88-39 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �p �9 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � / , Council Resolution �� , r�� PED - Pl anni ng I - • {-t� Presented By _ � ��"� � � _ Referred To .Committee: .. Date Out of Committee By Date � NHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received $115,000 under the Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) for reallocation to qualified providers of assistance to the homeless; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has also notified the City of Saint Paul that the city may apply for up to $43,004 of funds from the state's ESGP allocation on behalf of qualified providers; and YHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to assist providers of assistance to the homeless to make use of these funds in a way that meets federal and state regulations as well as locally identified priorities; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul establishes the process described in Exhibit One as the process for reallocating Emergency Shelter Grant Program funds. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �i1nOTTd Nays Goswi�z � Plannin and Economic Dev o ment Long [n Favor Rett�n�r► � ScheiD�el Against BY Sonnen WilsOn �AN � 2 ��8 Form Approved by City At orne Adopted by Council: Date � ✓ Certified Pas e b C u il Sec t ry� By gy. Appro by Mavor: �e � JAN 1 � �$8 Approv by Mayor for Submi i n t auncil B BY PUBtISNED J A N � 3 1988 . � � � � ���—�q � � � .N° 011488r PED - Planning ��ppa, - Patri ci a ames corrr��� 9 Paorn � . Decem er . DATE ; -���, ASSIGN 01 ' NG R: (�ee reverse side.) Departmant Director I 4 Ma r (or Assistant) _ Finaace and Management rvice�IDirector 5 itq Glerk Budget Director _ Peq4v Reichert City Attorney , _ ��t r�- TOTAL NUNBEIt OF SIGNATURE PAG�S: �_ (Clip all locations for signature.) �jGS"• � v„�. i,�,�.� . j�i T WILL BE ACHI'EVED BY TAKING ACT�ON ON THE ATTAGHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/R�ati� le)�W��"'� , Establishes a process and eriteria �or reallocating the Emergency Sh�lter Grant Funds received from Department of Housingl and Urban Develo�nne.nt'. A1so enab���€� to apply �'� for funds under the s�e Emergency �helter Grant Program. s-�e. � d�� D�� �L ' i�87 �'2'� �9���r�Y �'� OFfiCE COSTJBEDTEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONt11EL IMPACTS AAITICIPATED: , Saint Paul may receive up to $43,00� in State Pass-Through Funds for providers of assistance to the homeless. Specifhc recipients and projects must be chosen prior to the application. � N S C B G C VI G D (l�iayor's signature not raquired if der $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: Activity Number: j Funding Source: ', ATTAGH1�iENTS: (List and nwnber all ttachments.) 1. Transmittal letter from Mayor t� City Council (signature required). 2. Resolutian approving�allocation, process. 3. pescription of aliocation proce�s and prtiorities. , ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ', ' � _Yes X No Rules, Regulationsl, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes. are they ojr timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council resolution r�squired? Resolution required? �Ye;s _No _Yes X No Insurance required? � Insu�sace sufficient? �,�fes _No. _Yes X No Insurance attached? 'i i HOW TO U�E THE GREEN SHEET - � , . ., ,., ....:,w • The GREEN SHEET has three PURPOSES: . l. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures; 2. to brief the revieMers of documents on the impacts of appronal; 3. to help ansura that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, � attached. . Providing complete information under the listed headings anables �aviewers to make .. decisions on the documents and eliminates follo�-up contacts that may delay execution. Belo�r is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frgquent tyges of do+cwnents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget eaists) 1. Outsida Agency 4. Iiayor 2.. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director _ 3: Citq Attorney 6. Finance Accounting '• Din�,e:.` If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, '� �' i£ the department director signs. A contract must alMays be signed by'the outside agency , before routing through City offices. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget R�evision) AAMINISTRATIVE� ORDER (all others) .1. Activity 1�lanagar ° . 1., Initiating De�partment 2. Department Account�nt 2. City Attorney+ 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Financ�e and Management Services COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) COUNCIL RESOLIITION (all others) 1. Department t5irector 1. Depa�tment Director 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council b. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant. Fiaance and Management Services The COST/BENEFIT. BUDG�ARY, AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the costJbenefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to uaers, homeowners, or other groups af€ected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRA�VE PROCEIIURES section must be completed �o indicate whether`additional administrative procedures, including rules. �egulations, or re�ource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution. If yes� the procedures or g timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In tha ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is v�ell done, na letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions). � � Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be ona of,the att$chments at time of routing. ote: Actions Nhich require City Council resolutions include contractual relationshfps � aith other governmental units; collectfve bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of l�nd; issuance of bonds by City; eniinent domain; asswaption of liability �by City, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreements with state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. � � ���-���� . �t==�. GITY OF SAINT PAUL e~ o �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR '' �ii ii� : . ♦� ^o .... 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR December 18, 1987 Council President Kiki Sonnen Members of the City Council 7th floor, City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear President Sonnen and City Council Members: As you know, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act made available funds for a number of programs to assist the homeless. The responsibility for coordinating city activities under this act was assigned to the Planning Division of the Department of Planning and Economic Development. I am transmitting with this letter a proposal for reallocating funds received by the City of Saint Paul under one of the programs, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Emergency Shelter Grant Program. As you recall, the city applied for these funds in October of this year with the understanding that they would be distributed to qualified providers of assistance to the homeless. We have been awarded $115,000 under this prograrn. Since that time, the city has also been notified that we are eligible to apply for an additional $43,004 from the State of Minnesota under their allocation of Emergency Shelter Grant funds. To qualify for these funds, the city must submit an application to the state by January 18, 1987. The application must specify which providers will be awarded the funds, how the funds will be spent, as well as describing the process by which we chose the providers. Because time is so short, the Planning Division has identified a selection process intended to provide a broad range of input. If adopted by the City Council, it will provide a simple and quick means of redistributing both state and federal funds. It uses a review committee made up of interested and knowledgeable groups, including a representative from the City Council. The priorities identified as guides for choosing among projects are based on the reports of the United Way's Human Development Action Coalition (HuDAC) and the Overnight Shelter Board. The priorities also take into account the nature of the grant program. Since there is no assurance that this program will continue to be funded, the selection process emphasizes projects that can be completed with one grant award over those that would require continued funding. S•flR•66 . � � ����9 Kiki Sonnen and City Council Members page 2 I have reviewed the suggested allocation process and support it. I hope that you will also approve this means of reallocating the grant funds, and that approval of this process and the resulting recommendations can be expedited. If you have any questions, please contact Patricia James of the Planning Division at 228-3393. Yours truly, � eo e Latimer Ma cc: Patricia James . ' Exhi bi t One N �� °�� PROCESS FOR REALLOCATING EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS Proposal to Mayor and City Council December 16, 1987 Congress has appropriated funds under the Emergency Shelter Gran� Program, which is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) . The City has received funds directly from HUD and is eligible to receive additional funding from the State of Minnesota as the city's share of the state's allocation from HUD. Both the federal and state governments are encouraging a competitive process to put these funds in the hands of those who provide assistance to the homeless. The following allocation process is intended to meet this request. The priorities identified are based on discussions with the United Way, and Ramsey County as well as a review of recent reports on the needs of the homeless and the requirements and limitations of the Emergency Shelter Grant Program. It also seeks to provide a broad range of comununity input in the selection of proposals to fund. Allocation Process Objectives 1. The review should be completed in time to enable the city to meet the state's deadline for applications (January 18, 1988) . 2. The process should be easily understood. 3. Criteria for selection should be approved beforehand by the City Council. 4. Reviewers should be knowledgeable about areas of need and requirements of the Emergency Shelter Grant program. Outline of the Allocation Process 1. Requests for proposals (RFP's) mailed to service providers. 2. Identify review teams; Planning Division, PED, Coordinator Staff Review Team Community Review Team Community Development Division Mayor's Office Representative Housing Division Overnight Shelter Board Representative United Way Representative Ramsey County Representative Congressman Vento's Representative City Council Representative 3. Process approved by Mayor, City Council 4. Application deadline for city process, December 30, 1987 5. Proposals reviewed by staff for completeness; sent to community reviewers 6. Meeting of Community Review Team January 12 to make recommendations. 7. Present recommendations to Mayor and City Council for review and approval 1 � . . . �c��'��9 The State of Minnesota has established January 18, 1988 as their deadline for applying for state pass through funds. Broad and thorough representation on the review team should lead to consensus on the best proposals to recommend for funding and enable the Mayoral and Council review and approval to proceed quickly. Proposal Reviea Criteria Objectives 1. � Comply with federal and state regulations 2. Accommodate priorities in HuDAC, OSB reports 3. Provide initial sorting mechanism for proposals Criteria 1. Meets basic eligibility criteria of HUD Emergency Shelter Grant Program 2. Meets priorities for providers, target population (see below) 3. Meets priorities for eligible activities (see below) 4. Pro�ect will be completed with this funding or source of continued funding is identified and probability of funding established 5. Documented need for new facility or service; does not duplicate existing underutilized service 6. Experience serving homeless or poor 7. Experience administering contracts 8. Organizational strength and soundness of budget Priorities for Funding 1. Types of Assistance a. Transitional housing b. Overnight shelters ($43,004 minimum grant award under State rules) c. Essential service providers ($17,250 maximum award under HUD rules) 2. Target Population a. Women with children b. Children 3. Eligible Activities (in priority order) . + � a. Rehabilitation or renovation of an existing shelter ��nc.'���h+� U c.c�5 5,},;�:'�'� i. Code compliance, safety, energy, handicapped accessibility � ii. Other renovation for greater efficiency b. Conversion of building for priority target population (demonstrate need for additional beds) c. Operating and maintenance expenses for purchase of durable goods/furnishings d. New, higher level of essential service e. Other proposals (e.g. conversion for other than target population; renovation for aesthetics only; rent, utilities, etc. ) 2 � ✓� y� �����` � ��� ,'ti ctT* o�� � / ,�� ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL �° ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �a uiiiuu , �r� {�t� 11 t Q DIVISION OF PLANNING o � 25 Wesl Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,••• 612•22&3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � � S�. � g ; R��",���,: � �- pFC � 9 � MEMORANDUM �� �U�YCI��198�► �O DATE: December 18, 1987 �/s�N/�I�eFR / , ; ti r, T0: Interested Parties -- N FROM: Patricia James ` City Planner ��� RE: Priorities and Process for Allocation of Emergency Shelter Grant Funds A short time ago you were mailed a notice that the City of Saint Paul had received funds under the federal Emergency Shelter Grant Program. You were invited to submit applications to the city by December 30, 1987. To help you with your applications, I am enclosing a draft procedure and list of priorities. This process has not yet been approved by the Mayor and City Council, but we do not anticipate major changes to the draft. The priorities are intended to be guidelines for the review teams rather than hard and fast rules. I hope you find them helpful as you develop your applications. If you have any questions, please call me at 228-3393. ' • • ,Oc,��w��/��c�U'Z� � ~.`GlT! O� '. J ����`�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; �;����, ; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT '► __� �� �o' r-- � DIVISION OF PLANNING • �„� � 25 Wat Fourth Street,Saint Paul.Minnesota 55102 612-22&3270 GEORGE LATIMER � ��' L g MAYOR s R�C e���i � -' D-E C 81987� December 1, 1987 ��; COUNCILMEMBER /� j;� KIKI SONNEN �i. ��c�' � � � RE: NOTICE OF FUND AVAILABILITY, EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM, 1987 The City of Saint Paul has received $115,000 under the Emergency Shelter Grant Program, Title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act. In addition, the City of Saint Paul is eligible for an additional $43,000 from the State of Minnesota under its Emergency Shelter Grant allocation. The purpose of the Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) is to help improve the quality of emergency shelters for the homeless, to make available additional emergency shelters, and to meet the costs of operating emergency shelters and of providing essential social services to homeless individuals, so that they have access not only to safe and sanitary shelter, but also to the supportive services and other types of assistance they need to improve their situations. The City of Saint Paul proposes to distribute these funds to qualified nonprofit organizations that provide services to homeless individuals. For purposes of this program, an emergency shelter is defined as "any facility with overnight sleeping accommodations, the primary purpose of which is to provide temporary shelter for the homeless in general or for specific populations of the homeless" and homeless means "families or individuals who are poor and have no access to either traditional or permanent housing." Note that applicants are required to provide a matching amount equal to the grant request. Matching funds do not need to be an increase in the organization's level of funding. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. , December 30, 1987. Applicants must provide sufficient information to satisfy the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as described in the enclosed material. Please direct your questions and applications to: Patricia James PED 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 228-3393 1 . � � � � � ���� EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT APPLICATION INFORMATION Title IV, Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act Eligible Activities 1. Renovation, major rehabilitation, or conversion of buildings for use as emergency shelters for the homeless. 2. Provision of essential services, including (but not limited to) services concerned with employment, mental and/or physical health, substance abuse, education, or food. Grant amounts provided to the city may be used to provide an essential service only if: a. the service is a new one or a quantifiable increase in the level of a service above that which the unit of general local government provided during the 12 calendar months immediately before it received the grant amounts; and b. not more that 15 percent of the grant amounts is used for these services. ($17,250 of Saint Paul's allocation of $115,000) 3. Payment of maintenance, operation (including rent, but excluding staff) , insurance, utilities, and furnishings. 4. If grant amounts will be used to provide emergency shelter in hotels, motels, or other commercial facilities providing transient housing, the state, county, or metropolitan government must certify that: a. an agreement has been or will be executed with the housing provider stipulating that comparable living space will be available in the facility for at least the required time period (3 or 10 years) ; b. leases with the provider make the living space available at substantially less than the daily room rate otherwise charged by the provider; and c. the grantee, state recipient, or nonprofit recipient has explored alternatives and has found this to be the most cost-effective way to provide emergency shelter for the homeless in its �urisdiction. 5. Ineligible activities are: a. all other activities including acquisition or construction of an emergency shelter, staff costs, rehabilitation service costs (e.g. preparing work specifications, loan processing, inspections) ; b. renovation, rehabilitation, or conversion of buildings owned by primarily religious organizations, unless: i. the shelter has been leased to an existing or new wholly secular entity (which may be established by the religious organization) ii. HUD assistance is provided to the lessee to make the improvements; iii. the leased premises will be used exclusively for secular purposes available to all persons regardless of religion; iv. the lease payments do not exceed the fair market rent of the shelter before the improvements are made; , 2 , ' ���� � v, the portion of the costs of any improvement that will also serve a nonleased portion of the building must be paid for the the lessor; vi. the lessor (primarily religious organization) agrees that unless the lessee or qualified successor retains use of the shelter for at least the useful life of the improvements, the lessor will pay the lessee for the residual value of the improvements. The lessee must return these amounts to the grantor; and vii. the lessee may contract with the lessor to run the shelter, but it must be operated in a way that is free from religious influences. Eligible recipients Nonprofit recipients (any private nonprofit organization providing assistance to the homeless to which a unit of general local government (the City of Saint Paul) distributes emergency shelter grant amounts) . Required Findings. (The application must contain information to show that these requirements will be met. ) l. Grant activities are consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Homeless Assistance Plan (CHAP) . (Any eligible activity will comply.) 2. Matching funds will be provided on a one to one basis; sources and amounts will be described. Funds need not be committed at a higher level than has been provided previously; other federal funds (e.g. CDBG) may be used. Match may include the fair market value of any donated material or building; the value of a lease on a building; salary paid to staff to carry out emergency shelter program; volunteer time and services to carry out the program at a rate of $5 per hour. 3. Applicant certifies that building will be used as a shelter for homeless individuals for not less than 3 years. If ma�or rehabilitation or conversion is involved, the minimum length of use is 10 years. This does not apply if the grant amount will be used for essential services only. 4. Buildings that receive Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) amounts for renovation, conversion, or major rehabilitation meet local standards for being safe and sanitary. 5. Homeless individuals will be provided with the following assistance: a. appropriate support services, including permanent housing, medical and mental health treatment, counseling, supervision, and other services essential for achieving independent living. b. other federal, state, local, and private assistance available to the homeless. (Describe the services you will provide and how they will be provided. Coordination with other programs is acceptable.) 6. Local governments and their recipients will comply with nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements, including prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, or handicap. Displacement of low income 3 . � � �/)-"�'�f persons will be avoided. Efforts will be made to encourage the use of minority and women's businesses. Other regulations of this program and applicable federal law will be followed. 7. No renovation, major rehabilitation, or conversion activity using these funds will: a. alter a property i) on the National Register of Historic Places, ii) in an historic district, iii) immediately adjacent to a National Register property, or iv) eligible for Register listing according to the State Historic Preservation Office. b. take place in a 100 year floodplain. c. endanger the existence of an endangered or threatened species or affect the critical habitat of such species. d. be inconsistent with HUD environmental standards. (These requirements may be waived if an environmental review has previously been completed and HUD finds that it applies, or if the city requests a conditional grant after determining that the only feasible locations for the assisted activities cannot comply with these restrictions. ) Review of the application by city staff will determine if these conditions apply. 8. The submission of the application is authorized under state and local law and that the grantee possesses the legal authority to carry out these activities. Other Requirements Annual performance reports must be submitted showing the obligation and expenditure of funds in the three activity categories. Reports are due the Decernber 31 following approval of the application. Def initions Emergency Shelter: Any facility with overnight sleeping accommodations, the primary purpose of which is to provide temporary shelter for the homeless in general or for specific populations of the homeless. Homeless: Families or individuals who are poor and have no access to either traditional or permanent housing. Private Nonprofit Organization: A secular or religious organization described in section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 which a) is exempt from taxation under Subtitle A of the Code; b) has an accounting system and a voluntary board; and c) practices nondiscrimination in the provision of assistance. PED 11/87 4 � � - - ������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM APPLICATION 1. Project/Program Title: 2. Grant Amount Requested: 3. Agency Responsible for Carrying Out This Project/Program Organization Name: Phone: Address: Contact Person: 4. Description of Program: 5. Statement of Need: (Reasons for undertaking this project.) 6. Project/Program Accomplishments: (What will be achieved if this grant is approved. ) 7. Special Target Population: . • �F���3� Page Two Emergency Shelter Grants Program Application 8. Project/Activities and Budget: Fill in line items as appropriate. Grant Matching Item Funds Funds* Total 1. Renovation, major rehabilitation, or conversion of buildings for use as shelter 2. Provision of essential services, specifically: 3. Payment of operating expenses of shelter, specifically: a. operating (heat, electricity, water, sewer, trash removal, etc.) b. maintenance (decorating, repairs) c. insurance d. rent e. furnishings TOTALS * Identify Specific Source for Each Amount Listed . � � � � ���� Page Three Emergency Shelter Grants Program Application Required Attachments 1. Proof of nonprofit status. 2. Assurance that building will be used as a shelter for homeless individuals for at least three years (ten years if rehabilitation, renovation, or conversion of a building is involved) . 3. Description of how homeless individuals will be assisted in obtaining appropriate support services (permanent housing, mental and medical health treatment, counseling, supervision, and other services essential for achieving independent living) and other federal, state, local and private assistance available to the homeless. 4. Affirmative action and nondiscrimination policies of organization. Include data on minority composition of population served by the organization and those employed by the organization, if available. 5. Authorization of agency board to carry out these activities. 6. Experience in meeting needs of homeless. 7. Experience in administering city grants and contracts. -----------==------------------- ,�� �� _________________-_____________= G��� �� ------ - ------------ ------- ID#: 87-[588 ] DATE REC: [12/22/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [ESTABLISH PROCESS FOR REALLOCATING EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT FUNDS ] C.R. STAFF: .EAHA �6 w�'�sp�/ ] SIG:[SONNEN ] OUT-[X] CLERK �//�f/' OOj ORIGINATOR:[PED ] CONTACT: [PATRICIA JAMES - 3393 ] ACTION:[ ] [ 7 C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED [00/00/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/TRANSMITTAL LETTER FROM MAYOR/DESCRIPTION OF ALLO- ] [CATION PROCESS ] [ 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------