88-90 WHITE - CITV CLERK f . PINK =FINANCE COLLI1CIl BIUERr-MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��� � � • ,/ �, ' . in�nce Ordinance N�. ��57"� Presented By � • � �,O Referred v � Committee: Date � � � � Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Section 412.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Massage Parlors. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIIV: Section l . That the definition for the term "massage" as contained in Section 412 .02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Massage means the rubbing, stroking, kneading, tapping or rolling of the body ut��-Y-�-��ie-Y�a�ds for the e�e�t�s}�e purposes of pleasure , relaxation, physical fitness or beautifica-cion,---ar�d--�e�--r-ie--e�he�--pt���eses ; the term "masseur" means a male person, and the term "masseuse" a female person, who practices massage . The practice of massage shall not include and is distinct from the practice of inedicine, surgery, osteopathy, chiropractic , physical therapy and podiatry. Persons duly licensed or registered to practice medi- cine, surgery, osteopathy, chiropractic , physical therapy or podiatry, and nurses who work under the direction of such persons , are hereby expressly excluded from the requirements of this chapter. Beauty cultur- ists , barbers and cosmetologists who do not give , or hold themselves out to give , massages other than are customarily given in such shops or places of business for the purposes of beautification only, and persons who give massages only incidentally to their general occupations and receive no compensation specifically for giving massages , shall also be excluded from the provisions of this chapter. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � �� In Favor Goswicz Rettman , scheinel AgainSt BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approv d y City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date �ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve ayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK .� FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT File NO. ���� C�� BIUE -MAYOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. �c.7r'�"�` Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage , approval and publication. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman � � Against BY sA� ��- �AD 1 � 1988 Form Approved by C y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date I"IHR Certified Pass C cil Sec BY BY . � Appr y Mayor: Date �"�1R � 8 � Approved by a r for Submission to Council By BY �' PUBLISNED `.';�6� � � 1988 � < ; � . ' . � N°, 09615 ' DEPARTMENT _ �' �� � ^ CONTACT ���� PHONE z /,�fy� : ` DA�E ��r� '. .' ,� � `, �r � �►SSIGN NUNBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : - : . _a,Ey.� � .� r� Y Department Director Director of Manag�nent/Mayor �1���-- Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney : ;_ HAT WILI, BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION pN TNE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pn.rpose/+ �-�+�� �- � � � Rationale�: (�+-�� T� u� � ,�,���r.�� � `���,� y.� z. r�-�.. N _n °� . � , �i��f�f � NEi.��� 7.•.�v �� �a I�Y.e ..rr- l#c�.r��"'--C ,�„�,.�,,,�,,,�,.�� .r�S - c�c( �r /lRC ��,�.�r� G� /� ���•�p:.v KS '��'�� (�`r""�' , f C��.�F' �, � � � � COST/BENEFIT, BUOGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � ` � � a FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Maryor'$ ,;igna- tur.e net; re- Total Amount of 'Transaction: quired; ff under � $10,OOD� Funding Source: ; � a ; , Activity Number: . . ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : �����'" . , .� N13�� _ J�► G � � . : � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW '� Yes �No ' Council Resolution Required? ' Resalation Requ�red? Yes No + Yes No Insurance Required? Insc��ance Sufffitient? Yes No Yes No �Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �, . � . � , HOW TO USE TH£ '(�t8E�1 SHEET .' ;. . . � .. >'The GREEN SI�EET has several PURPOSES: � � ' 1. to aesist in� zouting docwpents and i.n securing required signatures : 2r to b'rief the revi�wers o£ docw�ents on the impacts of approval 3.� to help ensure that"necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if reqtiti.red, attach�d. � � Providing complete information undez the listed headings enab�.es reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts� that may delay execution. 3`he COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL II�ACT5 heading provides space to explain " � ' the ,cost/b�nefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City , budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other qroups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Ti.me Equivalent (FTE) positions. � If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, , if the depart�nt director siqns. A contract must always be first signed by the . outside agency before routing through City offices. . � Below is the preferred R�iJTING for the five mo�st frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budgQt exists) � � l. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) . 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director - 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk ' 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amer�d. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department , 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Manaqement/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Cle����,,4 7. City Council'�t-�fj 8. Chie����COUntant, E'&MS �' r w i �I`.�}� SUPPORT lG MATERI3+IES. In the ATTACIiI�NTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sh+�' '�.s �rell done, no letter of transmittal nesd be included (unless signing such a letter �&�:bne of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. ` Note: Actions which` require City Council Resolutions include: l. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2.. Collective bargaininq contracts. • 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. ► 6. Assumption of liability by City, or grantinq by City of indemnific�tion. , 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. , 8. Budqet amendments. - V � /�T1 RECEIVED Members: —� x�� � Biil Wilson, chair /75�� Ej1t11s��� (�ITY OF SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond s�ee ei�n FEB 2 5 195� OP`FICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL KI � Cltlefl CITY CL�: FEBRUARY 24, 1988 � WILLfAM L. WILSON MARK VOERDING �oun�llman C o m m i tt e e R e p o rt Legielative Aide To: Saint Paul City Council From : Housing and Economic Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair �.W ..�.��_��__.�__ � ______�----- ---___ :--------�--- 1.;�''`�Ordinance amending Section 412.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code �pertaining to Massage Parlors. COMMITTEE RECONINIENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED � _ ___ .._ _ ___ �___._... .___.__.,_...____�. - .._._._.._�_ 2. Resolution approving the appointments by the Mayor of Lauri Simon and Tina Moreland and the reappointment of Inez Bonk to serve as members of the St. Paul Long-Range CIB Committee. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. Resolution approving the appointment by the Mayor of Douglas Skor to serve as a member of the Heritage Preservation Commission, term to expire December 31, 1990. COMMITTEE RECONIlrIENDED APPROVAL 4. Resolution reappointing Robert �Ferderer to serve as a member of the Saint Paul Planning Commission. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 8�46 ` F.� ,h r3 � . = : �� � ,,.� . . �.:: � -_______ ___ ___ __ , M�MITE - C�TV CLERK ' PINK � FINANCE �� COUIICII ('' CANARV - OEPARTMENT � GITY � OF SAINT PAUL ]/ � • BLl7E - MAVOH � Flle �O. u �'� �' rf�liZn�n�,e Ordinance N�. Ir Presented By ___ �eferre � y ��'�J� � Committee: Date Out of Comm tee By Date An Ordinance amending Section 412.02 of he Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining t Massage Parlors . THE COUNCIL OF E CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That the defin' tion for the term "massage" as contained in Section 412.02 of �h Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to read s �ollows : Massage means the rubbing, stroking, kneading, tap�ing or rolling of the bo y w}�l�-�Y�e-l�a��s for the exclusive purposes of pleasure , relaxation, physical fitness or beautification, and fo no other purposes ; the term "masseur" means a male erson, and the term "masseuse" a female person, who pra tices massage. The practice of massage shall not incl e and is distinct from the practice of inedicine , surg y, osteopathy, chiropractic , phys�cal therapy and podiat . Persons duly licensed or registered to practice me ' cine, surgery, os-teopa- thy, chiropractic , physical t erapy or podiatry, and nurses who work under the dire tion of such persons , are hereby expressly excluded f om the requirements of this chapter. Beauty culturists barbers and cosme- �ologists who do not give , or hol themselves out to give, massages other than are cus marily given in such shops or places of business f the purposes of beautification only, and persons wh give massages only incidentally to their general o cupations and receive no compensation specifically or giving massages , shall also be excluded from the provisions of this chapter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by D artment of; Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne�bei Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson � i Form Approv y Ci� Attorney Adopted by Council: Date x s. Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv b M yor for Sub 'ss on to Council gy B � �'�'�` W.i�L�Y'�� v::.C1TY CIfiRK " , . .. _ . ','-. � ,::' . '-"'. :;t ::� ..;�.�.� .: p.•,,,-, t -...�d . � t ��`�R� +O�PARTMENT' �` GITY OF SAi1�T PAUL Council a.�.�� �� * "��. B4 ' :,.MAVOR „r. . . � . - File 1� . �. , _ . ��Z/��I�CG . Ordinanc�(N 0._� � `� . . . . •rr S;. s F . - .� . . . � � I y h, c' '-',"' r,� �T '*'. ... ., • .. i ' � -',S, . . -. «: Presented By • ` � ,::� � ...z 4r ...,.,� ,�. < , "� '`� . . _„ . . . { ;,,,y, ;,�+,�`,r •.�.�.,+� �Y,ris .s, at.� ' r, ,,� ,, t,.` "'�, , ° Referred To' . : Committee � Date . s' ° .�.. � . Out of.Committee By � Date � � � A�n t�t�d3a�a�t �■r�fa� �S#�i� �2�zfi�i +O�' t�r Sa�tt� P�I i�r�#��I(ti�r+s �s !��'a �s � �r3�+aras. _ ?!� .��. #'' � CI�"� S�►" �'t !!� �s �� . � ��:� • �: "�tt Lt�e d�ti+�n !�r t�rrn #,� '�ars�e" �! ar0�'+�i�t i� �iaa #3�.6�'i � #� � Praa�1 �;s�a►tii� E�e� bf +i�d #s � a�d� �t as � r�d �s #�33aowa►: _{� � �IS 1�i l��, s��0it�� ��'.�f:1'�'.i�¢�!� ,. ,: �' r+�►tli� O�f 't�lt D�;/ !�" �3ht ��'� : p�rp�ow�as +�` .. .i� ;._� _ . .�� _ � ., . .. . , b�tt�i'��:tae�# � � �� �� � �as a� a�i+� ps�raa�s� aa�t �e �rs *a�i�" . . . , at f+e�1�t p�t� � �rr�1� �* '� :��'4� � � st�sll a� 3�It�r �d is +�l3s�� �`'s�rM tb� � pe'aQt�e � �rdf+or�r�• s�+��'�'. ��'� '��r�o�at��ess .�. . ! -�f�l �r aad p�iat�r. fi�r� d�� �L�a� ar�' a�g#s'b�td � ptaQtfef� �Ot�t� �'► �•' t�7►�, �f:'�n`alretti+�s. �'cmal �1 +�" p�.�+�r'�' ;� . - a�s tMht: �t � t� di�'"�'�iaa o�' s� ���„ �r �b�r �a1T +�acl�x�d lfraws t� r�ri �s e[ �Aii� �pt+s�r� � t�il�ist�,� b�s als�t���� ~ �bo3�gis�s �o dc► � �,iv�, � �d ��ti�s � .�ta . ��„rs �� �' t.�t a�! �t�te'i�� �#�M� '� lMrQ1� ll�f�!p'r OT �11� +C� �i t0!' #.1l�! �Y�'� il� , �tfi+mative� �7R1�,, a�t �sa� �w► +�i�+�t �s . fi ' �T i�f�q�Lall� ta �bsir ��. +o�evwp�t��ars �! - r+�rf.� �ara► �at� �r+�il�liyr lapr ��ris� , _ - �r .s1�I al�s �w1 #rmroe�lvd�1� �'��'�a t�t pa�ri�as v� �is �. , COUNC[LMEN _ . Yeas Nays Requested by Department ofi� , Drew N��os�e In Favor "` R�ttman s�n.�►ei . A ainst BY Sonnsn g : Tedeaco Wiison , � Form Approved b�C'rty Attpraey . Adopted by Council: Date . i • Certified P�ed by Council Secretary BY _ i.�- . � . .. . . . . .� By r. , � . � . � � � i.i �� . . . . Appraved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Sub�ission to Council � . By , BY '``- _ �.. . , - . .. . . .. _.. . ,�. :j . . . , . . . _ ,:., .. .� � � r,. �-. -<... . .:.�_._. : , ... s _ . -� . _ .. , , . _ . -_ _ _. . . � . , � . � , • �� . '. � t/ . - - - + � � WHI1T�E - UTV C RK � �' CAN�RV - OEPARCTEM NT COUIIC'��I f� �p e�„E _ M„,,,R �, GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �0 �/ D , . \���, Ordindnce Ordinance NO. �a�-�� Presented By \ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By4ti Date � ,. , � % ��� Section 2. ,. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its �ssage , approval and publication. ti � � � � � � � � , � �-t 2. '� COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Departme�it of: , Drew e Nicosia ln Favor Rettman s�ne�bai A ainst BY Sonnen g Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date Appro ed by Mayor for Sub ' ' i tq,C il By B ^'�:`" �� ��`�``� � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���T, a,�:,,..��- � , � . . . � . . � -?40 .'�� y.:•. . � . =�, = UFFICE OF THE CITY AT70RNEY � � y , J ����������� ; : � . . � . '� ���1��1�� ' � EDWARD P. STARR. CITY ATTORtiEY m "°'; ` 647 Ciry Hall. Saint Pd�l. M1iinr.F•yota "s51�3 GEORGE L AT4MER bi2-298-5131 :�,�,-oR ��'�9v January 4, 1988 /7��j� � Mr. Rlbert B. Olson City .Clerk - 386 City Hall 'Dear Mr. Olson: I have prepared, at the reques� of the City Council , an ordinance amendment incorporating the Planning Commission' s recommendations for changes to the City' s Zoning Code for adult uses . Also enclosed is a proposed amendment to Section 412 .02 of the Code - dealing with the licensing of massage parlors , also recommended by the Planning Commission. rs very rul � . 1 , ; f . . JE i� G L Ass ' t t y Attorney :, e.JS :c� � =`Enclo�ures cc : Mayor Council Members Peggy Reichert Mark Vander Schaaf ' . . _._ _ . �,._ _ ._ __. _.._�....,,�,_� . .,�..�,,�,.,.n,,,,,,,R..�.�M.. ���� � � � � � - .� _ ����9� . ����� city of sain� paul planr�ing commission resolution file number 87-92 . date AuqUSt �4 . �9�� WHEREAS� the City Council on November �3� 1986 adopted a resolution initiating a 40-acre study of adult entertainmentiin Saint Paul for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and . WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission reviewed suggested amendments and recommended a public hearing; and WHEREAS� pursuant to Mi�nesota Statutes 462.375(5)� the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its June 26 snd July 10� 1987 meetings; and WHEREAS� the Planning Commission has determined: 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; 2. That s survey of an area in exce�s of 40 acres has been made; 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to the Zoning Code proposed are related to the overiall needs of the community� to existing � ` � land use� and to plans for futurie land use; and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing was given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch bn June 9, June 16, and June 23, 1987. NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, th�t the Planning Commissfon recommends approval of the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto in the 40-acre study proposing to restrict certain types of adult uses to I-1 and I-2 Zoning Districts only, subject to certain;other conditions� and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the studyiand this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and actio�. i - moved by. MORTON �__� seconded by LEVY ,�� , . in fav�or.�nanimous � against— � � ' ' ' � �� �C,rITY OF �AIN'r PAUL � `.,*�o, • C��� f.r'(� ♦~�r1 _ o � t y ' � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR /���� .. ���m � +� �o ,... 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATTMER (612) 2A8-4323 MAYOR November 17, 1987 � Council President James Scheib l and Members of the City Counc�l � Seventh Floor--City Hall i Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ; � ' Dear President Scheibel and Me�nbers of the City Council: On August 14, 1987, the Planni�ng Commission passed a resolution recommending several amendmentis to the adult entertainment and adult use provisions of the C�ty's Zoning Code. The Planning • Commission also released a 40--acre study which is the basis of its recommendations. I support the Commission's recommendations and urge you to adopt them as soon as possible. � I recognize that the proposed; changes do not satisfy all the . neighborhood concerns about ajdult entertainment. But, they go as far as we can, legally, to re�duce the places where such _ businesses can locate and to 'disperse them by maintaining a distance between establishme ts. In short, it is the best we can do to locate adult entertai ent businesses as far as possible - ` from where people live, whil preventing a concentration in one area such as Dale and Univer ity. In technical terms, the Plan�ing Commission is recommending the following: � 1. Restrict all adult movie� theatres, adult bookstores, adult live entertainment and �imilar uses to I-1 and I-2 zones. 2. Require the following slacing and distance requirements for adult movie theatres, a ult bookstores, adult live entertainment and simil r uses; 1320 radial feet from other adult uses; 1320 rqadie 1 feet from residential zones; 1320 radial feet from reside tial uses and "protect�d uses" (houses of worship, day� care centers, public libraries, schools, public parks, �ublic playgrounds, public recreation centers or public specilalized recreation facilities) ; 50 radial feet from retail; or service businesses dealing directly with consumers. {�4� ` ' �°1 ' " Cour•iail Preszdent. Scheibel and Me,mbers of the Council �� Gr� 9 � ✓ � Nove�aber 17,, 198 7 ' � p d �, / i � ' ' Page Two �7� `�" 3. Retain the provisions of the current Zoning Code for adult health clubs, massage parlors and similar uses; - B-3, I1: 1320 radial feet from other adult uses; 200 radial feet. from residenti�ally-zoned property; - B-4, B-5; 300 radial feet �from other adult uses; 100 radial feet from resident'�al use. 4. Define adult uses in refere ce to specified sexual activities and specified anatomical ar as. Currently, adult uses are defined in reference to act vities which are off-limits to minors. 5. Revise the licensinq provis'ons in the Legislative Code, Chapter 412 (Massage Parlor , Saunas, etc. ) to include adult health clubs and massage p lors. _ The. Planninq Commission re ommendations are the reBUlt of an extensive analysis which i cluded substantive public review and comment. I have also et with the affected neighborhood organizations to hear thei concerns and I understand their trepidation, but I am conv nced that this ordinance will not adversely affect those are s. I believe that these changes will, in fact, provide mor protection than what presently exists. I urge you� appro al. �; Very truly yours, . � G rg timer � M or ` GL:drm cc: Don Ahern Chris Ison Ken Johnson Allen Lovejoy Chief William McCutcheo Peqgy Reichert � Larry Soderholm � Neighborhood Contact Li�t _ ;I _. : . I � • \ - _ . . . , - _ � - _ _ . _ ` i . ` - . - _ ` _ : . _ � i _ , . " , _, _ _ . �`I— _ I _..._ - ,' i . _ - I 4 y I _ j . ��y-��;' ' , \`.\ + � _ , �* _ . . ..:..�.:..;_ �,,,.:......�.e.�.:.,,� , , _„�.,�._ ,... ..�._ ,�� - a._..�.+.. . ....., . r , � � � � r t�j��� ";- ��� i;-�a.�.�.;�*,�'�,�� , ; � -��-�� ,��.. ^ Y � � '.h' �'',�f . ��•1 /�t 1.-. _ � �rd . A� pte4� n�,- 9-,�� ������;:�' , �-.zi- �:�- . � • Yeas ���'J .:ays '�r �.-_ -�r ���-- / f'�-' . ��-c.s4if rL (� �d"��� . �--' S-i�-gY ,,, ��� RE1"T'�^ V l��f�`'-/ � � - -- SCHEIB L \���` � . . _ ,._ SC:�\E: �i�o �D _ -� WEIDA _ .. PRESIDENT: � : --------�-�..,., -_ ... � . . ...�,._.,�„� �` ..,�..�,�,a--..,-....�....x-k... .... .�., . - . __ . _ _--_ _______..,_ . �� . � �r�i '�'�" �� , I , :�� , -,�: � . �. :� .� � . ��� � ,-,��� � �;�� �:.. . ' � � �� ; , , , � . ; \ ./. . .- - . . - � . _ ._ - . � _ __ � _ . � _