88-71 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Counci! CANqRV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. '�� . C uncil Resolution ` �' Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul pursuant to SeQtion 38.07 of the Administrative Code and pursuant to the provisions of Laws of Minnesota for 1975, Chapter 261 , and pursuant to the provisions of applieable City Labor contraets that in respeet to each item of severanQe pay provided to be paid by said provisions on aocount of separation from employment with the City whieh oecurred in the years 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987 save any sueh separation whieh may have oeeurred in any of the said years by reason oF death of any el igibl e empl oyee, the same may be paid either in full or paid upon a deferred annual installment payment plan, and that the determination of the manner of payment of such severance pay shall be at the election of the separated employee; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that should the separated employee eleet to receive the severanee pay by deferred payment, sueh deferred payments shall be made annually in the amount of one-fifth of the total amount of severance pay granted under the provisions of SeQtion 38 . 07 of the Administrative Code ; and, FINALLY RESOLVED, that sueh payments be made on or after February 20, 1988, or as soon thereafter as it may be eonvenient for the proper City officials to make sueh payments thereon, and in the case of the deferred payment method the suaoessive annual installments not in exeess of one-fifth of the total amount of severance pay granted shall beeome due and payable on or after the 20th daq of February in eaeh sueoeeding year to the extent, and only to the extent, that it ahall be neoessary to effeot the payment of the total severanee pay amounts in eaeh particular oase without intereat. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas �G- Nays ���5�,�� Finance and Management S vice Rettman �n Fevo[ Scheibel � Sonnen � Against BY -�.iw�e�M�LOM(� Wilson �qN � g 1988 Form Approve C" Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e ouncil Se ary BY By� � Approved vor: Date _ �95� Approve y Ma or ission to Council • BY - — PUBUSHED ��,�y � � 198$ F nance �i�d Mana ement Servi � p�pAp�fp�N�' C�--O ' �� N.� _ O8Oa7�r Robert ,_�T. v$nyo CONTACT � � � . 292-6753 PHONE ` 1/7/88 _ DATE . �. . ' � �� , �SSIGN NIIFBER F4R RO.UTING ORDER (Cl�p All Locations for Sianature):: 1 Department` Director 3 Director `of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � 4 City Cler.k � Budget .Dir,ector , . 2 City Attor.ney _ yHAT WILL B� ACHIEVED ,BY TAKING ACTION UN THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Put^pose/ � Rationale) • This allows those employees resigning in 1987 who qualify for severance pay� the option of receiving the severance pay due in full, or in five equal ,installments ' payable on or �after February 20, 1988 and on or after February 20th of each year following until total severance has been paid. A similar. Resolution is done each year. This election .is to be evidenced by. re�o�ution of ti�e Council not. latex than January 20th of each year, as specified in Chapter 38.07 of City Administrative Code. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: . The severance pay due has been provided for in the 1988 budget. Gost is $263;,347, in Fund 717, Spec.Funr�. ,a.ccount { #50065 Gen. Govt. Acts. � � �'INANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- . Total Amou�t of `Transaction: quired if under Funding Source: . : 7,17-50065 Severance Pay �10,OOQ) Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTSI(List and Number All Attachments) : . DEPARTMENT REVIEW �CITY �ATTORNEY REVIEW _ Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Re�solution Required? Yes No �Yes x No Insurance Required? �Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: N/A � ' � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR IMS�TRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 -