88-41 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council G C4NARV �DEPARTMENT File NO. u �- �/ - BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution , � `� �� � � � � �J Presente� iy �"— `'� � 'Z'�1��-,� ��l /i� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS the Commissioneer af Transpa�tation for the State af Minnesota has prepared: plans, �ecial provisiais, and specifications for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 115, 3� and 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway No 5, 35E and 94, within the ca-porate limits of the City of Saint Paul, iram the 300 feet saatfi o# Grand Avenue ta 15t)feet na�th of 10th Street; and seeks t�e approvai thereof; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOtVED tfiat said pfans and spec�al provi�ons for the improvement of said Trunk Hi�way within said corporate limits of the City, be and hereby are approved including the elevations and gades as shown and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by said construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City dces hereby agree to requrre the parking of all vehicles, if s�ach parking is premitted within the corporate limits of said City, on said Trunk Highway, to be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highway, and at least 2U feet from any aasswalks on all public sU�eets intersecting said Trunk Highway. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �° Nays #licasia �rc7�ic�t t�L � — — Rettman Ifl F2vOC Scheibel �0 . so�r,e� � __ Against BY "'� -tw�eeso 2�iM v.�+o Wilson Adopted by Council: Date •�N � � 1�8 Form Approve City Attorn Certified Pa�cjqJ���`'' 'il et BY By' �� Approve y 1�lavor: Da _ � �AN i 3 19vU �1PPro by Mayor for Sub s on � il B B PUQLiSNED J a rd � 3 19�8 � �� � , ���-�`�� � ��� � There will be a considerable amount of work in the area near United Hospital, past the Civic Center, including the construction of Kellogg and 5th/6th Street connectors and beyond that area near St. Joseph Hospital. MnDOT expects to take bids from contractors for this project on January 22nd at which time the Council Resolution approving the plans must be in their hands. Scheduling of this project is very critical because if there are any delays in beginning the work on this project, Kellogg Boulevard may not be open before next winter, which would cause difficulty in traffic coming to and from downtown, including the Civic Center . Public Work's staff and PED staff have worked closely with MnDOT on this project and we have included a number of facilities that will be constructed under this contract such as realignment of 6th Street between the present 7th Place and Fort Road. The new alignment will straighten out 6th Street and go through present Saint Paul Company's parking lot. There will also be special emphasis placed on the intersection of Fort Road with 5th/6th Street intersection which will include planters and provide a proper gateway into the City. There will also be walkways constructed and special lighting provided at points along this route. The cost participation by the City on this project is about $1 .3 million financed from CIB and MSA. �� � .�,� � ��,� �� �- .�� � �� ����°- . �.� � , ��- ��� � � ���� f'/�l/I�D°� °��``.� - • � � ���� -------------------------------- AbEh[�A ITEM'3 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ID#: 87-[599 ] DATE REC: [12/29/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ � SUBJECT: [APPROVE MDOT PLANS FOR I-35E<.GRAND-IOTH) & VARIOUS I-94 CONNECTIONS] C.R. STAFF: [ ] S I G:[SONNEN ] OUT-[ ] CLERK--EBt�ff�6f6�-- ����/ ORIGINATOR:[PUBLIC WORKS ] CONTACT:[DUNFORD - 292-6750 ] ACTION:[ ] L ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED [12/29/87] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION ] C ] � ] WHI7E - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. �� � BLUE - MAYOR � � t Co cil Resolution '1 t �/ Presented By �' �� d / Referted To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul , by Ordinance No. 17420, C .F. 86-1585 , adopted December 23, 1986 , prohibited the issuance of any building permit for the establishment or enlargement of any adult use , including special condition use permits or building permits , for a period of not to exceed one year from the date of the adoption of the said ordinance, pending the completion of studies and possible adoption of amendments to the City' s Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Regu- lations ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has completed its study and submitted its recommendations to the City Council , which includes amendments to the City' s Zoning Regulations ; and WHEREAS, the Council will be conducting public hearings on the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission in the near future, but it is doubtful that the hearings will be completed within the original term of one year as provided in the above-referenced interim ordinance ; and WHEREAS , Minnesota Statutes , section 462. 355, subd. 4, pertaining to the enactment of interim ordinances , permits the extension of the original interim term for an additional period or periods not to exceed 18 additional months ; and WHEREAS , Ordinance No. 17420, provides that this Council may extend the restrictions on the issuance of permits by reso- lution when the deliberations of the City Council should require such an extension; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , that the restrictions on the issuance of permits for the establishment or enlargement of adult uses , as defined in the Zoning Code , as established by Ordinance No. 17420, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor Against BY Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved y City Attorne Gertified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by {Vlavor: Uate Approved ayor for Submission to Council BY BY