88-38 WHITE � C�TV CLERK PINK � - FiNA��+.�E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council yJ' �IUERV -MAVORTMENT File NO. �`� _� �o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : "Chapter A-2. Council Subcommittees. 1. Council subcommittees. That in order to provide for the efficient operation of the legislative branch of city government , the following subcommittees of the council are hereby established: ( 1) Finance, management and personnel . (2) Public works, utilities, and transportation. (3) F�e���T e����e��e�� a�d t�������es Housing and economic development . (4 ) G��� �e�*e�e��e�� a�d ��a�s�e��a��e� Community and human services . (5 ) beg�s�a��e� Rules and olic . (6) R��es a�� �e��e�: The president of the council shall be em po wered to establish such additional subcommittees as the need may arise, with the consent of the council . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�he;be� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��� " � r����C�/�� !"�-g� By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . . , , . . �,,�-���' 2. Membership. Each council subcommittee shall be com posed of at least three (3) members of the council , which members , including the chair, shall be named by the president of the council with the advice and consent of the council. The president of the council may also nam e with the advice and consent of the council, alternate m embers to any subcommittee , who may serve in the absence of regular members of such subcommittees. The members and alternates of the council subcom mittee, including the chair, shall serve on such committee at the pleasure of the president of the council. Alternate members, when serving in the absence of a regular subcommittee member shall have all the powers, functions and duties of regular subcommittee members, including constituting a quorum, votinq, and participation in the subcom mittee affairs in all respects. Whenever there are not sufficient m embers or alternates to constitute a quorum at any regularly scheduled subcom mittee m eeting and the chair deem s it necessary to do so, the chair of that committee may appoint another m ember of the council who may be present to serve temporarily as an alternate member of the subcommittee. Provided , however , that only one such appointment may be made at any one meeting of the subcommittee. 3. Functions; participation, in general . It shall be the duty of each council subcommittee to consider all ordinances or resolutions referred to it by the city council and where permitted by law to conduct all public hearings required by law. �� � . All subcommittee agendas shall be cablecasted according to the notification procedures currently established for cablecasting of agendas for city council meetings. The meetings of the council subcommittee shall be open to the public except for those instances permitted � state law , and such subcommittee may hear s�e� testimony or public comment as referred by the secretary to the council or as the subcommittee deems proper. Council subcom mittees shall report to the council upon all ordinances or resolutions referred to them, either with or without recomm endation, unless the president or councilmember introducing such ordinance or resolution shall withdraw it or the president reassign it. All councilmembers � attend any , . , h �y '. � Ci����-��J . subcommittee meetings, and shall have voting rights at such committee meetings which the councilmembers attend. The affirmative vote of either a majority of the subcommittee members or of the council shall be sufficient to return or refer a matter to the council. 4. Meetings . (1) All council subcommittees shall hold regular meetings according to a schedule �es�Q�a�ed �y ��e e�a�� adopted by the members at its first meeting in January of each year• A schedule of such meetings shall be provided all councilm em bers, the mayor , city attorney, the city clerk and ne ws media and distributed and published in accordance with state law. (2) Special subcommittee meetings may be held at the call of the chair. Advance written notice of all special meetings shall be provided all councilm embers , the mayor , city attorney, city clerk as prescribed by state law and distributed and published in accordance wit'h state law. (3) A majority of the subcom mittee shall constitute a quorum. (4) A majority vote of the subcommittee shall be required for subcommittee action. (5 ) Subcommittees shall keep minutes of all meetings. Subcommittee chairs shall �e �es�ae�s}��e �e� ��e�a�d}�� �eee�d��g see�e�a��r a�� a���e�a��g �� s���a���e ���t��es e� ee�����ee �ee���gs work in conjunction with the director of the council investigation and research center to insure that the appropriate research, administrative, and clerical staff shall be provided for that subcommittee. Subcom mittee chairs shall be responsible for approving , by signature, the minutes of subcommittee meetings. A copy of such minutes shall be filed with the city clerk as a publ ic record and a copy prov ided the counc il president. 5. Subcommittee functions, in particular . (1) Finance, management and personnel . The council subcommittee on finance, management and personnel shall establish prioritized goals and � . � � � � � � � ������-_��' objectives for all capital and operating budgets of all city departm ents, boards and agencies. In addition the subcom mittee shall assume the responsibility of reviewing all capital and operating budget matters submitted by the m ayor in accordance with the tim etable provided by administrative ordinance, a�� shall be responsible for the consideration of any legislation relating to the personnel of the city, salary questions and labor relations, and shall be responsible for reviewing all licensing matters requiring council or subcommittee action, except where full council action is required � law within time limits which would not allow for subcommittee hearing as well , and for overseeing policy development of and reviewing and recomm ne d ni g legislat—i n on 1 ci ensing issues. (2) Public works, utilities, and transportation. The council subcommittee on public works , ut—il ties, and transportation shall assume the responsibility for the review and recommendation of council legislation affecting public works , shall review proposals for legislation relating to telephone, telegraph, radio, television, cable television, lighting, heating, water and sewer, transportation and other public utilities services sub�ect to the control of the council , and shall review and recommend all licenses, permits and other privileges granted � the city council to public utility owners or operators , their lessees and representatives. (3 ) E��� �e�e�e��ae�� a�d ��a�sge��a��e�� Housing and economic development. The council subcommittee on e��� de�*e�egx�e�� a�d ��a�s�ae��a��e� housin� and economic development shall oversee policy development and review and recommend legislation in these areas -- land use and zoning, housing and economic development by the Port Authority, the Housing and Redevelopment Author ti y and the City Department of Planning and Economic Development , improving buildings and espe ally improving the condition of problem properties. In addition , the subcom mittee may respond to administrative proposals that affect these issues. s�ia�� ass��e �es�e�s������� �e� ��ie �e�*�ew a�� �eee��e�da�}e� e� ee��e}� �eg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e ee�x�i����� se��*�ee�s: ���s eex��a���ee s�a�� a�se asst��e ��e �es�e�s}�e����� �e� ��e �e�*�ew a�d �eee��e��a��e� �e ��e ee� �e} � e� �eg� s�a�� e� �e�a�� �� �e e� �� de�ae�e�x�e��T ��e������ �eQ�s�a��e� �e�aa���g �e ��ie �easeT ���e�ase a�d sa�e e� �a�d a�� �������gsT ��e �e�r�ew e� g�egesed eg��e�s �e gx�e�ase e� ee���ae�s �e . , . � . ��,�-�� -�� se�� a�� s�a�� �e�ae�� �e ��e ee�t�e�� as �e ��e �eas-������� e� ��e ees�. e€ �t��e�iase a� sa�e a�d a�� e��e� �ae�s �e�e�a�� �e e�a��e ��e eet��e�� �e �al�e a ��ege� de�e��+��a��e�: �� eases w�e�e s���a��e �a�d ea��e� �e see��ed a� a �ease�a��e ���ee �� ���e�iaseT ��e s��ee��x���ee x�a� �eee��e�� �e ��e ee��e�� ��a� ee��e�t�a��e� g�eeeed��gs �e ��������e� �e see��e ��e �a�� �eeessa��r -�4� ��e�gY`r e����e��e�� a��l e������es: '��e e�e���`r e����e��e�� a�d t�������es sa�ee�����ee s�a�� �e��ev� ��ie �e��ew��� ��e�esa�s �s� �e��s�a�.�e�r �{a} be��s�a��e� �e�a���� �e �e�e�g�s�eT �e�eg�a��iT �a��eT �e�e��s�e�T ea��e �e�e��s�e�T �������gr �ea���gT wa�e� a�d sewe�T ��a�s�e��a��e� a�� e��e� �����e t�������es se��r�ees ��ia�see�ae� v���e� a�e s���ee� �e ��e ee���e� e� ��e e��� eei��e�� e� ��e G��� e� �a��� ga��: ��� S�e� eea��x���.ee s�a�� a�se �e�a�e� a�d �ees�x�e�d a�� ��ee�sesr ge����s a�d e��ie� ������eges ��a��ed �� ��e e��� ee��e�� �e �����e ��.����� ew�e�s e� e�e�a�e�sT ��e�� �essees e� �e��ese��a���esT a�d s�ia�� �e e��e�ae�e� �e �a�e aeeessT a� a�� �ease�a��e ���esr �e ��ie �ee]�eT �a�e�sT �ae���e�� a�d e�����e�� e� a�� g����e ������-�es ev��e�sT e�e�a�e�sT �essees a�d ��e�� �e��ese��a���es de��g ��s��ess ���� ��e e��� ee��e�� a�� e�ae� w�i�e� ��ie e��� ee��e�� �as a�� ee���e� e� �eg��a���*e gev�e�� St�e� aeeess s�a�� �e �sed �e� ��e �S���aese e� x�al���g a�� ��s�ee��e�s e� asee��a����Q a�� €ae�s �� �e�a��e� �e sa�� t������-�es e� ��e�� e�e�a��e�T ees�T ���eesT eag��a��sa��e�T g�e���s e� a�� e��ie� �ae� �e�a���g �e ��e�� �t�s��ess ��i�e� v�}�� ass�s� sa�d ee��-���ee �� �al���g �eee��e��a��e�s �e ��e ee��e��� -�e� be��s� a�� e� �e�a�� �Q �.e ��ie � se a�d ee�se��aa��e� e� e�e���� ��} beg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e e��r��e��ae��a� g�e�ee��e�� (4 ) Community and human services. The council subcommittee on community anc3 human services shall oversee �olicy development and review and recommend legislation on issues involving communit services, fire, police, the environment and other human services initiatives of the --- ----- ----- -------- ----------- -- --- . . ��-�=�=��� council and shall serve as a clearinghouse for review of proposed state legislation. In addition, the subcom mittee shall oversee --------- --- ------------ ----- ------- strategies and policies and implement programs for the improved coordination and effectiveness of crime prevention and response to the cit� neighborhoods and for the improved quality of life in the neighborhoods. The subcommittee also may review proposals from the administration that affect or concern district councils, business and civic rg oups and other neighborhood or community groups. ��� be��s�a��e�: ��ie ee��e�� s��ee��a���ee a� �e��s�a��e� s�ia�� asst��e ��e �es�e�s������� €e� ��e �e�*�e�t a�d �eee��e��a�.�e� �e ��ie ee��e�� e� a�� g�e�esed e�a��e� a�e�d�e��T Qe�e�a� e��� �eg���a��e� �e� e��ie�v��se ��e���ed �s� �� a st��ea��a-���eeT a�� g�e�esed �eg�s�a��e� �e �e sa�����ed �e ��e s�a�e �e��s�a�i��eT a�d �xa��e��s dea���q v���� e�ee��e�sr -�6} (5) Rules and policy. The council subcommittee on rules and policy shall oversee the d evelopm ent and implementation of the Council' s strategic goals, assume the responsibility for the review and recommendation to the council of any proposed amendments to the city council rules of procedure and shall review and recommend to the council general pol icy guidel ines for the counc il to follow in its legislative deliberations, and may rev iew nom inees for appo intment to var ious boards and commissions. .P N'K E. 2 �A�N C�E R K • COUIIC 11 yp� j�y BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �`� v - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6. Amendments. This resolution may be amended only by the submission in writing by a member of the council of a notice of intent to amend the same, which notice shall contain the specific proposed amendments. Such notice shall be served upon each member of the council seven (7) days prior to the submission of any resolution amending such rules. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond r.o� In Favor Goswitz Rettman � B scne��� Against Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��� � Q JAN 13 1988 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas il cre By���—�� r���'��-- �- 8 p� By A►pprov y Mavor: Date _ L �N g �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ ' By PUBUSHED J AN ? 3 ��- � ��yV.yl 1 //` �'b/� `-+i � �'.°"• °, f. CITY OF SAINT PAUI 3 4� �i.-r 3; � •� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEI •.: '� i�n�inn .: '.,� ;ii�li�ju_ �= < • �� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEI , .... �. '`u�::,,t ,,�°' 647 City Nali, Saint Paul. Minnesota 5510 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-512 MAYOR January 12, 1988 M E M O R A N D U M T0: Members of the City Council FROM: Jane A. McPeak Deputy City Attorney �� RE: Resolution Amending Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 Today you adopted the attached Resolution (Appendix A) . I have just discovered that Pages 2 and 4 contain new amendments that I drafted for Councilmembers Rettman and LoncJ. I had intended that the Resolution going to you would conta:in only those pro- visions substituted by Councilmember Long at the January 7 , 1988 meeting and Councilmember Rettman' s January 5 , 1988 amendment allowing Councilmembers to attend any subcommit��ee meeting whether members of that subcommittee or not. AS you can see, the Page 2 in the Fesolution you approved carries a cat�lecasting require- ment. This should have been offered as an amendment since it was not a part of the January 7 , 1988 draft. Page 4 slightly changes the language adopted by the Council c�n January 7 , 1988 with respect to subcommittee review of liceizsing matters. I had proposed this amendment to Councilmember Long for further consideration at today' s meeting. I apologize for the error. If you wish to reta�;.n the cabl�casting requirement and are comfortable with the additional language on Page 4, then you need do nothing to this Resolution. �iowever, � if you do wish to require cablecasting of all subcommittee meetings , then you need to amend the operating policies and pro- cedures for municipal Channel 18 (Appendix B) . ���� �� Members of the City Council Page Two January 12 , 1988 If you want either Page 2 or Page 4 to revert back to what was approved by the Council last week, then I suggest you bring the matter up for reconsideration again at your meeting tomorrow. Attached as Appendix C is a copy of the Resolution as it should have read. I will be at that meeting should you have any questions. JAM: j r Attachments cc: Edward P. Starr John :�turner Albert Olson . . •�H�TC - c�rr e�crK�---- � --------��----------� ---•------ ---�,� — ��NK � IINANC[ � � , _ CAN�RY - OE'w1�TMENT GITy OF SAINT PAUL CO1"�� ��.� _., l�uE �w�rOR Fite N 0. � Cvuncil Resolution � Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date ;..' • '�":-� Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: • "Chapter A-2. Council Subcommittees. . . 1. Council subcommittees. � . .•- That in order to provide for the efficient operatio� of . t• the legislative branch of city government, the _ following subcommittees of the council are hereby � established: � (1) Finance, management and personnel . -- (2 ) Public works, utilities, and transportation. ' (3) F�e��Y`r e�����fl�efl� a�d �������es Housin� and economic development. (4 ) ���y de�e�eg�e�� a�d ��a�s�ae��a��e� Community and human services. ' - � (5) be��s�a��e� Rules and olic . � (6) Rt��es a�d �e��e�: � The president of the council shall be empowered to establish •: such additional subcommittees as the need may ari.se, with =:-'� the consent of the council . � APP c►v� �x � . • COUNCIL MEMBERS _ y� N� Requested by Department of: ..'� Dimond LO°g In Favor Cos..ta • � Rettmaa sc�,�ed Against ey sonocn wdsoo , Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C:ouncil: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By `��� �� L l'�' By � Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by'Mayor for Submission to Council �-- ^- � � � � � . . ����� 2. Membership. Each council subcom mittee shall be composed of at least three (3) members of the council, which members, including the chair, shall be named by the president of the council with the advice and consent of the council. The president of the council may also name with the advice and consent of the council, alternate members to . any subcomm ittee, who may serve in the absence of regular members of such subcommittees. The members and alternates of the council subcommittee, including the chair, shall serve on such committee at the pleasure of the president of the council. Alternate members, when serving in the absence of a regular subcommittee member shall have all the powers, functions and duties of regular subcommittee members, including constituting a . quorum, voting, and participation in the subcommittee af fa irs in all respects. Whenever there are . not sufficient members or alternates to constitute a quorum at any regularly sch�duled subcommittee meeting and the chair deems it nec�ssary to do so, th� chair of that committee may appoint another member of the council who may be pres�nt to serve temporarily as an alternate member of the subcommittee. Provided , however , that only one� such appointment may be made at any one meeting of the subcommittee . 3. Functions; participation, in general . It shall be the duty of each council subcommiti:ee to consider all ordinances or resolutions referred to it by the city council and where ermitted � law to conduct all ublic hearings required � law.—Al1 � . subcom mittee meetings shall be cablecasted. All subcommittee agendas shall be cablecasted according to � the notification procedures currently established for cablecasting of agendas for city council meetings. The meetings of the council subcommittee shall be o�en to the public exce t for those instances permit�ed. � state law , and such subcommittee may hear s�e� � testimony or publ ic comment as referred � the secretary to the council or as the subcommittee deems proper. Council subcommittees shall report to the council upon all ordinances or resolutions referred to them, either with or without recomm endation, unless the president or councilmember introducing such ordinance or resolution shall withdraw it or the president reassign it. All coun�^ilmembers ma attend � . � C� � � � -�� �� � subcommittee meetings, and shall have voting .riqhts at such committee meetings which the councilmembers attend. The affirmative vote of either a majorit� of the subcom mittee members or of the council shall �e sufficT ient to return or refer a matter to the council. 4. Meetings . (1) All council subcom mittees shall hold regular meetings according to a schedule des�Q�a�ed �� ��ie e�a�� adopted � the members at its first meeting in January of each ear. A sche uc� le of—such meetings shall be provided all councilrnembers, the mayor , city attorney, ' the city clerk and news media and distributed and published in accordance with state law. — (2) Special subcommittee meetings may be held at the call of the chair. Advance written notice of all special meetings shall be provided all councilm embers , the mayor , city attorney, city clerk a� prescribed � state la�� and distributed and published in accordance with state law. (3) A m ajority of the subcommittee shall constitute a quorum. (4 ) A majority vote of the subcommittee shall be requirecl for subcommittee action. • (5) Subcommittees shall keep minutes of all meetings. Subcomm. ittee chairs shall �e �es�a�s}��e �e� ��e�+�d��g �eee�d��g see�e�a��T a�d agg�e��ag �� s�g�a���e �����es e� ee�����ee �ee���gs work in conjunction with the director of the council � investi ag tio*n and research center to insure that the ap�ropriate research, adm nistrat�ve, and cleric�l staff shall �be provided for that subcommittee. Subcommittee cha rs shall'be responsible for approving, � sig an ture, the mfnutes of. subcommittee meetings. A copy of such minutes shall be filed with the city clerk as a � public record and a copy provided the council president. 5. Subcommittee functions, in particular . (1) Finance , management and personnel . The council subcommittee on finance, management and personnel shall establish prioritized g�oals and � � � � � � �-:�� . � � objec tives for all capital and operating budgets of all city departm ents, boards and agencies. In addition the subcom mittee shall assume the responsibility of reviewing all capital and operating budget matters submitted by the m ayor in accordance with the timetable prov ided by adm ini strative ord inance, a�� shall be responsible for the consideration of any legislation relating to the personnel of the city, �salary questions . and labor relations, and shall be responsible for reviewing all licensing matters requiring—council or subcommittee action, ex= cept where full counci—' 1 action}_.I is required � law within time limits whi—'ch would not y� allow for subcommittee hearing s well , na d forJ ---�-------- overseeing olic development of and review ni g and recommending legislation on licensing issues. (2) Public works, utilities, and transportation. The council subcommittee on public works , utilit ei s, and transportation shall assume the responsibility for the review and recommendation of council legislation � affecting public works , shall review proposals for legislation relating to telephone, telegraph, radio television, cable television, lighting, heating, water ard sewer, transportation and other ublic utilitT ies sErvices subject to the control of the council, and shall review and recommend all 1 ci enses, permits and other privileges granted � the city coT ncil to ublic utilitY owners or o�erators , their lessees and �epres'entatives. ' --- — • — (3 ) E��� de�e�es�efl� a�el ��a�sge��a��e�� Housing and economic development. The council subcommittee on e��� de�►e�e��e�� a�d ��a�sge��a��e� housing and economic development shall ovTersee olic development and review and recom mend legislation in these �reas -- land use � and zoning,, housing and economic developm ent � the Port Authority, the Housing and Redevelopment Author ti y and the City Department of Planni.ng and Economic DeTv_elo�ment , im rov� n,q buildi, ngs and es ec a11� im rovin the condition of problem properties. In addition , the subcommittee ma� res�ond •to administrative proposals that affect these issues. � s�ia�� ass��+e �esge�s������} �e� ��e �e��e- �eee��eflda��efl e€ ee�tfle�� �eg�s�a��e� �e�a��flg �e ee���fl��} se���eesr ���s ee�����ee s�a�� a�se aes��ae ��e �es�e�s������� €e� ��e �e��e� a�d �eee��e��a��e� �e ��e ee� fle� � e€ �eg� s�a��ea �e�a�� flg �e e��y� • de�*e�e�x�e��T �fle��td�t�g �eg}s�a��efl �e�aa�-��g �e ��e �easeT $��e�ase a�d sa�e e€ �a�� a�el �t���d�flgsT ��e �e�►�eK e€ g�egesed eg��e�s �e g��e�ase e� ee���ae�s �e - . � �.� . � C � , � �r� �� �, se�� efl� s�a�� �e�e�� �e ��e eei��e�� as �e ��e €eas������� e€ ��e ees� e€ �a��e�iase e� sa�e afld a�� e��e� �ae�$ �e�e�afl� �e e�a��e ��e ee��e�� �e mal�e a ��e�e� de�e����a��e�r �fl eases ��e�e se��a��e �a�d ea��e� �e see��e� a� a �ease�a��e ���ee �� g��e�iaseT ��e st��ee�����ee �a� �eee��e�d �e ��e eeafle�� �3�a� eeade�fla��e� g�eeeed��gs �e ��s�����ed �e $eea�e ��e �a�d �eeessa�y�.� -�4� Ei9ei�g�r e����e��ae�� a�d �������esT ��e e�e�gY`r � efl���efl�e�� a�d �a�����}es s��ee�a����ee s�a�� �e�v�e� ��e €e��eW��g ��egesa�s �e� �eg�s�a��e�r �a} beg�s�a��e� �e�a���g• �a �e�eg�eaeT �e�eg�a��T �a��eT .�e�e��s�e�T ea��e �e�e�*�s�e�r �����#�gr �ea�#flgT ka�e� a�� seWe�T ��a�s�e��a��e� a�� e��e� ��t���e a������es se���ees r��ia�see�e� ���e� a�e sa��ee� �s ��e ee���e� e� ��e e��} ee�t�e�� e� ��e 63�� e€ 8a��� Pa��r ��} S�e� ee�����ee s�ia�� a�se �e��e� a�d �eee��e�d a�� ��ee�sesT ge��#�s a�d e��e� g�����eges g�a��e� �y ��e e��� ee��e�� �e g����e ������� e��e�s e� ege�a�s�sT ��e�� �essees e� �e��ese��a���*esT a�d s�a�� �e ex�ge�e�ed �e �a�e aeeessT a� a�� �ease�a��e ���esT �e ��e �eel�sr gage�sr �ae���e�} afld eg����efl� e€ a�� g����e �������es ew�e�sT ege�a�e�sT �essees a�� ��e�� �eg�ese��a���es de��g ��s��ess ���� ��e e��� ee��e�� a�d e�e� �w��e� ��ie e��� eet��e�� �as a�� ee���e� e� �eg��a���*e ge�e�r S�te�i aeeess s�a�� �e ase� €e� ��e �t���aese e� �al���g a�� ��sgee��e�s e� aeee��a����g a�� €ae�s �� �e�a��e� �e sa}d ����3��es e� ��e�� e�e�a��e�T ees�T g��eesr eag��a��sa��e�r ��e€��s e� a�� e��e� €ae� �e�a���g �e ��e3� �t�s��ess ���e� w}�� ass�s� � sa�� ee�����ee �� �al���g �ees��eflela��eas �e ��e ee��e}�r �e} beg�s�a��s�i �e�a�� �g �e ��e ese a�d ee�se��a��e� e€ e�e�g}r ��} beg�e�a��e� ���a���g �e efl���e��e��a� g�e�ee��e�r (4) Community and human services. The council subcommittee on communit and human services shall oversee �olic develoPment, and review and iecom mend le�isl—ation on issues involv q communit services, fire, olice, the environment and other human ser�ces initiatives of the ff . � C � . ������� council and shall serve as a clearinghouse for re of ro osed state legislation. In ad itd ion , the subcommittee shall oversee --- strategies and policies and implement program`r the improved coordination and effectiveness of crime �revention and res�onse to the cit�'s n ie ghborhoods and for the improved ualit of 1= in the neighborhoods. The subcommittee also �may . review proposals from the ad nistration t a af– fect or concern distiict councils, business and ci�vic rou s and oth ghborhood or community rou s. — — -�5� beg#$�a��e�r ��e ee��e�� s��ee�����ee efl �eg��s�a��e� s�a�� a�sst�x�e ��e �es�ae�s����}�� €e� ��e �e��e� a��l �eee��e�da��e� �e ��e ee��e�� e€ � a�� g�egese� e�a��e� a�et���e��r ge�e�a� e��} �eg�s�a��e� t�e� e��e���se ��s�+�eleel �e� �� a s��ee�����eeT a�� ��egesed �eg�s�a��s� �e �e s���}��ed �e ��e s�a�e �eg�s�a���eT a�►d �a��e�s � elea��flg ���� e�ee��easr -{6� (5) Rules and policy. 7'he council subcommittee on rules and pol icy shall aversee the development and implementation of fihe Council' s strategic goals, assume the responsibility for the review and recommendation to the council of any proposed amendments to the city council rules of procedure and shall review and recommend to the council general policy guidelines for the council to follow in its legisiative deliberations, and may review nominees for appointment to various boards � and commissions. �wMtTE � C�T11 -_-----� -- - _--- -_ --'--�.� _------� _.�-__ .__�_.�_�_�.___ PIMK � FIN•CE R � c�H�w� _oE��wTMCNt GITY OF . ►SAINT PAUL Council ��/ _ �wE �«w�ow . Fi1Q NO. : . . � Council Resolution - . Presented By ` � Referred To Committee: Date ,;; ;�. �'•! Out of Committee By Date � 6. Amendments. This resolution may be amended only by the submission in writing by a member of the council of a •, notice of intent to amend the same, which notice shall . contain the specific proposed amendments. Such notice shall be served upon each member of the council seven . . (7) days prior to the submission of any resolution amending such rules. "�• :.� • .:;:�+:r �. :�'.� . . :'y • ' .� .� � � �' _.I, :3: • y . COUNCII. MEMBERS Requested by Department of: . ' Yeas Nays • ''�`�`• Dimand ��� [n Favor • tua,� s�be�bd Against BY Sonaen VVllson � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certitied Passcd by Council Secretary By��— jT� /t'�I _�.[�— l 8 1 ey - Approved by �lavor: Date - Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,e�u .r��ow .:. _ �. �..:.:.. v s a v. -���� � _ �. ... File NO . . . - � � .� � � _:. ��::�-�__ .:_�__� !}:�Cauncil Resolution . �.� = � � � � � _ . ����'/-� . Presented By �- . . '''� .r. . -.= . . . . - ' . . ". �LJ. Referred To � ~ ' �� " � � ' ' � Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By � Date Wticr�EAS . THt C i TY 0� SA I NT PAUL W I 5'ric5 TC I NCRcASc PUBL i C K�iGWLc�uc AND UI�DERSTAND 1 N+� OF C I TY GGVERNMElvT AND TO FUR i i-iE� T'ric Ci i Y' S POLICIES, GOALS AND WOR�: P�ANS 8Y MEAN5 OF PU?�IC SERV1rE PROG�AI"MING CABLECAST ON MUNICIPAL CHANNE! 18; AND WHcr2EA5, SUCM PROGRAMMING SHOULD BE DEVE!OPcO Ai�D CONDU�Tc^u IN �N ORDERLY FASHION AND ACCO2DING TO RcCOGNIZE� AND CON�ISTENT POLICIES AND PROCEDUR�S; NOW THEr�EFORE, 9E IT � RESOLVED, THA7 THE ATTACHED OPERATING POLIC:ES AND PROC�DURES°FCR • MUNICIPAL CHANNt� 1B AP.E A�OPTED BY THE CITY COUt•iCIL TO GOVERiJ ALL ' PFcOGRAMMING ON MUNICIF'AL CHkNNEL 18. � A�E�� �x � � COUNCILMEN Yeas p�� I�ays Requestcd by Depactment of: N"°"' ' tn Favo� a.nm,� Sch�ih�l _ ��,,.,, . Against BY T.a.uo wilwn Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cert�tird P�ssed by Council Secretary BY ey - - - Apprvved by \lavor: Date App�ove� by Mayor for Submission to Co�ncil � Sy SY — � . _ .-.. _ .. .- � -..� . - . -- ,� . _ _ -�– ' � � � �,! , - �-• , � - , , ... . . . - .. _ . .�.. ' � ..._ .. .._.� _� �. e .. �r . . .._ . a ' .� � .. � . � . .. .♦ � .. ... , J . \t �.. �.0.... ..� . .v'.•.- �+ .:�: �:�-'�, ����tr � � - - ��' � �� � :,, . � 2. Council committee meetings. A majority of the Council may request that any specific meeting be cablecast live or recocded for delayed playback. The chair of the committee should approach the Council President with such a request and secure assent from a majority of the Council at least three days in advance of the meeting. 3. City Council programs may be cablecast. If so: , a. The program may use a "Weekly Billboard" concept. Each Council member shall be responsible on a rotating basis to provide direction to staff for establishing content and resources, with staff responsib2e for actual production. b. The progcam may use a "City Council Week in Review" concept. Such a pcogram will incorporate the views of outside journalists will be invblved in the program. The Council's Cable subcommittee will meet review content; staff will produce the program. 4 . Special Council productions may also be cablecast. a. Each Council member shall be provided an equal annual budget for cablecasting and other media production. The Council member will advise staff on program content, and will produce the program. b. Requests for assistance should be made on the attached form 86-1. Council Research staff complete form 86-2. c. Program content is the responsibil.ity of the requesting Council member, who shall provide the Council producer a written authorization the material is to cablecast. � d. Use of staf f and equ ipment shall be on a f i rst come, first served basis, with scheduled items � taking priority over last minute requests. 5. Videotext programming. City Council meeting agendas, and com mittee meeting not 'ices will be cablecast. The Cable Subcommittee will determine other messages to be cablecast on a regular or one-time basis . _ w►aT[ — Ct�♦ CLtRK`y--- � ------------------� _---.--__.....,�...�_-__�____ �IMK � FINANL'[ � . �_ c�H�R� _ oc���TMCNr C.jTy OF � SAINT PAUL Councit . _ . ��uc —..��ow File N 0. ' . � Council Resolution � �� - � Presented By . Referred To �Committee: Date :��� • �'� Out of Committee By Date - RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: • "Chapter A-2. Council Subcommittees. . 1. Council subcommittees. � . .•, That in order to provide for the efficient operation of _ � the legislative branch of city government, the _.�`_��� following subcommittees of the council are hereby ����'�� established: � :;;,� (1) Finance, management and personnel . -- (2) Public works, utilities, and transportation. ' � (3) ��e�g�T e����ea�efl� a�d �������es Housing and economic development. (4 ) 6��� ele�e�eg�e�� a�►� ��a�sge��a�}e� Community and � human services. � ----- � (5) beg�s�a��efl Rules and olic . : (6) F���es a�d ge��e�T � . -s � The president of the council shall be empowered to establish `� ��: such additional subcommittees as the need may arise, with the consent of the council . �-PP�N D �x � � • COUNCIL MEMBERS _ . . y� N� Requested by Department of: .'� Dimond - LO°� In Favor c�� • Reetmaa s�n�ed Against BY Sonnen Vlydson , Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Ceni[ied Passed by Council Secnrtary �Y ��'� ' L l'�8' By� Approv�d by Mavor• Date Approved by h7ayor for Submission to Council 6v _ — _ _ Rv � ���� � . � ��/ 2. Membership. Each council subcommittee shall be composed of at least three (3) members of the council, which members, including the chair, shall be named by the president of the council with the advice and consent of the council. The president of the council may also name with the advice and consent of the council, alternate members to any subcomm ittee, who may serve in the absence of regular members of such subcommittees. The members and alternates of the council subcommittee, including the chair, shall serve on such committee at the pleasure of the president of the council. Alternate members, when serving in the absence of a regular subcommittee m ember shall have all the powers, functions and duties of regular subcommittee members, including �onstituting a quorum, voting, and participation in the subcommittee affairs in all respects. Whenever there are not sufficient members or alternates to constitute a quorum at any regularly scheduled subcommittee meeting and the chair deems it necessary to do so, the chair of that committee may appoint another member of the council who may be present to serve temporarily as an alternate m ember of the subcommittee. Provided , however , that only one such appointment may be made at any one meeting of the subcommittee. 3. Functions; participation, in general . It shall be the duty of each council subcommittee to consider all ordinances cr resolutions referred to it by the city council and where permitted � law to conduct all ublic hear.ings required � law. The meetings of the counci—'1 subcommittr ee shall be open to the public exce t for those instances ermitted � state law , and such sc�bcommittee may hear s�e�i testimony or public ccimment as referred bY the secretary to the council or as the subcommittee deems proper . Council subcom!nittees shall report to 'the . council upon all ordinances or resolutions referred to them, either with or withcut recommendation, unless the president or councilmembFr introducing such ordinance or resolution shall withdraw it or the president reassign it. All councilmembers may attend � � . �� � � � �,- � . . �� subcommittee meetings, and shall have voting .ri= at such committee meetings which the councilmembers attend. The affirmati�ve vote of either a ma�ority of the subcommittee members or of the council shall �e suffic ent to return or refer a matter to the counc 1. — . — — — —_._ 4. Meetings. - (1) All council subcommittees shall hold regular meetings according to a schedule des�gfla�eel �� ��ie e�a�� adopted � the members at its first �meeting in Januar of each ear. A schedule of such meeting s shall be provided all councilrnembers, the mayor, city attorney, ' the city clerk and news m edia and distributed and published in accordance with state law. — � � (2) Special subcommittee meetings may be held at the call of the chair. Advance written notice of all sp�cial meetings shall be provided all councilm embers , the mayor , city attorney, city clerk as prescribed � state law and distributed and published in accordance with state law. (3 ) A majority of the subcommittee shall constitute a quorum. (4) A majority vote of the subcom mittee shall be required for subcommittee action. • (5) Subcommittees shall keep minutes of all meEatings. Subcommittee chairs shall �e �esge�s���e €e� ��e�����g �eee�d��e� see�e�a��r a�d a�g�e�r��g �g e}g�a���e �����es e�€ ee�����ee x�ee�}�gs work in conjunction with the director of the council ' investigation and research center to insure that the appropriate research, admi istrat ve, and clerical staff shall �be Qrovided for that subcommittee. Subcommittee chaiis shall�e responsible for approving, bY s gnature, the minutes of subcommittee meetings. A copy o£ suc�i— minutes shall be filed with the city clerk as a � public record and a copy provided the council president. 5. Subcommittee functions, in particular . (1) Finance, management and personnel. The council subcommittee on finance, management and personnel shall establish prioritized goals and . � /�r-�(�'� -�. c��_ �i� objectives for all capital and operating budgets of all city departm ents, boards and agencies. In addition the subcom mittee shall assume the responsibility of reviewing all capital and operating budget matters submitted by the mayor in accordance with the tim etable provided by administrative ordinance, a�d shall be responsible for the consideration of any legislation relating to the personnel of the city, salary questions and labor relations, and shall be responsible for reviewT� all licensing matters requiring council or subcommittee action, exce t w �e e full counci�l action is re�uired b� law , and for oversee��olic� develo�ment of and reviewin� and recommend_n� leg slation on licensing issues. (2) Public works , utilities, and transportation. The council subcommittee on public works, utilities, and transportation shall assume the responsibility for the review and zecommendation of council legislation affecting puUlic works , shall review proposals for legislation relating to telephone, telegra h, radio, television, cable television, lighting, heating, water and sewer, transportation and other up blic utilitT ies services subject to the control of the council , and shall review and recommend all licenses, permits and other privile�es granted � the city council to ublic utilit� owners or o�erators , their lessees and representatives. (3 ) E��� �le�e�e��e�� a�d ��a�s�ae��a��e�: Housing and economic development. The council subcommittee on e��y �e�re�e��e�� �a�d ��a�s�e��a��e� housing and economic development shall oversee o�licy development and review and recommend lec�islat on in these areas -- land use and zo in ng, liousing and econom c development � the Port Authorit.�, the Housing and Redevelopment Author ti y and the Citp Department of Planning and Economic Develo�ment , im�rovi� buildin�s and es�e�all� impr�ov,ing th� condition of �roblem �roperties. In addition , the subcom mittee ma� resgond to administrative proposals that affect these issues. s�a�� ass��e �es�ae�s���� ��� �e� ��e �e��ew a�d �eee�x�e��a��e� e€ eea�e�� �eg�s�a�}e� �e�a���g �e ee������� se���eesT ���s ee��}��ee s�a�� a�se assa�e ��e �es�e�s��•����� �e� �.�e �e��ew a�d �ees��e�da��s� �.e ��e eee��e�� e€ �eg� s� a�} e� �e�a�� �g �e e}�� de�e�e��e��r ��e�t����g �eg�s�a�3e� �e�aa���g �e ��e �easeT ���e�iase a�d sa�e e� �a�d a�d �������gsT ��e �e��e� e€ ��e�esed e���e�s �e ���e�ase e� ee���ae�s �e : . � �: � C . ���'�, �� se�� afld s�a�� �e�ae�� �e ��e eei��e�� as �e ��e €eas#������ e€ ��e ees� e€ �a��e�ase e� sa�e afld a�� � e��e� €ae�s �e�e�afl� �e efla��e ��e ee�x�e�� �e �aal�e a g�e�e� �e�e���fla��eflr �� eases ��ie�e se��a��e �a�d eafl�e� �e see��ed a� a �easefla��e g��ee �� g��e�aeer ��ie se�aeemm���ee �a� �eee��e�d �e ��e ee�fle#� ��a� eet�de��a��e� ��eeeed��gs �e �fle�����ed �e seea�e ��e �afld aeeessa� �4} F�e�g�T e����e��+e�� a�� e������esr ��e e�e�g�r efl���s�wefl� a�d �������es s��ee�a����ee s�ia�� �ev�e� ��e €e��ek��g ��e�esa�s €a� �eg�s�a��eflr �a} beg�s�a��e� �e�a�#flg• �e �e�eg�eae� �e�eg�a��T �a��er. .�e�e�}s�e�T ea��e �e�e��s�e�r ��g��#�g� �ea��:�g� �a�e� a�d seke�T •��aflsge��a��e� a�d e��e� . �ae���e �t������e� se��*�eee ��a�eee�*e� ��i�e� a�e s���ee� �e ��e ee���e� e� ��ie e��g eea�e�� e€ ��e 8��� e€ &a��� Pa��r -{�} S�e� ee��+���ee s�a�� a�se �e��e� a�d �eee�x�e�� a�� ��ee�sesT ge����s a�d e��e� �a�#���e�es g�a��e� �g ��e ei�� ee��e�� �e �����e t����}�� e��e�s e� ege�a�e�+sT ��e}� �essees e� �e��ese��a���esr a�d . s�a�� �e e�ge�e�ed �e �a�e aeeessT a� a�� �ease�a��e ���esT �s ��e �eel�sT �aage�sT �ae���e�� afld e���g�efl� e� a�� ��t��}e ����}��es ew�e��T ege�a�e�sT �essees a�d ��ie�� �e�•�ese��a���es de��g ��s��ess r���� ��e e��� ee��e�� a�d e�ve� •w��e� ��e e��y� ee��e�� �ias a�} eea��e� s� �eg�t�a���e ge�e�r 8ae� aeeess s�a�� �e �sed €e� ��e ����aese e� x�al���ig a�y� ��sgee��e�s e� asee��a����g a�g €ae�s � 3� �e�a��e� �e sa�d �������es e� ��e�� ege�a��eflr ees�T ���eesT eag��a��ffa��e�T �g�e�-��s e� a�y� e��ie� �ae� �e�a���g �e ��e}� ��s��es� w�i�e� ���� ass�s� • sa�d ee�����ee �fl �►a}���g ��eee��e�da��e�s �a ��e ee��e}�� �{e� beg�$�a�� e� �e�a�� �g �e ��e �ee a�d ee�$e��ra��efl e€ efle�g�r -{d} beg�s�a��efl �e�a���g �e e����eflx�efl�a� � ��e�ee��e�r (4) Communi ty and human services. The council subcommittee on community and human services shall oversee golic� devTlo�ment,and r_e�v__few and recom mend leqislation on issues invo�ving communit services, fire, og�ic�e_, the environment and other human ser—vi ces initiatives of the . . �� . C � � ��-�� . <,; council and shall serve as a clearinghouse for re of g�ro�p�os�ed_� state l�slation. In ad itd ion,— t�subcommTtee shall overse�e strategies and pol c�ies and lmplement pro_�S for the improved coordination and effectiveness of crime revention and response to the ci__' t�'s n ie ghborhoods and for the fmproved .ualit of life in the neighborhoods. The subcommittee also� rev ei w proposals from the ad i istration that af� or concern dis_ councils, business and civic rou s and other neighborhood or community gr` — �5} beg�s�a��e�r ��e eea�e�� s��ee�����ee e� �eg�s�a��e� s�a�� ass��ae ��e �es�e�s����}�� �e� ��e �e�v�es� a�el �eee��ae�da��e� �e ��e ee��e�� e€ a�y ��e�esed e�a��e� a�ae�d�e�i�T ge�e�a� e��� �eg�s�a�#e� fle� e��ie���se ��e���ed �e.� �� a s��ee�����eeT a�� g�egesed �eg}s�a��e� �e �e sx��}��ed �e ��e s�a�e �eg�s�a��a�eT a�d �a��e�a � �ea���g k���i e�ee��eas.- -{6�(5) Rules and policy. The council suY�committee on rules and pol icy shall oversee the development and implementation of the Council' s strategic goals, assume the responsibility for the review and recommendation to the council of any proposed amendments to the city council ru3es of procedure and shall review and recommend to the council general pol icy guidel ines for the counc il to follow in its legislative deliberations, and may review nominees for appointment ta various boards and commissions. �� y�MF11T[ CIT♦ CIbIK � ' ��_ �_ �--�_ ___•.-�-�I : _�_���_��_..�����_�._� l` �INK � IIN�NCt . c.N.R. _o E�,,,T„�„s (�I T Y O F S A I N T PA ZT L CO°"cil , � _ .��� -wwrow N0. • � File : . . � Council Resolution � . . Presented By :- ` -- Referred To Committee: Date .;+, r:� ��° Out of Committee By Date � 6. Amendments. This resolution may be amended only by the submission in writing by a member of the council of a -. notice of intent to amend the same, which notice shall _� contain the specific proposed amendments. Such notice shall be served upon each member of the council seven .. . (7) days prior to the submission of any resolution .. amending such rules. �_;:,�� � .Y' / / �-X � _ M'S. . -�� ` ! .�� • :� , ~7 :':j� _ -� � . COUNCII. MEMBERS Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays . ,_Y;�r ' . �IOOOd � � �� in Favor � co:wirs Rtttman . . scb��� Against BY . .SOIIOtA VWson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun�il: Date � Certified Passcd by Council Secretary By�/��- 1�� %�%�I ��fa[�[�— l• B! ay • Appruved by Mavoc: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council w T__ . , . . . /��- ��:'3� �,�- � ��*= o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3~�� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �, .?, r,� iiii�i�u ii �= ,,� _ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �'���„�.��,,.-�` 647 City Nall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RECEIVED January 11 , 1988 JAN 11 1988 cit�r c�ERK M E M O R A N D U M TO: Members of the City Council FROM: Jane A. McPeak ���� �.�,� Deputy City Attorney RE: Resolution Amending Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 Enclosed please find a Resolution incorporating both Councilmember Rettman' s amendment discussed at your January 5 , 1988 Council meeting and Councilmember Long' s amendments discussed at your January 7, 1988 Council meeting. A1 Olson and I have reviewed his notes of the discussion at the January 7 Council meeting and our own recollection. It appears that Councilmember Long' s draft was substituted for the Resolution initially appearing on the January 5 agenda. That draft did not incorporate Councilmember Rettman' s amendment which had been adopted on January 5. Clearly, the discussion on January 7 evidenced a desire to adopt both Councilmember Long' s draft and Councilmember Rettman' s amendment. I recommend that the Resolu- tion be taken up under reconsideration at your January 12 meeting and that the enclosed draft be substituted for Councilmember Long' s. JAM: j r Enc. cc: Edward P. Starr Alb�rt B. Olson - WMITE - CITY CIERK .. P�NK - FINANGE /� '� / - GANARV - DEPARTMENT vITY OF SAINT PATTL Council a� � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution ; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date :.:--. r`'.'•_�:: -> '"-`' Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : � "Chapter A-2. Council Subcommittees. 1. Council subcommittees. That in order to provide for the efficient operation of the legislative branch of city government , the following subcommittees of the council are hereby established: (1) Finance, management and personnel . (2) Public works, utilities, and transportation. <', (3) ��e� ��r e��*��s��e�� a�� ��}�}�.�e$ Housing and economic development. _ (4) 6��g de�e�eg�e�� a�� ��a�s�e��a��e� Community and human services. � (5) beg�s�a��e� Rules and olic . _ (6) R��es a�� ge��e�r �;.: The president of the council shall be empowered to establish � such additional subcommittees as the need may arise, with , the consent of the council . �' COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond LO°g In Favor Goswitz Rettman sc�t�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney r— �/ �I �,I , Certified Passed by Council Secretary By `��� �T� r�`�Gi�-�fL- l�8"c� By � . Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �C>�' ` � � By gY . d� �� , �,� � ' 2. Membership. Each council subcommittee shall be com posed of at least three (3) members of the council, which members, including the chair, shall be named by the president of the council with the advice and consent of the council. The president of the council may also nam e with the advice and consent of the council, alternate m embers to any subcomm ittee , who may serve in the absence of regular members of such subcommittees. The members and alternates of the council subcom mittee, including the chair, shall serve on such committee at the pleasure of the president of the council. Alternate m embers, when serving in the absence of a regular subcommittee member shall have all the powers, functions and duties of regular subcommittee members, including constituting a quorum, voting, and participation in the subcom mittee affairs in all respects. Whenever there are not sufficient members or alternates to constitute a quorum at any regularly scheduled subcommittee meeting and the chair deems it necessary to do so, the chair of that committee may appoint another member of the council who may be present to serve tem porarily as an alternate member of the subcommittee. Provided , however , that only one such appointznent may be made at any one meeting of the subcommittee. 3. Functions; participation, in general . It shall be the duty of each council subcommittee to consider all ordinances or resolutions referred to it by the city council and where ermitted � law to conduct all ublic hearings required � law. All subcommittee meetings shall be cablecasted. All subcommittee agendas shall be cablecasted according to the notification procedures currently established for cablecasting of agendas for city council meetings. The meetings of the council subcommittee shall be open to the public exce t for those instances permitted � state law , and such subcommittee may hear s�e� testimony or publ ic comment as referred � the secretary to the council or as the subcommittee deem s proper. Council subcom mittees shall report to the council upon all ordinances or resolutions referred to them, either with or without recommendation, unless the president or councilmember introducing such ordinance or resolution shall withdraw it or the president reassign it. All councilmembers may attend � _ _ __ __. . . • . ��✓� subcommittee meetings, and shall have voting rights at such committee meetings which the councilmembers attend. The affirmative vote of either a majority of the subcommittee members or of the counci–�' 1 shall be suffic—i nt to return or refer a matter to the council. 4. Meetings . (1) All council subcom mittees shall hold regular meetings according to a schedule des�g�a�ed �� ��e e�a�� adopted � the members at its first meeting in January of each year• A schedule of such meetings shall be provided all councilrn embers, the mayor , city attorney, the city clerk and news media and distributed and published in accordance with state law. � — (2) Special subcommittee meetings may be held at the call of the chair. Advance written notice of all special meetings shall be provided all councilm embers , the mayor , city attorney, city clerk as prescribed � state law and distributed and published in accordance with state law. (3) A majority of the subcommittee shall constitute a quorum. (4) A majority vote of the subcommittee shall be required for subcommittee action. - (5) Subcommittees shall keep minutes of all meetings. Subcommittee chairs shall �e �esge�s���e �e� ��e��d}�g �eee�d��g see�e�a�gT a�� a�g�s���g �� s�Q�a�a�e �����es e€ ee�����ee �ee���gs work in conjunction with the director of the council investigation and research center to insure that the appropriate research, adm nistrative, and clerical staff shall be �rovided for that subcom mittee. Subcommittee chairs shall be responsible for approving, � signature, the minutes of subcommittee meetings. A copy of such minutes shall be filed with the city clerk as a publ ic record and a copy prov ided the counc il president. 5. Subcommittee functions, in particular . (1) Finance, management and personnel . The council subcommittee on finance, management and personnel shall establish prioritized goals and , � ���i i objectives for all capital and operating budgets of all city departments, boards and agencies. In addition the subcom mittee shall assume the responsibility of reviewinq all capital and operating budget matters submitted by the m ayor in accordance with the timetable prov ided by adm ini strative ord inance, a�d shall be responsible for the consideration of any legislation relating to the personnel of the city, salary questions and labor relations, and shall be responsible for reviewing all licensing matters requiring council or subcommittee action, except where full council action i res qui er d� law within time limits which would not allow for subcommittee hearin� as well , and for overseeing olic development of and reviewing and recommending legislation on 1 ci ensing issues. (2) Public works, utilities, and transportation. The council subcom mittee on publ c—works , utilities, and transportation shall assume the responsibility for the review and recommendation of council legislation affecting public works , shall review proposals for legislation relating to telephone, telegraph, radio, television, cable television, lighting, heating, water and sewer, transportation and other ublic utilities services subject to the control of the council, and shall review and recommend all licenses, ermits and other privileges granted � the city council to ub ic utilit� owners or operators , theiTr lessees and ----- -- -- ------ ----- ------- --- representatives. � (3) E��� �le�e�e��e�� a�d ��a�sge��a��e�: Housing and economic development. The council subcommittee on e}�� �le�*e�e��e�� a�d ��a�s�ae��a��et� housing and economic development shall oversee olic development and review and recommend legislation in these areas -- land use and zoning, housing and economic development � the Port Authority, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City DeAartment of Planning and Economic Development , im��roving buildin�s and es�ec all� improving the condition of roblem properties. In addition , the subcommittee ma� res�ond to administrative proposals that affect these issues. s�a�� ass��e �esge�s������� �e� ��ie �e�a�ew a�d �eee��e�da��e� e€ ee��e�� �eg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e es�x������ se���ee$� ��i�s ee�����ee s�a�� a�se ass��e ��e �esge�s������� €e� ��e �e��ew a�d �eee�a�ae�da�}e� �e ��e ee��e� � e€ �eg�s�a�� ea �e�a�� �g �e e��� de�e�e��e��T ��►e��d��� �eQ}s�a��e� �e�aa���g �e ��e �easeT ���e�iase a�� sa�e e€ �a�d a�� ����d��gsr ��e �e��ew e€ ��egesed eg��e�s �e �a��e�ase s� ea���ae�s �e � ����' _ _ _ _ se�� a�d s�a�� �e�e�� �e ��ie ee��e�� as �e ��e �eas������y� e� ��ie ees�. e€ ���e�ase e� sa�e a�d a�� e��e� �ae�s �e�e�aa�� �e e�a�a�e ��e ee��e�� �e �al�e a g�ege� de�e��+��a��a�� �� eases w�e�e s���a��e �a�d ea��e� �e see��e� a� a �ease�a��e g��ee �� �aa�e�iaseT ��e s��ee�����ee �a� �eee��e�d �e ��ie ee��e�� ��a� ee�de�►�a��e� ��eeee���gs �e ��s�����ed �e seee�e ��e �a�d �eeessa��T �4} ��e���r e����e�xae�� a�d t�������es: ��ie e�e��I�r e��r��e��e�� a�� �������es s��ee�����ee s�a�� �e�*�e� ��e �e��e���g ��egesa�s �e� �e��s�a��e�r . �a} beg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e �e�eg�ie�eT �e�eg�a�a�T �a��eT .�e�e�a�s�e�T ea��e �e�e�r�s�e�T ��g����Qr �ea���gT wa�e� a�d sewe�T ��a�s�e��a��e� a�� e��e� �����e t��}����es se��a�ees w�a�sse�e� w�}e� a�e s���ee� �e ��e ee�►��e� e� ��e e��� eet��e�� e� ��ie E��� e� Sa��� P313�r _ _ ��} S�e� ea�����ee s�a�� a�se �e��e� a�� �eee��e�d a�� ��ee�sesT ge����s a�d e��ie� �a�����eges g�a��ed �� ��ie e��� ee��e�� �e gt���}e e�����g ew�e�s s� e�ae�a�a�sr ��ie�� �essees e� �e�a�e�e��a���esr a�d _ s�a�� �e e�gewe�ed �e �a�*e aeeessT a� a�� . �ease�a�a�e ���esT �e ��e �aeel�sT �a�ae�sT �aae�i��e�� a�d e�tt�g�e�� e� a�� �����e �������es ew�e�sT ege�a�s��T �essees a�d ��e�� �eg�e$e��a���es �a��Q ��s��ess ����i ��e e��� ee��e�� a�el e�*e� .���e� ��ie e��� eet��e�� �ae a�g ee���e� e� �eg��a���e gewe�r . S�e�i aeeess s�ia�� �e �se� �e� ��e g���aese e€ �aal���g a�g ��sgee��e�s e� asee��a����g a�g �ae�s �� �e�a��e� �e sa�d �������es e� ��e�� e�e�a��e�T ees�r ���eesT ea���a��sa��e�r g�e���s e� a�g e��ie� . �ae� �e�a���g �e ��e�� ��s��ess w�►�e�i w��� ass�s� _ sa�d ee�����ee �� �al���g �eee�t�e�da��a�s �e ��ie ee��e��� _ . _ _ _ -�e} �eg�s�a�� s� �e�a�� �g �e ��e �se a�d ee�se��*a��e� e€ e�e�gg� _ . �d} beg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e e��a��e��►e��a� g�e�ee��e�� (4) Community and human services. The council subcommittee on community and human services shall oversee �olic� develo�ment and review and recommend le islation on issues involvin� —�-------- community services, fire, police, the environment and other human ser�ces—initiatives of the _ , � - ��� �� � council and shall serve as a clearinghouse for review of �roposed state legislation. In addition , the subcom mittee shall oversee strategies and policies'and implement programs for the improved coordination and effectiveness of crime prevention and response to the cit�' s neighborhoods an'd for the improved ualit of life in the neighborhoods. The subcommittee also � rev w proposals from the administration that affect or concern district councils, business and civic rou�s and other neighborhood or community groups. — . -��� beg�s�a��a�: ��ie ee��e�� s��ee�a����ee e� �eg�s�a��e� s�ia�� asse�e ��e �es�ae�s������� �e� ��e �e�a�e� a�d �eea��e�da��e� �e ��ie ee��e}� e� a�� g�s�ese� e�a��e� a�e�d�e��T ge�e�a� e��� �eg�s�a��e� �s� e��e���se g�e�*��ed �e� �� a s��ee��►��:eeT a�� �a�egeseel �eg�s�a��e� �e �e s������ed �e ��e $�a�e �eg�s�a�a�eT a�d �a��e�$ dea���g ���}� e�ee��s�sr �6}(5) Rules and policy. The council subcommittee on rules and policy shall oversee the developm ent and implementation of the Council' s strategic goals, assume the responsibility for the revie w and recommendation to the council of any proposed amendments to the city council rules of procedure and shall review and recommend to the council general pelicy guidelines for the council to follow in its leg islative del iberations, and may review nominees for appointment to various boards and commissions. . _ W►i1TE — CITV GLERK � _ P�IN'K � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �' / � GANARV � DEPARTMENT � � �. BLUE —MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date � �� Out of Committee By Date _ + 6. Amendments. This resolution may be amended only by the '; submission in writing by a member of the council of a � notice of intent to amend the same, which notice shall contain the specific proposed amendments. Such notice `-=-� shall be served upon each member of the council seven (7) days prior to the submission of any resolution amend ing such rules. �ti...."� ,.�a. .r�;,y " � ;F^, 1 l...,;:�_. -..�j . �s., .a"'�:=y . k �.-..: �` 1 1 rr C�i1� ' :`� . � < ��y' . _ ... _ . . . .. . .... . , . . ._. .. _ . . . _ . zi ' - ' � � /�� COUNCII. MEMBERS Y� N� Requested by Department of: �`"}�. Dimond ��s [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman . scee�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson . . Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By`��'�- �'` ��'""' E:��- ! 8 B� By � : Approved by �Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �,. .;• :;: �e��, BY BY . � � ������ `� 4•``�*' °';;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' �`: OFFICE OF THE CITY An'ORNEY .� uur�iin - �� liu �'u n �� `'� "' EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEI ��,� ,... f�"�`�`"'��``� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510 GEORGE LATIMER 61�-298-51� MAYOR RECEIVED January 11 , 1988 JAN 111988 CITY CLERK M E M O R A N D U M T0: Councilmember Janice Rettman 704 City Hall FROM: Jane A. McPeak Deputy City Attorney RE: Resolution Amending Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 Enclosed please find a new Page 2 which contains the amendment regarding ccable coverage of subcommittee hearings which you re- quested after the January 7 , 1988 Council meeting. JAM: jr Enc. cc: Edward P. Starr Albert B. Olson � r . . . �'-"���� �.� 2. Membership. Each council subcommittee shall be com posed of at least three (3) members of the council, which members , including the chair, shall be nam ed by the president of the council with the advice and consent of the council. The presid ent of the council m ay also nam e with the advice and consent of the council, alternate m embers to any subcommittee , who may serve in the absence of regular members of such subcommittees. The members and alternates of the council subcommittee, including the chair, shall serve on such committee at the pleasure of the president of the council. Alternate m em bers, when serving in the absence of a regular subcommittee member shall have all the powers, functions and duties of regular subcommitte� members, including constituting a quorum, voting, and participation in the subcommittee affairs in all respects. Whenever there are not sufficient members or alternates to constitute a qvorum at any regularly scheduled subcommittee meeting and the chair deems it necessary to do so , the chair of that committee may appoint another member of the council who may be pre�ent to serve temporarily as an alternate member of the subcommittee. Provided , however , that only one such appointment may be made at any one meeting of the subcommittee. 3. Functions; participation, in general . It shall be the duty of each council subcommittee to consider all ordinances or resolutions referred to it by the city council and where ermitted � law to conduct all public hearings required � law. All subcom mittee meetings shall be cablecasted. All subcommittee a endas shall be cablecasted according to the notification procedures currently established for cablecasting of agendas for city council meetings. The meetings of the council subcommittee shall be open to the public except for those instances permitted � state law , and such subcommittee may hear st�e� testimony or public comment as referred b� the secretary to the council or as the subcommittee deems proper. Council subcom m.ittees shall report to the council upon all ordinances or resolutions referred to them, either with or without recommendation, unless the president or councilmember introducing such ordinance or resolution sha'_1 withdraw it or the president reassign it. All councilmembers ma� attend � .� � ' ����� �� �'`����� 9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL �° "` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � uunntu �; ?.� nu tuu :_ ';,. �� >,,, ,.:= EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ��•����`` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul.Minnesota 5510_ GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5�2 MAYOR January 11 , lgss RECEIVED JAN 111988 CITY CLERK M E M O R A N D U M T0: Councilmember Robe^t Long 713 City Hall FROM: Jane A. McPeak Deputy City Attorney RE: Resolution Amendinc Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 Enclosed please find a new Page 4 which further amends the pro- vision regarding license hearings before the Council instead of a subcommittee. I think the language offered at the January 7 Council meeting, while understood at that meeting, could also be interpreted in other ways not intended by the Council. By adding "within time limits which would not allow for subcommittee hearing as well" you have clarified and limited the effect of that provision. JAM;j r Enc. CC : Edward P. Starr Albert B. Olson � M)'7"RTra'�`T..C�'...r�;�-���.... ...���.•� r...��+.�. . - - - � �,����� objectives for all capital and operating budgets of all city departments, boards and agencies. In addition the subcom mittee shall assume the responsibility of reviewing all capital and operating budget matters submitted by the mayor in accordance with the tim etable provided by administrative ordinance, a�d shall be responsible for the consideration of any legislation relating to the personnel of the city, salary questions and labor relations, and shall be responsible for reviewing all licensing matters requiring council or subcommittee action, exce t where full council action is required � law within time limits which would not allow for subcommittee hearin� as well , and for overseeing olic develo ment of and reviewing and recommending legislation on licensing issues. (2 ) Public works, utilities, and transportation. The council subcommittee on public works , utilities, and transportation shall assume the responsibility for the review and recommendation of council legislation affecting public works , shall review proposals for legislation relating to telephone, telegraph, radio television, cable television, lighting, heating, water and sewer, transportation and other public utilitr ies services su� bject to the control of the council, and shall review and recommend all licenses, pe—m ts and other privileges granted � the city council to ublic utilit� owners or o�erators , their lessees and representatives. � (3) E��� e7e�►e�es�ae�� a�d ��a�s�e��a��e�r Housing and economic development. The council subcommittee on e��� de�e�eg�e�� a��i ��afls�e��a��e� housing and economic development shall oversee op licy development and review and recommend legis�on in these areas -- land use and zoning,= housing and economic development � the Port Authority, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City De artment of Planning and Economic Development , improvin� buildin�s and espec all� improving the condition of roblem properties. In addition , the subcommittee ma� res�ond to administrative proposals that affect these issues. s�a�� assa�e �esge�s����� �e� ��e �e�a�e� a�� �eee��xe�da��a� e� ee��e�� �eg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e ee������g se��r�eesr ���� ee�����ee s�a�� a�se assx�►e ��e �es�ae�s������g €e� ��e �e�}e� a�d �eee��ae�ada��e� �a ��e esx�e�� e� �eg�s�a��e� �e�a�� �g �e e��� de�e�e��e��T ��e��td-��g �eg�s�a��e� �e�aa���g �e ��e �easeT �a��e�iase a�� sa�e e� �a�d a�d ����d��gsT ��e �e��e� e� �a�e�esed e���e�s �s g��e�ase e� ee���ae�s �e WMITE - CITY CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COUACII � "� CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 . G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L File NO. ��_� , BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Ac3minist ative Code Chapter A-2 be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : "Chapter A-2. Council Subcommi tees. 1. Council subcommittees. That in order to provi e for the efficient operation of � the legislative b nch of city government, the following subcom m ' tees of the council are hereby established: (1) Finance man q�� , gement,a��i personnel� �.,. (2) Public wor s, utilities, and transportation. (3) ��e�g�T ����e��e�� a�� ����}�}es Housing and economic development. (4) 6��� � �e�eg�e�� a�� ��a�s�s��a��e� Community and human services. (5) beg� �a�}e� Rules and polic�r, (6) Rt� es a�� �e��e�: The presid t of the council shall be empowered to establish such addi ional subcommittees as the need may arise, with the conse t of the council . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays in Favor Against BY Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��' �` i%l�t�./"21�— /.Z—.Z.� —$7 . g�. A►pproved by iVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � 4 � �y ���;�;r,� N �' ,�,�� . �► ;, :{,.:�:�� ,-, � j� �� � ! 7 !� � , �}�� . �-�-�-�� .�; � , ���r� ,.� rr•�;-�--• ---,---�, � : � y __ ._..,...,.� __ � `+�wF�Fs � ,�c�xv�cc�sx , f �,�, , " . . - F FN A'nt COUACtI G pr�'� ���Y '°�����!�::- G I TY �OF SA I P4T'T P�k�L � . sc. E MA F1k NO.. 4 '�O " 1 ;.� ` �• • ,s-`_ . ; � � ,9 ��Z��CZI ��°S�1�� . ,�8�-�. - __ � �. - ��` 6-�� , �. �— . . :�. : .. . , . ,. .: . .: P enr�-fly -- �� ': , � . � , r � ,� , , , _ . .� � �- R�erred To - Ci�m;ttee: Date: ..:..--....,.-,. . ����-.,.. , .. _ : ; , . , ,� : .. � �ut of Committee� y ' '� � :DaEe� ` :z `� ' ,r" <,; ,�; '.� : } �_ ; : �, ,.#��4L'4,���: t��t �'ti�t Pa�'nI �ds�n�st tf�l►! �di. t�iptlr #A-� be . , 'y,,-J c�ad �arr ,r� 3�tr�Y �� s�+���d �' sarad s� l�sllw�rs t ' � �`r �: .�' � . �: K�.�� :. � � ����"�ap��s 1�-2. � C�a�i1 Sa�o�� t�es. � � � , � � � � � y;. ��,. � �2.'��<, C4 a�a i 1 s+sbc+�w i t taae�. f:" _ � ,T�. x , - �►at � o�rcter t� ps��r a tor t� �e��f+�ie�+�� : id� e�� � ��, � � t�e �-�gisiati�r+�� b �h� ot �it� qer�ra�set #,, �h� . , foil0�rinc� sabco�� tees .��# ��e cm�t�i� as� , mer�b-p , " .' ' `�- _ �s�abl!�b�t M, '. �. .. _ . . . ��r �. :,� � _ � , " t�.� �i�a��e� �a� w��tl p�e���ee�rl j, �iri�iu�i�:`�• _' ����:� ;tnblfa �� ,� at�iitiss�, a�3 �trsn,s,�►sfi.a��fo�. � ~� �� . . , ��i �r�+� yf��r rp�+rrir� Ilr��r�llr�r^wl�i� . , � -r . ... .. .;%'� � � "' . . . .; , f'. t - ' �'3) �:s�a��y. #�r##l��ri�� ##�t #�#�t�ls x[��t�g�r a,�,� � ;$ �. � ecs�ric d�r�r�i1,���t. . . � , ,._ , � t 4 l � � +r�,iat�� �wa�� . � �; � ,� < a�s�fial�#wrw �a��a�#i. �,,±i�; .� �,. � �` ' �11��il� !1"�. ` F � , . , : � � .:, . {. � . .. : , , ,. . ;: ��, (Sy , :�t3,+a�s i�ld ot �. � * "; �= : , , , . � .. . . . +w}.w�w..i.. ,,.M.... . � ,,� r �,Y . . {�/ �'''���! • - • :!�t� p�fsfl� � �# the �ce�f2 shall brr t�pvw�rt�d ta� 7esta�xf�b� �,; , � , . _. ��a�c� addi i0��1 �n1�c���ait��es ss �he oeed: �eap atl�a:, �e���� � ��, . �y �,� , " , .. , , � ... , . t�r �oa � of tl� can�i�. �.��,, . , a;a ��.,` , - , , � � �� ,. � . � . .. . 4� . ' ' . ' . . r . 3 . _ i . .�. ' . *:rE .. �' � � �� . . ' . � - � , . � . � .. . . . ' , ' . .�s - � .. . .. . . . . � � couNCit,�ti�N � , ; �qnested tiy Repartme� of: �, ,Yeas Nays _ • . �. ' . F,', _ ... ,., . .: _ , � ; . ' . in �a+vor . ' �� - � � � � F,� � � � � � � a � A��nst :BY ` . � � . _ .. . � . � . . . . ' _ ?r ` . . � � - . . . `�' i� . � .,{ ,. � .. � , - !` � .. � ' � _ ' '�°q :y � .��A3dopted by fount4l: t�ate �`�n Appcov*d�+y Cifq Attorn�y ..� �. r -. � . . � .. .. - .���. � . , . . , ,. , Certified Pa'sse� by Council Secretary � gY�G"t�� �� vG��-C./"�d..t�"' 1.c' T'�'{��-$7 ��---_: B3' , , ' . _ � ' ' ppprs►vad by Meyor fqr'S�fss�a+�o Co�mcii �' �P�'io�� by.lwavor: D�te .r � ' �' ,, • � � �F� �' y ��V i - _. .. � . � , . ����4, � . ..' � 4� ��Ty. 4 , . � ..a . .. - _ . .. . . . � . , . . . , • ^4� , , . . � �.,� '. . . .. � .., . . . .. . . . . . . . . .� . .,.. -: a.. :.. .. . ... ......�_ . . , ..�' ,. .y n ., ' . ��. i . . . y :. .6 . .. r.. . . . • . ,. :�r . , . ... . . � _ _.�..___ . �, T_ � �.�. , WMITE - CITV CLERK � � � � � � � � ; . PIWK - FINANCE � � � (� � � '� CANARV - DEP.ARTMEN7 � �JITY OP'� SAIATT ��U� � �OUI1ClI . `{�`� � ��� , DLUE -MAVOR � . � . � . . ""-� Fjle�. NO• �f - 1 r-t � Co�ncil R�solutio� - � . Presented B�+ ��,"�{•:,�:�.rr.�_,�.�.�;��..'''`� i .�� i . ' � Referred To Committee:-t- Date ' / ��, , Out of Committee By Date � ° tslOL�1ED, tsst �aint paal l►+�isi=t ti�rs Cods C�apta� A-� b�e a� tU� ia� 1mc+�► i s as�sd�d tWs t�aa s foll�rs� •Cbapt:s 1E-�. C��ci2 �abceow�i�t.�ars. � I.. C+�a�ail s�tb�ro■rtlttNn.- �,''� �!'!ut !� arda►r t+� p�c0af s tat tla �ft'fct�����o8rs,�!l+a� o# tD• i�islati*• b Ac#� of eitp y�rr�ssa�at, ts� - ls3le�ef�+4 aobcerta tsss ot tDs coea�i3 •ss �t�bT e�ta511 s��l e �� ""- ` . � : tl} Tinaece,r i�fg��t�aEw� ps�s�usl,t .�..., _ _ _ ' �" , � (_� lvblic �esl�rj, t�ilitlN^ �t �r�n� �tat�o�. "" / t�3 E*�!3''s� #���� ��i +�i#i�#�r ![oesSn� a�ad ..._......_ ,..� �erotre+�ic 4�,! ,...,t* . _ t4� �!� l�+�w! �ei C,,,,..,.,,,.,,,�,,,,.,,,,L a�d ' • . l��a� +�strf�s. . . � . . �r�fi r. ����M���� � .. - . .,:, t�� , � �[Y� � 0�..��..�• ' . „ ��i� �iIN �Irli#s�+r • � 'lE1�r �'!s�d t Ot tA� �'01�sC i 3. sA!1�, b! s�.p0li�l+�d t4 !ilabl�il� ��+eb aQ+�f e�al s�ae►��itt��r� as �k� �� aRS�r at�s�►* ritit. . � . r � �� �� Pi �� �Qr�i f . , � .� . � . COUNCILMEN : Requested by Depactment oE: . Yeas Nays ` [n Favor � Against 'BY Form Approved by CiEy Attorney Adl�P3ed by Gc�ncik: Qate .� ° C.ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY -- — By °'ti . Approved by Mavor: Date AppcoYed'by Mayor for Submissioe to CounCil s � gy a: _ . . , x ' � v . n . _ . . . �,. , � ' �i�f,;�-- rr, t;�t ��" � 2. Membership. Each council subcommittee shall be composed of at least three (3) members of the council, ��� ; ����������:��:.�.�����<��:������� �� ����������> --- — — --.— �������-•.a��r:�����a�,�:��:,.�.��a:��.�g�r•5:��.d�t�=�} �--{�������,�- --- — -- — — IIl,a cf .�P r_�7_�,,:, � ,r�i�r a�W. . �._ ���. __�!- — — _ _ — _ �t��e� The committee members, includin the cha r, shall be named by the president of the /council with the advice and consent of the council. � The president of the counc il may al so name wi th th adv ice and consent of the council , alternate members to any subcommittee, who may serve in the absence of r gular members of such subcommittees. The members nd alternates of the council subcommittee, includin the chair, shall serve on such committee at the plea�ure of the president of the council . Alternate meml�ers, when serving in the absence of a regular subcommi/ttee member shall have all the powers , functions �and duties of regular subcommittee members, incl�ding constituting a quorum, voting, and participation ,�in the subcommittee affairs in all respects . � / Whenever there are not sufficient members or alternates to constitute a quor�m at any regularly scheduled subcommittee meeting �nd the chair deems it necessary to do so, the chair of that committee may appoint another member of t�ie council who may be present to serve temporarily�ras an alternate member of the subcommittee. Pro� ided , however , that only one such appointment may la'e made at any one meeting of the subcommittee . � 3. Functions; parti�ipation, in general . � It shall be th duty of each council subcommittee to consider all o dinances or resolutions referred to it by the city ouncil and where permitted � law to conduct all ublic hearings required � law. The meetings of he council subcommittee shall be open to the public except for those instances permitted � state law and such subcommittee may hear see� testimony or public comment as referred b� the secretary o the council or as the subcommittee deems proper . ouncil subcommittees shall report to the council u on all ordinances or resolutions referred to them, ei er with or without recommendation, unless the presiden or councilmember introducing such ordinance or reso ution shall withdraw it or the president reassign it. _ All councilpersons � attend � subcommittee meetings, and shall have voting rights at such committee meetings for which the councilpersons attend. The affirmative vote of either a majority . . � . . , • , _ , . ,; ,,. (f) �;���" ;'" i t ;� C � � � ��_ �` of the subcommittee membersn�of the counciljshall be sufficient to return or refer a matter to t� council. i 4 . Meetings. �� � ( 1) All council subcommittees shall %�hold regular meetings according to a schedule � s���a�ed �� ��e e�a�� aclopted � the members at ' ts first meeting in January of each ear. A chedule of such meetings shall be provided all uncilmembers, the mayor , city attorney, the c ' y clerk and news media and distributed and pub ished in accordance with state law. — (2 ) Special subcommittee meeti gs may be held at the call of the chair. Advanc written notice of all special meetings sha11 be provided all councilmembers , the may r , city attorney, city clerk as prescribed � s ate law and distributed and published in accorc7a ce with state law. � (3 ) A majority of the subc�immittee shall constitute a quorum. �� (4 ) A majority vote of the subcommittee shall be required for subco ttee action. (5) Subcommittees shal keep minutes of all m eetings. _ _ _ . . _ . Subcommittee ch irs shall �e �es�e�s���e €e� �es�}d�� �eee�d ' � eee�e�a� . .. � _ . . . _ Q �. �`r a�� a���e���g �� s�g�a���e �x��t�� s e� ee��}��ee �ee���gs work in conjunction wi h the director of the council investigation nd research center to insure that the appropria e research, administrative, and clerical st ff shall be �ro�iaea for that subcommitt e. Subcommittee chairs shall be responsible for approving, � signature, the minutes of ubcommittee meetings. A copy of such minutes sh, ll be filed with the city clerk as a public re�ord and a copy provided the council president./ i 5. Subcommittee f,Iunctions, in particular . (1) Finanee , management, a�� personnel , � '�� -� � !The council subcommittee on finance, managem ent, �� personnel, and licensing shall assume the respon�ibility of reviewing all capital and operating budget matters submitted by the mayor in accordance with the timetable provided by . , , 4/A"�f � fY,� 1 �, � administrative ordinance, a�� shall be resoonsible for the consideration of any legislation rslating to the personnel of the city, salary quest ons and lahor relations , and shall be responsible f r reviewing all licensing matters requiring counci or subcommittee action and for overseeing policy evelopment of and reviewing and recom mending le is ation on licensing issues. (2) Public works , utilities, an_ transportation. The council subcommittee on publi� works, utilities, and transportation shall assume tl�e responsibility for the review and recommendation /of council legislation affecting public works , s 11 review proposals for legislation relating to te ephone, telegraph, radio, television, cable televisi n, lighting, heating, water and sewer, transportatio and other �ublic utilitT e services subject to the control of the council, and shall review and recom end all licenses, permits and other privileges rante � the city council to up blic utilit� owners or o erators , their lessees and representatives . _ (3 ) E��� de�re�e��e� a��l ��a�sge��a��e�: Housing and economic developmen . The council subcommittee on e��� �e�e�e��e�� a�d � a�s�e��a��a� housing and economic development shall versee policy development and review and recommend le islation in these areas -- land use and zoning, hou ing and economic development by the Port Authority, he Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City e artment of Planning and Economic Development. s a�� ass��e �es�e�s������� �e� ��e �e�a�ew a�d �eee��►e�� ��e� e� ee��e�� �eg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e ee������� se �a�ees: ���s es�����ee s�a�� a�se ass��ae ��e �esge�s� ����y� �e� ��e �e�r�ew a�� �eee��ae�da��e� �e ��ie ee� �e � e€ �eg�s�a��e� �e�a�� �g �e e��� de�e�e�ax�e T ��e�t����g �eQ�s�a��e� �e�aa���g �e ��e �easer g� e�a�se a�d sa�e e� �a�� a�� �����1��gsT ��ie �e�a�ev� e� ��egese� e�s��s�►s �e ���e�ase e� ee���ae�s �e se�� a� s�ia�� �e�e�� �e ��e ee��e�� as �e ��e �eas��� ��� e€ ��e ees� e€ g��e�ase e� sa�e a�d a�� e��e� � e�s �e�e�a�� �e e�a��e ��e eet��e�� �e �al�e a ��e�e� de�e��+��a��e�: �� eases v��e�e s���a��e �a�d ea��e� �e see��ed a� a �ea�e�a��e ���ee �� ���e�aseT ��ie s �ee��a���ee �a� �eee��e�e7 �.e ��e ee��e�� ��ia� ee�ade��a��e� ��eeee�l��gs �e ��s�����ed �e see��e ��e �a�d �eeessa��r • • , ' ' '�/ ����� �'�' � � � � _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ „ _ _ �4� ��e�Q�r e��a��e��e�� a�d �������esr ��e e�e���r e����e��e�� a�d x������es s��ee�� ' ��ee s�ia�� _ �e�a�ew ��e €e��e���g ��egesa�s �e� � �s�a��e�� -{a} beg�s�a��e� �e�a�}�� �e �e�e��i �eT �e�eg�a��T _ _ �ad�eT �e�e��s-�e�T ea��e �e�e�r�-��e�r ��g�����r _ _ _ . _ . �ea���gT �a�e� a�d se�e�r ��a�s� ��a��e� a�� e��e� �����e x������es se���ees w� see�re� �t�i�e� a�e _ s���ee� �e ��e ea���e� e� ��e e��� eea�e�� e� ��e G��� e� Sa�i3� ge���r �, i i _ _ _ _ .. -��} st�e� ee�+����ee s�ia�� a��e �e��ew a�d �eee�a�e�d a�� ��ee�sesT �e����s a��l /e��e� ������eges g�a��ed �� ��e e��� eea�e�� �e �����e t������� ew�e�s e� ege�a�e�sr ��ie�� �esse�� e� �e��ese��a���esT a�d _ s�ia�� �e e��ewe�e� ��e �a�e aeees$T a� a�� _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . �ease�a��e ��x�esT �e e �eel�sr ga�e�sT �ae���e�� a�d e���g�e�� e� a�� g����e �������es e��e�sT e�e�a�e�sT �essees a�d ��e�� �e��ese��a���es de��� ��s��ess �}�� ��e e �� eet��e�� a�d e�e� ���e� ��e e��� ee��e�� �ias a y� ee���e� e� �egt��a���e �ev�e�r s�e� aeeess s�a� �e t�se� �e� ��e �a���ese e� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �al���� a�� ��s�e���e�s e� asee��a����g a�� _�ae�s �� �e�a��e� �e s,��� ��}����es e� ��e-�� e�e�a��e�T _ . _. _ _ eas�T ���eesT e�,���a���a��e�T ��e�-��s e� a�� e��e� _ _ _ _ �ae� �e�a���g �b ��e�� �t�s��ess ��i�e� w}�� ass�s� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . sa�d ee�����e� �� �al���g �eeex��ae�da��e�s �e ��ie ee��e��r ;' -{e-}_ be�� s���� e� �e�a�-� �g �e ��e � se a�d ee�se��a��e���e� e�e���: �{d-} be�-�s�a�}e� �e�a���� �e e����e��e��a� g�e�ee��e�� (4) Communi �� and human services . The council subcommi�tee on community and human services shall overse �olic� development and review and recom m nd legislation on issues involving commun t services, fire, police, the environment and o her human services initiatives of the counc 1 and shall serve as a clearinghouse for revi of proposed state legislation. ; -��� beg�is�a�-�e�� ��e ee��e�� s��ea�►����ee e� �eg ' s�a��e� s�a�� ass��e ��ie �esge�s}�-����� €e� ��e �e�a�e� a�� �eee��ae�ada��e� �e ��e ee��e�� e€ a� ; ��egese� e�a��e� a�e��7�e��T �e�e�a� e��� �eg�s�a��e� �e� e��e���se ��e���e� �e� �� a st��ee�a����eeT a�� g�e�ese� �e�3s�a��e� �e �e . , ,' ' � �/ WMITE - CITV CIERK / PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council G�i��� � CANqRV - DEPARTMENT v BLUE - MAVOR Flle N � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date s���}��e� �e ��e s�a�e �e��s�a���eT �� �a��e�s �ea���g r�}�� e�ee��e�sr {6}(5) Rules and policy. The council s committee on rules and policy shall assume the res nsibility for the review and recommendation to, the council of any proposed amendments to the c ty council rules of procedure and shall review and recommend to the council general policy gui elines for the council to follow in its legisla ive deliberations, and may review nominees fo appointment to various boards and commissions. 6. Amendments. This resoluti n may be amended only by the submission in writing b a member of the council of a notice of intent to ame the same, which notice shall contain the specific p posed amendments. Such notice shall be served upon ach member of the council seven (7) days prior to t e submission of any resolution amending such rules. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ✓1��2- � -��'���c�,/G, �Z-.Z 8-�i 7 By A►pproved by Mavor: Date APP� by Mayor for Su ' si n to Council By . , . . ' ` � , ����'���' ________________________________ AGENDA ITEMS =_______________________________ ID#: 87-[617 ] DATE REC: [12/29/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00� ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [AMEND CODE RE: COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEES ] C.R. STAFF: [HANNASCH ] SIG:[SCHEIBEL ] OUT-[ ] CLERK [12/29/87] ORIGINATOR:[COUNCIL RESEARCH ] CONTACT:[HANNASCH -4163 ] ACTION:[ � [ ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED [00/00/OU] FILE CLO5ED [ ] � � � � � � � � r� � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION <6 PGS) ] C ] [ ] . . . .' . ,7 ' - ---- _- --- - - - - - - _- - -- _ _ - -__�--- - __ --- --- _---_- -- _ -_-- __- _-- �J� WHITE - CITV CLERK �� ✓'` PINK - FINANCE G I 1`Y O F SA I NT � A U L Council � . rj - CANARV - OEPARTMENT � File NO. d BLUE -MAYOR - � � 1 Co il solution Present.ed By Beferred Committee: Date Out of Co ittee By Date RESOLVED, tha t the Saint Paul Adminis tra tive Code Chap ter A-2 be and the same hereby is amended to read as followe: 3. Functions; participation, in general. It shall be the duty of each council subcommittee to consider all ordinances or resolutions referred to it by the city council and where permitted by law to conduct all public hearings required by law. The meetings of the counc�3.3 subcommittee shaZl be open to t eT pu�fc except for those instances permitted bq state law, and auch subcommittee may hear snch testimony or pu ic comment as referred by the secre�ary to the council or as the subcommittee deems proper—.A�� subcommittee mee£�ngs shaT� e�cablecasted. Additionallq, all subcommittee agen as s al�be cablecasted according to the noti icat on period procedures presentlq es�lisIie . e ouncil subaomm3ttee s�a�port to the council a-31�inances or resolutions referred to them, either with or without recommenda tion, unleas the president or councilmember introducing, � such ordinances or resolution shall withdraw it or �the president reassign it. �'�� �so�w� .il acsoas �sr. a tt�ead a�y,�ubco�moi t e asa,�ti, a,�e, so� s�s�l k��e v6ting ' �-� ri�,�fi#a t s{ec � cowei t�-�e�s ��or Whic�°cb�cilper�oaer a t, �l�s .� �.`�,,.' a��t�'lst�vs vo�e of either n maja�i of the subcommit.Eee members or of t�ie council s a3�e suff�ient to return or re�er a matter to e council. V COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays [n Favor Against BY Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certitied Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 1�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council : � � ; . � � a � �� � � �� � .N° 0116�83 , �muncil Research DEPAR?i�EI�T Josep Hannasc` CONTACT 1�A� _ . , . , ; 2 9 43-416 3 PHONE i � 12-29-57 DATE . . ASSIGN�,�'QR ROUTING ORDER: (Seek reverse side.� _ Depart�etit Director ! _ Mayor (or Assistant) �---- _ Finance and l�a�nagement Services D�rector . � City Clerk _ Budget ;Diractor _ _ City Attornsy _ ;. TO�AL NUM8E� ,0� �IGNATURE PAGES: _;, (Clip all locations for signature.) QHAT WILL B6 ACflIEVED B� TAKING AC�ON ON THE ATTACHED 1�€AATBRIALS? (Furpose/Rait�cmale;) This Resolution; amends the St. PauT Administrativ:e Cede, Chag. A-2, "Council Subi-Committees, " by es.tablishing five $ub-committees, and sp�lling out proced�res and responsibilities , of ieach committee. � � It also allows ;the President of the Gour�cil to es:tablish such other new committeies as may be needed, with conse�t of Council . ; COSTj�ENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNBL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � �� � Not known. B C , (Mayor's signature not required if un er $10,000.) ; r r:� Total Amount of Trans�ction: NA; Activity Number:f=.":4'- � . Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all at�achments.) Resolution, ID 87-617,i in 6 pages. �DKINISTRATIVE PRQCEDURES ' _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, ;Procedures, or Bndget Amendment requiredY _Yes _No If yes, are they or.itimetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW �ITY ATTORNEY L�t VTEW _Yes _No Council resolution re�ui�ed? Resolution required? _Yes �No _Yes _No I�surance requirad? Insurance au€fici$nt? _,_,_Yes �No _Yes No Insurance attached? i ; _ , , i , �OW T0. IISE T�iE GRSEN SHEET ' •• � , . , ��y � i _. The GREEN SHR$T hga three PtTRFOSES: . 1. to assist in routit�g documants and in securfng required signra�ures; 2. to briaf the rsviewers of documents on the impacts of approvsl; 3. to help ensure that netcesssry supporting materials ar� prapars'd and, if r�qaired. � attached. . Providing co�plete information under the listed headi�gs enables revf��rers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay eaecution. Belov is the preferred ROiTTI�G for the five most frequent tpges of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorised budget e:ists� 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor . 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accountiag • pote: If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required. if the department directar signs. A contract must always be' signed by the autside agency before routiag through City offices. - A�MIHISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIV�,;QRDER {all othars) .1. Actinity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accauntant 2. City Attorney ` 3. Departmeat Director 3. Mayor/'Assistant , 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Ser�rices COUNGIL RE�SOL�jTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptsnce) COUNCIL RESOLtTTION (all others) 1. �Department Director I. Department Director 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant . 4. Maqor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chisf Accountant, Finance and Management� 8arvices The COST(�ENEFIT. BUDGETAItY. AND PERSO�j�A�CTS heading provides space to explain the . cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Ccrs�a aitd benefits relate both to. City budget (General Fund and/or Spacial Funds} and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups affected by the action). The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) po�itions. The �DMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, regulations, or resource. proposals are necessary foz implementation of an ordinance or resolution. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING I4ATE�t�ALS. In the l4�TA¢HIdENTS sectfon, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions). ote: If an agreement requirea e�ridence of insuraace/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should bs one,of the ,attachmants: at �ime af routing. �lote: Actions phich xequire C�.Lp: Cpl�utcil resolutions include contractual relationships � with other governmental uni��; co22ective bargsining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land.; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; asswnption of liabilitq by City, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreements with state or f,ederal govemment under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE , G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL Council �//�yp� CANARV - DEPARTMENT . Fll@ NO. � � '�" �� BLUE - MAVOR � Co il solution Present.ed By Beferred Committee: Date Out of Co ittee By Date RESOLVED, tha t the Sain t Paul Adminis tra tive Code Chap ter A-2 be and the same hereby is amended to ead as follows: 3. Functions; participation, in ge eral. It shall be the duty of each council subc mittee to consider all ordinances or resolutions referred to it by the city c uncil and where permitted by law to conduct all public hearings required by 1 . The meetings of the counci�3 subcom ttee shaZl be open to t e�i pub�ic excep for those instances permitted by state law, and such subcommittee may hear su h testimony or public comment �� as referred by the secretarq to the council or a the subcommittee deems �i proper. All subcommittee mee�ngs shaZl- e�cablec ted. Additionallq, all O(�v� subcommittee agen as s 11�ie�lecasted accordin to the notification period rocedures presently es tablisTie . T e Eounc su co—3.ttee s al report to the council all�inances or resolutions referred to them, either with or without recommendation, unless the president or counci member introducing such ordinances or resolution shall withdraw it or the resident reassign it. All councilpersons may a ttend any subcommi ttee mee tings, and shall have vo ting `� r,ights at such eommittee meetings for which the councilpe sons attend. The T / affirmative vote of either a ma�ority of the subcoramittee embers or of t�e council shall be suf cient to return or re�er a matter to t e council. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY -:\. 4"�A�j��?���i.C�ti:", Y �'.. �.,.. -�� . . � ` � `; �..`: 3- •:`` �' �.�'.�. ..: .`�p ' � . ' .. . . � . . ........... .. .. ' . . • . :�.'�`' �� �'''~~�' ..v.'v`� ,7:�;�=: �-�'• ,��....�.....+w»as..*..................._._� �.. .. . . .� . . -, • .,. , �F. . .. . . . �__.�.y . . �. . . . .. ..:... -_._ . _.__. . .. ava.-r—�.::�«yi-'+alliH.k.+s'�r _ . ,GITY GLENK . . . .. . - . ' ' _ _ . _ ., FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL .. - �.-OEPARTMENT COL1AC11 � n .�/ ' . ' —M/�YOR r Y � File N 0. _��� Council Resolution . � Presented By �"''�'���-�-�1�! ,, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: � "Chapter A-2. Council Subcommittees. • •- 1. Council subcom�nittees. That in order to provide for the efficient operation of the legislative branch of city government�, the following. subcommittees of the council are hereby established: - �1� � � �- !�d?�- . , a �2� u ' r t' n O(N�v��"'�G�m�u� ,� � � (3) F�e�ggT e��*��s��e�� a�d �������es Housing and . economic development. (4) 6��� de�e�egx�e�� a�d ��a�s�e��a � . . u s �„�` (5) beg�s�a��s� Rules and olic . . (6) At��es a�i� �e��e�: � � � � The president of the council shall be empowered to establish such additional subcommittees as the need may arise, with the consent of the council . . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . � - Requested by Department of: . In Favor Against BY Adopted by Councit: Date _Form Approved by City Attomey � - Certified Passed by Council Secretary � 8y �— /�F. /.Z�.Z$ —$7 B, �s � ' ,�'!. � ., ' � //j r� �0 ��i�� '/r � � . �,�dd ,. , �. . I . '; 2. Membershia. ''� Each council subcommittee shall be composed of at least ; :�; three (3) members of the council with the exception of � s the Rules and Polic Committee which shall meet as a, , ,l; committee of the whole. The president of the council `� ;�; . ma , serve onl as an ex-offic.io member of a c.ommittee�.Sih ; ; . � ' ��}e� The committee members, includ—i g the chair, shall S�� ��� � � be named by the president of the counc il wi th the �x ��- ! i � advice and consent of the council. The president of -�'H , (I the counc il may al so name wi th the a�v ice and consent ," �; of the council, alternate members to any subcom�nittee, J \ I: who may serve in tlze absence of regular members of such ,y `; subcommittees. The members and alternates of the t�, council subcommittee, including the chair, shall serve ;; on such committee at the pleasure of the president of ; � the counc il. A1 ternate �nember s, when serv ing in the � absence of a regular subcomTnittee member shall have all the powers , functions and duties of regular subcommittee members, including constituting a quorum, voting, and participation in the subcommittee affairs ; � in all respects. � Whenever there are not sufficient members or alternates � to constitute a quorum at� any regularly scheduled '. subcommittee meeting and the chair deems it necessary to do so, the chair of that committee may appoint �another member of the council who may be present to i �iI �� serve temporarily as an alternate member of the . �' subcommittee. Provided , however , that only one such - ; �; appointmen� may be made at any one meeting of the subcommittee. ; � � � 3. Functions; participation, in general . � �, It shall be the duty of each council subcom?nittee to �i .� . . consider all ordinances or resolutions refezred to it ','�� ' � by the city council and where permitted � law to � _' ,. conduct all up blic hearings required � law. The , meetings of the council subcommittee shall be open to � i '� the public exce t for those instances permitted � � , state laia , and such subcommittee may hear sr�e�i ' � - testimony or public comment as referred � the � secretary to the counciL or as the subcommittee deems � � proper . Council subcommittees shall report to the . . ' council upon al.l �ordinances or resolutions referrecl to I ' them, either with or without recommendation, unless the � president or councilmember introducing such ordinance ' � or resolution shall withdraw it or the president i reassign it. The affirmative vote of either a majority i � • � ' # . . , _. _. I . . � �,��. . . � . , r� � . � . ��� �, � . ;. ; of the subcommittee �membersn�of the council shall be � ;� sufficient to return or refer a matter to the council. �;� — - _ _ _ � 4. Meetings. . ,: (1) All council subcommittees shall hold � regular `� meetings according to a schedule �les�g�a�ed �} ��e '� e�a�� adopted � the members at its first meeting � �j in January of each ear. A schedule of such �j�, - meetings shall be provided all councilmembers, the I�'I -_ mayor, city attorney, the city. clerk and news ��� - media and distributed and published in accordance - ;� � with state law. — � � � � (2) Special subcoramittee meetings may be held at the � � call of the chair. Advance written notice of all � • ; � special meetings shall be provided all ' councilmembers, the mayor , city attorney, city '' clerk as prescribed � state 1aw and distributed � �� and published in accordance with state law. ; (3) A majority of the subcommittee � shall constitute a quorum. ' � (4) A majority vote of the subcommittee shall be required for subcommittee action. i (5) Subcommittees shall keep minutes of all meetings. - Subcommittee chairs shall �e �esge�s�b�e €e� ��e��d��g �ees�d��� see�e�a��T a�d a���e�*��g �� . s�g�a���e x�����es e� esa�����ee �tee���gs work in " conjunction with the director of the council investigation and research center to insure that i the appropriate research, administrative, and ' clerical staff shall be rovided for that � subcommittee. �ubcommittee chairs shall be responsible for approving, � signature, the � i minutes of subcommittee meetings. A copy of such � ; � minutes shall be filed with the city clerk as a � . public record and a copy provided the council � president. I � 5. Subcommittee func tions, in particular�. � �-CM�4.z d (�.d� 5�.1�C � S� fJ7'V � �1) , �� ; _ . . The �cc-c�cil subcommittee , ' �� � the responsibility of re iv ewin all c�� assume �°��'"'�Y` i � . g p i ta 1 an ph�^-�Z� operating budget matters submitted by the mayor' i 1 `•�a- ; ccordance wi th the timetable prov ided b �,�� � � � �-� � ���ti� �����y� � . � �, , ��� , , � � �`�``-°.`�,,,�,,�� c���� � � P . � s . ��e � � ,�,� �;,�,,, - a� c� � f",,`ra,.� �- . .�;�c �"�,.. �`� �� � �r� h� i � ��,'� , , , � ` �,, � � � � I , ___. _. _._..._ � ,��__....) _ . . .-- , _.. . . _. --_,. .._ �_ �+.�.,�.����� • . • - �► - , ' ' ������ �" ; administrative ordinance, a�� 5ha11 be resoonsi�ale for the consideration of any legislation relating to the � ,,. personnel of the city, salary questions and labor � � relations , �d sh 1 be es ons ' ble fo rev ' win all ;� licensing m tte re rin unci or s com it ee f, action and for er e ' n o ic e el en o and f'�' � reviewing n re _men • ng 1 islat ' on on icensing Ig� � - issues. 'g , iV i SI ����.�Q�Qr,� (2) P bl ic w ks , utili ' es, and tra ortation. The _ �,�i d counc 1 s co ittee n p blic wo s, u iliti , and '� `'`�`'�"�'�"� transpo ation hall assume the sponsib it for the ,�; 10�� �a�'�a� r ' w and r endation of council isla ion •� L�..�o`�-o.l'a��n ffec�ing p lic w rks , shall evie �roposals for ±�i , ��� legisla� ' relating o tele one, telegraph, ra io, ;, � tele sion cable televi ' � , , lighting, heati,n ter i ' t �-� and' s wer, transporta�fion a o ublic.titil ties � � � ��-�� q�� ,e�`'�vic s subject ,t_o the c ro �f fh�ouncil,� and � �'� ��0 �(,� ,5ha11 re iew an�1�"reco nd all licenses, ermits and '�(� ``� I other � r�i.vi es tedrb�r"the�-ci —co��i� -pu lic ����,�s�,�, utility ow s or —o�erators , their lessees and ��t�Su -r resentatives. � ° _�_— _ ►�wQt�ac��11� �''�.�.�� de�e�e�ai�e�� a�d ��a�sge��a��e�r Housing and J- ► � ye�¢Q,�`-($� economic development. The council subcommittee on e�.�� 7"���� ' � de�e�e��e�� a�� ��a�s�ae��a��e�i housing and economic �'��j� , ������� - development shall oversee olic • development `j���r � , __� ....,. � � �-� and recommend legislation in these areas --�-��� �;��� and zoni housin an nomic e the S � Port Authorit , e ousing an edevelo m Author' t ,�� t e C 1 � D a ' an �rx�,� ' t Deve a�� ass��e �esge�s����-��� �e� ��e �e��e� �� � a� �eee��e��a��e� e� ee�ae�� �eg�s�a��e� �e�a���g � �e� � ' ` eex����}�� se���eesr ���s es�n�a���ee s�a�� a�se as�a�te � � ��e �esge�s��}���� �e� ��e �e�-�er� a�d �eee�t�►e��a��s� �s� �'�%� ��ie ee��e�� a�€ �eg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e e��� k �� de�re�a��aea�T ��e�ed��g �eg�s�a�}e� �e�aa���g �e ��e .'e �easeT ���e�ase a�d sa�e e� �a�d a�d �t���d��gsT ��e `1�S'�' �e��e� e€ g�e�esed e��}e�s �s g��e�iase e� ee���ae�s �e '�au.� �����' se�� a�d s�a�� �ege�� �e ��e ee��e�� as �a ��e'�oc�,,,,,� �a. �eas}�}���� a� ��e ees� e€ �e�e�ase e� sa�e a��i a��� �.� e��e� €ae�s �e�e�a�� �e e�a��e ��e eea�e�� �e a�ake a � � ��e�ae� de�e�x���a��e�� �� eases s��e�e s���a��e �a��`,'�� °� � • ea��e� �e seea�ed a� a �ease�a��e ���ee �g $��e�aseT� �SSr�• ; ��e s��ee�a����ee t�a� �eee�x�e�d �a ��e ee�t�e�� ��►a� � . esflde��a��e� ��eeeed��gs �e ��s���a�ed �e see��e ��ie ; �a�d �eeessa�g� � � � � � i �w4S ,� ... . J-- _��.._.._..___. —_'_—._ ./ � _ _ � ? ... :: . . �.___�. .._. _ _ .: ..: "� '" �— .� .�a� � '71,.. . . . .. .. ... .-.._..�.r...+-ws+em — ° — ' " ..._. � 5�'"a�.�,+. . —_ .� . , ,g / � ` �� i . �� �ii�� , i, , ,� '� �, �� � ��. . � I 3: �4} E�e���r e�►v��e��e�� a�d ��-���-�}esT ��e e�e�gY`r . �1 e��►-��e�r�e�� a�d a�}����es s��ee�����ee s�a�� �e��ew ��ie €e.��e��t�g g�e�esa�s €e� �eg�s�a��e�r I�( . , -{a} beg-�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e� �e�eg�e�eT �e�eg�aa�iT . { � �a��er �e�e�*�s�e�r ea��e �e�e�r�s�e�T ��g��3�gT - _ �ea�}�QT �a�e� a�d se�e�T ��a�s�e��a��e� a�d e��e� � ��t���e �������es se���ees ��a�see�e� �t��e� a�e � �' st��3ee� �e ��e ee���e� e� ��e e��� ee��e�� e€ ��e '� 6��� e�€ Sa��� Pae�r ' " . �. -{�} S�e� ee�����ee s�a��• a�se �e�*�e� a�d �eee��e�d ��' a�� ��ee�sesr �e��+��s a�el a��ie� ����*}�eges g�a��e� i �� ��e :e��g ee��e�� �e.. g�b��e e�-����� e�r�e�s e� eae�a�e�sT ��e�� �essee� e� �eg�ese��a���esT a�d s�a�� �ae e�a�ewe�ed .�e �a�e aeeessr a� a�� �ease�a��e ���esT �e_ ��ie �eel�sT �aae�sT �ae���e�g a�� e�t�}��e�� e€ a�� g����e �t������es e��e�sT � ege�a�e�sT �essees a�d �.�e�� �e��ese��a���es de��g I �as��ess ���� ��ie e��y� eei��e�� a�� e�e� ��i�e�i ��e . e��� ee��e-�� �as a�� ea���e� e� �egt��a���e �e�e�r I 6�e� aeeess s�a�� �e �sed �e� ��e gt���ese . e€ � �al���� a�� ��s�aee��e�s e� asee��a��}�g a�g _€ae�s I �� �e�a��et� �e sa�d ������}es e� ��e�� e�ae�a��e�T • ees�r ���eesr ea���a���a�}e�T �=e���s e� a�g e��e� €ae� �e�a���c� �e ��e�� ��s��ess ���e� ���� ass}s� sa}� ee�����ee �� �al���g �eee��e�de��a�s �e ��e . . ee��e-��T � . . . -{e� beg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �a z�e �tse a�d ee�se��a��e� e€ e�e�gg: � -{d� beg�s�a��e� �e�a���g �e e����e��e��a� g�e�ee��e�r (4) C mmunit� _ d human ervices. he council � 1 c .��(���,s bcommitt e n communi and human ervices hal o ersee o ic� dev o�ment a revie an � �u�4A- ��'� r comme d e�isla i n on is u s inv vi ��•�a•���,���- c mmuni s rvices, i e, olic , he en ro m t and ot er uman er ices i ti tiv s o he �p,,,,�,p � ��`�"�� unc 1 and shal ser as _ clea ghonse for `n� -_(�_� ����r v' w of ro d state gislation. b�W►`�'""` � ��;� a — �,� • „�'� ?� � beg�s�a��e�r ��e es��e�� s��ee��e-���ee e� �, � . �eg�s�a��e� s�a�� ass��e ��ie �es�e�s������� €e� . �,s �`� �`' ��e �e��e� a�s� �eee��►eflda��e� �e ��e ee��e�� e€ � ,���� a�� ��egesesl e�a��e� a�ne�d�aefl�T ge�e�a� e��� . �eg�s�a��e� �s� e��e���se �a�e��ded €s� �g a � � ��.p� s��es�����eeT a�� ��e�esed �eg�s�a��e� �e �e . .. .. _ . '�.ad�dl,�'� � . , � . . ��eur ��,�,o �. ��. .,,- _�. 'f. �rv�w�� .c _ � �e��A � �p�,,�,t�nQ� � 1�,�,'`i�. �' ` "y� o� ��� F _ R ._. _.. _'_ ._ _" .... . . ...._ it .. - _ _ _.. - -. - ��.� . � - ' _ 'I � _ _. _ .. __. ' ' ' . - -- - - � • � 011t1C1Z f �i T� «�K SA I NT P�.0 L � �'"� . � �«.,N�E CiITy pF File N0. i�,j �vwarMEr+r � _ , . A:O F � � i.' . . Council Resolution ����. ,., � : By . ;_ � , Committee: Date � ;�. ! �eferred To �; ., Date ` "`w �ut of Committee By � i � � i i� ; . se�����ed �e ��ie s�a�e �eg�s�a��a�er a�d �a��e�s ' ; . - dea���g v���� e�ee��e�sr . . ._ ; �. i ,, .�6.}�5) Rules and policy. The council subcommittee on rules . and policy shall ssume the responsibility for t e p�,����- f : r e v i e w a n d reco � mendation to the council of any��'`�""- � �. proposed amendments to the city counci l ru les o f � , rocedure and shall review and recommend to the�� eo"'°`'�`� p c il . oun council general policy guidelines for the c 9�t-ta.��� to follow in its leg islative deI iberations, azu1Q�,�, ��`_. s �...�c;�,�,m- Y�`. ��.-�,r- c�` z> r�.� e��o�.e;@'�m°� (. Amendments. This resolution may be amended only by the �p� � subm ission in wr iting by a member of the counc il of a�� l. . notice of intent to amend the same, which notice shall , , contain the specific proposed amendments. Such notice ��;� shall be served upon each member of the council s�even (7) days prior to the submission of any resolution amending such rules. ' °�:�;�;y -s;.:;..: . ���_?y�;�. . . . . .X-y.'�. COUNCIL�VIEN Requested by Depactment of: � N ays � . j,,��`� In Favoc . � . _ �� pgainst By . . :.� . _ . . Form Approved by City Attorney pted by Council: Date By J�r �� �J. /Z,—,Z B—8 7 — Council Secretary t ified Passed by , ;::' _ . ; . •,•, f . . pppr by Msyor foc Su ' sipn to Couacil � . ��oved by Navor: Date ��x �,_,:-'.'