop
nearby. I �noula rather sh p in other �reas such as Ro�edale
if thisrdere the case. It seems to me that this. xAUld decrease
tho pros�erity ot these b inessea as s,rell as be a burden for
thosa middle to lawer iaco people Who have a lack o�
transportation ana depend a these store8 as a nice� �lesn and:
safe place to shop.
B.Train yepot
People who take the train are req�aired to coms ansi go aut times
when thers are not a lot f people areund. It is an industria�l
sres:very close to tae tr ' station and 3t can be q�.te devoid
of people at times. I ox from aaperiance that it is not
safe to get off ttie &�atr k ciuri.r� theae "ofF hours" �na walk
dokn University Ave« to k t f or a ,�16 bus. Having t�iis. Idna of
�aing close by xauld not in all probability� maks i� a: safer
eaperience. I also won i� �track oYficials aa�e a�rare of this proposa7..
II. Fairgrounds
'i'he state fairgrounds hav been a s�fe plsce (as far � I Iaww)
both during the fair and the ofF seasoa. It �s a �lace r�ere
maRy young p�o}�le come an literally st�y x3.th tileir ,,�ima-].s,
Also, it hae been traditi nall,y a ssfe, family orient�ed pla�ce
to have fun.. klg�� },�e zoning oYf to its' south i� too close.
III.. Suaanary
rhe city oY St. Paul h�; many neighborhoods with sma�11
lote, houses placed fair close togetner ana people �ho
are general�y well-inten oned sad keep np. their houaes
snd schools. There are ecent shops anailable. Most� live
here for convenience ar� are �illing to put up w:i.th t�,rucks,,
busss and many cars soo ng psst their front doors Well
as their pollution. Trte o put up w3.th the noise � 'saaall.
of the St� Paul trgLn y and all of their tracks �hat branch
off from there. The cl s� booms snd speWing smpke oY hea�y
industry are also our ne ghbora.. The incressing �.r�lane noise
and the highwawys of ,�2$0 I91� and ,�36 surround ttsis� a�ea.
It is sometimes very har to believe that this ia � �lealtt�y
�a sate environment to aise children in and to be !�fema�.e.
lhis zoning proposal �eems to: be trying to avoid �esictential
areas by atiay.uig in ind trisl areas. Unfortunat:e�g� this
very residential area b s right up against these at�eas.
A� least the noise and s 11 of heavy industry can be avoided
by covering pour ears or nose� or even goir� into yo�iu� house.
But nAC�lilt 1'�1t8T'LBir►mA�tr clients can kaacier through �eighbor-
hoods, alleys ana public places on a mnch greater, extended
am�unt of time. This We have learned from other neighborhood's
'Phere are so many peo le eaid placea that xould be aegatively
ia�a3cted by this propos th�t I feel very strongly �that we
take the time to study faucets of ttiis problem ia aa very
organized �d reasonable maa�ner« I ch�.lenge the city council
of �t« Paul ta Yiad a mo e innovative solution.
A« Suggestions
1. IItilize a large buil 'ng in downtown St« Yaul fo� "Adult
�tert�inmant" only. It wou].d be confined ana ea►sy to manage.
2. Eacourage the use of ome kf.nd of a van. (Doesn't the
library use a bookmo e?)
3. Find a more isolated area like a river flat and utilize it.
u« Yerhaps r�ork �rith th Z4etropolitaz► Council to fiztd a1 solution.
Each city in the mst opolitaa ares could allot s�ace for
tnis Iana of a �jusin ss based on its' population or soms
other formula�. `�� onmental impact statements �1'ould be required�•
5. Lastly, perhaps we hould open up the discnssion on wbax
`�A+dult Eatertainment � really is� �rhat is� acceptabla and what
is not; we may find ew. ideas a�nd solutions.. If`no one else
is doing this xork, hen m�ybe we should.
' ��-9i
�� ��. ��'
R►AM ��
ER ��-
�� •�� 2000 St. thony Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota�55104 645-6887
�F� r'�O
F,� p�qC
April 28, 1988 �
President Jim Scheibel
St. Paul City Cotmcil
City Hall-3rd floor '
St. Paul, NIIV 55101
Dear President Scheibel d City Council Members,
On April 27, 1988, e Merriam Park Corrmiwlity Co It�ncil
unanimously supported the "compromise" proposal for zc�ning
code changes regarding ad lt entertainment in St. Paul;.
S cerely, � ,,
� �/ �.� � �V � I.
ichael La ghlin
resident, Merr'am P rk C mmwlity Council ','
� - �
�- �� ��
Midway ivic & Commerce Ass�ciation
Ivy League Place- Suite 211
475 Cleveland Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 646-2636
xecutive Director: Ann Copeland
April 28, 1988
The members of Midway Civic & Commer e Association are extremely concerned with
the way issues regarding Adult Enter ainment businesses are currently being
addressed in the City of St. Paul. hrough our Economic Develop�ent Committee,
we have organized a special task for e work on our concerns.
At the meeting of the Steering Commi tee of this task force on April 26, and at
the subsequent meeting of the Econom c Development Committee on �1pri1 27, the
following statement was recommended o be presented at this hear�.ng
That these businesses be called what they truly are (Sexually Orfiented
Businesses (S.O.B. 's) instead of by he euphemism of adult enter�nainment
businesses. There are many sources f adult entertainment that �.s not
objectionable to the community and i does them a disservice to lump them
together with the S.O.B. 's that have a negative effect on both the residential
and business communities.
We believe that the MCCA Board's pre ious request for setting of community
standards should be pursued so that here is some additional basis for
We support any proposal that further the stated mission of our S.O.B. Task
Force, which is to eliminate the neg tive effects of sexually oriented
businesses in the City of St. Paul a d to get the City to change, its response to
these businesses from an accommodati e to a combative stance.
We believe firmly that consistent pr secution of violations under statutes
dealing with obscenity and pornograp y is essential. This is a �ourse that has
not been actively pursued in our cit recently and our organizat�.on is committed
to working for increased, effective nforcement and prosecution to alleviate the
negative effects of both these busin sses and the sub-culture th�t accompanies
We believe that St. Paul can do what other cities in the U.S. ha�ve done to
lessen the amount of crime that acco panies businesses dealing in obscenity,
pornography, and prostitution. We re committed to this effort.
'+-Z� ��-9/
Midway ivic & Commerce Association
Ivy League Place - Suite 211
475 Cleveland Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 646-2636 '
xecutive Director: Ann Copeland
April 28, 1988
The members of Midway Civic & Commer e Association are extremely concerned with
the way issues regarding Adult Enter ainment businesses are currently being
addressed in the City of St. Paul. hrough our Economic Development Committee,
we have organized a special task for e work on our concerns.
At the meeting of the Steering Commi tee of this task force on April 26, and at
the subsequent meeting of the Econom c Development Committee on April 27, the
following statement was recommended o be presented at this hear�.ng
That these businesses be called what they truly are (Sexually Or�iented
Businesses (S.O.B. 's) instead of by he euphemism of adult entermainment
businesses. There are many sources f adult entertainment that a�s not
objectionable to the community and i does them a disservice to �.ump them
together with the S.O.B. 's that have a negative effect on both the residential
and business communities.
We believe that the MCCA Board's pre ious request for setting of community
standards should be pursued so that here is some additional bas�.s for
We support any proposal that further the stated mission of our S.O.B. Task
Force, which is to eliminate the neg tive effects of sexually oriented
businesses in the City of St. Paul a d to get the City to change, its response to
these businesses from an accommodati e to a combative stance.
We believe firmly that consistent pr secution of violations undelr statutes
dealing with obscenity and pornograp y is essential. This is a course that has
not been actively pursued in our cit recently and our organizat�.on is committed
to working for increased, effective nforcement and prosecution to alleviate the
negative effects of both these busin sses and the sub-culture th�t accompanies
We believe that St. Paul can do what other cities in the U.S. ha e done to
lessen the amount of crime that acco panies businesses dealing i�i obscenity,
pornography, and prostitution. We re committed to this effort.
. `� ���� �
� R4`tiir o� .,
- . .
: _�_�� o
25 West FolY�lh Street,SaMt Pwl,Minnesota 55702
T0 : City Councilmember
FROM: Mark Vander Schaaf �
DATE : April 28 , 1988
SUBJECT : Adult Entertainmen - -Questions Raised at �he City
Council Meeting of April 21 , 1988
---------------------------- ------------------------------------
The Third Reading of the pro osed adult entertainmeriVt zoning
ordinance was held at the Ci y Council meeting of April 21 , 1988 .
At that meeting, City Counci members asked staff an�/or the City
Attorney' s office to address several questions . Thi,s memo
addresses these questions . '
Questions and Answers
1 . Como/Dale
QUESTION : What sites wo ld be available for adult uses in
the Como/Dale area?
ANSWER: Under the propo ed ordinance , there is and in the
Como/Dale area which wo ld technically be available for
adult uses . However , t ere are no sites meeting the
requirements of the proposed ordinance . This is because the
parcels in the area eli ible for adult uses are quite large
and extend into areas where adult uses are not permitted .
Because the amendment measures all distance and spacing
requirements from property line to property line , no new
adult use would be permitted in the Como/Dale a�ea as long
as property lines remain in their current configuration .
2 . Grandfathering of Illega Businesses '
QUESTION : Would this ord'nance grant "grandfath�r" (legal
nonconforming use" ) stat s to illegal sex-oriented
businesses , thus making t impossible to close tthem at a
later date?
ANSWER : A distinction m st be made between legajlity under
the zoning requirements nd legality under othe�f City
requirements such as lic nsing . ;
s •
• April 28 � 1988
Page Two
None of the existing ad lt businesses in Saint Paul would
conform to the requirem nts of the proposed zo�ing
amendments . However , a y or all of these businesses could
be considered legally n nconforming uses if they meet the
requirements of Section 62 . 102 of the Zoning Cpde . Also ,
note that most existing adult uses are already• nonconforming
uses relative to the City' s 1983 zoning standards for adult
uses .
Changes in licensing requirements do not invol�e
"grandfathering, " however . If licensing stand�rds applying
to adult businesses were to be changed, the relevant
businesses would need to conform to the new requirements .
An adult business which failed to meet applicable licensing
requirements could be closed, despite its status as a legal
nonconforming land use .
3 . Disclosure of Intended se With Purchase
QUESTION : Is there any way to discourage speculation at
sites that are eligible for adult uses by requ�ring that
purchasers of property disclose the intended use of the
ANSWER: (Will be addressed by City Attorney) . '
4 . Redevelopment Areas an Doanzoning
QUESTION : Would this z ning amendment , coupled with the
requirement that 5� of the city' s land mass be set aside for
adult uses , prohibit a eas from redeveloping and downzoning
(e . g . , from industrial to residential) ? Couldlwe exclude
redevelopment district from being eligible fo� adult
ANSWER: This amendment would not prohibit rede�elopment and
downzoning for several reasons . The 5� rule is a guideline ,
not a strict requireme t . Also , the available land mass
currently exceeds this figure enough to allow changes in
zoning or other legiti ate changes in use that could affect
the percentage margina ly .
A zoning ordinance whi h excludes redevelopmen� districts
from eligibility for a ult uses certainly coul� be drafted.
However , because much f Lhe City' s commercial� and
industrial land is wit in redevelopment distri�ts , such an
amendment would be a m jor change requiring si�nificant
adjustments in distanc and spacing requiremen�s . For that
reason alone , it is no advisable at this stag of the
process . Also , it is oubtful that the existi g 40-Acre
Study contains the kin of evidence and testim ny which
could be used to �usti y such a policy since t e question
was not considered pre iously.
• Ap�il 28 � 1988
Page Three
5 . The NaM State Obscenity ill
QUESTION: Is there anyth ng in the substitute a�endment that
could conflict with the bscenity bill recently ' approved by
the State Legislature?
ANSWER: (Will be address d by City Attorney) .
6 . Protected Uses
QUESTION: Can we increase the distance requirements between
adult uses and protected uses?
ANSWER: As discussed in the staff report (Items #5 and #7) ,
it is inadvisable to expand the distance requir�ments
between adult uses and protected uses . Any significant
expansion of these requirements in either non-dbwntown or
downtown areas would result not only in the reduction of
acreage available for a ult uses but also in th�
disappearance of most o the sites with ready d�velopment
potential . Because the City Attorney has advised that it is
important to have sites with realistic developm nt potential
to balance against thos with little or no deve opment
potential , staff could ot support such a chang without
recommending a signific nt relaxation of the re�uirements of
some other component of the ordinance .
cc : Mayor Latimer
Ken Johnson
Gerald Strathmen
Jan Gasterland
Jerry Segal
Phil Byrne
A1 Olson
. �r Z�. �G�. �����
� 0
� .
A Staff Rep rt
� Prepared by the Division of Planning ! -
Department of Planning and Economi Development
City� �Hall A nex
25 West Fo rth Street
Saint '
Paul innesota
� 55102
' I
, 'I
' April 1988
1 Planning ivision
Department of Planning a d Economic Development
� � ��
� Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Key Features of the Substitute Am ndment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . .3
� Appendix A: Ma
� Appendix B: Text of Substitute Am ndment
� '
� I
i -
��'- ��
� On November 5, 1986, the City Co ncil adopted a resolution r$questing the
Planning Commission to study pos ible amendments to the Zoni�g Code so as to
� zestrict adult uses to Industria ly Zoned Districts only, and other amendments
relating to adult uses which the Commission should deem advi�able. This
request was the result of a grow ng concern among Saint Paul citizens that the
� City's existing adult entertaimm �t zoning provisions, adopt�d in 1983, do not
adequately address the land use roblems associated with adult entertainment.
The following is a chronology of notable events related to tt�l�e adult
� entertainment zoning issue in Sa'nt Paul which have occurred ��subsequent to the
City Council's request: 'I
November 5, 1986 City Cou cil resolution (Council Filel''I No. 86-1564)
� requesti g the Planning Commission tok study the issue
, of adult entertainment and to conside�' amendments to
the Zoni Code proposed by Councilme►nber William L.
� Wilson.
June 26, 1987 Planning ommission public hearing on proposed
� amendment --Part 1.
July 10, 1987 Planning ommission public hearing on proposed
� amendment --Part 2.
August 14, 1987 Planning ommission resolution forwar�ling 40-acre
study to ayor and City Council for r�view and action
� and reco ending amendments attached �o the 40-acre
� November 17, 1987 Mayor Lat mer transmits amendments to City Council and
recommend approval.
� January 28, 1988 City Coun il public hearing on proposed amendments;
proposed mendments referred to Housir}g and Economic
Developme t Committee.
� April 14, 1988 Housing a d Economic Development Committee recommends
substitut amendment; Mayor Latimer artnounces support
of substi ute amendment.
� The substitute ame�ndment differs rom the original proposal i several basic
ways. First, whereas the origina proposal was to restrict ad�ult uses to
industrial zones, the substitute mendment also permits adult �zses in B-3, B-4 -
� and B-5 commercial zones. Second , the original proposal wasl� to maximize the
distance between adult uses and r sidential areas while the su�stitute
amendment relaxes this requiremen somewhat and places a great�er emphasis on
� deconcentration through increasin the required spacing betwee adult uses. �
Finally, the substitute amendment equires that each type of a�ult use be
considered a single use (and thus, no more than one type of ad�Zlt use is
� allowed in any one building) ; unde the original proposal, mulki-functional
adult facilities would have been p rmitted. I
� Background
This section discusses nine key feat res of the substitute amend�tent and
� explains the rationale for each. Th features are as follows:
1. Areas where adult uses e permitted.
2. Treatment of various ty es of adult uses.
� 3. Spacing between adult u es.
4. Distance from adult use to residential zones.
5. Distance from adult use to "protected uses" .
� 6. Limit to one type of ad lt use per building.
7. Amount of land availabl for new adult uses.
8. Review of the Special C ndition Use Permit.
' 9. Prohibition of obscene orks and illegal activities.
� Discussion of Substitute Amendment
1. Areas Where Adult Uses Are P rmitted
� EXPLANATION: The substitute mendment permits adult uses both outside of
downtown (B-3, I-1 and I-2 z nes) and downtown (B-4 and $-5 zones) .
� RATIONALE: This requirement is the same as in the curren''t Zoning Code.
It is based on findings tha adult uses are harmful to s�urrounding
commercial establishments b t that significant spacing �equirements
� between adult uses can mini ize the harm in zoning dist�icts which are
reserved for the most inten ive commercial activity. I� is further
based on a decision that th re should be an increase in the spacing
between individual adult us s to minimize the danger th�t a cluster of
� adult uses could develop i a single part of the city.
� 2. Treatment of Various Types of Adult Uses
EXPLANATION. The substitut amendment treats all types of adult uses
� RATIONALE: The current Zo ing Code treats all types of adult uses
equally. In contrast, the original proposal applied more stringent
� zoning requirements to ad lt bookstores, motion picture theatres, mini-
motion picture theatres a d cabarets than to adult massage parlors,
health clubs, steam baths (saunas) and conversation/ra;p parlors. The
earlier recommendation re ied on evidence that in Sair�t Paul, a greater '
� negative land use impact as associated with adult bo kstores, motion
picture theatres, mini-mo ion picture theatres and ca arets. However,
most, if not all, existin statistical studies of the impact of adult
� entertainment do not diff rentiate between different ypes of adult uses
and do not recognize that the land use impact of vari us types of adult
uses is significantly di ferent. Moreover, equal tre tment of all types
� of adult uses is consist nt with the emphasis on deco centration in the
substitute amendment. If different types of businesses do have
different land use impacts, it promotes deconcentration for them to be ,
mixed in a random fashion throughout the city.
3. Spacing Between Adult Uses �
EXPLANATION: The required spacing between individual adult uses in the �
substitute amendment is as follows:
Outside of Downtown (B-3, I-1, I-2) : 2640 feet.
Downtown (B-4, B-5) : 1320 feet. �
This contrasts with the following spacing requirements in the current �
Zoning Code:
Outside of Downtown (B-3, I-1, I-2) : 1320 feet.
Downtown (B-4, B-5) : 300 feet. �
RATIONALE: Studies by the cities of Phoenix and Indianapolis indicate �
that the negative land use .impact of a single adult business extends for
up to three blocks (see 40-Acre Study, p. 15) . Thus, to ensure that
negative impacts from surrounding adult businesses do not accrue from �
two directions, a minimum spacing of 6 blocks between adult uses should
be required. In Saint Paul, long blocks outside of downtown are 660
feet in length (street to street) while blocks in the downtown area have
a length of 330 feet. Thus, a 6-block spacing requirement would be �
equivalent to 3960 feet outside of downtown and 1980 feet downtown. In
short, the proposed spacing requirements are not excessive. Indeed,
they have been reduced to enable the City to provide a sufficient land �
mass available for adult uses and sites for a sufficient number of new
adult uses on that land mass (see #8 below) .
4. Distance From Adult Uses to Residential Zones. �
EXPLANATION: The required distance between adult uses and residential �
zones in the substitute amendment is as follows:
Outside of Downtown (B-3, I-1, I-2) : 800 feet. �
Downtown (B-4, B-5) : 400 feet.
This contrasts with the following distance requirements between adult �
uses and residential zones in the current Zoning Code: .
Outside of Downtown (B-3, I-1, I-2) : 200 feet. �
Downtown (B-4, B-5) : 100 feet (to residential uses) . .
RATIONALE: As mentioned in #3 above, there is evidence that the negative �
land use impact of a single adult use extends for up to three blocks.
Therefore, to protect property in residential zones from the negative
4 i
��'- 9i
� impact of adult uses, distanc requirements of 1980 feet outside of
downtown and 990 feet downto would be appropriate. The proposed
requirements fall short of this standard but, as is true ltvith the
� spacing requirements discusse in #3 above, are necessary° to provide
enough land and sites for pot ntial future adult uses.
� 5. Distance From Adult Uses to " rotected Uses"
EXPLANATION: The substitute endment designates the folll�wing uses as
� "protected uses" : residential uses; day care centers; hou�ses of worship;
public libraries; schools; p lic parks/parkways; public recreation
centers and facilities; fire stations; community residential facilities;
� missions; hotels/motels.
The required distance betwee adult uses and protected usN�s in the
substitute amendment is as f llows: �
� Outside of Downtown (B-3, I-1, I-2) : 400 feet.
� Downtown (B-4, B-5) : 2 0 feet.
This contrasts with the foll wing situation involving prq`tected uses in
the current Zoning Code:
� Outside of Downtown (B 3, I-1, I-2) : no protected uses.
� Downtown (B-4, B-5) : 1 0 feet (applies only to residential uses) .
RATIONALE: It is somewhat un sual for a Zoning Code to p�ovide
protection from adult entert inment to uses found outsid� of residential
� zones or small, neighborhood business zones. Neverthele�s, the proposed
protected uses are justified because all can occur outside of
residential zones and becaus all involve populations whi.ch are
� particularly vulnerable to t e negative impact of adult entertainment.
The proposed protected uses re residential in character (including
hotels/motels which often ha e permanent residents as wel�l as transient
� residents) , or involve child en (including fire stations 'which in Saint
Paul are used for bicycle re istration as well as school field trips) ,
or serve a rehabilitative fu ction for problem populations.
� Furthermore, hotels and mote s should be separated from adult uses
because they can easily beco e centers of prostitution.
The evidence mentioned in #3 above would justify larger �istance
� requirements between adult u es and protected uses. How�lver, smaller
distance requirements are pr posed to provide enough lan�, and sites for
potential future adult uses.
� �
6. Limit to One Type of Adult U e Per Building
� EXPLANATION: The substitute mendment defines nine diffe ent types of �
adult uses--adult bookstores cabarets, conversation/rap `parlors,
health/sport clubs, massage arlors, mini-motion picture theatres,
� motion picture theatres, ste mroom/bathhouse facilities, and "other
adult uses." It is stipulated that each type of adult use is considered
to be a single use and that no two adult uses may locate in a single �
building but must conform to the relevant spacing requirement (2640 feet
in B-3, I-1 and I-2 zones; 1320 feet in B-4 and B-5 zones) . In
contrast, the existing Zoning Code considers multi-function adult
businesses as a single adult use. �
RATIONALE: Studies in numerous cities have concluded that concentrations
of adult uses have harmful land use impacts. In 1972, Detroit �
determined that concentrations involving sex-related businesses
contribute to a "skid row" effect (40-Acre Study, p. 3) . The City of
Phoenix determined that a study area with one of the city's highest �
concentrations of adult businesses had a sex crime rate over 11 times as
large as a similar area having no adult businesses (40-Acre Study, p.
15) .
In Saint Paul, a study done in 1978 examined both alcohol-related and �
sex-related adult businesses and concluded that significantly higher
crime rates are associated with two such businesses in an area, and �
significantly lower property values are associated with three such
businesses in an area (40-Acre Study, p. 17) . Moreover, the 1987 40-
Acre Study contains statistics showing that most prostitution arrests in �
the city occur within four blocks on either side of the concentration of
four adult businesses at the University Dale intersection. Other .
problems experienced by this neighborhood include a generally high crime
rate, the propositioning and harassment of neighborhood women, and a �
general perception that the University-Dale area is an unsafe place due
to the concentration of adult entertainment that exists there (40-Acre
Study, pp. 19-23) . �
Finally, Saint Paul's experience with redevelopment planning highlights
the problems created by concentrations of adult uses in the city. In
the early 1980's, there were two concentrations of adult uses in Saint �
Paul, one in the North Wabasha area of downtown and one at University
and Dale. The North Wabasha concentration was determined to be a
blighting influence inhibiting development between the downtown core and �
the capitol. The City's acquisition of the adult businesses in this
area led to significant new development, including the World Trade
Center and the expansion of the Saint Paul Center shopping complex. �
Similarly, it is expected that the City's current plans to acquire key
adult businesses at University and Dale will lead to beneficial new
development in that neighborhood.
There is also considerable evidence that multi-functional adult ,
entertainment complexes can be the equivalent of concentrations of adult
uses. Saint Paul's 1987 40-Acre Study of adult entertainment warns that �
a single, large adult entertainment complex at the University-Dale .
intersection could create the same conditions as those created by the
existing concentration of adult businesses in the neighborhood (40-Acre
Study, p. 29) . Two considerations reinforce this warning. �
First, there are already two multi-functional adult businesses at the
University-Dale intersection. It has historically been the case that �
residents of the University-Dale neighborhood perceive these businesses
to be a greater land use problem than the two single-function adult
6 �
� businesses in the same area. Neighborhood residents hav� long targeted
the two multi-functional fac lities as the focus of theibc picketing and
policing activities.
� Secondly, the nature of mul i-functional adult businesse�s duplicates a
situation which is similar a concentration of two or more separate
� adult businesses. Multi-fu tional adult businesses can serve various
types of customers simultaneously or sequentially. In s�veral ways,
this situation heightens th likelihood that adult enterl�tainment will
lead to neighborhood proble s:
� o Variety of Neighbor ood Impacts: Multiple types of adult uses
create multiple oppor unities for negative neighborhood impacts.
� For example, two freq ently-reported problems in t�e University-
Dale neighborhood are the harassment of women who '�are mistaken for
prostitutes and the d'scarding of hard-core porno aphic
literature on residen ial property where it become��s available to
i minors (testimony at lanning Commission public hearing, 6/26/87
and 7/10/87--see 40-A re Study, pp. 55, 56) . Although sex-related
harassment could be c used by any single type of adult
� entertainment, it nev rtheless is true that the di:scarding of
pornographic literatu e is most strongly associateid with adult
bookstores because tk� t is where such literature q`�riginates.
� Thus, the combination of book and magazine sales wNith other types
of adult entertainmen increases the likelihood that surrounding
neighborhoods will su fer from sex-related negative land use
� impacts.
o Intensity of Neighb rhood Impacts: The presence of several types
of adult uses in one tructure increases the likel�ihood that a
� larger number of cust mers will frequent the adul� entertainment
establishment. Even f only a small percentage oi such customers
are directly responsi le for neighborhood problems, the larger
� number of customers i itself increases the likelihood that such
problems will occur. The possibility that any one customer can
engage sequentially i several types of adult entHrtainment also
is cause for concern. Some psychological studies '�'have shown that
� exposure to pornograp y heightens sexual aggression. Thus, it is
reasonable to conclud that customers in multi-functional adult
businesses, because t ey have more opportunity for prolonged
� exposure to pornograp y, may be more likely to behave aggressively
toward neighborhood r sidents.
o "Sex for Sale" Imag : The Planning Commission eceived
testimony that the Un versity-Dale area suffers f�om a general
� "sex for sale" image hat attracts street prostit�tes and their
customers, and demora izes other businesses and n�ighborhood .
� residents who do not ish to be associated with t is image
(40-Acre Study, p. 54 . A multiplication of type of adult uses
in a single facility ould create this image as e sily as several
� separate facilities. -
There is precedent for the equirement that no more tha one type of
adult use be permitted in a y building. S�ate law in Nprth Carolina
� permits no more than one ty e of adult use per building} Moreover,
7 ;
North Carolina's provision has been tested in" federal court and upheld
as constitutional. �
7. Amount of Land Available for New Adult Uses �
EXPLANATION: The substitute amendment makes available the following
amount of land for new adult uses in Saint Paul:
o Dutside of Downtown: 2077 acres (6.3$ of all non-downtown land) �
(B-3, I-1, I-2)
o Downtown: 100 acres (20.4� of all downtown land) �
(B-4, B-5)
o Tota1: 2177 acres (6.58 of all city land) �
Acreage calculations are based on all developed and vacant land,
including streets and alleys but excluding lakes and rivers. �
Percentages were calculated using the following figures:
o Area Outside of Downtown: 32,922 acres �
o Downtown Area: 490 acres
o Total Area: 33,412 acres �
The following is an estimate of the maximum number of new adult uses
that could locate in Saint Paul on the land available for adult �
o Absolute Site Capacity: 44 �
o Relative Site Capacity: 28
In the above calculations, "absolute site capacity" refers to the number ,
of adult establishments that could fit on the land within the
limitations of the substitute amendment, calculated without regard for
existing infrastructure, existing development, or suitability of land �
for development. In contrast, "relative site capacity" refers to the
number of adult establishments that could be located on existing street
frontage, calculated without regard for existing development or �
suitability of land for development.
RATIONALE: The City Attorney has advised that the proposed ordinance
adhere to three guidelines. First, more than 5 percent of the city's �
land should be available for adult uses. This figure is a useful •
guideline because the City of Renton, Washington has a zoning ordinance
limiting adult uses to 5 percent of its land mass. This ordinance has �
been upheld as constitutional by the United States Supreme Court.
Secondly, the quality of the land is also important--a significant -
amount of the available land should be developable. Finally, there
should be enough land to accommodate expected future adult business �
8 '
Staff believes that the sub titute amendment meets thes� guidelines but
� that the proposal could not become significantly more r�strictive
without endangering the Cit 's conformance to the guide ines. First,
� the available land mass is .5$ of the city's total, co fortably above
the 58 standard. However, significant part of this p rcentage is
devoted to the airport and he waste water treatment pl�nt, uses which
are not likely to be redeve oped in the foreseeable fut�re. Secondly,
� the available land includes sites with fairly good deve�opment
potential. However, if the required distance to "prote�ted uses" were
significantly expanded, few such sites would remain. Ffnally, the
� "relative site capacity" of 28 exceeds the number of ex�sting adult uses
in Saint Paul (18) . Howeve , because two of Saint Paul�'s existing adult
uses are multi-functional f cilities (with 3 or 4 types 'of adult uses
per business) , it is prefer ble to calculate the existi�g number of
� adult uses to be 24. Thus, it is not advisable to make ;the ordinance
more restrictive in a way t at would reduce the city's �elative site
capacity for adult uses.
� �
8. Review of the Special Condi ion Use Permit ,
tEXPLANATION: The substitute amendment requires an annual� review of each
adult use's Special Conditi n Use Permit. The Zoning Co�de currently
requires that an adult use btain a Special Condition Uspe Permit but
� does not provide for an ann al review. i
RATIONALE: Because the subs itute amendment requires thai�t there be only
, one type of adult use per b ilding, the annual review of` the Special
Condition Use Permit will e sure that no additional uses' are added to
the type of adult use that is permitted.
� 9. Prohibition of Obscene Works and Illegal Activities
� EXPLANATION: In numerous pla es, the substitute amendment stipulates
that obscene and illegal act'vities are not permitted in' adult uses.
This is not explicitly state in the Zoning Code current`Ly.
� RATIONALE: This provision is intended to guard against t�e conclusion
that the Zoning Code permits activities which the City c�n and should
prohibit as illegal.
� �
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CANAR• -OC�A117M(NT . GITY OF SAINT PAUL F'ile ��NO. �� 7 /.
� • ` � �Or indnc Ordinadce N0. -
Presented By ` . � �
tReferred To Committee: Date I
Out of Committee By Date
� An ordinance amending chapter 60 of the I
Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to I -
� Zoning R gulations. I
NHEREAS, the existing Saint Paul Zoning Code permits adult uses to be
� located only in certain zoning classif cation districts; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a study of th� existing
� zoning provisions for adult-type uses nd has recommended that the e '
regulations be mod�ed; and
� WHEREAS, some of the purposes of restricting adult-only type uses
include the following findings:
Areas within close walking dista ce of residential dwellings, and other �
� general commercial uses should b free of adult entertainmen land uses.
� Areas where children could be ex ected to walk, patronize orirecreate
� should be free of certain adult ntertainment land uses. �I
Adult-only entertainment land us s should be located in area� of the
� city which are not in close prox mity to residential uses, c�hurches,
parks and other public facilitie , schools, and other corr�mer�ial uses.
The image of the City of Saint P ul as a pleasant and attrac�ive place
� to reside will be adversely affe ted by the presence of adul�
entertainment land uses in close proximity to residential la�hd uses,
churches, parks, and other publi facilities, schools and ge�eral
� corrnnercial uses. ' �
Regulation of adult entertainmen land uses should be develo ed to
prevent deterioration and/or deg adation of the vitality of �he
� community before the problem exi ts or gets worse, rather th�n in
response to an existing problem.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �
' N�oo:�� In Favor I
Sehsibsl Agai nst BY
Sonnen _
� Tedeuo
Form Approved by City Attorn y
Adopted by Council: Date
�ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY _
�'�pproved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submis�ion to Council . _
By By
. • - �
Commercial areas of the city patronized by young people and child►^en
. should be free of adult entertainment land uses. ,
Adult entertainment land uses should be regulated by zoning to separate
it from other dissimilar uses just as any other land use should be
separated from uses with characteristics different from itself. ,
Residents of the City of Saint Paul , and persons who are non-residents
but use the city for shopping and other commercial needs, will move from �
the community or shop elsewhere if adult entertainment land uses are
allowed to locate in close proximity to residential and other commercial
uses, churches, parks, and other public facilities and schools.
Location of adult entertainment land uses in proximity to residential �
uses, churches, parks and other public facilities, and schools and
commercial uses may lead to increased levels of criminal activities, �
including prostitution, rape, incest and assaults in the vicinity of
such adult entertainment land uses.
Merchants in the commercial area of the city are concerned about adverse �
impacts upon the character and quality of the city in the event that
adult entertainment land uses are located within close proximity to
residential and commercial uses, churches, parks and other public i
facilities and schools. Location of adult entertainment land uses in �
close proximity to residential and commercial uses, churches, parks, and
other public facilities and schools, will reduce retail trade to �
commercial uses in the vicinity, thus reducing property values and tax
revenues to the City. Such adverse effects on property values will
cause the loss of some commercial establishments followed by a blighting �
effect upon the commercial districts within the city, leading to further
deterioration of the commercial quality of the city.
No evidence has been presented to show that the location of adult _ �
entertainment land uses within the city will improve the commercial
viability of the community.
Experience in numerous other cities, including Saint Paul , Minneapolis, �
Indianapolis, Phoenix, Los Angeles�, Seattle, Tacoma and Detroit have
shown that location of adult entertainment land uses degrade the quality
of the area of the city in which they are located and cause a blighting �
effect upon the city.
A reasonable regulation of the location of adult entertainment land uses �
will provide for the protection of the image of the community and its
property values, and protect the residents of the community from the
adverse effects of such adult entertainment land uses, while providing �
to those who desire to patronize adult entertainment land uses such an .
opportunity in areas of the city which are appropriate for location of
adult entertainment land uses.
The community will be an undesirable place to live and shop in if it is _ �
known on the basis of its image as the location of adult entertainment
land uses. �
2 �
� � � � � � � i
. A stable atmosphere for the rea ing of families cannot be a' hieved in
. close proximity to adult entert inment land uses.
� The initial location of adult e tertainment land uses will �!,lead to the
location of additional and simi ar uses within the same vicinity, thus
� multiplying the adverse impact f the initial location of a�lult
entertainment land uses upon th residential and commercialj uses,
churches, parks and other publi facilities and schools, an the impact
upon the image and quality of t e character of the communit .
� �
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N-a.r- ,���' `�' �i,�g
� - -- - ..�u, c ���cal.t C �, -onsiaered to
be one use. No two adult ses can be in the same buildin !but must be
spaced 2640 radial feet apart �
, I
9 �
Adult cabarets sub 'ect to t e ame conditions listed ab ve in 60.554 2 -
' for adult bookstores with he ubstitution of the hra e "adult
cabaret" for the hrase "ad lt bookstore" wherever it a ears. The
adult cabaret is considered to be one use. No two adul uses can be in
, 11
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� �he-e���napEe-w�}�-be-ebserve�;-�Ha�-�he-��e�esed-ase-w�}}-pe� �
�RI�1�9VeB12R�:-e��beP-K'P_S�E�Pp�3.l�-H1�'-pAp_�cGCiclonti�l__�nd_+L...� ..ii �
. ,
17 Ad 1t steam room b thhouse facilities sub'ect to the same conditions
listed above in 60 543(10) for adult bookstores, with the substitution
� of the ahrase "adult steam roomlbathhouse facilitv" for the ahrase e
"adult bookstore" wherever it apaears The adult steam room/bath��s
facilit 's consi ered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in the
same buildin4 but must bg spaced 2640 radial feet apart•
— �
(�81 Other adult uses subiect to the same conditions listed above in
. . . �_i_a a,.... ..0 +4.n ntir�en I
, . • .
the same building but must ,�ie s�aced 1320 radial feet apart.
j1 Adult conversationfrap �arlors subiect to the same conditions listed
above in 60.554(21 for adult bookstores, wit�i the substitution of the
p.hrase "adult conversationfraa parlor" for the ahrase "adult bookstore"
wherever it aaaears. The adult conversation/rap aarlor is considered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same building but must be.
spaced 1320 radial feet apart.
u, Adult health/sports clubs subiect to the same conditions listed above in
60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the phrase
"adult health/saorts club" for the uhrase "adult bookstore" wherever it
appears. The adult health/sports club is considered to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the same buildincLbut_must be spaced 1320
radial feet apart.
,u Adult massaq� parlors subiect to the same conditions listed above in
60,554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the phrase
"adult massage aarlor" for the ahrase "adult bookstore" wherever it
appears. The adult health/sports club is considered to be one use. No ,
two adult uses can be in the same buildinq but must be spaced 1320
radial feet apart.
,u Adult mini-motion pictur� theatres sub.iect to the same conditions listed '
above in 60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the
phrase "adult mini-motion picture theatre" for the phrase "adult
bookstore" wherever it appears. The adult mini-motion picture theatre �
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same '
building but must be spaced 1320 radial feet apart.
� Adult motion picture theatres sub.iect to the same conditions listed �
above in 60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the 1
phrase "adult motion picture theatre" for the phrase "adult bookstore"
wherever it apaears. The adult motion picture theatre is considered to �l
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same buildinq but must be �
spaced 1320 radial feet apart.
,� Adult steam r.00m/bathhouse facilities sub_iect to the same conditions �
listed above in 60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of
the ahrase _"adult steam room/bathhouse facilitv" for the phrase "adult
bookstore" wherever it aaaears. The adult steam room/bathhouse facility �
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same
buildin4 but must be spaced 1320 radial feet a�part.
10 Other adult uses sub_iect to the same conditions listed above in ,
60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution af the�hrase
"other adult use" for the phrase "adult bookstore" wherever it appears
The other adult use is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can �
be in the same buildinq but must be spaced 1320 radial feet apartT
Section 10. �
lhat Section 60,563, clauses �, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8, 9 and 10 of the Saint
, ,
. � "
� • • .
. A st ble atmosphere for the rearing f families cannot be achiev�d in
� . clos proximity to adult entertainme t land uses.
The initial location of adult enter ainment land uses will lead ;to the
loc tion of additional and similar ses within the same vicinit�i, thus
r mul iplying the adverse impact of t e initial location of adult;
ent rtainment land uses upon the re idential and commercial use�,
chu�ches, parks and other public fa ilities and schools, and th�e impact
� upo the image and quality of the c aracter of the community. F
I �`
� '
I i ,
� !
1 � . �
1 !
� � �
� � �
i � -
� �
1 �
1 � � .
� �
`f-�►-.Ys �
. ' • , . �
� Section 1. �
That the definitions for the terms Adult Bookstore, Adult Cabaret, Adult
Conversation/Rap Parlor, Adult Health/Sports Club, Adult Massage Parlor, Adult �
Mini-Motion Picture Theatre, Adult Motion Picture Theatre, Adult Steam Room/
Bathhouse Facility and Adult Uses, contained in section 60.201 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, be and are hereby amended to read as follows: �
Adult bookstore. A she� buildin4 or portion of a buildinq used for the
barter, rental or sale of items consisting of printed matter, pictures,
slides, records, audio taae, videotaae or motion picture film if such sMe� �
building or portion of a building is not open to the public generally but only
to one or more classes of the public excluding any minor by reason of age: 1 �
or if a substantial or significant oortion of such items are distinquished or �
characterized bv an emqhasis on the deaiction or description of "specified
sexual activities" or "saecified anatomical areas." No obseene work shall be
allowed. �
Adult cabaret. Ap-es�a��#sMr�e��-wh�Eb-��ev�des A building or portion of
a buildinq used for providinq �e-�e-dapEe�s;-exe��e-da�Ee�s;-s�����e�s;-e� �
s�r��}a�-e��e��a�pe�s dancin4 or other live entertainment, if such building or
portion of a buildinq ap�-wM�EM excludes minors by virtue of age: , or if such
dancinq or other live entertainment is distin4uished or characterized bv an
emphasis on the aresentation, disalav, depiction or description of "specified �
sexual activities" or "saecified anatomical areas." No obscene work shall be
Adult conversation/raa aarlor. A conversation/raa aarlor which excludes �
minors bv reason of aqe, or which provides the service of enqaqinq in or
listeninq to conversation, talk or discussion, if such service is
distinquished or characterized bv an emohasis on "saecified sexual activities" �
or "saecified anatomical areas." No obscene work shall be allowed.
Adult health/saort club. A health/sport club which excludes minors bv /
reason of aqe, or if such club is distinguished or characterized bv an
em�hasis on "s�ecified . sexual activities" or "s�ecified anatomical areas " No
obscene work shall be allowed. �
Adult massaQe oarlor. A massa4e aarlor which restricts minors bv reason
af aQe, or which arovides the service of "massage", if such service is
distinquished or characterized bv an emahasis on "specified sexual activities" ,
or "saecified anatomica� areas." No obscene work shall be allowed.
Adult mini-motion picture theatre. A�-e�E�ese�-�a�}d��� A building or �
portion of a buildinq with a capacity for less than 50 persons used for .
presenting material �e€i�e�-�y-M�ppese�a-��a�a�es-6��:292-as-'-'sexaa}}y
��eveEa��ve'-'-apd-wb�Eb if such buildinq or aortion of a buildin,g as a �
prevailing practice excludes minors by virtue of age: , or if such material is
distinquished or characterized bv an emphasis on the depiction or description -
of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" for
observation bv aatrons therein. No obscene work shall be allowed. �
4 �
�I _ � ,_cv .
' . •
Adult motion picture theatre. A�-epE�ese�-�a�����g A buildin or
� or ion of bu'ldin with a capaci y of 50 or more persons use for
pre enting material �e���e�-�y-M�RH se�a-S�a�b�es-6��:292-as-"-s�xaa}}y
ppe eEa��ve-aAd-wh�Eh if such build'n or ortion of a buildin � as a
pre ailing practice excludes minors by virtue of age: , or if s�uch material is '
� dis in uished or charact ri ed b a em hasis on the de iction �or descri tion
of s ecified sexual activities" o "s ecified anatomical area " for
ob rvation b tron ther i . N obscen work shall be llo ed.
` Adult st o m bathhouse f c'lit . A buildin or ortlon of a
. bu'ldin used or r vidin a stea bat r heat bathin room sed for the
� u ose of leasure bathin rela ation or reducin utilizi steam or hot
ai as a cleanin relaxin or r d cin a ent if such buildin or ortion of a
bu ldin res r' ts mi ors b reaso of a e or if the servi e ovided b the
st am room b thhouse facilit is d stin uished or characterize b an em hasis
, on "s ecified sexual activities" o "s ecified anatomical area ." � No obscene
wo k shall be allowed.
Adult uses. A�a��-dses-a�e- hese-bses-exe}a����-�a�s-w��Eb-a�e-pe�-e�ep
�el-�be- a���E- e�e�a�} -�a�-ep} - e-e�e-e�-�e�e-E}asses-e€-�b - ����E-a��
� a � y y � �
e E�a��p�-apy-��pe�-�y-�ease�-e€- �e;-a-��Ae�-�e�R�-a-�e�sep-���e�-�be-aQe-e€
, e'�h�ee�-yea�s: Adult uses inclu e;-�a�-a�e-�e�-�����e�-�e; �dult bookstores,
a ult motion picture theatres, ad lt mini-motion picture theatres, adult
m ssage parlors, adult steam room bathhouse facilities, adult; rap/conversation
p rlors, adult health s ort clubs adult cabarets, e�-s����a��a�a}�-bses: and
, o her remises enter rises busi esses or laces o en to som or all members
o the ublic at or 'n which the e is an em hasis on the re entation
d s la de iction or d scri tion of "s ecified sexual activi�ties" or
" ecified anatomica7 areas" whic are ca able of bein seen members of the
�, blic. No obscene work shall be allowed.
� Section 2. �
� i That the definition of Con ersation/Rap Parlors contained in section
�0.203 of the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code be and is hereby ar�ended to read as
� ollows:
� Conversation/rap parlors. Ap-es�a���sb�eR� A buildinq, or portion of a
� uildin in which there is ��ee� e�-�y-6ba��e�-4�3-e€-�be-6���y-8�d��aAEe-a�d
dvertising, offering or selling the service of engaging in br listening to
�conversation, talk or discussion �e�wee�-a�a-e���eyee-e€-�be-�es�a���sbr�ep�-apd
�a.Eds�e�e�, regardless of whethe other goods or services ar�e also
� ;simultaneously advertised, offe ed or sold, and regardless df whether those
�other goods or services are als required to be licensed. ;
, The term "conversation pa lor" shall not include bona �fide legal ,
medical , psychiatric, psycholog cal , or counseling services �by a person or
firm appropriately licensed; or bona fide educational insti�utions, or panels,
' seminars or other similar servi es offered by such institut�ons; or churches
or synagogues.
Section 3. �
� That section 60.208 of th Saint Paul Legislative Cod�le be and is hereby
amended so as to add the follo ing thereto: ;
, 5 G
; I
� �
I �+- �i.►,kQ
. Health/s�ort club. A buildin4 or uortion of a building desi4ned and
eauipped for the conduct of spQrts, exercise, leisure time activities or other �
customarv and usual recreational activities, oaerated for nrofit or not-for-
profit and which can be oaen onlv to bona fide members and guests of the
oraanization or open to the uublic for a fee. �
Section 4.
That the definition of massage parlor, steam room/bathhouse facility, ,
health club contained in section 60.213 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be
and is hereby amended to read as follows:
Massage parlor;-s�ear�-�eernf�a�hMease-€ae�}��y;-bea}�h-E�b�. AA �
es�a�}�sHrnep�-}�Eepse�-�y-Eha��e�-4}�-e€-�He-E}�y-�e��s�a��ve-Eede A buildinu
or aortion of a building which is used for offerinq "massape" defined as �he '
rubbin4, strokin4, kneadin4. taaainq or rolling of the bodv for the purposes
of pleasure, relaxation, ahvsical fitness, or beautification, offered for a
fee or other valuable consideration. apd-wb�Eh-�es���E�s-r���e�s-�y-v���ae-e€
a�e-a�d-�pe}a��pg-�bys�Ea}-ea��a�e-aA�-Mea}�b-se�v�Ees;-�bys�Ea}-ea}�a�e-a�� �
Hea}�h-E}a�;-�edae���-E�d�;-�edae�A�-sa�e�;-ap�-�assa�e-�a��e�: This
definition shall include any building, room, structure, place or establishment
used by the public other than a hospital , sanatorium, rest home, nursing home, .'
boarding home or other institution for the hospitalization or care of human
beings, duly licensed under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections
144.50 through 144.703, inclusive, where non-medical and non-surgical '
manipulation exercises or massages are practiced upon the human body for a fee
or other valuable consideration by anyone not duly licensed by the State of
Minnesota to practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, chiropractic, physical
therapy, or podiatry, with or without the use of inechanical , therapeutic, or �
bathing devices, or any room or rooms from which a masseur or masseuse is
dispatched by telephone or otherwise for the purpose of giving a massage.
��ev�ded-�ba�-Ae-�assa�e-€e�-a-€ee-sHa}�-�e-��ve�-exEe��-��-a-}�Eepsed �
Section 5.
That section 60.215 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby �
amended so as to add the following thereto:
Obscene. Obscene has the same meanin4 as defined in chapter 274 of �he �
Saint Paul Legislative Code.
Obscene work. Obscene work has the same meaning as defined in chaater ,
274 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
Section 6. ,
That section 60.219 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby
amended so as to add the following thereto: ,
Steam room/bathhouse facilitv. A building or portion of a buildinq used -
for providinq a steam bath or heat bathing room used for the purpose of � �
pleasure, bathinq, relaxation or reducinq, utilizing steam or hot air as a
cleaning, relaxinq or reducing aqent.
6 �
I �
-4,�1 kc�
� . ' � f
I �
I �
� � S�ecified anatomical areas.
�1 Less than com letel and o a uel covered: a human e' itals b
� , ubic re ion c uttock a d d female breast below oint
; immediatel abov th to o the areola• and
� Human male enitals in a di cernibl tur id st te even 'if
� , com letel and a uel cov red.
�pecified sexual activities. '
� �
� I�j Human eni ls in a state o sexual stimulation or aro sal •
, �
I� Acts of human ma turbation se ual intercourse or sod • and
� j
� Fondlin or other erotic t uchin of human enitals bic re ion
Ibuttock or female breast.
� I � No obscene work shall be a lowed. i
' Se tion 7. `
il h of the Saint Paul Le isla�ive Code is
That Sect�on 60.532, clause (2 9
here�y amended to read as follows:
� � h Pb s�Ea�-ea��b�e-apd heal h s ort clubs1 ap�-�edaE�p�;-sa�e�s:
; t ) y
� conversation ra arlors massa e arlors and steam room bathhouse
� facilities which are not adult use .
i � �
' S ction 8.
i .
� ; That Section 60.543, clauses 0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of
th� Saint Paul Legislative Code be and are hereby amended to r�ad as follows:
� (1¢) Adult ases bookstores subjec to the following condition�:
� (a) The ases adult bookstor shall be located at least �pe-�bebsap�
� � �b�ee-bapd�e�-�wep�y-E� 32A} 2640 radial feet from �ny other adult
j use in anv municipalitY measured in a straight line; from the
j closest points of the o ert lines of the buildings in which the
, i adult uses are located.
� (b) The adult ase bookstor shall be located at least �we-ba�d�ed-E288�
� 800 radial feet from a y residentially zoned proper�'ty in an
� � municipalitv. measured in a straight line from the �closest point of
the proaertv line of t e building in which the adult ase bookstore
' is located to the clos st residentially zoned prop�rty line;-�b�s ' -
� ee�d���e�a-�+ay-�e-wa�ve -�y-�be-��a���p�-eer�r��ss�e��-�€-�be-�e�sep
a���y�p�-€e�-�be-wa�ve -sba��-€��e-w��M-�be-��a�p���-a���p�s��a�e�
bse-�y-9A-�e�Ee��-ef- be-��e�e��y-ew�e�s-w��b�p-29A-�ad�a�-€ee�-e€ �
, �be-�e�-e�-wb�EH-�He- se-wea�d-�e-}eEa�ed;-�be-�}a����p�-eer���ss�e�;
Ee�s�de���g-saEb-a-wa ve►�;-sba}�-�ake-�be-�e}�ew��a�-��pd���s�-�ba�
�be-��e�esed-�se-w�}� pe�-�e-Eep��a�y-�e-�be-�a�}#e-�p�e�es�-s�
� 7
� i
IN-�-�- �4"��" ,
� �he-e�d�RapEe-w}}�-�e-e�served#-�ba�-�he-��e�esed-ase-w���-pe�
ep�a��e-ep-e�eebra�e-�he-deve}epr�ep�-e€-a--'sk�d-�ew'-'-a�ea;-�ha�-�he �
�r���eve�eA�;-e��he�-�es��e���a}-e�-pe�a-�es�dep��a};-ap�-�ba�-a}� I
,� The adult bookstore shall be located at least 400 radial feet from
anv "protected use" defined as: a buildinct in which a maioritv nf ,
floor space is used for residential purposes: a dav care center
where such dav care center is a princiaal use; a house of worshia;
a aublic librarv; a school (aublic, parochial or private �
elementarv, iunior high or hiqh school ) ; a aublic reqional aark or
parkwav, public park, public recreation center or public
specialized recreation facility as identified in the aarks and �
recreation element of the Saint Paul comqrehensive alan; a fire
station; a communitv residential facilitv: a mission or a
hotel/motel The distance shall be measured in a straiqht line �
from the closest aoint of the Qroperty line of the buildinq in
which the adult bookstore is located to the closest aoint of the
propertv line of the buildinq in which is located an aforementioned
protected use. , �
(d) �He�e-sba��-�e-pe-aEEess-€�er�-�be-�a��d#��-}p-wb�Eb-�be-ase-�s
�eEa�e�-�e-�be-a��ey-e�-�e-�es��e���a}}y-�eped-��e�e��y: �
Conditions b and/or c mav be waived bv the planninq commission if
the aerson applving for the waiver shall file with the planninq
administrator a consent petition which indicates aparoval of the
proposed adult bookstore bv 90 percent of the propertv owners ,
within 800 radial feet of the lot on which the use would be
located; the planninq commission, in considerinq such a waiver,
shall make the followinq findings: that the aroposed use will not �
be contrarv to the public interest or in.iurious to nearbv
properties, and that the spirit and intent of the ordinance will be
observed; that the aroposed use will not enlarqe or encoura4e the �
develo�ment of a "skidrow" area; that the establishment of an
additional use of ttiis tvpe in the area will not be contrarv to anv
pro4ram of nei4hborhood conservation or imarovement, either
residential or non-residential ; and that all applicable regulations �
of this ordinance will be observed.
(e) Al1 signs shall comply with chapter 66 of the zoning code and with ,
chapters 274 and 275 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
� No �erson shall engage in anv activitv or conduct or permit anv �
other person to enqage in a� activitv or conduct in the adul� .
bookstore which is prohibited bv anv. ordinance of the Citv of Saint
Paul , the laws of the Sta�e of Minnesota, or the United States of
America. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as �
authorizinq or permittinq conduct whi_ch is prohibited or re4ulated _
bv other statutes or ordinances, includinq but not limited to
statutes or ordinances prohibiting the exhibition, sale or ,
distribution of obscene material qenerallv, or the exhibition, sale
or distribution of specified materials to minors. _ No obscene work
8 �
� �- 9J
1 � � ' � �
: �
� shall be a�llowed.
jg� The s e ial condition u e ermit for the adult book tore shall be
� reviewe annuall en ure that n chan e in use o curs and that
no addi iona a ult use are added to the buildin ontainin h
adult bookstore.
, Lh,� The ad lt bo kstore is onsidered to be one use. N' two adult uses
can be in the sam il in but mus be s aced 640' radi 1 fe t
� (Ei) The bse adult bookstore shall not be located withinla building also
� used for residential pu poses.
, 1 Adult cabarets sub'ec to th same condi ions listed ab ve in 60.543 10
� for adult ookstores with t e substitution of the hrase "adult
cabaret" for the hrase "adu t bookstore" wherever it a ears. The
� adult cabaret is considered o be one use. No two adul uses can be in
the same buildin but must b s aced 2640 radial feet a art.
12 Adult conversation ra arlo s sub 'ect to the same conditions listed
, above in 60.543 10 for adult bookstores with the subs itution of the
� hrase "adult conversation a arlor" for the hrase " dult ookstore"
wherever it a ears. The a u t conversation ra arlor �is considered to
�. I be one use. No two adult u es can be in the same build n but must be
s aced 2640 radial feet a a t.
� 3 Adult health s orts clubs s b'ect to the same condition listed above in
60.543 10 for adult bookst res with the substitution f the hrase
. "adult health s orts cl b" or the hr se "adult bookst re" wherever it
, a ears. The adult health orts club is considered to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in th same buildin but must be aced 2640
radial feet apart. ,
� 4 Adult massa e arlors sub'e t to the same conditions li ted above in
60.543 10 for adul bookst res with the substitution f the hrase
"adult massa e arlor" for he hra e "adult bookstore" 'wherever it
� ! a ears. The adult health orts club is considered to be one use. No
two adult uses an be in th same buildin but must be aced 2640
radial feet aaart.
' �, Adult mini-motion icture t eatres sub 'ect to the same onditions listed
above in 60.543 10 for adu t bookstores with the subs itution of the
� hrase "adult mini-motion cture theatre" for the hra e "adult
� bookstore" wherever it a e rs. The adult mini-motion icture theatre
is considered to be on use No two adult uses can be 'n the same
buildin b t must be s aced 2640 radial feet a art. ' �
! 6 Adult motion icture theatr s sub'ect to the same condi ions listed
above in 60.543 0 for adu t bookstore with the subs itution of the
hrase "adult motion ic ur theatre" for the hrase "a' ult bookstore" -
' wherever it a ears. The a ult motion icture theatre is considered to
be one use. No two adult es can be in the same build''n but must be
s aced 2640 radial feet a a t. '
, ,
- • ,
17 Adu1t steam room/bathhouse facilities sub_iect to the same conditions
. listed above in 60.543(10} for adult bookstores, with the substitution
of the phrase "adult steam roomfbathhouse facilitv" for the phrase �
"adult bookstore" wherever it aauears. The adult steam room/bathho,�tse
facilitv is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in the
same building but must be spaced 2640 radial feet apart. �
18 Other adult uses sub.iect to the same conditions listed above in .
60.543(10) for ad41t bookstores. with the substitution of the �hrasg
"other adult use" for the phrase "adult bookstore" wherever it aQpears. ,
The other adult use is considered to be one use. No two adult use� can
be in the same building but must. be saaced 2640 radial feet apart.
�}}19) Auto repair, subject to the following conditions: ,
(a) The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square �
(b) A ten-foot landscaped buffer with screen planting and an obscuring �
fence shall be required along any property line adjacent to an
existing residence or adjacent to land zoned residential .
(c) All repair work shall be done within an enclosed building. �
(d) There shall be no outside storage.
(}220) Accessory buildings, structures, and uses as defined in section 60.201. .,
Section 9. �
That Section 60.554, clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code be and are hereby amended to read as follows: .
(2) Adult ases bookstores subject to the following conditions: �
(a) The ase adult bookstore shall be located. at least �b�ee-bb���e� �
{3AA� 1320 radial feet from any other adult use in anv municipalitv
measured in a straight line from the closest points of the �ropertv
lines of the buildings in which the adult uses are located.
(b) The ase adult bookstore shall be located at least e�e-bb���e�-{}BA� � �
400 radial feet from any �es��e���a}-ase residentiallv zoned
proQertv in anv municipalitv, measured in a straight line from the �
closest point of the propertv line of the building in which the ase
adult bookstore is located to the �a����p�-�p-wq�Eb-�be-�es#�eA��a�
ase-�s-�BEa�e� closest residentiallv zoned�ropertv line. �
� The adult bookstore shall be located at least 200 radial feet from
anv "protected use", defined as: a building in which a ma_ioritv of
floor saace is used for residential aurposes; a dav care center �
where such dav care center is a principal use; a house of worship;
a public library; a school (public,�arochial or private "
elementarv, iunior hiqh or hiqh school ) ; a public regional park or �
parkwav, public park, public recreation center or public
specialized recreation facilitv as identified in the aarks and
10 ,
�{ . �i-�8
. ' ' -
recreation element of the Sa nt Paul com rehensive lan• la fire
� station• a c mmunit residen ial facilit • a mission or
hot 1 motel . The distance s 1 be measured in a strai t line
from the closest oint of th ro ert line of the buil in in
whic th ad lt bookst re i loca ed to the closest oi t of the
� ro ert line of h buildi in which is located an af rementioned
protected use.
, �(d) Conditions b and r e ma b waived b the lannin com ission if
I the erson a 1 in for the waiver shall file wi h the lannin
� adminis rator a consent etition which indicates a rov�al of the
� ro osed adult use b 90 rcent of the ro ert owner ' within 400
, i radial feet of th lot on hich th use would be locat d• the
lannin commission in co siderin such a waiver sha 1 make the
il followin findin s: that t e ro osed use will not be ontrar to
' I the ublic interest or in ' rious to nearb ro erties � and that the
s irit and intent of the o dinance will be observed• t at the
ro osed use will not enla e or encoura e the develo ent of a
, "skidrow" area• that the establishment of an addition '1 use of this
; t e in the area will not be contrar to an ro ram f
� ; nei hb rhood onservation or im rovement either resi ential or
' i non-resid ntial • and that all a licable re ulations f this
I ordinance will be observe .
I (�e) All signs shall comply wi h chapter 66 of the zoning i�ode and with
, chapters 274 and 275 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Coide.
j ,� No erson shall en a e i an activit or conduct or � ermit an .
� I other erson to en a e i an activit or conduct in �the adult
bookstore which is rohi ited b an ordinance of th ' Cit of Saint
� Paul the laws of the St te of Minnesota or the Uni ed .States of
� America. Nothin in thi ordinance shall be constru d as
, authorizin or ermittin conduct which is rohibite' or re ulated
; b other statutes or ordinances includin but not 1!imited to
j statutes or ordinances rohibitin the exhibition ale or
, distribution of obscene material enerall or the xhibition sale
! or distribution of s ec fied materials to minors. o obscene work
shall be allowed.
' � The s ecia; condition u e ermit for the adult b ok tore shall be
reviewed annuall to en ure that no chan e in use o curs and th t
no additional adult us s are added to the buildin containin the
� adult bookstore.
� � The adult bookstore is considered to be one use. o two adult uses
, � can be in the same bui din but must be s aced 132 radial f�et
(Ei) The ase adult bookstor shall not be located withi!n a building also
, used for residential urposes.
3 Adult cabarets sub 'ect to he ame conditions listed a ove in 60.554 2 -
, for adult bookstores with the ubstitution of the hr se "adult
cabaret" for the hrase "a ult bookstore" wherever it ears. The
adult cabaret is considere to be one use. No two adu�lt uses can be in
, 11
I �-- �i-�� ;
. . • . �
the same building but m�st pe s�aced 1320 radial feet apart.
j4� Adult conversation/rap parlors subiect to the same conditions listed �
above in 60.554�21 for adult bookstores. wit� the substitution of the
�hrase "adult conversation/raa oarlor" for the ahrase "adult bookstore"
wherever it aaaears. The adult conversation/raa aarlor is considered to ,
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same buildin4 but must be.
spaced 1320 radial feet apart.
,� Adult health/s�orts clubs subiect to the same conditions listed above in �
60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the phrase
"adult health/snorts club" for the phrase "adult bookstore" wherever i�
aaoears. The adult health/sports club is considered to be one use. No �
two adult uses can be in the same buildinq but must be spaced 1320
radial feet apart.
L6,� Adult massage aarlors subiect to the same conditions listed above in i
60.554�2L for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the phrase
"adult massage parlor" for the ahrase "adult bookstore" wherever it �
appears. The adult health/sports club is considered to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the same buildinq but must be spaced 1320
radial feet apart.
�, Adult mini-motion picture theatres sub.iect to the same conditions listed '
above in 60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the
phrase "adult mini-motion picture theatre" for the ahrase "adult '
bookstore" wherever it appears. The adult mini-motion picture theatre
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same
. buildinq but must be saaced 1320 radial feet anart. �
� Adult motion picture theatres sub.iect to the same conditions listed
above in 60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the
phrase "adult motion picture theatre" for the phrase "adult bookstore" '
wherever it apaears. The adult motion picture theatre is considered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same buildinq but must be
spaced 1320 radial feet apart. �
�„ Adult steam r.00m/bathhouse facilities sub.iect to the same conditions
listed above in 60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of �
the ahrase "adult steam room/bathhouse facilitv" for the phrase "adult
bookstore" wherever it aaaears. The adult steam room/bathhouse facility
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same
building but must be saaced 1320 radial feet apart. �
10 Other adult uses sub.iect to the same conditions listed above in
60.554(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution af the ,phrase
"other adult use" for the ahrase "adult bookstore" wherever it appears �
The other adult use is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can
be in the same buildinQ but must be spaced 1320 radial feet apart
Section 10. ,
That Section 60.563, clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Saint ,
Paul Legislative Code be and are hereby amended to read as follows:
12 ,
�f-.��- k�
, � I �
(2) Adul ases bookstores subject to the following conditions: -
� � (a) The dse adult bookstore shall b located at least �q�ee-Hbpi��e�
� E3A8� 1320 radial feet from any other adult use in anv muni+ciaalitv
' i measured in a straight line fr the closest points of the �roRertv
i lines of the buildings in whic the adult uses are located;
(b)I The bse adult bookstore shall e located at least epe-Mapdped-f}88�
' � 400 radial feet from any �es�d p��a�-dse residentiallv zonhd
; propertv in any municipalitv, easured in a straight li'ne `from the
' closest point of the ro ert i e f the building in which the ase
� I adult bookstore is located to the �a�}d�pg-�p-wp�ep-�qe-��s�de���a}
� dse-�s-�sea�e�; closest r sid ntiall ned ro ert line,
,�, The adult bookstore shall be ocated at least 200 radial eet from
, an " rotected use" defined s: a buildin in which a ma 'ori of
il floor s ce is used for resid ntial ur oses• a da care �center
� where such da care center is a rinci al use• a house o� worshi •
, il a ub ic librar • a school ublic arochial or rivate
elementar 'unior hi h or h' h school • a ublic re ion '1 ark or
; arkwa ublic ark ublic recreation center or ublic
, s ecialized recreation facil t as identified in the ar s and
recreation element of the Sa nt Paul com rehensive lan•' a fire
. ' station• a communit residen ial facilit • a mission or �a
! hotel motel . The distance s all be measured in a strai ht line
� j from the closest oint of t e ro ert line of the buil in in
i which the adult bookstore i located to the closest oi t of the
ro ert line of the buildi in which is located an af rementioned
� protected use.
j(d) Conditions b and or c ma b waived b the lannin co ission if
, the erson a 1 in for th waiver shall file with the lannin
i administrator a consent e ition which indicates a ro al of the
! ro osed adult use b 90 rcent of the ro ert owner within 400
radial feet of the lot on hich the use would be locat d• the
� i lannin commission in co siderin such a waive�r sha� make the
; followin findin s: that t e ro osed use will not be ' ontrar to
i the ublic interest or in 'urious to nearb ro erties ! and that the
� s irit and intent of the rdinance will be observed• hat the
� ro osed use will not enl r e or e coura e the develo ment of a
j "skidrow" area• that the. stablishment of an addition 1 use of this
� t e in the area w'l1 not b contrar to an ro ram f
� nei hborhood conservation or im rovement either resi' ential or
� non-residential • and that all a licable re ulations of this
iordinance will be observ d.
, (de) All signs shall comply w th chapter 66 of the zoning code and with .
chapters 274 and 275 of he Saint Paul Legislative C �de.
' ,� No erson shall en a e i an activit or conduct or ermit an
other erson to en a e i an activit or conduct i the adult _ '
, bookstore which is rohibited b an ordinance of t e Cit of Saint
Paul the laws of the S ate of Minnesota or the Un ted States of
America. Nothin in th s ordinance shall be constr ed as
authorizin or ermitti conduct which is rohibit d or re ulated
, 13
, �I
I �-�..�,� �f i
bv other statutes or ordinances, including but not limited to
statutes or ordinances �rohibiting the exhibition, sale or �
� distribution of obscene material qenerallv, or the exhibition, sale �
or distribution of saecified matgrials to minors. No obscene work
shall be allowed.
� The special condition use aermit for the adult bookstore shall be ,
rpviewed annuallv to ensure that no change in use occurs and �hat
no additional a�ult uses are added to the buildin4 containinq the
adul� bookstore. ,;
u The adult bookstore is considered to be one use. No two adult uses �
can be in the same building but must be spaced 1320 radial feet �
(ei) The ase adult bookstore shall not be located within a building also '�
used for residential purposes.
,L3,�, Adult cabarets subiect to the same conditions listed above in 60.563(2)
for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the phrase "adult �
cabaret" for the phrase "adult bookstore" wherever it apaears. The
adult cabaret is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in
the same buildinq but must be spaced 1320 radial feet apart. �
�, Adult conversation/rap �arlors subiect to the same conditions listed
above in 60.563,�2� for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the
phrase "adult conversation/rap parlor" for the phrase "adult bookstore" '
wherever it aapears. The adult conversationJrap parlor is considered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in .the same buildi.ng but must _be
spaced 1320 radial feet apart. �
�j Adult health/sports clubs subiect to the same conditions listed above in
60.563(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the phrase ,
"adult health/saorts club" for the phrase "adult bookstore" wherever it
ap�ears. The adult health/sports club is considered to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the same buildinq but must be spaced 1320
radial feet a�art. ,
� Adult massa4e aarlors sub_ject to the same conditions listed above in
60.563(2) for adult bookstores, with t e substitution of the ahrase �
"adult massage parlor" for the ahrase "adult bookstore" wherever it
�aears. The adult health/sports club is considered to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the same buildinq but must be spaced 1320 �
radial feet apart.
� Adult mini-motion picture theatres subiect t.o the same conditions listed
above in 60.563(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the �
phrase "adult mini-motion picture theatre" for the ahrase "adu)t '
bookstore" wherever it appears. The adult mini-motion picture theatre
is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same, '
buildinq but must�be spaced 1320 radial feet apart.
� Adult motion picture theatres sub.iect to the same conditions listed �
above in 60.563(2) for adult bookstores, with the substitution of the
phrase "adult motion picture theatre" for the ahrase "adult bookstore"
14 �
� •
wh rev r it a ears. The adult mo ion icture theatre is cons dered to
� , be one us . No two' adult es can be in the same buildin but° mu be
s ced 13 0 radial feet a art.
. u A ult steam room bathhouse facili ies sub'ect to the same con itions
, 1 sted above in 60.563 2 for adu t bookstores with the subs itution of
t e hr se "adult st am room bath ou e f cilit " for �the hra e "adult
b okst r " wherever it a ears. he adult steam room bathhou e fa ilit
� i co ider d to be n use. No wo adult uses can be in the same
b ildin t ust be a ed 13 0 adial feet a art.
�, ther a u u es ub'ec to the ame onditi ns listed above �in
� 0.563 f r adult b okstores it the substitution of the! hrase
other adult use" for the hrase "adult bookstore" wherever t a
he other adult use is considere to be one use. No two adu t uses an
� e in the sam buildin but must be s aced 1320 radial feet art.
; Section 11
, ' i
jThat section 60.622, clause 1 o the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
is he�eby amended to read as follows:
, 60.62�. Principal uses permitted. I an I-2 Industrial Districtithe use of
land,ithe location and erection of�ne buildings or structures ar�d the
alter�ation, enlargement, and moving f existing buildings or stryctures from
' otheN locations or districts shall c nform to the following spec�fied uses,
unle�s otherwise provided in this co e:
! (1) Any uses permitted in the I-1 District as "principal pses
� i permitted°��and "principal uses permitted subject to special
conditions ex e t for a ult bookstores adult cabar ts adult
i conversation ra arlors adult health s ort clubs dult massa e
, I arlors adult mini-moti n icture theatres adult m tion icture
; theatres adult steam ro m athhouse facilities and ther adult
� uses, provided that they meet at least the minimum c nditions
, � imposed in each district
i S ction 12.
� � That Section 60.624, clauses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 an� 12 of the
Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code are he eby amended to read as follbws:
, � Adult bookstores sub'ect to he followin conditions:
� j�, The adult bookstore sha 1 be located at least 2640 h^adial feet from
, i an other adult use in n munici alit measured i ' a strai ht line
from the closest oint of the ro ert lines of t e buildin s in
which the adult uses a e located.
I i
' � The adult bookstore sh 11 be located at least 800 adial feet from
Ian residentiall zone ro ert in an munici ali measured in a -
strai ht line from the closest oint of the r er line of the
� buildin in which the dult bookstore is located a the closest
residentiall oned o ert line.
, 15 .
� µ'�-�'�� i
• • '
jcl The adult bookstore shall be located at least 400 radial feet from
. anv "Qrotected use". defined as: a building in which a ma.ioritv of
floor space is used for residential �urposes: a dav care center �
where such dav care center is a principal use; a house of worship;
a �ublic librarv; a school faublic, aarochial or private
elementarv, �unior high or high school } ; a public regional park or �
parkwav, aubli_c aark, aublic recreation center or public
specialized recreation facility as identified in the aarks and
recreation element of the Saint Paul comprehensive nlan; a fire
station: a communitv residential facilitv; a mission or a ,
hotel/motel . The distance shall be measured in a straiqht line
from the closest point of the �rooertv line of the buildin4 in
which the adult bookstore is located to the closest noint of the ,
propertv line of the building in which is located an aforementioned
protected use.
� Conditions b and/or c mav be waived bv the plannin4 commission if i
the person applvinq for the waiver shall file with the planninq
administrator a consent petition which indicates approval of the
proposed adult bookstore bv 90 percent of the propertv owners �
within 800 radial feet of the lot on which the use would be
located; the planninq commission, in considering such a waiver.
shall make the followinq findinqs: that the proposed use will not '
be contrarv to the aublic interest or iniurious to nearby
properties, and that the s�irit and intent of the ordinance will be
observed; that the aroposed use will not enlar9e or encourage the �
development of a "skidrow" area; that the establishment of an
additional use of this tvpe in the area will not be contrarv,to anv
proqram of neighborhood conservation or improvement, either
residential or non-residential ; and that all applicable requlations ,
of this ordinance will be observed.
� All si4ns shall complv with chapter 66 of the zoning code and with '
chapters 274 and 275 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
� No person shall engage in anv activitv or conduct or permit anv
other aerson to en4aqe in anv activitv or conduct in the adult t
bookstore which is arohibited bv anv ordinance of the Citv of Saint
Paul , the laws of the State of Minnesota, or the United States �of
America. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as T '
authorizin4 or aermittinq conduct which is arohibited or regulated
bv other statutes or ordinances, includin4 but not limited to
statutes or ordinances prohibiting the exhibition, sale or ,
distribution of obscene material qenerallv, or the exhibition, sale
or distribution af saecified materials to minors. No obscene work
shall be allowed.
� The special condition use aermit for the adult bookstore shall be � ,
reviewed annuallv to ensure that no chan4e in use occurs and that
no additional adult uses are added to the building containinq the ,
adult bookstore.
� The adult bookstore is considered to be one use. No two adult uses �
can be in the same buildinq but must be spaced 2640 radial feet
16 '
i •
, •
� I, J
. jiZ The dult bookstore shall no be loc ted within a buildin also
, u ed for r i ential ur s s.
� Adult ca arets su 'ect to the same condi ions listed above in 60.6 4 4
' for adul bookstores with the substitut on of the hrase "adult
cabaret" or the hrase "adult ookstore ' wherever it a ears. The ;'
adult c aret is consid red to be one us . No two adult uses can b in
' the sam buildin bu must be s aced 26 0 radial feet a art.
�j Adult c nversation ra arlors sub'ect o the same conditions liste`
abov� i 60.624 4 for adult bookstore with the substitution of he
i hrase "a ult conv r ation ra arlor" for the hrase "adult books ore"
wherev r it a ears. The adult conver ation ra arlor is conside ed to
be on use. N two ad lt uses can be 'n the same buildin but mu e
� s ace 2640 radial feet a art.
� Adult�health s orts clubs sub 'ect to he same conditions listed a� ove in
� 60.62 4 for adult bookstores with he substitution of the hr s
"adu t health s orts club" for the rase "adult bookstore" wher ver it
a e rs. The adult health s orts cl b is considered to be one u e. No
two dult uses can be in the same bu ldin but must be s aced 2b 0
, radial feet a art.
� Adu t massa e arlors sub 'ect to th same conditions listed abo e in
� 60. 24 4 for adult bookstores wit the substitution of the h ase
"a ult massa e arlor" for the hr se "adult bookstore" wherev r it
a ears. The adult health s orts lub is considered to �be one 'use. No
, tw adult uses can be in the same uildin but must be s aced 640
ra ial feet a art.
� A ult mini -motion icture theatre sub 'ect to the same condit ons listed
� a ove in 60.624 4 for adult book tores with the substitutio' of the
rase "adult mini-motion icture theatre" for the hrase "ad' lt
ookstore" wherever it a ears. The adult mini-motion ictu e theatre
' s considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in th same
uildin but must be s aced 2 40 radial feet a art.
10 Adult motion icture theatres s b 'ect to the same condition liste
' above in 60.624 4 for adul�t bo kstores with the substitut on of he
hrase "adult motion icture th atre" for the hrase "adult' bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adul motion icture theatre is nsidered to
, be one us�e. No two adult uses can be in the same buildin 'but must be
I s�aced 2640 radial feet apart.
, 11 Adult steam room bathhouse fa ilities sub'ect to the same �conditions
listed above in 60.624 4 for adult bookstores with the ub titution of .
the hrase "adult steam room athhouse facil �t " for the hrase "adult
bookstore" wherever it a ear . The adult steam room bat house facilit
' is consider d to be one u e. o two adult uses can be i ' the same
buildin but must be s aced 640 radial feet a art. '
, 12` Other adult uses sub 'ect to he same conditions listed a ove in
60.624 4 for adult booksto es with the substitution o the hrase
"other adult use" for the rase "adult bookstore" wher ver it a ears.
� 17 F
�+-�-�-8,y" �
�vMITE - Gt�TV ClE1�K-- - - -- - � -- � --- � ------ �-�--- -- -.---� -- . .--- �- ---'- - - -- �----�-- -...----�_---'
PINK - FIN1►NCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ��, � /
� Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �
Presented By ,
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date '
The other adult use is considered to be one use. No two adult uses can be in
the same building but must be spaced 2640 radia feet apart. . '
Section 13
Every sect�ion, provision or part of this ordinance is declared to be �
separate from every other section, provision or part; and if any section,
provision or part shall be held invalid, the invalidity shall extend only to
the section, provision or par� involved and shall not affect any other, and ,
the remainder of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect to be
construed as a whole.
Section 14 '
This ordinance shall be in force and take effect thirty (30) days from �
and after its passage, approval and publication.
� '
COUNCILI�IF,N R uested b De artment of: � '
Yeas Nays � Y P
Nicosia ln Favor
Stheibel Against By
Tedeseo ,
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Cartified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by htayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council '
$y BY
t ;I
� I
and Polic Direction:
Adminfistration y
i Kenneth R. Johnson, Director
� Peggy A. Reichert, Deputy Direc or for Planning
' i Lawrence Soderholm, Principal P anner
Plan�ing and Research:
i Mark E. Vander Schaaf, City P1 nner
' i
' I .
' '
' i
, !
' I
, -
I� � �� ��.. � �`/ /
Commercial ��a,reas of the city pa ronized by young people and children
should be fr� of adult enterta'nment land uses.
j Adult entertainment land uses s ould be regulated by zoning to separate
� it from other diss�amilar uses j st as any other land use should be
separated from uses,with charac eristics different from itself.
Residents of the City of Saint aul , and persons who are non-residents
but use the city for sh"opping a d other commercial needs, will move from
the community or shop els,ewhere if adult entertainment land� uses are
allowed to locate in close� proximity to residential and othler commercial
uses, churches, parks, and 'Qthe public facilities and schopls.
Location of adult entertainment land uses in proximity to r�esidential
uses, churches, parks and othe 'r,public facilities, and schopls and
'I commercial uses may lead to inc�eased levels of criminal ac!tivities,
including prostitution, rape, i cest and assaults in the viicinity of
', such adult entertainment land u es�� '
I Merchants in the commercial are of the city are concerned �bout adverse
� impacts upon the character and uality of the city in the e�rent that
adult entertainment land uses a e located within close proximity to
' residential and commercial uses, churches, parks and other public
facilities and schools. Locati n of adul�t entertainment land uses in
close proximity to residential nd commerc;aal uses, churches, parks, and
I other public facilities and sch ols, will reduce retail trade to
� commercial uses in the vicinity, thus reduciqg property values and tax
revenues to the City. Such adv rse effects on property values will
cause the loss of some commerci 1 establishments followed by a blighting
effect upon the commercial dist icts within the`�.,city, leading to further
deterioration of the commercial quality of the ci,ty.
No evidence has been presented o show that the loeation of' adult
entertainment land uses within he city will improve the co�nmercial
viability of the community.
�I Experience in numerous other ci ies, including Saint Paul , �linneapolis,
Indianapolis, Phoenix, Los Ange es, Seattle, Tacoma and Det1^oit have
,� shown that location of adult en ertainment land uses degrad� the quality
�� of the area of the city in whic they are located and causela blighting
! effect upon the city. '
' A reasonable regulation of the ocation of adult entertainmtnt land uses
i will provide for the protection of the image of the communi�y and its
property values, and protect th residents of the community from the
adverse effects of such adult e tertainment land uses, while providing
to those who desire to patroniz adult entertainment land u es such an
opportunity in areas of the cit which are appropriate for �ocation of
adult entertainment land uses. �
The community will be an undesi able place to live and shoplin if it is
known on the basis of its image as the location of adult en ertainment
land uses.
I ' — �
s le atmosphere for the rearing of families cannot be achl'ieved in
lose oximity to adult entertainment land uses.
he initia location of adult en ertainment land uses will 1 ad to the
ocation of ditional and simil r uses within the same vici�ity, thus
�ultiplying th adverse impact o the initial location of ad lt
�ntertainment 1 d uses upon the residential and commercial ses,
hurches, parks a d other public facilities and schools, and the impact
pon the image and uality of th character of the community
� �
. �
I �
I '
3 ,
i •
� Sec ion 1.
� That the definitions f the te ms Adult Bookstore, Adult C�baret, Adult
Conve�sation/Rap Parlor, Adult ealth Sports Club, Adult Massage �arlor, Adult
Mini- otion Picture Theatre, Adu t Mo ion Picture Theatre, Adult �auna and
Adult� Uses, contained in section .2 1 of the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code, be
and a e hereby amended to read as 1 ows:
Adult bookstore. A sMe� buildi or ortion of a buildin sed for the
barte , rental or sale of items consi t of printed matter, pic ures,
slides records audio ta e videota o motion picture film if �uch sHe�
buil in or ortion of a buildin is ot o en to the public gener�lly but only
to o e or more classes of the public xclud g any minor by reaso� of age: �
or i a substantial or si nificant o tion o such items are dist'n uished or
char cterized b an em hasis on the d iction r descri tion of "' ecified
sexu 1 activities" or "s ecified anat mical are s." No obscene w rk shall be
allo ed. ;
Adult cabaret. A�-es�a���sb�e �-wb�EH-��ev� es A buildin ��or portion of
a bu ldin used for rovidin �e-ge- apEe�s;-exe��e �apEe�s;-s���q�e�s;-e�
s�r�� a�-ep�e��a�pe�s dancin or othe live entertain ent if suc buildin or
ort on of a buildin apd-wb�Eb excl des minors by vi tue of age. , or if such
danc n or other live entertainment is distin uished o character�ized b an
em h sis on the resentation dis la de iction or des ri tion f "s ecified
sexu 1 activities" or "s ecified ana omical areas." No bscene ork shall be
allo ed. �
� Adult conversation ra arlor. A conversation ra � lor hich excludes
mino s b reason of a e or which r vides the service of e a i in or
list nin to conversation talk or d scussion if such servi e i
dist'n uished or characterized b an em hasis on "s ecified s u 1 activities"
or " ecified anatomical areas." No obscene work shall be all w d.
Adult health s ort club. A he lth s ort club which exclud' s minors b
reas n of a e or if such club is di tin uished or characterized b an
em h sis on "s ecified sexual activi ies" or "s ecified anatomic 1' areas." No
obsc ne work shall be allowed. '
Adult massa e arlor. A massa e arlor which restricts mi ors ' reason
of e or which rovides the servic of "massa e" if such servi ce i�
dis in uished or characterized b an em hasis on "s ecified sexu 1 act�;vities"
or "s ecified anatomical areas." No obscene work shall be allow d. ,
Adult mini-motion picture thea re. Ap-epE�esed-�a��d�p� A buildinq;or
or ion of a buildin with a capacit for less than 50 persons uFsed for �
pre enting material �e€�ped-�y-P9��p se�a-��a�a�es-6��:292-as-'-'se�caa}}y
��e eEa��ve'-'-apd-wb�Eb if such buil in or ortion of a buildin ' as a
pre ailing practice excludes minors by virtue of age: or if s ch material
dis in uished or characterized b a em hasis on the de iction descri tion
of ' s ecified sexual activities" or "s ecified anatomical areas' for
obs rvation b atrons therein. No obscene work shall be allow d.
4 I
Adult motion picture theatre. p-e�E�ese�-�a�}��p� A build n or
ortion of a buildin with a capacity of 50 or more persons used For
pres nting materi��a. �e€�pe�-�y-M�p�es �a-��a�a�es-6��:�92-as-'-'sexba}}y
��ev ea��ve-ap�-wb��� if such buildin or ortion of a buildin a's a __-
prev iling practice ei�ludes minors b virtue of age: , or if suc� material is
distin uished or charac`�erized b an m hasis on the de iction or descri tion
of "s ecified sexual acti ities" or " ecified anatomical areas" or
obser ation b atrons the' in. No o scene work shall be allowed
; ..
IAdult sauna. A buildin or or ion of a buildin used for rovidin a
steam bath or heat bathin roo used or the ur ose of leasure bathin
relax tion or reducin utilizi st am or hot air as a cleanin relaxin or
reduc'n a ent if such buildin oi�. o tion of a buildin restrict minors b
reaso of a e or if the service r i ed b the sauna is distin u shed or
chara terized b an em hasis on "s e fied sexual activities" or s ecified
anato ical areas. " No obscene work s all be allowed.
Adult uses. Ada}�-ases-a�e-�be e��ses-exE�ad���-�a�s-wq�eb-a�e-�e�-e�e�
�e-�b -�a�}�e-ge�e�a�}y-�a�-ep�y-�e-e e-e'�-r�e�e-e�asses-e€-�Me-�ab��E-apd
exE}a �p�-apy-��pe�-�y-�easep-e€-a�e; a-���s►�-�e���-a-�e�se�-bpdeM-�be-a�e-e€
e�gb� ep-yea�s: Adult uses include;- a�-a��-pe�-}����ed-�e; adul� bookstores,
adult motion picture theatres, adult ini-mo'tion picture theatres� adult
massa e parlors, adult saunas, adult ap/conversation parlors, adult
healt s ort clubs, adult cabarets, e -s�r��}a��ada��-ases: and ott�er premises,
enter rises businesses or laces o e to some ' r all members of he ublic
at or in which there is an em hasis o the reset�tation dis la �de iction or
descr tion of "s ecified sexual acti ities" or "� ecified anatomical areas"
which are ca able of bein seen b me bers of the ublic. No obs ene work
shall be allowed. �
Sec ion 2. , �
� �
'That the definition of Conversa ion/Rap Parlors c ntained ir� section
60.20� of the Saint Paul Legislative ode be and is here y amende� to read as
fol 1 ov�s:
Conversation/rap parlors. Ap-es a�}�sH�ep� A buildin or ortion of a
buildin in which there is }�eepsed-�y-6ba��e�-4�3-e�-�be-6� y-8�d�papEe-apd
adver ising, offering or selling the s rvice of engaging in lisltening to
conve sation, talk or discussion �e�we �-ap-e��}eyee-e�-�be-e �a�}#sb�e��-a�d
a-Eas er�e�, regardless of whether othe goods or services are lso�
simul aneously advertised, offered or old, and regardless of ether those
other oods or services are also requi ed to be licensed. '
� he term "conversation parlor" s all not include bona fide �gal ,
medica , psychiatric, psychological , o counseling services by a p rson or
firm a propriately licensed; or bona f de educational institutions or panels,
semina s or other similar services off red by such institutions; o� churches
or syn gogues.
Sect on 3.
hat section 60.208 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be an is hereby
amende so as to add the following the eto:
Health s ort club. A buildin r ortion of a buildin des ned and
e ui ed for the conduct of s orts e ercise leisure time activi ies or other
cust mar and usual recreational activities o erated for rofit ' r not-for-
rof t and which can be o en onl to bona fide members and uests' of the
or a ization or o en to the ublic for a fee.
Section 4.
That the definition of massage parlor, sauna, health club c ntained in
sect�on 60.213 of the Saint P,�ul Legislative Code be and is hereb�i amended to
readlas follows:
Massage parlor;-saa�a;-bea}'�-E�a�. Ap-es�a���sb�e��-}�eep�sed-�y
eba� e�-4�2-e€-�be-6��y-�e��s�a��ve� ede A buildinq or portion of a buildinq
whic is used for offerin "massa e" efined as the rubbin stro in
knea in ta in or rollin of the o for the ur oses of le sure
rela ation h sical fitness or beauti ication offered for a fe or other
valu ble consideration. a�d-wb�eb-�es���e s-��pe�s-�y-v���ae-e�-al�e-apd
��E� d�pg-�bys�Ea�-Ea}�a�e-apd-bea��b-se�v'Ees;-�Hys�Ea}-Ea}�b�e-�ap�-bea��b
E}a� -�e�aE���-E�a�;-�edaE�p�-sa�ep;-apd-�a a�e-�a��e�: This deifinition
shal include any building, room, st ucture, lace or establishm�nt used by
the ublic other than a hospital , sa atorium, est home, nursing ,home,
boar ing home or other institution f r the hosp talization or car�e of human
bein s, duly licensed under the provisions of Mi esota Statutes,' Sections
144. 0 through 144.703, inclusive, w ere non-medic�l and non-surc�ical
mani ulation exercises or massages a e practiced up�n the human biody for a fee
or o her valuable consideration by a yone not duly 1`'�censed by the State of
Minn sota to practice medicine, surg ry, osteopathy, '�hiropractic, physical
ther py, or podiatry, with or withou the use of inechai�ical , therapeutic, or
bath ng devices, or any room or room from which a mass�,ur or ma�seuse is
disp tched by telephone or otherwise for the purpose of g,iving a massage.
��ev de�-�Ha�-�e-r�assa�e-�e�-a-€ee-s a}}-�e-��ve�-exee��-�-a-}��epsed
��er� se: '`e
I Se tion 5. A`�
� That section 60.215 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code be�a�nd is hereby
amen ed so as to add the following t ereto: t,
Obscene. Obscene has the same meanin as defined in cha t 274 of the
Sain Paul Le islative Code. �
j Obscene work. Obscene work ha the same meanin as define in cha ter
274 f the Saint Paul Le islative Co e.
Se tion 6.
That section 60.219 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code be alnd is h reby
amen ed so as to add the following t ereto: �
Sauna. A buildin or ortion f a buildin used for rovi in a ste m
bath or heat bathin room used for t e ur ose of leasure bath n
rela ation or reducin utilizin st am or hot air as a cleanin relaxin or
redu in a ent.
I �
�pecified anatomical areas. ;
�. Less than com letel and o uel covered: a human itals b
ubic re ion c buttock nd d female breast below oint
immediatel above the to o the areola• and
�. uman male enitals in a di cernibl tur id state even if
� c` letel and o a uel cov red.
I ,,
�Specified'`}sexual activities.
1 Human �'�.nitals in a state o sexual stimulation or arou al •
2 Acts of hu an masturbation sexual intercourse or sodom • and
� Fondlin or '�ther erotic to chin of human enitals u ic re ion
buttock or fe'male breast. i
� No obscene work'� hall be al owed. i
Sec ion 7.
That Section 60.532, clause (2) of the Saint Paul Legislatiive Code is
hereb amended to read as follow�,: ,
(h) Pbys�Ea}-ea��a�e-a�d heaa.t s ort clubs� apd-�edae�pg-s�a}eps:
conversation ra arlors '� assa e arlors and saunas w 'ich are not
adult uses.
� Sec i�bn 8.
� `.`
That Section 60.543, clauses 10 11'`,, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of
the S int Paul Legislative Code be an are ,hereby amended to read ' as follows:
(10) Adult ases bookstores subject t the t��llowing conditions:
(a) The ases adult bookstore s all be l�qcated at least e�e-�beasapd
�H�ee-Mapd�ed-�we��y-f�;32 � 2640 rat�ial feet from any �other adult
use in anv municipalitv me sured in a`�,straight line fr�m the
closest points of the ro rt lines o`f the buildings in which the
adult uses are located. �
(b) The adult ase bookstore sh 11 be located��t least �we-hapd�ed-f2AA�
800 radial feet from any r sidentially zo d property n an
municipalitv, measured in straight line rom the clo est point of
the propertv line of the b ilding in which he adult aSe bookstore
is located to the closest esidentially zone property; line;-�b�s
Ee�d���ep-r�ay-�e-wa�ved-�y �We-�}app�pg-Eer��� s�e�-��- He-�e�sep
a��}y���-�e�-�be-wa�ve�-sb ��-��}e-w��b-�be-� a�p���-a r��p�s��a�e�
a-Eepsep�-�e����ep-wb�eb-� d�Ea�es-a���eva}-e �be-��e esed-ada��
ase-�y-98-�e�Eep�-e€-�qe-� e�e��y-ew�e�s-w��b� -�AB-�a �a}-€ee�-e€
�Me-}e�-ep-wb�Eb-�be-ase-w a}d-�e-}eea�ed�-�Me- �app�� -ee���ss�s�;
Ee�s�de����-saEH-a-wa�ve�; sba�}-�ake-�He-€e��ew'p�-€� d�p�s=-�ba�
�be-��e�ese�-ase-w�}}_�e�- e-Eep��a�y-�e-�be-rya� �e-�� e�es�-e�
�p3a��eas-�e-�ea��y-��e�e� �es;-apd-�ba�-�be-s���'�-a� -���ep�-e€
7 �
I '
I ' i
�be-e���papEe-w��}-�e-e�s �ved;-�ba�-�He-��e�ese�-bse-�w���-pe�
' ep}ai��e-e�-e�Eea�age-�be- eve}e��e��-e�-a-'-'sk�d-�ew"-a��ea;-�ba�-�be
I'� es�a�� 'sb�ep�-e€-ap-ad����epa}-ase-e€-�b�s-�y�e-��-�be�-a�ea-w�}}
pe�-�e- ���a�y-�s-a�y-��s �ar�-s€-�e��b�e�beed-Ee�se�v�a��e�-e�
� ����ever� �;-e��be�-�es�de ��a}-e�-�ep-�es�dep��a�;-a��-�ba�-a}}
ary�}�Ea��e �e�a}a��eps-e�- b�s-e�d��apee-w#}}-�e-e�se� ed:
� The adult boo store shall e located at least 400 radi 1 feet from
I an " rotecte use" defin d as: a buildin in which a ma 'orit of
floor s ace is ed for re idential ur oses• a da ca e center
where such da c e center is a rinci al use• a house of worshi •
a ublic librar • school ublic arochial or riva e
elementar 'unior i h or hi h school • a ublic re i nal ark or
arkwa ublic ark ubl c recreation center or ubl c
s ecialized recreatio fac lit as identified in the rks and
recreation element of e aint Paul com rehensive la • a fire
station• a communit re 'd ntial facilit • a mission o a
hotel motel . The distanc shall be measured in a stra ht line
from the closest oint of he ro ert line of the bui din in
which the adult bookstore located to the closest o nt of the
ro ert line of the build n in which is located an a orementioned
protected use.
(d) �be�e-sba}�-�e-pe-aEEess-€ er�- e-�a��d�pg-�p-wb�Eb-�M�-bse-�s
}eEa�e�-�e-�be-a}�ey-e�-�e �es� p��a}}y-�eped-��e�e���±:
Conditions b and or c ma e wai d b the lannin co ission if
the erson a 1 in for th waive shall file with the ' lannin
administrator a consent e ition w ich indicates a ro al of the
ro osed adult bookstore b 90 erc nt of the ro ert owners
within 800 radial feet of he lot on which the use woul'd be
located• the lannin commission in onsiderin such waiver
shall make the followin findin s: th t the ro osed u e will not
be contrar to the ublic interest or n 'urious to nea
ro erties and that the s irit and int nt of the ordin nce will be
observed• that the ro osed use will no enlar e or enc ura e the
develo ment of a "skidrow" area• that th�. establishment' of an
additional use of this t e in the area w�,ll not be con rar to an
ro ram of nei hborhood con ervation or im rovement ei her
residential or non-residential • and that al'� a licable' re ulations
of this ordinance will be o served.
(e) All signs shall comply with chapter 66 of the`�zoning code and with
chapters 274 and 275 of the Saint Paul Legisla�tive Code,.
�, No erson shall en a e in a activit or condu t or e mit an
other erson to en a e in a activit or conduc in th adult
bookstore which is rohibit d b an ordinance o the C t of Saint
� Paul the laws of the State of Minnesota or the ited States of
America. Nothin in this o dinance shall be const ued s
authorizin or ermittin c nduct which is rohibit d o re ulated
b other statutes or ordina ces includin but not imi ed to
statutes or ordinances roh bitin the exhi6ition s le or
distribution of obscene mat rial enerall or the ex i ition sale
or distribution of s ecifie materials to minors. No scene work
shall be allowed.
I �
, �
� The s ecial condition use ermit for the adult booksto e shall be
r� iewed annuall to ensur that no chan e in use occu s and that
no � ditional adult uses e added to the buildin con ainin the
' adult ��bookstore.
�, The adul bookstore is con idered to be one use. No t o adult uses
can be in e same buildin but must be s aced 2640 ra ial feet
� apart•
(Ei) The ase adult b okstore sh 11 not be located within a building also
used for residen ial purpo es.
11 Adult cabarets sub 'ect t the ame conditions listed above in 60.543 10
for adult bookstores wit the substitution of the hrase " dult
cabaret" for the hrase "a lt bookstore" wherever it a e s. The
adult cabaret is considered o be one use. No two adult u es can be in
the same buildin but must be aced 2640 radial feet a ar .
12 Adult conversation ra arlors ub'ect to the same conditi ' s listed
above in 60.543 10 for adult o kstores with the substit tion of the
hrase "adult conversation ra a lor" for the hrase "adult bookstore"
' wherever it a ears. The adul co versation ra arlor is considered to
be one use. No two adult uses can e in the same buildin ut must be
spaced 2640 radial feet apart. ',
13 Adult health s orts clubs sub' ct to t e same conditions listed above in
60.543 10 for adult bookstore with t e substitution of he hrase
"adult health s orts club" for the hras "adult bookstore' wherever it
a ears. The adult health s o ts club is considered to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the s me buildin but must be s a ed 2640
radial feet apart.
14 Adult massa e arlors sub 'ect o the same co ditions liste above in
60.543 10 for adult bookstore with the sub titution of he hrase
"adult massa e arlor" for the hrase "adult b okstore" wh rever it
; a ears. The adult health s o ts club is consi�lered to be 'one use. No
two adult uses can be in the s me buildin but ust be s a ed 2640
; radial feet apart. `�.
15 Adult mini-motion icture thea res sub 'ect to the ame con itions listed
above in 60.543 10 for adult ookstores with the ''substit tion of the
, hrase "adult mini-motion ict re theatre" for the 'hrase adult
bookstore" wherever it a ears The adult mini-motio ic ure theatre
is considered to be one use. o two adult uses can be, in he same
buildin but must be s aced 26 0 radial feet a art.
16 � Adult motion icture theatres ub 'ect to the same conditio s listed
above in 60.543 10 for adult ookstores with the substi� tion of the
hrase "adult motion icture t eatre" for the hrase "adul' bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adul motion icture theatre is nsidered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same buildin 6:ut must be
spaced 2640 radial feet apart.
17 Adult saunas sub 'ect to the sa e conditions listed above i 60-:543 10
for adu bookstores with the substitution of the hrase " dult sauna"
for the ase "adult bookstore" wherever it a ears. The dult sauna
� is conside d to be one use. N two adult uses can be in t e same
buildin but ust be s aced 264 radial feet a art.
18 �� Other adult uses sub'ect to the same conditions listed abov in
60.543 10 for ad t bookstores with the substitution of t e hrase
"other adult use" r the hras "adult bookstore" wherever it a ears.
The other adult use consider d to be one use. No two ad lt uses can
be in the same buildi but mus be s aced 2640 radial feet a art.
�}}ll) Auto repair, subject to he fo lowing conditions:
(a) The minimum lot area s 11 be fifteen thousand (15,000� square
i (b) A ten-foot landscaped buf r with screen planting and n obscuring
fence shall be required al g any property line adjace�t to an
existing residence or adja e t to land zoned residenti�l .
(c) All repair work shall be d ne ithin an enclosed building.
I (d) There shall be no outside tora .
(�22 ) Accessory buildings, structure , and� ses as defined in sel�tion 60.201.
Sec ion 9.
� That Section 60.554, clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 �f the Saint
Paul Legislative Code be and are here y amended read as follow5:
(2) Adult ases bookstores subject t the followi g conditions: I
(a) The bse adult bookstore sh 11 be located t least �b�e -bapd�ed
f38A} 1320 radial feet fro any other adu use in an munici alit
measured in a straight lin from the close t points of;the propertv
lines of the buildings in hich the adult u es are loc�ted.
, I
� (b) The ase adult bookstore sh 11 be located at east e�e-qapd�e�-f�eA}
400 radial feet from any � s�dep��a�-ase resi entiall zoned
ro ert in an munici ali measured in a st aight l ne from the
closest point of the ro e t line of the buil ing in which the ase
adult bookstore is located to the �a����R�-�p-W �eH-�M -�es��ep��a�
ase-#s-�eEa�e� closest res dentiall zoned ro t li e.
u The adult bookstore shall e located at least 200 radi l feet from
an " rotected use" defin d as: a buildin in whi h a a 'orit of
floor s ace is used for re idential ur oses• a da ca e center
where such da care center is a rinci al use• a ho se f worshi •
a ublic librar • a school ublic arochial or ri a e
elementar 'unior hi h or hi h school • a ublic re al ark or
arkwa ublic ark ublic recreation center or ubl
s ecialized recreation facilit as identified in the ks and
recreation element of the aint Paul com rehensive la • a fire
station• a communit resid ntial facilit • a mission o a
', hotel motel . The distance shall be measured in a stra ht line
' from the closest oint of he ro ert line of the bui din in
, which the adult bookstore s located to the closest o nt of the
' ro ert line of the build n in which is located an a orementioned
'� rot ted use.
(d) Conditio s b and or c ma e waived b the lannin co mission if
I the erso a 1 in for th waiver shall file with the lannin
administra r a consent e ition which indicates a ro' al of the
' ro osed adu t use b 90 rcent of the ro ert owner within 400
', radial feet o the lot on hich the use would be locat d• the
' lannin commis ion in co siderin such a waiver sha 1 make the
followin findin : that t e ro osed use will not be ontrar to
I the ublic intere or in ' rious to nearb ro erties and that the
� s irit and intent o the o dinance will be observed• t at the
ro osed use will no enla e or encoura e the develo ent of a
� "skidrow" area• that e e tablishment of an additiona use of this
t e in the area will t e contrar to an ro ram o
nei hborhood conservatio r im rovement either resid ntial or
non-residential • and that 11 a licable re ulations o this
ordinance will be observed
; (de) All signs shall comply wit apter 66 of the zoning c�de and with
I chapters 274 and 275 of th S �nt Paul Legislative Cod .
.jf.� No erson shall en a e in n a ivit or conduct or rmit an
other erson to en a e in n act''vit or conduct in t e adult
bookstore which is rohibi ed b a ordinance of the it of Saint
' Paul the laws of the Stat of Minn sota or the Unite States of
� America. Nothin in this rdinance hall be construed as
� authorizin or ermittin onduct whi h is rohibited r re ulated
I b other statutes or ordin nces inclu in but not lim ted to
statutes or ordinances ro ibitin the xhibition sal or
distribution of obscene ma erial eneral` or the exhibition sale
� or distribution of s ecifi d materials to�..minors. No ` bscene work
� shall be allowed. `�, ,
"��, i
I� jg� The s ecial condition use ermit for the adi� t booksto e shall be
reviewed annuall to ensur that no chan e ir� use occu s and that
no additional adult uses a e added to the bui in con ainin the
adult bookstore. �
: u The adult bookstore is considered to be one use. No t o adult uses
� can be in the same buildin but must be s aced 1 0 ra ial feet
� a,�art•
(ei) The ase adult bookstore shall not be located within a �uilding also
used for residential purposes. � ;
�' f
u Adult cabarets sub 'ect to the ame conditions listed above in 60.554 2
for adult bookstores with the substitution of the hrase ' dult
cabaret" for the hrase "adult bookstore" wherever it a e 's. The
adult cabaret is considered to be one use. No two adult u e`s can be in
the same buildin but must be aced 1320 radial feet a ar .
� i
� Adult c versation ra arlors ub 'ect to the same conditio s listed
above in .554 2 for adult bo kstores with the substitut on of the
j hrase "adu conversation ra arlor" for the hrase "adul bookstore"
wherever it a ars. The adult conversation ra arlor is onsidered to
be one use. No o adult uses an be in the same buildin ut must be
s aced 1320 radia feet a art.
� � Adult health s orts c bs sub 'e t to the same conditions li te above in
60.554 2 for adult boo stores with the substitution of th hrase
, "adult health s orts clu " for he hrase "adult bookstore" wherever it
i a ears. The adult health s o s club is considered to be n use. No
two adult uses can be in th sa e buildin but must be s ac d 1320
radial feet aaart.
,� Adult massa e arlors sub 'ect t the same conditions listed above in
60.554 2 for adult bookstores 'th the substitution of th hrase
"adult massa e arlor" for the h se "adult bookstore" wh ever it
a ears. The adult health s o ts c ub is considered to be ne use. No
two adult uses can be in the s e bu ldin but must be s a d 1320
radial feet apart. ,
� Adult mini-motion icture thea res sub ct to the same con itions listed
� above in 60.554 2 for adult b okstores with the substitu ion of the
� hrase "adult mini-motion ict re theatr ' for the rase " dult
bookstore" wherever it a ears. The adul mini-motion ic 'ure theatre
' is considered to be one use. o two adult ses can be in e same
buildin but must be s aced 13 0 radial fee a art.
�8,Z ' Adult motion icture theatres ub 'ect to the ame conditio s listed
above in 60.554 2 for adult b okstores with he substitu ion of the
hrase "adult motion icture t eatre" for the rase "adul bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adul motion icture eatre is onsidered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the sam buildin ' ut must be
spaced 1320 radial feet apart. �
.� Adult saunas sub 'ect to the sa e conditions listed above i 60.554 2
for adult bookstores with the substitution of the hrase ' adult sauna"
for the hrase "adult bookstor " wherever it a ear . The adult sauna
is considered to be one use. o two adult uses can e in he same
; buildin but must be s aced 13 0 radial feet a art. �
10 Other adult uses sub 'ect to th same conditions liste abo 'e in
60.554 2 for adult bookstores with the substitution f t e hrase
"other adult use" for the hra e "adult bookstore" wher ve it a ears.
The other adult use is conside ed to be one use. No tw a ult uses can
� be in the same buildin but mu t be s aced 1320 radial e a art.
Sec ion 10.
That Section 60.563, clauses 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 1 I,of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code be and are her by amended to read as follo s:
(2} Adult ases bookstores subject o the following conditions: '
(a) The ase adult bookstore s all be located at least �W��e-Ha���ed
' � I
� �38A} 1320 radial feet fro any other adult use in anv; municipalitv
measured in a straight lin from the closest points of' the ro ert
lines of the buildings in hich the adult uses are loc ted.
; (b) The ase adult bookstore sh 11 be located at least epe-�a�d�ed-{}A8�
; 40fl radial feet from any � s��e���a�-ase residentiallv, zoned
ro '�ert in an munici ali measured in a straight line from the
close , point of the ro e t line of the building in which the ase
, adult bo kstore is located to the �a��d���-�p-wb�Eq-�b -�es�dep��a�
ase-�s-�e �e�; closest re identiall zoned ro ert 1 ne.
; � The adult boo tore shall e located at least 200 radi 1 feet from
i an " rotected se" defin d as: a buildin in which a�ma 'orit of
floor s ace is u d for re idential ur oses• a da ca' e center
where such da car center is a rinci al use• a house of worshi •
, a ublic librar • a chool ublic arochial or riva e
� elementar 'unior hi or hi h school • a ublic re i nal ark or
� arkwa ublic ark bl c recreation center or ubl c
s ecialized recreation c lit as identified in the rks and
' recreation element of the aint Paul com rehensive la • a fire
station• a communit resid tial facilit • a mission o a
hotel motel . The distance all be measured in a stra ht line
I from the closest oint of he ro ert line of the bui din in
! which the adult bookstore s 1 cated to the closest o nt of the
ro ert line of the build n i which is located an a orementioned
protected use.
(d) Conditions b and or c ma e waive b the lannin co ission if
the erson a 1 in for th waiver all file with the lannin
administrator a consent e ition whi indicates a ro al of the
ro osed adult use b 90 rcent of t ro ert owner within 400
radial feet of the lot on hich the us would be locat d• the
lannin commission in co siderin suc a waiver sha 1 make the
followin findin s: that t e ro osed us will not b ontrar to
the ublic interest or in ' rious to nearb ro erties and that the
s irit and intent of the o dinance will be observed• t at the
ro osed use will not enla e or encoura e he develo nt of a
"skidrow" area• that the e tablishment of an additi na use of this
� t e in the area will not e contrar to an ro ram o
nei hborhood conservation r im rovement eit r resid ntial or
non-residential • and that 11 a licable re ul tions o this
ordinance will be observed
(de) All signs shall comply wit chapter 66 of the zon'ng c de and with
, chapters 274 and 275 of th Saint Paul Legislative Cod�.
'' � No erson shall en a e in n activit or conduct o rmit an
other erson to en a e in n activit or conduct in t e adult
bookstore which is rohibi ed b an ordinance f the it of Saint
Paul the laws of the Stat of Minnesota or the Unit States of
America. Nothin in this rdinance shall be construed s
authorizin or ermittin onduct which is rohibited re ulated
b other statutes or ordin nces includin but not limi�t d to
statutes or ordinances ro ibitin the exhibition sal ' o
distribution of obscene ma erial enerall or the exhi it on sale
13 ��
or distribution of s ecifi d materials to minors. No 'bs ene work
' shall be allowed.
j � The s ecial condition use ermit for the adult booksto e sh 11 be
reviewed annuall to ensur that no chan e in use occu s and that
►1 additional adult uses a e added to the buildin con ainin the
' adult bookstore.
i � The a�lt bookstore is con idered to be one use. No t �o adult uses
can be i' the same buildin but must be s aced 1320 ra ial feet
� (ei} The ase adult�boo� sh 11 not be located within a building also
' use d for resi d 2 a�t�a 1 purpo es.
� Adult cabarets sub 'ect to the s me conditions listed above ' n 60.563 2
for adult bookstores wi h the substitution of the hrase " dult
cabaret" for the hrase " dult bookstore" wherever it a ea s. The
adult cabaret is considere to be one use. No two adult us s can be in
the same buildin but must aced 1320 radial feet a ar .
� I Adult conversation ra arlors sub'ect to the same conditi s listed
above in 60.563 2 for adult b stores with the substitu ion of the
hrase "adult conversation ra lor" for the hrase "adul't bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adul c versation ra arlor is considered to
i be one use. No two adult uses can e in the same buildin ut must be
� spaced 1320 radial feet anart. ;
u Adult health s orts clubs sub ' ct to t e same conditions 1 sted above in
60.563 2 for adult bookstores with th substitution of t e hrase
"adult health s orts club" for the hras "adult bookstore' wherever it
a ears. The adult health s o ts club i considered to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the s me buildin but must be s a ed 1320
radial feet apart. �
,� ' Adult massa e arlors sub 'ect o the same co ditions liste above in
60.563 2 for adult bookstores with the subs itution of t e hrase
� "adult massa e arlor" for the hrase "adult b okstore" wh rever it
a ears. The adult health s o ts club is consi ered to be one use. No
two adult uses can be in the s me buildin but m st be s a ed 1320
radial feet apart. �
� ' Adult mini-motion icture thea res sub 'ect to the me con itions listed
; above in 60.563 2 for adult b okstores with the s stitu ion of the
' hrase "adult mini-motion ict re theatre" for the ase 'adult
bookstore" wherever it a ears The adult mini-motio ic ure theatre
is considered to be one use. o two adult uses can be in he same
' buildin but must be s aced 13 0 radial feet a art.
� Adult motion icture theatres ub 'ect to the same conditi s listed
above in 60.563 2 for adult b okstores with the substitu ion of the
hrase "adult motion icture t eatre" for the hrase "adul bookstore"
wherever it a ears. The adul motion icture theatre is ' o sidered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same buildin bu must be
s aced 1320 radial feet a art.
14 I
ul! Adult saunas sub 'ect to the s me conditions listed above 60.563 2
I for adult bookstores with th substitution of the hrasei"adult sauna"
for the-� hrase "adult booksto e" wherever it a ears. Th adult sauna
is consid ed to be one use. No two adult uses can be in `the same
buildin bu must be s ced 1 20 radial feet a art.
10 Other adult use sub 'ect to the same conditions listed abo e in
60.563 2 for ad t bookstores with the substitution of t e hrase
"other adult use" r the hra e "adult bookstore" whereve it a ears.
, The other adult use 's conside ed to be one use. No two a ult uses can
be in the same buildi but mu t be s aced 1320 radial fee a art.
� Se tion 11 '
That section 60.622, clause f the Saint Paul Legislativ� Code be and
is h reby amended to read as follo ,
60.6 2. Principal uses permitted. an I-2 Industrial Districl the use of
land the location and erection of n w uildings or structures a d the
alte ation, enlargement, and moving f e isting buildings or str ctures from
othe locations or districts shall c nfor� to the following spec fied uses,
unle s otherwise provided in this co e: ,
� (1) Any uses permitted in the I-1 Dis ict as "principal uises
permitted" and "principal uses per 'tted subject to sp�ecial
� conditions" exce t for adult bookst res adult cabare s adult
conversation ra arlors dult healt s ort clubs ad lt massa e
arlors adult mini-motion icture the tres adult mot on icture
theatres adult saunas and other adult ses provided hat they
i meet at least the minimum onditions imp sed in each district.
� Sec ion 12. � ,
I That Section 60.624, clauses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 11 and 12 of the
Saint� Paul Legislative Code are hereb amended to read s follows�:
u � Adult bookstores sub 'ect to the followin condition : '
jaZ The adult bookstore shall e located at least 26 0 rad al feet from
an other adult use in an munici alit measured 'n a trai ht line
from the closest oints of the ro ert lines of t e b ildin s in
which the adult uses are 1 cated.
u The adult bookstore shall e located at least 800 ra i l feet from
� an residentiall zoned r ert in an munici alit asured in a
strai ht line from the clo est oint of the ro ert 1 e of the
buildin in which the adult bookstore is located to the closest
residentiall zoned ro ert line.
�� The adult bookstore shall b located at least 400 radia feet from
an " rotected use" define as: a buildin in which a a 'orit of
floor s ace is used for res'dential ur oses• a da car center
where such da care center s a rinci al use• a house f worshi •
a ublic librar • a school ublic arochial or rivat
5 I
elementar 'unior hi h r hi h school • a ublic re ional ark or
arkwa ublic ark u lic recreation center or u lic
s cialized recreation f cilit as identified in the arks and
' rec ation element of th Saint Paul com rehensive an• a fire
stati • a communit res dential f cilit • a mission or a
hotel m tel . The distan e shall be measured in a st ai ht line
from the losest oint o the ro ert line of the b ildin in
which the dult bookstor is located to the closest oint of the
� ro ert li of the bui din in which is located an aforementioned
! protected use�.:
! .� Conditions b an� or c ma be waived b the lannin ommission if
the erson a 1 i for he waiver shall file with t e lannin
administrator a on� ent etition which indicates a oval of the
ro osed adult books�ore b 90 ercent of the ro er owners
within 800 radial fee���. o the lot on which the use w uld be
located• the lannin c` mission in considerin suc a waiver
; shall make the followin '=findin s: that the ro osed use will not
be contrar to the ubli ` 'nterest or in 'urious to n arb
ro erties and that the s `�'rit and intent of the or inance will be
observed• that the ro o ed se will not enlar e or coura e the
i develo ment of a "skidro " ar�:a• that the establishm 'nt of an
� additional use of this t e in he area will not be ontrar to an
ro ram of nei hborhood onserv �ion or im rovement either
residential or non-resid ntial • a d that all a lica le re ulations
, of this ordinance will b observe��
, �
� ,Le,l All si ns shall com 1 w th cha ter 6 of the zonin code and with
cha ters 274 and 275 of he Saint Pau Le islative C de.
i ,u No erson shall en a e i an activit r conduct or ermit an
� other erson to en a e i an activit o conduct in the adult
i bookstore which is rohi ited b an ordi ance of th Cit of Saint
Paul the laws of the St te of Minnesota r the Uni ed States of
America. Nothin in thi ordinance shall b constru d as
authorizin or ermittin conduct which is ohibite or re ulated
b other statutes or ordinances includin b . not li' ited to
statutes or ordinances ohibitin the exhibit�ion s le or
distribution of obscene aterial enerall or4-the e ibition sale
or distribution of s eci ied materials to minor� . N obscene work
� shall be allowed.
� The s ecial condition us ermit for the adult bo� ks re shall be
I reviewed annuall to ens re that no chan e in use ` cc rs and that
no additional adult uses are added to the buildin 'co tainin the
adult bookstore. c,
u The adult bookstore is co sidered to be one use. No wo adult uses
can be in the same buildi but must be s aced 2640 r ial feet
apart• � ¢
� The adult bookstore shall not be located within a bui di'n also
used for residential ur ses.
j� Adult cabarets sub 'ect to the same conditions listed above' in 60.624 4
� • . r
i �.
for a�''u�Jt bookstores with the ubstitution of the hrase " dult
cabaret" :or the hrase "adult ookstore" wherever it a ea s. The
adult caba�e.t is considered to e one use. No two adult us' s can be in
the same build.in but must be s aced 2640 radial feet a art'
L6,� Adult conversation ra arlors sub 'ect to the same conditio s listed
' above in 60.624 4 �or adult bo kstores with the substitution of the
hrase "adult convers� tion ra arlor" for the hrase "adul bookstore"
' wherever it a ears. fi e adul conversation ra arlor is onsidered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same buildin ut must be
' spaced 2640 radial feet aaart. i
� Adult health s orts clubs sub" ct to the same conditions li ted above in
60.624 4 for adult bookstores`�� with the substitution of t e hrase
"adult health s orts club" for t�e hrase "adult bookstore' wherever it
a ears. The adult health s o tsticlub is considered to bei ne use. No
two adult uses can be in the s me b ildin but must be s a ed 2640
radial feet apart. `���
� Adult massa e arlors sub 'ect o the s' e conditions list above in
60.624 4 for adult bookstores with th substitution of t e hrase
� "adult massa e arlor" for the hrase "ad lt bookstore" wh rever it
a ears. The adult health s o ts club is � onsidered to be `one use. No
two adult uses can be in the s me buildin ' ut must be s a ed 2640
; radi al feet apart. '';� ;
� Adult mini-motion icture thea res sub'ect to �he same con itions listed
above in 60.624 4 for adult b okstores with t�ie substitu ion of the
, hrase "adult mini-motion ict re theatre" for t`�e hrase adult
bookstore" wherever it a ears The adult mini-r� tion ic ure theatre
, is considered to be one use. o two adult uses ca be in he same
buildin but must be s aced 26 0 radial feet a art:,�
10 Adult motion icture theatres ub 'ect to the same co itio s listed
above in 60.624 4 for adult b okstores with the sub titu ion of the
hrase "adult motion icture t eatre" for the hrase " dul bookstore"
, wherever it a ears. The adul motion icture theatre '=s on idered to
be one use. No two adult uses can be in the same buildi but must be
spaced 2640 radial feet apart. °�
11 Adult saunas sub'ect to the sa e conditions listed above i 60.624 4
i for adult bookstores with the substitution of the hrase dult sauna"
for the hrase "adult bookstor " wherever it a ears. The dult sauna
iis considered to be one use. o two adult uses can be in h same
i buildin but must be s aced 26 0 radial feet a art.
12 Other adult uses sub 'ect to th same conditions listed abo e i
60.624 4 for adult bookstores with the substitution of t e ase
"other adult use" for the hra e "adult bookstore" whereve it ears.
The other adult use is conside ed to be one use. No two a ult u es can
be in the same buildin but mu t be s aced 2640 radial fee a ar
Se tion 13
Every section, provision or p rt of this ordinance is decl�red to be
� in�nce Ordina e N 0.
Presented By
Refer ed To Committee: Date
Out o Committee By Date
separa e from every other sectio pro ision or part; and if any s tion,
provis on or part shall be held i ali , the invalidity shall exten only to
the se tion, provision or part invo e and shall not affect any ot er, and
the re ainder of this ordinance shal emain in full force and eff t to be
constr ed as a whole.
Section 4
his ordinance shall be in force and t e effect thirty (30) days from
and af er its passage, approval and pu licati .
COUNC[ MEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Nicosia [n Favor —
s�ne�n Against BY
Tedesc h
Wilson � �
l Form Approved by City Attorn y
Adopted by Co ncil: Date
Certified Passe by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Ma or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submis ion to Council
By By
�-� . 1
` L'�G ' ' _�= DEPARTM NT � U" �-9'/ �11'° _ 0�614
a �r
DATE ` Q��� } �� _
_ <.
ASSIGN NUhB FOR ROUTING ORQER Cl i Al l Lo ations for Si na�t.ure : ��
Depart t Director Director of nagemen`t/Mayor � ����
Finance nd Management Services Director � City Clerk ..;
Budget 'rector ��
� City Att rney - �.; �
GIV�� C c�t. �t�c.��rr<<.�.�S Ra t i o 1 e) : � � �.
Gr� � �� � _ .
r�t c Mcw�•.� h �► /��c�,,� C��'��.r,�►✓ �° �'��f �"�„
�.�, �� - , u.
�, , -� � ��'`- � s � �.�_��
a� .
ture n re- �-� -� .
Total Amo nt of 'Transaction: quired f -under ��
" $10,00 �t
Funding S urce: ' � - .
Activity umber: .
A'��ACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : �� - �
. ,� `���''
_ Yes No Gauncil Resolution Required? � Resolution Requi d? Yes No
� Yes No ,�`nsurance Reguired? Insurance Suffici nt? Yes No
Yes No '��'Tnsurance Attached:
Revised 12/8
• . . ' �
� t ' �,� �- �/
ties` schools , and other commer ial uses .
The image of the City of S int Paul as a pleasa t and
attractive place to reside will be adversely a fected
by he presence of adult ent rtainment land uses in close
pro imity '",to residential lan uses , churches , park , and
oth r publ�c facilities , sc ools and general com ercial
use .
Reg lation of`', adult entert inment land uses sho ld be
de eloped to `prevent dete ioration and/or deg adation
of the vitality '+pf the commu ity before the problem exists
or gets worse , °�ather than in response to an xisting
pr blem.
Co mercial areas of ����athe Ci y patronized by youn people
an children should t�e fre of adult entertaimm �t land
U S S . ��y,
A ult entertainment land � s s should be regulated y zoning
t separate it from oth dissimilar uses just as any
' o her land use should be se rated from uses with c aracter-
i tics different from itself �
sidents of the City of ain��,, Paul , and person who are
on-residents but use the Cit� for shopping nd other
ommercial needs , will mo e fr the community or shop
lsewhere if adult enter ainment� land uses ar allowed
o locate in close prox'mity to�; residential nd other
ommercial uses , churches , arks , and�'��ther public acilities
nd schools . �
Location of adult entert inment land �uses in proximity
to residential uses , ch rches , parks �and ot er public
facilities , and schools nd commercial +►�zses m y lead to
increased levels of crimi al activities , �nclud'Yig prosti-
tution, rape, incest and assaults in the �Aicin' ty of such
adult entertainment land u es. ��
Merchants in the commerci 1 area of the City 4`�r concerned
about adverse impacts u on the character anc�: quality of
the City in the event hat adult entertainmen land uses
are located within clo e proximity to resi t�ntial and
commercial uses , churches , parks and other publi �,�acilities
and schools . Location of adult entertainmen �,and uses
in close proximity to residential and comm rci`�l uses ,
churches , parks , and ot er public facilities nd ';SChools ,
. � � • //''��f �
. , , � �� ��� �/
will duce retail trade to co mercial uses in the vic nity,
thus educing property value and tax revenues t the
Cit . Such adverse effects n property values will cause
the los of some commercial establishments follo �ed by
a light 'ng effect upon the commercial districts within
the City, �eading to further eterioration of the com ercial
qua ity of �e City.
No evidence as been presen ed to show that the location
of adult ent tainment land uses within the Ci y will
im rove the comri�rcial viability of the community.
Ex erience in nui�erous other cities , including Sai t Paul ,
Se ttle , Tacoma a�d Detroi have shown that loc 'tion of
a lt entertainment� land us s degrade the qualit of the
a ea of the City ii� which they are located and cause a
b ighting effect upon '`�he Ci .
A reasonable regulation`��f t e location of adult e tertain-
m nt land uses will p�ov' de for the protectio of the
i age of the community an , its property values , an protect
e residents of the co unity from the advers effects
f such adult entertainme t land uses , while ;providing
o those who desire to pa ' nize adult entertai ent land
ses such an opportunity in , areas of the City which are
ppropriate for location of adu�t entertainment lan uses .
he community will be a unde�irable place to live and
shop in if it is known o the �iasis of its im ge as the
location of adult entertai ment lan�i uses.
A stable atmosphere for the rear`�ng of famil ` es cannot
be achieved in close roximity t� adult e ertainment
land uses. ��
The initial location o adult ente�tainment land uses
will lead to the locati n of additiori�zl and �.milar uses
within the same vicini y, thus multi�lying he adverse
impact of the initial location of a�lult e tertainment
land uses upon the reside tial and commerci�l us s , churches ,
parks and other public facilities and choo s , and the
impact upon the image and quality of e haracter of
the community.
i �
3 . �,
, ' . ' . . � ��
� , : �� , �/
Section l .
Th t �he definitions for the terms Adult Bookstore Adult
Cabaret Adi�lt Conversation/Rap arlor , Adult Massage Parlor,
Health Club, `�, Adult Mini-Motion icture Theatre, Adult Motion
Picture Theatr�,, Adult Sauna and dult Uses , contained in section
60. 201 of the %;Saint Paul Legis ative Code , be and i hereby
amende to read a`� follows :
A ult booksto'i�,�e. A shop or the barter, rental or sale
o items cons�,sting of pr�nted matter, pictures , slides ,
r cords , audio �tape, vide tape or motion pictu e film,
i such shop is 5�ot open t the public generally but only
t one or more c�asses of the public excluding ny minor
y reason of age:`., , or ' f a substantial or s ' gnificant
ortion of such it ms ar distinguished or cha acterized
y an emphasis on the�� depi tion or description of 'specified
exual activities" or '"�pec fied anatomical areas. "
Adult cabaret. An establ'"'.�s ment which provides ge �e-�ari�e�s;
e�e��e-�n�:�,--s��}�pe�s'�--o-r=-s}x���a�-��tfr��-i dancing
or other live entertain �nt , if such establi hment ar3d
w�i}el� excludes minors by ii�tue of age.- , or if s ch dancing
or other live entertainmen i`�; distinguished or ch racterized
by an emphasis on the pe form'�nce , depiction or description
of "specified sexual act 'viti�ss" or "specified anatomical
areas . "
I Adult conversation/rap pa lor. A c'�onversation/ra parlor
which excludes minors by eason of �. e , or which rovides the
service of engaging in or listening o conversat ' bn, talk or
discussion, if such servi e is distin uished or aracterized
by an emphasis on "speci ied sexual ac ivities" r "specified
anatomical areas . "
Adult massage parlor, ealth club. A=k, massa e parlor or
health club which rest icts minors by `��easo of age , or
which provides the ser ice of "massage" ° if such service
is distinguished or ch racterized by an e ha is on "speci-
fied sexual activities" or "specified anatom' ca areas. "
Adult mini-motion pic ure theatre. An en� osed building
with a capacity for le s than 50 persons used for presenting
material �3-�-k��-A4� �ese�a-���-e�--b-�'�-r� -�s�-'-'se�r�a���
p�e�eea���e!'--�rr�c�-��-c if such building a ; a prevailing
practice excludes min rs by virtue of age.- �, or if such
. � � � � � � � � c�/ `��
� � � ��- /
mate ia is distinguished or ch racterized by an emphas s on
the epi�tion or description of "specified sexual activ ties"
or 'speci° ied anatomical area " for observation by atrons
the ein.
Adu t motion�'�,,. picture theatre An enclosed buildi g with �
a capacity of '`'�0 or more perso s used for presenting terial
�e }r3ed-�-�4-'rr�so-t-�-s�a�ta�es �i-l�:��-a�-"�e�r�����- �e�eea-
�� e'-'-��-6al��e��``:� if such bui ding as a prevailing ractice
ex ludes minors `�y virtue o age: , or if such aterial
is distinguished � r charac erized by an emphasis on the
de iction or descr tion of "specified sexual act�vities"
o "specified anatom' cal ar as" for observation by patrons
t erein. '�,�
A ult sauna. A sauna wh • h xcludes minors by reaso of age ,
r which provides a ste bath or heat bathing oom used
or the purpose of bathin relaxation, or reduci g, util-
zing steam or hot air as cleaning, relaxing o reducing
gent , if the service provid by the sauna is dis inguished
r characterized by an emp asi on "specified sexu l activi-
ties" or "specified anatomi al � eas. "
Adult uses. Aslt���-�- -��- �iese--�s�s-�-e� '�g-�a�s
val����i--�r-�-�o-�-op��-�e-- -}��b-13 --Qe�e�a��}- �--�-l�r--�e
e�e--0-r=-r�e�e--���.��-�-e�- -�k�-�ic- ��-�-e�-�i -��-���e�
b�}--r�a�or�--�-age;-�-�i --be��g-��-�,�r-�� e�-��--age
e€-�i.�g���-�r�-. Adul uses includ�,--��-�r-� �o�-�����e�
�e,- adult bookstores , ad lt motion pi ture the tres , adult
mini-motion picture thea res , adult mas age pa lors , adult
saunas , adult rap/conver ation parlors , a ult h alth clubs ,
and adult cabarets , e� -��r���a��--a-c�i���--�. and other
premises , enterprises , b sinesses or places en to some or
all members of the publi at or in which ther i an emphasis
on the performance , dep ' ction or descriptio f "specified
sexual activities" or "specified anatomical �� areas" which
are capable of being see by said members of th public.
Section 2.
That the definition of C nversation/Rap Parlors ont�ined in
S ction 60.203 of the Saint P ul Legislative Code be and i� hereby
a ended to read as follows :
. , . . , ���� ��1
� �z,
I �
Co versatid.n;/rap parlors. An extablishment �eer�se�
�� -Gl�ap�e�=�,-��3-�-e�--�l�e--6} �--9�d�r3ar�ee--ar�d adve tising,
offering or '�elliing the serv' ce of engaging in or listening
t conversati�Qn, talk or iscussion �-v�ee�r--a�- e���e�ee
e -��-es�ab���l��er3�-���--et�s�er�e�, regardless of whether
o her goods or `�ervices are also simultaneously ad ertised,
o fered or sold''� and reg rdless of whether tho e other
g ods or services4�,re also r quired to be licensed.
e term "conversa�ion p rlor" shall not inc ude bona
ide legal , medical , ` sychi tric , psychological , o counsel-
'ng services by a p�;�son or firm appropriately licensed;
r bona fide educatior�,�l 'nstitutions , or panels , seminars
r other similar servi�e offered by such ins itutions ;
r churches or synagogues`:;
Sect on 3.
That the definition of M ss�ge Parlor, Sauna, alth Club
cont ined in section 60. 213 o tYi� Saint Paul Legis ative Code
be a d is hereby amended to rea as ��llows :
Massage parlor, sauna, health �4'��club. An e tablishment
licensed by Chapter 412 of the City.,,Legislative C de offering
"massage" defined as e rubbiri , stroking, kneading,
tapping or rolling of th body, for' the exclus 've purposes
of pleasure , relaxation, hysical fitn- ss , or bea tification,
and for no other purpo es , offered `':-,for a f e or other
valuable consideration -wl�}e�i-���'�-�-r�rir}o- -b�-�}��t�e
e�-�e and including ph sical culture ��d heal h services ,
physical culture and he lth club, reduC�ng cl b, reducing
salon, and massage parl r. This defini�=�on s all include
any building, room, tructure, place �r stablishment
used by the public o her than a hospit�;�l , sanatorium,
rest home , nursing home boarding home or o��e institution
for the hospitalizatio or care of human`; eings , duly
licensed under the provi ions of Minnesota Stat' tes , Sections
144. 50 through 144. 703 inclusive, where no �:�medical and
non-surgical manipulati n exercises or massages �;�e practiced
upon the human body for a fee or other valuable ccansideration
by anyone not duly icensed by the State of`;, Minnesota
to practice medicine , surgery, osteopathy, chiropractic ,
6 .
� �;
, . C�i--'�k-�l
phy ical t1-�,erapy, or podiat y, with or without e use
of inechanic�l , therapeutic , or bathing devices , or any
ro m or rooms, from which a ma seur or masseuse is di patched
by telephone or otherwise or the purpose of g ving a
ma sage. �r3�-d-t-�-t-�e- f�-n--a-���Y���- e-g��er3
e� ep�-}�-a-��ee�se�-��e�x}se.-
Sectio 4.
T at section 60. 2�19 of th Saint Paul Legislat ve Code
be and is hereby amended so as to add the following there o :
S una. An establishment roviding a steam bath or heat
bathing room used for ° the purpose of bathing, elaxation
r reducing, utilizing '` st am or hot air as a �cleaning,
elaxing or reducing agen�,,.
pecified anatomical area �.. Anatomical areas onsisting
1 ) Less than complete y `�and opaquely cove �ed: (a)
human genitals , (b) ubic;.region, (c ) butto 'k, and (d)
female breast below a poiri� immediately abo e the top
of the areola; and '`
2) Human male genitals in a dis��rnibly turgi state , even
if completely and o aquely cov�red.
Specified sexual activiti s . Activiti�� consisti g of:
1 ) Human genitals in state of sexu�� stimul tion or
arousal ; �
2) Acts of human mas rbation, sexual ii'�terc urse or
sodomy; ;s
3) Fondling or other erotic touching of hi�na genitals ,
public region, bu tock or female breast ;;:;
4) Situations invol ing a person or persons �`:. any of whom
are nude , clad i undergarments or in se u:ally reveal-
ing costumes , an who are engaged in act v ties in-
volving the flag llation, torture , fette in , binding
or other physica restraint of any such ers" ns.
7 .
. . . , �,�
: . ����'�1�
Section 5.
Th Sec*�,ion 60. 543 , clauses 1 , 11 and 12, of the Sa�nt Paul
Legisla ive Code , is hereby amende to read as follows :
(1 ) Adult �s'�s conversation/ ap parlors subject to t e
following"�LLconditions :
(a) The r�se�.,, adult conve sation/rap parlor shal be
located �� least 13 0 radial feet from any ther
adult use '�►easured ' n a straight line from he
closest poii:�ts of t e buildings in which th adult
uses are loc�ted.
(b) The adult t�se ��'' nve sation/rap parlor shal be
located at leas�� 200 radial feet from ny resi-
dentially zoned �``�� operty measured in a straight
line from the cl� sest point of the b ilding in
which the adult ti��e conversation/rap arlor is
located to the cl se�t residentially zone property
1 ine ; ��.�-cor�rt -�a�-�-�-i��--b�-� -g�arir3�r�g
eer�r��ss�e�-rf---� -pe��,e�--a�p-1-3�i-�g--€e�- -wa��e�
s�ia��--�3-��-�rt --��ie-�;�-l��i�---�i-ri-' �r-a-t�o-r---a
ee�se��--�trt' --��i��,--��d}ea�es-- ��-1---e�
�l�e-��epesed-ad�� -�se-b�-��-�e�ee��-e�-� e-g�e�e��}
ew�e�s--�t-i-�-�i�r- -�ad}a�-��e-�-o-�-��ie--� -c�-w�i���i
�13e-��-irac��-1-c�-be -�oe��-;-t�-p��r-�r�}r�g �e���ss�er3;
�r3--�o���.�e���g--�ke-�r-�---��r-,---�Y��� --Exa�e--�ke
€e��eva���--€���} gs:--��a�--��ie�'�-p�epese --�se--va���
r3e�-�e-�o�r�-�a��r- �t-Y�-pttb�-�e--��i�e�es�- �-}r3����et�s
�e--�ea�b�--p�e� ���es;--a��--��ia�--��ie- sp}���--a�d
���e��--e�--�Y�e- r-c�-i�a��c-�--�-i1-1--�-o�i +e�=aed•,--��ia�
�l�e--p�epese�--� e-�-r��--��o-t--e�-1-a-���-- --e�eet��age
�l�e--c�e�e�opr�ter��--o-�--�--"�-k3�-�ew'-'-`n,-a-r ;---��ra�-�l�e
es�ab��s�i�er��-- �--a�--ad�i-�3��--�s�f �-�-�-i�-���e
�rr3-t�-��--w' ��--��o-t-be--e-�#-�-a-��-�e -a��--p�eg�ar�a
e�---�e}gl�be�l�e d---ee�se��a�}e�---e�-=�; }Fxp�e�ea�e��;
e��13e�--�es��e� �a�--e�--�e�-�es�de��} ;,--a�d--��ia�
a��---��i-c� --��g�-�-a����--e�-- --e�d�r3ar3ee
(c) The t�se adult onversation/rap parlor hal� not be
located within a building also used fo residential
purposes .
8 .
. ��
. . �f"
� � . . � � � � ��� ���
(d) There shall be no acce s from the building in hich
the �se adult conversa ion/rap parlor is locat d to
�he alley or to reside tially zoned property.
(e) Conditions (b) - (d) m y be waived by the pl nning
comm�.ssion if the per on applying for the wai er
shall file with the p anning administrator a onsent
petition which indic tes approval of the roposed
adult �nversation/r parlor by 90 per ent of
the pro�erty owner within 200 radial �eet of
the lot an which t adult conversation/r parlor
would be located; the planning commis ion, in
considering ,such a aiver, shall make the ollowing
findsings : that the roposed use will not be contrary
to the publi� in erest or injurious nearby
properties , an� t at the spirit and 'htent of
the ordinance w�:ll be observed; that the proposed
use will not en �a ge or encourage the d velopment
of a "skid row" '';::, rea; that the establishment of
an additional use "'- f this type in the area will
not be contrary o;;; any program of n ighborhood
conservation or 'mp`�ovement, either esidential
or non-residential ; ari� that all applic ble regu-
lations of this or inanc$,. will be observed
(ef) Al1 signs shall co ply witY�;-. Chapter 66 of he Zoning
Code and with Chap ers 274 �d 275 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
(g) The use shall be icensed as a�'�onversati n/rap parlor
under applicable rovisions of t�ie Saint aul Legisla-
tive Code.
(11 ) Adult massage parlors or health clubs,�;�, subj ct to the
same conditions as those listed abd e i 60. 543(10)
for adult conversat ' on/rap parlors.
(12) Adult saunas subje t to the same cond'i�i ns as those
listed above in 6 . 543(10) for adult co versation/rap
parlors . �r
(�� 13) Auto repair, subje t to the following cond tions :
, . . , � . . . ��r�� �-�l
(a) T e minimum lot area hall be fifteen thousa
(� ,000) square feet.
(b) A t -foot landscape buffer with screen pla ting
and obscuring fen e shall be required alo g any
prope ty line adjace t to an existing reside ce or
adjacer�t to land zon d residential .
(c) All repa�,�r work shall be done within an enc osed
building. �;.
(d) There shall�`'�e no o tside storage.
(�� 14) Accessory building��A, st uctures , and uses as d �ined in
Section 60.201 . �s
Sec�'�' on 6.
hat section 60. 554, claus "'�;2 of the Saint Paul L gislative
Code is amended to read as foll w���, and section 60. 554 is further
amen ed so as to add the followi g ri�w clauses 3 and 4 hereto:
(2) Adult t�ses conversatio /rap p�rlors subject to the
following conditions :
(a) The t�se adult conv rsation/r'. parlor sha � be
located at least 3 0 radial '�,et from any other adult
use measured in a straight lin� from the losest
points of the bui dings in whic�� the adul uses are
located. ``' .
(b) The t�se adult con ersation/rap par��or sh 11 be located
at least 100 radi 1 feet from any �side tial use
measured in a straight line from th�, clo est point of
the building in hich the t�se adult C�onv rsation/rap
parlor is locate to the building in t�hi 'h the resi-
dential use is 1 cated.
(c) The t�se adult co versation/rap parlor s 11 not be
located within building also used for �esidential
. . �,
. . ' � ' �--��'��
(d) Al1 ''�igns shall compl with Chapter 66 of th Zoning
Code c�nd with Chapte s 274 and 275 of the Sa 'nt Paul
Legisl�.tive Code .
(e) The adult c�nversation rap parlor shall be icensed
as a conver��tion/rap parlor under applica 1e pro-
visions of the `�aint Pau Legislative Code .
O Adult massage pa�lors r health clubs subjec to the
same conditions a� th se listed above in 6 . 554 (2)
for adult conversati?�n/ ap parlors.
(4) Adult saunas subjecty'':;. o the same conditions as those
, listed above in 60. 55 =, (2) for adult conver ation/rap
parlors . '�,
Sect on '�'�
That section 60. 563 , clause 2 of t�e Saint Paul Le islative
Code is amended to read as follo s , and �ection 60. 563 ' s further
amen ed so as to add the follow'ng new cl��ses 3 and 4 hereto:
(2) Adult t�ses conversatio /rap parlors'.:<subject to the follow-
ing conditions : �}�. �
(a) The t�se adult conv rsation/rap par�or sha 1 be located
at least 300 radi 1 feet from any o er a ult use
measured in a str ight line from the'1`'�los st points
of the buildings 'n which the adult u�s re located.
(b) The �se adult con ersation/rap parlor sV}l�e 11 be located
at least 100 radi 1 feet from any reside` ial use
measured in a straight line from the clo ��t point of
the building in hich the tise adult conv r�,ation/rap
parlor is locate to the building in whi h �he resi-
dential use is 1 cated.
(c) The t�se adult co versation/rap parlor s all not be
located within a building also used for resideritial
purposes .
11 .
. ' .' . � �/'
' . � � � ' ���= �j��-�/
(d) All signs shall compl with Chapter 66 of the Zoning
Code�. and with Chapter 274 and 275 of the Sai t Paul
Legi�lative Code .
(e) The ac�.ilt conversati n/rap parlor shall be l censed
as a co`�versation/ra parlor under applicabl pro-
visions f the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
O Adult massage p rlors or ealth clubs subject to the same
conditions as th se liste above in 60. 554 (2) f r adult
conversation/rap ` arlors.
( ) Adult saunas subjec� to he same conditions as t ose
listed above in 60. 5 � ( ) for adult conversatio /rap
parlors. `"-4
Sect 'qn 8 .
hat section 60.612 of he '�Saint Paul Legisl ive Code
is he eby amended so as to add t e fc3�J�lowing new clause thereto.
(24) Adult bookstores sub ect to'� the following onditions :
(a) The adult book tore sha��1 be locate at least
1320 radial feet from any a ult use meas ' red in a
straight line fr m the close�,t points of the build-
ings in which th adult uses �re locate .
(b) The adult bookst re shall be loc ed at east 1320
radiaJ_ feet from any residentiall � zoned property in
any municipality measured in a st ight line from
the closest prop rty line of the pr er on which
an adult booksto e is located to theicl �sest resi-
dentially zoned roperty line. ��
(c) The adult books ore shall be located at least 1320
radial feet fro any "protected use" , d �ined as : a
building used e tirely for residential poses , a
day care center where such day care ce ,�te� is a
principal use , a house of worship, a p li� library,
a school (publ ' c , parochial or private elerrtentary,
junior high or high school ) , a public ark, ',a public
playground, a ublic recreation center or a public
specialized re reation facility. The tlistance shall
be measured in a straight line from t e closest pro-
perty line of the property on which a adult book-
store is loca ed to the closest prope ,ty line of the
property on w ich is located an afore entioned pro-
tected use .
12 .
, . , • ` . ��_�;,l��
I (d) The adult bookstore s all be located at least 50
� radial feet from any etail or service busin ss
dealing directly wit consumers , measured in a
5traight line from t e closest property line of the
property on which th adult bookstore is loc ted to
th� closest property line of the property on which
i is �ocated a retail r service business deai ng
Idire�,tly with consum rs .
(e) Conditi�ns (b) - (d) may be waived by the P anning
commissiQn if the p rson applying for the w iver
shall fiT� with the planning administrator consent
petition w�-a�ich indi ates approval of the pr posed
adult books�ore by 0 percent of the proper y owners
within 1320 �.adial eet of the lot on whic the use
would be loca�ed; t e planning commission, in con-
sidering such �t>, wai er, shall make the fol owing
findings : that �he proposed use will not b contrary
to the public int`� est or injurious to nea by pro-
perties, and that ' he spirit and intent of the ordi-
nance will be obse �ed; that the proposed se will
not enlarge or enc urage the development f a "skid-
row" area; that th e�tablishment of an a ditional
use of this type i th�, area will not be ontrary
to any program of neighks�rhood conservati n or im-
provement , either residen��ial or non-resi ential ;
and that all appl cable re' ulations of th s ordi-
nance will be obs rved.
(f) All signs shall c mply with C�apter 66 o the Zoning
Code and with Ch ters 274 and'�.:..275 of th Saint Paul
Legislative Code .
(25) Adult cabarets subje t to the same cof°�dition listed
above in 60.612 (24) for adult bookstories .
(26) Adult mini-motion pi ture theatres subje�t o the same
conditions as those listed above in 60. 612 24) for adult
(27) Adult motion pictur theatres subject to th `", same con-
conditions as those listed above in 60.612 (24) for
adult bookstores.
. . V
. � ,
I. _ _ _ _
BLUE - t.�AVOR File NO.
Ordinan e Ordinance N�.
Presented By
Referred To C mmittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
(28) dult uses ot er tnan adult bookstores , adult caba Its ,
adult conversa ion/rap par ors , adult massage par rs ,
adult health clu s , adult m'ni-motion picture thea res ,
adult motion pi tur2 t atres and adult sa nas ,
subject to the sa e condi ions as those listed bove
in 60.612 (24) for a ult b okstores .
Secti 9. I
This rdinance shall take effec and be in force thirty ays
from and a ter its passage, approval d publication. �
14. �
Yeas N ys Requested by Department of:
Nicosia lR FavOr
s�ne�nei Against BY
Form Appr ed by City At rney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by C uncil Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor. Date Approve ayor for Sub ' io t cil
By B
,�,,,, Me bers: (/�.�l /`
/ YY� �� , ' ~ - ��, / !
#r� �'`, t`,��,.' � Q1�� I�SO11, Cfl'cl(i" �
� � . � , ;-i; �ITY OF AINT .�A�CTL To Dimor�d
' "�,.� � � � OF`PIGF OI' 'r �. CL'i`Y COIINCIL Kiki Sonrien
<:��. .���';:
,.:;, �',::
Date: �1Pri1 14, 1983 I
C�l,n�,,,21ari C o m m i t e e R e p a rt Lef:,9��.;�e Ai,l�
To: aint Paul City Council
Fro : Housing and Economic Development Com ittee
Bili Wilson, Ch�ir - `�
1. 0-r inance amending Chapter 60 of Che St. Paul I�egislative Cod
�e tain�'t:ng to 7.oning .Regul.ations. (adul.t-ty�>e uses)
2. Or inance amending ttie Legislative Code by adding Ctiapter 30
pe taiiling to the size and time of: dis�,]_ay of Temporar.y Elect ' n.
3. Re, olution appruving the appoinlme ts by ttie PIa}�or of Ronnie H ooks,
r1a gie Schwichtenber�, Kathleeti Wa lace, and llr. James Peterso to
se ve as members of the Downtown R verfront Conunission. CUf•1MI 'TE�:
4. Ke olution approving the appointme t b}� the ,fayor of Craig IZ�sf erty to
se .ve as a me,libc>r of �}ie tleritage reser�vati.oil comtii:ission, ter to e}:pire
De� �mber 31, �!)88. COrIMITTEE 1ZEC01` ;I:NDEll APPKOVr�I.�
5. Res. lution setting a timeline� witliii tlle ye.lr 1985 t� cease tr� 'ni.ng
ope -ations of a1J. helicoi�ters at Ho _tnan Fi.el.d an:l to see�; a pe tianent
tiom at a secondary airport. C0�1M:I 'TEE Rt:COi•9r1ENUL1) APPRO��1L A �1�1E?vDED
B ...�,,._-.'�'�. B
�`'Tf �, ���/ �/
� 1UIIIiii
`v� _�� �� � ��' IVISION OF PLANNING
25 West Fourth reet,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
T0 : Mayor George Latimer
City Councilmembers
FROM : Mark Vander Schaaf
DATE : April 21 , 1988 I
SUBJ CT : Amended Adult Entert inment Zoning Proposal
---- ------------------------- ----------------------- ----------
Atta hed for your information re the following items elating to
the mended adult entertainmen zoning proposal :
o Chart : Summary Comparis n of Adult Entertainmen Zoning
o Map : Adult Entertainmen Zoning Proposal of Apr 1 14 , 1988
o Chart : Land Available f r Adult Entertainment
o Memo : Adult Entertainme t Zoning Ordinance - -One Type of
Adult Use Per Building
Plea e note that the amended p oposal contains minor t chnical
and ormal revisions relative o the version printed i mediately
foll wing the meeting of the H using and Economic Deve opment
Comm' ttee on April 14 . These evisions were prepared �in
cons ltation with Assistant Ci y Attorney Jerry Segal . � NotaUle
revi ions include :
o The addition of a decla ation of purpose .
o Language developed to e able the ordinance not o repeat
each condition in full for each type of adult use }
o Clarification of the general definition of "adu t uses "
( see Section l , p . 5 ) .
o Clarification of the meaning of residential bui dings as
"protected uses" ( see Section 8 - -p . 8) .
o Distance and spacing req irements in I - 2 zones see
Section 12 - -pp . 15 , 16 ) . he numbers were printe
incorrectl}' following the pril 14 committee meet ng but
have now been corrected .
cc : Ken Johnson , Gerald Strath en , Jan Gasterlar.d , Je r,,� Segal ,
Phil Byrne , Al Olson
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i 4/15/86
I.and Available or Adult Entertainment �
ew Pro osal Ear II
p �Ler Proposal
(April 14) ( rch 23)
Non- owntown 077 acres 1290 acres
(B-3 I-1, I-2) 6.38 of all (3.9 of all
on-downtown non- owntown
and) land
Down own 00 acres 0 ac es
(B-4, B-5) 20.4$ of all (0$ f all
owntown land) down own land)
Total 177 acres 1290 acres
(6.5$ of all (3.9 � of all
1 nd) land)I
Note: Acreage based on all developed nd vacant land, including s�reets and
alleys but excluding lakes and ivers. Percentages calcula ed using the
following figures: City Area - 33,412 acres
Non-Downto Area = 32,922 acres
Downtown Ar a - 490 acres I�
Prepared by PED staff i
. �`�,�T1 p� II `� � � / /
25 West Fou ee1.SaiM�wl.Minnesof�55102
TO : Mayor Latimer
City Councilmembers qpR 18 988
FRO : Mark Vander Schaaf
DAT : April 15 , 19�8 ��
SIIB ECT : Adult Entertainment oning Proposals I
--- ------------------------- ----------------------- ----------
Atta hed for your information is a chart summarizing t e current
adul entertainment zoning proposal in comparison withlthe
earl' er proposal and with existing zoning regulations . l Also
atta hed is a comparison of lan (acreage) available f r adult
uses under the new proposal and under the earlier prop sal .
A ma of the new proposal is al o being prepared for dlstribution
and ill likely be available on Monday, April 18 . I
cc : Ken Johnson III
Gerald Strathmen i
Jan Gasterland
Jerry Segal I'
Phil Byrne II
Al Olson �I
------------ -------------
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, . .
! 4/15/88
Land Available or Adult Entertainment �,
ew Proposal Ear ler Proposal
(April 14) ( rch 23)
Non- owntown 077 acres 1290 acres
(B-3 I-1, I-2) 6.38 of all (3.9 of all
on-downtown non- owntown
and) land
Down own 00 acres 0 ac s
(B-4 B-S) (20.48 of all (08 all
wntown land) down wn land)
Tota 2 77 acres 1290 cres
( .5$ of all (3.9$lof all
1 nd) land) �
Note: Acreage based on all developed nd vacant land, including s reets and
alleys but excluding lakes and ivers. Percentages calcula ed using the
following figures: City Area — 33,412 acres i
Non-Downto Area = 32,922 acres i
Downtown Ar a = 490 acres i
Prepared by PED staff �
...�. o ' �`�� �/
__�::��,t. . ...
.. a,• :-�. ITY OF SAINT PAUL
-o - .�^
�: � u;mui ��
;�� � 11 t �` DIVISION OF PLANhING
�� A C
- 25 West fou Shee1.Saint�wl,Minnesota 55102
T0 : Mayor George Latime II
City Councilmembers I
� II
FRO : Mark Vander Schaaf
DAT : April 14 , 1988
SUB ECT: Adult Entertainment oning Ordinance- - I
One Type of Adult Us Per Building
--- -------------------------- ---------------------- -----------
Int oduction and Summar �
An mportant component of the lternative adult enterlainment
zon'ng ordinance is a provisio which limits a single type of
adu t use to a single building
The following memo discusses t e rationale for this p oposal .
The proposal is based on the f llowing argument : II
1 . Concentrations of adul uses are associated w' th negative
land use impacts . I
2 . Multi- functional adult entertainment complexes�lcan be the
equivalent of concentrati ns of adult uses . j
3 . Therefore , the City sh uld regulate the number of adult
entertainment functions L at can occur at a singl business
location . I
4 . In order to regulate adult entertainment funct ons , the
Zoning Code should have precise and uniform defin tions of
separate types of adul[ uses .
Disc ssion I
1 . Concentrations of adult uses are associated wi h negative
land use impacts . I
Studies in numerous cities have concluded that
concentrations of adult us s have harmful land us impacts .
In 1972 , Detroit determine that concentrations i olving
sex-related businesses con ribute to a "skid row" ffect
(40-Acre Study , p . 3) . Th City of Phoenix deter ' ned that
a study area with one of t e city ' s highest conce rations
of adult businesses had a ex crime rate over 11 t mes as
, i
' � Page Two �I
April 14 , 1988
large as a similar area aving no adult business�es (40-Acre
Study , p . 15) . II
In Saint Paul , a study done in 1978 examined bot alcohol -
related and sex- related adult businesses and con luded that
significantly higher crim rates are associated ith two
such businesses in an are , and significantly lo er property
values are associated wit three such businesses in an area
(40-Acre Study , p . 17) , oreover , the 1987 40-A re Study
contains statistics showi g that most prostituti n arrests
in the city occur within our blocks on either s de of the
concentration of four adu t businesses at the Un versity-
Dale intersection. Other problems experienced b this
neighborhood include a ge erally high crime rate . the
propositioning and harass ent of neighborhood wo n. and a
general perception that t e University-Dale area s an
unsafe place due to the c ncentration of adult e �ertainment
that occurs there (40-Acr Study, pp . 19-23) . I
2 . Iiulti-functional adult enteztainment complexes � can be the
equivalent of concentratio s of adult uses . I
The 1987 40-Acre Study of dult entertainment in aint Paul
warns that a single , large adult entertainment co plex at
the University-Dale inters ction could create the same
conditions as those create by the existing conce tration of
separate adult businesses n the University-Dale i
neighborhood (40-Acre Stud , p . 29) . Two conside lations
reinforce this warning . �
First , there are already t o multi- functional adull
businesses at the Universi y-Dale intersection, th Faust
and the Flick . It has his orically been the case hat
residents of the Universit -Dale neighborhood perc ive these
usinesses to be a greater land use problem than t e two
ingle- function adult busi esses in the area , the nion
ookstore and the Belmont Club . Neighborhood resi ents have
ong targeted the Faust and the Flick as the focus of their
icketing and policing acti ities .
econdly, the very nature o multi- functional adul
usinesses duplicates a sit ation which is similar to a
oncentration of two or mor separate adult busine es .
ulti- functional adult busi esses can serve various types of
ustomers simultaneously or sequentially. Conseque tly,
his situation can create a greater variety of neig borhood
roblems . For example , two frequently-reported pro lems in
the University-Dale neighbo hood are the harassment of women
who are mistaken for prosti utes and the discarding of hard-
c re pornographic literature on residential propert where
i becomes available to minors (testimony at Planni g
C mmission public hearing , 6 26/87 and 7/1Oj87- -see �40 -Acre
S udy , pp . 55 , 56) .
` - Pag Three
Apr 1 14 , 1988
Although sex- related hara sment could be caused y any
single type of adult ente tainment � it neverthel ss is true
that the discarding of po nographic literature i most
strongly associated with dult bookstores becaus that is
where such literature ori inates . Thus , the com ination of
book and magazine sales w th other types of adul
entertainment increases t e likelihood that surr unding
neighborhoods will suffer from sex-related negat ve land use
impacts . Moreover , the P anning Commission rece ved
testimony that a "sex for sale" image in the Uni ersity/Dale
area makes that neighborh od an attractive marke for street
prostitution (40-Acre Stu y , p . 54) . A multipli tion of
types of adult uses contr butes to a "sex for sa " image
and thus contributes to s reet prostitution as we 1 .
3 . Therefore , the Citq sh uld regulate the aumber of adult
entertainment functions th t can occur at a singl business
It is proposed that , as a ondition of the Specia Condition
Use Permit , it be required that an adult [booksto e , etc . ]
shall not be located in a uilding containing any other type
of adult use .
4 . In order to regulate ad lt entertainment funct ons , the
Zoning Code must have prec se and uniform definit ons of
separate tqpes of adult us s . I
The adult entertainment am ndments to the Zoning �Ode
originally proposed by the Planning Commission co sin
definitions of separate ty es of adult uses (e . g. , adult
books�ores , aduit motion p cture theatres , etc . ) . � Moreover ,
these definitions focus on the distinctly separate functions
which relate to each separ te use . However , in th ir
original form, the definit ' ons were not entirely u iform in
specifying the type of fac ' lity associated with ea h
function. Specifically , t e definitions refer to he
ollowing types of facilities (key word underlined :
Adult bookstore : A sho . . . II
Adult cabaret: An esta lishment . . , I'
Adult conversation/rap parlor : A conversation rap
parlor (� an establish ent . . . ) . . .
Adult massage parlor : massage parlor (= an �
establishment . . . ) . . .
Adult mini-motion pict re theatre : An enclose
buildine . . . I
' ' ' �'ag Four
Apr 1 14 , 1988
Adult motion pictur theatre : An e osed d . .
Adult sauna : An est is m nt . . . �
It is proposed that these definitions be brought into
conformity with each other by using the phrase " building
or portion of a building" in each case .
cc : Ken Johnson �
Gerald Strathmen �
Jan Gasterland I
Jerry Segal �I
Phil Byrne
A1 Olson �
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ill Wilson, chair
`�j111��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL m Dimond
°"' °1t 'ki Sonnen
Date: April. 14, 198
�. ",
�oun��� an C o m i tt e e R e p o rt Le�ielative Aide
T : Saint Paul City Council
Fr m : Housing and Econo ic Development Co mittee
Bill Wilson, Chair
1. Ordinance amending Chapter 60 o the St. P<�ul Legislative C de
pertaining to Zoning Kegulation . (adult-type uses)
2. Ordinance amending the Legislat 've Code by adding Chapter 3
pertaining to the size and time of display of Temporary Ele tion
� 3. Resolution approving the appoint ents by the Mayor of Ronnie Brooks,
aggie Schwichtenberg, Kathleen allace, and Dr. James Peter on to
serve as members of the Downtown Riverfront Commission. CO ITTEE
4. esolution approving the appoint ent by the Mayor of Craig R fferty to
erve as a member of the Heritag Preservation commission, t rm to expire
5. esolution setti.ng a timeline wi hin the year 1988 to cease raining
perations of all helicopters at Holman Field and to seek a ermanent
ome at a secondary airport. COr ITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL S AMENDED
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��� 2S Wat Strt�el.Saint hul.MinnesMa 55t�2
MAY R ---
T0 : Mayor Latimer ',RECEWED
City Councilmember
FR M: Larry Soderholm�j AR 281988
Mark Vander Schaaf
DA E : March 23 , 1988
SU JECT : Adult Entertainment Ordinance- -
Definition of "Reta 1 or Service Business"
-- -------------------------- ---------------------- ------------
The current version of the Wi son proposal stipulates ' that an
adult bookstore , motion pictu e theatre , mini-motion icture
the tre or cabaret be at leas SO radial feet from an "retail or
ser ice business dealing directly with consumers . " I does not ,
how ver , define what constitut s a retail or service usiness .
In rder to remove any potenti 1 ambiguity related to 'this issue ,
sta f recommends that the foll wing definitions be ad �pted:
Retail business : An estab ishment primarily enga '�ed in the
sale of retail merchandis in an enclosed buildi �g;
including, but not limite to , drug stores , rest 1�rants ,
bars , gas stations , food tores , and stores selli g
automotive items .
Service business : An establishment primarily enga ed in
providing services for individuals and organizati ns in an
enclosed building; includi g, but not limited to , '.hotels and
other lodging places , and utomotive maintenance
establishments .
Thes definitions reflect staff s original intent and Ire
cons stent with the City' s proc dures for classifying 'and uses ,
with the federal Standard Indus rial Classification (SI��C) system
for lassifying businesses , and with the current theor of zoning
defi itions .
Attac ed is the wording of the proposed amendment .
cc : an Gasterland
en Johnson �
1 Olson
erry Segal
hil Byrne
ohn Sturner I
eggy Reichert
Cu rent Def nition in "Wi son Pro os 1"
The adult bookstore shal be located at least 5 radial feet
from any retail or servi e business dealing dire�tly with
consumers , measured in a straight line from the �losest
property line of the pro erty on which the adult bookstore
is located to the closes property line of the p operty on
which is located a retail or service business de ling
directly with consumers .
Pro osed Amendment to Current efinition in "Wilson P o osal"
The adult bookstore shall be located at least 50 'radial feet
from any retail or servic business dealing dire itly with
consumers , measured in a traight line from the �losest
property line of the prop rty on which the adult bookstore
is located to the closest property line of the p pperty on
which is located a retail or service business dea�ing
directly with consumers . "Retail business" means ' a
establishment rimaril e a ed in the sale of re sil
merchandise in an enclose buildin • includin b t not
limited to dru stores restaurants bars as s ations
food stores and stores sellin automotive items ' "Service
business" means an establi hment rimaril en a e in
rovidin services for ind"viduals and or anizati ns in an
enclosed buildin • includi but not limited to hotels and
other lod in laces and utomotive maintenance
establishments .
� `�t ! o� ��_ ��
t� � 25 Wat Strsef,Saint hul,Minne�ota 55102
T0 : Mayor George Latim r � EiVED
Members of the Cit Council
FR M: Larry Soderholm� �gi231988
Mark Vander Schaaf
� C1 ����,CLERK
DA E : February 23 , 1988
SUB ECT : Adult Entertainment Zoning Alter.natives
--- -------------------------- ----------------------- -----------
Two approaches to the zoning of adult en[ertainment h ve been
pro osed:
o The Wilson Plannin Com ission approach maximi es the
distance between adult us s and residential area ', while
maintaining the 1320 foot spacing requ�rement (b �tween
individual adult uses) wh' ch currently applies toladult uses
in B- 3 , I-1 and I- 2 zones .
o Councilmember Sonnen adv cates maximizing the s acing
between individual adult u es , while retaining th ' distance
requirements (from adult u es to residential zone or uses)
in the current zoning .
Plann"ng Division staff has map ed the current zoning , the
Wilsoi/Planning Commission prop sal and four alternativ s which
expan the spacing requirement between individual adult �' �
busin sses . The attached table ummarizes the estimate of
pnten ial numbers of businesses nder each alternative . ' Maps
illus rating each alternative wi 1 be provided at the Hlusing and
Econo ic Development Committee m eting on February 24 .
cc : J n Gasterland
K n Johnson
A Olson
J rry Segal
J hn Sturner
P ggy Reichert
Downto n Elsewhere
(B-4 , B-5) (B-3 , I-1 , I-2) TOTAL
-- -------------------------- ---------------------- '-----------
1 . Current Zoning 6 110 ; 170
2 . Wilson/Planning
Co ission Proposal 15 15
3 . a. Double
Cur ent Spacing 2 47 67
� 3 .b Double
Cur ent Spacing
- Plu Extra Spacing
for Third Adult
Use 13 35 48
3 . c . Quadruple
Cur ent Spacing 9 32 41
3 . d. Quadruple
Curr nt Spacing
Plus Extra Spacing
for hird Adult
Use 6 16 22
---- ------------------------- ----------------------- ---------
Note .
1 . C rrent Zoning: 1320 ft . spa ing, 200 ft . distance �n B- 3 ,
I-1 I-2 ; 300 ft . spacing, 100 ft . distance in B-4 � -5 .
2 . Wilson/Planning Commission P oposal : 1320 ft . spaci g, 1320
ft . istance in I - 1 � I-2 .
3 . a. ouble Current Spacing : 26 0 ft . spacing in B-3 , I -1 & I - 2 ;
600 f . spacing in B-4 � B- 5 .
3 .b . ouble Current Spacing Plus Extra Spacing for Thir Adult
Use : 640 ft . spacing between a two adult uses in B-3 � I -1 �
I - 2 ; 0 , 560 ft . spacing (sum of istances) between any dult use
and t o nearest adult uses in B- , I - 1 � I-2 ; 600 ft . s acing
betwe n any two adult uses in B- � B-5 ; 2400 ft . spaci g between
any a ult use and two nearest ad lt uses in B-4 � B-5 .
3 . c . uadruple Current Spacing: 280 ft . spacing in B- 3 ,' I -1 � I -
2 ; 1200 ft . spacing in B-4 & B- 5
3 . d. Q adruple Current Spacing P us Extra Spacing for T �ird Adult
Use : 5 80 ft . spacing between an two adult uses in B- 3 , �� I -1 &
I-2 ; 2 , 120 ft , spacing (sum of istances) between any a ult use
and tw nearest adult uses in B- , I -1 & I-2 ; 1200 ft . s acing
betwee any two adult uses in B-4 & B-5 ; 4800 ft . spacin between
any ad lt use and two nearest adult uses in B-4 & B- 5 .
• 1 ' _..� `S y��' r• l/
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.<>`� "�""` CITY OF SAINT PAUL
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/'� O-t1 ��1'� �:° ED ARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY
,. m
'"�;�;n'� °,'fi���` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
J nuary 26 , 1988
Co ncil Member William Wilson
Se enth Floor
Ci y Hall
Re: Adult Zoning
De r Council Member Wilson:
Enc osed is the change to he pending zoning am ndments for
adu t uses so as to make ad lt uses a conditional use in the
I-1 Industrial District. T e changes are found on the new
pag s 12-14, which you would ove as an amendment at the Council
hea ing.
Ple se advise me if you have a y questions .
Y u 1 very truly,
/' � ',
J E J�-�-S GAL �
A si t �t;�ity Atto�ney
JJS : g
Encl .
.R , � ,��
(d) All signs shal comply with Chapter 6 of the Zoning
Code and wit Chapters 274 and 275 of the Saint
Paul Legislati e Code.
(e) The adult conv rsation/rap parlor sha 1 be licensed
as a conversat ' on/rap parlor under ap lic le pro-
visions of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod .
(3) Adult massage parlo s or health clubs subj ct to the same
conditions as those listed above in 60. 554 ( ) for adult
conversation/rap pa lors .
(4) Adult saunas subjec to the same condition as those
listed above in 60. 554 (2) for adult conv sation/rap
ection 8 .
That section CA.-C�� 60. 14 of the Saint Pa 1 L gislative Code
is hereby amended so as to a d the following n cl uses thereto:
���� (10) Adult booksto es subject to th foll wing conditions:
(a) The adult boo store shall be ocated at least
1320 radial f et from any ad t use easured in a
straight line from the close t point ' of the build-
ings in which the adult use are loc ted.
(b) The adult boo store shall e located at least 1320
radial feet f om any resi entially z ned property in
any municipal ' ty, measur in a stra' ght line from
the closest p operty lin of the pro erty on which
an adult book tore is 1 cated to the closest resi-
dentially zon d proper line.
(c) The adult boo store s all be located at least 1320
radial feet f om any "protected use" defined as : a
building used entir y for residenti 1 purposes , a
day care cent r wh e such day care enter is a
principal use , a use of worship , a public library,
a school (pub ic , parochial or priva e elementary,
junior high o h' gh school ) , a publi park, a public
playground, a p lic recreation cent r or a public
specialized r eation facility. Th distance shall
be measured i a straight line from he closest pro-
perty line of the property on which adult book-
store is loca ed to the closest prop rty line of the
property on w ich is located an afor mentioned pro-
tected use.
� � / ��.
(d) The adult book tore shall be located least 50
radial feet fr m any retail or service business
dealing direct y with consumers , measu ed in a
straight line rom the closest propert line of the
property on wh ch the adult bookstore ' s located to
the closest pr perty line of the prope ty on which
is located a r tail or service busines ealing
directly with onsumers .
(e) Conditions (b) - (d) may be waived by he Planning
Commission if he person applying fo he waiver
shall file wit the planning adminis r tor a consent
petition which indicates approval o t e proposed
adult bookstore by 90 percent of t e p operty owners
within 1320 rad' al feet of the lo on hich the use
would be locate ; the planning co iss ' on, in con-
sidering such a waiver , shall ma e the following
findings : that he proposed use will n t be contrary
to the public i terest or inju ious to nearby pro-
perties , and th t the spirit d inten of the ordi-
nance will be o served; that he proposed use will
not enlarge or ncourage th developme t of a "skid-
row" area; that the establ ' hment of an additional
use of this typ in the ar a will not b contrary
to any program f neighbo hood conserva ion or im-
provement , eith r reside tial or non-re idential ;
and that all ap licable regulations of his ordi-
nance will be o served
(f) All signs shall comp with Chapter 66 f the Zoning
Code and with C apt s 274 and 275 of t e Saint Paul
Legislative Cod .
{-��� (11) Adult cabarets s bject to the same con itions listed
above in 68.-6��-{-��-} 60.604 (10) for adult ookstores.
f�C-} (12) Adult mini-mo i n picture theatres sub ect to the
same conditions a t ose listed above in C8.6��-{-���
60.614 (10) for ul bookstores .
���� (13) Adult mot ' n pi ture theatres subject o the same
conditions as hose isted above in 69.-C��-f�4� 60.614
(10) for adul books ores .
, ���:
BI.UE - MAV R . File �. NO.
�\ '` �, r �n�nce Ordin �nce N 0.
Presented By �
Refe red To Committee: Dat �
Out f Committee By D te '
f�8� (14) Adult uses oth r than adult boo stores ' adult
cabarets , adul conversation/r p parlo s , adult
massage parlor , adult healt clubs , a ult mini-
motion picture theatres , ad t motion icture
theatres and a ult saunas , subject to he same
conditions as ose liste above in CA C��-f��.�
60.614 (10) for adult b okstores.
Se tion
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force �thirty days
fro and after its passage , ap roval and publication. �
4. �
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: I
Dimond j
�� In Favor
Gos.vstz i
s�ne�be� Against BY
Sonnen I
Wilson I
Form Approved City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by ouncil Secretary BY
By j� I
Approved by Mayor: Date Ap ed by Mayor for Submission Council
w►u1`e- '-+'e�Tr �ea�c� +: = `: � -: _- ; ,
P�NK -�N�` �E !�-.� . GITY OF SAINT PAU� �` Coun �
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Presented By - d` �
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Refe red To Committee: Date
_ ;
Out Committee By Qa�te
id f J�inl� �s r tbmt, aE�ult rr�s � �:�
� e+�r�wras t
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� an ct�re
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I �
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; �
I � �
� I 4
�1• � ..
Y� N� Requested by Department of:
Dimond ,
�� In Favor
. Goswitz i
��,�i Against BY
Sonnen �
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
' Certified Passed by ouncil Secretary � BY `
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission t I Council
t �. C1 T� � ^7/ � \/
YS Wat rth Streef,Saint Pwl,Minnesota 55102
� s•
T0: Members of the City Co ncil
FR M: Mark Vander Schaaf I j�
City Planner
DA E: January 28, 1988
SU JECT: Revisions of the Propo ed Adult Entertainment
n oduction
Pla ning Division staff has recomme ded to Councilmember Wilso . several minor
rev'sions of the proposed adult ent rtainment ordinances. Thes
rec mmendations are based on a care ul re-reading of the propos d ordinance
and on discussions with citizens, c uncilmembers, and their sta f. The
pro osed revisions are intended to larify the intent of the Pl nning
Co ission's original recommendatio , or to correct typographic l errors in
the proposed ordinance. The recomm nded revisions are attachedlfor reference
pu oses.
Dis ssion of Notable Revisions
1. efinition of "Massage"' (Ordinan e Amending Section 412.02, �Ip. 1;
rdinance Amending Chapter 60, p. 6)
By using the term "exclusive and the phrase "and for n '� other
purpose," the current defini ion may be creating an unde irable
loophole that would enable a business operator to claim t is not
offering "massage" (and ther fore does not need to be li ensed)
simply because there is anot er "purpose" to the "rubbin , stroking,
kneading, tapping or rolling of the body" which is provi ed at the
establishment. The recommen ed revision will help to cr ate a
definition of "massage" that will enable the City to dec lare that
adult massage parlors must b licensed as massage parlor ', (which they
currently are not) .
2. C ndition Explicitly Prohibiting llegal Activity or Conduct � the Part
o Adult Businesses (Ordinance Ame ding Chapter 60, pp. 9, 11,' 12, 13)
It is recommended that the fo lowing statement be added a a
condition applying to each t e of adult use:
. • . �
Me bers of the City Council
Ja uary 28, 1988
Pa e Two
No [type of adult use shall engage in any activi or conduct
or permit any other p rson to engage in any activ �ty or conduct
in the [type of adult use) which is prohibited by jany ordinance
of the City of Saint aul, the laws of the State �f Minnesota,
or the United States f America. Nothing in this brdinance
shall be construed as uthorizing or permitting c duct which is
prohibited or regulate by other statutes or ordi nces,
including but not limi ed to statutes or ordinance prohibiting
the exhibition, sale o distribution of obscene ma erial
generally, or the exhi ition, sale or distribution',of specified
materials to minors.
This revision addresses the concern that defining adult�luses in
reference to "specified sex al activities" and "specifi d anatomical
areas" legalizes actions th t are or should be illegal. ' The intent
of the new definitions is t enable the City to �udge alsex-oriented
business to be an adult use even if, as has recently ha ,pened in
Saint Paul, the business op ns its doors to minors.
In themselves, definitions re neutral. If all or some lof the
activities so defined are o should be illegal, then th ' City
elsewhere can prohibit or r gulate such activities as i � sees fit,
3. issions and Community Residenti 1 Facilities as "Protected Ises»
Ordinance Amending Chapter 60, . 12)
It is recommnended that missi ns and community residenti � facilities
be explicitly identified as protected uses." The cate ry of
"protected uses" should be f r permanent residential use , for places
which are likely to serve la ge numbers of minors and fo
rehabilitative facilities. issions and community resid ntial
facilities both meet these c iteria.
►IMR � I N�MCf ---- • •
������ - o �wwTrc�♦ CITy g SAINT PAUL v1�101^S
_ •wc _.. ..o�
� � �RQ�O IAA IAA Q N�Q�
rdinance ;L p�,N,,;,,
P��,« y •
y ;�;��'o� s�.► .
R ferred To � Commi ttee: ��27�8�
O t of Committee By ate
An ordinance am nding chapter 60 of th
� Saint Pau1 Legi lative Code pertaining �to
" Zoning Regulati ns.
WHEREAS, the existing Saint Paul Zoning Code ermits adult
ses to be located on y in certain zoning, classification
' stricts ; and
WHEREAS, the Plannin Commission has con ucted a study
o the existing zoning p ovisions for adult-t uses and has . •
r commended that these regu ations be modified; an
WHEREAS , the Planni g Commission has r �ommended that
c rtain types of adult-onl uses be restricted o industrially
z ned districts with restr ctions on their locat on in relation
t residential and other adult-only uses, wit ' � these recom-
. m nCations being �based upo studies conducted b '; City Planning
s aff and studies conducted y other cities; and
V7::EREAS, some of the purposes of restric �ng adult-only
zy e uses to industrially oned districts includ ', the following
. fi dings :
Areas within close wal ing distance of reside tial dwsllings
and other general comm rcial uses should beifree oi' adult
entertainment land uses
. •Areas where children c uld be expected to w lk, pa��ronize
. or recreate should be free of certain adult '. entert3inment
' , land uses.
Adult-only entertainmen lan�d uses should e located in
areas of the city which ar.e not in close 'iproximity to
residential uses, churc es, parks and other ublic facili-
' �OUNCI MFN Requested by Department o . '
Yeas Nayr
Nioo�. In Favor
��'M� Against BY '
Form Approved by City Atto ey
Adopted by Coun il: Date
Certi:ied Passed Council Secretary 8Y
Approved by Ma�y : Date Approved by Mayor for Submi ion to Council
ties , schools , and oth r commercial uses.
The image of the Ci y of Saint Paul as a pleasant and
attractive place to reside will be adv Irsely affected
by the presence of a ult entertainment lan ' uses in close
� proximity to residential land uses , church s , parks , and
other public facilit ' es, schools and gen al comriercial
uses .
Regulation of adult entertainr�ent land u es should be •
� developed to preven deterioration and/ r degradation
of the vitality of th community before the '�,problem exists
or gets worse, rath r than in response lo an e};isting
problem. � � �
Commercial areas of he City patronized b young people
and children should e free of adult en� �tainment land
. Adult entertainment la d uses should be regujated by zoning
to separate it from other dissimilar use �� just as any
otYier land use should e separated from uses ' ith chai,acter-
istics different from i self.
Residents of the City of Saint Paul , and p rsons who are
non-residents but use the City for shopp 'ng and other
commercial needs , wil move from the comm � nity o:^ shop
elsewhere if adult e tertainment land use � are �illowed
to locate in close roximity to resident 'jal and other
cornrrercial uses , church s , parks , and other pu '�lic fac:lities
� �and schools.
� Location of adult en ertainment land uses ' in proximity
to residential uses , churches , parks and ' other public
facilities , and school and . commercial use � may lead to
increased levels of cr minal activities , inc uding prosti-
tution, rape , incest a d assaults in the vi inity of such
adult entertainment lan uses . �
Merchants in the commer ia1 area of the City 'are coiicerned
about adverse impacts upon the character a d quality of
the City in the event that adult entertaimm �t land uses '
are located within c ose proximity to re � idential and
commercial uses , church s , parks and other pub ic facylities
and schools. Locatio of adult entertainm 'nt land uses
in close proximity to residential and co ercial uses ,
churches , parks , and o her public facilitiesland schools ,
� 2.
. �
will reduce retail tra e to commercial uses i the vicinity,
thus reducing propert values and tax re ' enues to the
City. Such adverse e fects on property val es will cause
the loss of some co ercial establishment followed by
a blighting effect u on the commercial di tricts within
the City, leading to f rther deterioration of 'the commercial
quality of the City.
No evidence has been presented to show tha the location
of adult entertainmen land uses within he City will
improve the commercial iability of the commun ty.
Experience in numerous other cities , includi g Saint Paul ,
Seattle, Tacoma and D troit have shown th location of �
adult entertainment la d uses degrade the ality of the
� area of the City in hich they are locate and cause a
blighting effect upon t e City.
A reasonable regulatio of the location of ad� lt entertain-
ment land uses will provide for the prot ction of the
image of the comrrunity and its property value , and protect
the residents of the community from the a verse effects
of such adult entert inment land uses , w lile providing
to those who desire t 'patronize adult ente ,tainment land
uses such an opFortunity in areas of the C�.ty which are
appropriate for lccatio of adult entertainmentiland uses.
The community will be an undesirable place to live and
shop in if it is know on the basis of its �image as the
� location of adult entert inment land uses .
A stable atmosphere f r the rearing of fa ilies cannot:.
be ac'hieved iri close proximity to adult jentertainment
land uses .
The initial location of adult entertainme t land uses
will lead to the loca ion of additional and , similar uses
within the same vicin ty, thus multiplying , the adverse
impact of the initial location of adult 'entertainment ,
land uses upon the resid ntial and commercial u es , churches,
parks and other publi facilities and scho ls, and the
impact upon the image and quality of the character of
the community.
3. ;
. , �
Section 1 .
That the definitions or the terms Adult B okstore, Adult
� C baret , Adult Conversatio /Rap Parlor, Adult assage Parlor,
H alth Club, Adult Mini-M tion Picture Theatre Adult Motion
P cture Theatre, Adult Saun and Adult Uses , cont �ned in section
6 . 201 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , be ! and is hereby
a ended to read as follows :
Adult bookstore. A hop for the barter, ental or sale
of items consistin f printed matter, pi jtures , slides,
records , audio tape, videotape or motion ', picture � film, � �
if such shop is not o en to the public gen ��ally but only
to one or more classe- of the public exclu ing any minor
by reason of age: , or if a substant:al r si nificant
portion of such item are distin uished o characterized
b an emphasis on the epiction or descri tio � of "specified
- sexual activi�ties" or " pecified anatomical ar as . "
Adult cabaret. An esta lishment which provide ge-ge-dar�ee�s;
e�e��e-��.��,--s����p �s;--o-�--s�x�}�a�--e�r�t i��=� dancing
or other live entert inment, if such est blishmPnt a�d
wl��e� excludes minors b virtue of age.- , or f such dancin
� or other live entertain ent is distin uished o '�_ characterized
by an emphasis on the erformance , depic+�ion or description
of "s ecified sexual ctivities" or "specif ed anatomical
areas. "
.Adult conversation/ra arlor. A conversation �ra arlor
which excludes minors b reason of a e , or whi prar�ides the
service of en agin in r listenin to convers ion, talk or
� discussion, if such ser ice is distin uished o ' characterized
b an em hasis on "specified sexual activities' Ior "s ecified
anatomical areas . "
Adult massa e arlor, ealth club. A mass e parlor or
' , health club which rest ,icts minors by reas of a e , or ,
which rovides the ser ice of "massa e" , i such service
is distin uished or cha acterized b an empha is on "s eci-
fied sexual activities" r "s ecified anatomica areas. " '
Adult mini-motion pict re theatre. An enc bsed building
with a capacity for les than 50 persons used or presenting
material c�f3�ed--t�-A4�r� ese�a- �-�'��2� -a��-'-'se�t�a��}
��eveea�}ve!'--a�--�it�- if such building as �I a prevailing
, practice excludes minor by virtue of ageT ', or if such
. 4.
mater�al is distin is ed or characterized b 'an em hasis on
the de iction or descr tion of "s ecified se al activities"
or "s ecified anatomi al areas" for observa ion b atrons
Adult motion picture theatre. An enclose '� building with '
a capacity of 50 or mo e persons used for pres�nting material
de€}�e�-�--M���- �a���es-�rla�-�-9�-a�-"se t�����-p�e�aeea-
���ae'-'-�r�--wl��e�i if su h buildin as a prev iling practice
excludes minors by vi tue of ag�, , or if' such material
is distin uished or haracterized b an .e hasis on the
depiction or descri t ' on of "s ecified sex 1 activities"
� or "specified anatomic 1 areas" for observat' on b atrons
therein. �
' Adult sauna. A sauna w ich excludes minors b '�reason of a e ,
or which rovides a s eam bath or heat bat in room used
for the ur ose of ba hin , relaxation, or ducin , util-
izing steam or hot air as a cleanin , relaxi or reducin
ager.t .. if the service provided b the sauna i distin uished
or ch�sracterized b an mphasis on "specified exual activi-
ties" or "s ecified ana omical areas. "
Adult uses. Ad���- -a-r�-��iese--�s�- ' �l.�d-i�g.._laa��
wk�}E1�--ar-e-�o-�--�}--� -�-g�a�13�-Qe�e�a�� +--��-�-1�--�e
e�e--o�=-r�e�e-�-�.-��-e€-��-g�i3��-c--a��-�-x�-� ,'-�g��-r���e�
b}--r�nr-o�-age;-�-- '��o�=-be��Q--�-��-�.o�-- �de�--#-,��-age
e€-�i-g�-t��-�r�.. Adu t uses includ�,--��-� , -�e�-��r���ed
�e ,- adult bookstores , dult motion picture t eatres , adult
� mini-r�otion picture the tres , adult massage larlors, adult .
sauna:� , adult rap/conve sation parlors, adult �ealth clubs ,
and adult cabarets , e --s�-r�����--ac�;���-���. , and other - .
rp emi;>'es , enterprises, b sinesses or laces ope to some or
all me�mbers of the publi at or in which there s an em hasis
on the performance , depiction or description f "s ecified
sexuai activities" or "specified anatomical areas" which
are capable of bein see b said members of th public.
� • Section 2. •
That the definition of Co versation/Rap Parlors c ntained in
Sect on 60.203 of the Saint Pa 1 Legislative Code be a d is hereby
amen ed to read as follows :
. _ � s
Conversationj/rap par ors. An x blis ent ��eer�eesl X
by--6Hap�e�--��3--e�-- ke--6��y--A�el}xar�ee--a I� advertising,
offering or selling t e service of engaging n or listening
� to conversation, talk or discussion -a�--e�ap�e�ee
� e€--��-es�ab�}sl�r�e��- -�-et�s�e�e�, regard ess of whether
� other goods or service are also simultaneou ly advertised,
offered or sold, and regardless of wheth r those other
goods or services are a so required to be lic sed.
The term "conversati n parior" shall not ' include bona
� fide legal , medical , p ychiatric , psychologic l , or counsel-
ing services by a pe son or firm appropri 'tely licensed;
or bona fide educatio al institutions, or p nels, seminars
or other similar ser ices offered by . suc �� institutions ; � �
or churches or synagogu s . �
ection 3. �
That the definition of Massage Parlor, Saun ; Health Club
. co tained in section 60. 213 of the Saint Paul Ligislative Code
be and is hereby amended to ead as follows :
Massage parlor, sauna health club. An ' establishment ` /
� ' ' offering ��'
"massage" de fined as the rubbin , strok' , kneadin , �
ta in or rollin of he bo�� , for the ur oses
of leasure , relaxation, h sical fitness , or eautification, v
, offered for a ! fee or other ��
valuable consideration -wfi�eH-�e�#�3��--�' -by�-�r����e
e€--ac�e and including p ysi�al culture and he lth services ,
.physical culture and ealth club, reducing lub, reducing
.� salon, and massage par or. This definition � shall- include
• . any building, room, structure, place or ' establishment
used by the public o her than a hospita ', sanatorium,
rest home, nursing home, boarding home or oth r institution
for the hospitalizatio or care of human ' beings , duly
licensed under the provi ions of Minnesota Sta tes, Sections
144. 50 through 144. 703 inclusive, where n �-medical and
� . non-surgical manipulatio exercises or massageslare practiced ,
upon the human body for fee or other valuableiconsideration �
by anyone not duly 1 censed by the State ' of Minnesota
to practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, �' chiropractic ,
physical therapy� or podiatry, with or w thout the use
of inechanical , thera eutic , or bathing d vices� or any
room or rooms from whi h a masseur or masseu e is dispatched
by telephone or oth rwise for the purpos' of giving a
massage. �iEl�ed- -r�e-��e�ag�-€o�-a-# �t�,a�-�--l�e-g#vex
exee�s�-�r�-a-�}eeASed-p era}seT
ection 4.
That section 60.219 f the Saint Paul L gislativ� Code
b and is hereby amended so s to add the followin Ithereto:
� Sauna. An establishm nt rovidin a stea ' bath or heat
bathin room used for the ur ose of bath n , relaxation �
or reducin , utilizin steam or hot air s a cleanin ,
� relaxin or reducin a nt.
S ecified anatomical reas. Anatomical a ' as con�istin
of :
1 ) Less than com etel and o a uel � overed: (a)
human enitals, b) ubic re ion, (c) b ttock, and (d)
female breast be ow a point immediatel above the top
of the areola ; a d'
2) Human male enit ls in a discernibly tu id stai:e , even
if com letel an opa uel covered.
Specified sexual activi ies. Activities consi tin of :
1 ) Human enitals in a state of sexual sti lation or �
arousal ; ,
2) Acts of human mas urbation, sexual inte ourse or
3) Fondlin or other erotic touchin of h In enitals,
ublic re ion, bu tock or female breast; ,
4) Situations involv n a erson or ersons any of whom
are nude , clad in under arments or in se uall reveal-
in costumes, and who are en a ed in act vities in-
. volvin the fla e lation, torture, fette in , b�ndin
or other h sical restraint of an such ersons.
. �i
7 .
- - � ��� ��
� ��
Section 5.
That Section 60. 543 , c auses 10, 11 and 12, o , the Saint Paul
� L gislative Code , is hereby amended to read as foliows :
(10) Adult t�ses conver ation/ra arlors subj �t to the
following conditi ns :
(a) The �ses adult conversation/ra arlo shall be
located at lea t 1320 radial feet fro any other
adult use meas red in a straight linejfrom the
closest points of the buildings in wh ch the adult
uses are locat d. . � � �
(b) The adult �se. onversation/rap arlor ' shall be
located at least 200 radial feet rom any resi-
dentially zon d property measured iin a straight
l.ine from th closest point of t le building in
which the ad lt t�se conversation/ ap arlor is
located i:o th closest residentially zoned property
1 ine ; ��_� �-�i�-x�a}-�-�i-�d- -��e-��a��}xig
eer�r��ss�e�--�-� -�,�e--pe�se�--�p�-l�ri�- e�-��--wa�ve�
s1�a��--#'__�e-- rt-�---��e--�-1-a��-i�- i-�-�tTr��o-r---a
ee�se��---�tr i-o�--�-i�---��d�ea�es --a��r�-1---e�
� �be-p�egese�-a t���-t�se-by-98-pe�ee��- �-��ie-p�e�ae��}
� ew�e�s--w=_�-�-i�- �44-�a��a�-�'�-o�-�l� I-�ot-c�r�-w�}E�
��e-�z�e---�k� �e--�oe�,e�;-t-�-g�a�r���g-ee���ss�e�;
}�--eo�s��e��� --�e-�--�--��r-,---s ���--�al�e--�l�e
�e��ew��e--��� �r�gs=--�l�a�--�Y�e--g�eg �e�--�se--w}��
� . �ie�-�ie-�� -�o-t�-g�b�}�-���e�e t�-e�-}����}eus
�e--�ea���--�� ge��}es;--a�d--�}�a�--� --sp��}�--a��i
� � }��e��--s€--� -����-�-i1-1---be-- ����ed•,--��ia�
� �ke--p�e�ese�-- s�e-�rr��--��--e�rl� �o�--e�ee��age
�l�e--c�e�e�opr�e� --o-€-�-"-s-k3�-�ew'-'- ;---�,�a�-�ke
es�ab��sl�x�e��- €--a�-��.�-io��-7--�se-' �--t�-i-�-��pe
�r�-�-a�-w' ��-��-be- -�' --a��-p�eg�a�x
e�---�e�sl�be�l�e �---ee�se��a�}e�---e�- -�r���ever�e��;
' . � e��ke�--�es��er� }a�-•-e�--�e�-�es}�e��� �;--a�d-��l�a�
a��--�3�-i-�afi� ---��-l�,io��--e�-- i-s---e����a�ee . .
. w}��-be-�bse�ve . ,
(c ) The t�se adult c nversation/ra arlor hall not be
located v�ithin building also used fo residential
8 .
(d) There shall be no access from the bui ding in which
the �se adult onversation/ra arlor is located to
the alley or t residentially zoned p 'operty.
(e) Conditions (b) - (d) ma be waived b the lannin
commission if he erson a 1 in for the waiver
shall file wit the lannin administ ator a consent
etition which indicates a roval the ro osed
adult cnversa ion ra arlor b 0 ercent of
the ro ert owners within 200 dial feet of
the lot on wh ch the adult conversa ion/ra arlor
would be loc ted; the lannin • ommission in
. con erin su h a waiver, shall mak the followin �
fin i s: that the ro osed use will ot be contrar
. to e ubli interest or in 'uri us to nearb
. ro erties, a d that the s irit nd intent of
the ordinance will be observed; tha the ro osed
use will not nlar e or encoura e he develo ment
of a "skid r w" area; that the e ablishment of
an additional se of this t e in the area will
not be contra to an ro ram o nei hborhood
conservation r im rovement, eith r residential
or non-residen ial ; and that all a licable re -
lations of this ordinance will be obse ved.
� (ef) All signs shall comply with Chapter 66jof the Zoning
Code and with C apters 274 and 275 of he Saint Paul
Legislative Cod .
(a) The use shall b licensed as a convers 'tion/ra arlor
� under a licabl rovisions of the Sai t Paul Le isla- •
tive Code.
(11 ) Adult massa e arlo s or health clubs, su 'ect to the
same conditions a those listed above �in 60. 543(10)
for adult conversat'on ra arlors.
(12) Adult saunas sub 'e t to the same condit ons as those
listed above in 6 .543 10 for adult co versation ra
� parlors. ' .
( � i3) Auto repair, subjec to the following cond tions:
. !�hcnr'�
�a��Q� .
� ��a��a��
. g� �
�- � e a
° � a lo
w o e t nt
e w or ' t ed
a es o e t s nanc a e
co s u d a u o u t w ' c s
ro b ted e at es or ord na ces
ncludi b t t d o t tes o d nances
o ib n e o i bu ' ' on of bscene
mate a e era o the h b ion sale r distribution
of s ec ed ater a to mino s i
� , ��� ��
(a) The minimum 1 t area shall be fiftee thousand
- - (15,000) squa e feet.-
' (b) A ten-foot la dscaped buffer with sc een planting
� and an obscur ng fence shall be requ red along any
� property line adjacent to an existin residence or
� adjacent to l nd zoned residential .
(c ) All repair wo k shall be done within 'an enclosed
(d) There shall b no outside storage.
(�� 14) Accessory build�in s , structures, and usel as defi�ed in • •
Section 60.201 . .
ection 6.
That section 60. 554 , c ause 2 of the Saint P ul Legislative
C de is am�nded to read as ollows, and section 6 ��. 554 is further
a nded so as to add the fol owing new clauses 3 a 4 thereto:
( 2) Adult �ses conversa ion/ra arlors subjec to the
following condition :
� (a) The xse adult c nversation/ra arlor hall be
�located at leas 300 radial feet from ny other adult
use measured in a straight line from t e closest
points of the b ildings in which the a ult uses are
located. .
� (b) The t�se adult c nversation/ra � arlor hall be located
• at least 100 radial feet from any resi ntial use
' measured in a st aight line from the c bsest point of
the building in hich the �se adult co ersation/ra
arlor is locate to the buildi�hg in w 'ch the resi-
dential use is 1 cated'.
' , tc) The �se adult co versation/ra arlor s all not be
located within a building also used for residential ' �
� purposes.
(d) All signs shall omply with Chapter 66 f the 2oning
Code and with Ch pters 274 and 275 of t e Saint Paul
Legislative Code
(e) The adult conversa ion/ra arlor shall be licensed
as a conversation/ a arlor under a icable ro-
visions of the Saint Paul Le islative Code. ,
( 3) Adult massa e arlo s or health clubs su ect to the
same conditions as those listed above i 60.554 2
for adult conversati n/ra arlors. . .
- . (�) Adult saunas sub 'ec to the same conditi ns as those
listed above in 60. 54 2 for adult con ersation ra
� parlors.
Se tion 7.
That section 60. 563, clau e 2 of the Saint Paul �egislative
Code is amended to read as fol ows , and section 60. 56 is further
amen ed so as to add the follo ing new clauses 3 and ; thereto:
(2) Adult �ses conversati n/ra arlors subject o the follow-
ing conditions: '
(a) The �se adult con ersation/ra arlor sh 'l1 be located
at least 300 radial feet from any other ult use
measured in a straight line from the clo �st points
of the buildings i which the adult uses �re located.
(b) The �se adult conv rsation/ra arlor sh �1 be located
at least 100 radia f�et from any reside �ial use .
� measured in a stra'ght line from the clo �st point of
the building in wh'ch the �se adult conv sation/ra
ap rlor is located o the building in whi the resi-
dential use is loc ted.
(c) The �se adult conv rsation/ra arlor sh 1 not be
. located within a b ilding also used for r sidential •
purposes. -
. ��sr"-;c���
� �a���� �
� . �
� �����
q��� ��
(d) All signs sha 1 comply with Chapter 6 of the Zoning
- - Code and with Chapters 274 and 275 o the Saint Paul
Legislative C de.
� (e) The adult con ersation/ra arlor sh ll be licensed
• as a conversa ion/ra arlor under a licable ro-
visions of th Saint Paul Le islativ Code.
( 3) Adult massa e arl rs or health clubs sub ect to the same
conditions as thos listed above in 60. 55 2 for adult
� conversation ra rlors.
(4) Adult saunas sub 'e t to the same conditio as those
listed above in �60.554 (2 for adult .conv sation ra • �
parlors. •
ection 8. �
That section 60.612 f the Saint Paul L islative Code
is hereby amended so as to a d the following new cl uses thereto.
t24 ) Adult �bookstores sub 'ect to � the follow conditions:
(a) The adult b okstore shall be loc ted at least
1320 radial f et from an adult use easured in a
� strai ht line from the closest oint of the build-
� in s in which the adult uses are loc ted.
(b) The adult book tore shall be located least 1320
radia]. feet fr an residentiall zo d ro ert in
. an munici� alit , measured in a strai t line from
.� the closest ro ert line of the ro t on which
an adult bookst re is located to the c osest resi-
� dentiall zoned ro ert line.
(c) The adult books ore shall be located a least 1320
radial feet fro an " rotected use" , efined as: a
buildin used e tirely for residential ur oses a
� . � da care center where such da care ce ter is a
. rinci al use, house of worshi , a blic librar , �
a school ( ubli , arochial or rivate !elementary,
'unior hi h or i h school , a ublic ark, a ublic
� la round, a blic recreation center or a ublic
s ecialized rec eation facilit . The istance shall
be measured in strai ht line from th closest ro-
- ert line of t e ro ert on which an dult book-
store is located to the closest ro er line o the
. ro ert on whic is located an aforem tioned ro-
tected use.
a �; SSioh �, a w.u...� t�¢s��eN��a� �AC�'(���
. 12. '
a 1 r
�'' t
w e t
e c n e
d ut o w
0 o e b t e st tute o e
c u t o ted o tes or o d
b a o r bu b cene
i a o he e h b t on sale bution
o ie a e s o m o s
. . �� _ ��
(d) The adult bo store shall be locate at least 50
radial feet f om an retail or serv e business
dealin direc 1 with consumers me ured in a
strai ht line from the closest ro t line o the
ro ert on w ich the adult booksto is located to
the closest o ert line of the r ert on which
is located a etail or service busi ss dealin
directl with consumers.
(e) Conditior,s (b - (d) ma be waived the Plannin
commission if the erson a 1 in . fo the waiver
shall file wi h the lannin adminis rator a consent
� etition whic indicates a roval of � the ro osed
adult booksto e b 90 ercent of the � ro ert owners �
within 1320 r dial feet of the lot o which the use �
' would be loca ed; the lannin commi sion, in con-
siderin such a waiver, shall make t e followin
findin s: tha the ro osed use will not be contrar
to the ublic interest or in 'urious o nearb ro-
erties, and at the s irit and int nt of the ordi-
nance will be bserved; that the ro osed use will
not enlar e or encoura e the develo ent of a "skid-
row" are�; tha the establishment of n additional
use of this t e' in the area will no be contrar
- to an r•o ram of nei hborhood conse ation or im-
rovement, eit er residential or non esidential ;
and that all a licable re ulatic+ns this ordi-
nance will be bserved.
• (f) All si �. shal com 1 with Cha ter 6 of the Zonin ,
Code and with ha ters 274 and 275 of� the Saint Paul
Le islative Co e. ,
(25) Adult cabaret.s sub ect to the same condit ons listed
above in 60.E•12 (2 ) for adult bookstores �
(26) Adult mini-motion icture theatres sub 'ec to the same
conditions a� thos listed above in 60.61 (24) for adult
. bookstores. . •
(27) Adult motion ictur theatres sub 'ect to e same con-
conditions as those listed above in 60.61 (24) for
adult bookstores.
- <�s.a.r�
'� ���
13. A��Q��u"" .
. . �F _ �,
� .
conduc n e u w o ed a
ws e
0 0
� or
erm d e e the
sta utes b t o i ed to
ta ute d e e hib on le o
d t a ne e
e h b t o a e bu s ec ed te to
minors .
- - __ . _ - --- --- -------- - --- -- - - - -- - --------�--
►INK _ F, M« � C uncil
C�w,►wr _ oE .q,�ENT C I TY F SA I NT �A U L
•��[ _M• ow F ! N�•
O �LZ�i �n�i e inance N 0.
Re erred To - Committee: D ke
Qu of Committee By D e
(28) Adult uses other han adult bookstores, Idult cabarets,
adult conversati /ra arlors , adult m ssa e arlors,
adult health club , adult mini-motion i ture theatres,
adult motion ' cture theatres and dult saunas,
sub 'ect to the s me conditions as thos listed above
in 60.612 (24) fo adult bookstores.
ection 9.
This ordinance shall ta e effect and be in for �e thirty days
fr m and after its passage, pproval and publicatio .
COUNCI MFN Requested by Department of'.
Yeas Nays
N��o�. in Favor
S`""�'� Against By
Wilson �
Adopted by Cou cil: Date Form Approved by City Atto �ey
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by May r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submi sion to Council �
By By
c�.� .• si� w��.�Mr (jITY F ,AINT YwvL ', �Q�;��p��
���t �n�• w
- 0 dinance �������� —
� by PtA�..;� —
P�seae.a '
' ! ����t►i`•. �� � —
Ref ned To Committee: �t27��a _
Oat ! Committee 8y ate
An Ordinarice am nding Section 412.02 f
the Saint Paul egislative Code perta ing
to Massage Parl rs.
Section l.
That the definition fo the term '•massage" a� icontained in
. Se tion 412.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code �e and is hereby
ain nded so as to read as fo lows: �
• Massage means the ru bing, stroking, knead �g, tapping
or rolling of the body w��k-�ke-l�aAds for th I -:-r__-,'-_��-��— x
purposes of leasure, elaxation, physical f ltness or �
� beautification, ; t �e term
"masseur�� means a male person, and the term •� asseuse��
__ a female person, who p actices massage. The ractice
of massage shall not i clude and is distinct �rom the
practice of inedicine , urgery, osteopathy, c �fropractic�
physical therapy and p diatry. Persons duly icensed
. or registered to practice medicine, surgery� steopa-
thy, chiropractic, physical therapy or podiat , and
nurses who work under t e direction af such p rsons,
are hereby expressly ex luded from the requir ments of
this chapter. Beauty c lturists, barbers and'Ico'sme-
. tologists who do not gi e� or hold themselves '� out to
give, massages other th n are customarily giv n in �
such shops or places of business for the p ses of � _
beauti•fication �only, an persons who qive� mas ages �
only incidentally to th ir general occupatlon and
receive no compensation specifically for givi g
massages, shall also be excluded from the pro isions
of this chapter.
Yeas Nays Requested by Depart�nen'�of:
N�eew In Favo
�, Against BY
NIiMn •
Adoptsd by cil: Date Fonn Appcoved by City �tomey
Certified Passe by Council Secretary 8Y
Approved by Ma or: Date Approvcd by Mayor fa S mission to Couaeil .
By ey
,., �Nt�1� - C� t' C l[A K r • i
C�.'IA/�r � OE AI�TMtNT C VnCli
•�uc _ M. o� - CITY F SAINT PAUL F e NO.
� 0 dinance o »���No.
Prcsented y
Re erred To Commi ttee: D �te
Ou of Committee By_ - D te
ection 2.
This ordinance shall ta e effect and be in for e thirty days
f om and after its passage , pproval and publicatio .
2. •
Yeas Nays Requested by Department .
N�� In Favo
Rrtt n �
8`"•'b � A a�nst BY
soma g
T�d '
• Wilwn �
Adopted by Co ncil: Date Form Approved by City Att rney
Certi(ied Pass d by Council Secretary BY
Approved by M or: Date � Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council
sy � BY
, ��,°�J/���
' iasi Ili�n
Councilme r
I.egislative de
DAT : January 28, 1988 I
T0: City Councilmembers �
FRO : Kiki Sonnen I
RE: Sonnen's Proposed Changes to the Ordinance Amending Chap r 60 of the
St. Paul Legislative Code Pe taining to Zoning Regulatio for Adult
Use Establishments
As any of you know, I am strongly pposed to the ordinance int duced by Bill
Wi son. Listed below are several p opased changes that I belie are necessary
in the ordinance to lessen the detr mental impact on the surrou ding
, * Change 4�1, see page 6 of the ord nance, Council File ��88-91, Section 60.204.
THE CURRENT CODE: Does not cont in a definition for game ro .
MY RECOMMENDATION IS: Add the efinition: "Game Room - An e tablishment or
premises in which four (4) or m re coin operated mechanical musement devices
as defined in Section 31$.Ol of the St. Paul Legislative Co , except coin
operated billiard and pool tabl s, are kePt. or maintained f use of the
up blic." — — — — —
THE REASON FOR MY RECON�ENDATIO IS: The proposed ordinanc allows for a
number of protected uses from a ult uses. The intent of th protected uses
is primarily to protect residen ial areas, the elderly and firmed and
minors from the effects of adul establishments. Since gam rooms are
primarily frequented by minors, I felt it appropriate that e add that to the
protected use. Since the zonin code does not contain a cu rent definition
for game rooms, I believe we ne ded to add one to the ordin nce. The
proposed definition is based on the definition of the game oom in the
licensing section of the St. Pa 1 Legislative Code.
. I
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Prop sed Changes to Zoning Regulatio s for Adult Use Establishme s
Janu ry 28, 1988
Page Two
* ange ��2, see page 7, Section 60 216.
HE CURRENT CODE: Does not have definition for a park.
HE PLANNING COMMISSION: Has no ecommendation. i
RECONQZENDATION IS: Add the de inition: "Park - Shall mea and include
11 the up blic grounds and s uare maintained as pleasure ro nds and
esi nated recreation areas � t e City of St. Paul."
HE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATION IS: The proposed ordinance ists parks as a
rotected use. However, neither the current zoning code or t e planning
ommission proposal provides a d finition for parks. The def nition for a
ark is based on language pertai ing to parks and recreation acilities in
ther sections of the Legislativ Code.
� * hange ��3, see page 7, Section 6 .216.
THE CURRENT CODE: Does have a d finition for patron area in the licensing
section of the Legislative Code ut not in the zoning code.
THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Has no recommendation.
MY RECOMMENDATION IS: Add the d finition: "Patron area sha 1 include all
areas used � the public, and e ludes ali areas used exclus vel �
employees for work, storage or ffice sPace•"
THE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATIO IS: A definition of patro area is needed
in the zoning code as I propose further into these amendment a parking
requirement based on patron are .
* Change .�4, see page 7, Section 0.216.
THE CURRENT CODE: Does not hav a definition for a public vernment
building(s) .
THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Has n recommendation.
MY RECOMMENDATION IS: Add the efinition: "Public overmm �t building - a
building owned � a overnmenta unit and where citizens �o to receive
service(s) ."
THE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATI N IS: The proposed ordinanc allows for a
number of protected uses. The intent of the protected uses is primarily to
protect residential areas, min rs and the infirmed or elde y. Since public
government buildings, which pr vide service, are frequente by minors and the
elderly, I felt it appropriate that we add that to the cat ory of protected
uses. The current zoning code does not have a definitian r a public
government building so I am in erting one into the zoning de.
Prop sed Changes to Zoning Regulation for Adult Use Establishmen s
Janu ry 28, 1988 I
Page Three
* C ange ��5, see page 7, Section 60.219.
T E CURRENT CODE: Does not have definition for specialized ecreation
f cility.
E PLANNING COMMISSION RECOI�Il�IEND : That a specialized recre ion facility
e a protected use. However, the ordinance does not define w t a
pecialized recreation facility i nor does the current zonin code.
RECOMMENDATION IS: Add the de inition: "Specialized Recr ation Facility
a up blic or private establishme t providing recreation or easure
ctivities, which encourage the i volvement of minors."
— — �
HE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATION S: The Planning Commissionlrecommends that
specialized recreation facilit be a protected use from an dult
stablishment. However, the Pla ing Commission did not incl de a definition
f what a specialized recreation facility is in their proposa . This
efinition is based on a list of specialized recreation facil ties in the St.
aul Comprehensive Plan.
* hange ��6, see page 8 of the ord nance, Section 60.543, clau 10.
E CURRENT CODE READS: "(10) A ult uses subject to the fol wing
(a) The uses shall be located a least 1320 radial feet fro any other adult
use measured in a straight ine from the closest points of the building
in which the adult uses are located.
(b) The adult use shall be loca ed at least 200 radial feet from any
residentially zoned propert measured in a straight lin from the
closest point of the buildi g in which the adult use is located to the
closest residentially zone property line;. . ."
THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOrIl�IE S: "(10) Adult t�ges conver ation/ra
parlors subject to the followin conditions:
(a) The nses adult conversatio /ra ap rlor shall be locate at least 1320
radial feet from any other adult use measured in a str ght line from
the closest point of the b ilding in which the adult u s are located.
(b) The adult c�9e conversation ra ap rlor shall be located t least 200
radial feet from any resid ntially zoned property meas ed in a straight
line from the closest poin of the building in which t e adult �se
conversation/rap ap rlor is located to the closest resi entially zoned
property line; . . ."
. , i
Prop sed Changes to Zoning Regulation for Adult Use Establishmen s
Janu ry 28, 1988
Page Four
RECOMMENDATION IS: "(10) Adul c�9e9 conversation/rap arlo s subject to
t e following conditions:
( ) The tc9es adult conversation/ a parlors shall be located t least 1320
radial feet from any other a ult use measured in a strai t line from
the closest points of the r ert lines of the building in which the
adult uses are located. �
) The adult t�9es conversation/ a ap rlor shall be located t least 200
radial feet from any residen ially zoned property measur d in a straight
line from the closest point f the building in a straigh line from the
closest point of the ro ert line of the building in wh ch the adult
t�se conversation/� ap r or s�ated to the closest re identially
zoned property line; . . ."
IiE REASON FOR MY RECOrIl�IENDATION IS: In most instances, the oning code
easures from property lines, no the points of the building. In an effort
o be consistent, I have changed all the language regarding asurements to
e from the closest points of th property line in question.
* hange ��7, see page 10, Section 0.554, clause 2.
HE CURRENT CODE READS: "(2) Ad lt uses subject to the foll �taing conditions:
(a) The use shall be located at least 300 radial feet from y other adult
use measured in a straight ine from the closest points of the buildings
in which the adult uses are located.
(b) The use shall be located at least 100 radial feet from ny residential
use measured in a straight ine from the closest point f the building
in which the use is locate to the building in which th residential use
is located."
parlors subject to the followin conditions:
(a) The ase adult conversation ra ap rlor shall be located t least 300
radial feet from any other adult use measured in a str ght line from
the closest points of the uildings in which the adult ses are located.
(b) The ese adult conversation ra ap rlor shall be located t least 100
radial feet from any resid ntial use measured in a str ight line from
the closest point of the b ilding in which the t�se adu t
conversation/rap ap rlor is located to the building in hich the
residential use is located."
MY RECOMMENDATION IS: "(2) Ad lt c�9es conversation/rap ar ors subject to
the following conditions:
' i �'�-�i
Prop sed Changes to Zoning Regulation for Adult Use Establishmen s
Janu ry 28, 1988
Page Five
( ) The �se adult conversation/r ap rlor shall be located at least 300
radial feet from any other a ult use measured in a straig t line from
the closest points of the r ert lines of the buildings in which the
� —
adult uses are located.
( ) The �se adult conversation/r ap rlor shall be located a least 100
radial feet from any residen ial use measured in a strai t line from
the closest point of the ro ert line of the building i which the t�se
adult conversation�ap arlo is lo�cated to the ro ert ine of the
building in which the reside tial use is located. � �
HE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATION S: See response to change 6. This is to
ake measurements consistent.
* hange 4�8, see page 11 of the ord nance, Section 60.563, clau e 2.
E CURRENT CODE READS: "(2) Adu t uses subject to the follo ing conditions:
a) The use shall be located at least 300 radial feet from a y other adult
use measured in a straight ine from the closest points f the buildings
in which the adult uses are located.
b) The use shall be located at least 100 radial feet from y residential
use measured in a straight ine from the closest point the building
in which the use is located to the building in `whieh th residential use
is located."
HE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMME S: "(2) Adult ases convers ion/ra parlors
subject to the following conditi ns:
(a) The c�9e adult conversation/ a ap rlor shall be located t least 300
radial feet from any other dult use measured in a stra ght line from
the closest points of the b ildings in which the adult ses are located.
(b) The a9e adult conversation/ a ap rlor shall be located t least 100
radial feet from any reside tial use measured in a stra ght line from
the closest point of the b 'lding in which the nse adul
conversation/rap ap rlor is located to the building in w ich the
residential use is located."
MY RECOMMENDATION IS: "(2) Adu t r�9e conversation/rap arlo s subject to the
following conditions:
(a) The �ae adult conversation ra ap rlor shall be located t least 300
radial feet from any other adult use measured in a str ght line from
the closest points of the ro ert lines of the buildi s in which the
� �
adult uses are located.
Prop sed Changes to Zoning Regulation for Adult Use Establishmen s
Janu ry 28, 1988
Page Six
( ) The ase adult conversation/r ap rlor shall be located a least 100
radial feet from any residen ial use measured in a strai t line from
the closest point of the ro ert line of the building i which the �se
adult conversation/rap ar o is locate�to the ro ert ine f, the
building in which the reside tial use is located.
HE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATION S: See response to change 6 above. This
s to make measurements consisten .
* hange ��9, see page 12 of the ord"nance, Section 60.612, clau e 24.
HE CURRENT CODE: Does not have a clause 24. '
HE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMME S: "(24) Adult bookstores b'ect to the
ollowin conditions:
(a) The adult bookstore shall b located at least 1320 radi feet from �
adult use measured in a str i ht line from the closest ints of the
buildings in which the adul uses are located.
(b) The adult bookstore shall b located at least 1320 radi 1 feet from �
residentially zoned ro ert in an municipality, measu ed in a straight
line from the closest ro e t line of the property on hich an adult
bookstore is located to the closest residentially zoned property line.
(c) The adult bookstore shall e located at least 1320 radi 1 feet from a�
"protected use", defined a : a building used entirely or residential
purposes, a � care cente where such � care center s a principal
use, a house of worship, a up blic library, a school ( lic, parochial
or private elementary, 'un or high or high school), a blic ap rk, a
up blic playground, a ubli recreation center or a ub c s�ecialized
recreation. facility. The istance shall be measured i a straight line
from the closest property ine of the property on whic an adult
bookstore is located to th closest property line of t e property on
which is located an aforem ntioned protected use.
(d) The adult bookstore shall e located at least 50 radia feet from �
retail or service business dealin directly with consu ers, measured in
a straight line from the losest property line of the ro ert on which
the adult bookstore is lo ated to the closest ro ert line of the
property on which is loca ed a retail or service busi ss dealin
directly with consumers.
(e) Conditions (b) - (d) � e waived � the Planning Co ission if the
ep rson �plying for the w iver shall file with the 1 nin
administrator a consent tition which indicates a r al of the
' proposed adult bookstore 90 percent of the ro ert owners within
1320 radial feet of the 1 t on which the use would be located; the
planning commission, in c nsiderin such a waiver, sh 11 make the
following findings: that the proposed use will not b contrary to the
. . I
Prop sed Changes to Zoning Regulation for Adult Use Establishmen s
Janu ry 28, 1988
Page Seven
up blic interest or injurious to nearb properties, and th t the spirit
and intent of the ordinance ill be observed; that the r osed use will
not enlarge or encourage tfie develo ment of a "skidrow" a ea; that the
establishment of an addition 1 use of this type in the ar a will not be
contrary to � program of n i hborhood conservation or ' rovement,
either residential or non-re idential; and that all a 1 able
regulations of this ordinanc will be observed.
( ) Al1 signs shall comPly with ha ter 66 of the Zonin Cod and with
Chapters 274 and 275 of the aint Paul Legislative Code.
( 5) Adult cabarets subject to th same conditions listed abo in 60.612
(24) for adult bookstores.
26) Adult mini-motion picture th atr.es subject to the same c ditions as
those listed above in 60.612 (24) for adult bookstores.
27) Adult motion picture theatre subject to the same condit ons as those
listed above in 60.612 (24) or adult bookstores.
28) Adult uses other than adult ookstores, adult cabarets, dult
conversation/rap parlors, ad lt massa e parlors, adult h alth clubs,
adult mini-motion picture t eatres, adult motion picture theatres and
adult saunas, subject to th same conditions as those li ted above in
60.612 (24) for adult books ores."
RECOMMENDATION IS: "That Sec ion b8:6�� 60.614, clause 1 of the Saint
aul Legislative Code is hereby mended so as to add the fol wing new
lauses thereto.
�4} 10 Adult bookstores subject to the following conditions:
(a) The adult bookstore shall b located at least 1320 radi feet from �
adult use measured in a str i ht line from the closest ints of the
property line of the buildi s in which the aduTt uses e locate�
(b) The adult bookstore shall b located at least 1320 radi 1 feet from �
residentially zoned ro ert in � municipality, measu ed in a straight
line from the closest ro e t line of the property on hich an adult
bookstore is located to the closest residentially zoned ro ert line.
(c) The adult bookstore shall b located at least 1320 radi 1 feet from �
"protected use", defined as: a building used ea���e�y or residential
purposes, a � care center where such � care center s a principal
use, a house of worship, a ublic library, a school ( u lic, parochial
or private elementary, 'un'or high or high school), a blic aP rk' a
up blic playground, a ubli recreation center or a pt��� e specialized
recreation facility, game oom, up blic government build n , communit
residential facility or mi sion.�distance sFia e measure n a
� � ��� �1
� , .
. Prop sed Changes to Zoning Regulation for Adult Use Establishmen �S
Janu ry 28, 1988
Page Eight
straight line from the closes property line of the ro e t on which an
adult bookstore is located to the closest property line o the property
on which is located an aforem ntioned protected use.
( ) The adult bookstore shall be ocated at least SO radial f et from �
retail or service business de lin directly with consumer , measured in
a straight line from the clos st property line of the ro ert on which
the adult bookstore is locat d to the closest property li e of the
property on which is located a retail or service business dealin
directly with consumers. �
O Conditions (b) - (d) � be aived � the planning commis ion if the
ep rson applying for the waiv r shall file with the lann
administrator a consent eti ion which indicates a rova of the
proposed adult bookstore � 0 percent of the property o ers within
1320 radial feet of the lot n which the use would be lo ted; the
planning commission, in cons derin such a waiver, shall ake the
following findings: that th proposed use will not be c trar to the
up blic interest or injurious to nearby properties, and t t the spirit
and intent of the ordinance ill be observed; that the osed use will
not enlarge or encourage the development of a "skidrow" ea; that the
establishment of an addition l use of this type in the a a will not be
contrary to � program of n i hborhood conservation or rovement,
either residential or non-re idential; and that all a 1 cable
regulations of this ordinanc will be observed.
€} 11�� s#ga9 9�CS�� eeffi���* ���� �ep�e� 66 e� ��e �e��ag 6e� e�� ca���
6i�sp�e�s ��4 a�t� ��3 e€ ��e e�n� �et�� �eg�s�s�}�e 6e�e.-
f) All signs shall be flat wall s� the amount of allowa le sign area
s�Tial�e one s uare�oot o i n area er�oot o� ot r nta e on a
�� � � .� � � �—
street; no merchandise or 'cture� t e p�ucts or en erta nment on
ti�prem ses s a e d s e in �n ow are�as o�r � a ea w ere they
can e viewed�om tTie si e a n r�ont o t e �uil3in wi�areas
s"�—ialrnot �e covere�or ma o a ue�n a�wa ; no si n s i�be
�din � w—i-n3ow;a one s uare foot� �ma �e ac d on the door
�ate hours o� operat o a�aa'mittance to adu�s on
) The adult bookstore shall ovide off-street parking at he rate of one
� � � �
s��ac�o`r eac orty� s uare eet of ap tron ar
(h) The establishment and o era ion of the adult bookstore all not result
n� con ition inconsiste t witTi t�ie e�Ta t'h, s—�ty, ra s and
en� eral we are o t e a o nin communi't.The anni ommission ma
impose suc reasonable con tions anc imitations in r tin a s e�rC13�
co�tion use ep rmit as are eterm ed necessary to fu the s�
�. —
an purpose f tTo� c �e.—
� I
. ,
' Prop sed Changes to Zoning Regulation for Adult Use Establishmen s
Janu ry 28, 1988 I
Page ine �
{ §} (11) Adult cabarets subject o the same conditions liste above in
60.614 (10) for adult booksto es.
{ b} (12) Adult mini-motion ictu e theatres subject to the s me conditions
as those listed above in 60.614 (10) • for adult bookstores
4 �} (13) Adult motion picture t eatres subject to the same c nditions as
those listed above in 60.614 (10) for adult bookstores.
( 8) Adult uses other than adult ookstores, adult cabarets, ult
c nversation/ra parlors, adult m ssa e parlors, adult health lubs, adult
m ni-motion picture theatres, adu t 'motion picture theatres a adult saunas,
s b'ect to the same conditions as those listed above in 60.61 (10) for adult
b okstores. �
E REASON FOR MY RECO�NDATION S: I do not believe that a llt bookstores,
barets, mini-motion pictures, e c. , should be a permitted u e in an
' dustrial district. This change allows them to be a special condition use
ermit. The special condition us permit will allow notifica ion to the
ediate property owners, an opp rtunity for the public to h ve input, and
n opportunity for the City to en ure that all conditions are met.
anguage regarding the form of ine surement has changed to be onsistent with
he zoning code.
have also recommended several anges in the protected uses As I
nderstand it, the Planning Comm'ssion's main intent was to p otect
esidential areas, elderly and t e infirmed and minors. Game rooms
redominately provide service to attract minors as I previous y defined it.
also recommend we include gove nment buildings that provid service to the public.
gain, these services often focu on the elderly, handicappe and minors.
ommunity residential facilities and missions were added bec se they are �
redominately a residential use.
've also proposed different res rictions an the type of sig �S as they can
ave a particularly negative eff ct on the surrounding neigh �rhoods. I have
ased my proposed sign changes o ordinances from Minneapoli and other
ities around the country.
I've also proposed adding parkin requirements based on the urrent
requirements we have for intoxic ting liquor establishments. Many of the
reports or studies I have review d regarding adult entertain ent include
intoxicating liquor establishmen s in their definition of ad lt
entertainment. In fact, a 1978 tudy done by the St. Paul P anning
Department sites intoxicating 1' uor establishments as an ad lt use.
Therefore, I felt it was approp iate that we have the same p rking provisions
for adult use entertainment as e do for intoxicating liquor establishments.
. . `��tr p� p ���� /���
25 West Fourth�itreet,Saint Pwl.Mfnnesota 55102
1�M0 IIl�i
T0: Members of the City Coun il
FROM Mark Vander Schaaf �.�y�
City Planner
DATE. January 28, 1988
SUBJ CT: Revisions of the Propose Adult Entertainment
Int oduction
Pla ning Division staff has recomme ded to Councilmember Wilson jseveral minor
rev sions of the proposed adult ent rtainment ordinances. Thes
rec mmendations are based on a care ul re-reading of the propos d ordinance
and on discussions with citizens, c uncilmembers, and their sta f. The
pro osed revisions are intended to larify the intent of the P1 nning
Co ission's original recommendatio , or to correct typographic l errors in
the proposed ordinance. The recomm nded revisions are attachedjfor reference
pu oses.
Dis ussion of Notable Revisions
1. Definition of °Massage" (Ordina ce Amending Section 412.02, i p. 1;
Ordinance Amending Chapter 60, . 6)
By using the term "exclusi e" and the phrase "and for o other
purpose," the current defi ition may be creating an un esirable
loophole that would enable a business operator to clai it is not
offering "massage" (and th refore does not need to be icensed)
simply because there is an ther "purpose" to the "rubb ng, stroking,
kneading, tapping or rolli g of the body" which is pro ided at the
establishment. The recomm nded revision will help to reate a
definition of "massage" th t will enable the City to clare that
adult massage parlors must be licensed as massage parl rs (which they
currently are not) . �
2. Condition Eaplicitly Prohibiti g Illegal Activity or Condu �t on the Part
of Adult Businesses <Ordinance Amending Chapter 60, pp. 9. �11, 12, 13)
It is recommended that th following statement be add �d as a
condition applying to eac type of adult use:
�INR � IIN�M ��^ � . •
c.«. :r _ oc►.R ..c►+T (�ITY OF .SAINT PAUL NI�a101�fi � �9�
, ��uc�. _w.•ow � �
" Or inance R `°"�""¢" �
i At��.•;�
� .
Presentee By p, ;zi'o„� Ss4« .
Refer d To � Committee: i �I2�(�8
Out o Committee By Dat
An ordinance amen ing chapter 60 of the i
� Saint Paul Legisl tive Code pertaining t �
' Zoning Regulation .
WHEREAS, the existing S int Paul Zoning Code p rmits adult
us s to be located onl in certain zoning � classification
di tricts ; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission tias cond cted a study
of the existing zoning pr visions for adult-typ ' uses and has . •
re ommended that these regul tions be modified; an i
. �
WHEREAS, the Plannin Commission has re ommended that
ce tain types of adult-onl uses be restricted o industrially
zo ed districts with restr'ctions on their locat on in relation
to residential and other adult-only uses, wit � these recom-
. me dations being �based upo studies conducted b � City Planning
st ff and studies conducted y other cities; and -
VIHLREAS , some of the purposes of restric ling adult-only
zy e uses to industrially oned districts includ the following
. f i dings :
Areas within close wal ing distance of resid �tial dwslling�
and other general co ercial uses should b i free oi' adult
entertainment land use .
� . •Areas where children ould be expected to alk, pa�tronize
. or recreate should be free of certain adul entert3inment
' , land uses.
� Adult-only entertaimm �t lanri uses should ibe loca�ced in
areas of the city w ich ar.e not in clo �e proximity to
residential uses , chu ches, parks and other ! ublic facili-
' fDUN ILMFN ' •
Yeas � �ieyrr Requested by Departmen I of:
N�o ' In Fav r
R�tt n
�� � Agains BY
Form Approved by City torney
Adopted by uncil: Date
Certi:ied Pas ed by Council Secretary ey
Approved by a�yor: Date Approved by Mayor for S bmission to Council
By ' BY
Memb rs of the City Council
Jan ry 28, 1988
Page Two
No [type of adult use] hall engage in any activity or conduct
or permit any other per on to engage in any activit or conduct
in the [type of adult u e] which is prohibited by a y ordinance
of the City of Saint Pa 1, the laws of the State of�Minnesota,
or the United States of America. Nothing in this o dinance
shall be construed as a thorizing or permitting con uct which is
prohibited or regulated by other statutes or ordina ces,
including but not limit d to statutes or ordinances ;prohibiting
the exhibition, sale or distribution of obscene mat rial
generally, or the exhib tion� sale or distribution f specified
materials to minors.
This revision addresses the concern that defining adult ' ses in
reference to "specified sex al activities" and "specifi �i anatomical
areas" legalizes actions th t are or should be illegal. The intent
of the new definitions is t enable the City to judge a �Sex-oriented
business to be an adult use even if, as has recently ha �ened in
Saint Paul, the business op ns its doors to minors.
In themselves, definitions re neutral. If all or some bf the
activities so defined are o should be illegal, then th ! City
elsewhere can prohibit or r gulate such activities as i Isees fit.
3. issions and Community Residenti 1 Facilities as "'Protected ses"
Ordinance Amending Chapter 60, . 12)
It is recommended that miss ons and community residenti facilities
be explicitly identified as "protected uses." The cate ry of
"protected uses" should be or permanent residential us js, for places
which are likely to serve 1 rge numbers of minors and f �
rehabilitative facilities. Missions and community resi ntial
facilities both meet these riteria.
ties , schools, and other commercial uses.
The image of the Cit of Saint Paul as a pleasant and
� attractive place to eside will be adver ely affected
by the presence of adu t entertainment land �ses in close
� proximity to residenti 1 land uses , churche , parks , and
other public facilitie , schools and gene �l comriercial
uses .
Regulation of adult ntertain�ent land us s should be �
developed to prevent deterioration and/o degradation
of the vitality of the community before the roblem exists
or gets worse , rathe than in response t an e}:isting
problem. • � �
Commercial areas of t e City patronized b ; young people
and children should b free of adult en�e tainment land
uses. �
Adult entertainment la d uses should be regu ated by zoning
to separate it from other dissimilar use i just as any
other land use should e separated from uses ith character-
istics different from i self.
Residents of the City of Saint Paul , and p rsons who are
- non-residents but use the City for shopp ng and other
commercial needs , wil move from the com nity o;^ shop
elsewhere if adult e tertainment land uses are �illowed
to locate in close roximity to residen �al and other
cornmercial uses , chure s , parks , and other p blic fac::lities
� �and schools.
• Location of adult e tertainment land use in proximity
to residential uses, churches , parks an ' other public
facilities , and schoo s and . commercial us 's may lead to
increased levels of c iminal activities, in luding prosti-
tution, rape, incest nd assaults in the v cinity af such
adult entertainment la d uses . •
Merchants in the comm rcial area of the Cit are concerned
about adverse impact upon the character iand quality of
the City in the eve t that adult entertai ment land uses
are located within close proximity to esidential and
commercial uses , churc es, parks and other p blic fac�lities
and schools. Locat'on of adult entertai ent land uses
in close proximity o residential and c � mmercial uses,
churches , parks , and other public faciliti s and schools ,
will reduce retail trade to commercial uses in �he vicinity,
thus reducing property values and tax rev �ues to the
City. Such adverse ef ects on property valu s will cause
the loss of some co ercial establishments ' followed by
a blighting effect up n the commercial dis �ricts within
the City, leading to fu ther deterioration of he commercial
quality of the City.
No evidence has been resented to show that the location
of adult entertainment land uses within t 'e City will
improve the commercial v' ability of the communi y.
� . Experience in numerous other cities , includi g Saint Paul ,
Seattle, Tacoma and D troit have shown tha location of �
adult entertainment la d uses degrade the q ality of the
' area of the City in hich they are locate and cause a
blighting effect upon t e City.
A reasonable regulation of the location of ad lt entertain-
ment land uses will provide for the prot ction of the
image of the comrr.unity and its property value , and protect
the residents of the community from the a verse effects
of such adult entert inment land uses , w �ile providing
to those who desire t 'patronize adult ente tainment land
� uses such an opFortun ty in areas of the lity which are
appropriate for lccatio of adult entertainmen ' land uses.
The community will b an undesirable plac to live and
shop in if it is kno n on the basis of it �image as the
� location of adult enter ainment land uses .
A stable atmosphere or the rearing of f milies cannot..
be ac'hieved iri clos proximity to adult ' entertainment
land uses .
The initial location of adult entertaimm �t land uses
will lead to the loc tion of additional an similar uses
within the same vici ity, thus multiplyin the adverse
impact of the initi 1 location of adult; entertainment ,
land uses upon the res ' dential and commercial ses, churches,
parks and other public facilities and sc ools , and the
impact upon the ima e and quality of th ' character of
the community.
S ction 1 .
That the definitions fo the terms Adult Boo store, Adult
� Cab ret, Adult Conversation/ ap Parlor, Adult Ma sage Parlor,
Hea th Club, Adult Mini-Mo ion Picture Theatre , iAdult Motion
Pic ure Theatre, Adult Sauna and Adult Uses , contai 'ed in section
60. O1 of the Saint Paul egislative Code, be �d is hereby
ame ded to read as follows:
Adult bookstore. A s op for the barter, r ntal or sale
of items consistin of printed matter, pic �res , slides ,
records , audio ta e, ideota e or motion icture � film, � �
if such . shop is not op n to the public gene 'ally but only
to one or more classes of the public exclu ' ng any minor
by reason of age: , r if a substant=al r si nificant
ortion of such items are distin uished or characterized
by an emphasis on the d piction or descriptio �� of "specified
- sexual activities" or " pecified anatomical ar as . "
Adult cabaret. An esta lishment which provide i ge-ge-dar�ee�s ,-
e�e��e-�n��,--s��}p� �s;--o-r--s}r���a�--er�-t�rt i-�� dancing
or other live entert inment, if such est �blishment ar�d
wb�e� excludes minors b virtue of age.- , or 'f such dancin
� or other live entertain ent is distin uished o characterized
by an emphasis on the erformance , depiction or descri tion
of "specified sexual etivities" or "specif ' ed anatomical
areas. "
� .Adult conversation/ra arlor. A conversation ' ra parlor
� which excludes minors b reason of a e , or whi h prc�vides the
service of en agin in r listenin to convers tion, talk or
' discussion, if such ser ice is distin uished o characterized
by an em hasis on "s ec ' fied sexual activities!' or "s ecified
anatomical areas. "
Adult massa e arlor, health club. A mas ' a e parlor or
' , health club which re tricts minors b rea n of a e , or . ,
which rovides the s rvice of "massage" , ' f such service
is distin uished or c aracterized b an em sis on "s eci-
fied sexual activities' or "specified anat�mi al areas. "
Adult mini-motion pi ture theatre. An en ' losed building
with a capacity for 1 ss than 50 persons use for presenting
material de�3-�ed--b3�-A4 r�r�ese�a- -b-�'�� �-a�-'-'se��a���+
��eveea�}�ae'-'--a�--�-' if such building s a prevailing
. practice excludes min rs by virtue of age , or if such
. 4. �
mater�al is distin uishe or characterized b a em hasis on
the de iction or descri ion of "s ecified sexu activities"
or "s ecified anatomica areas" for observati n b atrons
Adult motion picture t eatre. An enclosed uilding with '
a capacity of 50 or more persons used for prese 'ting material
�e€�r�ed-�-l�4��t�-S� �t��es-�i3a:�-3��-"�e� �-�}�-p�e�aeea-
�}�re'-'-�r�-w�}e�i if suc buildin as a preva ' ;�ing practice
excludes minors by vir ue of agc� , or if uch material
is distin uished or c aracterized b an .em asis on the
depiction or descri tio of "specified sexu activities"
� � or "specified anatomica areas" for observatipn b atrons
therein. �
� Adult sauna. A sauna wh' ch excludes rr�inors b eason of a e ,
or which rovides a st am bath or heat bath n room used
for the ur ose of bat in , relaxation, or r ducin , util-
izing steam or hot air as a cleanin , relaxi or reducin
agent , if the service p ovided b the sauna i distin uished
or ch�3racterized b an mphasis on "s ecified exual activi-
ties" or "s ecified ana omical areas . "
Adult uses. A����- -a-r�--��iese--�s��- E��i.�g--ba�s
� w1��El�--�r-e--�o-�-ope��--� -�-��.-i�-ge�e�a�� --b��-�-1-3�-�e
e�e--oa=-�e�e--e�-���-e --�����-ic--a��--e3c�-� '-�g-�}�-r�►��e�
b}�--r�nT-o�-age;--�- '-��o�=-be��g--�-�^�� ,�r��e�--t��-age
e€-�ei-g�-t��r�. Ad lt uses include-,-�� r-�-�o�-��r���e�l
�e,- adult bookstores , adult motion picture �eatres , adult
� mini-notion picture th atres , adult massage parlors , adult .
sauna:� , adult rap/conv rsation parlors , adult ' health clubs ,
and �idult cabarets , �--s�}�-��--ac�i��-�- and other �.
rp emi`;'es , enterp'rises , usinesses or places o n to some or
all me�mbers of the publ ' c at or in which there is an em hasis
on the erformance , d piction or descri tio of "s ecified
sexuai activities" or "specified anatomica areas" which
are c3pable of bein se n b said members of e ublic.
• Section 2. • .
� '
That the definition of onversation/Rap Parlor � contained in
Se tion 60.?.03 of the Saint aul Legislative Code b i and is hereby
am nded to read as follows :
5 .
. .
- - ^?
Conversations/rap parlo s. An x blishm nt �}eeASed X
l�y--61�ap�e�--��3--e€--�b --6}�y--A�el�Aa�ee--a�di advertising,
offering or selling the service of engaging i i or listening
� to conversation, talk r d::scussion ;-afl--en�p�eyee
� e€--t�e--es�ab�3sHr�er��- �a--et�s�ex�e�, regardle s of whether
• other goods or services are also simultaneous y advertised,
- offered or sold, and regardless of whether' those other
goods or services are al o required to be licen ed.
The term "conversation parior" shall not ; include bona
fide legal , medical , psy hiatric , psychologica !� , or counsel-
ing services by a per on or firm appropria ely licensed;
or bona fide education 1 institutions � or pa els, seminars
or other similar serv' ces offered by. such institutions ; � �
or churches or synagogue . �
S ction 3. �
. That the .definition of Massage Parlor, Saun j, Health Club
con�ained in section 60. 213 of tl�e Saint Paul Le islative Code
be and is hereby amended to r ad as follows:
Massage parlor� sauna, health club. An ; establishment ` /
offering ��
"massa e" defined as the rubbin , stroki , kneadin , �
tap in or rollin of he bo�3 , for the ur oses
of lea5ure, relaxation, h sical fitness , or eautification, �
, offered for a fee or other
valuable consideration -w�i}ek--�es�,�-i�-sr--�' -b}�-v����e
s�--ar�}e and including p ysical culture and h lth services ,
.physical culture and ealth club, reducing �lub, reducing
_� salon, and massage par or. This definition � shall• include
• any building, room, structure, place or i establishment
� used by the public ther than a hospita , sanatorium,
� rest home, nursing hom , boarding home or ot er institution
for the hospitalizati n or care of humanj beings , duly
licensed under the prov sions of Minnesota Sta utes , Sections
144. 50 through 144. 70 , inclusive , where n-medical and
' . non-surgical manipulati n exercises or massage are practiced . ,
. upon the human body for a fee or other valuabl consideration
by anyone not duly icensed by the Stat ! of Minnesota
to practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, � chiropractic,
physical therapy� or odiatry, with or wit out the use
of inechanical � therape tic , or bathing devi ces, or any
room or rooms from whic a masseur or masseuse 'is dispatched
by telephone or other ise for the purpose of giving a
massage. �i�-��-- e-�.�ag�€c�-a-#e� ��--l�e-g}ver�
exee��-}A-a-�}eeASed-��e }seT
S ction 4.
That section 60.219 o the Saint Paul Le {islative Code
be and is hereby amended so a to add the following hereto:
� � Sauna. An establishme t rovidin a steam bath or heat
bathin .room used for the ur ose of bathi , relaxation �
or reducin , utilizin steam or hot air a a cleanin
� relaxin or reducin a e t.
S ecified anatomical a eas. Anatomical ar as consistin
of :
1 ) Less than com 1 tel and o a uel vered: (a)
human enitals, ( ) ubic re ion, (c) b tock, and d)
female breast below a oint immediatel above the to
of the areola ; a d'
2) Human male enit ls in a discernibly tu id stai:e , even
if com letel an opa uely covered.
S ecified sexual activi ies . Activities consi tin of :
1 ) Human enitals i a state of sexual sti ulation or �
arousal ; _ ..
2) Acts of human ma turbation, sexual inte course or
3) Fondlin or othe erotic touchin of h an enitals,
ublic re ion, b ttock or female breast
4) Situations invol in a erson or erson� , any of whom
are nude � clad i under arments or in s xuall reveal-
in costumes, an who are en a ed in ac ivities in-
volvin the fla llation, torture, fet rin , b�ndin
or other h sica restraint of an suc ! ersons.
7 . �
S ction 5.
That Section 60. 543 , cla ses 10, 11 and 12, of he Saint Paul
- Le islative Code, is hereby a ended to read as follo s :
( 10) Adult �ses conversa ion/ra arlors subjec to the
following condition :
(a) The �ses adult onversation/rap arlor '� shall be
located at leas 1320 radial feet from; any other
adult use measu ed in a straight line rom the
closest points f the buildings in whi h the adult
uses are locate . � �
(b) The adult �se- conversation/rap parlor Shall be
located at le st 200 radial feet �om any resi-
dentially zon� property measured 'n a straight
l.ine from the closest point of th building in
which the ad lt �se conversation/ ap parlor is
� located i:o the closest residentially oned property
1 ine ; ��_� r-���-�a�--b��ra-i�i- -�Y�e-p�a����Q
eer�r�}ss�e�►--�� #��-pe�ser�-��l�i�}- e�--#�--wa�ve�
s t�a��--#�:_3-e-- �t-�--�l�e--�-1��-i�g-- i-�-�tTr-a-�o-r---a
ee�se��---��tr ic��----w�i�-�---}�d}�a�es -�r-�v�l---e�
� �l�e-��epESed-a t���-t�se-b}r-9A-pe�ee��- €-�l�e-p�e�e��y
� ew�e�s--�_-t�ri-�- �-�a�}a�-#'�-c��-�1� '-3o�-�-w1��eY�
�k�e-{rse--�rc�-k� �e-�oe��;-t-k�-g�a�� ;r-rg-ee�xa}ss�e�;
��--EO���.�e��� --�xe�--a---�a-i�r-,---s a��--r�al�e--�ke
�e��ew��e--€�� ��gs=--�ka�--�l�e--p�ep se�--�se--w}��
� . xe�-be-�� -�o-t�-p�b���-���e�e �-e�-���t���e�s
�e--�ea���--p� �e��}es;--a�d--���ia�--� e--sp����--a�d
• � ���e��--e€--� --o-nc�-i��-i�v-il-l---b�- �e��e�•,--��a�
' �l�e--��e�esed- �se--�v-�-�-�--r�o-�-�-1 ' -o�--e�ee��age
��ie--c-�e�e�opr�+e �-�€---a--"-srk3�-�ew'-'- ' ;--�,��-�ke
es�ab�}skx�e��- €--�-�i�-3��--i�se -c�€-�i�-��*pe
}�-t�-�a-- }��-�o-�-be-�t�^-�r�- e--a��--p�eg�ar�
e�---�e}sl�be�l� e�---ee�se��aa�}e�---e r--}�ap�eve�ae��;
' . � e}�l�e�--�es}de �}a�-•-e�--xie�-�es�de� �a�;--a��-��l�a� , .
a��---a�p��-i:c1a�} ---�egt�-l�a�io��s---e�-- '-s---e����a�ee
w���-be-Ebse� e�.
(c) The �se adult conversation/ra arlo ishall not be
located withi a building also used jor residential
8 .
(d) There shall be n acce�s from the build'�g in which
the tise adult co versation/ra arlor i � located to
the alley or to resi entially zoned pro 'erty.
(e) Conditions (b) - (d) ma �be waived b he lannin
commission if th erson a 1 in for t e waiver
shall file with he lannin administra or a consent
etition which ndicates a roval of the ro osed
adult cnversati n ra arlor b 90 ercent of
the ro ert o ers within 200 ra ial feet of
the lot on whi h the adult conversat on/ra arlor
would be loca ed; the lannin • c mmission in
. con erin suc a waiver, shall make 'the followin �
fin i s: that he ro osed use will n t be contrar
to e ublic interest or in urio s to nearb
. ro erties, an that the s irit a d intent of
the ordinance ill be observed; tha the ro osed
use will not e lar e or encoura e t e develo ment
of a "skid ro " area; that the es ablishment of
an additional se of this t e in he area will
not be contra to an ro ram o nei hborhood
conservation o im rovement, eithe residential
or non-resident ' al ; and that all a licable re -
lations of this ordinance will be obse ved.
' (ef) All signs shall comply with Chapter 66 �of the Zoning
Code and with C apters 274 and 275 of he Saint Paul
Legislative Cod .
(a) The use shall b licensed as a convers tion/ra arlor
� under a licabl rovisions of the Sai t Paul Le isla- •
tive Code.
(11 ) Adult massa e arl rs or health clubs, su 'ect to the
same conditions s those listed above in 60. 543(10)
for adult conversa ion/ra arlors.
(12) Adult saunas sub ' ct to the same c•�ndi ions as those
listed above in 0.543 10 for adult c nversation ra
� parlors. ' .
(�� 13) Auto repair� subj ct to the following co �itions :
. �h�-� �
' fl�a-��,e .
� � ����a��.
• 9• ,
o v
� e e 'n
� � a a or
w nt
e w o t
es of e a c ha be
o strued a u t wh c s
b ted r u b he t s o o i ance
n ud t t d st t s nces
o b t n e b s o d i t n o obscene
mater a e era 1 or the exh tion sale o � dist ibution
of ecified mat r a s to m nor
(a) The minimum lot area shall be fifteen ;housand
- - (15,000) square feet.-
' lb) A ten-foot land caped buffer with scre n planting
� and an obscurin fence shall be requir d along any
• property line a jacent to an existing esidence or
adjacent to lan zoned residential .
(.c) All repair work shall be done within a enclosed
ld) There shall be o outside storage.
(�� 14) Accessory build�ings, structures , and uses �s defi�ed in � �
Section 60.201 .
Section 6.
That section 60. 554 , c ause 2 of the Saint P �1 Legislative
Co e is am�nded to read as ollows, and section 601554 is further
� am nded so as to add the fol owing new clauses 3 an 4 thereto:
( 2 ) Aciult �ses conversa ion/ra arlors subjec to the
following condition : �
� (a ) The xse adult c nversation/ra arlor hall be
�located at leas 300 radial feet from ny other adult
use measured in a straight line from t e closest
points of the b ildings in which the a ult uses are
� located. ,
' (b) The �se adult c nversation/ra ' arlor � hall be located
� at least 100 ra ial feet from any resi ential use
' measured in a s raight line from the c�losest point of
the building in which the xse adult c versation/ra
ap rlor is locat d to the buildirig in ich the resi-
dential use is ocated'.
' , (c) The use adult c nversation/ra arlor Ishall not be
located within a building also used f Ir residential ' �
purposes. �
(d) All signs shall co ply with Chapter 66 of jthe Zoning
Code and with Chap ers 274 and 275 of the !Saint Paul
Legislative Code.
( ) The adult conversati n/ra arlor shall b licensed
as a conversation/ra arlor under a li able ro-
visions of the Saint P ul Le islative Code.
( ) Adult massa e arlors or health clubs sub ' ct to the
same conditions as t ose listed above in 60.554 2
for adult conversation/ra arlors. . .
• . (4) Adult saunas sub 'ect to the same conditio as those
listed above in 60.5 4 2 for adult conv sation ra
Sec ion 7.
hat section 60.563, claus 2 of the Saint Paul L gislative
Code s amended to read as foll ws � and section 60. 563 'is further
amend d so as to add the follow ng new clauses 3 and 4 'thereto:
2) Adult �ses conversatio /ra arlors subject t the follow-
ing conditions : '
(a) The �se adult con rsation/ra arlor sh �1 be located
at least 300 radi 1 feet from any other �ult use
measured in a str ight. line from the clo �st points
of the buildings 'n which the adult uses' �are located.
(b) The �se adult con ersation/ra arlor sh ll be located
at least 100 radi 1 f�et from any reside tial use - .
� measured in a str ight line from the clo est point of
the building in w ich the �se adult conv rsation/ra
ap rlor is located to the building in whi h the resi-
dential use is lo ated.
(c) The t�se adult con ersation/ra arlor sh ll not be
. located within a uilding also used for esidential -
purposes. -
�N �
� ;����.a��, .
�� .
• -f M�r�
�� �
(d) All signs shall comply with Chapter 66 ' of the Zoning
- - Code and with C apte�s 274 and 275 of he Saint Paul
Legislative Cod .
� (e) The adult conve sation/ra arlor shal be licensed
• as a conversati n/ra arlor under a icable ro-
visions of the aint Paul Le islative ode.
( 3) Adult massa e arlo s or health clubs sub ' t to the same
conditions as those listed above in 60. 554 (2 for adult
convecsation ra a lors.
(4) Adult saunas sub 'ec to the same condition as those
listed above in �60. 54 (2 for adult �conve sation ra • �
parlors. �
ection 8. �
That section 60.612 f the Saint Paul Le islative Code
is hereby amended so as to a d the following new cl uses thereto.
t 24 ) Adult �bookstores sub 'ect to � the fol low �n conditions:
(a) The adult b okstore shall be lo ted at least
1320 radial f et from any adult use easured in a
� strai ht line from the closest point of the build-
� in s in which the adult uses are loc ted.
(b) The adult book tore shall be located t least 1320
radial. feet fr m an residentiall z ed ro zrt in
. an munici�� ali , measured in a strai ht line from
� the closest ert line of the ro rt on which
an adult book tore is located to the losest resi-
' dentiall zon d ro ert line.
(c) The adult boo store shall be located t least 1320
radial feet f om an " rotected use" defined as: a
buildin used entirel for residenti 1 ur oses, a
' . � da care cent r where such da care enter is a
rinci al use a house of worshi , a ublic librar , �
a school ( ub ic, arochial or riva e elementary,
'unior hi h o hi h school , a ubli ark, a ublic
� la round, a ublic recreation cent r or a ublic
s ecialized r ereation facilit . Th distance shall
be measured i a strai ht line from he closest ro-
- ert line of the ro ert on which n adult book-
store is loca ed to the closest ro rt line o the
. ro ert on w ich is located an afor mentioned ro-
tected use.
r„; ss;oh o�. �;� �os d� r �A�,�i,a
a , Y �
� 12.
° a lor
u w o
e m ca a e
on ued aut o h
o b d or u a e tute S
nc ud ut ot 'm ted or c
ohib t e e ib s o ob cene
ate ia enera 1 or he h b t s e or tr bution
f s eci ie ate a s o
(d) The adult books ore shall be located least 50
radial feet fro an retail or servic business
dealin directl with consumers meas red in a
strai ht line from the closest ro er line of the
ro ert on which the adult bookstore is located to
the closest r ert line of the ro rt on which
is located a r tail or service busine s dealin
directl with onsumers.
(e) Conditior,s (b) - (d) ma be waived b ' the Plannin
commission if he erson a 1 in � for the waiver
shall file wit the lannin administ ator a consent
� - etition which indicates a roval of he ro osed
adult bookstor b 90 ercent of the ro ert owners �
within 1320 ra ial feet of the lot on which the use �
� would be locat d; the lannin commis ion, in con-
siderin such waiver, shall make t followin
findin s: that the ro osed use will ot be contrar
to the ublic nterest or in 'urious nearb ro-
erties, and t at the s irit and int t of the ordi-
nance will be bserved; that the ro sed use will
not enlar e or encoura e the develo nt of a "skid-
row" are�; tha the establishment of an additional
use of this t e' in the area will no be contrar
. to an r•o ra of nei hborhood conse vation or im-
� rovement, ei er residential or non residential ;
and that all licable re ulations f this ordi-
nance will be observed.
• (f) All si � sha 1 com 1 with Cha ter 6 of the Zonin .
Code and with Cha ters 274 and 275 o the Saint Paul
Le islative C de. - .
(25) Adult cabaret.s su 'ect to the same condi ions listed
above in 60.E•12 ( 4) for adult bookstore .
(26) Adult mini-motion icture theatres sub 'e t to the same
conditions a� tho e listed above in 60.6 2 (24) for adult
. bookstores . • •
(27) Adult motion ict re theatres sub 'ect t � the same con-
conditions a� tho e listed above in 60. 2 (24) for
adult bookstores.
- ����� �
A����1u� .
13. d
� uc
Iv t o
o u t a u w o b d b n
w ate
o in
o d o
e m d e ed ot er
statute ot m d
tatute o d e h b t on ale or
d t i ut n o e e
e h i o sale o u ed te i to
minors .
_ _ - - - - - -- - - - - ----- -- -- -------- -- - — - - - r-- — --- - --�---
� NN�TI� � CIT♦ C iJ�K
C�NAA• - OEPAR ,.cNr (jITY OF .,SAIN�T PAUL File '' N0.
•LVE � M4Y01�
r inance Ordin nce N O.
Presented By
Refer ed To � Commi ttee: Date
Out o Committee By Date
(28) Adult uses other t an adult bookstores , a lt cabarets,
adult conversation ra arlors, adult ma a e arlors ,
adult health clubs adult mini-motion ic re theatres,
adult motion i ture theatres and ult saunas ,
sub 'ect to the sa e conditions as those � listed above
in 60.612 (24) for adult bookstores.
S ction 9.
This ordinance shall tak effect and be in forc thirty days
fro and after its passage, a proval and publication ;
Yeas Nays Requested by Department f:
N;o, • In Fav r
Rett n
S`" � Agains BY
Wil n �
Adopted by ouncil: Date Form Approved by City A �orney
Certified Pa ed by Council Secretary BY
App�oved by ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for S mission to Council
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Or inance � ������
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Pc�seutea By • ;�;i i`.. �}� , —
Refe To Coamittee: �12-���� _
Out of Committee By Da
An Ordinance ame ing Section 412.02 of ;
the Saint Paul Le islative Code pertain ng
to Massege Parlo s.
ection l.
That the definition for the term "massage" as ontained in
. Sec ion 412.02 of the Saint aul Legislative Code �e and is hereby
aine ded so as to read as fol ows: �
• Massage means the rub ing, stroking, kneadi �g, tapping �
or rolling of the body }�l�-�l�e-l�aAde for the ;_.__=���.,.
purposes of leasure r laxation, physical fi ess or �
- beautification, ; th � term
"masseur" means a male erson, and the term " asseuse��
a female person, who pr ctices massage. The ractice
of massage shall not in lude and is distir►ct rom the
practice of inedicine, s rgery, osteopathy, ch ropractic,
physical therapy and po istry. Persons duly icensed
. or registered to practi e medicine, surgery� steopa-
thy, chiropractic, phys 'cal therapy or podiat , and
nurses who work under t e direction of such p rsons,
are hereby expressly e luded from the requi ments of
this chapter. Beauty lturists, barbers an jco'sme-
. tologists who do not g've� or hold themselve ; out to
give, massages other t an are customsrily qi �en in �
such shops or places o business for the p ses of � ,
beauti•fication �only, d persons who give� ma ages
only incidentally to t eir general occupatio and
receive no compensatio specifically for giv �ng
massages, shall also b excluded from the pr isions
of this chapter.
COUN ILfYlFN Requesced by Depart �t ot:
Yeas Nays
N ln Fa or
Again t BY
Foem Approved by Cit I Attorney
/ldopted by cif: Date
Certitied Ps ed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by syor: Date Approved by Mayor f ISubmission to Cow�eil .
wMITt - t�rv c EwK - - - — . I
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�wc -►w•row
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0 r �nunce Ordi nce N O.
Presented By
Refe d To Committee: Date
Out o Committee By_ - Dat
S ction 2.
. This ordinance shall tak effect and be in forc thirty days
fr and after its passage , a proval and publication
2. -
Yeas Nays Requested by Departme of:
N; :;, in Fa or
R min •
•'b•� Again t BY
SO Mfl
T Kco
• Wi son
Form Approved by City ttorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified P ssed by Council Secretary BY
Approved b Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Council
D D D � D
� D �
� �
� B ck round . . ,
e City Council initiated this s udy (Council File No. 86-156 ) , request�ng
t e Planning Commission to examin the issue of adult entertai ent and to
� c nsider an amendment to the Zoni g Code proposed by Councilm William L.
W lson. The proposed amendment a dresses two problems with t current
p ovisions of the Zoning Code: 1 Current spacing requiremen between adult
�; u es and residential areas are in ufficient, and 2) Current de initions of
a ult uses do not sufficiently sp cify the types of businesses 'that should be
r gulated. The study examines th land use impact of sex-ori ted adult
b sinesses--adult movie theatres, adult bookstores, adult liv �I,entertainment
i a d adult health clubs--and makes recommendations to regulate heir location.
T e Planning Commission passed a esolution on August 14, 198 �to forward this
s udy to the Mayor and City Counc 1 and to recommend approval f the
� a endments attached to the study.
� R commendations . ` ;
1 Restrict all adult movie thea res, adult bookstores, adultllive
entertainment and similar uses to I-1 and I-2 zones.
� 2 Require the following spacing requirements for adult movie �theatres, adult
bookstores, adult live entert inment and similar uses: 13 0 radial feet
� from other adult uses; 1320 r dial feet from residential z nes; 1320
radial feet from residential ses and "protected uses" (ho ses of worship,
day care centers, public libr ries, schools, public parks, public
� playgrounds, public recreatio centers or public specializ d recreation
facilities) ; 50 radial feet f om retail or services busine ses dealing
. directly with consumers.
�. 3 Retain the provisions of the urrent Zoning Code for adult �health clubs,
massage parlors and similar u es:
' - B-3, I-1: 1320 radial feet from other adult uses; 200 dial feet from
residentially zoned propert ;
- B-4, B-5: 300 radial feet rom other adult uses; 100 r ial feet from
� residential use.
4 Define adult uses in referenc to specified sexual activit es and
' specified anatomical areas. urrently, adult uses are def ;ned in
reference to activities which are off-limits to minors. ;
' S Revise the licensing provisio s in the Legislative Code, C apter 412 ,
(Massage Parlors, Saunas, etc.) to include adult health cl bs and massage
Itroduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
� M nici al Authorit to Re ulate A ult Uses via
P y g Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
� S ope of Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'w . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
C rrent Regulation of Adult Uses Saint Pau1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
� S udies of Problems Related to Adu t Entertainment--United Sta es. . . . . . . . . . .15
S udies of Problems Related to Adu t Entertainment--Twin Citie . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
� '
S 'nt Paul--Recent Problems Relate to Adult Entertainment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
� A1 ernative Zoning Strategies for ealing with Adult Entertai nt. . . . . . . . . .27
Co clusions and �tecommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I. . . . . . . . . . . .39
� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . .
Pr posed Amendments to Zoning Code. . . � . .43
Ap endix A - Names and Addresses o Existing Adult Uses. . , . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . .51
� A endix B - Memorandum Discussin
P g ssues Raised During Public eview. . . . . . .53
� Ap ndix C - Planning Commission Re olution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . .63
Creits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . .65
� I
� �
� li
� �
The City of Saint Paul first a opted zoning provisions to �estrict sex-related
� adult entertainment in 1983. n that year, the City Counc �1 passed several
amendments which define "adult uses" and restrict them to I-3, I-1, B-4 and
B-5 Zoning Districts as permit ed uses subject to special pndition use
� permits. However, since 1983 here has been growing conce jn among Saint Paul
citizens that the amended Zoni g Code does not adequately jddress the land use
problems associated with adult entertainment. Also, there s concern" that the
current definitions of adult u es create undesirable looph �es, leading to an
� inability of the City to regul te all adult uses.
This report is in response to City Council resolution of �Tovember 5, 1986
� requesting the Planning Commis ion to study possible amen �ents to the Zoning
Code so as to restrict adult u es to Industrially Zoned Di �tricts only, and
other amendments relating to a ult uses which the Commissi p should deem
� advisable.
� I
,� _ I
� De oit Court Case: 1976 '
The concept of "inverse zoning" to liminate concentrations of ��lcid row
� bus'nesses was first implemented by Detroit in its "Anti-Skid R " ordinance
ado ted in 1962 and amended to incl de sex-related businesses i 1972.- The
Det oit ordinances defined "adult" stablishments as those pres ting material
� "di tinguished or characterized by n emphasis on matter depict' g. . .
'Sp cified Sexual Activities' or 'S ecified Anatomical Areas' ." ' Adult
est blishments were included in a 1'st of "regulated uses" and e ordinances
pro ided that no regulated use coul be established within 1000 eet of any
�' oth r two regulated uses (except whe the provision is waived by the buildings
and safety engineering department) o within 500 feet of a resid ntial area.
� Own rs of two adults-only theatres s bsequently challenged the I
con titutionality of the ordinances nd the case was ultimately aken to the
Uni ed States Supreme Court. The th atre operators maintair�ed t at the
� ordi ances constituted a prior restr int on constitutionally pro ected
co nication and that the ordinance violated equal protection. , Moreover,
they charged that the definition of ' adult" establishment is vag (due to the
phra e "characterized by an emphasis' ) and that the ordinances d not specify
� adeq ate procedures or standards for obtaining a waiver of the 1, 00 foot
stan ard. I
� Esse tially, the landmark Youn v, erican Mini Theatres 427 US 0 (1976)
deci ion affirmed that municipalitie may use zoning to restrict dult
ente tainment if adult entertainment is shown to have a harmful i pact on
� part cular types of neighborhoods. e Supreme Court specificall held that:
1. The ordinances as applied t these respondents do not v plate the
Due Process Clause of the F urteenth Amendment on the g bund of
� vagueness.
2. The ordinances are not inva id under the First Amendmen las prior
restraints on protected co unication because of the li nsing or
�; zoning requirements. Thoug adult films may be exhibite
commercially only in licens d theaters, that is also tr of all
films. That the place where films may be exhibited is r gulated
� does not violate free expres ion, the City's interest in�planning
and regulating the use of pr perty for commercial purpos s being
clearly adequate to support he locational restriction.
� 3. The 1,000 foot restriction d es not violate the Equal
Protection Clause of the Fou teenth Amendment.
� �I
Court Cases Between 1976 and 1986
�. Sever 1 federal court decisions subseq ent to Youn� established th limits of
zonin as a tool for restricting adult entertainment. Although it was
recog ized that such restrictions were valid, it was also establis ed that
� I
municipalities may not use zoning to prohibit adult entertainment entirely.
Indeed, the Supreme Court itself_affirmed this principle in Schad v. Borou�h
of ,Mount Ephraim 452 US 61 (1981) when it struck down a zoning ordinance �,
because it had the effect of totally suppressing the availability of nude
dancing (as well as other forms of live entertainment) in a particular �
This principle was also the basis for a 1982 U.S. District Court decision
which struck down an ordinance in Minneapolis (Alexander v. City of �
Minneapolis, CCA File No. 82-1385-NIN) . According to U.S. District JudgQ Diana
Murphy, the Minneapolis ordinance was unconstitutional because it effectively
required the relocation of a large number of businesses intQ a prohibitively �
small number of business sites.
Renton, Washing,ton Court Case: 1986 �
A Supreme Court decision in 1986 clarified the principle which invalidated
zoning ordinances used as a tool for prohibiting adult entertainment. Owners �
of two downtown theatres in Renton, Washington sued the city to contest a
zoning ordinance that prohibited adult movie theaters frorn locating within
1,000 feet of any residential zone, single- or multi-family dwelling, church, �
park or school. Geographically, this made downtown a pornography-free zone.
In fact, it restricted adult theatres to a number of industrially zoned sites.
The basis of the theatre owners' suit was their claim that the zoning rule was
actually an attempt at censorship in that it left them without commercially- ,�
viable sites for their businesses.
The City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres (Docket Nwnber 84-1360) decision �
overturned a lower court ruling in favor of the theatre owners. This decision
was significant in two ways. First, it stretched the meaning of "commercially
viable site" in a way that favors municipalities and makes it more difficult �
for adult entertainment establishments to prove that a potential site is not
viable. Secondly, it established that a municipality's zoning ordinance need
not rely on an analysis of the actual or potential harm caused by adult
entertainment in the subject community. Instead, it can base its ordinance on �
the experiences and actions of other cities. Specific conclusions of the
Supreme Court in this case include:
1. Since the ordinance does not ban adult theaters altogether, it is �
properly analyzed as a form of time, place and manner regulation.
"Content-neutral" time, place, and manner regulations are acceptable
so long as they are designed to serve a substantial governmental �
interest and do not unreasonably limit alternative avenues of
2. The District/ICourt found that the Renton City Council's �
predominate concerns were with the secondary effects of adult
theatres on the surrounding community, not with the content of adult �
films themselves. This finding is more than adequate to establish
that the city's pursuit of its zoning interests was unrelated to the
suppression of free expression, and thus the ordinance is a
"content-neutral" speech regulation. �
4 �
. ' �pk''�- �/
� � � �
3. The Renton ordinance is d signed to serve a substanti 1 governmental
� interest while allowing f r reasonable alternative av ues of
communication. A city's nterest in attempting to pr serve the
quality of urban life, as here, must be accorded high respect.
1 Although the ordinance wa enacted without the benefi of studies
specifically relating to enton's particular problems Renton was
entitled to rely on the e periences of, and studies p oduced by, the
� nearby city of Seattle an other cities. I
4. As required by the First endment, the ordinance all ws for-
reasonable alternative av nues of communication. Alt ough
� respondents argue that in general there are no "comme cially viable"
adult theatre sites withi the limited area of land 1 ft open for
such theatres by the ordi ance, the fact that respond nts must fend
� for themselves in the re estate market, on an equal'Ifooting with
other prospective purchas rs and lessees, does not gi e rise to a
violation of the First endment, which does not comp l the
Government to ensure tha adult theatres, or any othe� kinds of
� speech-related businesse , will be able to obtain si s at bargain
prices. j
� Pr'nci les for Zonin to Re ulate dult Uses i
� Supreme Court decisions discus ed above define the limits f zoning as a
� t ol for regulating adult entertai ent. In light of the lega history of
t is issue, it is possible to deri e the following principles or constructing
� c nstitutionally valid zoning ordi ances: ;
1. Locational restrictions ay not be so severe as to r ult in an
inability to accommodate the present and/or future a ticipated
� number of adult business s in a city. In Youne, the �COUrt upheld
the Detroit ordinance up n finding that numerous sit 's complying
with the Detroit zoning equirements were available o adult
� businesses and that the arket for sexually explicit fare, viewed as
an entity, was therefore "essentially unrestrained," �'
2. The more evident and rat onal is the relationship oflthe adult-use
� restrictions to recogniz d zoning purposes, such as �he preservation
of neighborhoods and the grouping of compatible uses � the greater is
the likelihood that the estrictions will be upheld. j
� 3. The greater is the vague ess inherent in an ordinancl 's wording or
definitions, especially 'f rising to the degree that 'inon-
pornographic entrepreneu s must worry whether they a e within the
� ordinance's provisions, he more lilcely it is that t e ordinance
will be struck down. ,
� 4. An ordinance which gran s administrative officials scretionary
power whether or not to allow particular adult busi sses to operate
is more likely to be st uck down as violative of th precept,
� emphasized by the Youn� dissenter, that in the Firs , Amendment area
"government may regulat only with narrow specifici "
� �
5 �
� I
� � �
� I
� Saint Paul's Zoning Code currently de ines "adult uses" to refer �ly to sex-
relat d uses, not to alcohol-related ses:
� Adult uses are those uses exclu ing bars which are not open �o the
public generally but only to on or more classes of the pub �c and
excluding any minor by reason o age, a minor being a perso 'iunder the
� age of eighteen years. Adult u es include, but are not lim �ed to,
adult bookstores, adult motion icture theatres, adult mini- otion
picture theatres, adult massage parlors, adult saunas, adul I
rap/conversation parlors, adult ealth clubs, and adult cab ets, or
� similar adult uses.
Altho gh this study considers possibl amendments to the Zoning C e
� (incl ding amendments to the definiti of adult uses) , the sex-r �ated focus
of th current definition will be ret ined. Alcohol-related uses � re not
inclu ed because problems associated ith bars are often consider ly
diffe ent from the problems associate with sex-related businesses�, and are
� gener lly related to operation rather than to location. Licensin �-not
zonin --is the more appropriate way t regulate bars. There are s fficiently
strin ent licensing requirements for ars including distances fro � schools,
� churc es and other establishments wit liquor licenses; operation
proce ures; City Council public heari s with mailed notice; and t e
possi ility that the license may be re oked.
� �
� .
�� ' i
� T s and Locations of Adult Busine ses
Dep nding on the system of categori ation, there are at present �ither 14 or
� 19 dult entertainment establishmen s in Saint Paul. The Saint aul Building
Ins ection and Design Division curr ntly does not regard licens bars. as
"ad lt uses," even if they offer se ually explicit live enterta' ent. There
� are five bars in Saint Paul offerin such entertainment. There s also one
bus ness offering sexually explicit live entertainment which cl ms to be a
pri ate club open to minors as well as adults;• however, Saint P 1's Building
� Ins ection and Design Division cate orizes it as an adult cabar � and thus is
tre ting it as an illegal nonconfo ing use.
App ndix A contains a comprehensive list of the names and addre es of the 19
� est blishments. The categories for the establishments are as f lows:
2 Movie Theatres
� 1 Bookstore �
1 Adult Cabaret
10 Massage Parlors, Saunas, H alth Clubs
5 Bars With Live Adult Enter ainment
� All of these businesses are within ommercially zoned districts,ll''
Spe ifically, the zoning is as foll ws:
� i
4 B-2 (Community Business Di trict)
13 B-3 (General Business Dist ict)
1 B-4 (Central Business Dist ict)
�; 1 CAAPB (Capitol Area Board) Jurisdiction
Sev nty-nine percent (15 out of 19) of adult entertainment esta lishments in
,� Sai t Paul are located on major tho oughfares: Arcade, Payne, R ce, Snelling,
Uni ersity and Seventh Street; the ther 21 percent (4 out of 1 ) are on
Gr d, Hudson Road, Milton and Prio , which bear lower street c assifications
� as inor arterials or collectors.
The total number of adult businesse has dropped to 19 from 30 In 1977 and 24
in 982. The overall decline in n ber between 1977 and 1987 i a result of
� se ral factors. Some establishmen s were removed from the do town area as a
res lt of redevelopment in the area of the World Trade Center. Also,
ne'ghborhood pressure has' resulted n the relocation or reorien ation of
� se eral establishments. At the sam time, zdning and licensing codes have
be ome more restrictive, making it ore difficult for new adultlestablishments
to open. Finally, the recent incre se in the popularity of hom videotape
� pl ers has apparently changed cons ption patterns in a way th t has
di inished the demand for some form of entertainment outside o the home.
� 9
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pR .. '._" ' "'
/'� 1
A A �q
Y s R II ��l �
�_� t [s� A Theatre D Health Club �
4 �� �
BBookstore F Bar With Live p
L�� ,c � ` Adult Entertainment `,��v . �
�' ° �f C Cabaret i
✓ ,— •� o
---- ' �
IN SAINT PAUL: 1977-1987 �
Nwnber by Category
Movie Massage, Sauna, Live �
Year Theatres Booksto�es Health Club Entertainment Total
1977 2 5 10 �
13 30
1982 2 5 10 7 24 �
1987 2 1 10 6* 19 �
* 5 licensed bars with exotic dancers, 1 adult cabaret �
10 �
. � � .���'' ._��
Zo 'n and Licensin to Re ulate Ad lt Uses j
� Sai t Paul currently regulates adul uses in two ways: with zoling and with
lic nsing. The current zoning regu ations date from 1983 when, '�for the first
� ti , specific "adult uses" were de ined and permitted in zoneslB-3 (General
Bus'ness District) , B-4 (Central Bu iness District) , B-S (Centr 7 Business-
Se ice District) , and I-1 (Industr al District--by virtue of t eir inclusion
in -3) . In all cases, adult uses re made subject to special onditions:
� B-3 (and I-1) : 1320 feet fro other adult uses; 200 feetl�,from .
residentially zoned property may be waived by Planning C �nmission with
� the consent of 90 percent of roperty owners within 200 f �et and with
consideration of various fact rs pertaining to the public linterest)
B-4, B-5: 300 feet from othe adult use; 100 feet from r idential use;
f' not located in a building als used for residential purpo , s
The City's licensing provisions dif er from its zoning provisio �S in that they
� dea with adult uses only in the co text of broader categories. For example,
the e are no specific regulations a plying to "adult movie thea �es."
How ver, there are licensing provis'ons pertaining to sex-orien �d films shown
� by ovie theatres.
The zoning and licensing regulation are summarized in charts o Ithe following
� pag s.
� �'
� �
�� �
� I
� '
� I
� 11 I
� �
Cited in Defined in Public �
Zoning Zoning Zones Where Distance Hearing
Category Code Code Permitted Requirements Notice
Movie Theatres Yes Yes B-3, B-4, Yes Yes
B-5, I-1 �
Bookstores Yes Yes B-3, B-4, Yes Yes
B-5, I-1 �
Massage Parlors, Yes Yes (1) B-3, B-4, Yes Yes �
Saunas, Health B-5, I-1
Conversation/ ' Yes Yes (2) B-3, B-4, Yes Yes �
.Rap Parlors B-5, I-1
Live Entertain- Yes Yes (3) B-3, B-4, Yes Yes
ment B-5, I-1 �
Notes: (1) "Massage Parlor, Sauna, Health Club" is specifically defined. �
The definition states, among other things, that this type of
establishment is licensed under Chapter 412 of the City
Legislative Code and restricts minors by virtue of age.
. (2) "Conversation/Rap Parlors" are specifically defined but no "adult" �
distinction is included �in the definition; "adult conversation/rap
parlors" are included as example of "adult uses" .
(3) "Adult cabaret" is specifically defined. �
12 �
. . �'�=^- �/
� �
� There is a well-established relationship be ween sex-oriented adult
entertaimm �t and neighborhood social probl ms in the United States. N' erous
� cities hav studied this problem and have concluded that typically prop rty
values are lower and crime rates are highe in the immediate vicinity adult
businesses Among the more prominent stud es of this problem are thos � of
Phoenix (1 79) , Indianapolis (1983) and Lo Angeles (1984) . The resul S of
� these stud es are summarized below.
�, Phoenix
In Phoenix, the Planning Department publis ed a study entitled "Relati ti of
� Criminal A tivity and Adult Businesses" (M y, 1979) which showed that �rrests
for sexual crimes and locations of adult b sinesses were directly rela d.
The study ompared three areas containing dult uses with three contro areas
that had similar demographic and land use haracteristics but no adult �
� businesse .
The study concluded that, on average, in t e three study areas, proper y
� crimes we e 43 percent higher, violent cri es were four percent higher ' and
sex crime were over 500 percent higher th n in the control areas. Mo eover,
the study area with one of the city's high st concentrations of adult
businesse had a sex crime rate over 11 ti es as large as a similar ar a
� having no adult businesses. Finally, 89 p rcent of the reported crime of
indecent xposure were committed at the a dresses of adult businesses.
` Indiana o is
� In 1983, he City of Indianapolis researc ed the relationship between �dult
entertai ent and property values at the ational level. The study w �s based
on a 20 p rcent random sample of the nati nal membership of the Ameri an
Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and a sampling of MAI (Member App iaisers
� Institute members who practiced in 22 me ropolitan areas. The resul 's of
this su y are as follows:
� l. Survey respondents overwhelming y (80 percent) felt that an 8dult
bookstore located in the hypoth tical neighborhood describe Iwould
have a negative impact on resid ntial property values of pr ises
located within one block of the site.
� 2. Seventy-two percent of the resp ndents also felt that there iwould be
a detrimental effect on commerc al property values at the s e one
� block radius.
3. This negative impact dissipates markedly as the distance fr the
site increases, so that at thre blocks the estimate of neg tive
� impact decreases by more than o e-half as judged by the nwn er of
respondents indicating negative impact at three blocks.
� 15
� .
Los Angeles
A 1984 study done by the Los Angeles Police Department investigated the �
relationship between adult entertainment and crime in the Hollywood area. The
study indicated that in 1969, there were 11 sex-oriented adult entertainment ��
establishments but by 1975 the number had grown to 88. During the time period
from 1969 to 1975, reported incidents of "Part I Crime" (i.e. , homicide, rape,
aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, larceny and vehicle theft) in the �
Hollywood area increased 7.6 percent while the rest of Los Angeles had a 4.2
percent increase. "Part II" arrests (i.e. , other assaults, forgery and
counterfeiting, embezzlement and fraud, stolen property, prostitution,
narcotics, liquor laws, gambling and miscellaneous misdemeanors) increased �
45.4 percent in the Hollywood area and 3.4 percent in the rest of Los Angeles.
16 �
. �
� In re ent years, there have been two ystematic statistical studi s of the
relat onship between adult entertaimm �t, crime and property valu s in the
� Twin ities. The first study, publis ed in 1978, focused on Sain Paul and
invol ed the Division of Planning and the Minnesota Crime Control Planning
Board. The second study, published i 1980, examined conditions in
Minne polis and was done by the Minne ota Crime Prevention Center in
� coope ation with the Minneapolis City Council. The results of th se two
studi s are as follows:
� Sain Paul
The aint Paul study combined sex-ori nted adult businesses with lcohol-
� orie ted adult businesses possessing liquor or 3.2 beer license ,during the
stud period (1970-1976) . For this r ason, none of its conclusio s apply to
sex- riented adult entertainment as separate category. Neverth less, the .
� foll wing conclusions are notable:
1. There is a statistically si nificant correlation betwee the
� location of adult businesse and neighborhood deteriora ion, as
2. Adult establishments tend t locate in somewhat deterio ated areas.
� 3. Additional relative deterio ation of an area follows lo ation of an
adult business in the area.
� 4. Crime rates relate to the stablishment of adult busin Sses in a
threshold fashion. There 's a significantly higher cr e rate
associated with two such b sinesses in an area than is associated
� with only one adult busine s.
5. Housing values also relate to the establishment of adu t businesses
� in a threshold fashion. ere is significantly lower alue
associated with three such businesses in an azea than s associated
with only one adult busine s.
Min ea olis
� The Minneapolis study examined sex- riented and alcohol-oriente adult
ent rtainment separately. Using bo h simple regression and mul iple
reg ession techniques, this study c ncluded that sex-oriented b inesses have
� a g eater number of significant rel tionships to high crime rat �s and low
pro erty values than any other type of adult entertainment esta lishments
ex ined.
� 17
In the Minneapolis study, the relationship between sex-oriented businesses and
higher crime rates was especially strong. The association between sex- �
oriented businesses and lower housing values disappeared, however, when other
factors were taken into account. In addition, these businesses were quite
strongly related to the percentage of vacant commercial properties, which is �
often used as a measure of a declining commercial area. However, the study
noted that these associations alone are not evidence that a sex-oriented
business locating in an area causes other businesses to leave or property �
values to decline. Alternatively, these associations may indicate that sex-
oriented businesses locate where property values have already fallen and
demand for commercial space is weak enough to permit them to compete
successfully for space. �
. �
, �
18 �
. �
� .
� Saint Paul has continued to experienc social and economic proble related to
adult entertainment. Essentially, th se problems stem from prost'�tution which
has b en associated with adult entert inment in two ways. First, there have
� been ersistent problems with street rostitution in the area of iversity
Avenu and Dale Street. Secondly, th re is strong evidence that ostitution
somet mes occurs within Saint Paul's dult health clubs.
� Unive sit -Dale Nei hborhood Problems
� In Sa'nt Paul there is one neighborhoo that has an especially hea
conce tration of adult entertainment e tablishments. The blocks a �oining the
inter ection of University Avenue and ale Street have nearly 25 p rcent (4
out o 19) of the city's adult uses, i cluding aI1 of Saint Pauls' � adult
� bookst res and adult movie theatres. s in other American cities, ',the growth
of adu t entertainment in this neighbo hood has accompanied signif icant social
and ec nomic decline. ,
,� The Th mas-Dale District (Citizen Part cipation District #7) is th district
that h s been most affected by adult e tertainment in the Saint Pa . This
� distri t is generally bounded by Unive sity Avenue on the south, th
Burlin ton Northern railroad tracks on the north, Interstate 35-E o the east
and Le ington Parkway on the west. The neighborhood has suffered s 'rious
proble s in recent years and is in many ways the most distressed ne ghborhood
� in the city. Indicators of distress in this neighborhood include t e
� - Highest unemployment rate in he city (1980: 9.6 percent . 4.7
percent in Saint Paul as a wh le)
� - Highest percentage of families below the poverty line (197 : 19.2
percent vs. 8 percent in Saint Paul as a whole)
- Lowest median family income (1 79: $15,090 vs. $20,743 in aint Paul
� as a whole)
- Lowest percentage of high scho 1 and college graduates (hi � school
� graduates in 1980: 52.6 percen vs. 72.4 percent in Saint �ul as a
whole; college graduates in 19 0: 5.7 percent vs. 19.8 per nt in
Saint Paul as a whole)
� There is evidence that many of these pro lems are related to adult
entertai ent in the following way:
� concentrations of cer ain types of adult
entertainment near esidential areas
� street prostitutio , potentially
dangerous patrons of adult businesses
other cr mes
� 19
Currently, the Police Department maintains that Saint Paul's street �
prostitution is concentrated in the area bounded by University Avenue on the
south, Charles Avenue on the north, Victoria Avenue on the west and Western
Avenue on the east. �
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Police statistics for 1986 show that, out of 279 prostitution arrests at �
identified locations, 195 (70 percent) were within the "street prostitution
zone" . Moreover, all of the locations with ten or more arrests for ' �
prostitution were within this zone. It is further notable that the five
locations with the highest number of arrests were on University Avenue, within
three blocks of the adult uses concentrated at the University-Dale
intersection. �
(Data Source: Saint Paul Police Department, Vice Unit)
Locations of Arrests �
Within "Street Prostitution Zone" : 195 �
Outside of "Street Prostitution Zone" : 84
Location Not Identified: 43 �
Locations With Ten or More Arrests
University - Grotto: 33
University = Arundel: 31 �
University - Avon: 19
University Kent: 15
University - Dale: 12
University - Mackubin: 10 �
Sherburne - Dale: 10
Sherburne - St. Albans: 10
. �
It ' unclear to what extent clients of street prostitutes in th 's
� nei borhood are the same people as he patrons of the adult bus 'nesses in the
nei borhood. Apparently, the two a tivities are often separate but occur in
the ame neighborhood due to its "se for sale" reputation. Nev 'rtheless,
� ther is evidence that patrons of ad lt businesses do pose otherltypes of
thre ts to the University-Dale neigh orhood.
� Resi ents in the University/Dale are report frequent sex-relate harassment
by m torists and pedestrians in the eighborhood. Although it c not be
prov d that the harassers are patron of adult businesses, it is �easonable to
� susp ct such a connection. Moreover neighborhood residents her ', submitted
evid nce to the Planning Commission n the form of discarded por ographic
lite ature allegedly found in the st eets, sidewalks, bushes and �lleys near
adul businesses. Such literature i sexually very explicit, ev t� on the
� cove , and under the present circums ances becomes available to 1Lnors even
thou h its sale to minors is prohibi ed.
� Fina ly, there is an increasingly se ious crime problem in the a ea around the
inte section of University and Dale. In 1980, the four police q drants
surr unding this intersection accoun ed for 5.7 percent of the re orted
offe ses in Saint Paul; by 1985 the igure had risen to 6.1 perce t. A -
� nota le aspect of this situation is at in the two quadrants nor h of
Univ rsity Avenue the number of crim s increased from 1,091 to 1, 11 during
the ears 1980 to 1985. Similarly, e northern area's share of otal
� offe ses increased from 3.3 percent i 1980 to 4.0 percent in 198 . In
cont ast, the area south of Universit decreased its total number of offenses
from 792 to 617 during this time peri d. Its share declined froml2.4 percent
to 2 1 percent at the same time. The following map and table con ain details
� conc rning offenses in the four polic quadrants surrounding the
Univ rsity/Dale intersection:
� ""'""� s ----- �
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° � 9
� T�
a Y
� P
� � � 9 P
� `,b�.��. .�
. �
1980-1985 �
(Numbers in Parentheses = Percent of City Total)
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
134 1 177 1 003 1,036 1,211 �
North of 1,091 1, , ,
Intersec- (3.3$) (3.4�) (3.6$) (3.4$) (3.5�) (4.0�)
tion �
South of 792 811 840 633 580 617
Intersec- (2.4$) (2.5$) (2.6�} (2.1$) (2.0$) (2.1$) �
Total for 1,883 1,945 2,017 1,636 1,616 1,828 �
Univer- (5.7$) (5.9�) (6.1$) (S.5$) (5.5�) (6.1�)
sity/Dale `
Saint Paul 32,792 33,059 32,971 29,907 29,278 30,050
_ icide ra e robber a ravated assault, �
Notes: Offenses consist of hom , p , y, gg
residential burglary, commercial burglary, theft, motor vehicle
theft, arson, and vandalism. �
- Data derived from "Offense Summary Report, 1980-1985" (Saint Paul
Police Department, Crime Analysis Unit) �
- North of Intersection = Police Team Areas 88 & 89
South of Intersection = Police Team Areas 108 & 109
The recent decline in crime south of the University-Dale intersection has
paralleled a decline in street prostitution in the same area. Prior to 1980,
street prostitution was a growing problem south of Univ.ersity Avenue. For
years, neighborhood residents complained that their streets were frequented by
streetwalkers and their clients who were attracted to the area by the adult �
entertainment establishments concentrated there. By the early 1980s, there
were frequent reports of neighborhood women being propositioned and harassed
by clients, and of sexual liaisons occurring in garages or yards in the
neighborhood. �
A key role in dealing with this problem was played by the Aurora-Saint Anthony
Block Clubs, an organization of residents between University Avenue and �
Interstate 94 near Dale Street. Faced with increasingly serious neighborhood
prostitution problems, members of the Aurora-Saint Anthony Block Clubs
organized demonstrations in 1982 to make known their displeasure with the �
situation. They began shadowing prostitutes and their customers, taking
pictures and recording license plate numbers of inen who were frequenting the
adult businesses, searching back yards, alleys and garages, and prevailing
22 �
' �
upo landlords to evict tenants tho ght to be prostitutes. The iorganization
� als met with Mayor George Latimer nd successfully requested a itional
pol ce patrols in the area.
� Alt ough crime rates are a function of many different variables it is clear
tha the actions of the Aurora-Sain Anthony Block Clubs have b �en an
imp rtant factor in combatting pros itution and lowering the cr'tne rate in the
� nei hborhoods south of the Universi y/Dale intersection. But a successful as
the Aurora-Saint Anthony Block Club have been, their activitie also point
out the need for a city-wide soluti n to the problems caused by sdult
ent rtainment. The neighborhoods i the Aurora-Saint Anthony a ea have
� exp rienced a decline in prostituti n and other crimes, but the e is evidence
tha much of this activity has simp y moved to other parts of t city, often
int the area north of University A enue. Citizen action north f University, .
� alt ough vigorous, has thus far bee less successful in combatti g street
pro titution.
� Ove all, the situation near Universi y and Dale has created a pe ception that
thi is an unsafe area to be in. Ev dence of this perception ha been
gat ered by the Western State Bank, ocated at the corner of Uni ersity and
Sai t Albans, across the street from an adult bookstore. Althou h this bank ,
� is ommitted to working in the neigh orhood where it is located„its efforts
to ttract employees and customers h ve often been frustrated bylpeople's
per eption of the neighborhood.
� In 983, Western State Bank hired a esearch firm to survey areairesidents
- reg rding their preferred location f r a bank and their percepti ns of
dif rent locations. A sample of 30 people were given a list o locations
� and sked, "Are there any of these 1 cations where you would not feel safe
con cting your banking business?" e results of this survey w re that 36
perc nt said they would feel unsafe anking at Dale and Universi while no
� more than four percent indicated the would feel unsafe at other '�,suggested
loca ions. The details of responden answers are as follows:
� 23
18- 25- 35- 45- 55- 65+ Don't Know/ �
LOCATION Total 24 34 44 54 64 Over Refused
Dale & University 36� 46� 32$ 33� 468 33� 38$ 50$ �
Rice & University 4$ 0 6� 0 0 4� 5� 0 �
University & Snelling 3$ 0 7� 2$ 0 2� 1� 0 �
Grand & Victoria 2$ 4� 2$ 0 0 2� 1� 0 �
Rice & Larpenteur 1$ 0 0 2$ 0 0 1� 0 �
None 52$ 46� 50$ 59$ 54$ 57� 47� 50� �
NUMBER OF RESPONSES 305 24 82 46 28 49 74 2 .
Prostitution and Adult Health Clubs
Prostitution problems in the University-Dale neighborhood are land use �
problems. That is, they occur on the streets outside of the adult businesses
in the neighborhood. A different type of prostitution problem sometimes �
occurs within Saint Paul's adult health clubs.
Police in Saint Paul receive frequent complaints that adult health clubs in
the city are fronts for prostitution. Until recently, this was difficult to �
prove because an arrest at one location seemed to activate a warning network
which made it impossible to arrest violators of the law in other locations.
On December 16, 1986, police confronted this situation with a simultaneous �
sweep of the ten adult health clubs in the city where prostitution was
suspected. Because of the simultaneous nature of these actions, police were
able to take action in nine of the ten raided clubs. According to Lieutenant
James Frank, head of the police department's vice squad, "That makes it quite �
obvious that we do have a problem."
However, it is important to recognize the difference between the nature of �
prostitution associated with adult businesses in the University-Dale area and
prostitution allegedly occurring in the adult health clubs scattered
throughout the city. Street prostitution has an adverse impact on the
24 �
neighbo hood in which it occurs but it pparently is beyond the con �ol of the
� adult b sinesses which are located in t e neighborhood. Thus, a zo jing remedy
would s em appropriate for this type of problem. In the case of ad ILt health
clubs, here is little or no direct imp ct on the surrounding neigh �rhood but
� prostit tion would seem to be controlla le by the proprietors of th ! health
clubs. Thus, a licensing remedy would e a more appropriate way to kieal with
this t e of problem.
� ,
� �
� 2
� �
f � . � � .
� Sai Paul currently may choose amon three basic alternative zo ing
stra egies for dealing with the land use problems associated wit adult
� ente tainment. First, it may retain the current provisions of t e Zoning
Code. Secondly, it may adopt an ame dment to the Zoning Code pr �osed by
Coun ilman Wilson. Both of these al ernatives are variants on a ''
"dec ncentration" model of zoning fo adult uses. Some cities, ncluding
� (rec ntly) Minneapolis, have concent ated adult uses in a single,' centralized
zone Therefore, a third alternativ which Saint Paul may consi �r would be
the inneapolis model.
Alte native #1: Retain Current Zonin Code
� -Des ription:
The provisions relating to adult en ertainment in the current Z ' ing Code .
� wer adopted in 1983. Prior to tha time, the Zoning Code did t deal
spe ifically with adult uses. Unde the current Zoning Code, a lt uses are
lim ted to the following zones:
! - B-3 (General Business) and -1 (Industrial) , sub�ect to special
conditions including: 1320 adial feet between individu '� adult
uses, 200 radial feet betwe n adult use and any residen 'ially zoned
� property (may be waived und r eertain circumstances) ;
- B-4 (Central Business) and -5 (Central Business Servic � subject to
� special conditions includin : 300 radial feet between i �lividual
adult uses, 100 radial feet between adult uses and any �sidential
� 7
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-Evalu tion:
� I
It is difficult to evaluate the effec iveness of these provisions ecause,
techn cally speaking, no new adult bu inesses have legally been es ablished
� in Sa nt Paul since 1983. The intent of the current provisions i ! not to
disco rage the establishment of adult businesses but rather to pr tect
citiz ns from the land use impact of uch businesses. (Note: The �ity
� maint ins that the Playboy Lounge beg n operating illegally as an jadult
estab ishment after 1983. This claim is disputed by the owner of !the
busin ss. Also, several bars have be un offering live adult ente ftainment
since 1983, although several other ba s have ceased to do so. Th '� Building
� Depar ment does not currently interpr t bars to be "adult uses.") '
Howe er, there is indirect evidence t at the spacing requirements !of the
� curr t Zoning Code may not be suffic ent. Under the current Zon �ng Code,
thre adult businesses at the Univers ty-Dale intersection are le al
nonc nforming uses. But if no adult usinesses existed nearby, t ere would
be 1 nd southeast of the intersection that would conform to the r quirements
� of t e current Zoning Code. It is pl usible that a large enterta nment
comp ex in this space would create th same conditions that have �rought
prob ems to the neighborhood in rece years.
� The eighborhood around the Universi -Dale intersection currentl suffers
the ost serious land use problems a sociated with adult uses. e large
� mark t for adult entertainment creat d by adult businesses has a arently
also created a market for the servic s of prostitutes. These pr stitutes
avoi the premises of the adult busi esses and instead work the �reets of
the urrounding residential neighbor oods. If, as is possible, large
� adul entertainment complex southeas of the University-Dale int lrsection
were to create the same problems, on might reasonably conclude hat a
lar r buffer zone between adult use and residential areas is r �quired than
� tha now specified by the Zoning Cod .
Alte ative #2: Wilson Pro osal to Li it Adult Uses to Industrial -Zoned
� Dist icts
-Des ription:
� The proposed amendment to the Zonin Code would limit adult book tores,
adu t movie theatres and adult live entertainment to the followi g zones:
� - I-1 and I-2 (both Industria ) subject to standards incl ding: 1320
radial feet between individ al adult uses, 1320 radial eet between
the adult use and any resid ntially zoned property, 132 radial feet
� between the adult use and a y residential use, 1320 rad 'al feet
between the adult use and a y protected use (house of w rship, day
care center, public library, school, public recreation 'enter and
� public specialized recreati n facility) , 50 radial feet !between the
adult use and any retail or service establishment deali g directly
with consumers.
� - Note: adult bookstores, mo ie theatres and live entert nment would
no longer be permitted in -3, B-4 or B-5 zones.
� 29
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Acres of Street Frontage Absolute Relative �
Area Land (1) (Feet) Site Capacity (2) Site CaQacity (3)
1 7 0 1 0 �
2 100 16,400 7 5
3 2 0 1 0 �
4 3 0 3 � �
5 1,040 51,000 32 17 �
Total 1,152 67,400 44 22 �
Notes: (1) Acreage estimated using„Bruning Areagraph (90 percent accuracy) . �
(2) Absolute Site Capacity - number of adult establishments that
could fit on the land within the limitations of the Wilson
proposal; calculated without regard for existing infrastructure, �
existing development, or suitability of land for development.
(3) "Relative Site Capacity" = number of adult establishments that �
could be located on existing street frontage within the
limitations of the Wilson proposal; calculated without regard for
existing development or suitability of land for development. �
. �
� . ' .
� -Eval ation: �
The ey feature of this proposal is he expansion of the buffer tween
adul uses and residential properties from the current 200 radial feet
� (out ide of the Central Business Dist ict) to 1320 radial feet. is
prop sed change squarely addresses th problem with the current p ovisions
ment'oned above. That is, it deals w'th the fact that the curren spacing
� requ'rements could permit a situation similar to that currently e perienced
in t University-Dale neighborhood, The Wilson proposal would 1 'ssen the
likel'hood of this occurring in any r sidential neighborhood by g eatly
� incre sing the spacing between adult ses and residences. 1'he si � of the
buffe zone (1320 feet = 2 1/2 blocks is appropriate in light of �
natio wide survey of realtors which i dicated that the negative i act of
adult uses declines significantly at distance of three city blo s (see
� page 5 above) .
Altho gh it is somewhat unusual to con ine a particular type of co ercial
� facil ty to industrial zones, there ar good reasons for doing so n the
case f adult uses. First, adult uses are similar to some industr al uses
in th t they have a negative impact on the residential environment '�and are
thus i compatible with residential use . Secondly, it is only wit in �
� indust ial zones that a 1320 foot buff r zone between adult uses a �
reside tial uses can be created. Fina ly, there is already an ana pgous
situat on in Saint Paul's Zoning Code. "Mission type uses", altho h
� essent ally temporary residential faci ities, are permitted as a pr ncipal
use in I-1 zones [Zoning Code, 60.612 (22)] .
� A poss ble problem with this proposal i that even 1320 feet (2 1/2iblocks)
might ot be sufficient to prevent "spi lover" completely. Indeed, '
accord' g to the Police Department, the prostitution that now cente s on
Dale St eet extends for eight blocks fr m Victoria Street to Wester ' Avenue
� (i.e. , our blocks on each side of the niversity/Dale intersection ',.
Neverth less, 1320 feet is close to the maximum buffer that could b created
in Sain Paul. If the buffer were expa ded much beyond 1320 feet,
� feasibl sites for adult uses would rem in in the city.
This pr posal also involves a tradeoff. The city would gain larger uffer
zones b tween adult uses and residential uses. But in return, the l keiy
� locatio s for new adult businesses will e confined to two or three arts of
the cit . Under the current Zoning Code there are a variety of per itted
sites t t could be attractive to propri tors of adult establishment '.
� Under th Wilson proposal, one area beco es particularly attractive �lative
to other options. The stretch of Univer ity Avenue between Transfer oad
and Pill bury Street is an area which, a though industrially-zoned, s
� partly a commercial strip. One might re sonably expect that a propri tor of
a new ad lt establishment would try to lo ate there if the Wilson pro osal
were pas ed. Other relatively attractive sites could be found north f
Universi y on Vandalia Avenue.
� The magn'tude of the above tradeoff shoul not be exaggerated, howeve .
During t e past ten years, the number of dult businesses in Saint Pa l has
� steadily eclined from 30 in 1977 to 24 i 1982 and 19 in 1987. Thus '
market tr nds suggest that there will be ew new adult businesses
establish d, regardless of whether or not the Zoning Code is changed.
� 31
Moreover, the Wilson proposal offers some real benefits even to the �
neighborhoods close to the University/Vandalia intersection. The Wilson
proposal would ensure that any new adult establishments would be
considerably farther from residential areas than is the case under the
current Zoning Code. A corollary of this fact is that the Wilson proposal �
could make it more likely that a smaller number of adult businesses would
locate at the western end of University Avenue. Under the current Zoning
Code, the western portion of University Avenue provides numerous relatively �
attractive, legal sites for adult businesses. Currently, adult uses could
locate virtually anywhere on University Avenue between Fairview and Saint
Paul's western city limits. The Wilson proposal considerably limits the �
number of possible locations in this area.
The Wilson proposal would permit adult uses on a total of nearly 1,200 acres
of land in Saint Paul. However, under this proposal, several factors would �
likely discourage future adult uses from locating anywhere other than in the
area around the University-Vandalia intersection. In general, much of the
land either has low development potential or is already devoted to well- �
established, high-value facilities. The following is a summary of some of
the relevant features of each of the areas delineated in the above map and
table: �
Area 1: Includes part of an industrial facility located largely in
Minneapolis. No street access from Saint Paul. �
Area 2: Includes commercial facilities along University Avenue and
warehouse-type facilities along Vandalia north of University. �
Area 3: Part of Ford Motor Company plant.
Area 4: Mostly wetlands. �
Area 5: Largely consists of the Saint Paul Downtown Airport, the
Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Riverside Industrial �
Park (lease control by the Port Authority of Saint Paul) . Land north
of river approximately coincides with the route of a proposed new road
(East Central Business District Bypass) .
As the above description suggests, there is actually a continuwn of types of
sites available for adult uses under the Wilson proposal. Some could be �
obtained fairly easily while others could not reasonably be obtained in the
near future. In particular, two large portions of Area 5 would not likely
be available for alternative development in the short run--the Saint Paul �
Downtown Airport and the Metropolitan Waste Water Treatment Plant. The land
occupied by these facilities is illustrated in the following map of Area 5:
32 �
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� A: Airport
W: Waste Wat r Plant
� It sh uld also be noted that Area 5 w uld be diminished if, as is lexpected,
two o her substantial zoning changes ccur in the near future. F'�rst, the
likel rezoning of some riverfront la d for residential purposes buld reduce
� this and area. Secondly, proposed s fety zones for the airport uld
prohi it development near approaches o the runways. The followi g maps
illus rate what these changes would i volve:
� 33
. - �
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34 �
� In s ort, it is a complex matter to ummarize the total land are potentially
avai able for adult uses. No single answer can be provided beca se eacH
ans r is relative to certain assump ions. Thus, the following ummary table
pro 'des four estimates based on fou different assumptions:
Total Abso te Relative
Available Si e Site
� Acres of Land Capa iity Capacity
�1) (2 ' (3)
� Incl din air ort No other rezonin 1040 4 23
g P ,
wast water plant
� as e igible sites Other rezoning 520 2 I 15
� Excl ding airport, No other rezonin 686 3 18
wast water plant
as e igible sites Other rezoning 226 1 ' 10 �
Note : (1) Acreage estimated using runing Areagraph (90 percen ', accuracy) .
� (2) "Absolute Site Cap city" = number of adult est lishments
that could fit on he land within the limitati s of the
� Wilson proposal; c lculated without regard for �xisting
infrastructure, ex sting development, or suita �lity of land
for development.
� (3) "Relative Site Cap city" — number of adult est lishments
that could be loca ed on existing street front e within the
limitations of the Wilson proposal; calculated ithout
� regard for existin development or suitability f land for
� Alte native #3: The Minnea olis Mode --Limit A ult Uses to Porti s of the
Down own Area
� -Bac ground:
Sev ral American cities have chosen to remove adult uses entire ' from
� pro imity to outlying residential n ighborhoods. This can be d e by
lim ting adult uses to all or a par of the Central Business Di �rict.
Bos on's "combat zone" is the first and most famous example of is
str tegy. More recently, Minneapol's has limited many of its a lt uses to
� its Central Business District. Min eapolis' approach to adult tertainment
is specially relevant to Saint Pau due to the geographical cl Seness of
the two cities.
� 35
� '
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� '
� -Eva uation:
The ewness of the Minneapolis ordin nce makes it impossible to valuate its
imp t on the city. Nevertheless, t e following comments may be instructive
� in termining whether or not a simi ar ordinance might be appro riate in
Sai Paul.
� Alth ugh the Minneapolis ordinance i similar to the Boston appr �ach, it
diff rs in the degree of concentrati n it entails. The Boston " bmbat zone"
is a two-block area with a high conc ntration of adult uses. In �contrast,
ther are over 100 blocks of downto property where adult uses �n locate
� in M nneapolis. Moreover, the Minne polis ordinance retains spa $.ng
requ rements which will lead to a ce tain amount of deconcentrat n, even in
the owntown area.
� Desp te the attraction of this appro h, there are several differ nces
betw en downtown Minneapolis and do own Saint Paul which should�be
seri usly considered before deciding hether a similar ordinance hould be
� adop ed in Saint Paul. First, downto Minneapolis is substantia !ly larger
than downtown Saint Paul. Second, Mi neapolis seems willing to c ltivate a
core of upscale development along the Nicollet Avenue spine and t permit
� blig ted land to exist on the fringes of the Central Business Dis rict. In
cont st, Saint Paul has in recent ye rs sought to balance develo ent
betwe n the core and the periphery of its downtown. Moreover, ma y of the
� acti 'ties in downtown Saint Paul con ist of housing or public fa ilities
orien ed toward children and minors ( .g. , the science museum on he north
side f downtown, the public library nd Rice Park area on the we t side of
� downt wn, and the newly-developing ri erfront area on the south s de of
downt wn) . In short, downtown Saint aul seems less able to abso a
conce tration of adult uses than does downtown Minneapolis.
1 .
� 37
� �
� Conclusi ns
� On balan e, the Wilson proposal is the be t of the three alternative oning
strategi s. Like the current provisions f the Zoning Code, the Wils n
proposal ses zoning districts which alre dy exist in the city and ap 'lies
spacing r quirements to adult establishme ts within these districts. �'he
� Wilson pr posal is superior to the curren provisions of the Zoning Co e
because i increases the size of the buffe between adult uses and res dential
uses and hus provides more protection to he city's neighborhoods. I is
� also pref rable to the Minneapolis model b cause Saint Paul's downtown ;is not
readily a le to absorb a concentration of dult uses.
The Wilson proposal also contains a featur that would be appropriate der
� any zoning strategy. It advocates changin the basis of Saint Paul's
definition of adult uses for zoning purpos s. Currently, the Zoning C 'de
defines ad lt uses in reference to activiti s which are off-limits to m '�nors. ,
� The Wilson proposal incorporates definition related to the portrayal o
certain "sp cified anatomical areas" and "s ecified sexual activities." There
is solid le al precedent for this type of d finition; indeed, the landm k
� Detroit adu t entertainment ordinance conta ns this type of definition.
Moreover, t e change is justified in Saint P ul because some sex-oriente
businesses ave opened their doors to minors claiming that some of thei
materials a e for a general audience. The c ange would also make it cle r
� that bars w th live adult entertainment are o be treated as adult uses. ' The
change would thus close several loopholes th t are currently exploited b !
proprietors f sex-oriented businesses.
� Working with Councilman Wilson, concerned cit zens, and members of the
Planning Co ission, staff has also generated the following refinements o the
Wilson propos l:
� - Adult ealth Clubs, Massage Parlors an �.imilar Establishments.
� The ex anded spacing requirements shoul not be applied to adult
health clubs. Saint Paul's adult healt clubs have a minor land us
impact and thus the standards of the cu rent Zoning Code are
� suffic'ent for these businesses.
Many ci ies regulate different types of �dult uses in different ways.
For ex ple, as noted above, Minneapolis permits adult massage
� parlors rap parlors and saunas in the c ty at large but limits adul
booksto es, entertainment centers and mo ie theatres to the Central
Business District. Similarly, a number f other cities regulate onl
� such est blishments as bookstores, movie theatres and entertainment
centers, or apply stricter standards to ese establishments.
, Such an ption should be adopted in Saint Paul as well. The greatest
neighbor ood problems associated with adu t uses are indeed in an are
where th re is a concentration of two adu t movie theatres, one adult
bookstore, and one bar with nude dancers. In contrast, few land use
� 39
I �
. ' �
problems are associated with the ten adult health clubs in Saint Paul. �
Out of nineteen adult establishments in Saint Paul, ten are health
clubs. If the City would concentrate its more stringent zoning
remedies on the other nine establishments, more could be done to deal
with the most serious land use problems in Saint Paul. The problem of �"
prostitution within adult health clubs can more effectively be �
addressed by licensing.
It should be acknowledged that, while it would be useful to bring �
adult health clubs under the control of licensing, such an action
would not necessarily close all undesirable loopholes. An �
establishment determined to provide prostitution under the guise of a
legitimate business could simply declare itself to be a different type
of business not requiring a license (e.g. , a men's club) . Short of
requiring all businesses within Saint Paul to be licensed, it would �
likely be impossible to close all licensing loopholes related to adult
entertainment. Nevertheless, it can reasonably be expected that some
adult health clubs would opt to provide licensed "adult massages" and �
that such licensing could be used to ensure that prostitution does not
occur in these businesses.
- Other Protected Uses. �
In addition to residential uses, several other similar uses should be
separated 1320 feet from adult bookstores, movie theatres, and �
cabarets. "Protected uses" should include houses of worship, day care
facilities, public libraries, schools, public parks, public
playgrounds, public recreation centers and public specialized �
recreation facilities. One rationale for zoning to control adult uses
is that such zoning shields children and minors from adult
entertainment and from harmful activities such as street prostitution
that often are found in the vicinity of adult businesses. The �
category of "protected uses" will help protect children and minors
outside of the home as well as in their places of residence.
- Commercial Uses �
A 50 foot buffer zone should be created between certain commercial
uses and adult bookstores, movie theatres and cabarets. Protected �
commercial uses should consist of retail and service businesses
dealing directly with consumers.
1. Restrict adult bookstores, movie theatres, cabarets and similar �
establishments to I-1 and I-2 zones.
Rationale: Saint Paul's Zoning Code currently has three zoning districts �
primarily intended for industrial uses (I-1, I-2 and I-3) . All three
districts are for land uses which are usually incompatible with
residential and most commercial uses; I-1 is for uses which are least �
incompatible while I-3 is for extremely incompatible (even hazardous)
uses. Like many industrial uses, adult uses typically have a negative -
impact on residential and commercial uses. There is precedent in the �
��'� �/
� ��
Sai t Paul Zoning Code for confining certain non-industrial uses to
� ind strial zones--"mission type uses are permitted as a princip `� use in
I-1 [Zoning Code, 60.612 (22)] .
� 2. Requ re the following spacing and dis ance requirements for adult
book tores, movie theatres, cabarets nd similar establishments: �1320
radi feet from other adult uses; 13 0 radial feet from resident �1 zones
and 1 20 radial feet from residential uses and "protected uses" (h' uses of
� worsh p, day care centers, public libr ries, schools, public parks public
playg ounds, public recreation centers and public specialized recr ation
facil"ties) ; 50 radial feet from retai and service establishments �lealing
� direct y with consumers.
Ration le: Numerous studies have shown that adult uses cause probl ms
� both w en concentrated together and whe in close proximity to resi ' ntial
uses. The distance of 1320 feet (one q arter mile; 2 1/2 blocks) i
appropr'ate in light of a nationwide su ey of realtors which indica ed
that th negative impact of adult uses clined significantly at a
� distanc of three blocks. The category f "protected uses" is appro riate
_ because it consists of uses frequented b children and minors, often
without the accompaniment of a parent or guardian. The 50 foot dist ce ,
requirem nt between adult businesses and other retail or service
� establis ents is apropriate because ther is evidence that commercia
property values are harmed by adult enter ainment and because such
commerci 1 uses may also be frequented by minors.
� 3. Retain th provisions of the current Zoni g Code for adult health club
massage p rlors and similar establishments:
, - B-3, I- • 1320 radial feet from other a ult uses; 200 radial feet f om
residen ially zoned property;
, - B-4, B-5: 300 radial feet from other ad lt uses; 100 radial feet fro
resident al use.
� Rationale: In Saint Paul, as in many citie , adult health clubs are not
associated ith land use problems as serious as those connected with adu t
bookstores, movie theatres, cabarets and sim'lar establishments.
� Specificall , adult health clubs are not sig ificantly associated with
street pros tution and related crimes. Thu , a less stringent zoning
remedy shoul be applied to these businesses.
� 4. Define adult uses in reference to certain spe ified sexual activities and
specified an tomical areas. Currently, adult uses are defined in
reference to ctivities which are off-limits o minors.
� Rationale: e current definitions have creat d undesirable loopholes.
Some business s with large selections of sex-r lated materials claim not
� to be adult us s because they are not, as busi esses, off-limits to
minors. The c rrent definitions also cause ba s with adult entertainment
not to be rega ded as adult uses (because bars re excepted from the
definition of ' adult uses") .
� 41
. ' �
S. Revise the licensing provisions in the Legislative Code, Chapter 412 �
(Massage Parlors, Saunas, etc.) to include adult health clubs.
Rationale: Licensing can be used to regulate businesses to ensure that �
they do not engage in illegal activities. Currently, adult health clubs
are not required to be licensed because they are not regarded as offering
"massages" . If adult health clubs were licensed, City officials would be
better able to ensure that prostitution did not occur on the premises of �
such businesses.
. �
. �
. �
� Secti n 1.
at Section 60.201. A. of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code be �and is
� hereb ended as follows:
� A ult bookstore. A shop for the arter, rental or sale of it s
c nsistin of printed matter, pic ures, slides records audi ta e
v deota e or motion picture film, if such shop is not open to �he public
� g nerally but only to one or more classes of the public exclu �ng any
m nor by reason of age: or if a ubstantial or si nificant tion of
s ch items are distin uished or c aracterized b an em hasis he
d iction or descri tion of "s ec'fied sexual activities" or " ecified
� a atomical areas."
A ult cabaret. An establishment ich provides ge-ge-daxee�s;�exe�}e .
� � aee�s;-s��}ppe�s;-e�-s�m��a�-ea� ��a�se�s dancin or other 1 ve
e tertainment if such establishme t sad-wk�ek excludes minors �by virtue
o age: or if such dancin or oth r live entertainment is dis in uished
� o characterized b an em hasis on the erformance de iction r
d scri tion of "s ecified sexual a tivities" or "s ecified ana omical
a eas."
� A lt conversation ra arlor Ei onversation ra arlor whic excludes
mi ors b reason of a e or which rovides the service of en a in in or
li tenin to conversation talk or discussion if such service is .
� di tin uished or characterized b n em hasis on "s ecified se ' al
ac ivities" or "s ecified anatomic 1 areas "
� Ad lt massa e arlor health club. A massa e arlor or hea th lub
wh ch restricts minors b reason o a e or which rovides the ervice
of "massa e " if such service is d stin uished or characterize b an
em hasis on "s ecified sexual acti ities" or "s ecified anatom" al
� ar as."
Ad lt mini-motion picture theatre. An enclosed building with Icapacity
fo less than 50 persons used for resenting material de€}se�-
� P4i aese�a-S�a�x�es-6�7:�92-as-"sex a��y-g�eveea��ve"-ar�d-wk�ek f such
bu ldin as a prevailing practice cludes minors by virtue of ge. or
if such material is distin uished r eharacterized b an em has s on the
� de iction or descri tion of "s eci ied sexual activities" or "s ecified
an tomical areas" for observation b atrons therein
� Ad lt motion picture theatre. An e closed building with a capa ity of
50 or more persons used for present'ng material �e€�t�e�-by-M�.aa se�a
S� �x�es-6��:292-as-"sext���ly-p�eve a��ve"-asd-wk�ek if such bu ldin
� as a prevailing practice excludes m'nors by virtue of age or i such
ma erial is distin uished or charac erized b an em hasis on th
de iction or descri tion of "s ecif ed sexual activities" or "s ecified
an tomical areas" for observation b atrons therein.
� 43
. . �
Adult sauna A sauna which excludes minors by reason of aee, or which �
provides a steam bath or heat bathing room used for the vurvose of
bathine relaxation or reducin,g utilizin��steam or hot air as a
cleaning, relaxine or reducing aeent if the service �rovided bv the �
sauna is distinguished or characterized by an em�hasis on "s�ecified
sexual activities" or "sgecified anatomical areas."
Adult uses. Adts��-t�ses-a�e-�kese-xses-exe�t{d��g-ba�'s-wk�ek-a�e-ae�-epet� �
�ke-age-e€-e�gk�eea-yea�s: Adult uses include;-bt��-a�e-ae�-�����ed-�e; �
adult bookstores, adult motion picture theatres, adult mini-motion
picture theatres, adult massage parlors, adult saunas, adult
rap/conversation parlors, adult health clubs, and adult cabarets, e� �
s����a�-adt���-t�ses: and other vremises enterLrises businesses or
places open to some or all members of the vublic at or in which there is
an emnhasis on the performance deQiction or descrivtion of "suecified
sexual activities" or "svecified anatomical areas" which are cavable of �
bein.g seen b,y said members of the vublic.
Section 2. �
That Section 60.203. C. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is �
hereby amended as follows:
Conversation;,[rap parlora. An establishment ��eexse�-by-Eka��e�-4��-e€ �
�ke-6��y-A�d�Baaee-aa� advertising, offering or selling the service of
engaging in or listening to conversation, talk or discussion be�weea-aa
e�xg�eyee-s€-��ie-es�ab��skmea�-aa�-a-et�s�effie�, regardless of whether �
other goods or services are also simultaneously advertised, offered or
sold, and regardless of whether those other goods or services are also
required to be licensed. �
The term "conversation parlor" shall not include bona fide legal,
medical, psychiatric, psychological, or counseling services by a person �
or firm appropriately licensed; or bona fide educational institutions,
or panels, seminars or other similar services offered by such
institutions; or churches or synagogues. �
Section 3.
That Section 60.213. M. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is �
hereby amended as follows: �
Massage parlor, sattt�a; health club. An establishment �ieeased-by
6�ag�e�-4�2-e€-�ke-6��y-beg}s}a��ve-6ede offerin,g "massage" defined as
the rubbin,_g stroking kneadine tappin��or rolline of the bodv. for the �
exclusive Qurposes of Qleasure relaxation, vhvsical fitness, or
beautification and for no other Qurposes offered for a fee or other
44 �
. �
valuable consideration axd-w�� �-�es���eEs-ffi�ae�s-by-v���� �-e€-age and
� including physical culture and health services, physical c lture and
health club, reducing club, re ucing salon, and massage pa �or. This
definition shall include any b ilding, room, structure, pl �e or
� establishment used by the publ c other than a hospital, sa torium, rest
home, nursing home, boarding h me or other institution for �he
hospitalization or care of hum n beings, duly licensed und � the
provisions of Minnesota Statut s, Sections 144.50 through �4.703,
� inclusive, where non-medical a d non-surgical manipulation �xercises or
massages are practiced upon th human body for a fee or ot r valuable
consideration by anyone not du y licensed by the State of �nnesota to
practice medicine, surgery, os eopathy, chiropractic, phys al therapy,
� or podiatry, with or without t e use of inechanical, therap tic, or
bathing devices, or any room o rooras from which a masseur r masseuse
� is dispatched by telephone or therwise for the purpose of iving a
massage. g�ev��e�-��a�-ae-aass ge-€s�-a-€ee-s�a��-be-g�vea- xeep�-�a-a
Section 4. _
� That Section 60.219. S. of the aint Paul Legislative Code e amended so
as t add the following:
� Sauna. An establishment rovid'n a steam bath or heat bat in room
used for the ur ose of bathin relaxation or reducin ut lizin steam
, or hot air as a cleanin relax n or reducin a ent.
S ecified anatomical areas. An tomical areas consistin of '
, 1 Less than com letel nd o a uel covered: a h an enitals
b ubic re ion c buttock and d female bre t below a
oint immediatel abo e the to of the areola• an ',
� 2 Human male enitals i a discernibl tur id state even if
com letel and o a ue covered.
� S ecified sexual activities. A tivities consist'n of•
1 Human enitals in a s ate of sexual stimulation o arousal•
� 2 Acts of human masturb tion sexual intercourse or odom •
� 3 Fondlin or other ero ic touchin of human enita ' ubic
re ion buttock or fem le breast•
� 4 Situations involvin erson or ersons an of om re
nude clad in under ar ents or in sexuall reveali costumes
and who are en a ed in activities involvin the fl ellation
torture fetterin bi din or other h sical rest aint of an
� such persons.
� 5
Section 5. �
That Section 60.543 (10) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining
to adult uses permitted in a B-3 Zoning District subject to special conditions �
be and is hereby amended as follows: �
(10) Adult t�ses conversation/rap parlors subject to the following
(a) The �ses adult conversation/rap varlor shall be located at �
least 1320 radial feet from any other adult use measured in
a straight line from the closest points of the buildings in �
which the adult uses are located.
(b) The adult t�se conversation/rau parlor shall be located at
least 200 radial feet from any residentially zoned property �
measured in a straight line from the closest point of the
building in which the adult xse conversation/rap parlor is ,
located to the closest residentially zoned property line; �
��axa�ag-a�n�a}s��a�e�-a-eeasea�-ge����ea-wl��el�-�ad�ea�es �
g�e�e��y-ewxe�s-w}�k�a-�AA-�a�ia� €ee� e€-�ke-�e�-ea-wk�ek
eexs�de�3ag-st�ek-a-Wa�ve�;-ska��-ffiake-�ke-€e��ew}ag �
�ke-sg��i�-art�-�x�ea�-e€-�ke-e�d�aaaee-w���-be-ebse�ve��; �
��ia�-�ke-��eges ed-tise-w���-ae�-ea�a�ge-e�-eReett�age-�13e
ees��a�y-�e-aay-g�eg�'a�a-e€-�e�gk�e�kee�-ee�se�va��e�-e� �
ebse�ved. �
(c) The t�se adult conversation/rap parlor shall not be located
within a building also used for residential purposes. �
(d) There shall be no access from the building in which the �se
adult conversation/rau varlor is located to the alley or to
residentially zoned property. �
(e) Conditions (b)-(d) m� be waived bv the ulannine commission
if the verson avplvin$ for the waiver shall file with the �
planning administrator a consent petition which indicates
a�vroval of the proQosed adult conversation/rav narlor bv 90
percent of the vrovertx owners within 200 radial feet of the
lot on which the adult conversation/rav varlor would be �
located• the nlanning commission in considerine such a
waiver shall make the following findin�s: that the proposed
46 �
. �'�'�_ �'r
use will not be cont ar to he ub ic interest 'urious
� to nearb o erties and that the irit and in nt of the
ordinance wil be ob erved• tha the ro osed us wi 1 not
enlar e or encoura e t e develo ment of a "skid- w" area•
� that the establishme t of an addi ional use of t t e in
the area will not be contrar to an ro ram of i hborhood
conservation or im r ement either residential non-
residential• and tha all a licable re ulations f this
� ord nance will be observed
(ef) All signs shall compl with Chapter 66 of the Zo ng Code
� and with Chapters 27 and 275 of the Saint Paul gislative
� The use shall be lice sed as a conversation ra lor under
a licable rovisions of the Saint Paul Le islati 'e Code.
11 Adult massa e arlors or he lth clubs sub ect to the sa e
� conditions as those listed bove in 60.543 10 for adul
conversation�rap varlors.
12 Adult saunas sub ect to the same conditions as those li ted above
� in 60.543 10 for adult con ersation ra arlors.
(� 13) Auto repair, subject to the following conditions: . . .
� (� 14) Accessory buildings, struct res, and uses as defined in �Section
� Sect'on 6.
at Section 60.554 (2) of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code pe �taining to
� adult es permitted in a B-4 Zoning Di trict subject to special co 'ditions be
and is ereby amended as follows:
� ( ) Adult xses conversation ra arlors subject, to the foll kaing
� (a) The t�se adult convers tion ra arlor shall be lo lated at
least 300 radial feet from any other adult use me Isured in a
straight line from th closest points of the buil (ings in
� which the adult uses re located.
(b) The t�se adult convers tion ra arlor shall be lo �ted at
� least 100 radial feet from any residential use me Sured in a
straight line from th closest point of the build g in
which the xse adult c nversation ra arlor is lo ted to
the building in which the residential use is loca d.
, (c) The t�se adult convers tion ra arlor shall not be located
within a building als used for residential purpos s.
� 47
. ' �
(d) Al1 signs shall comply with Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code �
and with Chapters 274 and 275 of the Saint Paul Legislative
(e) The adult conversation/rap varlor shall be licensed as a �
conversation/rav varlor under applicable provisions of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code. �
(3) Adult massa�e varlors or health clubs subject to the same
conditions as those listed above in 60.554 (2) for adult
conversation[rap varlors. �
(4) Adult saunas sub�ect to the same conditions as those listed above
in 60 554 (2) for adult conversation/rav �arlors. �
Section 7. �
That Section 60.563 (2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to �
adult uses permitted in a B-5 Zoning District subject to special conditions be �
and is hereby amended as follows: �
(2) Adult r�ses conversation/rap varlors subject to the following
(a) The tise adult conversation rap parlor shall be located at �
least 300 radial feet from any other adult use measured.in a
straight line from the closest points of the buildings in �
which the adult uses are located.
(b) The t�se adult conversation/rap parlor shall be located at ,
least 100 radial feet from any residential use measured in a
straight line from the closest point of the building in
which the t�se adult conversation/rap narlor is located to
the building in which the residential use is located. �
(c) The �se adult conversation�rap parlor shall not be located
within a building also used for residential purposes. �
(d) All signs shall comply with Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code
and with Chapters 274 and 275 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code. �
(e) The adult conversationlrap parlor shall be licensed as a
conversation/rap narlor under applicable provisions of the �
Saint Paul Legislative Code.
(3) Adult massa�e garlors or health clubs subject to the same ,
conditions as those listed above in 60.554 (2) for adult
conversation/rap parlors.
48 `
� �
� Adult Boo stores
� Uni Bookstore 674 U iversity
Adult Moti n Picture Theatres
iFaus Theatre 626 U iversity
Flic Theatre 621 U iversity
� Adult Caba ets * = attached to bar
� Belm nt Club* 615 U iversity
Case 's Taverns* 2545 W st 7th Street
Lamp ighter Lounge* 160 W st Larpenteur ,
� Payn Reliever* 899 P yne Avenue
Play oy Lounge 361 W st 7th Street
Seve th Street Trolley 880 E st 7th Street
� Adult Heal h Clubs
� Comf rt Center 749 N rth Milton
Como Rice Club 606 R"ce Street
Cosm politan Club 965 A cade Street
� Cosm s 843 R ce Street
Empo ium 1075 H dson Road
Lee enore's Club 740 N rth Snelling Avenue
� Pam' Holiday Lounge 540 N rth Prior Avenue
Red arpet 613 G and Avenue
Scan ia Health Club 57 West 7th Street
Spea easy 927 U iversity
� �
� 51
T0: Zoning Committee
, FROM: Mark Vander Schaaf
DATE: July 27, 1987
� SUBJECT: Adult Entertainment 40-Acre St dy: Summary and Analysis
of Issues Raised During Public Review � .
Introduc ion �
� The foll wing memo on adult entertainmen is in two parts. The first part
consider the ma�jor issues raised during ublic review of the 40-acre study.
For each issue, the memo states the issu , provides a summary and an ysis of
� the issu , and states the staff recommen ation regarding the issue. e
issues a e as follows:
� 1 Street Prostitution (Memo Page One)
2 Potentially Dangerous Patrons f Adult Businesses (Memo Pa Three)
3 Sufficiency of Distance and Sp cing Requirements (Memo Pag jFour)
� 4 "Combat Zones" and "Welcome Ma s" (Memo Page Five)
5 Site-Specific Isolated Adult Z ne (Memo Page Six)
6 Health Clubs, Massage Parlors, etc. (Memo Page Six)
7 Changes in Adult Uses (Memo Pa e Seven)
� 8 Potential Proximity of Adult U es to Municipal Baseball j
Facility (Memo Page Seven)
9 Proximity to Commercial Uses ( emo Page Eight)
� 10 Permitted Use or Conditional U e (Memo Page Eight)
The seco d part of the memo is a summary of the proposed amendments p the
Zoning C de (p. 9) .
Ma'or Is ues Raised Durin Public Review
, 1. St eet Prostitution
� IS UE: To what extent and under wh t circumstances does adult
en ertainment contribute to street prostitution?
� 53
� �
July 27, 1987
Page Two ' �
SUMMARY: Much testimony at the public hearing centered on the perceived �
reZationship between adult entertainment and street prostitution.
Residents in the area of University and Dale consistently testified that
adult entertainment has contributed to street prostitution in the area �
by creating an image of a "sex for sale" district. The Police
Department acknowledged the connection by voicing the concern that a new
and/or different concentration of adult entertainment in the city could
create a second area of street prostitution. On the other hand, the �
Police Department argued that street prostitution is not associated with
certain types of adult entertainment (notably isolated cabarets and
health clubs) . �
ANALYSIS: Adult entertainment in the University/Dale area clearly
creates a "sex for sale" image which makes the area an attractive market
for street prostitutes. Nevertheless, the evidence suggests that there �
are also other variables that make this neighborhood a center for street
prostitution. These variables include: ,
- Character of surrounding neighborhood. �
Typically, both adult businesses and street prostitution are �
found in economically and socially marginal areas where the
neighborhood has fewer resources to deal with its problems.
When the surrounding neighborhood is residential, prostitutes
are more protected from the law because they can pretend to �
be ordinary pedestrians. At the same time, ordinary
pedestrians then become mistaken for prostitutes by clie�ts
looking for sex. '
- Concentration of adult businesses.
The presence of several adult businesses in one area creates �
a "sex for sale" image that an isolated adult business would
- Composition of adult businesses. �
In many cities, adult bookstores and movie theatres are �
associated with the most serious land use problems. This
pattern persists in Saint Paul as well. Al1 of the city's
adult bookstores and movie theatres are within one block of
the University/Dale intersection. ,
The proposed zoning ordinance is addresses all three variables mentioned
above: ,
- Character of surrounding neighborhood.
Two aspects of the proposed amendment address this issue. �
First, by confining adult uses to industrial zones, the �
amendment limits adult businesses to areas where street
54 `
� '
� July 27, 1987
Page Three
� prostitutes would be readi y identifiable because pede 'trian
traffic is low. Secondly, by requiring a 1320 foot (2 1/2
block) buffer zone between adult uses and residential reas,
� the proposed amendment wou d ensure that the immediate
negative land use impact o adult businesses would not occur
in residential areas.
� Staff acknowledges that it would be desirable to incre se the
size of the proposed buffe zone. Unfortunately, give Saint
Paul's residential settle nt patterns, it is not poss ble to
� do so significantly. For xample, a buffer zone of 20 0 feet
(3 1/2 blocks) would resu t in no land available for a ult
uses outside of the airpo t and the sewage treatment p ant.
Such an ordinance would a ost certainly be determine to be
� unduly restrictive by a c urt.
- Concentration of adult busine ses. �
� The proposed amendment wo ld require that there be a iinimum
distance of 1320 feet (2 /2 blocks) between individu � adult
businesses. Staff believ s that this spacing require ' nt is
� sufficient to deconcentra e future adult businesses. !While
it would be desirable to ncrease the distance requir ent,
this would make the propo ed amendment excessively
� restrictive unless other roposed requirements were r 'laxed.
- Composition of adult business s. .
' The proposed amendment fo uses the most restrictive z ning
requirements on the adult businesses most often assoc ated
with a negative impact o surrounding neighborhoods--
1 visually-oriented businesses (bookstores, theatres,
cabarets) .
� RE MMENDATION: Retain the elements of the proposed amendments ich
re ate to this issue--most stringen zoning requirements applie ' to
' ad lt bookstores, theatres and caba ets; 1320 feet between indi idual
ad lt uses; limit adult bookstores, theatres and cabarets to in strial
zo es; 1320 feet between residentia /protected areas and adult
� bo kstores, theatres and cabarets.
2. Po entially Dangerous Patrons of Ad lt Businesses
, IS UE: Do patrons of adult busines es pose an immediate threat .to
pe ple in the areas surrounding suc businesses?
, S Y: Many citizens are concer ed that at least some of the'patrons
of adult businesses pose a threat o others in proximity to ad t
bu inesses. It has been suggested that sex offenders or poten f�al sex
� 55
� �
July 27, 1987
Page Four �
offenders frequent adult businesses. Also, residents in the �
University/Dale neighborhood allege that patrons of adult businesses
discard "hard core" pornographic literature on public streets and
alleys, and in private shrubbery and trash cans near the place where the �
literature was purchased. Such literature then becomes available to
minors even though its sale to minors is prohibited.
ANALYSIS: Residents in the University/Dale area report frequent sex- �
related harassment by pedestrians and motorists in the neighborhood.
Although it cannot be proved that the harassers are patrons of adult
businesses, it is not unreasonable to suspect such a connection. The �
Aurora-Saint Anthony Block Clubs presented testimony in the form of
discarded pornographic literature allegedly picked up on the streets,
sidewalks, bushes and alleys near adult businesses. The literature is �
extremely graphic, even on the cover, and it is appropriate to use
zoning to minimize the likelihood that minors will be exposed to such
material just because they live in a particular neighborhood. �
RECOMMENDATION: Retain the element of the proposal which creates a 1320 �
(2 1/2 blocks) foot buffer zone between visually-oriented adult uses and
residential and other protected areas. This buffer zone will help ,
ensure that patrons of adult businesses will not be found as pedestrians
in a residential/protected area. The current smaller buffer zone (200
feet in B-3, I-1; 100 feet in B-4, B-5) is appropriate for patrons of
adult health clubs because the number of patrons served by such �
businesses is smaller (they are more labor-intensive) and because they
are not associated with printed materials which can be discarded in _the
neighborhood. ,
3. Sufficiency of Distance and Spacing Requirements �
ISSUE: Should the distance and spacing requirements be made more
SUMMARY: Many of those who testified at the public hearing--both �
opponents and proponents of the proposal--encouraged the Planning
Commission to make the ordinance tougher by increasing the required ,
distance between adult uses and residential/protected areas, and by
increasing the required spacing between individual adult uses.
ANALYSIS: As discussed above (Issue #1) , staff agrees that it would be ,
desirable to increase both the distance and spacing requirements, but
that to do so would seriously threaten the legality of the ordinance.
The spacing between individual adult uses could be increased ,
significantly if other requirements were relaxed. On the other hand,
the distance between adult uses and residential/protected areas cannot
be significantly increased because of Saint Paul's residential '
settlement patterns. The proposed amendment represents a balance that
is felt to be both legally sound and sufficient to alleviate land use
problems associated with adult entertainment.
56 �
. �
July 27, 1987
' Page Fiv
� RE OI�IENDATION: Retain the elements of the proposal which relat to this
is ue--1320 feet between all indivi ual adult uses; 1320 feet b tween
re idential/ protected areas and ad lt bookstores, movie theatr s and
� ca arets; 200 feet between resident"al areas and adult health c ubs in
B- and I-1 zones; 100 feet between residential uses and adult ealth
cl bs in B-4 and B-5 zones.
� 4. "C mbat Zones" and "Welcome Mats"
� IS UE: Would the proposed amendment create "combat zones" and/ r a
"w lcome mat" to adult businesses 'shing to locate in Saint Pa l?
� S Y: Some who testified at the ublic hearing maintained th t the
am ndments would send a message th Saint Paul wants adult
en ertainment and is opening up the entire city to adult busine ses.
So e further maintained that Saint aul would then gain several �
� co centrations of adult businesses onstituting "combat zones."
AN LYSIS: For several reasons, this concern is the opposite of he
, ef ect the amended ordinance would ave.
Fi st, the current Zoning Code pe 'ts adult uses in numerous 1 cations
th oughout the entire city; the pro osed amendments would limit ,adult
� us s to a small number of potential sites as far as possible fr m where
pe ple normally live and shop. In hort, the amendment would b the
op osite of a "welcome mat." The c rrent provisions were passe at .a
� ti e when it was believed that the aw required municipalities o
pr vide large numbers of "commerci lly viable" sites for adult
bu inesses. In 1986, however, the nited States Supreme Court eemed to
gi e municipalities permission to i stitute stricter zoning re lations
� re arding adult entertainment. In his new legal environment, he best
wa to "put out the welcome mat" fo adult businesses would be o fail
to enact stricter regulations.
� Se ondly, a "combat zone" for adult entertainment is a concentr tion of
a elatively large number of adult usinesses in close proximit to each
� ot er. The proposed amendments pro ibit new concentrations (re uiring
13 0 feet between individual adult ses) . Moreover, they would not
ap ly to existing adult uses which ould be "grandfathered" int their
cu rent locations as legally nonco forming uses. Because the n bers of
, ad lt businesses in Saint Paul and ther cities have declined
dr matically in the last decade, i is likely that few (if any) I,adult
bu inesses will locate in the areas remaining available to them under
, th amended Zoning Code. The inte t of the proposed amendments is
si ply to ensure that any new adul businesses will be far from where
pe ple live.
, RE OMMENDATION: Retain the elements of the proposed amendments hich
re ate to this issue.
� 57
July 27, 1987
Page Six ,
5. Site-Specific Isolated Adult Zone �
ISSUE: Should the City limit adult entertainment to a specific area
isolated from the rest of Saint Paul? �
SUNII�SARY: Some who testified suggested that it would be preferable to
limit adult uses to one specific area of the city totally separated from
residential and related land uses by strong natural or human barriers. '
Most were not specific as to where this should be, although a few
mentioned "down by the sewage treatment plant."
ANALYSIS: As discussed above (Issue #1) , there really are no places in �
Saint Paul which are a great distance from where people live. Those •
which are farthest from human settlement are in fact the areas available �
under the proposed amendments. Although there is land near the sewage
treatment plant which could be developed, its low-lying character makes
it both environmentally sensitive and expensive to develop. Much of �
this land is currently without adequate public infrastructure. The lack �
of infrastructure is problematic for two reasons. First, it would be
inadvisable to limit adult uses to places without street access.
Secondly, the City would correctly balk at installing expensive public '
infrastructure simply to accommodate adult uses. Finally, such a zone
would indeed be a "combat zone" which have been associated with
unusually high crime rates in cities elsewhere in the nation that have
tried such an approach. �
RECOMMENDATION: Retain the approach of the current proposal--limit adult
uses within existing zones rather than concentrating them into a single �
isolated zone.
6. Health Clubs, Massage Parlors, etc. �
ISSUE: Should health clubs and other touch-oriented adult businesses
(health clubs, massage parlors, etc. ) be treated less rigorously than �
visually-oriented establishments (bookstores, movie theatres, etc.) by
the Zoning Code?
SUMMARY: Some citizens at the public hearing advocated treating all ,
adult entertainment businesses equally. Nevertheless, it was admitted
by residents of the University/Dale neighborhood that problems
associated with the adult theatres and bookstores were a higher priority �
for them. Moreover, the Police Department testified that street
prostitution and prostitution within health clubs are two separate
problems and that therefore health clubs are not associated with street '
prostitution in surrounding neighborhoods.
ANALYSIS: Staff proposes as a prudent guideline that the number of adult ,
businesses which could be located within the city under the revised
Zoning Code should be no smaller than the number of adult businesses
currently existing in the city. The proposed stricter standards would
58 `
. '
Jul 27 1987
� Page Se en
� p ovide space for 10-12 adult busi esses at most. Currently, here are
1 adult businesses in the city--9 visually-oriented (bookstor s,
t eatres and cabarets) and 10 touc -oriented (health clubs) , ecause
t e stricter standards cannot prud ntly be applied to all 19
' e tablishments, it seems reasonabl to identify the businesses
a sociated with the most serious 1 nd use problems and to appl ' the
s ricter standards to them.
iR CONIl�IENDATION: Retain the proposa to apply stricter zoning s andards
t visually-oriented businesses th n to touch-oriented busines es.
� D velop zoning administrative proc dures to ensure that adult ealth
c ubs and massage parlors will be icensed as health clubs or assage
p rlors, or else reclassified as a ult uses subject to more st ingent
� z ning requirements.
7. C anges in Adult Uses .
� I SUE: Will adult businesses be ab e to change from one type o adult
u e to another while preserving th ir "grandfather" legal nonc ' forming
us status?
, S Y: Several plannin commiss oners were concerned with a otential
g !P
u intended result of the proposal o have more stringent zonin
� re uirements for visually-oriented adult establishments than f � touch-
or'ented adult establishments. It was feared that adult busin Isses
mi ht change from one use to anoth r to avoid tough zoning, an then
� ch nge again to avoid tough licens ng (of the touch-oriented
es ablishments) .
� AN LYSIS: This is a legitimate co cern and one which should b
ad ressed through revision of the roposed amendments and thro gh
es ablishing administrative proced res to prevent the feared 1 pphole.
� RE O1�IENDATION: Revise the propose amendments to make each t � of
ad lt use a separate line item in he Zoning Code: That way, y change
wi hin the adult use category woul be considered a change in se which
� wo ld result in the forfeiture of ' grandfather" legal nonconfo ing use
st tus. The amendments should al o be revised to make approp �ate
li ensing a condition for classifi ation as a touch-oriented a lt
bu iness. Appropriate administrat' e procedures should also be'
, de eloped to classify existing adu t businesses as of the time he
or inance is passed.
' 8. Po ential Proximity of Adult Uses Municipal Baseball
Fa ility
' IS UE: Should adult uses be permit d close to Flatman Field, t e
mu icipal baseball facility?
� 59
July 27, 1987
Page Eight �
SUMMARY: In public testimony, it was pointed out that the proposed �
revision would permit adult uses in the vicinity of the municipal
baseball facility. This was seen as undesirable because this facility
is often used by minors. '
ANALYSIS: This concern is valid and legitimately should be addressed by
revising the list of "protected uses" from which adult businesses must
be separate. Such a revision would effect few potential sites and thus �
would not make the overall proposal unduly restrictive.
RECOMMENDATION: Revise the proposed list of protected uses to include �
"public recreation center or public specialized recreation facility."
Visually-oriented adult businesses must be 1320 feet from any such
protected uses. �
9. Proximity to Commercial Uses ,
ISSUE: Should adult uses be prohibited from locating in proximity to �
commercial uses such as retail and service establishments, offices,
etc.? , '
SUMMARY: Some testimony stressed that, while it is desirable to prohibit
adult uses near residential areas, such uses should also be prohibited
from proximity to commercial uses because they are incompatible. �
ANALYSIS: By limiting adult uses to industrial zones, the proposed
amendments reflect the conviction that adult uses are not compatible �
with other businesses. The problem is that there are some business uses
in I-1 and I-2 zones that would normally be found in B-2 or B-3 zones.
It would be valid to make some provision to protect such uses from adult
entertainment. However, such provisions should not be at the expense of �
residential protection which should remain the primary purpose of the
RECOMMENDATION: Revise the proposed amendments to. create a 50-foot �
buffer zone between any visually-oriented adult use and any retail or
service business dealing directly with consumers. �
10. Permitted Use or Conditional Use
ISSUE: Should adult uses be permitted uses not requiring a conditional ,
use permit?
SUMMARY: Assistant City Attorney Jerry Segal reports that legal '
challenges to Saint Paul's adult entertainment zoning provisions include
the charge that the requirement for a special condition use permit makes �
possible arbitrary treatment of adult businesses. He further suggests
that the public hearing procedures accompanying special condition use
permits are unnecessary for adult uses because the granting of a permit
60 �
� .
. ��� �i
July 27, 1987
, Page Nin
� wil be automatic if certain techni al requirements are met. refore,
adu t uses should be reclassified a permitted uses sub�ect to �e
ful illment of specified requiremen s.
, ANA YSIS AND RECOMMENDATION: City A torney Segal will explain i greater
det il his concern regarding this i sue. Staff notes that the ecial
con ition requirement is in harmony ith Saint Paul's tradition f
� cit zen participation--it provides mechanism for notifying sur ounding
res dents and businesses of the pote tial presence of a new adul
bus ness in their midst, and allows hem to express their conce s in a
� pub ic forum. On the other hand, it leads citizens to believe t at
the r input might be able to prevent the establishment of the ne use
whe in fact they cannot. If this p ocedure significantly threa ens the
leg lity of the ordinance, staff rec mmends that it be revised.
Summar o Pro osed Amendments to Zonin C de ,
, 1. Ret in the land use provisions of th current Zoning Code for th
foll wing types of adult uses: adult health clubs, adult massage
, parl rs, adult saunas, adult convers tion/rap parlors.
- Permitted in B-3 (general busin ss) and I-1 (industrial) zo s
subject to the following conditions:
� 1320 feet between individ 1 adult uses;
� 200 feet between the adult use and residentially zoned'areas.
- Permitted in B-4 and B-5 (downto ) zones subject to the fol owing
� conditions:
300 feet between individua adult uses;
� 100 feet between the adult use and residential uses.
- nclude as a special condition t at these businesses be lice ed as
� ealth clubs, massage parlors, s unas or conversation/rap pa lors.
2. Revis the land use provisions of the current Zoning Code for the
� follo ing types of adult uses: adult ookstores, adult cabarets, tiult
mini- otion picture theatres, adult m tion picture theatres, othe adult
, - ermitted in I-1 and I-2 (industr'al) zones subject to the
ollowing conditions:
, 1320 feet between individua adult uses;
� 61
, �
July 27, 1987 ,
Page Ten
1320 feet between the adult bookstore, cabaret, etc. and ,
residential areas and between the adult bookstore, cabaret,
etc. and certain protected uses;
SO feet between the adult bookstore, cabaret, etc. and any ,
retail or service business dealing directly with consumers.
3. Revise all definitions of adult uses to refer to "specified sexual �
activities" and "specified anatomical areas" as well as to activities
off-limits to minors. '
MEV/bp '
cc: City Councilmembers Jerry Segal
Lee Ann Turchin Jan Gasterland '
Jim Bellus Jim Frank �
A1 Lovejoy Carolyn Bailey
Larry Soderholm Joe Carchedi
62 �
� '
city of int paul .
i planning commission resolut'
file nu r 87-92 .
� date A ust
� WHEREAS the City Council on November 1 , 1986 adopted a resolutionlinitiating
a 40-ac e study of adult entertainment n Saint Paul for the purpos of
amendin the Zoning Code; and
' WHEREAS the Zoning Committee of the P1 nning Commission reviewed s ggested
amendme ts and recommended a public hea ing; and
, WHEREAS pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.375(5) , the Planning Co ission
held a ublic hearing on the proposed endments at its June 26 and ►Tuly 10, ,
, 1987 me tings; and
WHEREAS the Planning Commission has de ermined:
, 1. Tha the nwnber of real estate descriptions affected by the ame ents
ren ers the obtaining of written co ent impractical;
' 2. Tha a survey of an area in excess o 40 acres has been made;
3. Tha a determination has been made t at the amendments to the Z ing Code
� pro osed are related to the overall eeds of the community, to e isting�
lan use, and to plans for future 1 d use; and
4. Tha pursuant to State Statutes prop r notice of the hearing was given in
, the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on J e 9, June 16, and June 23, �987.
NOW, TH REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that th Planning Commission recomm nds
, approva of the Zoning Code amendments ttached hereto in the 40-ac e study
proposi g to restrict certain types of dult uses to I-1 and I-2 Zo ing
Distric s only, subject to certain othe conditions, and directs th Planning
Adminis rator to forward the study and his resolution to the Mayor and City
' Council for their review and action.
� moved y MORTON
�� d � LEV
iin favor Una imous
� 63
' Administr tion and Policy Direction:
, James J. Bellus, Director
Pegg A. Reichert, Deputy Director fo Planning
Alle P. Lovejoy, Acting Deputy Direc or for Planning
Lawr ce Soderholm, Principal Planner
' Planning nd Research
� Mark E. Vander Schaaf, City Planner
� 65
' ,
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AME ICAN ,� �,
. im rtant to protect property values and a co uniry's quality of
Zoning for lif . Although"quality of life"is a nebulous co ept, arguments
Aa�� O� b ed on such concerns have been persuasive i the courts when
« y th se zoning restrictions have been legally chal enged. In Young,
fo example, Justice Powell noted that "zoning �when used to
By Bruce W. McCle don, AICP pr serve the character of specific areas of a ci , is perhaps the
m st essential function performed by local gov rnment, for it is
An increasing number of cities are tightening up their zoning o of the primary means by which we protec that sometimes
ordinances by incorpo ting special regulations for sex businesses. di cult-to-define concept•of quality of life."J �tice Stevens
Typical adult entertai ent businesses include adult bookstores o served that"the City's interest in attempting fo preserve the
and movie theaters, sage parlors, nude modeling studios, and q ality of urban life is one that must be accor the highest
clubs and bars featuri g sexually oriented entertainment. re pect." The Supreme Couit of Washington hoed these
Interest in regulatin adult entertainment businesses is increasing s timents when it upheld Seattle's 1976 ordin ce that provided
as neighborhood resi nts faced with a proliferation of such uses f the gradual elimination of nonconforming eaters, in
assert that they have adverse physical, social, and economic N nhend Cinema v. Ciry of Seattle, 585 P.2d �153 (1978). The
impact on the surrou ing communiry. While regulations cannot c urt said that"rhe City's paramount interest i protecting,
be used to totally exc ude or excessively restrict local adult p eserving, and improving the quality of life as sufficient to
entertainment uses, it is clear that reasonable regulations can be j stify zoning the location of adult theaters to rtain areas."
used to concentrate o to disperse sex businesses and to control
their proximity to res dential areas, churches, parks, or schools. e Need for pocumentation
Most local zoning or inances try to disperse adult entertainment lthough the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld Ithe regulation of
businesses; only a fe have tried to concentrate them. a ult entertainment businesses and many loc 'ordinances have
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that, under appropriate n sustained by state supreme courts, many�ordinances have
circumstances, local ommunities can use zoning regulations to n struck down by federal courts of appeal These conflicting
control the location adult entertainment businesses. In Young v. isions have caused confusion and have co plicated local efforts
American Mirsi Thea rs, 427 U.S. 50 (1976), the Court held that t regulate adult entertainment businesses.
"even though the Fir t Amendment protects communication in this Many sex businesses are protected by the �rst Amendment of
area (sexually explic activities) from total suppression, we hold e U.S. Constitution and their regulation is ttbject to a"strict
the State may legiti tely use the content of these materials as a rutiny"test. This means that local governm nt has the burden of
basis for placing the in a different classification from other roving the constitutionality of adult-use reg ations and that the
movie theaters." Fu er, the Court added that". . . (w)e have ourts will use the four-part test originally s forth in United
no doubt that the m 'cipality may control the location of theaters tates v. OBrien, 391 U.S. 367 (1968). Und r that test, "the
. . . either by confi ng them to certain specified commercial overnmental regulation is sufficiendy justifi , despite its
zones or by requirin that they be dispersed throughout the City." ncidental impact upon a First Amendment i rest, (1) if it is
Regardless of the oning technique employed, local officials ithin the constitutionai power of the gove ent; (2) if it
have concluded that e regulation of adult entertainment uses is rthers an important or substantial governm tal interest (3) if
Bruce W.McClendon, CP,is the planning director of Arlington,Texas, e govemment interest is unrelated to a sup ression of free
and immediate past pr ident of APA. xpression; and (4) if the incidental restricti p on First
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Houston graphic signer Jerry Herring's tongue-in-cheek proposals f r performance standards in adult entertain nt districts. Above,
we have universal ymbols for everything from where we can't park t where deer are supposed to cross, so why t for nude dancing?
� Amendment freedom is greater than is essendal to the deci ion in Renton upholds the uaacferability of' studies
� furtherance of an inte be een communities,which is a basic issue in casc.If the
� The courts will closel examine the motives of local public ruli g upholds Renton's use of DetroiYs and Sea 's studies,the
ofticials to make sure t they are not using regulations to prohibit stu es and reports below may be used to substan te local problems
sex businesses in their mmunity at the expense of these and to support locally devaloped regulations.
constitutional rights.Th ,cities that want to regulate the location pe it.Adult entertainment use regulations we adopted in 1972
of adult enurtainment u s must introduce evidence that clearly � rt of an"Anti-Skid Row Ordinance"that p 'bited adult
�monsuates the nee�, tionale,and factual basis for the ent rtainment busit�esses within 500 feet of a resi ential area or
regulations and the pub c objectives to be achieved. W,� 'n 1,000 feet of any two other regulated uses The term
The best example of 's need for documentation was provided by re lated uses applied to a variety of establishm ts,including adult
an adult-use case in G eston,Texas. In 1979,the Galveston city � ters,adult bookstores,cabarets,bars,taxi ce halls,and
council passed an ordi severely restricting adult entertainment ho ls. In defense of the regulation,the city int uced extensive
uses.The ordinance w modele�after Detroit's,which was upheld d umentation that demonstrated the adverse loeconomic and
by the U.S.Supreme rt in Young.Galveston was sued by an bli hting impacts that adult entertainment uses h ve on sutrounding
- individual who wanted o establish a downtown adult movie theater. de elopment.That evidence consiste�of repo iand afTidavits from
� Even though the ciry d not inuoduce all of its documentation iologists,urban planners,and real estate ez as well as some
during the uial,a fede al district court upheld the ordinance. The �a men,on the cycle of decay ezpected in Detr t from the influx
federal appeals court, Basiardanes v. City of Galveston,682 F.2d �ncentration of such establishments.The e pert testimony
1203(Sth Cir. 1982), owever,revetsed the lower court's ruling i icated that the location of adult theaters attta transients,
after finding that Galv ston had failed to designate"commercially a versely affected property values,caused an i rease in crime,and
viable"locations for a ult entertainment uses and that"the e couraged residents and businesses to move el where.
ordinance,through th guise of regulation,banned(adult)theaters."
Because the city fail to support its ordinance with adequate �o,Texas.Amarillo's Planning Depa nt has prepared and
findings,the appellate court concluded that Galveston had"regulated P blished a study entided"A Report on Zonin �and Other Methods
protected speech with ut showing a sufi�icient interest to wanant the o Regulating Adult Entertainment Uses in A 'lo."The report
magnitude of the res 'nt accomplished." c ncluded that adult entertainment uses have erse impacts on
A similar example f the need to substantiate and document the s nounding land uses and that these impacts be distinguished
basis for sex busines regulations was provided more recently by the om those of other businesses.The study fou that street crime
Ciry of Renton,Was ington(see Zoning News May 1985). Renton, tes are considerably above the city's average fn areas immediately
a Seattle suburb of 3 ,000 residents,attempted to prohibit adult unounding the adult-only businesses and that Iate at night,during
;„ motion picture theat within 1,000 feet of any residential zone or eir primary operating hours,these business created unique
use,church,or sch 1. This ordinance was also upheld by a federal roblems of noise,glare,and traffic.
disuict court and rev rsed by a federal appeais court.In its decision,
City of Renton v. P ime Theatres,748 F.2d 527(9th Cir. 1984), Angeles.A November 1984 report,"The Current Status of
the appeals court co cluded that the ordinance failed the strict ornography and Its Effects on Society,"pre ed by the Los
scrutiny test becau Renton had not demonstrated a substantiai ngeles Police DepartmenPs Vice Division, i ntifies the adverse
government interest n enacting the ordinance and"had not shown ffects of concenuating adult entertainment b sinesses. As stated in
that it was not moti ted by a desire to suppress speech based on its the report,"the proliferation and clustering o 'sex-oriented
content."This impo t case is currently before the U.S. Supreme businesses adversely impacts the crime rate i those adjacent areas.
��> CouR,whose decisi n should eliminate some of the confusion . . The overwhelming increase in prostituti ,robberies,assaults,
resulting from lowe court decisions. This case may prove to be thefts,and the proportionate growth in poli personnel deployed
extremely importan to planners because the Court will consider throughout Hollywood are all representative f the blighting
whether one city c rely on the planning studies of another to • • . that the clustering of adult enterta' nt establishments has
jusrify its zoning re lations. on the entire community."
Supportiug Studi ,Reports,and�ndings In addition, in 19'77 the Los Angeles Pl ing Department
surveyed appraisers, real estate agents, representatives of
Studies,reports, findings on the potential harmful effects of lending institutions about the economic imp ct of adult
adult entertainmen uses are the keys to legal defense of local entertainment businesses on surrounding bu inesses and residential
ordinances regula' g these uses. Examples of several local smdies properties.The real estate experts conclud that"the concentration
are provided belo . This sample may be valuable if the Court's of adult entertainment establishments has h ' adverse economic
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Nere's a trick a chitects like to use. Make all the copy so standard zed that it canf possibly offend anyone, no aer what it says.
. . � � ��
effects on both businesses and residential property in respect to follo ed the establishment and concentration of ad t entertainment
market value,rental valu ,and rentability/saleability;that the uses ' a spocific�ighborhood. It was noted that growing
adverse economic effects iminish with distance but that the effects prese of adult businesses drove away neighbonc �ommercial
exund even beyoad a 1, foot tsdius[the separadon distance sto
required by the Los Ang es zoning code]and that the effects are Th city police department also reported that� t uses,such as
related to the degree of ncentration and to the specific type of boo tores and bars,lounges,or taverns with adul -entertainment
adult entertainment busi ss." were frequendy the scene of prosdtution and the e and nse of
Indianapolis.In 1983, ianapolis surveyed real estate experts on � Ucs. Crimes against persons, such as muggi ' ,were also
the impact that adult ente 'nment uses had on surrounding abOV a�erage in such areas.The clustering of ad businesses had
properry values. A rand sample(20 percent)of the national �e en greater adverse impact.
membership of the Ame can Institate of Real Estate Appraisers was Ena ting Local Regulations
used in addition to a ling of Member Appraisers Institute '1'}� studies indicate that the concentration of ad t entertainment
members who practiced 22 metropolitan areas. The opinion uses in a community has a serious blighting and d eterious
survey found that"respo dents overwhelmingly(80 percent)felt phy ical,social,and economic effect on surrai g areas.The
that an adult bookstore 1 ted in the hypothedcal neighborhood stu es suggest that regulations requiring the dis ion of adult uses
described would have a egative impact on residential property' are ustified;local govemments should adopt ble regulations
values of premises locat within one block of the site. Of these,21 to uire that adult entertainment uses be separa from residential
percent felt that the pro rty value would decrease in excess of 20 dev lopment,churches,schools,or parks.
percent, while 59 pe t foresaw a value decrease of from 1
e adverse effects of adult uses have a suong d direct effect on
percent to 20 percent." pe� le's perceptions of their neighborhoods.Th quantifiable
Seventy-two percent f the respondents also felt that there would im cts certainiy influence"quality of life"consi rations.This
be a detrimental effect commercial pmperty values at the same rel 'onship was noted in the amicus curiae brief for the Renton
one-block radius.This egative impact dissipates markediy as the �s filed by the Utah and Washington attorneys eneral in support
distance from the site i reases,so that at three blocks the estimate of enton:"[p]reventative versus after-the-fact ' g is an
of negative impact decr es by more than one-half as judged by the ap ropriate means for cities to use in protecting d preserving
number of respondents ndicating negative impact at three blocks. po sibly their most valuable resource—`quality o life'."This is a
P6cenix. A planning partment study compared three study areas ��d and important concern for planners.
containing adult ente 'nment uses with three control areas that al ofi'icials who want to regulate adult ente ' ent uses
had similar demograp c and land use characteristics but not adult sh uid make sure that their planning and law en rcement officials
enteRainment busines .Their study indicated that,on the average, cl ly document any problems. Moreover,the 8ctual basis for any
"in the three study ar ,property crimes were 43 percent higher, or inance should be introducad at public hearin fi and made a part
violent crimes were fo r percent higher,and sex crimes were over of e official record,as Beaumont did. Beaumo also place�on file
S00 percent higher th in the control areas." wi the city secretary a series of maps that sho the numerous
1 ations where adult entertainment uses were 'tted under the
St.Paul,Minnesota. 1978 planning department study on"Effects or inance. Evidence as to the continued availab ity of economically
on Surrounding Area f Adult Entertainment Businesses"concluded: vi ble locations for adult eniertainment uses a the passage of the
(1)that there was a s 'stically significant conelation between o inance is ctitically important.
neighborhood deterior tion as reflected in housing values and crime e Supreme Court's decision in Renton coul determine whether
rates and the location f adult entertainment businesses;(2)the o e community can rely on the study of anothe 'in formulating
statistical relarionship as still significant after taking into account Z ning standards. The issue goes far beyond ' g for sex
certain marketing fact rs;and(3)there was a stronger correlation b sinesses and questions the practice of planni g officials sharing
with neighborhood de erioration after establishment of an adult fi cal impact studies,traffic impact analyses, king surveys,and
entertainment busines than before. d sign studies for the purpose of transferring e results into
Beswnont,Texas. e effects of the concentration of adult o dinance requirements. In the final analysis, enton may push
entertainment uses in umont was clearly illustrated in the �nY local govetnments into spending more o 'planning studies that
Commercia[Revitali ion Plan for tiee Charlton-Pollard ument the factual basis for local standards, pecially in highly
Neighborhood that w prepared by the city's planning department ntroversial areas where zoning controls pote tially restrict
in May 1981. This p described the economic dec(ine that 1 P��t constitutional rights such as the righ to free speech.
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A simplified appr ch might let the customer know what he's getting at the same time give the rest of us a br uk.
All photos courtes of Herring Design Quarterly.
.�• .
� pe 't denial—densiry,flood hazards,and traf�'ic ngesdon—were
�g�l COUI't AVOI not nique to the proposod group ho�and did distinguish the
Taking Ruling ( Alo) ho from the other permitted uses.
I striking down the ciry's permit denial,howe 'r,the court
Last June the Supreme ourt threw out a$350,000 damage award �J ed the federal appeals court's conclusion tha �the mentally
that a federal appeals rt ordered the Williamson Counry, h icapped should be given spxial status under Constitutiods
Tennessee,planning to pay to Hamilton Bank for blocking the e9 Protection clause.Typically,in equal p 'on challenges,
bank's plans for a new idential subdivision. Hamilton Bank had cou test only to see if a zoning restriction is" bly relaud"
convinced a district cou jury that it was entided to an award of to me public inurest or objecdve.The Fifth C' it,however,had
damages for the period t the county's zoning restrictions had � �t laws affecting the retarded shaild be s ject to a more
fiustrated its develop nt plans,and the federal appeals court exa ' g standard of judicial review. U�er a tou er test,called
upheld that judgment. e Supreme Court sidestepped the issue of � ��ate scrutiny,the city's zoning decision ecting the
whether local land use gulations may constitute a taking of ine tally retarded had to serve"important"and" pelling"
property without com nsation,leaving takings(aw in the state of 8o ernmental objectives in order to be valid. In ediau scrutiny
confusion that has pers' ed since the Court's 1981 decision in San is plied to laws affecting groups that historicall' have been subject
Diego Gas and Electri to 'streaanent on the basis of deep-seatod preju 'ces(such as
In Williamson Coun Regional Planning Commission v. Hamilton �'o en).After concluding that the mentally re ed were such a
Bank ofJohnson City( 3 U.S.L.W.4969),the high court ruled,7 8 up,the appeals court applied this stricter test the Clebume
to i,that Hamilton B 's claim for damages was premature zo 'ng code.
because the bank had f 'ed to apply to the county zoning board of e Supreme Court rejected the appeals court' application of the
appeals for variances to seek a damage award in state court under �n rmediate scrudny test for the ordinance,say' many of the past
the state inverse conde don law.1'he Court concluded that these Pr judices have been eraSed by federal and state ws protecting the
two steps were neces before it could evaluate whether a ri ts of the retarded. The majority opinion hel Khat decisions
"temporary taking"ha occurred. a ut how to treat the retarded are"very much kask for legislators
The high court conc ded that the counry planning commissiods gu ded by qualified professionals and not by the rhaps ill-informed
denial of the approval f the proposed development did not o nions of the judiciary."
constitute"a final deci ion regarding the application of the zoning e Court also concluded that their refusal to rant the retarded
ordinance and subdivi ion regulations.°Without a"Snal,definitive �► special protection of heightened scrutiny d n't leave them
posidon,"the court w unwilling to coasider whether the zoning u rotected.According to the Court,legislatio ithat discriminates
reguladons went so f as to have the same effect as a physical a inst the retarded is still subject to the uaditi equal protection
taking of land that req ired compensation.In so ruling,the Court te t:that there be a rational relationship betwee !the law and
indicated that a lando ner must virtually°e�aust"ihe state and 1e itimate government interests.
local appeals before it would be willing to debate whether zoning
reguladons can have e effect of taking of private property.
Justice Brennan,in concurring opinion joined by Justice White, ,� ���u�^�^
agreed with the majo ty's ruling that the case was not yet �I N
reviewable,but noted that this did not indicate that he was departing
from the views he set orth in San Diego Gas and Electric: that
government must co pensate landowners for regulatory takings.
Justice Stevens,also oncurring,took a different view,noting that te Planning and
"even though these c troversies are cosdy and temporarily harmful sign for the Elderly
to the private citizen,as long as fair procedures aze followed,I do �ane R. Carstens Yan Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc.,
not believe there is y basis in the Constitution for characterizing S W. SOth St., New York, NY 10020, Ma 1985, 170 pp.
the inevitable byprod ct of every such dispute as a`taking'of private
p��,� 39.95.
More information n the case will be included in a forthcoming Th�s book examines design issues and g elines for site
issue of lanal Use La &Zoning Digest. Also see"Planning lanning for housing for the eiderly. The d ign guidelines
Practice" in the Au st issue of Planning. pply to many development types includin low-rise, high-rise,
nd mixed-use developments. The book pr ents case studies of
nique design solutions for entryways, par "ng, patios, roof-
p gardens, and recreational areas in hou g developments
��g B�n or the elderly.
Ret�rded Inv dated
Last month the Supr me Court invalidated the Clebume,Texas, ning News is a montlily supplement to land Use Ivw ik 'ng Digest and the PAS
zoning decision that locked a group home for the mentally retarded emo,published by the American Planning Association. rate subscri�Mions are
from a neighborh where similar uses such as boardinghouses, vailable for S25(U.S.)and S31(foreign).Israel Swllman �Executive Dirxtor,Frank
.So,Depury Executive Direcror;Judith Getzels,Directo bf Research;Sylvia Lewis,
apartments,hospital ,and nursing homes were allowed by right. bucacio�s n;reccor.
The high court co cluded that the city violated the equal ning News is produced at APA.Thomas P.Smith,Edit ;Jim Hecimovich and
protection clause of e U.S. Constitution when it denied a special Adele Rothblatt,Assistant Editors.
permit for a group me for the mentally handieapped without Copyright �O 1985 by American Planning Associauon,13 8 E.60th St.,Chicago,IL
demonsuating adeq te reason for the denial. The Court invalidated �37.The American Planning Association has headquart�s offices at 1776
only the permit deci ion,not the zoning ordinance. It concluded that Massachuseas Ave.,x.w.,Washington,nc zoo36.
"the record dces no reveal any rational basis for believing the pll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be re uced or utilized in any
FCflttlCiStOI1C(gI'OII home would pose any special threat to the form or by any means,electronic or mechanical,includin 'phaocopying,recording,or
City's legitimate int StS.°The record showed that city officials by any infortnation storege and rcvieval system,without rmission in writing from the
denie�the permit o the basis of the neighbors'"negative attitudes American Planning Associadon.
or fears,"which"a not pernussible bases for treating a home for
the mentally retard differendy from apartments,multiple
dwellings,and the e."The other factors listed as the basis for the
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, The Planning C mmission held a public hearing the proposed
adult entertain ent amendments on May 27, 19 3. Following
' public testimon , the Commission referred the tudy back
to the Zoning C mmittee. The Zoning Committ e held three
discussions at t eir regularly scheduled meeting in June
and July, and o August 12 make the following commen-
' dations to the lanning Commission. The Plann ng Commission
unanimously ap roved the proposed Zoning Cod changes
as amended by he Zoning Committee.
IN Any establishm nt licensed by Chapter 412 of t e City Or-
' DRAFT dinance and ha ing a fixed place of business wh re massages
ORDINANC are administer d for pay, including, but not lim ted to, massage
parlors, health lubs, sauna baths, and steam ba hs. This
definition shall not be construed to include a ho 'pital, nursing
� home, medical linic, or the office of a physici n, surgeon,
chiropractor, o teopath, or physical therapist d ly licensed
by the State of Minnesota, nor barber shops or auty salons
� in which massa es are administered only to the scalp, the
face, the neck, or the shoulders. This definitio ' shall not
be construed t include a non-profit organizati n operating
� a community c nter, swimming pool, tennis co rt, or other
educational, c tural, recreational, and athleti facilities,
and facilities f r the welfare of the residents o the area.
� RECOMME DED An establishm nt licensed b Cha ter 412 of th Cit Le -
REVISION islative Code d which restricts minors b vir ure of a e
and including sical culture and health servi s h sical
' culture and he lth club reducin club reducin salon and
massa e arlor. This definition shall include a buildin
room structur lace or establishment used b the ublic
' other than a hc s ital, sanatorium rest home n rsin home
boardin home or other institution for the hos ttalization
or care of hum n bein s dul licensed under th rovisions
of Minnesota S atutes Sections 144.50 throu h 144.703L
� inclusive whe e non-medical and non-sur ical ani ulation
exercises or m ssa es are racticed u on the h man bod
for a fee or otl er valuable consideration b an one not dul
� licensed b th State of Minnesota to ractice edicine
sur er osteo ath chiro ractic h sical the �a or o-
iatr wit or wrt out t e use o mec anical era utic
' or bathin devi ces or an room or rooms from hich a masseur
or masseuse is dis atched b tele hone or othe wise for the
ur se of iv n a massa e• rovided that no assa e or
a fee shall be iven exce t in a licensed remi �e.
� i
o i
The City Co ncil recently revised the defini �on of massa�e
parlor and r lated businesses found in the lic nsing section �
of the Legis ative Code. For consistency in nterpretation
and adminis ration, the Zoning Committee r commends that �
the Zoning ode definition be revised.
PROPOS D (9) Adult u es subject to the following cond �tions: (a) The
use shall be at least 1000 radial feet from y other adult
use measur d from front door to front door f the buildings
in which th uses are located; (b) The use sh 11 be located
at least 100 feet from residentially zoned p bperty measured .
from the fr nt door of the building in which �he adult use
; is located t the closest residential propert �line;(c) There
shall be no ccess to the alley or to adjacen residential
RECOM ENDED (9) Adult us s sub'ect to the followin cond' ions: (a) The
�� REVISIO uses shall located at least 1320 radial fe t from an other
t` adult use asured in a strai ht line from t e closest oints
of the buil in s in which the adult uses are cate • b T e
'' adult use s all be located at least 200 radia , feet from an
� residentiall zoned ro ert measured in a ' rai ht line from
s; the closest oint of the buildin in which th adult use is
located to he closest residentiall zoned ert line• this
�q condition a be waived if the rson a 1 'n for the waiver
shall file w th the Plannin Administrator consent etition
�; which indi ates a roval of the ro sed a !t use b 90
c:: erp cent of he ro ert owners within 200 dial feet of the
lot on whi h the use would be located• c e use shall not
be located within a buildin also used for r idential ur oses•
d There s all be no access from the buildi in which the
use is loca ed to the alle or to residential zoned ro ert .
.�.x,.._.,,,��„�,�.__ . . ._ ..,,�
' .
t The Planning Commission, following a public earing on May
27, 1983, ref rred the adult entertainment o inance back
to the Zonin Committee. Subsequently, the Zoning Com-
' mittee discu sed the ordinance at three of th ir cegularly
scheduled m etings. The Committee determ hed that the
ordinance la guage should reflect the intent d purpose
of the amen ment: to regulate a highly inco patible com-
' mercial use y dispersing the uses to avoid hcentrations
and by settin reasonable distances from resi entially zoned
property. T e Committee also determined, i light of public
� testimony an additional research and mappi g, that the
proposed req irements could be revised to pr vide for stricter
standards wh le still maintaining the constitu ional rights
of the adult ses. �
, (a) 1320' bet een uses: The Zoning Code us this same
measuremen to disperse group homes, so th re is an argument
� for consisten y in regulating uses which by ncentration
change the n ighborhoods in which they are 1 cated, although
certainly not in the same ways. The 1320' re resents a quarter
� mile or appr ximately two and a quarter blo s along a typical
commercial trip. At 1320' between uses, th 're would be
approxima te y 7 5 loca tions zone d B-3, I-1 or -2, w h ic h cou l d
provide adul use sites. (This estimate does t take into
' account the istance from residentially zone property requirement.)
(b) 200' fro residentiall zoned ro ert : xtensive mapping
, indicates th t the 200' distance requirement ould provide
for approximately 78 areas for adult uses, wi hout the waiver
applied. Mo t of these areas are located in I 1 and I-2 areas,
large B-3 ar as, B-3 areas which are adjacen to other com-
, mercial or p rking zones which provide a buf er for residential
property, or ong streets such as West Seve Ith or Prosperity
which are p! tted at an angle to typical perp ndicular street
' patterns. T e 200' is the same distance that licensing uses
for its conse t petition for massage parlors d live enter-
tainment; th 90 percent is also consistent w th licensing
, consent peti ion requirements. The measure ent from building
to property 1 ne is consistent with the metho zoning employs
for other us s, such as game rooms. The wai er provision
' provides an pportunity for adult uses to loc , e in a restricted
area when t ose people most affected conse 't to it.
' iii
(c) Adult uses and residential uses rohibited same buildin
This requirem nt originally was only included ' the B-4 and
B-5 (Downtow ) requirements. If the intent is �to separate �
incompatible ses, then this becomes a reason 'ble requirement
in all zones.
(d) No access to alle or residentiall zoned o ert �
This language s the same as in the original dr t of the ordinance.
It too is desig ed to buffer incompatible uses.
PROPOSE (2) Adult use provided the use shall be at lea 300 radial
feet from any other adult use.
RECOMME DED (2) Adult uses sub'ect to the followin conditi ' s: the use
REVISION shal! be locat d at least 300 radial feet from other adult
use measured n a strai ht line from the close oi�ts of
the buildin s i which the adult uses are locat • b T e
use shall be lo ated at least 100 radial feet fr m an residential �
use measured n a strai ht line f rom the close oint in which
the use is loc ted to the buildin in which the esidential '�
use is located c The use shall not be located iwithin a buildin
also used for esidential ur oses.
The Zoning C mmittee determined that the d wntown area
should also in lude provisions for separation o residential
and adult use , in light of the City's policies c ncerning making
d�wntown a p ace to live as well as to shop.
(a) 300' betw en uses:
This requirem nt is consistent with the origin ordinance �
language. Th 300' represents a more or less ypical down-
town block.
(b) 100' from residential uses: �
Technically, I1 of downtown is zoned comme cial and residential.
The !00' f rom residential uses, evidenced by apping of the
downtown, w uld provide for approximately 2 sites which ��
are zoned cor ectly and which are more than 00' from residential
See Section 6 .544
iv .�
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� �
� l. Who initiate the study?
The City Co ncil (Resolution ��276732)
� 2. What is the cope of the study?
� The study ex mines adults-only uses: adult unas, adult �
massage parl rs, adult theatres, adult bookst res, and adult
live entertai ment, and makes recommendat i�ns to regulate
their locatio . -
� 3. What recom endations does the study make.
� The study re ommends amendments to the Z ing Code
intended to c ntrol incompatible uses and co �centrations
of adult ente tainment:
� - Define ad It entertainment uses.
- Restrict a ult entertainment to B-3, B-4, 5, and
I-1 zones.
� - Make adul entertainment a special condi on use, requiring
a public h aring.
- Require in a B-3: l000' radial from other dult entertain-
' ment uses 100' from residential property; o access
to adjacen residential property.
- Require in the Downtown (B-4, B-5): 300' r dial from
' other adul entertainment uses.
4. What problem are addressed by the study?
, - Existing z ning and licensing regulations not adequately
differentia e between adults-only and othe uses.
- Adults-onl uses are permitted in restricti �e office
� and comm rcial zones intended to serve ne ghborhood
- Concentra ions of adult entertainment cha ge the per-
� _ ception of eighborhoods.
Regulation must guarantee the rights of b th the business
owners and the neighborhoods.
S. Are the re ommendations consistent with he Comprehensive
� Plan?
Yes. One f the Plan's major goals is the rotection of
the City's eighborhoods.
IThe City Council has initiated a 4 Acre Study relative to the reg lation
of dult entertainment uses in Saint Pa 1. Specific texts of the Study a e on
Ifil in the Zoning Section of the City Pl nning Division, located at the ity
IH 1 Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, and may be viewed there upon requ st.
The Planning Commission has fixe the 27th day of May, 1983, at :00
Iin he morning, in the City Hall Annex, 15th Floor, 25 West Fourth Stre t; and
at said time and place the Planning Co mission will hear all testimony elative
Ito the st udy.
Li Anderson, Chairman
ISa nt Paul Planning Commission
r �
� " '
, I. INTR DUCTION Saint Paul's dult entertainment industry is relatively innocuous
one. There re several notable exceptions w 'ch are highly
visible, at th corners of University and Dal and at Wabasha
' and Ninth, b t m�t remain scattered and is lated. Inadequate
regulations f these adults-only uses, howev , could result
in these exc ptions becoming the rules throu hout the City.
' These specif c cases flag the need for foresi ht in providing
safeguards f r all of Saint Paul's neighborho ' s.
This paper is in response to a City Council in tiated 40 Acre
, Study to inv stigate Saint Paul's adult entert inment industry
and to reco mend regulations to control its ncentration.
� II. AUT ORITY � The concept f "inverse zoning" to eliminate �concentrations
of skid row sinesses was first implemented '�by the city
� of Detroit in its "Anti-Skid Row" ordinance opted in 1962, .
and amended to include sexually-oriented bu Inesses in 1972.
The ordinan s provided that an adults-only siness could
not be locat d within 1000' of any other regu lated �se or
� within 500' o a residential area. The ordina jces were subsequently
challenged o their constitutionality by the o ners of two
adults-only t eatres.
' In the landm rk Youn vs. American Mini-Th atres 427 U.S.
50 (1976) De ision, the United States Suprem Couct held
� that:
1. "The De roit Ordinances did not have a gnificant deterrent
effect o the exploitation of films prote ted by the First
� Amend ent.
2. "...Apar from the fact that the ordinan �s treat adult
� theatres differently from other theatres �nd the fact
that the classification is predicated on t content of
material shown in the respective theatre , the regulation
of the pl ce where such films may be ex ibited does
� not offe d the First Amendment
3. "...The ity's interest in the present and uture character
� of its ne ghborhoods adequately supports its classification
of motio pictures. We hold that the zo �ng ocdinances
, requirin adult motion picture theatres t be located
, within 1 00 ft. of two other regulated us s does not
violate t e equal protection dause of t Fourteenth
Amendm nt."
' -1-
��-- 9i
In other words, t e Supreme Court found that re ulation
of the !p ace whe e adults-only films may be exhi ited does
not violate free xpression: a city's interest in pl nning and
regulating the u e of property for commercial Cposes is
clearly adequate to support locational restricti s.
Subsequent to th s Supreme Court decision, man cities enacted
zoning legislatio designed to regulate the locati n of present
and future adult entertainments. Some have m eled their
ordinances after the Detroit Ordinance and othe �s have major
variations, such s Boston's infamous "combat zo e". However,
the following pri ciples can be used to construct �constitutionally
valid ordinances �
1. The greater is the vagueness inherent in an rdinance's
wording or finitions, especially if rising t the degree
that a non- rnographic entrepreneur must orry whether .
he is within the ordinance's prohibitions, the more likely
it is that th ordinance will be struck down.
2. The more e ident and rational is the relati hip of the
adult-use re trictions to recognized zoning rposes,
such as the reservation of neighborhoods d the grouping
of compatib e uses, the greater is the likeli d that
the restricti n will be upheld.
3. Locational r strictions cannot be so severe to result �
in an inabili y to accommodate the present d/or future
anticipated umber of adult businesses in a "ty. In Youn�,
the court up eld the Detroit Ordinance upon finding
that numer s sites complying with the Det oit zoning
requirement were available to adult busine es and
that the ma ket for sexually explicit fare, v �ewed as
an entity, w s therefore "essentially unrestr ined".
4. An ordinanc which grants administrative of icials dis-
cretionary wer whether or not to allow pa ticular �
adult busine es to operate is more likely to be struck
down as viol tive of the precept, emphasize by the
Young disse ters, that in the First Amendm t area
"Governmen may regulate only with narrow'specificity".
, III. SCOPE F STUDY Adults-only bu inesses may be divided into tw broad cat-
egories: sex-r lated and alcohol-related. Tho which fall
under sex-rela ed are the saunas, massage parl rs, adult
' theatres and okstores; those included as alc ol-related
are generally tablishments with liquor licens s.
' This discussio is restricted to the.first categ y, sex-related
adult entertai ment. The second category, a! ahol-related,
is not included for several reasons. problems a ociated with
bars are gener lly related to operation rather an to location;
, it is almost im ossible to distinguish between bar and a
restaurant wit a liquor license; given the limi ed amount
of B-3 zoned p operty in the City, restricting hem to that
� zone would vir ually eliminate alternative loc tions and would
create a long 1 st of non-conforming neighborh d businesses.
Licensing is th more appropriate way to regul te bars. There
are stringent r quirements including distances �rom schools,
, churches, othe liquor license; operational pr dures; City �
Council public hearings with mailed notice; an , of course,
the possibility f revocation.
' IV. BACK ROUND At last count, here are twenty-four adult ent rtainment
establishment in Saint Paul:
10 Sau as, Massage
' 7 Adu ts-only, live entertainment
S Boo stores
2 The tres
� All of the twe ty-four are zoned for commerc r�l use:
, 6 B-2 Community Business)
12 B-3 General Business)
4 B-4 Downtown)
2 CA PB (Capitol Area Boacd) Jurisdi tion
� Eighty-five pe cent (21) are located on major horoughfares:
University, Sn lling, W. Seventh, Rice, Arcade and Payne;
' the ather thre are on Grand, Hudson Road an Milton.
' _�_
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The total n ber has dropped from thicty i 1977:
10 S una/massage parlor
13 L ve, adult entertainment
5 B okstores
2 T eatres
While sauna , massage parlors, bookstores, hd theatres have
remained c nstant over the past five years, ive adult entertain-
ment has de reased. This pattern with resp t to saunas,
massage pa lors, and live entertainment is rtainly in part
"`'' due to more restrictive licensing regulation which involve
consent pet'tions and public hearings with day notice.
Saint Paul c rrently regulates these adult tertainment
uses in two ays: zoning and licensing. Th se regulations
are summar zed in the following chart.
-- . ,,,,.,�,,...��.- _.,._-
, � ,
�0lIlT lOORSTp1ES NO' !-1 MO Mp Iq� p Mp p Np
!d(�S 200' fNOM �0 ry1Y 1�5 CIUNACTE0.OF
NUUN ClU ) RESIDENT(11L: ' 0 300' ME1611lOIIIqOD:
SAUNAS AND dl OS•1 (� 1qDfF� 8Y MIOi1MlTr TO
AOUIT TNE11tRE5 NO• B-2 MO NO IIO• pp , �p �q Np
USE) YfTNIN 200'
� • Mo elscrt.t�aelon Decre n�aules-oniy anA ocne�vses
V. 1SSUES ND One of the maj r goals of the City's adopted C prehensive
� RECO MENDATIONS Plan is the pres rvation of the City's neighborh ds. Without
controls on the rowth and locations of adult ertainment,
the City's neigh rhoods could change dramatic lly; the perception
� of decline asso iated with adult-entertainment s critical
to a neighborho d's well-being. Controls should address the
way we protect our neighborhoods in at least th ee areas:
� existing regula 'ons, incompatible uses, and con entrations
of uses.
� 1. ISSUE
� The Cit 's existing regulations were sum � arized in
the char in Section IV of this paper. Th're are some
easily di cernible omissions in these con rols:
� Zoning: The Zoning Code does not discr' inate between
adults-o ly and other retail/service/com ercial uses.
Adults- ly bookstores could be located 'n the B-2
� (Commu ity Business District) just as an other bookstore
or retail use; and adults-only theatres c uld be located
in the B 2 just like any other theatre. unas would
� probab! be determined to be similar to alth clubs
and allo ed in the B-1 (Local Business D strict); and
massage parlors and conversation parlor would probably
be regar ed as providing a personal serv'�e and permitted
� in the m t restrictive of the commerci zones, the
OS-1 (O fice-Service District).
� -5
. , �
Licensing Likewise, the City's licensing dinances
do not dis riminate between the adults-o y bookstores �
and theat es and all others. Licensing re uirements
for sauna and massage parlors are string t, requiring
consent f om neighbors within 200', a Cit Council �
hearing ith 30 day notice, and provision for protection
of neighb rhood character; the only locat lonal require-
ments in icate that the use must comply ith the �
Zoning C de. Enforcement has been a pr blem because
many est blishments have simply change their names
to "healt club", subverting the original i ent of the �
law. Ent rtainment licenses are required'where liquor
is served and consent, notice, and public aring require-
ments ar similar to those for saunas and anassage
parlors. �
Certainl , there is a difference in the Fa 'st and the
Grandvi w, in the Wabasha Bookstore an � Odegaard's, • �
in a real or's office and a massage parlor but our
existing rdinances and codes don't refle t those inherent
differen es. As a consequence, the busi ssman along
the com ercial strip has no assurance t t an X-rated �
theatre ight not move in next door; the resident,
no assur nce that the local dentist's offi ' might not
become he neighborhood massage parlo � �
Recogni ing that the Supreme Court in i s decision �
involvin the Detroit Ordinance found t t the lp ace
where f' ms may be exhibited does not fect the right
of free xpression, amendments to the Z ning Code �
should i clude definitions of adult, adult -only theatres,
booksto es, saunas, massage parlors, co �ersation
parlors, and cabarets (live adults-only e �tertainment). �
A good oning definition enables planne +s, officials �
and the public to distinguish between si ilar, but not
identic l, uses. Adult entertainment ha been defined
in two asic ways: the "Detroit model" hich very '
explicit y lists "Specified Sexual Activi es and Anatomical
Areas" nd the "Boston model" which re 'ies on existing
State o scenity laws which prohibit the distribution ,
of porn graphic material to minors. Th approach
propos d here is most similar to the "B ston model"
with th great advantage that any oper tor who avoids
violati g the State's obscenity laws will'automatically �
prohibi attendance by minors; the rest '�ction of the
adult u es becomes, to a large part, sel '-controlling.
Thus o ce an establishment is required o place itself '
off lim ts to minors, it concurrently be mes subject
to zoni g restrictions.
- - '
� 1. ISSUE
Saint aul's Zoning Code has a number f different
, comm rcial zones, each with a specifi intent:
OS-1: he OS-1 Office-Service Distric is intended
� to acc mmodate various types of offic use performing
admini trative, professional and person services
and to erve as a transitional use betw n the more
intensi e uses of land such as major th roughfares
� or com ercial districts and the less int nsive uses
of land such as one-family residential.
� B_l: T e B-1 Local Business District i '�intended to �
permit those uses as are necessary to s tisfy the basic
conven'ence shopping of service needs f persons residing
in near y residential areas. •
� B-2: e B-2 Communit Business Dis ict is intended
to ser the needs of a consumer popu tion larger
� than t at served by the "Local Busines 'District;'
and ge erally characterized by a clust of establishments
genera ing large volumes of vehicular d pedestrian
� traffic
. B-3: e B-3 General Business Distric is intended
to pro ide sites for more diversifie ty es of businesses
� than t ose in the B-1 and B-2 business istricts, and
is inte ded for location, along major tr fic arteries
or adj ent to the Community Business Districts.
� B-4: e B-4 Central Business District is intended
to per it those uses w ic provt e for variety of
� retail tores and related activities, and!for office
buildin s and service establishments w ch occupy
the pri e frontages in the Central Busi ess District;
and w 'ch serve the consumer populati beyond the
� oorpor te boundaries of the city.
B-5: e B-S is intended to provide th necessary
� servic s for the population area which s served by
all of he previous business districts. S ch service
establi hments often involve objection ble influences,
such noise from heavy service opera ions and large
� volum s of truck traffic, and are thus i compatible
with t e previous business districts.
� �� ° •
_ _ . _. ._ _ _. _ ,. ._ _, . � _
. . . `��T �� �
Under the exis ing Code, any of the adults-onl uses �
could go into t e B-2 district. In other words, he
neighborhood, orner drugstore could become Wabasha �
Bookstore or t e local theatre, a Faust, witho t benefit
of public heari g or community comment. As he
Code now stan s, these incompatible uses coul go �
in by right, as ermitted uses.
The Zoning Co e should be amended to place a ult M
entertainment in the B-3, B-4, B-S or I zones.
Mr. Fercis Ale ander, in expert testimony bef e the
Minnesota 4th District Court (in the case of th Minneapolis �
Adults-Only O dinance) stated the locational r quirements
for successful dult theatres and bookstores. ccording
to his testimo y, the type of location required � "at �
street leve! in he vicinity of other retail busi sses,
with a lot of v hicular and pedestrian traffic, ell-
lighted, and cl se to transportation." �
Adult entertai ment fits the intent of the B-3, B-4,
B-5 zones: the draw from a metropolitan con mer
population and typically seek locations along 11- �
lighted major etail, traffic and transportation �arteries.
Within Saint P ul, that would mean basically t commercial �
strips along m jor traffic arteries and the dow town
area. This cla ification provides for the need of
adult entertai ment while protecting neighbor ods �
from the intru ion of people, traffic and acco panying
The majority o the twenty-two existing adult tertain- �
ment business s are already zoned B-3 or high : twelve,
B-3 and four, 4. The remaining six are zone � B-
2 and would be non-conforming. �
-8- �
_.__._. ___..._,_ -��_:�..__,....,�
� . . .
tIn test'mony before the Supreme Court in the case
of Gib s vs. American Mini-Theatres, rban sociologist
' Mel R vitz stated a sociological axiom if people believe
somet 'ng to be true, even if it not ori inally, they
will te d to act as if it were true and, h so doing,
t help pr duce the condition originally b ieved. "If
residen s of any neighborhood believe t t the concentration
of the rescribed uses damages the nei hborhood,
they w 11 act as if it were true and will �eek to move
, away d allow people with different s andards... It
is far t o risky for a city to allow indis riminately
into re idential areas any number of co mercial uses
' which ave already been identified as t ose which .
concen ration help shake people's confi ence."
Within aint Paul, there are two locati s which people
' would adily identify as concentration of adult entertain-
ment: niversity and Dale and Ninth d Wabasha.
Saint P u!'s Zoning Ordinance already as recognized
� the im act of concentration with the 1 20' requirement
for resi ential group homes as well as i ,compatibility
with re idential uses with the 100' requ irement for
' game-r oms.
In You vs. American Mini-Theatres t e Supreme
t Court f'rmly established that local aut rities have
the pol'ce power to regulate the locati of businesses
that de 1 in First Amendment protecte materials
provide that such regulations do not li it freedom
� of acce s to such materials under the F urteenth Amendment.
The De roit ordinance stipulated that s h businesses
could n t be located within 500' of a re 'dence or within
� l000' o another regulated use. The Ci y of Detroit
was abl to prove that there was a "my iad" of locations
that w !d be suitable for such business s. The Detroit
� ordinan e did not require amortization f businesses
that w e in operation prior to approva of the ordinance.
� - - .
• 1 •
The Zoning ode should be amended to mak adult
entertainm t Special Condition Uses in the -3, B-
4, B-5 and I-1 zones. The conditions would three
hundred radi 1 feet between uses in the B-4, -5, (the
average dow town block) and one thousand r dial feet
between use in the B-3 zone (the one and on half
average co mercial blocks outside of the do ntown).
The I-1 zone permits B-3 special condition es as
Essentially, his regulation limits adult enter ainment
to one per o e and a half block faces; the ra 'al foot
measuremen prohibits situations on corners ith uses �
on both of t e intersecting streets. This req 'rement
is consistent with others in the Zoning Code, �such
as the 1320' ule for group homes. •
With the ex eption of the University and Dal and
North Waba ha clusters, the existing busines es could
meet this st ndard; and over one hundred alt rnative
locations w ld also meet this standard.
'The Zoning ode should be amended to requi e that
adult entert inment uses in the B-3 zone be minimum
of one hund d feet from residentially zoned property,
measured fr m the front door of the use to t e residential
property lin and that there be no access, ot r than
for fire and afety requirements, to abutting or adjoining
residentiall zoned property.
1'he majorit of the City's B-3 property lies ong
commercial trips, characterized by shallow ots and
abutting res dentially zoned property. If the 100' measure- �
ment were ade from building to property li �e, virtually
no B-3 struc ures would conform; thus, the easurement
from the fr t door with no "back dooc" acc ss. The
intent of thi requirement is to put traffic d trade
on the com ercial front of the block. The 1 0' require-
ment is con 'stent with the Zoning Code req 'rement
for indoor c mmercial uses such as pool hall and video
� . . . �� - 9r
� As with all special condition use permit , the Planning
Commi sion could modify if the applica t could prove
that "st ict application of such special nditions would
� �nreaso ably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use
of a pie e of property or an existing str ture and
would r sult in exceptional undue hardh Ip to the owner
� of such roperty or structure, provided hat such mod-
ificatio will not impair the intent and rpose of
such sp cial condition and is consistent ith health,
morals d general welfare of the com nity and
� is consi tent with reasonable enjoyment f adjacent
propert ".
� Business s in existence at the date of a ption of
these a endments which would be classi ied as non-
conform ng would be entitled to all righ guaranteed
� by that lassification. .
VI. CONCL SIONS � A. Existing ning and licensing regulations not adequately
� differenti e between adults-only and othe uses.
B. Adults-onl uses are permitted in restricti le office and
� oommerci 1 zones intended to serve neigh rhood populations
and to pro ide buffers between residentia! nd more
intensive u es.
� C. Concentra ions of adult entertainment use 'change the
perception of neighborhoods about themsel es.
� D. Adult ente tainment uses may be regulated in such a
way as to uarantee the rights of both the wners of
these busin sses and the neighborhoods.
' -11-
- '� � �
NEW DEFI ITION Adult uses are those uses excludin bars which are n t o n
to the ublic enera 1 but onl to one or more class s of
the blic and exclu in an minor b reason of a e a minor �
bein a erson unde the a e of ei hteen ears. Adu t uses
include, but are not imited to adult bookstores ad t motion
icture theatres and mini-theatres adult massa e t�lors �
adult saunas adult r conversation parlors, adult h lth
clubs and adult cab rets or similar adult uses.
A sho for the barte rental or sale of rinted matt ictures .
or motion icture fil if such sho is not open to th , ublic
enerall but onl t one or more classes of the �ubl �c excludin
any minor by reason of a e. •
An enclosed buildin with a ca acit of 50 or more rsons
used for resentin aterial def�ned b Minnesota S tutes �
617.292 as sexuall rovocative and which as a re ailin
ractice excludes minors b virtue of age•
An enclosed buildin with a ca acit for less than 50 , ersons
used for resentin aterial defined b Mimesota St tutes
617.292 as "sexuall rovocative" and which as a re ailin ;
ractice excludes mi rs b virtue of a e. �
An establishment wh ch rovides o- o dancers exot c dancers, �
stri ers or similar ntertainers and which excludes minors
by virtue of age.
-;2- �
� ' '• •
� An establish ent licensed b Cha ter 412 of he the Cit
Ordinance and havin a fixed lace of business luvhere massa es
are administer d for includin but not lim ed to massa e
arlors health clubs sauna bat s and steam b ths. This
� definition shall not be construed to include a s ital nursin
home medical clinic or the �f : of a sici n sur eon
chiro ractor o teo�athc Q sical t era ist 1 licensed
b the State of M���`a nor barber sho s or aut salor�s
� in which massa es a e administered onl to the scal the
face the neck or the shoulder. This definition shall not
� be construed t include a non- rofit or anizati n o ratin
a communit c nter swimmin 1 tennis co or other
educational cu tural recreational and athleti facilities
and facilities f r the welfare of the residents o the area.
� An establishme t licensed b cha ter 413 of th � Cit Ordinance
and advertisin offerin or sellin the service en a in
in or listenin t conversation talk or discussio between
an em lo ee of the establishment an a custom r re ardless
� of whether oth r oods or services are also sim ltaneous
advertised off red or sold and re ardless of w ther those
other oods or ervices are also re uired to be 1 ' ensed.
� The term "conv rsation rlor" shall not includ bona fide
le al medical s chiatric s cholo ical or co nselin services
� b a erson or f rm a ro riatel licensed• or a fide educational
institutions or anels seminars or other simila services
offered b such 'nstitutions• or churches or s n o ues.
� ..
� -13-
, y D r �� �/
(IN THE B-3 ZO E) ' �
: PROPOS D CHANGE (9) Adult uses su 'ect to the followin conditions a) the use
, shal be at east 000 ra i eP' rom an ot er ult use
measure from f ont door t� Q,nt door o t�e w din in
whic the uses ar loca* a t e use s al be lo ate at
� east 100 eet rom • nUal zone co rt easured
' from t e ront do � t e i in in w c t e a u t use
is located to the osest residential ro rt line• c there
shall be no acce to the alle or to ad acent resi ntia! ro rt .
< (IN THE B-4 ZON )
PROPOS D CHANGE (2) Adult uses ro idP� ��e shall be at least 3 i0 radial
eet from any ot� ��lt use. .
� PROPOS D CHANGE (2) Adult uses ro ided *'- ��shal! be at least 3 0 radial feet
� from an other a u���
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