99-1223Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hali OR1GlI�AL Presented By Referred To Council F51e # qq_ 1�,3 Green Sheet # � �� Z � INNESOTA � Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Saint Paul Growers Associauon to operate the Farmers' Market and Municipal Parking Lot over a period of four years and eleven months beginning February 1, 2000. Adopuo' �ertified by By: � ��, ' � Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Management Services B : �..1���`Z�L�%G� Y Direc�� Form Approved by City Attorney y< By: ���G✓trv�^e. /�� 2.'3'c�' « Adopted by Council: Date n�. �-2, �\`l`��. .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: November 10,1999 ree She t Number: 100922 nfact Petson and Phone N¢nd�er: 2 EPAR �II'i�� Q2Ty � � (, ,r C1TY COi1NCII, Q e_��,�� ���� j 'l l Dave Nelson 266-8850 I � �` 3 UDGETDII2ECTOR FETCEOFFINANCfALSVCS as[beonCo�dAg�daby: 4 YOR(ORAS57ST 6 FSTATEDIV75ION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR GNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To authorize the execution of a four year eleven month agreement with the Saint Paul Growers Association for the operation of the Farmer's Market and Municipal Parlang Lot Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Sample copy ofAgreement TMS/1; 3. Maps. coMbIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) oR REJECT pi) ERSONAL SERVLCE CONTBACTS MUST ANSWGR THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person�rn� ever worked �der a contract for tltis deparhnent? YES NO PL9MVINGCOMMISSION A STAFF Eias thisperso�6rm ever been a City employee? IF.S NO CNIL SERVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this person/Hrmpossess a sltill not normally possessed by any YES NO cm•rent CSty employee? CIB COMMITTEE E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) 'L DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, ].'] 'I7ATING PROBLEM, ISSiTE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay Wheu, Where, Why?): The City requires the services of an organization familiar with farmers' market and parking lot operations. VANTAGES IF AYPROVE4: A qualified organization will administer the operations of the Farmers' Market and parldng lo� ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: mis''"m'Yi:i? `�."'trS'�:::'R#;;st"=. None � � � � � ��� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The CiTy would have to fmd another organization with the proper qualifications to operate the facility. . . . . ...............__ . _ � OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 221�,30 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO mre so�cE: operating income from market & parldng AcrivrrY xo�Ex: NANCIAL A*I�'ORMATION: (EXPLAi� The projected income to the City from operations of the farmers' market and parlang lot will be in the range of $290,000 after all operating expenses. (See Earhibit "C") W Z`„ m: °' ,, �tq_Iaa3 > � ° o: Z � � � �, � � q�� � x�� R fH N fA V3 mV tp O � . � N O O O O O O O � �q O O O O O O O W TOOOOtA00 d'' � —�(OOONOO "RNf�N� V OtfJ � YiM Cl W � ��. �-} tCl f9 � fH �- fAfH F ' 4i fA fA � R w R s s 0 £ N R C O 00001� 0000f0 O O N O � f"JfO�� V ff3 � U3 � f9 E/} fA N (p N � N {6 d C N (p � N � � O � - O U ?� F J � T" � �` R c c'm 9 c m� Q Q O Q�� m l6 t6 t0 � 3 7 L u�u�v�a�n�nU s c 0 E d n 0 r � � N N N � O O O O O O O O O a v�f» V � � 000 O O O 000 � v� v� H3 � W } a R c U a L T C T j o tp p �ox O A N O W � v � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O(�0000 ��00� 0000 O�D Q � m O' V O CO N I� 1� N N � I� O� � Of t0 O �(htnr�W N���O�N � N CJ W3 fA ER fH fA N fA fA � d3 iH Of c � Efj V3 FA IA f9 � O M�OI�00 Mc71�01� 00 t+f O! O M Cl Of00 �OJMtpO(D 00 t"i t0 O Nl OJ OfOON �<"l (ON� �� O Ql �om�n�ncoomnm�.-v nin m o E9����MfA E9HJ N � � N V � � � � '....... 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Agreement NO. FINANCE DEPT. Agreement NO. TMS 1 DATE: Februaz� OWNER: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Department of TMS Real Estate Division OPERATOR: SA1NT PAUL GROWERS ASSOCIATION (1) Premises. specified t hereby c� is in paid to the OPER? t OPERATOR the itown St. Paul, bow Lots 1 thru 6, Block Addition adjacent the between Fourth Str� SAINT PAUL L4TIONS ie p�merit�of the Management Fee hereinafter venants and agreements herein contained, does ina r referred to as the "Premises," is property St., Fifth St., Broadway St. and Wall St. and which tney And Smith's Addition and that portion of Kittson's �n ying between said lots 1 thru 6 and Broadway Street and Fifth Street. together with buildirigs, fiatures in such buildings, improvements and structures, if any, located thereon including portions of public streets (subject to specified times), which area is indicated on the attached: Exhibit A-1 Parking Operations area; Exhibit A-2 Farmers Market Operations area Saturday-Sunday from April to November; Exhibit A-3 Farmers Mazket Operations area Weekday from April to November. OPERATOR may use those portions of nublic streets indicated on E�ibit A-2 for Farmers Market operations only, provided: aq-�z� A. OPERATOR sha11 prior to each annual Farmers Market selling season, submit and obtain approval in writing from the Department of Public Works for a barricading and traffic controi plan in conforxnance with Exhibit A-2. B. The signing of this agreement by all parties, and adherence to all the requirements constitutes pernussion by the Department of Public Works to use the public right-of- way as shown on Exhibit A-2, and no fiuther permits are required from the Department of Public Works. The OPERATOR will be required to pay any labor and equipment chazges associated with tra�c control which the Department of Public Warks perForms as a result of this agreement. C. OPERATOR is also fully awaze that the City at any time and for any reason may ternunate use ofthese pubiic streets for market purposes. The OWNER shall attempt to provided the OPERATOR reasonable notice of this termination . OPERATOR shall promptly and reasonably discontinue the use of said public streets under this agreement and sha11 surrender the streets to City, consistent with Section 20. D. OPERATOR shall keep the streets clean, with trash and rubbish completely removed at the close of each market day. E. OPERATOR shall use barricades of a type approved by the Department of Public Works. OPERATOR shall set up and take down the barricades as directed by the Department of Public Works. OPERATOR shall be responsible to maintain and provide secured starage of the barricades during non-market operations. The barricades including legs, rails and any other parts must lie within the boundaries as shown on Exhibit A-2. F. Any striping or painting of parking stalls shall be in a manner approved by the Department of Public Works. G. OPERATOR sha11 ensure that a traffic lane as shown on Exhibit A-2, remains open for emergency vehicles and access to adjacent private property. H. The hours during which OPERATOR may implement Exhibit A-2 are as follow: consistent with Chapter 11 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code which is fartliat period from April 15 through November 15 beginning at midnight on Friday night of each week and ending at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. aq-�z�� (2) Term of A¢reement. This agreement shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier by the OWNER as provided herein. Term (Months/Yeazs) Commencing Date Ending Date 4 year i l months February 1, 2000 December 31, 2004 (3) Use of Premises. The OPERATOR shall use and occupy the Premises for the following purpose: A. for market purposes consistent with Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which is for that period from April 15 through November 15 beginning at midnight on Friday night of each week and ending at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. B. to operate during non-mazket hours, a pazking lot, for the benefit of the OWNER, subject to the requirements of Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code or any other applicable law. OPERATOR is prohibited from any other use, without the prior written consent of OWNER. Except for rights specifically granted in this agreement, OPERATOR shall have no interest in the land, improvements or equipment located on the Premises. (4) Operators Management Fee. The OWNER shall compensate the OPERATOR on a fixed fee basis as shown in Exhibit C of this Agreement for the Parking Lot Operations and the Farmers Mazket Operations. A. Fee Payment. OPERATOR shall deduct their earned monthly fees from the NIO payment sent to the OWNER quarterly as shown Section (4) D Payment Address of this agreement. B. Oneratin�Expenses and Revenue Collection. The OPERATOR shall be responsible for the collection for all the income as shown in Exhibit C of this agreement. OPERATOR shall be obligated to pay under this paragraph or other provisions (including Exhibit C) of this Agreement including, but is not limited to, the following fees, costs and expenses which are incurred during the term of occupation as described in Section 2 or as expanded: all utilities, including water, electric, gas, telephone, sewage and gazbage collection and disposal as specified in Section (11) of this Agreement; 2. costs for the repairs, improvements or alterations required to be made by the OPERATOR in Section (11) and Section (34) and Eghibit B of this Agreement; 3. a11 taxes on realty or personalty, general or special (in the event the OWNER no longer enjoys tax-exempt status ofthe premises); a11 public rates, dues, charges and �tR -11�.3 assessments, general or special, ofany kind uponthe Premises as specified in Section (5) of this Agreement; and 4. propezry insurance premiuxn and/or uninsured losses as set forth in Section ('� ofthis Agreement. In the event, that OPERATOR does not make such payments, O WNER may make the payments at its option, and the payments shall be deducted from the OPERATOR Management Fee. C. Net Operafing Income INOn Adjustments. Adjustments to the NOI sha11 be as follows: In the event, the projected Net Operating Income (NOI) exceeds the projected annual amount as shown on Exhibit C, for each dollaz ($1.00) of additional of NOI, the OPERATOR shall receive from the OWNER as Additional Management Fee $.33 per $1.00 of NOI. 2. In the event, the actual NOI is less that the projected amount, as reported in the monthly reports prepared and furnished by the OPERATOK, the OWNER sha11 review the options with the OPERATOR to restore the NOI to the project level. OPERATOR shail be required to take steps to ensure that the OWNER'S NOI shall increase 5% per year over the term of this agreement. 4. OWNER shall have the option to assess the Farmers Market vendors via the OPERATOR, a yeazly fee to ensure that the total funds (NIO and Fee) recieved by the OWNER equals the projected NOI for a given year. D. Pavment Address. OPERATOR sha11 make payments of the collected NOI to the OWNER on the dates stated below and consistent with Section (34) Financial Report of this Agreement at the foliowing address: Plannine and Economic Development De�utment, Attention: Tom Mever. De�t Accountant. 1400 City Hall Annex. 25 West Fourth St.. St. Paul, MN 55102 The applicabie account number for Caty Finance Accounting Code is: 130-36100-5239 All Net Operating Income shall be payable on the dates as follows: Pavment Date I�iOI Collection Period 4/30/2000 2/1/2000-3/31/2000 7/30/2000 4/1/2000-6/30/2000 10/30/2000 7/1/2000-9/30/2000 � aq _►ia� 1/30/2001 10/1/2000-12/31/2000 4/30/2001 1/1/2001-3/31/2001 7/30/2001 4/1/2001-6/30/2001 l0/30/2001 7/1/2001-9/30/2001 1(30f2�02 1011f2001-12(31(2001 4/30/2002 1/1/2002-3/31/2002 7/30/2002 4/1/2002-6/30/2002 10/30/2002 7/1/2002-9/30/2002 1/30/2003 10/1/2002-12/31/2002 4/30/2003 1/1/2003-3/31/2003 7/30/2003 4/1/2003-6/30/2003 10130/2003 7/112003-9130/2003 1/30/2004 10/1/2003-12/31/2003 4/30/2004 1/1/2004-3/31/2004 7/30/2004 4/1/2004-6/30/2004 10/30/2004 7/1/2004-9/30/2004 1130/2005 10l1l2004-12l31/2004 The OWNER shall reduce the OPERATOR Management Fee by 1% per day for each day the payment is late. (5) Taxes. The OWNER and OPERATOR acknowledge that the premise is owned and operated on behalf of the OWNER based upon Minn. Stat. 272.01, Subd. 2(b)(1), which the OWNER has the right to operate a public market and municipal parking facility exempt from state ad valorem tases. If the laws of the State of Minnesota subsequently authorize the levy of a tax on properry owned by the political subdivision, the payment of said taxes shall be the responsibility of the OPERATOR on behalf ofthe OWNER as cover in Section (4) B Operating Egpenses and Revenue Collection 5 aq -�a.� � ofthis Agreement. OWNER may at its option require the OPERATOR to pay such contested tases pending appeal, to place in escrow a sum sufficient to pay said t�es, or take other action that will remove said contested taxes as an encumbrance to ritle or as an exception to the transferability of marketable title to the Premises. If by some acrion of the State renders the properry taxable for state ad valorem tases, the O WNER and OPERATOR shall readdress the operation budget to account for the new tax expense. (6) Ri�ht of Entrv. At a11 times during the term of this agreement, the OWNER shall have the right, by itself, its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the Premises during reasonable business hours or, in the event of an emergency, at any time for any legitimate purpose. (7) Insurance. A. OWNER'S Insurance. The OWNER shall acquire and keep in effect during the term of this agreement the following coverages: 1. FIRE AND ALL RISK INSURANCE, on the Premises with limits of not less than $210,000 for year 2000, sha11 be purchased by the OWNER; the OPEI2ATOR shall pay, as Additional Rent, the premium far said insurance. In the event of a claim, the deductible shall be paid from the Risk Retention Fund, which is manage by City Real Estate Division. Said insurance names the City of Saint Paul as the insured. With respect to any loss ofthe OWNER'S property not covered by insurance, it shall be the responsibility of the OPERATOR, within a reasonable time, to pay a11 costs to repair or replace the damaged property with like kind, such reasonable time to be determined by the OWNER. B. OPERATOR'S Insurance. The OPERATOR shall acquire during the term of this agreement the following coverage: 1. FIRE AND ALL RISK INSURANCE, the OPERATOR shall be responsible for the self insurance of, or the acquisition of Commercial Properry Insurance on its owned, or in the care, custody and control of others personal property. 2. COMMERCIAL GENERAI, LIABILITY INSURANCE including blanket contractual liability coverage, personal in}ury liability coverage and broad form properry damage liability endorsement with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and shall be purchased by the OPERATOR. Such insurance shall: (a) name the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul as additional insured; (b) be primary with respect to OWNER'S insurance or self-insurance; (c) not exclude explosion, collapse and underground properry damage; (d) be written on an"Occurrence" Form policy basis; and (e) not contain an"aggregate" policy limit unless specifically approved in writing by OWNER. 0 Rg -1 aa 3 3. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE with minimum limits of $750,000 combined single limit and $1,500,000 aggregate, covering hired, non-owned and owned automobiles. 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSi.7RANCE with not less than statutory minimum lnnits; and EMPLOYET2S' LIABILITY INSiJRANCE with minimum innits of at least $300,000 per occurrence and with an all states endorsement. The OPERATOR shall supply to OWNER current insurance certificates for policies required in Section ('n. The said certificates shall certify whether or not the agent has errors and omissions insurance coverage. 6. The limits cited under each insurance requirement above establish minimums; and it is the sole responsibility of the OPERATOR to purchase and maintain additional insurance that may be necessary in relation to this agreement. 7. Nothing in this contract shall constitute a waiver by the OWNER of any statutory limits or exceptions on liability. 8. OPERATOR shall place the insurance with responsible insurance companies authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and approved by OWNER, and shall deliver copies of the policies to OWNER on the date of OPERATOR'S execufion ofthis agreement. The policies required in Section (7) sha11 be endorsed to indicate that the insurer cannot cancel or change the insurance without first giving the OWNER 60 days' written notice. 9. Insurance limits shall be subject to the tort claims liability limits as set forth in Chapter 466 of Minnesota Statutes. 10. It is specifically understood and agreed that all of the proceeds of such insurance policies shall belong to and be payable to the OWNER and that the OWNER, after application of such proceeds to the loss, may apply any remaining proceeds to a separate, non-insured loss of the OPERATOR. 11. If for any reason any of the insurance hereunder is void, the OPERATOR is responsible to the OWNER for the total amount of uninsured loss. 12. Waiver of Subrogation. OWNER waives its right of subrogation for damage to the Building, contents therein, loss of use thereof, and/or loss of income, up to the amount ofinsurance proceeds collected. OPERATORwaives its right ofsubrogation for damage to properiy in the Premises, loss of use thereof, loss of income and/or accounts receivable, up to the amount of their respective insurance proceeds col- lected. The parties shall notify their respective insurance companies, in writing, of the provisions of this paragraph; and, if either cannot waive its subrogation rights, aq-�za3 such parry shall immediately notify the other party, in writing. (8) Cancellarion or Termination. This agreement shall be subject to cancellation and termination by OWNER or OPERATOR at any time during the term hereof by giving notice in writing at one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date when such termination shall become effective. In the event of such termination, and on the effective date of such termination, OPERATOR shall return any unearned Management Fee paid by the OWNER. (9) Notice. All notices herein provided to be given, or that may be given by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fixlly given when served personally on OWNER or OPERATOR, or when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and addressed to: OPERATOR at the address stated on page (1); OWNER at the Real Estate Dvision, 140 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. The address to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed by written notice given by either party to the other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service. (10) Assienment. OPERATOR shall not assign this Agreement without the written consent of the OWNER, which consent must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement to the Premises. (il) Maintenance and Repairs. OPERATOR shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible £or a11 repairs, maintenance and upkeep (excluding the Capital Improvements, Repaixs and/or Replacements as specified in Eghibit B ofthis Agreement) ofthe Premises, including but not limited to emergency repairs of any kind; routine maintenance and repair to keep the Premises in good repair, safe and in compliance with applicable fire, health, building and other life-safety codes; and all repairs and maintenance needed to keep the buildings or shuctures on the Premises in good condition, including, but not limited to, (a) the exterior (including windows and doors) and interior structure of the buildings or structures, (b) the roof or roofs, (c) the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems therein, (d) all electrical, plumbing, lighting, mechanical systems, fire suppression equipment, i.e. fire sprinkler system; (e) all grounds, fences, parking lot and roads within the Premises. The foregoing obligations shall bind the OPERATOR regardless of the cause of the damage or condition necessitating the repair or maintenance. OPERATOR sha11 keep the Premises in a clean and safe condition, free of accumulauon of dirt and debris. It sha11 also be responsible for the removal from the premises of vehicles or equipment located beyond the mazket period. The OWNER may contribute funds as stated in Section (33) of this Agreement for scheduled Improvements as set forth in Exhibit B of this Agreement. qq-►�a3 (12) Payments in Case of Default. OPERATOR shall pay OWNER all costs and expenses, including reasonable attomey's fees in any action brought by OWNER to recover any rent due and unpaid hereunder, or for the breach or default of any of the covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement, or to recover possession of said property, whether such action progresses to judgment or not. (13) Surrender ofPremises. The OPERATOR, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner terniination of this agreement, sha11 quit peacefully and surrender possession of said properry and its appurtenances to OWNER in as good order and condition as the property was delivered to the OPERATOR. (14) Indemnitv. The OPERATOR agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless the City of Saint Paul and any agents, officers and employees thereof from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character, arising out of or by reason of the Agreement of the herein described Premises by the OWNER to the OPERATOR, or the use or condition of the Premises or as a result ofthe operations or business activfties taking place on the Premises. It is fully understood and agreed that OPERATOR is aware of the conditions of the Premises and agrees to operate "as is." (15) Holdover. Any holdover after the expiration of the term of this Agreement shall be allowed only after receiving the written consent of the OWNER. Said occupancy shall be deemed to be a occupancy only from month-to-month. All other terxns and conditions of this Agreement sha11 be applicable. (lb) Pollufion and Contaminants. OPEI2ATOR agrees to comply with all ordinances, laws, rules and regulations enacted by any governmental body or agency relating to the control, abatement or emission of air and water contaminants and the disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes. OPERATOR shall bear all costs and expenses arising from compliance with said ordinances, laws, rules, or regulations and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless OWNER from all liability, including without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties arising from the failure by OPERATOR to comply with such ordinances, laws, rules or regulazions. The OWNER, has the right to perform cleanup and charge the OPERATOR for such costs should the OPERATOR fail to comply. (1'� Controlling A�reement. In the event there are any prior existing agreements between OPERATOR and OWNER (or its predecessor in interest) covering the subject property, it is agreed and understood that this Agreement shall cancel and terminate any prior agreements as of the effective date of this agreement. (18) Destruction. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Premises or in the event the premises becomes unoccupied or unfit for occupancy due to such damage during the term ofthis Agreement, OWNER may at its option: A. terminate the agreement upon fifteen (15) days written notice to OPERATOR; or qq -1�3 B. within fifteen (15) days agree to restore the premises within a reasonable tune period following the casualty, charging the costs in excess of the insurance proceeds, if any, to the OPERATOR; or C_ may direct that OPERATOR promptly restore the Premises to substantially the condition e�sting immediately prior to such damage or destruction, and for that purpose, if such dam- age or destnxction was caused by perils insured against the O WNER shall make available to OPERATOR pro-rata, as work progresses, the net proceeds of such insurance. If such proceeds aze insufficient to pay the entire cost thereof, OPERATOR agrees to pay, a lump sum payment (or in a form agreed upon by the O WNER) equal to the remainder of such cost. The Operatars Management Fee to be paid during the restoration period sha11 be abated in proportion to the percentage of loss and impairment of the use of the Premises as determined by the OWNER, times the number of days of loss or impairment. (19) Events of Default. The occurrence of any ofthe following events during the term of this Agreement shall constitute an event of default by the OPERATOR: A. the filing of a petition to have OPERATOR adjudicated baukrupt or a petition for reorganization or arrangement under any laws of the United States relating to bankiuptcy filed by OPERATOR; B. in the event a petition to have OPERATOR adjudicated baukrupt is filed against OPERA- TOR, the failure to dismiss such petition within ninety (90) days from the date of such filing; C. the assets of OPERATOR or of the business conducted by OPERATOR on the Premises be assumed by any trustee or other person pursuant to any judicial proceedings; D. OPERATOR makes any assignment far the benefit of creditors; E. the failure by OPERATOR to timely pay expenses as required by this Agreement; F. the failure by OPERATOR to observe and perform any covenant, condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed as required by this Agreement; or G. the failure by OPERATOR or its surety to discharge, satisfy or release any lien or lien statement filed or recorded against the Premises within sixty (60) days after the date of such filing or recording, whichever date is earlier. It is an express covenant and agreement of OWNER and OPERATOR that OWNER may, at its election, terminate this Agreement in the event of the occurrence of any of the events described in this paragraph or in paragraph (22) relating to liens by giving not less than ten (10) days written notice to OPERATOR; and when so terminated, O WNER may reenter the Premises. This Agreement and its Premises sha11 not be breated as an asset of OPERATOR'S estate. It is further expressly 10 qq_1��3 undezstood and agreed that OVJNER shall be entitled upon such reentry, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to exercise such rights and remedies as are provided in Paragraph (24) of this Agreement. (20) Compliance with Laws. The properry described herein may be used for only the purposes stated herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the OPERATOR in the use of the properiy to comply with all laws, rules, regularions or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the use to which the properiy is proposed to be put. Inabiliry or failure by the OPERATOR to comply with any of said laws, rules, regulations or ordinances will not relieve the OPERATOR of the obligation to pay the rental provided herein. (21) Non-Discrimination. The OPERATOR for himself, his personal representatives, successors in interest and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running with the land, that: A. no person, on the basis ofrace, sex, color creed, religion, age, disability, marital status, status with respect to public assistance or national origin or ancestry shall be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities; B. that in connection with the conshuction of any improvements on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrimination sha11 be practiced in the selection of em- ployees and contractors, by contractors in the selection and retention of first tier subcontract- ors, and by first-tier subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier subcon- tractors; C. that such discrimination shall not be practiced against the public in its access in and use of the facilities and services provided for public accommodations (such as eating, sleeping, rest and recreation) constructed or operated on the Premises; and D. that the OPERATOR shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to the Saint Paui Legislative Code Chapter 183. (22) Liens. The OPERATOR shall not permit mechanic's liens or other liens to be filed or established or to remain against the Premises for labor, materiais or services furnished in connection with any additions, modifications, improvements, repairs, renewals or replacements made to the Premises, or far any other reason; provided that if the OPERATOR shall first notify the OWNER of its intention to do so and sha11 deposit in escrow with the OWNER a sum of money or a bond ar irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the OWNER equal to the amount of the claim of lien, OPERATOR may in good faith contest any such claims or mechanic's or other liens filed or established and in such event may permit the items contested to remain undischarged and unsatisfied during the period of such contest. If, in the opinion of the OWNER, the nonpayment of any such items subjects the Premises to any loss or forfeiture, the OWNER may require the OPERATOR to use the escrow account to promptly pay all such unpaid items and if OPERATOR fails to pay &om the escrow account, the 11 �`t-ta�3 OWNER may pay and chazge the OPERATOR. OPERATOR sha11 have no right to subject and subordinate this agreement or Premises in any manner to any lien, mortgage, trust agreement or any other encumbrance. (23) Eminent Domain. In the event the entire Premises aze taken by eminent domain, or such portion thereof is so taken that in OPERATOR'S reasonable judgement it is uneconomic thereafter to restore the Premises and proceed under the terms and provisions of this Agreement, OPERATOR or the OWNER may terminate this Agreement by giving to the other parry tliirty days' written notice of termination, effective as of the date on which the condemning authority acquires legal title or physical possession of the Premises. OPERATOR hereby waives and releases any claim to or share in the Award of Compensation for the taking, notwithstanding any other provision of law, this Agreement or any other agreement. OPERATOR may to the extent otherwise permitted in the eminent domain proceeding, remove its own trade fixtures at its own expense. (24) Default Remedies. In the event an Event of Default occurs under paragraph (19) of this Agreement, OWNER may exercise any one or more of the following remedies: A. reenter and take possession of the Premises without termination of this Agreement, and use its best efforts to manage the Premises to or enter into an agreement with another person for the account of OPERATOR; B. terminate this agreement, exclude OPERATOR from the Premises, and use its best efforts to contract with a new OPERATOR in accordance with applicable law; C. exclude OPERATOR from possession of the Premises, with or without terminating this Agreement and operate the Premises itself; D. terminate the Agreement, exclude OPERATOR from possession ofthe Premises, sell all or any part of the Premises at the best price obtainable (provided such sale is permitted by ap- plicable law,) such sale to be on such terms and conditions as the OWNER, in its sole discretion, shall determine and apply the proceeds of such sale less any expenses thereof for the account of the OPERATOR. E. exercise any remedies available to it under the Minnesota Uniform Commercial Code; F. take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to collect the Rental income and fees then due and thereafrer to become due, or to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, agreement or covenant of the OPERATOR under this Agreement. G. in exercising any of its remedies set forth in this Section, the OWNER may, whether or not the Agreement is then in effect, hold the OPERATOR liable for the difference between the payments and other costs for which the OPERATOR is responsible under this Agreement. 12 qq- taz� No remedy herein confened upon or reserved to OWNBR is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement or now or thereafter existing at law or in equity by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any such right or power accruing upon any defauit shall impair any such right or power or sha11 be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the OWNER to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Provision, it shall not be necessary to give any notice, other than such notice as may be herein expressly required. (25) Performance by Third Parties. OPERATOR may contract with third parties to assist in its obligations under tl�is agreement, provided no such contract shall be entered into without prior written approval of the OWNER. The OWNER may also permit third parties to perform any and all acts or take such action as may be necessary, on behalf of OPERATOR, to prevent or correct any Event of Default. Such perforxnance by third parties shall not, in any way, diminish or absolve OPERATOR of primary liability hereunder. (26) Default of Payment. OPERATOR agrees that, should it default on any payment owing and due to be paid to OWNER as provided in this agreement, including but not limited to Rents and Fees, then the remaining unpaid balance sha11, at the option of the OWNER, immediately become due. Said OPERATOR further agrees that the OWNER may, at its option and without notice to OPERATOR, enter judgment against OPERATOR in Ramsey County District Court for the amount of the unpaid balance. And OPERATOR does hereby confess judgment in the amount of the unpaid balance due upon default, and does authorize the OWNER to enter judgment as provided above. OPERATOR does hereby agree that the OWNER, at its option, may enter a judgment, at any time within one year of the time the last payment sha11 have come due, for the full amount of the unpaid balance due pursuant to the confession of judgment provided herein. (27) Alterations. The OPERATOR will not make any alterations to the premises without the written consent of the OWNER, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. If the OPERATOR desires to make any such alterations, an accurate description shall first be submitted to and approved by the OWNER and such alterations shail be done by the OPERATOR at its own expense. All such work shall be performed under the OWNER'S supervision and any improvements made to the Premises at the OPERATOR'S expense shall become the property of the O WNER at the end of the Agreement period. OPERATOR agrees that all alterations will be done in a workmanlike manner and in conformance with applicable building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems ofthe building will not be impaired, and that no liens will attach to the premises by reason thereof. Also see Section (33) of this Agreement and E�ibit B. (28) Termination. Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, OPERATOR or OWNER may ternunate this agreement by written notice to the other, not less than 180 days priar to the date of terminarion. Upon termination of agreement, OPERATOR sha11 peacefully give up occupation and use of the Premises and shall restore it to substantially the same condition as of the commencement of the Agreement. 13 R9-l�.a� (29) Effect of Waiver. In the event any agreement contained in this agreement should be breached by either pariy, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other breach hereunder. (30) Severabilitv. In the event any provision of this agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof, unless such holding makes it practicably impossible for the Premises to be operated as any outdoor mazket or parking facility. (32) Amended. Anything herein contained to the contrary not withstanding, this Agreement may be terminated, and the provisions of this Agreement may be, in writing, amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto. (33) Capital Improvements, Re�airs andlor Replacements. At the sole discretion of the Owner, a portion of the Net Operation Income as shown in Exhibit C of this agreement maybe used toward the cost of capital improvements, repairs and replacements of the Premises, as set forth in schedule in Exhibit B of this agreement. (34) Financial ReQortinE. The OPERATOR sha11 during the term of this agreement provide to the Owner Operations and Management Expense and Revenue reports, as follows: A. Monthy Operations and Management Expense and Revenue Reports, consisiting of gross parking revenue, expenditures related to the operations of the Parking lot use; 2. gross fee revenues and expenditures related to the Farxners mazket use. The monthly Operations and Managment Expense and Revenue report shall be approved to the accuracy of the reports by the OPEKATOR and said reports sha11 be in a format utilizing professional and industry accepted accounting standards. The OPERATOR further agrees to make available any and a11 files to the OWNER for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. The monthy reports shall be sent to the address as stated in Section (4) (D) Operators Management Fee Payment Address with in 30 days of the last da of the precedin month. B. Annual Operations and Management Expense and Revenue Reports, consisiting of gross parking revenue, expenditures related to the operations of the Parking lot use; 2. gross fee revenues and expenditures related to the Farmers market use. The Annual Operations and Managment Expense and Revenue (included within the report shall be a Profit and Loss statement) report shall be approved to the accuracy of the reports by the OPERATOR and said reports shall be in a format utilizing 14 �Q-1z13 professional and industry accepted accounring standazds. The OPERATOR sha11 provide the annual Renort to the OWNER on or before March 1, following the preceeding yeaz. The OPERATOR further agrees to make available any and all files to the OWNER for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. C. Following the submission of the annual report prior to March 1 following the preceeding year, of the as required in Section (34) B. 2. of this agreement, the OWNER and OPERATOR sha11 meet on or before April l for the pur�ose of reviewing the previous years financial performance and to prepare a new Exhibit C Annual Parkin� and Farmers Market Revenue and Expense Proforma for the vear. (35) Licensed Vendors. The OPERATOR shall ensure that vendors operating on the Premise possess all the necessary licenses from the City of Saint Paul, Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection. All vendors shall at a minimum operate their business pursuant to the Health Rules (subject to change) as stated in Exhibit D of this agreement. The OPERATOR shall have in their possession and available for the OWNER'S inspection copies of all licenses, permits and the like for all vendors operating on the premises. Annually, during the month of April, the OPERATOR shail, as mandated by City's Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, submit a list and a copy of all licenses for each vendor who will be selling food products at the Fanners Market to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection at 350 Saint Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The list shall include the name, address, phone number and a copy of all licenses of each vendor as well as an inventory ofthe types of food products the vendor will be selling. Thereafter, on or about the first day of each month that the market is open for business, the OPERATOR shall submit a list of any new vendors who will be selling foods at the market. Such list shall inciude the same information as was required in month of April report. (36) Restroom Facilities. During the hours of the Farmers Market operation, the OPERATOR sha11 provide adequate restroom facilities, including handicapped accessible restrooms and an ample supply of hand washing facilities. The placement of such facilities shall lie within or adjacent to (provided the area is under the legal control of the OPERATOR) the site boundaries as shown on Exhibit A-2, excluding the barricaded street area. (3'� Permits. The OPERATOR shall not be eligible for a Class B Permit from the Saint Paul Police Department of the purpose of a Farmers Market use. 15 �tq-1��3 IN WIT'NESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and yeaz in this Agreement fust above-written. OWNER: Mayor City Clerk Director of Financial Services Director of Technology and Management Services Director of Public Works Chief of Police City Attorney (Form Approval) OPERATOR: Its Its Its � aq-�a�.a Eahibit B Capital Improvements, Repairs and/or Replacements Condition Survey and Recommend Capital Improvements Report, dated June 8,1999, by Rich Thompson, Engineer, Design Group, City Real Estate Division. 2000 Capital Imnrovements Site lighting is almost none�stent and would not begin to meet the City's present standards even ifthe bulbs were replaced regularly. I recommend a system of new lights, installed below the netting layer, as the first priority of maintenance expense. For budget purposes, I have assumed a scheme of 80 fixtures mounted on existing beam bottoms with exposed conduit. Tota1 Estimated Cost of $16,000. One pipe boilard has been broken off and needs to be replaced at once. Bollards are necessary to protect the main structural columns from damage by traffic. Total Estimated Cost of $300. Insufficent electrical outlets. Added 4-plex electrical outlets, code approved to the roof columns as shown on the attached Exhitbit Bl. Estimated 15 new locations. Total Estimated Cost of $4,500, if done as part of tkie lighting, $7,500, if done as a separate project. Install restroom ea�haust ventilation system for each restroom and installation ofa new ceramic tile 12" x12" paver type floor tile. Total Estimated Cost of $6,500. Repair/replace/add irrigation system for moistening produce. The system shall be design to have faucets suitable for hose connections to use for plant and produce moistening. The system shall require the utilization of water from the Saint Paul Water Utility domestic water supply. Water testing maybe required and is not included in the enclosed estimate. Total Estimated Cost of $21,000. Installation of two roof gutters and downspouts as shown on Exhibit B-1. Total Estimated Cost of $5,000. 17 aq -���3 Total Estimated 2000 Capital improvements $53300.00 -$58300.00 (2000 Dollars) 2001 Canital Improvements Surface drainage of the entire site is ea�lzemely good, which has made it possible to delay repairs to the walks and paving which would otherwise be critical by now. Nevertheless, some small areas of walk and curb (approx. 3100 square feet of walk and SOO linear feet of curb) are now in very bad repair and should be repiaced as soon as possible, areas as shown on Eghibit B-1. Replace the brick sidewalk azeas with a concrete slab, embossed and colored to appeaz like brick pavers. Total Estimated Cost of $24,900. Total Estimated 2001 Capital improvements $24,900.00 (2001 Dollars) 2002 Capital Imurovements The sidewalk azea shown on Exhibit B-2, which is sheltered from the weather by the canopies (approx. 14,500 square feet) should have a Condition Survey conducted in the year 2002. Based on the results of the Condition Survey, future replacement or repair should be scheduled . Two options for the repair of the brick surfaces: Option A: Replace brick sidewalk areas with a concrete slab, embossed and colored to appear like brick pavers. Option B: Remove bricks and re-set them. Total Estimated Cost of $200.00. (Condition Survey only) Asphalt Parking lot - Paving surfaces aze heavily worn and cracked but not rutted or settled. The most badiy deteriorated areas are directly under the drip line of the canopies. Generally, traffic lanes are in better shape than pazking stalls. An overlay, rather than replacement, is appropriate for one more application, or until exposed curb height becomes an issue. The concrete curb, gutter and integral curb/spillways should be replaced with the first paving overlay proj ect. At a minimum, the pazking stalls should be overlayed in year 2002. Re-striping and spillway replacement should also be done at that time. The area to be worked on in 2002 is shown on Exhibit B-2. Total Estnnated Cost of $33,100.00. Total Estimated 2002 Capital imnrovements $33300.00 (2002 Dollazs) ��.'3 �t.q -�aa� 2003 Capital Im�rovements Complete the remauung azeas asphalt paving as shown on E�ibit B-2. Total Estimated Cost of $14,100.00. (2003 Dollars) 2004 Capital Improvements The large canopy structures aze generally in very good shape, but need cleaning and painting. Netting which was installed to prevent birds from roosting in the roof stnxcture is in fair shape, though it is coming unattached in some areas. It would have to be removed and replaced to paint the structure. The netting also prevents the replacement of burned out bulbs in the existing light fixtures. Total Estimated Cost of $24,500.00. (2004 Dollars) Future capital improvements, replacements/repairs The fiberglass roof deck is structurally and cosmetically in fair to poor shape. Roof replacement options from $110,000 to $275,000 and aze specifically listed as follows: 1. Overlay existing fiberglass with galvanized metal 2. Overlay existing with enameled metal 3. Remove old fibergiass and replace with ga1v. 4. Remove old f.g. and replace with enam. metal 5. Overlay old fiberglass with new fiberglass 6. Remove old f.g. and replace with new fiberglass $110,000 $154,000 $187,000 $231,000 $198,000 $275,000 Note: a11 options are in 1999 dollars. None of the above includes any allowance for replacing fascia boards, for painting structural steel, or for adding finished ceiling/soffits. EL9 �t°� •�aa3 V a.� � s se W � W ; 0 Z 0 y Yf .-. N � M M � �0 F9 N tA � ro � N y Q ( p O R' � . 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O O O O O O R Q O O O O O O N O 4� O O'tf R V O(p O(p O O �� ? t0 (7 V V W I� V 1� (p O h N O O (V � � (V (V � (O � � � N � f0 fA f9 d3 l9 �9 f9 b < �N W W . . O O r O O O O O O O O O � M O O O O O O O O O O O OJ O O W O O O N I� � N O O Gl (�l '� � f� N O O(� �➢ C'1 t� l(1 0 O 6l NtliE9 N N p3 tnfA 0E90 q A -" (9 43 fA fA tl3 - b3 f9 f9 W 'I1�.� Y o a= o ¢;; � �.. r» w' N � t � p � 6 � N � m �{ y x N > 3 �n ° d t U N � O O 0(n C N C C m ��� m 0 � md�° F� � � @ V j m C C � - N� U N 0 C V a�wu m'md m16 dm� p y o c� ��r cn�i uSF�n F� � U � u'� 0 � N U C .� 2 O Z q q -tza3 Eahibit D City of Saint Paul Health Rules OFfICE OF LICENSE, INSPECI'IONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROI"EC7tON Roben Kusler, Drrector CITY �r' SL�IN� Pf�UL LOWRYPROFESSIONAGBUILDING Telephone: 6�1-266-9090 Norm Cdemmq Mayor 350 St Peter Sneet, Sui[e 300 Facsfmile: bil-266-9099 SainrPau7.Mn. 55702-]510 657-266-9724 IMPORTANT CITY OF SAINT PAUL HEALTH RULES YOU NEED TO KNOW IF YOU WANT TO SELL FOOD AT THE FARMERS MARKET 1) What health regulations apply when I am at the Farmers Market? All of the City of Saint Paul health rules apply, however, we allow some variations to the regulations to accommodate the existing conditions at the Market. For example, we allow the following modifications: In your sales area you may provide a spiggoted container filled with wann water, a soap dispenser filled with liquid soap and single service towels to wash and dry your hands, rather than providing a handwash sink connected to sewer and running water. To protect your prepared and/or processed foods from being contaminated by the customers, you must cover the foods. You may use clean plastic, provide sneeze shields or use some other effective protection. The health inspector can help you determine which protection works best for you. 2) Can I prepare foods (i.e. bake, boil, bottle, can, cook, fry, mix, package, pickle, etc.) at home and sell them at the Farmers Market? Foods prepared or processed at home are ABSOLUTELY NOT allowed to be soid at the Market. 3) Can I prepare my £oods at the Farmers Market and sell them there? If you want to sell or give away any foods that require handling and/or preparation, you CANNOT do the prepazation at the Market. If your foods require prepazation or processing, the prepazation must be done off-site at an approved, state or locally licensed establishment. After they have been prepazed/processed you must bring your foods to the Mazket in approved transport containers to protect them from contamination and to hold them at the required, safe temperatures. 21 9 q -���� HOT potentially hazardous foods (i.e., MEAT, FISH, POiJLTRY, EGGS and so forth) must be kept HOT (I 40 dea ees Fahrenheit, or hotter); COLD potentially hazardous foods must be kept COLD (41 degrees Fahrenheit, or colder). If foods aze to be heated at the Mazket approved equipment must be provided. 4) Do I need a license from the City of Saint Paul? YES You DO need a City of Saint Paul "Fanners Market" license if you sell ar give away processed or prepared foods (i.e., bakery products, sandwiches, cheese samples, fish samples, processed poultry, pork or bee fl. To apply for a license ca11266-9090. NO You DO NOT need a City of Saint Paul "Farmers Mazket" license if you are only selling your ownhome grownunprocessed foodproducts (i.e., vegetables, fruits, flowers, honey, unprocessed fish, etc.). Note: Please contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture at 296-2627 for their license requirements and regulations. 5) Can I bring my pets to the Farmers Market? Pets are NOT allowed in the food sales azea of the Market, except police patrol dogs and service dogs, such as guide docs for the blind/deaf . 22 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hali OR1GlI�AL Presented By Referred To Council F51e # qq_ 1�,3 Green Sheet # � �� Z � INNESOTA � Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Saint Paul Growers Associauon to operate the Farmers' Market and Municipal Parking Lot over a period of four years and eleven months beginning February 1, 2000. Adopuo' �ertified by By: � ��, ' � Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Management Services B : �..1���`Z�L�%G� Y Direc�� Form Approved by City Attorney y< By: ���G✓trv�^e. /�� 2.'3'c�' « Adopted by Council: Date n�. �-2, �\`l`��. .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: November 10,1999 ree She t Number: 100922 nfact Petson and Phone N¢nd�er: 2 EPAR �II'i�� Q2Ty � � (, ,r C1TY COi1NCII, Q e_��,�� ���� j 'l l Dave Nelson 266-8850 I � �` 3 UDGETDII2ECTOR FETCEOFFINANCfALSVCS as[beonCo�dAg�daby: 4 YOR(ORAS57ST 6 FSTATEDIV75ION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR GNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To authorize the execution of a four year eleven month agreement with the Saint Paul Growers Association for the operation of the Farmer's Market and Municipal Parlang Lot Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Sample copy ofAgreement TMS/1; 3. Maps. coMbIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) oR REJECT pi) ERSONAL SERVLCE CONTBACTS MUST ANSWGR THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person�rn� ever worked �der a contract for tltis deparhnent? YES NO PL9MVINGCOMMISSION A STAFF Eias thisperso�6rm ever been a City employee? IF.S NO CNIL SERVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this person/Hrmpossess a sltill not normally possessed by any YES NO cm•rent CSty employee? CIB COMMITTEE E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) 'L DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, ].'] 'I7ATING PROBLEM, ISSiTE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay Wheu, Where, Why?): The City requires the services of an organization familiar with farmers' market and parking lot operations. VANTAGES IF AYPROVE4: A qualified organization will administer the operations of the Farmers' Market and parldng lo� ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: mis''"m'Yi:i? `�."'trS'�:::'R#;;st"=. None � � � � � ��� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The CiTy would have to fmd another organization with the proper qualifications to operate the facility. . . . . ...............__ . _ � OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 221�,30 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO mre so�cE: operating income from market & parldng AcrivrrY xo�Ex: NANCIAL A*I�'ORMATION: (EXPLAi� The projected income to the City from operations of the farmers' market and parlang lot will be in the range of $290,000 after all operating expenses. (See Earhibit "C") W Z`„ m: °' ,, �tq_Iaa3 > � ° o: Z � � � �, � � q�� � x�� R fH N fA V3 mV tp O � . � N O O O O O O O � �q O O O O O O O W TOOOOtA00 d'' � —�(OOONOO "RNf�N� V OtfJ � YiM Cl W � ��. �-} tCl f9 � fH �- fAfH F ' 4i fA fA � R w R s s 0 £ N R C O 00001� 0000f0 O O N O � f"JfO�� V ff3 � U3 � f9 E/} fA N (p N � N {6 d C N (p � N � � O � - O U ?� F J � T" � �` R c c'm 9 c m� Q Q O Q�� m l6 t6 t0 � 3 7 L u�u�v�a�n�nU s c 0 E d n 0 r � � N N N � O O O O O O O O O a v�f» V � � 000 O O O 000 � v� v� H3 � W } a R c U a L T C T j o tp p �ox O A N O W � v � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O(�0000 ��00� 0000 O�D Q � m O' V O CO N I� 1� N N � I� O� � Of t0 O �(htnr�W N���O�N � N CJ W3 fA ER fH fA N fA fA � d3 iH Of c � Efj V3 FA IA f9 � O M�OI�00 Mc71�01� 00 t+f O! O M Cl Of00 �OJMtpO(D 00 t"i t0 O Nl OJ OfOON �<"l (ON� �� O Ql �om�n�ncoomnm�.-v nin m o E9����MfA E9HJ N � � N V � � � � '....... 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Agreement NO. FINANCE DEPT. Agreement NO. TMS 1 DATE: Februaz� OWNER: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Department of TMS Real Estate Division OPERATOR: SA1NT PAUL GROWERS ASSOCIATION (1) Premises. specified t hereby c� is in paid to the OPER? t OPERATOR the itown St. Paul, bow Lots 1 thru 6, Block Addition adjacent the between Fourth Str� SAINT PAUL L4TIONS ie p�merit�of the Management Fee hereinafter venants and agreements herein contained, does ina r referred to as the "Premises," is property St., Fifth St., Broadway St. and Wall St. and which tney And Smith's Addition and that portion of Kittson's �n ying between said lots 1 thru 6 and Broadway Street and Fifth Street. together with buildirigs, fiatures in such buildings, improvements and structures, if any, located thereon including portions of public streets (subject to specified times), which area is indicated on the attached: Exhibit A-1 Parking Operations area; Exhibit A-2 Farmers Market Operations area Saturday-Sunday from April to November; Exhibit A-3 Farmers Mazket Operations area Weekday from April to November. OPERATOR may use those portions of nublic streets indicated on E�ibit A-2 for Farmers Market operations only, provided: aq-�z� A. OPERATOR sha11 prior to each annual Farmers Market selling season, submit and obtain approval in writing from the Department of Public Works for a barricading and traffic controi plan in conforxnance with Exhibit A-2. B. The signing of this agreement by all parties, and adherence to all the requirements constitutes pernussion by the Department of Public Works to use the public right-of- way as shown on Exhibit A-2, and no fiuther permits are required from the Department of Public Works. The OPERATOR will be required to pay any labor and equipment chazges associated with tra�c control which the Department of Public Warks perForms as a result of this agreement. C. OPERATOR is also fully awaze that the City at any time and for any reason may ternunate use ofthese pubiic streets for market purposes. The OWNER shall attempt to provided the OPERATOR reasonable notice of this termination . OPERATOR shall promptly and reasonably discontinue the use of said public streets under this agreement and sha11 surrender the streets to City, consistent with Section 20. D. OPERATOR shall keep the streets clean, with trash and rubbish completely removed at the close of each market day. E. OPERATOR shall use barricades of a type approved by the Department of Public Works. OPERATOR shall set up and take down the barricades as directed by the Department of Public Works. OPERATOR shall be responsible to maintain and provide secured starage of the barricades during non-market operations. The barricades including legs, rails and any other parts must lie within the boundaries as shown on Exhibit A-2. F. Any striping or painting of parking stalls shall be in a manner approved by the Department of Public Works. G. OPERATOR sha11 ensure that a traffic lane as shown on Exhibit A-2, remains open for emergency vehicles and access to adjacent private property. H. The hours during which OPERATOR may implement Exhibit A-2 are as follow: consistent with Chapter 11 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code which is fartliat period from April 15 through November 15 beginning at midnight on Friday night of each week and ending at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. aq-�z�� (2) Term of A¢reement. This agreement shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier by the OWNER as provided herein. Term (Months/Yeazs) Commencing Date Ending Date 4 year i l months February 1, 2000 December 31, 2004 (3) Use of Premises. The OPERATOR shall use and occupy the Premises for the following purpose: A. for market purposes consistent with Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which is for that period from April 15 through November 15 beginning at midnight on Friday night of each week and ending at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. B. to operate during non-mazket hours, a pazking lot, for the benefit of the OWNER, subject to the requirements of Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code or any other applicable law. OPERATOR is prohibited from any other use, without the prior written consent of OWNER. Except for rights specifically granted in this agreement, OPERATOR shall have no interest in the land, improvements or equipment located on the Premises. (4) Operators Management Fee. The OWNER shall compensate the OPERATOR on a fixed fee basis as shown in Exhibit C of this Agreement for the Parking Lot Operations and the Farmers Mazket Operations. A. Fee Payment. OPERATOR shall deduct their earned monthly fees from the NIO payment sent to the OWNER quarterly as shown Section (4) D Payment Address of this agreement. B. Oneratin�Expenses and Revenue Collection. The OPERATOR shall be responsible for the collection for all the income as shown in Exhibit C of this agreement. OPERATOR shall be obligated to pay under this paragraph or other provisions (including Exhibit C) of this Agreement including, but is not limited to, the following fees, costs and expenses which are incurred during the term of occupation as described in Section 2 or as expanded: all utilities, including water, electric, gas, telephone, sewage and gazbage collection and disposal as specified in Section (11) of this Agreement; 2. costs for the repairs, improvements or alterations required to be made by the OPERATOR in Section (11) and Section (34) and Eghibit B of this Agreement; 3. a11 taxes on realty or personalty, general or special (in the event the OWNER no longer enjoys tax-exempt status ofthe premises); a11 public rates, dues, charges and �tR -11�.3 assessments, general or special, ofany kind uponthe Premises as specified in Section (5) of this Agreement; and 4. propezry insurance premiuxn and/or uninsured losses as set forth in Section ('� ofthis Agreement. In the event, that OPERATOR does not make such payments, O WNER may make the payments at its option, and the payments shall be deducted from the OPERATOR Management Fee. C. Net Operafing Income INOn Adjustments. Adjustments to the NOI sha11 be as follows: In the event, the projected Net Operating Income (NOI) exceeds the projected annual amount as shown on Exhibit C, for each dollaz ($1.00) of additional of NOI, the OPERATOR shall receive from the OWNER as Additional Management Fee $.33 per $1.00 of NOI. 2. In the event, the actual NOI is less that the projected amount, as reported in the monthly reports prepared and furnished by the OPERATOK, the OWNER sha11 review the options with the OPERATOR to restore the NOI to the project level. OPERATOR shail be required to take steps to ensure that the OWNER'S NOI shall increase 5% per year over the term of this agreement. 4. OWNER shall have the option to assess the Farmers Market vendors via the OPERATOR, a yeazly fee to ensure that the total funds (NIO and Fee) recieved by the OWNER equals the projected NOI for a given year. D. Pavment Address. OPERATOR sha11 make payments of the collected NOI to the OWNER on the dates stated below and consistent with Section (34) Financial Report of this Agreement at the foliowing address: Plannine and Economic Development De�utment, Attention: Tom Mever. De�t Accountant. 1400 City Hall Annex. 25 West Fourth St.. St. Paul, MN 55102 The applicabie account number for Caty Finance Accounting Code is: 130-36100-5239 All Net Operating Income shall be payable on the dates as follows: Pavment Date I�iOI Collection Period 4/30/2000 2/1/2000-3/31/2000 7/30/2000 4/1/2000-6/30/2000 10/30/2000 7/1/2000-9/30/2000 � aq _►ia� 1/30/2001 10/1/2000-12/31/2000 4/30/2001 1/1/2001-3/31/2001 7/30/2001 4/1/2001-6/30/2001 l0/30/2001 7/1/2001-9/30/2001 1(30f2�02 1011f2001-12(31(2001 4/30/2002 1/1/2002-3/31/2002 7/30/2002 4/1/2002-6/30/2002 10/30/2002 7/1/2002-9/30/2002 1/30/2003 10/1/2002-12/31/2002 4/30/2003 1/1/2003-3/31/2003 7/30/2003 4/1/2003-6/30/2003 10130/2003 7/112003-9130/2003 1/30/2004 10/1/2003-12/31/2003 4/30/2004 1/1/2004-3/31/2004 7/30/2004 4/1/2004-6/30/2004 10/30/2004 7/1/2004-9/30/2004 1130/2005 10l1l2004-12l31/2004 The OWNER shall reduce the OPERATOR Management Fee by 1% per day for each day the payment is late. (5) Taxes. The OWNER and OPERATOR acknowledge that the premise is owned and operated on behalf of the OWNER based upon Minn. Stat. 272.01, Subd. 2(b)(1), which the OWNER has the right to operate a public market and municipal parking facility exempt from state ad valorem tases. If the laws of the State of Minnesota subsequently authorize the levy of a tax on properry owned by the political subdivision, the payment of said taxes shall be the responsibility of the OPERATOR on behalf ofthe OWNER as cover in Section (4) B Operating Egpenses and Revenue Collection 5 aq -�a.� � ofthis Agreement. OWNER may at its option require the OPERATOR to pay such contested tases pending appeal, to place in escrow a sum sufficient to pay said t�es, or take other action that will remove said contested taxes as an encumbrance to ritle or as an exception to the transferability of marketable title to the Premises. If by some acrion of the State renders the properry taxable for state ad valorem tases, the O WNER and OPERATOR shall readdress the operation budget to account for the new tax expense. (6) Ri�ht of Entrv. At a11 times during the term of this agreement, the OWNER shall have the right, by itself, its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the Premises during reasonable business hours or, in the event of an emergency, at any time for any legitimate purpose. (7) Insurance. A. OWNER'S Insurance. The OWNER shall acquire and keep in effect during the term of this agreement the following coverages: 1. FIRE AND ALL RISK INSURANCE, on the Premises with limits of not less than $210,000 for year 2000, sha11 be purchased by the OWNER; the OPEI2ATOR shall pay, as Additional Rent, the premium far said insurance. In the event of a claim, the deductible shall be paid from the Risk Retention Fund, which is manage by City Real Estate Division. Said insurance names the City of Saint Paul as the insured. With respect to any loss ofthe OWNER'S property not covered by insurance, it shall be the responsibility of the OPERATOR, within a reasonable time, to pay a11 costs to repair or replace the damaged property with like kind, such reasonable time to be determined by the OWNER. B. OPERATOR'S Insurance. The OPERATOR shall acquire during the term of this agreement the following coverage: 1. FIRE AND ALL RISK INSURANCE, the OPERATOR shall be responsible for the self insurance of, or the acquisition of Commercial Properry Insurance on its owned, or in the care, custody and control of others personal property. 2. COMMERCIAL GENERAI, LIABILITY INSURANCE including blanket contractual liability coverage, personal in}ury liability coverage and broad form properry damage liability endorsement with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and shall be purchased by the OPERATOR. Such insurance shall: (a) name the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul as additional insured; (b) be primary with respect to OWNER'S insurance or self-insurance; (c) not exclude explosion, collapse and underground properry damage; (d) be written on an"Occurrence" Form policy basis; and (e) not contain an"aggregate" policy limit unless specifically approved in writing by OWNER. 0 Rg -1 aa 3 3. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE with minimum limits of $750,000 combined single limit and $1,500,000 aggregate, covering hired, non-owned and owned automobiles. 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSi.7RANCE with not less than statutory minimum lnnits; and EMPLOYET2S' LIABILITY INSiJRANCE with minimum innits of at least $300,000 per occurrence and with an all states endorsement. The OPERATOR shall supply to OWNER current insurance certificates for policies required in Section ('n. The said certificates shall certify whether or not the agent has errors and omissions insurance coverage. 6. The limits cited under each insurance requirement above establish minimums; and it is the sole responsibility of the OPERATOR to purchase and maintain additional insurance that may be necessary in relation to this agreement. 7. Nothing in this contract shall constitute a waiver by the OWNER of any statutory limits or exceptions on liability. 8. OPERATOR shall place the insurance with responsible insurance companies authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and approved by OWNER, and shall deliver copies of the policies to OWNER on the date of OPERATOR'S execufion ofthis agreement. The policies required in Section (7) sha11 be endorsed to indicate that the insurer cannot cancel or change the insurance without first giving the OWNER 60 days' written notice. 9. Insurance limits shall be subject to the tort claims liability limits as set forth in Chapter 466 of Minnesota Statutes. 10. It is specifically understood and agreed that all of the proceeds of such insurance policies shall belong to and be payable to the OWNER and that the OWNER, after application of such proceeds to the loss, may apply any remaining proceeds to a separate, non-insured loss of the OPERATOR. 11. If for any reason any of the insurance hereunder is void, the OPERATOR is responsible to the OWNER for the total amount of uninsured loss. 12. Waiver of Subrogation. OWNER waives its right of subrogation for damage to the Building, contents therein, loss of use thereof, and/or loss of income, up to the amount ofinsurance proceeds collected. OPERATORwaives its right ofsubrogation for damage to properiy in the Premises, loss of use thereof, loss of income and/or accounts receivable, up to the amount of their respective insurance proceeds col- lected. The parties shall notify their respective insurance companies, in writing, of the provisions of this paragraph; and, if either cannot waive its subrogation rights, aq-�za3 such parry shall immediately notify the other party, in writing. (8) Cancellarion or Termination. This agreement shall be subject to cancellation and termination by OWNER or OPERATOR at any time during the term hereof by giving notice in writing at one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date when such termination shall become effective. In the event of such termination, and on the effective date of such termination, OPERATOR shall return any unearned Management Fee paid by the OWNER. (9) Notice. All notices herein provided to be given, or that may be given by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fixlly given when served personally on OWNER or OPERATOR, or when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and addressed to: OPERATOR at the address stated on page (1); OWNER at the Real Estate Dvision, 140 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. The address to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed by written notice given by either party to the other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service. (10) Assienment. OPERATOR shall not assign this Agreement without the written consent of the OWNER, which consent must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement to the Premises. (il) Maintenance and Repairs. OPERATOR shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible £or a11 repairs, maintenance and upkeep (excluding the Capital Improvements, Repaixs and/or Replacements as specified in Eghibit B ofthis Agreement) ofthe Premises, including but not limited to emergency repairs of any kind; routine maintenance and repair to keep the Premises in good repair, safe and in compliance with applicable fire, health, building and other life-safety codes; and all repairs and maintenance needed to keep the buildings or shuctures on the Premises in good condition, including, but not limited to, (a) the exterior (including windows and doors) and interior structure of the buildings or structures, (b) the roof or roofs, (c) the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems therein, (d) all electrical, plumbing, lighting, mechanical systems, fire suppression equipment, i.e. fire sprinkler system; (e) all grounds, fences, parking lot and roads within the Premises. The foregoing obligations shall bind the OPERATOR regardless of the cause of the damage or condition necessitating the repair or maintenance. OPERATOR sha11 keep the Premises in a clean and safe condition, free of accumulauon of dirt and debris. It sha11 also be responsible for the removal from the premises of vehicles or equipment located beyond the mazket period. The OWNER may contribute funds as stated in Section (33) of this Agreement for scheduled Improvements as set forth in Exhibit B of this Agreement. qq-►�a3 (12) Payments in Case of Default. OPERATOR shall pay OWNER all costs and expenses, including reasonable attomey's fees in any action brought by OWNER to recover any rent due and unpaid hereunder, or for the breach or default of any of the covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement, or to recover possession of said property, whether such action progresses to judgment or not. (13) Surrender ofPremises. The OPERATOR, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner terniination of this agreement, sha11 quit peacefully and surrender possession of said properry and its appurtenances to OWNER in as good order and condition as the property was delivered to the OPERATOR. (14) Indemnitv. The OPERATOR agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless the City of Saint Paul and any agents, officers and employees thereof from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character, arising out of or by reason of the Agreement of the herein described Premises by the OWNER to the OPERATOR, or the use or condition of the Premises or as a result ofthe operations or business activfties taking place on the Premises. It is fully understood and agreed that OPERATOR is aware of the conditions of the Premises and agrees to operate "as is." (15) Holdover. Any holdover after the expiration of the term of this Agreement shall be allowed only after receiving the written consent of the OWNER. Said occupancy shall be deemed to be a occupancy only from month-to-month. All other terxns and conditions of this Agreement sha11 be applicable. (lb) Pollufion and Contaminants. OPEI2ATOR agrees to comply with all ordinances, laws, rules and regulations enacted by any governmental body or agency relating to the control, abatement or emission of air and water contaminants and the disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes. OPERATOR shall bear all costs and expenses arising from compliance with said ordinances, laws, rules, or regulations and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless OWNER from all liability, including without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties arising from the failure by OPERATOR to comply with such ordinances, laws, rules or regulazions. The OWNER, has the right to perform cleanup and charge the OPERATOR for such costs should the OPERATOR fail to comply. (1'� Controlling A�reement. In the event there are any prior existing agreements between OPERATOR and OWNER (or its predecessor in interest) covering the subject property, it is agreed and understood that this Agreement shall cancel and terminate any prior agreements as of the effective date of this agreement. (18) Destruction. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Premises or in the event the premises becomes unoccupied or unfit for occupancy due to such damage during the term ofthis Agreement, OWNER may at its option: A. terminate the agreement upon fifteen (15) days written notice to OPERATOR; or qq -1�3 B. within fifteen (15) days agree to restore the premises within a reasonable tune period following the casualty, charging the costs in excess of the insurance proceeds, if any, to the OPERATOR; or C_ may direct that OPERATOR promptly restore the Premises to substantially the condition e�sting immediately prior to such damage or destruction, and for that purpose, if such dam- age or destnxction was caused by perils insured against the O WNER shall make available to OPERATOR pro-rata, as work progresses, the net proceeds of such insurance. If such proceeds aze insufficient to pay the entire cost thereof, OPERATOR agrees to pay, a lump sum payment (or in a form agreed upon by the O WNER) equal to the remainder of such cost. The Operatars Management Fee to be paid during the restoration period sha11 be abated in proportion to the percentage of loss and impairment of the use of the Premises as determined by the OWNER, times the number of days of loss or impairment. (19) Events of Default. The occurrence of any ofthe following events during the term of this Agreement shall constitute an event of default by the OPERATOR: A. the filing of a petition to have OPERATOR adjudicated baukrupt or a petition for reorganization or arrangement under any laws of the United States relating to bankiuptcy filed by OPERATOR; B. in the event a petition to have OPERATOR adjudicated baukrupt is filed against OPERA- TOR, the failure to dismiss such petition within ninety (90) days from the date of such filing; C. the assets of OPERATOR or of the business conducted by OPERATOR on the Premises be assumed by any trustee or other person pursuant to any judicial proceedings; D. OPERATOR makes any assignment far the benefit of creditors; E. the failure by OPERATOR to timely pay expenses as required by this Agreement; F. the failure by OPERATOR to observe and perform any covenant, condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed as required by this Agreement; or G. the failure by OPERATOR or its surety to discharge, satisfy or release any lien or lien statement filed or recorded against the Premises within sixty (60) days after the date of such filing or recording, whichever date is earlier. It is an express covenant and agreement of OWNER and OPERATOR that OWNER may, at its election, terminate this Agreement in the event of the occurrence of any of the events described in this paragraph or in paragraph (22) relating to liens by giving not less than ten (10) days written notice to OPERATOR; and when so terminated, O WNER may reenter the Premises. This Agreement and its Premises sha11 not be breated as an asset of OPERATOR'S estate. It is further expressly 10 qq_1��3 undezstood and agreed that OVJNER shall be entitled upon such reentry, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to exercise such rights and remedies as are provided in Paragraph (24) of this Agreement. (20) Compliance with Laws. The properry described herein may be used for only the purposes stated herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the OPERATOR in the use of the properiy to comply with all laws, rules, regularions or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the use to which the properiy is proposed to be put. Inabiliry or failure by the OPERATOR to comply with any of said laws, rules, regulations or ordinances will not relieve the OPERATOR of the obligation to pay the rental provided herein. (21) Non-Discrimination. The OPERATOR for himself, his personal representatives, successors in interest and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running with the land, that: A. no person, on the basis ofrace, sex, color creed, religion, age, disability, marital status, status with respect to public assistance or national origin or ancestry shall be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities; B. that in connection with the conshuction of any improvements on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrimination sha11 be practiced in the selection of em- ployees and contractors, by contractors in the selection and retention of first tier subcontract- ors, and by first-tier subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier subcon- tractors; C. that such discrimination shall not be practiced against the public in its access in and use of the facilities and services provided for public accommodations (such as eating, sleeping, rest and recreation) constructed or operated on the Premises; and D. that the OPERATOR shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to the Saint Paui Legislative Code Chapter 183. (22) Liens. The OPERATOR shall not permit mechanic's liens or other liens to be filed or established or to remain against the Premises for labor, materiais or services furnished in connection with any additions, modifications, improvements, repairs, renewals or replacements made to the Premises, or far any other reason; provided that if the OPERATOR shall first notify the OWNER of its intention to do so and sha11 deposit in escrow with the OWNER a sum of money or a bond ar irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the OWNER equal to the amount of the claim of lien, OPERATOR may in good faith contest any such claims or mechanic's or other liens filed or established and in such event may permit the items contested to remain undischarged and unsatisfied during the period of such contest. If, in the opinion of the OWNER, the nonpayment of any such items subjects the Premises to any loss or forfeiture, the OWNER may require the OPERATOR to use the escrow account to promptly pay all such unpaid items and if OPERATOR fails to pay &om the escrow account, the 11 �`t-ta�3 OWNER may pay and chazge the OPERATOR. OPERATOR sha11 have no right to subject and subordinate this agreement or Premises in any manner to any lien, mortgage, trust agreement or any other encumbrance. (23) Eminent Domain. In the event the entire Premises aze taken by eminent domain, or such portion thereof is so taken that in OPERATOR'S reasonable judgement it is uneconomic thereafter to restore the Premises and proceed under the terms and provisions of this Agreement, OPERATOR or the OWNER may terminate this Agreement by giving to the other parry tliirty days' written notice of termination, effective as of the date on which the condemning authority acquires legal title or physical possession of the Premises. OPERATOR hereby waives and releases any claim to or share in the Award of Compensation for the taking, notwithstanding any other provision of law, this Agreement or any other agreement. OPERATOR may to the extent otherwise permitted in the eminent domain proceeding, remove its own trade fixtures at its own expense. (24) Default Remedies. In the event an Event of Default occurs under paragraph (19) of this Agreement, OWNER may exercise any one or more of the following remedies: A. reenter and take possession of the Premises without termination of this Agreement, and use its best efforts to manage the Premises to or enter into an agreement with another person for the account of OPERATOR; B. terminate this agreement, exclude OPERATOR from the Premises, and use its best efforts to contract with a new OPERATOR in accordance with applicable law; C. exclude OPERATOR from possession of the Premises, with or without terminating this Agreement and operate the Premises itself; D. terminate the Agreement, exclude OPERATOR from possession ofthe Premises, sell all or any part of the Premises at the best price obtainable (provided such sale is permitted by ap- plicable law,) such sale to be on such terms and conditions as the OWNER, in its sole discretion, shall determine and apply the proceeds of such sale less any expenses thereof for the account of the OPERATOR. E. exercise any remedies available to it under the Minnesota Uniform Commercial Code; F. take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to collect the Rental income and fees then due and thereafrer to become due, or to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, agreement or covenant of the OPERATOR under this Agreement. G. in exercising any of its remedies set forth in this Section, the OWNER may, whether or not the Agreement is then in effect, hold the OPERATOR liable for the difference between the payments and other costs for which the OPERATOR is responsible under this Agreement. 12 qq- taz� No remedy herein confened upon or reserved to OWNBR is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement or now or thereafter existing at law or in equity by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any such right or power accruing upon any defauit shall impair any such right or power or sha11 be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the OWNER to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Provision, it shall not be necessary to give any notice, other than such notice as may be herein expressly required. (25) Performance by Third Parties. OPERATOR may contract with third parties to assist in its obligations under tl�is agreement, provided no such contract shall be entered into without prior written approval of the OWNER. The OWNER may also permit third parties to perform any and all acts or take such action as may be necessary, on behalf of OPERATOR, to prevent or correct any Event of Default. Such perforxnance by third parties shall not, in any way, diminish or absolve OPERATOR of primary liability hereunder. (26) Default of Payment. OPERATOR agrees that, should it default on any payment owing and due to be paid to OWNER as provided in this agreement, including but not limited to Rents and Fees, then the remaining unpaid balance sha11, at the option of the OWNER, immediately become due. Said OPERATOR further agrees that the OWNER may, at its option and without notice to OPERATOR, enter judgment against OPERATOR in Ramsey County District Court for the amount of the unpaid balance. And OPERATOR does hereby confess judgment in the amount of the unpaid balance due upon default, and does authorize the OWNER to enter judgment as provided above. OPERATOR does hereby agree that the OWNER, at its option, may enter a judgment, at any time within one year of the time the last payment sha11 have come due, for the full amount of the unpaid balance due pursuant to the confession of judgment provided herein. (27) Alterations. The OPERATOR will not make any alterations to the premises without the written consent of the OWNER, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. If the OPERATOR desires to make any such alterations, an accurate description shall first be submitted to and approved by the OWNER and such alterations shail be done by the OPERATOR at its own expense. All such work shall be performed under the OWNER'S supervision and any improvements made to the Premises at the OPERATOR'S expense shall become the property of the O WNER at the end of the Agreement period. OPERATOR agrees that all alterations will be done in a workmanlike manner and in conformance with applicable building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems ofthe building will not be impaired, and that no liens will attach to the premises by reason thereof. Also see Section (33) of this Agreement and E�ibit B. (28) Termination. Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, OPERATOR or OWNER may ternunate this agreement by written notice to the other, not less than 180 days priar to the date of terminarion. Upon termination of agreement, OPERATOR sha11 peacefully give up occupation and use of the Premises and shall restore it to substantially the same condition as of the commencement of the Agreement. 13 R9-l�.a� (29) Effect of Waiver. In the event any agreement contained in this agreement should be breached by either pariy, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other breach hereunder. (30) Severabilitv. In the event any provision of this agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof, unless such holding makes it practicably impossible for the Premises to be operated as any outdoor mazket or parking facility. (32) Amended. Anything herein contained to the contrary not withstanding, this Agreement may be terminated, and the provisions of this Agreement may be, in writing, amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto. (33) Capital Improvements, Re�airs andlor Replacements. At the sole discretion of the Owner, a portion of the Net Operation Income as shown in Exhibit C of this agreement maybe used toward the cost of capital improvements, repairs and replacements of the Premises, as set forth in schedule in Exhibit B of this agreement. (34) Financial ReQortinE. The OPERATOR sha11 during the term of this agreement provide to the Owner Operations and Management Expense and Revenue reports, as follows: A. Monthy Operations and Management Expense and Revenue Reports, consisiting of gross parking revenue, expenditures related to the operations of the Parking lot use; 2. gross fee revenues and expenditures related to the Farxners mazket use. The monthly Operations and Managment Expense and Revenue report shall be approved to the accuracy of the reports by the OPEKATOR and said reports sha11 be in a format utilizing professional and industry accepted accounting standards. The OPERATOR further agrees to make available any and a11 files to the OWNER for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. The monthy reports shall be sent to the address as stated in Section (4) (D) Operators Management Fee Payment Address with in 30 days of the last da of the precedin month. B. Annual Operations and Management Expense and Revenue Reports, consisiting of gross parking revenue, expenditures related to the operations of the Parking lot use; 2. gross fee revenues and expenditures related to the Farmers market use. The Annual Operations and Managment Expense and Revenue (included within the report shall be a Profit and Loss statement) report shall be approved to the accuracy of the reports by the OPERATOR and said reports shall be in a format utilizing 14 �Q-1z13 professional and industry accepted accounring standazds. The OPERATOR sha11 provide the annual Renort to the OWNER on or before March 1, following the preceeding yeaz. The OPERATOR further agrees to make available any and all files to the OWNER for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. C. Following the submission of the annual report prior to March 1 following the preceeding year, of the as required in Section (34) B. 2. of this agreement, the OWNER and OPERATOR sha11 meet on or before April l for the pur�ose of reviewing the previous years financial performance and to prepare a new Exhibit C Annual Parkin� and Farmers Market Revenue and Expense Proforma for the vear. (35) Licensed Vendors. The OPERATOR shall ensure that vendors operating on the Premise possess all the necessary licenses from the City of Saint Paul, Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection. All vendors shall at a minimum operate their business pursuant to the Health Rules (subject to change) as stated in Exhibit D of this agreement. The OPERATOR shall have in their possession and available for the OWNER'S inspection copies of all licenses, permits and the like for all vendors operating on the premises. Annually, during the month of April, the OPERATOR shail, as mandated by City's Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, submit a list and a copy of all licenses for each vendor who will be selling food products at the Fanners Market to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection at 350 Saint Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The list shall include the name, address, phone number and a copy of all licenses of each vendor as well as an inventory ofthe types of food products the vendor will be selling. Thereafter, on or about the first day of each month that the market is open for business, the OPERATOR shall submit a list of any new vendors who will be selling foods at the market. Such list shall inciude the same information as was required in month of April report. (36) Restroom Facilities. During the hours of the Farmers Market operation, the OPERATOR sha11 provide adequate restroom facilities, including handicapped accessible restrooms and an ample supply of hand washing facilities. The placement of such facilities shall lie within or adjacent to (provided the area is under the legal control of the OPERATOR) the site boundaries as shown on Exhibit A-2, excluding the barricaded street area. (3'� Permits. The OPERATOR shall not be eligible for a Class B Permit from the Saint Paul Police Department of the purpose of a Farmers Market use. 15 �tq-1��3 IN WIT'NESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and yeaz in this Agreement fust above-written. OWNER: Mayor City Clerk Director of Financial Services Director of Technology and Management Services Director of Public Works Chief of Police City Attorney (Form Approval) OPERATOR: Its Its Its � aq-�a�.a Eahibit B Capital Improvements, Repairs and/or Replacements Condition Survey and Recommend Capital Improvements Report, dated June 8,1999, by Rich Thompson, Engineer, Design Group, City Real Estate Division. 2000 Capital Imnrovements Site lighting is almost none�stent and would not begin to meet the City's present standards even ifthe bulbs were replaced regularly. I recommend a system of new lights, installed below the netting layer, as the first priority of maintenance expense. For budget purposes, I have assumed a scheme of 80 fixtures mounted on existing beam bottoms with exposed conduit. Tota1 Estimated Cost of $16,000. One pipe boilard has been broken off and needs to be replaced at once. Bollards are necessary to protect the main structural columns from damage by traffic. Total Estimated Cost of $300. Insufficent electrical outlets. Added 4-plex electrical outlets, code approved to the roof columns as shown on the attached Exhitbit Bl. Estimated 15 new locations. Total Estimated Cost of $4,500, if done as part of tkie lighting, $7,500, if done as a separate project. Install restroom ea�haust ventilation system for each restroom and installation ofa new ceramic tile 12" x12" paver type floor tile. Total Estimated Cost of $6,500. Repair/replace/add irrigation system for moistening produce. The system shall be design to have faucets suitable for hose connections to use for plant and produce moistening. The system shall require the utilization of water from the Saint Paul Water Utility domestic water supply. Water testing maybe required and is not included in the enclosed estimate. Total Estimated Cost of $21,000. Installation of two roof gutters and downspouts as shown on Exhibit B-1. Total Estimated Cost of $5,000. 17 aq -���3 Total Estimated 2000 Capital improvements $53300.00 -$58300.00 (2000 Dollars) 2001 Canital Improvements Surface drainage of the entire site is ea�lzemely good, which has made it possible to delay repairs to the walks and paving which would otherwise be critical by now. Nevertheless, some small areas of walk and curb (approx. 3100 square feet of walk and SOO linear feet of curb) are now in very bad repair and should be repiaced as soon as possible, areas as shown on Eghibit B-1. Replace the brick sidewalk azeas with a concrete slab, embossed and colored to appeaz like brick pavers. Total Estimated Cost of $24,900. Total Estimated 2001 Capital improvements $24,900.00 (2001 Dollars) 2002 Capital Imurovements The sidewalk azea shown on Exhibit B-2, which is sheltered from the weather by the canopies (approx. 14,500 square feet) should have a Condition Survey conducted in the year 2002. Based on the results of the Condition Survey, future replacement or repair should be scheduled . Two options for the repair of the brick surfaces: Option A: Replace brick sidewalk areas with a concrete slab, embossed and colored to appear like brick pavers. Option B: Remove bricks and re-set them. Total Estimated Cost of $200.00. (Condition Survey only) Asphalt Parking lot - Paving surfaces aze heavily worn and cracked but not rutted or settled. The most badiy deteriorated areas are directly under the drip line of the canopies. Generally, traffic lanes are in better shape than pazking stalls. An overlay, rather than replacement, is appropriate for one more application, or until exposed curb height becomes an issue. The concrete curb, gutter and integral curb/spillways should be replaced with the first paving overlay proj ect. At a minimum, the pazking stalls should be overlayed in year 2002. Re-striping and spillway replacement should also be done at that time. The area to be worked on in 2002 is shown on Exhibit B-2. Total Estnnated Cost of $33,100.00. Total Estimated 2002 Capital imnrovements $33300.00 (2002 Dollazs) ��.'3 �t.q -�aa� 2003 Capital Im�rovements Complete the remauung azeas asphalt paving as shown on E�ibit B-2. Total Estimated Cost of $14,100.00. (2003 Dollars) 2004 Capital Improvements The large canopy structures aze generally in very good shape, but need cleaning and painting. Netting which was installed to prevent birds from roosting in the roof stnxcture is in fair shape, though it is coming unattached in some areas. It would have to be removed and replaced to paint the structure. The netting also prevents the replacement of burned out bulbs in the existing light fixtures. Total Estimated Cost of $24,500.00. (2004 Dollars) Future capital improvements, replacements/repairs The fiberglass roof deck is structurally and cosmetically in fair to poor shape. Roof replacement options from $110,000 to $275,000 and aze specifically listed as follows: 1. Overlay existing fiberglass with galvanized metal 2. Overlay existing with enameled metal 3. Remove old fibergiass and replace with ga1v. 4. Remove old f.g. and replace with enam. metal 5. Overlay old fiberglass with new fiberglass 6. Remove old f.g. and replace with new fiberglass $110,000 $154,000 $187,000 $231,000 $198,000 $275,000 Note: a11 options are in 1999 dollars. None of the above includes any allowance for replacing fascia boards, for painting structural steel, or for adding finished ceiling/soffits. EL9 �t°� •�aa3 V a.� � s se W � W ; 0 Z 0 y Yf .-. N � M M � �0 F9 N tA � ro � N y Q ( p O R' � . 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O O r O O O O O O O O O � M O O O O O O O O O O O OJ O O W O O O N I� � N O O Gl (�l '� � f� N O O(� �➢ C'1 t� l(1 0 O 6l NtliE9 N N p3 tnfA 0E90 q A -" (9 43 fA fA tl3 - b3 f9 f9 W 'I1�.� Y o a= o ¢;; � �.. r» w' N � t � p � 6 � N � m �{ y x N > 3 �n ° d t U N � O O 0(n C N C C m ��� m 0 � md�° F� � � @ V j m C C � - N� U N 0 C V a�wu m'md m16 dm� p y o c� ��r cn�i uSF�n F� � U � u'� 0 � N U C .� 2 O Z q q -tza3 Eahibit D City of Saint Paul Health Rules OFfICE OF LICENSE, INSPECI'IONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROI"EC7tON Roben Kusler, Drrector CITY �r' SL�IN� Pf�UL LOWRYPROFESSIONAGBUILDING Telephone: 6�1-266-9090 Norm Cdemmq Mayor 350 St Peter Sneet, Sui[e 300 Facsfmile: bil-266-9099 SainrPau7.Mn. 55702-]510 657-266-9724 IMPORTANT CITY OF SAINT PAUL HEALTH RULES YOU NEED TO KNOW IF YOU WANT TO SELL FOOD AT THE FARMERS MARKET 1) What health regulations apply when I am at the Farmers Market? All of the City of Saint Paul health rules apply, however, we allow some variations to the regulations to accommodate the existing conditions at the Market. For example, we allow the following modifications: In your sales area you may provide a spiggoted container filled with wann water, a soap dispenser filled with liquid soap and single service towels to wash and dry your hands, rather than providing a handwash sink connected to sewer and running water. To protect your prepared and/or processed foods from being contaminated by the customers, you must cover the foods. You may use clean plastic, provide sneeze shields or use some other effective protection. The health inspector can help you determine which protection works best for you. 2) Can I prepare foods (i.e. bake, boil, bottle, can, cook, fry, mix, package, pickle, etc.) at home and sell them at the Farmers Market? Foods prepared or processed at home are ABSOLUTELY NOT allowed to be soid at the Market. 3) Can I prepare my £oods at the Farmers Market and sell them there? If you want to sell or give away any foods that require handling and/or preparation, you CANNOT do the prepazation at the Market. If your foods require prepazation or processing, the prepazation must be done off-site at an approved, state or locally licensed establishment. After they have been prepazed/processed you must bring your foods to the Mazket in approved transport containers to protect them from contamination and to hold them at the required, safe temperatures. 21 9 q -���� HOT potentially hazardous foods (i.e., MEAT, FISH, POiJLTRY, EGGS and so forth) must be kept HOT (I 40 dea ees Fahrenheit, or hotter); COLD potentially hazardous foods must be kept COLD (41 degrees Fahrenheit, or colder). If foods aze to be heated at the Mazket approved equipment must be provided. 4) Do I need a license from the City of Saint Paul? YES You DO need a City of Saint Paul "Fanners Market" license if you sell ar give away processed or prepared foods (i.e., bakery products, sandwiches, cheese samples, fish samples, processed poultry, pork or bee fl. To apply for a license ca11266-9090. NO You DO NOT need a City of Saint Paul "Farmers Mazket" license if you are only selling your ownhome grownunprocessed foodproducts (i.e., vegetables, fruits, flowers, honey, unprocessed fish, etc.). Note: Please contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture at 296-2627 for their license requirements and regulations. 5) Can I bring my pets to the Farmers Market? Pets are NOT allowed in the food sales azea of the Market, except police patrol dogs and service dogs, such as guide docs for the blind/deaf . 22 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hali OR1GlI�AL Presented By Referred To Council F51e # qq_ 1�,3 Green Sheet # � �� Z � INNESOTA � Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Saint Paul Growers Associauon to operate the Farmers' Market and Municipal Parking Lot over a period of four years and eleven months beginning February 1, 2000. Adopuo' �ertified by By: � ��, ' � Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Management Services B : �..1���`Z�L�%G� Y Direc�� Form Approved by City Attorney y< By: ���G✓trv�^e. /�� 2.'3'c�' « Adopted by Council: Date n�. �-2, �\`l`��. .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: November 10,1999 ree She t Number: 100922 nfact Petson and Phone N¢nd�er: 2 EPAR �II'i�� Q2Ty � � (, ,r C1TY COi1NCII, Q e_��,�� ���� j 'l l Dave Nelson 266-8850 I � �` 3 UDGETDII2ECTOR FETCEOFFINANCfALSVCS as[beonCo�dAg�daby: 4 YOR(ORAS57ST 6 FSTATEDIV75ION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR GNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To authorize the execution of a four year eleven month agreement with the Saint Paul Growers Association for the operation of the Farmer's Market and Municipal Parlang Lot Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Sample copy ofAgreement TMS/1; 3. Maps. coMbIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) oR REJECT pi) ERSONAL SERVLCE CONTBACTS MUST ANSWGR THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person�rn� ever worked �der a contract for tltis deparhnent? YES NO PL9MVINGCOMMISSION A STAFF Eias thisperso�6rm ever been a City employee? IF.S NO CNIL SERVIC6 COMMISSION . Does this person/Hrmpossess a sltill not normally possessed by any YES NO cm•rent CSty employee? CIB COMMITTEE E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) 'L DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, ].'] 'I7ATING PROBLEM, ISSiTE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay Wheu, Where, Why?): The City requires the services of an organization familiar with farmers' market and parking lot operations. VANTAGES IF AYPROVE4: A qualified organization will administer the operations of the Farmers' Market and parldng lo� ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: mis''"m'Yi:i? `�."'trS'�:::'R#;;st"=. None � � � � � ��� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The CiTy would have to fmd another organization with the proper qualifications to operate the facility. . . . . ...............__ . _ � OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 221�,30 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO mre so�cE: operating income from market & parldng AcrivrrY xo�Ex: NANCIAL A*I�'ORMATION: (EXPLAi� The projected income to the City from operations of the farmers' market and parlang lot will be in the range of $290,000 after all operating expenses. 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Agreement NO. FINANCE DEPT. Agreement NO. TMS 1 DATE: Februaz� OWNER: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Department of TMS Real Estate Division OPERATOR: SA1NT PAUL GROWERS ASSOCIATION (1) Premises. specified t hereby c� is in paid to the OPER? t OPERATOR the itown St. Paul, bow Lots 1 thru 6, Block Addition adjacent the between Fourth Str� SAINT PAUL L4TIONS ie p�merit�of the Management Fee hereinafter venants and agreements herein contained, does ina r referred to as the "Premises," is property St., Fifth St., Broadway St. and Wall St. and which tney And Smith's Addition and that portion of Kittson's �n ying between said lots 1 thru 6 and Broadway Street and Fifth Street. together with buildirigs, fiatures in such buildings, improvements and structures, if any, located thereon including portions of public streets (subject to specified times), which area is indicated on the attached: Exhibit A-1 Parking Operations area; Exhibit A-2 Farmers Market Operations area Saturday-Sunday from April to November; Exhibit A-3 Farmers Mazket Operations area Weekday from April to November. OPERATOR may use those portions of nublic streets indicated on E�ibit A-2 for Farmers Market operations only, provided: aq-�z� A. OPERATOR sha11 prior to each annual Farmers Market selling season, submit and obtain approval in writing from the Department of Public Works for a barricading and traffic controi plan in conforxnance with Exhibit A-2. B. The signing of this agreement by all parties, and adherence to all the requirements constitutes pernussion by the Department of Public Works to use the public right-of- way as shown on Exhibit A-2, and no fiuther permits are required from the Department of Public Works. The OPERATOR will be required to pay any labor and equipment chazges associated with tra�c control which the Department of Public Warks perForms as a result of this agreement. C. OPERATOR is also fully awaze that the City at any time and for any reason may ternunate use ofthese pubiic streets for market purposes. The OWNER shall attempt to provided the OPERATOR reasonable notice of this termination . OPERATOR shall promptly and reasonably discontinue the use of said public streets under this agreement and sha11 surrender the streets to City, consistent with Section 20. D. OPERATOR shall keep the streets clean, with trash and rubbish completely removed at the close of each market day. E. OPERATOR shall use barricades of a type approved by the Department of Public Works. OPERATOR shall set up and take down the barricades as directed by the Department of Public Works. OPERATOR shall be responsible to maintain and provide secured starage of the barricades during non-market operations. The barricades including legs, rails and any other parts must lie within the boundaries as shown on Exhibit A-2. F. Any striping or painting of parking stalls shall be in a manner approved by the Department of Public Works. G. OPERATOR sha11 ensure that a traffic lane as shown on Exhibit A-2, remains open for emergency vehicles and access to adjacent private property. H. The hours during which OPERATOR may implement Exhibit A-2 are as follow: consistent with Chapter 11 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code which is fartliat period from April 15 through November 15 beginning at midnight on Friday night of each week and ending at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. aq-�z�� (2) Term of A¢reement. This agreement shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier by the OWNER as provided herein. Term (Months/Yeazs) Commencing Date Ending Date 4 year i l months February 1, 2000 December 31, 2004 (3) Use of Premises. The OPERATOR shall use and occupy the Premises for the following purpose: A. for market purposes consistent with Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which is for that period from April 15 through November 15 beginning at midnight on Friday night of each week and ending at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. B. to operate during non-mazket hours, a pazking lot, for the benefit of the OWNER, subject to the requirements of Chapter 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code or any other applicable law. OPERATOR is prohibited from any other use, without the prior written consent of OWNER. Except for rights specifically granted in this agreement, OPERATOR shall have no interest in the land, improvements or equipment located on the Premises. (4) Operators Management Fee. The OWNER shall compensate the OPERATOR on a fixed fee basis as shown in Exhibit C of this Agreement for the Parking Lot Operations and the Farmers Mazket Operations. A. Fee Payment. OPERATOR shall deduct their earned monthly fees from the NIO payment sent to the OWNER quarterly as shown Section (4) D Payment Address of this agreement. B. Oneratin�Expenses and Revenue Collection. The OPERATOR shall be responsible for the collection for all the income as shown in Exhibit C of this agreement. OPERATOR shall be obligated to pay under this paragraph or other provisions (including Exhibit C) of this Agreement including, but is not limited to, the following fees, costs and expenses which are incurred during the term of occupation as described in Section 2 or as expanded: all utilities, including water, electric, gas, telephone, sewage and gazbage collection and disposal as specified in Section (11) of this Agreement; 2. costs for the repairs, improvements or alterations required to be made by the OPERATOR in Section (11) and Section (34) and Eghibit B of this Agreement; 3. a11 taxes on realty or personalty, general or special (in the event the OWNER no longer enjoys tax-exempt status ofthe premises); a11 public rates, dues, charges and �tR -11�.3 assessments, general or special, ofany kind uponthe Premises as specified in Section (5) of this Agreement; and 4. propezry insurance premiuxn and/or uninsured losses as set forth in Section ('� ofthis Agreement. In the event, that OPERATOR does not make such payments, O WNER may make the payments at its option, and the payments shall be deducted from the OPERATOR Management Fee. C. Net Operafing Income INOn Adjustments. Adjustments to the NOI sha11 be as follows: In the event, the projected Net Operating Income (NOI) exceeds the projected annual amount as shown on Exhibit C, for each dollaz ($1.00) of additional of NOI, the OPERATOR shall receive from the OWNER as Additional Management Fee $.33 per $1.00 of NOI. 2. In the event, the actual NOI is less that the projected amount, as reported in the monthly reports prepared and furnished by the OPERATOK, the OWNER sha11 review the options with the OPERATOR to restore the NOI to the project level. OPERATOR shail be required to take steps to ensure that the OWNER'S NOI shall increase 5% per year over the term of this agreement. 4. OWNER shall have the option to assess the Farmers Market vendors via the OPERATOR, a yeazly fee to ensure that the total funds (NIO and Fee) recieved by the OWNER equals the projected NOI for a given year. D. Pavment Address. OPERATOR sha11 make payments of the collected NOI to the OWNER on the dates stated below and consistent with Section (34) Financial Report of this Agreement at the foliowing address: Plannine and Economic Development De�utment, Attention: Tom Mever. De�t Accountant. 1400 City Hall Annex. 25 West Fourth St.. St. Paul, MN 55102 The applicabie account number for Caty Finance Accounting Code is: 130-36100-5239 All Net Operating Income shall be payable on the dates as follows: Pavment Date I�iOI Collection Period 4/30/2000 2/1/2000-3/31/2000 7/30/2000 4/1/2000-6/30/2000 10/30/2000 7/1/2000-9/30/2000 � aq _►ia� 1/30/2001 10/1/2000-12/31/2000 4/30/2001 1/1/2001-3/31/2001 7/30/2001 4/1/2001-6/30/2001 l0/30/2001 7/1/2001-9/30/2001 1(30f2�02 1011f2001-12(31(2001 4/30/2002 1/1/2002-3/31/2002 7/30/2002 4/1/2002-6/30/2002 10/30/2002 7/1/2002-9/30/2002 1/30/2003 10/1/2002-12/31/2002 4/30/2003 1/1/2003-3/31/2003 7/30/2003 4/1/2003-6/30/2003 10130/2003 7/112003-9130/2003 1/30/2004 10/1/2003-12/31/2003 4/30/2004 1/1/2004-3/31/2004 7/30/2004 4/1/2004-6/30/2004 10/30/2004 7/1/2004-9/30/2004 1130/2005 10l1l2004-12l31/2004 The OWNER shall reduce the OPERATOR Management Fee by 1% per day for each day the payment is late. (5) Taxes. The OWNER and OPERATOR acknowledge that the premise is owned and operated on behalf of the OWNER based upon Minn. Stat. 272.01, Subd. 2(b)(1), which the OWNER has the right to operate a public market and municipal parking facility exempt from state ad valorem tases. If the laws of the State of Minnesota subsequently authorize the levy of a tax on properry owned by the political subdivision, the payment of said taxes shall be the responsibility of the OPERATOR on behalf ofthe OWNER as cover in Section (4) B Operating Egpenses and Revenue Collection 5 aq -�a.� � ofthis Agreement. OWNER may at its option require the OPERATOR to pay such contested tases pending appeal, to place in escrow a sum sufficient to pay said t�es, or take other action that will remove said contested taxes as an encumbrance to ritle or as an exception to the transferability of marketable title to the Premises. If by some acrion of the State renders the properry taxable for state ad valorem tases, the O WNER and OPERATOR shall readdress the operation budget to account for the new tax expense. (6) Ri�ht of Entrv. At a11 times during the term of this agreement, the OWNER shall have the right, by itself, its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the Premises during reasonable business hours or, in the event of an emergency, at any time for any legitimate purpose. (7) Insurance. A. OWNER'S Insurance. The OWNER shall acquire and keep in effect during the term of this agreement the following coverages: 1. FIRE AND ALL RISK INSURANCE, on the Premises with limits of not less than $210,000 for year 2000, sha11 be purchased by the OWNER; the OPEI2ATOR shall pay, as Additional Rent, the premium far said insurance. In the event of a claim, the deductible shall be paid from the Risk Retention Fund, which is manage by City Real Estate Division. Said insurance names the City of Saint Paul as the insured. With respect to any loss ofthe OWNER'S property not covered by insurance, it shall be the responsibility of the OPERATOR, within a reasonable time, to pay a11 costs to repair or replace the damaged property with like kind, such reasonable time to be determined by the OWNER. B. OPERATOR'S Insurance. The OPERATOR shall acquire during the term of this agreement the following coverage: 1. FIRE AND ALL RISK INSURANCE, the OPERATOR shall be responsible for the self insurance of, or the acquisition of Commercial Properry Insurance on its owned, or in the care, custody and control of others personal property. 2. COMMERCIAL GENERAI, LIABILITY INSURANCE including blanket contractual liability coverage, personal in}ury liability coverage and broad form properry damage liability endorsement with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and shall be purchased by the OPERATOR. Such insurance shall: (a) name the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul as additional insured; (b) be primary with respect to OWNER'S insurance or self-insurance; (c) not exclude explosion, collapse and underground properry damage; (d) be written on an"Occurrence" Form policy basis; and (e) not contain an"aggregate" policy limit unless specifically approved in writing by OWNER. 0 Rg -1 aa 3 3. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE with minimum limits of $750,000 combined single limit and $1,500,000 aggregate, covering hired, non-owned and owned automobiles. 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSi.7RANCE with not less than statutory minimum lnnits; and EMPLOYET2S' LIABILITY INSiJRANCE with minimum innits of at least $300,000 per occurrence and with an all states endorsement. The OPERATOR shall supply to OWNER current insurance certificates for policies required in Section ('n. The said certificates shall certify whether or not the agent has errors and omissions insurance coverage. 6. The limits cited under each insurance requirement above establish minimums; and it is the sole responsibility of the OPERATOR to purchase and maintain additional insurance that may be necessary in relation to this agreement. 7. Nothing in this contract shall constitute a waiver by the OWNER of any statutory limits or exceptions on liability. 8. OPERATOR shall place the insurance with responsible insurance companies authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and approved by OWNER, and shall deliver copies of the policies to OWNER on the date of OPERATOR'S execufion ofthis agreement. The policies required in Section (7) sha11 be endorsed to indicate that the insurer cannot cancel or change the insurance without first giving the OWNER 60 days' written notice. 9. Insurance limits shall be subject to the tort claims liability limits as set forth in Chapter 466 of Minnesota Statutes. 10. It is specifically understood and agreed that all of the proceeds of such insurance policies shall belong to and be payable to the OWNER and that the OWNER, after application of such proceeds to the loss, may apply any remaining proceeds to a separate, non-insured loss of the OPERATOR. 11. If for any reason any of the insurance hereunder is void, the OPERATOR is responsible to the OWNER for the total amount of uninsured loss. 12. Waiver of Subrogation. OWNER waives its right of subrogation for damage to the Building, contents therein, loss of use thereof, and/or loss of income, up to the amount ofinsurance proceeds collected. OPERATORwaives its right ofsubrogation for damage to properiy in the Premises, loss of use thereof, loss of income and/or accounts receivable, up to the amount of their respective insurance proceeds col- lected. The parties shall notify their respective insurance companies, in writing, of the provisions of this paragraph; and, if either cannot waive its subrogation rights, aq-�za3 such parry shall immediately notify the other party, in writing. (8) Cancellarion or Termination. This agreement shall be subject to cancellation and termination by OWNER or OPERATOR at any time during the term hereof by giving notice in writing at one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date when such termination shall become effective. In the event of such termination, and on the effective date of such termination, OPERATOR shall return any unearned Management Fee paid by the OWNER. (9) Notice. All notices herein provided to be given, or that may be given by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fixlly given when served personally on OWNER or OPERATOR, or when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and addressed to: OPERATOR at the address stated on page (1); OWNER at the Real Estate Dvision, 140 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. The address to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed by written notice given by either party to the other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service. (10) Assienment. OPERATOR shall not assign this Agreement without the written consent of the OWNER, which consent must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement to the Premises. (il) Maintenance and Repairs. OPERATOR shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible £or a11 repairs, maintenance and upkeep (excluding the Capital Improvements, Repaixs and/or Replacements as specified in Eghibit B ofthis Agreement) ofthe Premises, including but not limited to emergency repairs of any kind; routine maintenance and repair to keep the Premises in good repair, safe and in compliance with applicable fire, health, building and other life-safety codes; and all repairs and maintenance needed to keep the buildings or shuctures on the Premises in good condition, including, but not limited to, (a) the exterior (including windows and doors) and interior structure of the buildings or structures, (b) the roof or roofs, (c) the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems therein, (d) all electrical, plumbing, lighting, mechanical systems, fire suppression equipment, i.e. fire sprinkler system; (e) all grounds, fences, parking lot and roads within the Premises. The foregoing obligations shall bind the OPERATOR regardless of the cause of the damage or condition necessitating the repair or maintenance. OPERATOR sha11 keep the Premises in a clean and safe condition, free of accumulauon of dirt and debris. It sha11 also be responsible for the removal from the premises of vehicles or equipment located beyond the mazket period. The OWNER may contribute funds as stated in Section (33) of this Agreement for scheduled Improvements as set forth in Exhibit B of this Agreement. qq-►�a3 (12) Payments in Case of Default. OPERATOR shall pay OWNER all costs and expenses, including reasonable attomey's fees in any action brought by OWNER to recover any rent due and unpaid hereunder, or for the breach or default of any of the covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement, or to recover possession of said property, whether such action progresses to judgment or not. (13) Surrender ofPremises. The OPERATOR, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner terniination of this agreement, sha11 quit peacefully and surrender possession of said properry and its appurtenances to OWNER in as good order and condition as the property was delivered to the OPERATOR. (14) Indemnitv. The OPERATOR agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless the City of Saint Paul and any agents, officers and employees thereof from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character, arising out of or by reason of the Agreement of the herein described Premises by the OWNER to the OPERATOR, or the use or condition of the Premises or as a result ofthe operations or business activfties taking place on the Premises. It is fully understood and agreed that OPERATOR is aware of the conditions of the Premises and agrees to operate "as is." (15) Holdover. Any holdover after the expiration of the term of this Agreement shall be allowed only after receiving the written consent of the OWNER. Said occupancy shall be deemed to be a occupancy only from month-to-month. All other terxns and conditions of this Agreement sha11 be applicable. (lb) Pollufion and Contaminants. OPEI2ATOR agrees to comply with all ordinances, laws, rules and regulations enacted by any governmental body or agency relating to the control, abatement or emission of air and water contaminants and the disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes. OPERATOR shall bear all costs and expenses arising from compliance with said ordinances, laws, rules, or regulations and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless OWNER from all liability, including without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties arising from the failure by OPERATOR to comply with such ordinances, laws, rules or regulazions. The OWNER, has the right to perform cleanup and charge the OPERATOR for such costs should the OPERATOR fail to comply. (1'� Controlling A�reement. In the event there are any prior existing agreements between OPERATOR and OWNER (or its predecessor in interest) covering the subject property, it is agreed and understood that this Agreement shall cancel and terminate any prior agreements as of the effective date of this agreement. (18) Destruction. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Premises or in the event the premises becomes unoccupied or unfit for occupancy due to such damage during the term ofthis Agreement, OWNER may at its option: A. terminate the agreement upon fifteen (15) days written notice to OPERATOR; or qq -1�3 B. within fifteen (15) days agree to restore the premises within a reasonable tune period following the casualty, charging the costs in excess of the insurance proceeds, if any, to the OPERATOR; or C_ may direct that OPERATOR promptly restore the Premises to substantially the condition e�sting immediately prior to such damage or destruction, and for that purpose, if such dam- age or destnxction was caused by perils insured against the O WNER shall make available to OPERATOR pro-rata, as work progresses, the net proceeds of such insurance. If such proceeds aze insufficient to pay the entire cost thereof, OPERATOR agrees to pay, a lump sum payment (or in a form agreed upon by the O WNER) equal to the remainder of such cost. The Operatars Management Fee to be paid during the restoration period sha11 be abated in proportion to the percentage of loss and impairment of the use of the Premises as determined by the OWNER, times the number of days of loss or impairment. (19) Events of Default. The occurrence of any ofthe following events during the term of this Agreement shall constitute an event of default by the OPERATOR: A. the filing of a petition to have OPERATOR adjudicated baukrupt or a petition for reorganization or arrangement under any laws of the United States relating to bankiuptcy filed by OPERATOR; B. in the event a petition to have OPERATOR adjudicated baukrupt is filed against OPERA- TOR, the failure to dismiss such petition within ninety (90) days from the date of such filing; C. the assets of OPERATOR or of the business conducted by OPERATOR on the Premises be assumed by any trustee or other person pursuant to any judicial proceedings; D. OPERATOR makes any assignment far the benefit of creditors; E. the failure by OPERATOR to timely pay expenses as required by this Agreement; F. the failure by OPERATOR to observe and perform any covenant, condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed as required by this Agreement; or G. the failure by OPERATOR or its surety to discharge, satisfy or release any lien or lien statement filed or recorded against the Premises within sixty (60) days after the date of such filing or recording, whichever date is earlier. It is an express covenant and agreement of OWNER and OPERATOR that OWNER may, at its election, terminate this Agreement in the event of the occurrence of any of the events described in this paragraph or in paragraph (22) relating to liens by giving not less than ten (10) days written notice to OPERATOR; and when so terminated, O WNER may reenter the Premises. This Agreement and its Premises sha11 not be breated as an asset of OPERATOR'S estate. It is further expressly 10 qq_1��3 undezstood and agreed that OVJNER shall be entitled upon such reentry, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to exercise such rights and remedies as are provided in Paragraph (24) of this Agreement. (20) Compliance with Laws. The properry described herein may be used for only the purposes stated herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the OPERATOR in the use of the properiy to comply with all laws, rules, regularions or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the use to which the properiy is proposed to be put. Inabiliry or failure by the OPERATOR to comply with any of said laws, rules, regulations or ordinances will not relieve the OPERATOR of the obligation to pay the rental provided herein. (21) Non-Discrimination. The OPERATOR for himself, his personal representatives, successors in interest and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running with the land, that: A. no person, on the basis ofrace, sex, color creed, religion, age, disability, marital status, status with respect to public assistance or national origin or ancestry shall be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities; B. that in connection with the conshuction of any improvements on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrimination sha11 be practiced in the selection of em- ployees and contractors, by contractors in the selection and retention of first tier subcontract- ors, and by first-tier subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier subcon- tractors; C. that such discrimination shall not be practiced against the public in its access in and use of the facilities and services provided for public accommodations (such as eating, sleeping, rest and recreation) constructed or operated on the Premises; and D. that the OPERATOR shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to the Saint Paui Legislative Code Chapter 183. (22) Liens. The OPERATOR shall not permit mechanic's liens or other liens to be filed or established or to remain against the Premises for labor, materiais or services furnished in connection with any additions, modifications, improvements, repairs, renewals or replacements made to the Premises, or far any other reason; provided that if the OPERATOR shall first notify the OWNER of its intention to do so and sha11 deposit in escrow with the OWNER a sum of money or a bond ar irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the OWNER equal to the amount of the claim of lien, OPERATOR may in good faith contest any such claims or mechanic's or other liens filed or established and in such event may permit the items contested to remain undischarged and unsatisfied during the period of such contest. If, in the opinion of the OWNER, the nonpayment of any such items subjects the Premises to any loss or forfeiture, the OWNER may require the OPERATOR to use the escrow account to promptly pay all such unpaid items and if OPERATOR fails to pay &om the escrow account, the 11 �`t-ta�3 OWNER may pay and chazge the OPERATOR. OPERATOR sha11 have no right to subject and subordinate this agreement or Premises in any manner to any lien, mortgage, trust agreement or any other encumbrance. (23) Eminent Domain. In the event the entire Premises aze taken by eminent domain, or such portion thereof is so taken that in OPERATOR'S reasonable judgement it is uneconomic thereafter to restore the Premises and proceed under the terms and provisions of this Agreement, OPERATOR or the OWNER may terminate this Agreement by giving to the other parry tliirty days' written notice of termination, effective as of the date on which the condemning authority acquires legal title or physical possession of the Premises. OPERATOR hereby waives and releases any claim to or share in the Award of Compensation for the taking, notwithstanding any other provision of law, this Agreement or any other agreement. OPERATOR may to the extent otherwise permitted in the eminent domain proceeding, remove its own trade fixtures at its own expense. (24) Default Remedies. In the event an Event of Default occurs under paragraph (19) of this Agreement, OWNER may exercise any one or more of the following remedies: A. reenter and take possession of the Premises without termination of this Agreement, and use its best efforts to manage the Premises to or enter into an agreement with another person for the account of OPERATOR; B. terminate this agreement, exclude OPERATOR from the Premises, and use its best efforts to contract with a new OPERATOR in accordance with applicable law; C. exclude OPERATOR from possession of the Premises, with or without terminating this Agreement and operate the Premises itself; D. terminate the Agreement, exclude OPERATOR from possession ofthe Premises, sell all or any part of the Premises at the best price obtainable (provided such sale is permitted by ap- plicable law,) such sale to be on such terms and conditions as the OWNER, in its sole discretion, shall determine and apply the proceeds of such sale less any expenses thereof for the account of the OPERATOR. E. exercise any remedies available to it under the Minnesota Uniform Commercial Code; F. take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to collect the Rental income and fees then due and thereafrer to become due, or to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, agreement or covenant of the OPERATOR under this Agreement. G. in exercising any of its remedies set forth in this Section, the OWNER may, whether or not the Agreement is then in effect, hold the OPERATOR liable for the difference between the payments and other costs for which the OPERATOR is responsible under this Agreement. 12 qq- taz� No remedy herein confened upon or reserved to OWNBR is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement or now or thereafter existing at law or in equity by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any such right or power accruing upon any defauit shall impair any such right or power or sha11 be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the OWNER to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Provision, it shall not be necessary to give any notice, other than such notice as may be herein expressly required. (25) Performance by Third Parties. OPERATOR may contract with third parties to assist in its obligations under tl�is agreement, provided no such contract shall be entered into without prior written approval of the OWNER. The OWNER may also permit third parties to perform any and all acts or take such action as may be necessary, on behalf of OPERATOR, to prevent or correct any Event of Default. Such perforxnance by third parties shall not, in any way, diminish or absolve OPERATOR of primary liability hereunder. (26) Default of Payment. OPERATOR agrees that, should it default on any payment owing and due to be paid to OWNER as provided in this agreement, including but not limited to Rents and Fees, then the remaining unpaid balance sha11, at the option of the OWNER, immediately become due. Said OPERATOR further agrees that the OWNER may, at its option and without notice to OPERATOR, enter judgment against OPERATOR in Ramsey County District Court for the amount of the unpaid balance. And OPERATOR does hereby confess judgment in the amount of the unpaid balance due upon default, and does authorize the OWNER to enter judgment as provided above. OPERATOR does hereby agree that the OWNER, at its option, may enter a judgment, at any time within one year of the time the last payment sha11 have come due, for the full amount of the unpaid balance due pursuant to the confession of judgment provided herein. (27) Alterations. The OPERATOR will not make any alterations to the premises without the written consent of the OWNER, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. If the OPERATOR desires to make any such alterations, an accurate description shall first be submitted to and approved by the OWNER and such alterations shail be done by the OPERATOR at its own expense. All such work shall be performed under the OWNER'S supervision and any improvements made to the Premises at the OPERATOR'S expense shall become the property of the O WNER at the end of the Agreement period. OPERATOR agrees that all alterations will be done in a workmanlike manner and in conformance with applicable building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems ofthe building will not be impaired, and that no liens will attach to the premises by reason thereof. Also see Section (33) of this Agreement and E�ibit B. (28) Termination. Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, OPERATOR or OWNER may ternunate this agreement by written notice to the other, not less than 180 days priar to the date of terminarion. Upon termination of agreement, OPERATOR sha11 peacefully give up occupation and use of the Premises and shall restore it to substantially the same condition as of the commencement of the Agreement. 13 R9-l�.a� (29) Effect of Waiver. In the event any agreement contained in this agreement should be breached by either pariy, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other breach hereunder. (30) Severabilitv. In the event any provision of this agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof, unless such holding makes it practicably impossible for the Premises to be operated as any outdoor mazket or parking facility. (32) Amended. Anything herein contained to the contrary not withstanding, this Agreement may be terminated, and the provisions of this Agreement may be, in writing, amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto. (33) Capital Improvements, Re�airs andlor Replacements. At the sole discretion of the Owner, a portion of the Net Operation Income as shown in Exhibit C of this agreement maybe used toward the cost of capital improvements, repairs and replacements of the Premises, as set forth in schedule in Exhibit B of this agreement. (34) Financial ReQortinE. The OPERATOR sha11 during the term of this agreement provide to the Owner Operations and Management Expense and Revenue reports, as follows: A. Monthy Operations and Management Expense and Revenue Reports, consisiting of gross parking revenue, expenditures related to the operations of the Parking lot use; 2. gross fee revenues and expenditures related to the Farxners mazket use. The monthly Operations and Managment Expense and Revenue report shall be approved to the accuracy of the reports by the OPEKATOR and said reports sha11 be in a format utilizing professional and industry accepted accounting standards. The OPERATOR further agrees to make available any and a11 files to the OWNER for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. The monthy reports shall be sent to the address as stated in Section (4) (D) Operators Management Fee Payment Address with in 30 days of the last da of the precedin month. B. Annual Operations and Management Expense and Revenue Reports, consisiting of gross parking revenue, expenditures related to the operations of the Parking lot use; 2. gross fee revenues and expenditures related to the Farmers market use. The Annual Operations and Managment Expense and Revenue (included within the report shall be a Profit and Loss statement) report shall be approved to the accuracy of the reports by the OPERATOR and said reports shall be in a format utilizing 14 �Q-1z13 professional and industry accepted accounring standazds. The OPERATOR sha11 provide the annual Renort to the OWNER on or before March 1, following the preceeding yeaz. The OPERATOR further agrees to make available any and all files to the OWNER for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. C. Following the submission of the annual report prior to March 1 following the preceeding year, of the as required in Section (34) B. 2. of this agreement, the OWNER and OPERATOR sha11 meet on or before April l for the pur�ose of reviewing the previous years financial performance and to prepare a new Exhibit C Annual Parkin� and Farmers Market Revenue and Expense Proforma for the vear. (35) Licensed Vendors. The OPERATOR shall ensure that vendors operating on the Premise possess all the necessary licenses from the City of Saint Paul, Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection. All vendors shall at a minimum operate their business pursuant to the Health Rules (subject to change) as stated in Exhibit D of this agreement. The OPERATOR shall have in their possession and available for the OWNER'S inspection copies of all licenses, permits and the like for all vendors operating on the premises. Annually, during the month of April, the OPERATOR shail, as mandated by City's Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, submit a list and a copy of all licenses for each vendor who will be selling food products at the Fanners Market to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection at 350 Saint Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The list shall include the name, address, phone number and a copy of all licenses of each vendor as well as an inventory ofthe types of food products the vendor will be selling. Thereafter, on or about the first day of each month that the market is open for business, the OPERATOR shall submit a list of any new vendors who will be selling foods at the market. Such list shall inciude the same information as was required in month of April report. (36) Restroom Facilities. During the hours of the Farmers Market operation, the OPERATOR sha11 provide adequate restroom facilities, including handicapped accessible restrooms and an ample supply of hand washing facilities. The placement of such facilities shall lie within or adjacent to (provided the area is under the legal control of the OPERATOR) the site boundaries as shown on Exhibit A-2, excluding the barricaded street area. (3'� Permits. The OPERATOR shall not be eligible for a Class B Permit from the Saint Paul Police Department of the purpose of a Farmers Market use. 15 �tq-1��3 IN WIT'NESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and yeaz in this Agreement fust above-written. OWNER: Mayor City Clerk Director of Financial Services Director of Technology and Management Services Director of Public Works Chief of Police City Attorney (Form Approval) OPERATOR: Its Its Its � aq-�a�.a Eahibit B Capital Improvements, Repairs and/or Replacements Condition Survey and Recommend Capital Improvements Report, dated June 8,1999, by Rich Thompson, Engineer, Design Group, City Real Estate Division. 2000 Capital Imnrovements Site lighting is almost none�stent and would not begin to meet the City's present standards even ifthe bulbs were replaced regularly. I recommend a system of new lights, installed below the netting layer, as the first priority of maintenance expense. For budget purposes, I have assumed a scheme of 80 fixtures mounted on existing beam bottoms with exposed conduit. Tota1 Estimated Cost of $16,000. One pipe boilard has been broken off and needs to be replaced at once. Bollards are necessary to protect the main structural columns from damage by traffic. Total Estimated Cost of $300. Insufficent electrical outlets. Added 4-plex electrical outlets, code approved to the roof columns as shown on the attached Exhitbit Bl. Estimated 15 new locations. Total Estimated Cost of $4,500, if done as part of tkie lighting, $7,500, if done as a separate project. Install restroom ea�haust ventilation system for each restroom and installation ofa new ceramic tile 12" x12" paver type floor tile. Total Estimated Cost of $6,500. Repair/replace/add irrigation system for moistening produce. The system shall be design to have faucets suitable for hose connections to use for plant and produce moistening. The system shall require the utilization of water from the Saint Paul Water Utility domestic water supply. Water testing maybe required and is not included in the enclosed estimate. Total Estimated Cost of $21,000. Installation of two roof gutters and downspouts as shown on Exhibit B-1. Total Estimated Cost of $5,000. 17 aq -���3 Total Estimated 2000 Capital improvements $53300.00 -$58300.00 (2000 Dollars) 2001 Canital Improvements Surface drainage of the entire site is ea�lzemely good, which has made it possible to delay repairs to the walks and paving which would otherwise be critical by now. Nevertheless, some small areas of walk and curb (approx. 3100 square feet of walk and SOO linear feet of curb) are now in very bad repair and should be repiaced as soon as possible, areas as shown on Eghibit B-1. Replace the brick sidewalk azeas with a concrete slab, embossed and colored to appeaz like brick pavers. Total Estimated Cost of $24,900. Total Estimated 2001 Capital improvements $24,900.00 (2001 Dollars) 2002 Capital Imurovements The sidewalk azea shown on Exhibit B-2, which is sheltered from the weather by the canopies (approx. 14,500 square feet) should have a Condition Survey conducted in the year 2002. Based on the results of the Condition Survey, future replacement or repair should be scheduled . Two options for the repair of the brick surfaces: Option A: Replace brick sidewalk areas with a concrete slab, embossed and colored to appear like brick pavers. Option B: Remove bricks and re-set them. Total Estimated Cost of $200.00. (Condition Survey only) Asphalt Parking lot - Paving surfaces aze heavily worn and cracked but not rutted or settled. The most badiy deteriorated areas are directly under the drip line of the canopies. Generally, traffic lanes are in better shape than pazking stalls. An overlay, rather than replacement, is appropriate for one more application, or until exposed curb height becomes an issue. The concrete curb, gutter and integral curb/spillways should be replaced with the first paving overlay proj ect. At a minimum, the pazking stalls should be overlayed in year 2002. Re-striping and spillway replacement should also be done at that time. The area to be worked on in 2002 is shown on Exhibit B-2. Total Estnnated Cost of $33,100.00. Total Estimated 2002 Capital imnrovements $33300.00 (2002 Dollazs) ��.'3 �t.q -�aa� 2003 Capital Im�rovements Complete the remauung azeas asphalt paving as shown on E�ibit B-2. Total Estimated Cost of $14,100.00. (2003 Dollars) 2004 Capital Improvements The large canopy structures aze generally in very good shape, but need cleaning and painting. Netting which was installed to prevent birds from roosting in the roof stnxcture is in fair shape, though it is coming unattached in some areas. It would have to be removed and replaced to paint the structure. The netting also prevents the replacement of burned out bulbs in the existing light fixtures. Total Estimated Cost of $24,500.00. (2004 Dollars) Future capital improvements, replacements/repairs The fiberglass roof deck is structurally and cosmetically in fair to poor shape. Roof replacement options from $110,000 to $275,000 and aze specifically listed as follows: 1. Overlay existing fiberglass with galvanized metal 2. Overlay existing with enameled metal 3. Remove old fibergiass and replace with ga1v. 4. Remove old f.g. and replace with enam. metal 5. Overlay old fiberglass with new fiberglass 6. Remove old f.g. and replace with new fiberglass $110,000 $154,000 $187,000 $231,000 $198,000 $275,000 Note: a11 options are in 1999 dollars. None of the above includes any allowance for replacing fascia boards, for painting structural steel, or for adding finished ceiling/soffits. EL9 �t°� •�aa3 V a.� � s se W � W ; 0 Z 0 y Yf .-. N � M M � �0 F9 N tA � ro � N y Q ( p O R' � . 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O O O O O O R Q O O O O O O N O 4� O O'tf R V O(p O(p O O �� ? t0 (7 V V W I� V 1� (p O h N O O (V � � (V (V � (O � � � N � f0 fA f9 d3 l9 �9 f9 b < �N W W . . O O r O O O O O O O O O � M O O O O O O O O O O O OJ O O W O O O N I� � N O O Gl (�l '� � f� N O O(� �➢ C'1 t� l(1 0 O 6l NtliE9 N N p3 tnfA 0E90 q A -" (9 43 fA fA tl3 - b3 f9 f9 W 'I1�.� Y o a= o ¢;; � �.. r» w' N � t � p � 6 � N � m �{ y x N > 3 �n ° d t U N � O O 0(n C N C C m ��� m 0 � md�° F� � � @ V j m C C � - N� U N 0 C V a�wu m'md m16 dm� p y o c� ��r cn�i uSF�n F� � U � u'� 0 � N U C .� 2 O Z q q -tza3 Eahibit D City of Saint Paul Health Rules OFfICE OF LICENSE, INSPECI'IONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROI"EC7tON Roben Kusler, Drrector CITY �r' SL�IN� Pf�UL LOWRYPROFESSIONAGBUILDING Telephone: 6�1-266-9090 Norm Cdemmq Mayor 350 St Peter Sneet, Sui[e 300 Facsfmile: bil-266-9099 SainrPau7.Mn. 55702-]510 657-266-9724 IMPORTANT CITY OF SAINT PAUL HEALTH RULES YOU NEED TO KNOW IF YOU WANT TO SELL FOOD AT THE FARMERS MARKET 1) What health regulations apply when I am at the Farmers Market? All of the City of Saint Paul health rules apply, however, we allow some variations to the regulations to accommodate the existing conditions at the Market. For example, we allow the following modifications: In your sales area you may provide a spiggoted container filled with wann water, a soap dispenser filled with liquid soap and single service towels to wash and dry your hands, rather than providing a handwash sink connected to sewer and running water. To protect your prepared and/or processed foods from being contaminated by the customers, you must cover the foods. You may use clean plastic, provide sneeze shields or use some other effective protection. The health inspector can help you determine which protection works best for you. 2) Can I prepare foods (i.e. bake, boil, bottle, can, cook, fry, mix, package, pickle, etc.) at home and sell them at the Farmers Market? Foods prepared or processed at home are ABSOLUTELY NOT allowed to be soid at the Market. 3) Can I prepare my £oods at the Farmers Market and sell them there? If you want to sell or give away any foods that require handling and/or preparation, you CANNOT do the prepazation at the Market. If your foods require prepazation or processing, the prepazation must be done off-site at an approved, state or locally licensed establishment. After they have been prepazed/processed you must bring your foods to the Mazket in approved transport containers to protect them from contamination and to hold them at the required, safe temperatures. 21 9 q -���� HOT potentially hazardous foods (i.e., MEAT, FISH, POiJLTRY, EGGS and so forth) must be kept HOT (I 40 dea ees Fahrenheit, or hotter); COLD potentially hazardous foods must be kept COLD (41 degrees Fahrenheit, or colder). If foods aze to be heated at the Mazket approved equipment must be provided. 4) Do I need a license from the City of Saint Paul? YES You DO need a City of Saint Paul "Fanners Market" license if you sell ar give away processed or prepared foods (i.e., bakery products, sandwiches, cheese samples, fish samples, processed poultry, pork or bee fl. To apply for a license ca11266-9090. NO You DO NOT need a City of Saint Paul "Farmers Mazket" license if you are only selling your ownhome grownunprocessed foodproducts (i.e., vegetables, fruits, flowers, honey, unprocessed fish, etc.). Note: Please contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture at 296-2627 for their license requirements and regulations. 5) Can I bring my pets to the Farmers Market? Pets are NOT allowed in the food sales azea of the Market, except police patrol dogs and service dogs, such as guide docs for the blind/deaf . 22