D00730Crrx oF Sa�iv Paur. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER . l:3i] rS�3�;i_��i F'�[i].`� No: UI.0 1 i �J Date: +l — PJ��75 GS #: Z6O58 t1I3MINISTRATTVE ORDEB, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Publir. Wnrkc ro arnend the 19 95 budget of the S�eet Repair and Cieaning fund, the Director of the �epartrnent of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the folfowing manner. Cunenl �� 1 2 3 § 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 � 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 - 42310 - 011l - 42310 - 0279 - 42310 - 0359 - 42310 - 0439 - 42311 - 0111 - 42311 - 0283 - 42311 - a329 - 42311 - 0439 - 42314 - 0111 - 42314 - D439 - 42318 - 0279 - 42321 - 0131 - 42321 - 0344 - 42321 - 0344 - 42321 - 0439 - 42322 - 0111 - 42322 - 0439 - 42331 - 0289 - 42332 - 0111 - 42332 - 0439 - 42333 - 011l - 42333 - 0283 - 42333 - 0439 - 42335 - 0111 - 42335 - 0274 - 42335 - 0439 - 42338 - Ol ll - 42338 - 0283 - 42338 - 0439 Full Time Permanent Other-Repair &: Maintenance Other-Spec Mafl & Supplies Fringe Senefits Fu11 Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Other-ReplMaint Grds, Str Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Fringe Benefits Other-Repair ffi Maintenance Certified-TemplSeasonal Pazts For Vebicles Other-Eqmt-Pacts-Supplies Fringe Sene£its Full Time Pzrmanent Fringa BaneSts Renta]-Misc. Full Time Permanent Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Fcinge Benefits Full T'vne Permanent Self Ptopelled Veh-Repair Fringe Benefits F�ll Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Fringe Benefits Totals $441,700.00 $6,160.00 $58.00 $128,288.00 $228,745.00 $113,240.00 $IS,637.00 $62,411.00 $405,652.00 $110,718.00 $1,980.00 $0.00 $5,437.00 $0.00 $30,501.00 $143,548.Q0 $39,157.00 $5,999.00 $135,718.00 $37,455.00 $82,929.00 $107,835.00 $23,694.00 $37,109.00 $2,088.00 $10,126.D0 $380,565.00 $66,755.00 $99,981.00 $2,726,516.00 /�'^� �Y) Ci"/2iLi11��B�7�, =,paretl by. Ac6nry Manaqer __� l � ✓ pvested by.DepaMientDheCmr Amendad G�� Bt�qet ($40,000.00) $401,700.00 ($2,DOD.00) $4,160.00 $3,000.00 $3,058.00 ($16,500.00) $117,488.00 ($70,000.00) $ISS,745.00 ($3,000.00) $110,240.00 ($1,000.00) $17,637.00 ($15,900.00) $43,b11.00 $40,000.00 $445,682.00 $10,800.00 $121,S1S.00 $7,OOD.00 $8,980.00 $2Q000.00 $20,000.00 $5,100.00 $10,537.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $5,400.00 $35,901.00 $40,OOO.QO $183,548.�Q $10,800.00 $49,957.00 ($4,000.00) $1,999.D0 ($10,000.00) $125,718.D0 ($2,700.00) $34,755.00 ($15,000.00) $67,929.00 ($30,000.00) $77,835.00 ($4,050.0�) $14,644.00 $10,000.00 $47,1�9.0� $4,000.00 $6,088.00 $2,700.00 $12,526.00 � $15,000.00 $395,565.00 $30,000.00 $96,755.00 $4,050.00 $ 104,0 3 1. 0 0 $0.00 $2,726,516.00 f � ^ r � � � \ � r a By: Mayo /0� �!F ��� Oate rubu� wo�ks Erichson 2b6-6229 SIGNATURE PAGES 10/19/95 GREEN SHEET���� MRIAUDA7E iNl1 DEPARTMFMDIRECTOR �' CITVCOUNCII _ cm nrrow�v � a1v a w�c BUDGETDIRECTOR � FINANCEACWUNTING,. MAYOFi(OR0.SSISTANn i Adt+dyMaragar !1 U2 (qJP ALL lOCA710NS FOR SI(iNpNRE} 0 0���� Adjnst the bndget of the Street Repair and Cleaning in acriviries 42310,42311,42314,42318,42321,42322,42331,42332,42333,42335 and 42338. aECOb+a+aoaraNSAVa�a.a ca «� cm _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE A S7AFF _ DSTRICTCDUNCIL _ _ SUPPOFTS WHICHGQUNGLO6.lECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLElA, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC75 MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persontfirtn ever wo�ked uMer a cantrac[ for this depaRment? YES NO 2. Has 2his personlf+rm ever been a dty employee? YES NO 3. Oces this per�nlfirtn possess a skill not rwrmally possessed by any current ciry empbyee? YES HO Explain all yes ansrrers on separete sfieet and attaoh to grean sheet WHY); This summer caused gmater we�d gowth along the right of ways in the city, therefore requiring more cutfing and pulling. This also caused mote repairs to the equigment used in this activity. The repL�tcement of paper basket covers along ciry streets needed extra personnel and time which incurred additional salary costs. The lack of snow January through March and the mild temperatares with the &eezeJthaw cycles caused more damage, requiri»g more [ime spent repairing damage to streets and bridges such as poiholes, cracks and breakups. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Spending will be adjus[ed far actual spending in pmper activities. DISAOVANTpGES IFAPPROVEO: None RECEIVE� NOU 13 1995 �ITY CLER&� __ iADVANTpGES IF NOT APPROVED: xpendiWres will not be approved and spending will not reflect actual spending where it occurs. LAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ ING SQURCE ;IAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REYENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ( YES ) No ACTIVITYNI1MSEfl 42310,42311,42332,42333 U �