99-1231Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Q��GtNAL RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA r���t�a s Referred To Committee: Date Council File # �-It13� Green Sheet # IOQB �(', �� 1 WFIEREAS, To comply with the Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services method of charging 2 local goveming bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges, the Saint Paul City Council, pursuant to Section 3 77.07 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code, adopted Resolution C.F. 260524 on January 23, 1973 (Chapter 4 A-'7 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC); and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Council - Environmental3ervices has increased the unit charges for the year 2000 from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 per unit; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Council Resolution C.F. 260524, adopted 7anuary 23, 1973, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit charge from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 per unit; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this amending resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: �r�������,,��%� u !� � Director`D� , , Form Approved by City Attorney �'� � B � wv,� ��. Z-�, By: —�.� Approved by By: (sacres.wpd) Adopted by Council: Date fl�_� l`t99 Adopti� Certified by Council Secretary i� wa _►�•a � Public Heariu Date -12/22l99 � - �"''' ' T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 12/02/99 ee Sh Number: 100816 �,��D . � j ��o�,�. ontact Person and Phoue N ��� j aTTO""°'1i7+ �Z��� cr.6ag Roxanna ��. 266-8858 �� ��� Dm. 2 � �g & MGT. SVG DIR �� XOR(ORASSIST 3 OUNCII.RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATfJRE) CTIGN REQUESTED: pprove increase for the Sewer Service Availability Charge (SAC) from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 beginning Jaauary 1, 2000. efer to Green Sheet No. 100815 to set hearing date to ratify SAC Charges. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWING: . Has the personffu�m ever worked under a conh�act for this depar�ent? YF.S NO PLANf1INGCOh1MLSSION A STAFF . Has ttis persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crva saav�cs corm�`ssiox . Does this person/t'um possess a slull not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? cm co�mee E lain all YES aaswers on a s azate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, � TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UN1TY (WLo, What, When, Where, Why?): etter from the Metropolitan Counail - Environmental Services infornti.ng overnmeat agencies of the new SAC Charge from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 for 2000 he full SAC is paid by the builder or properCy owner. Therefora, passing the iacreased charge to thean would not be a change in the City's policy. (Letter from MCES attached.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: e increase in SAC Unit Charges for the new year is not a new procedure and should be expected by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of Saint Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City approxi.mately $45,700.00 if the same number of SAC Charges are made as in 2000. ¢��¢ - � � ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � �'� ���� �����a � �� Increase of $50.00 per Sac Charge to builder or property ovrner. cytf' y o . ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: p � 4 `� � � 3 � ��°' µ ��� �-9 � fi Ea ity absorbs the increase of approxima.tely $45,700.00. �� °� c�����2��c���� OTAL AMOLINT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVF.Ni7E BUDGEI'L� D(CII2CLE ONE) YES NO IN�sou�ecE: Sawer Service Enterprise e�'i'1�ITY�v[�n�Ex: 260-22209-6301 Fund �� ' � _. � , .�,� . ANCIAL INFORMATION: XPLA7N) c��sse�.w�� ��C � �' ��9� FkOht htrES (WED) 12. Oi' 99 15:28/ST. 15:27/N0. 3560910650 P 2 � Metropotitan t;ounc� � OSt-if �aXNOTe 7y7� OareE AaQ Rom Working for the I�egton, P/anning for the Fui �� NX �� U S. .,.--- ° � f�aFe � co. i'k4-S October 11, 1999 TO: ALL G11Y NJANAG£RS SUBJ�C7: SERVICE AVAILABII,ITY CAARGE (SAC) RATE FOR Tf� YEA�t 2000 Z- 4q -1,31 'Ihe Metropo6tau Council - Eavimnmcmal Serviccs (MfFS) lias establishe3 the 2D00 SAC tates. �CCrivc January 1, 2000, the SAC rate wiR be S 1,100 for wmmunities with irtterccptors, and S 1,080 �ot thc communiti�s of Cottage Grove, Haztings and StiliWater who do not have metmpolitan interceptor service. 'iTie 2000 rates retlect an inacase ot S50 and S65, respecavely. ,�`�,��:�DIC 6OFNJ�I�4ACIf�S tv9t1'1 i1ifC[�C�WFS `�� o�� � J��st��s, a� �auwa� ' '�these cpmmrmities do �ot havc iatetceptor sentita) ,; Your communiry wtlocts SAC as uscrs wnnact w the Mecropofitan Disposal System for the fizst time or as a uscr's pmrnaal or peak sewage incmases. Thc SAC funds remitted to MCES pay for the reserve �apadty portion of our dcbt secvicc incurr¢d to czpand and improvc MCES se�++cr fatiliacs. Putential Adiu�ment to SAC Rate During 1994, [hc sta�c Legistature gave tLe Council avtl�nrity to waive SAC c6azges for inclusionary (affardable) bousing. The Council is in the pracess of considering tix scopc, wadicions, and frscal impacts for such waivers. This waiver, if implemented, coutd i��� doe SAC tate during the course of 2000. Nso fioc your info*madon, recommcnded changcs W SAC, gcncrntcd by a I998 SAC Tazk Foiu, introduced in the 19991egislative sessioq will be pursued in the 20001egislavve session £or possible imptemcnlarion in 2001. A dcscription of [tic changc to a"growth rnst" systrm is included in this mailing. Additiona[ modifrcations to either the existing or changed system may aiso be implemented in 2001. Ca� Dorothy Goodwin at (G51) 602-1263 if you would like a derailed desuiption of thc pmposed changca "oder: A11 SAC fees collected by tbe communiry io 2000 are m be remitted to the Council at the 2000 rare iegardless of when the permitting prooess began. The rate to be charged is the rate in effect at t6e time of payment If you tiave any questions about ihe potcntial ehanga, please con�act Sandra Selby at (651) 602-I 118. IF you have quesfSops about spec�c dete:miaations for non-residential pzoperties, pleas� mntau Jodi Edwuds at (651) 602-1 I13. Your coopention is greaUy appreaated Sincerely�� 7ason Witte[c MC�S Ffnance Manager a: Building Xnspecaons Aepertmenc Tcm FsicAcsoq MCFS Snndra Setby, MCES )odi Edwards, MCES Rea�e� Crubman, MCES Eoclosurc ��btETC tS2\DATAWSERS�ELll07ICM�wordlSA(}au2000.da 230 East flStU. Strcct Si. Yaul. MinnesoEa 55 1 0 1-1626 (651) fio2• 106.5 Pan 602-1183 TADJ»Y 229-3160 AnPyiuilOyt Lvulu6:.t�uP� Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Q��GtNAL RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA r���t�a s Referred To Committee: Date Council File # �-It13� Green Sheet # IOQB �(', �� 1 WFIEREAS, To comply with the Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services method of charging 2 local goveming bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges, the Saint Paul City Council, pursuant to Section 3 77.07 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code, adopted Resolution C.F. 260524 on January 23, 1973 (Chapter 4 A-'7 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC); and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Council - Environmental3ervices has increased the unit charges for the year 2000 from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 per unit; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Council Resolution C.F. 260524, adopted 7anuary 23, 1973, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit charge from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 per unit; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this amending resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: �r�������,,��%� u !� � Director`D� , , Form Approved by City Attorney �'� � B � wv,� ��. Z-�, By: —�.� Approved by By: (sacres.wpd) Adopted by Council: Date fl�_� l`t99 Adopti� Certified by Council Secretary i� wa _►�•a � Public Heariu Date -12/22l99 � - �"''' ' T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 12/02/99 ee Sh Number: 100816 �,��D . � j ��o�,�. ontact Person and Phoue N ��� j aTTO""°'1i7+ �Z��� cr.6ag Roxanna ��. 266-8858 �� ��� Dm. 2 � �g & MGT. SVG DIR �� XOR(ORASSIST 3 OUNCII.RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATfJRE) CTIGN REQUESTED: pprove increase for the Sewer Service Availability Charge (SAC) from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 beginning Jaauary 1, 2000. efer to Green Sheet No. 100815 to set hearing date to ratify SAC Charges. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWING: . Has the personffu�m ever worked under a conh�act for this depar�ent? YF.S NO PLANf1INGCOh1MLSSION A STAFF . Has ttis persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crva saav�cs corm�`ssiox . Does this person/t'um possess a slull not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? cm co�mee E lain all YES aaswers on a s azate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, � TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UN1TY (WLo, What, When, Where, Why?): etter from the Metropolitan Counail - Environmental Services infornti.ng overnmeat agencies of the new SAC Charge from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 for 2000 he full SAC is paid by the builder or properCy owner. Therefora, passing the iacreased charge to thean would not be a change in the City's policy. (Letter from MCES attached.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: e increase in SAC Unit Charges for the new year is not a new procedure and should be expected by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of Saint Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City approxi.mately $45,700.00 if the same number of SAC Charges are made as in 2000. ¢��¢ - � � ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � �'� ���� �����a � �� Increase of $50.00 per Sac Charge to builder or property ovrner. cytf' y o . ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: p � 4 `� � � 3 � ��°' µ ��� �-9 � fi Ea ity absorbs the increase of approxima.tely $45,700.00. �� °� c�����2��c���� OTAL AMOLINT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVF.Ni7E BUDGEI'L� D(CII2CLE ONE) YES NO IN�sou�ecE: Sawer Service Enterprise e�'i'1�ITY�v[�n�Ex: 260-22209-6301 Fund �� ' � _. � , .�,� . ANCIAL INFORMATION: XPLA7N) c��sse�.w�� ��C � �' ��9� FkOht htrES (WED) 12. Oi' 99 15:28/ST. 15:27/N0. 3560910650 P 2 � Metropotitan t;ounc� � OSt-if �aXNOTe 7y7� OareE AaQ Rom Working for the I�egton, P/anning for the Fui �� NX �� U S. .,.--- ° � f�aFe � co. i'k4-S October 11, 1999 TO: ALL G11Y NJANAG£RS SUBJ�C7: SERVICE AVAILABII,ITY CAARGE (SAC) RATE FOR Tf� YEA�t 2000 Z- 4q -1,31 'Ihe Metropo6tau Council - Eavimnmcmal Serviccs (MfFS) lias establishe3 the 2D00 SAC tates. �CCrivc January 1, 2000, the SAC rate wiR be S 1,100 for wmmunities with irtterccptors, and S 1,080 �ot thc communiti�s of Cottage Grove, Haztings and StiliWater who do not have metmpolitan interceptor service. 'iTie 2000 rates retlect an inacase ot S50 and S65, respecavely. ,�`�,��:�DIC 6OFNJ�I�4ACIf�S tv9t1'1 i1ifC[�C�WFS `�� o�� � J��st��s, a� �auwa� ' '�these cpmmrmities do �ot havc iatetceptor sentita) ,; Your communiry wtlocts SAC as uscrs wnnact w the Mecropofitan Disposal System for the fizst time or as a uscr's pmrnaal or peak sewage incmases. Thc SAC funds remitted to MCES pay for the reserve �apadty portion of our dcbt secvicc incurr¢d to czpand and improvc MCES se�++cr fatiliacs. Putential Adiu�ment to SAC Rate During 1994, [hc sta�c Legistature gave tLe Council avtl�nrity to waive SAC c6azges for inclusionary (affardable) bousing. The Council is in the pracess of considering tix scopc, wadicions, and frscal impacts for such waivers. This waiver, if implemented, coutd i��� doe SAC tate during the course of 2000. Nso fioc your info*madon, recommcnded changcs W SAC, gcncrntcd by a I998 SAC Tazk Foiu, introduced in the 19991egislative sessioq will be pursued in the 20001egislavve session £or possible imptemcnlarion in 2001. A dcscription of [tic changc to a"growth rnst" systrm is included in this mailing. Additiona[ modifrcations to either the existing or changed system may aiso be implemented in 2001. Ca� Dorothy Goodwin at (G51) 602-1263 if you would like a derailed desuiption of thc pmposed changca "oder: A11 SAC fees collected by tbe communiry io 2000 are m be remitted to the Council at the 2000 rare iegardless of when the permitting prooess began. The rate to be charged is the rate in effect at t6e time of payment If you tiave any questions about ihe potcntial ehanga, please con�act Sandra Selby at (651) 602-I 118. IF you have quesfSops about spec�c dete:miaations for non-residential pzoperties, pleas� mntau Jodi Edwuds at (651) 602-1 I13. Your coopention is greaUy appreaated Sincerely�� 7ason Witte[c MC�S Ffnance Manager a: Building Xnspecaons Aepertmenc Tcm FsicAcsoq MCFS Snndra Setby, MCES )odi Edwards, MCES Rea�e� Crubman, MCES Eoclosurc ��btETC tS2\DATAWSERS�ELll07ICM�wordlSA(}au2000.da 230 East flStU. Strcct Si. Yaul. MinnesoEa 55 1 0 1-1626 (651) fio2• 106.5 Pan 602-1183 TADJ»Y 229-3160 AnPyiuilOyt Lvulu6:.t�uP� Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Q��GtNAL RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA r���t�a s Referred To Committee: Date Council File # �-It13� Green Sheet # IOQB �(', �� 1 WFIEREAS, To comply with the Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services method of charging 2 local goveming bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges, the Saint Paul City Council, pursuant to Section 3 77.07 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code, adopted Resolution C.F. 260524 on January 23, 1973 (Chapter 4 A-'7 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC); and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Council - Environmental3ervices has increased the unit charges for the year 2000 from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 per unit; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Council Resolution C.F. 260524, adopted 7anuary 23, 1973, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit charge from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 per unit; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this amending resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: �r�������,,��%� u !� � Director`D� , , Form Approved by City Attorney �'� � B � wv,� ��. Z-�, By: —�.� Approved by By: (sacres.wpd) Adopted by Council: Date fl�_� l`t99 Adopti� Certified by Council Secretary i� wa _►�•a � Public Heariu Date -12/22l99 � - �"''' ' T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 12/02/99 ee Sh Number: 100816 �,��D . � j ��o�,�. ontact Person and Phoue N ��� j aTTO""°'1i7+ �Z��� cr.6ag Roxanna ��. 266-8858 �� ��� Dm. 2 � �g & MGT. SVG DIR �� XOR(ORASSIST 3 OUNCII.RFCFARCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATfJRE) CTIGN REQUESTED: pprove increase for the Sewer Service Availability Charge (SAC) from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 beginning Jaauary 1, 2000. efer to Green Sheet No. 100815 to set hearing date to ratify SAC Charges. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWING: . Has the personffu�m ever worked under a conh�act for this depar�ent? YF.S NO PLANf1INGCOh1MLSSION A STAFF . Has ttis persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crva saav�cs corm�`ssiox . Does this person/t'um possess a slull not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? cm co�mee E lain all YES aaswers on a s azate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, � TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UN1TY (WLo, What, When, Where, Why?): etter from the Metropolitan Counail - Environmental Services infornti.ng overnmeat agencies of the new SAC Charge from $1,050.00 to $1,100.00 for 2000 he full SAC is paid by the builder or properCy owner. Therefora, passing the iacreased charge to thean would not be a change in the City's policy. (Letter from MCES attached.) DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: e increase in SAC Unit Charges for the new year is not a new procedure and should be expected by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of Saint Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City approxi.mately $45,700.00 if the same number of SAC Charges are made as in 2000. ¢��¢ - � � ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � �'� ���� �����a � �� Increase of $50.00 per Sac Charge to builder or property ovrner. cytf' y o . ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: p � 4 `� � � 3 � ��°' µ ��� �-9 � fi Ea ity absorbs the increase of approxima.tely $45,700.00. �� °� c�����2��c���� OTAL AMOLINT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVF.Ni7E BUDGEI'L� D(CII2CLE ONE) YES NO IN�sou�ecE: Sawer Service Enterprise e�'i'1�ITY�v[�n�Ex: 260-22209-6301 Fund �� ' � _. � , .�,� . ANCIAL INFORMATION: XPLA7N) c��sse�.w�� ��C � �' ��9� FkOht htrES (WED) 12. Oi' 99 15:28/ST. 15:27/N0. 3560910650 P 2 � Metropotitan t;ounc� � OSt-if �aXNOTe 7y7� OareE AaQ Rom Working for the I�egton, P/anning for the Fui �� NX �� U S. .,.--- ° � f�aFe � co. i'k4-S October 11, 1999 TO: ALL G11Y NJANAG£RS SUBJ�C7: SERVICE AVAILABII,ITY CAARGE (SAC) RATE FOR Tf� YEA�t 2000 Z- 4q -1,31 'Ihe Metropo6tau Council - Eavimnmcmal Serviccs (MfFS) lias establishe3 the 2D00 SAC tates. �CCrivc January 1, 2000, the SAC rate wiR be S 1,100 for wmmunities with irtterccptors, and S 1,080 �ot thc communiti�s of Cottage Grove, Haztings and StiliWater who do not have metmpolitan interceptor service. 'iTie 2000 rates retlect an inacase ot S50 and S65, respecavely. ,�`�,��:�DIC 6OFNJ�I�4ACIf�S tv9t1'1 i1ifC[�C�WFS `�� o�� � J��st��s, a� �auwa� ' '�these cpmmrmities do �ot havc iatetceptor sentita) ,; Your communiry wtlocts SAC as uscrs wnnact w the Mecropofitan Disposal System for the fizst time or as a uscr's pmrnaal or peak sewage incmases. Thc SAC funds remitted to MCES pay for the reserve �apadty portion of our dcbt secvicc incurr¢d to czpand and improvc MCES se�++cr fatiliacs. Putential Adiu�ment to SAC Rate During 1994, [hc sta�c Legistature gave tLe Council avtl�nrity to waive SAC c6azges for inclusionary (affardable) bousing. The Council is in the pracess of considering tix scopc, wadicions, and frscal impacts for such waivers. This waiver, if implemented, coutd i��� doe SAC tate during the course of 2000. Nso fioc your info*madon, recommcnded changcs W SAC, gcncrntcd by a I998 SAC Tazk Foiu, introduced in the 19991egislative sessioq will be pursued in the 20001egislavve session £or possible imptemcnlarion in 2001. A dcscription of [tic changc to a"growth rnst" systrm is included in this mailing. Additiona[ modifrcations to either the existing or changed system may aiso be implemented in 2001. Ca� Dorothy Goodwin at (G51) 602-1263 if you would like a derailed desuiption of thc pmposed changca "oder: A11 SAC fees collected by tbe communiry io 2000 are m be remitted to the Council at the 2000 rare iegardless of when the permitting prooess began. The rate to be charged is the rate in effect at t6e time of payment If you tiave any questions about ihe potcntial ehanga, please con�act Sandra Selby at (651) 602-I 118. IF you have quesfSops about spec�c dete:miaations for non-residential pzoperties, pleas� mntau Jodi Edwuds at (651) 602-1 I13. Your coopention is greaUy appreaated Sincerely�� 7ason Witte[c MC�S Ffnance Manager a: Building Xnspecaons Aepertmenc Tcm FsicAcsoq MCFS Snndra Setby, MCES )odi Edwards, MCES Rea�e� Crubman, MCES Eoclosurc ��btETC tS2\DATAWSERS�ELll07ICM�wordlSA(}au2000.da 230 East flStU. Strcct Si. Yaul. MinnesoEa 55 1 0 1-1626 (651) fio2• 106.5 Pan 602-1183 TADJ»Y 229-3160 AnPyiuilOyt Lvulu6:.t�uP�