88-61 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� � /� Council Resolution Presented By � .� /(� ��f ��/Z��� � �. .� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution changing the rate of pay for Computer Operations Assistant--Library in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Computer Operations Assistant--Library be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 16, Section ID1, to Grade 21, Section ID1, of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appealing incumbent in the aforementioned position shall be eligible for retroactive pay in accordance with the negotiated comparable worth agreement from March 31, 1985, to September 2, 1986, when the incumbent left this title; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Dimond Nays Requested by Department of: Goswitz �p P EL C Long In Favor Rettman d Scheibel - __ Against � W11SOri JaN 1 � ��pp Form pr ed by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ OD Certified Pass d o nc.il Se reta BY By Approved : ayor. Date ��� G i9�8 Approv d Mayor for Subm' 'o to �ouncil � Br — B PUBIISHED J A N � 3 1988 Perst�nel � ` �p�PARTM�NT � ���/ �O _Q$��� ., .�03LC�l�.tl�x'tTrC.��. , � CONTACT �� ,/ 298-422� . . Pt�ONE � !/ �11-16-87 ��`�/ . � � DAT� � ASSIGN HUMBfR FOR ROUTING ORDER (Cli� A11 Locat9a�s for,,,,�,ignature)z .,1 Depar�tnient Oirector 4 Ofrector af Mana�ne�t/Mayor : � � F9nance and Managemen rw4ces Oirector � 5 Ci�Cy Clerk 2�e�._Di�tar Q'� • 3 City Attorney _ � WMAT WIt,I BE ACH EVE� BY '�AKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED TERIAlS? (P�rp�se/ : ��,�7V��tionale) : Ca�wter Operattcans Asststant--Libra�ry fdOV � 01987 See attac[�ed. `�� MAYOr?'S OFFICE �� `,�'`� \�' , ! _ C�OST/BE�IEFIT, SUDG�TARY ,�IN�PERSaN, NE{.IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �CEfVEp �e atta�ched. ' NOV 2 p 198i BU�QEfi Uf�'ICE f�NAPiCIN6 SpURCE AidD BUDGET ACTIVI�'Y N.UMBER CNARGE� OR CREDITE�: (l�ryor's sigt�a� • ture not re- Total Amount of "Transaction: , quir� �i`f ur►der � =lO,Otb) Fundfng Source: , Activfty Number: . I�TTACHI�NfiS. (Li st at�,.Muraber Al l �ttacF�bents): RECEIVE� . 1. ttesolutton. � N0� 2 31987 2• �r for ��tt� G�e,r� RECElV�D 3. Attmci�ent a�s nti'ted a�tioYe BUDGET �� � , � NOV N� t987 '�� ;� � � �IT�' ATTC��NEY . � �PART�IEIYt' REVIEW CITY AT7,�,NEY`itEVIErI �,(,,.,Yes No Oouncil Aesolution Requir�d? � Resolution Re�tr�re�d? ,; Yes 1�0 _ Yes X � Insurance Required? insurance Su�ffi�ient? �fe�► t�a Yes X t� Insurance Attached: � ..._._ (SEE •RE�IERSE SI'DE �OR INSTRUCTIOMS) Rlvised 12/84 . , . . . � � �r��/ � Computer Operations Assistant--Library WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? In response to a timely comparable worth appeal by the incumbent, a study was conducted. It was found that the position and class should be upgraded as recommended by Hallcrest-Craver and Associates. Backpay should be awarded per the AFSCME contract for this incumbent. Current incumbents are not eligible for backpay due to their starting date in this title. This resolution implements the upgrading of this class. COST/BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The cost for an entire year for the two current incumbents will total approximately $3923. This upgrading is not anticipated to impact the salary rate for any other titles. Backpay will total approximately $3735 for Ms. Schmidt. . . � � . � C���/ ; .� � DESK AUDIT REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: Computer Operator INCUMBENT: Joan Schmidt PRESENT CLASSIFICATION: Computer Operations Assistant -- Library DEPARTMENT AND DIVISION: Community Services - Libraries DATE OF REQUEST: Comparable Worth Appeal - 9/3/86 REQUISITION TYPE: Other - Comparable Worth Appeal Supervisor's Comments: correctly graded BACKGROUND: This study was done in response to a timely comparable worth appeal dated September 3, 1986. The appeal indicated confusion on the part of the incumbent regarding the comparable worth evaluation for her title. In addition, she had been promoted to a Data Entry III position on September 2, 1986. Consequently, this study was based on information written about the ,job during the time of the comparable worth study. JAQ COMPARISONS: Although this position compared well with several JAQs for Computer Operator positions, the sudited position is clearly an assistant position to the Computer Operator -- Library position when JAQs for the two positions are compared. Comparison between the Computer Operations Assistant -- Library and Computer Operator -- ,_Library showed several distinctions. ,.For_example�__the Assistant_._ ._ . position contributes to the function served by Computer Operator -- Library and Computer Operations Assistant -- Library. The Computer Operator position, however, ensures the proper operation of that system. The Computer Operator position also has greater operation responsibilities, while the Assistant position performs many tasks which lead to the Operator's tasks (maintaining files, collecting monthly statistics, and service as back-up operator) . The Computer Operator position determines priorities and schedules workflow and is on call nights and weekends for problems. CLASS SPECIFICATION COMPARISONS: Class specs for the current and requested titles support the "assistant" role of the audited position. However, for future consideration, this specification was closely related to the Computer Operator specification. The class specification for Computer Operator is clearly differentiated by terms such as "skilled" clerical work, "determines" priority, "confers" with units concerning special needs. The Assistant spec, while listing several identical duties from the Operator spec, includes the term "assists" and lists fewer total duties. QES EVALUATION: Total points are 1405 — Clerical Grade 21 . � . � . � ���� w � 7 ! Joan Schmidt Desk Audit Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: The Computer Operator title was recommended by Hallcrest-Craver to be placed at Clerical Grade 21. Currently, it is at Grade 26. The Hallcrest-Craver study indicated both Computer Operator -- Library and Computer Operations Assistant titles be combined under the more general heading of Computer Operator at Grade 21. Based on the aforementioned comparisans, it is the determination of this office that Computer Operator -Library and Computer Operations Assistant -- Library are not equal. The evaluation of Computer Operator -- Library yielded a recommended grade of 26. The position of Computer Operations Assistant -- Library as studied based on the 1984 JAQ of the appealing incumbent was found to be at Clerical Grade 21. Of the Computer Operator JAQs used for comparison, most compared well with Computer Operations Assistant -Library but more than one compared more closely with Computer Operator -- Library. This suggests a possible need for creating a Computer Operator I and II series. In addition, the title Computer Operator -- Library appears unnecessary, given the more generic and available title of Computer Operator. Therefore, it should be starred, resulting in future incumbents being titled Computer Operator. Due to the current CIS consultant-directed study, it is impractical to study the entire Computer Operator class at this time. Consequently, it is recommended that: 1) Computer Operations Assistant -- Library be upgraded as a class to Clerical Grade 21, 2) Computer Operator -- Library be starred (abolished except as to present incumbents) , 3) the position held by Mary Pranke be reclassified to Computer Operator at Grade 26, and 4) further studies of these positions as they exist today should be done as part of the comprehensive EDP title study scheduled for Spring/Summer 1988. � Backpay should be awarded to Joan Schmidt per the AFSCME contract for the Computer Operations Assistant -- Library title. Payment will be for the difference between Clerical Grade 16 and Clerical Grade 21 for the period March 31, 1985 to September 2, 1986. Backpay is not an issue for the Computer Operator -- Library position due to the fact that Computer Operator -- Library is currently at Clerical Grade 22 and the comparable worth study recommended a downgrade to Clerical Grade 21. . �� � � . � C���-��/ � � � Joan Schmidt Desk Audit Page 3 The Computer Operator -- Library class is a single-incumbent title; however, the Computer Operations Assistant -- Library title is currently held by two incumbents. Consequently, an upgrade in the latter title will impact on the budget through these two positions. �'�.-- :; � " Auditor's Signature � � Approval of Director of Personn Date �_ , , : . � � . . - ���-� ,' ,�''• '":s ��f CITY OF 5111NT PAUL v INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: October 29� 1987 T0: Kathy Stack� Director Community Services FROM: Laura Gilbert L���• Personnel Office SUBJECT: Classification Study Results We have completed our study of the comparable worth appeal of the Computer Operations Assistant -- Library po�ition held by Joan Schmidt. Comparisons were made with other positions and the position was evaluated using the Quantitative Evaluation System. �Based upon that information, we have determined that the class should be upgraded as recommended by the Hallcrest-Craver changes from Clerical Grade 16 to Clerical Grade 21 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Current incumbents are not eligible for backpay. Ms. Schmidt is eligible for backpay from March 31, 1985 to to September 2� 1986 when she left this title. In addition, further study should be conducted on the positions in this class as part of the upcoming study of all computer titles. A 20 day notice announcing this decision.will be sent to you and the Union representative for approval. Following approval. a resolution will be processed to implement this upgrading. If you have any questions regarding this matter� please contact the Classification Division at 298-4221. � LG:dr � cc: Carole Williams Jerry Steenberg � , . �/ ., � � . � � s R�C ��� � �� _ ; AGENDA ITEMS ��_=p�� 4 ��7► '� - --------- �; NCICMFMBFR ID#: 87-(525 ] DATE REC: (12/02/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ � N�K/Sp�y�yFN /� SUBJECT: [RATE OF PAY CHANGE - COMPUTER OPERATIONS ASST.--LIBRARY ti � �r C.R. STAFF: [�h/�, l� �� ] S I G:[SONNEN ] OUT-[ ] CLERK [�96�TQ0] /L /,�j ORIGINATOR:[PERSONNEL ] CONTACT:[LAURA GILBERT - 4221 ] ACTION:[ ] [ ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/EXPLANATION SHEET ] C ] C ]