88-13 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE � COI�IICII BLUERr - MpypqTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. ��!/� � o�n,cil ,�olution Presented By / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul a license agreement with the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company to cross its railroad tracks at Barge Channel Road with one video and two telephone cables. COUNCILMEN Reques by Department Yeas Dltt►Orid Nays � Goswitz [n Favor ' Long Rettivan � _ Against BY Scheibel Sonnen Wilson JAN "6 ��8� Form App ved ity Att ney Adopted by Council: Date � �� � 0 Certified Yas b cil Sec y By By r A►pproved b iVlav • ate Appro y Mayor for Sub cil , B `'v'�- PUBIISNED ,JAN 1 e 1988 ���. a+llawATeg ; o�.a,r.sfo ; akra oor�.e�A .; , t� r� � anc� & I�atia e�tit Services : {�� ��� • � �:u��G � L� �� .. �• _ . .. DEPARiMENf DIRECTOR � ..�� � . �MAYOR jOR�ABSIHT . .. � �D�����C. . . � . . � . � . . NUMIBER E�R , 2 �a�arr�o�ec►on � cm a�c � . . ` � ��� �v$i�ci�l ,� 298-5317 c�a: _ CITY A7TOR�Y � _ . Authori� the Cirp o€ Saint Faul (Police) to enter inta a license agreement with the Chicago and North WesCern Transportation Company to c�oss fts railroad tracks at Bsrge Channel Road with communication cables for the overflow impound lot.' - � t) Co�u►cil Besolution for sigaature. Z) Sample copy of License Agree�at . .. 1�Ob�RlION6:(Mprovs(A)a Rel�(R)) �01lIICR.REBEAAQM REPORT: ': PLANINq CpMM�ION GVIL SERVICE OOM/�I�SION DATE M� . ..��� M7E OUf ANALYST ' . � �PHQfiIE N0. � . . �tMJ9 OOIi/M6810M � ISD E26 86F10�OL BOIIRD � .. . . . �. . � . . . . � . STAfF ., . .� ' CIMRIER COY�MpBpN ��A9�s . -ADDt x+FO.nOOEDt . - .AEttl TO CoNfA�'t. ���r:..� .. _FOR AflOt IIIPp. fiElDBIK�t D�7RICT OOINICI� � �. . � _ . � � - . .. . . � *DIPLANATION: �.. . . - � . . BUPPORF6 YNIkY1 OOMICY.OiIECTiVE7 � . . . � � � � . . � . . . � . . . .. . N/A . . MR�r�a r�o�t�11,��uE,o�no�r�rnr M�+o.ama.wn.n.wrwre.wny�: _ Th� Police Department will have co�nunicationsi (v3.deo) and telephone cables b�t�aeea itg imgou�d lot and over��ow.impound lot, . . ,��c�noN�co.ue.m�w,:�owraoe,,A«„a�>: . . : _ Will not have to have extra personnel stationed at overflow lot around t�e clack. \. � ' ` CQII�Y��7l8(whet.Wlrn.ineTo.YNwM): _� - . - ;. . . • N/A O DEC 2� ""' oFp�oF 198� .. Mrp q�'A,�FN oE p��cr . � , __ , MF�T�7'1VqN�� ��r�u.w�: ; � . . ; �anir�erTS: . N/A � ��s: _ N/A / , ,Msroar o��`:, n�s: • ` = _ . . . , : , . N/A ... � srn�cEno�oens(us�) �r�o"t*,-,.rn.-#, .��.:wu�sa�ii�e�r�: w►no�u►�cs�,�w�x,��� N./A � - . . _ .�. r - � �- . �• . _ . - - _ . � . � . � . _ � . � .. .. , � _ ...� -...� � . . .. � � . . � � , . . . � . . . . - . , �. fN11ANC1AL MAPACT �s*Y�r,R�n-c.re� sECw,o,�n Nor�s: . ' The Chicago � '��T���T� North Western Rev�u�a aEnEw►re� ............................................................... Transportation ocrENSes: Company indicated . sa�s�F��e�nc�........................................................ that there will ea�w��c.............................................:................................ be no charge. s�s............................................................................... _ . _ ,. conaer�s for Service............................................................. Olher PROFIT(��S) ......................................... ............................... - FUIIDIfKi SOURCE PoR MIY Lti�(Plsrrie and M�outit) CAPITAt NAPROVEMENT BUDGET: DESKiNC�TS................................................................................ _ A�:aWSIiION C08TS.........:........:. _ ' _ , __ CONSTRIICI'ION CO&75 .:.............................................................. TOTAL. ........................................:........................................................... � SOURCE OF FUNDNIG(Name ard M�ount) MAPACT ON BUD(iET: _ AMOUIiT CUR�ITLY.BtlDOETED......:.......... ....,... ...:... _ _ _ . _ _._ . . ;- _ : AMOUNT M!EXCESS OF CURRENT BU� ...:........................ SOURCE OF A�AOUNT OVER BUDGET........................................ PROPERTY TAXES GENERAfED (LOST► . .;. . IMPLEI�NTATION RESPON.4IBILIiY: •• DEPT/OFFICE ' � .. . - �,..' �:�MSION. , .. FUNOTfiLE . . _. _ , . ...: ... . _.... .. _. .. _ . BUDQET ACTiVITY NUMBER 6 TIiLE � �.'.-', . ,,..,� . ACTIVRY MANAGER � .; �:.�,.' .�.: . : . 11CYY PERFGRMANCE YYILL BE MEASURELI?: PROdRAM 08JECTIVES: PROCiRAM INDICATORS 13T YR. 2ND YR. EVALUATION RESPONSIBN.ITY: PERSON . � . DEPT. . � PHONE NO. . � � �R6PORT TO OF - �DATE � . F7RST QUARTERLY _ __ _ _ T.BY . : � � ��- �� -------------------------------= a�rc,A rr� -------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ID#: 87-[606 ] DATE REC: [12/Z9/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/UO/00� ITEM #: � 1 SUBJECT: [LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH C&NW TRANS. C0. TO LAY CABLE ACROSS TRACKS ] C.R. STAFF: [N/A ] SIG:[�-BEL��' � "��� ] OUT-[X] CLERK [AA�t�O"7�10] ,��':�,?� ORIGINATOR:[FINANCE ] CONTACT:[NOVAK - 5317 ] ACTION:[ � C ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.5. RETURNED [00/00/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � r � � � � � +� � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/SAMPLE AGREEMENT/MAP ] C ] C � � . �it�.w- .a?�r - �, � ��-,� ��arm �976� Page. �1 (Revi sed 1981) CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY (hereinafter called "Company" ), hereby licenses the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, (hereinafter called "Licensee") , subject to the terms and . conditions hereinafter set forth, to construct, install , maintain and use 12 and 6 pair tele- phone cables and a video coaxial cable (hereinafter called "facility"), upon and across the ov��R right of way and property and �er the tracks of the Company at Barge Channel Road in St. Paul , ,Minnesota pursuant to request of the Licensee and in accordance with the plan and in the loca- tion shown in yellow on map dated December 1, 1987 attached hereto, made a part hereof and mark- ed Exhibit "A", for the sole purpo$e of conveying electric current not exceeding 400 volts to ground or 750 volts betareert any two points of circuits, or 150 watts of transmitted power for telephone purposes, and low voltage signals for telecommunication transmissions. The Company may, at its option and without liability to the Licensee, revoke this license at any time by giving written notice thereof to the Licensee, if the Licensee shall use or attempt to use said facility for any other or different purpose thaa above specified, or if the Licensee shall violate or breach any of the following terms and conditions: 1. The Licensee will procure all necessary public authority for the construction, installa- tion, maintenance and use of said facility, and in addition to the requirements of this license, will construct, install , maintain and use said facility in conformity with all requirements of public authority. . 2. The Licensee will pay all taxes and assessments that may be levied or assessed upon or against said facility, or upon or against the premises or property of the Company because of the construction, installation and maintenance of said facility as herein provided for; and in the latter case, the Company shall render to the Licensee a bill for the proportion of taxes or assessments levied or assessed because of the presence of said facility upon its premises, and the Licensee will promptly pay the same. 3(a). Said facility shall be constructed, installed and maintained by and at the expense of the Licensee, in a manner satisfactory to the Company. Construction of telephone, telegraph and other communication wires or cables shall comply with specifications of the Association of American Railroads. Construction of electric light, power or trolley lines shall comply with specifications of the American Railway Engineering Association, except as modified by said Exhi- bit "A". (b). If, in the judgement of the Company, it shall be necessary to provide protection or support (or both) for its tracks and property during the work of construction, installation or maintenance of said facility, the Company shall have the right to furnish such protection or support (or both) and the Licensee will promptly pay the entire cost thereof. (c). All material and workmanship pertaining to the construction, installation or mainten- ance of said facility shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Company. (d). The Company shall have the right at any time to judge the necessity of repairs to said facilities, and in the event the Licensee shall fail within ten (10) days after receipt of writ- ten notice to make such repairs as the Company deems necessary, the Company may at its election revoke this license or make such repairs. The Company shall have the right to make emergency repairs to said facility in the event the Company deems such repair necessary for the safety of its tracks or property. The Licensee will promptly reimburse the Company for the cost and ex- pense of all repairs to said facility made by the Company. Form 2976 Page 2 (Revised 1981) , , �� � �' (e). If at any time it shall be necessary in the judgement of the Company to change the location, elevation or method of construction or installation of said facility, such change will be made by the Licensee, at its sole expense, and in the manner requested by the Company, within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice thereof from the Company. 4. If at any time the Cor�any shall deem it necessary to change, alter or rearrange any of the tracks, electrical conductors, poles, wires, appurtenances, st�uctures or other facilities located upon, over or across the right of way or property of the Company because of the construction, installation, maintenance, or use of said facility, the Licensee will promptly pay to the Company the entire cost and expense of making any such change, alteration or rearrangement. � 5. The Company shall have the right to use, occupy and enjoy its tracks and property, or permit the use or occupancy thereof by othe�s, for such purposes, in such manner, and at such times as the Company shall desire, the same as if this instrument had not been executed by it. If any such use shall necessitate any change in the location or construction of said facility, or any part thereof, such change shall be, �made by the Licensee, at its own cost and expense, upon demand of the Company, and the Company shall not be liable to the Licensee on account thereof, or on account of any damage growing out of any use which the Company may make or permit to be made of its said tracks and property. As an alternative to changing the location or construction of the facility, the Company may request the Licensee to disconnect said facility during, the period of the Company's construction. The costs of any Licensee personnel that the Licensee deems necessary to observe or inspect such construction shall be borne by the Licensee. 6. Licensee agrees that in the construction, maintenance, and use of the facility, it will comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, any laws, standards, regulations, or permit requi�ements relating to environmental pollution or contamination or to occupational health and safety; and Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any and all claims, demands, lawsuit, or liability for loss, fines, damage, injury, and death and all expenses and costs, including attorneys' fees, resulting from or arising out of the construction, maintenance, or use of the facility, including any discharge or emission theref rom or for the violation of any law, standard, regulation, or permit requirement relating to environmental pollution or contamination or to occupational health and safety. 7. It is understood and agreed by the Licensee that said facility is suhject to and may increase the dangers and hazards of the operation of the railroad of the Company and that this license is subject to all risk thereof. Therefore, the Licensee assumes and agrees to protect, indemnify and save harmless the Company, its officers, agents, employees, invitees and other licensees, from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, liability and expense by reason of loss or damage to any property whatsoever or injury to or death of any person whomsovever, from any cause whatsoever, arising or growing, directly or indirecly (1) out of the construc- tion, installation, maintenance, renewal , existence, use or removal of said facility, (2) out of any defect in said facility or any failure thereof, (3) out of any act or omission of the Licen- see, its offi ci al s, agents or empl oyees whi 1 e on or about the ri ght of way or property of the Company or while working on or using said facility, or (4) out of the failure of the Licensee, its officials, agents or emptoyees to abide by or comply with any of the terms or conditions of this license, even though such loss, damage, injury or death may have been caused or contributed to by the operation of the Company's railroad or by the condition of its property. The Licensee will also indemnify and save harmless the Company, from all liability for damages sustained by the Licensee by reason of want or failure at any time of title on the part of the Company to all or any part of the premises upon or across which the facility is located. Notice to or knowl- edge by the Company of any act or omi ssi on by the Li censee whi ch is or mi ght be a breach by the Licensee of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement to be performed by the Licensee, and the acquiesence by the Company in or to such act or omission, shall neither be considered to relieve the Licensee of any obligation assumed by it under this paragraph nor be considered to be �� a waiver or release by the Company of any rights granted to it under this paragraph. � .�� � �' ,, � , ����,� �� rm 2976 page 3 (Revised 1981 � � � �� � . � `' 8. The Licensee shall remove all debris, material, false Nork and the like, caused by or used during the construction, installation or maintenance of said facility, from the right _of � way and property of the ConQany in a manner satisfactory to the Cortpany. 9. The Company sha11 have the right to revoke this license at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice thereof to the Licensee. The Licensee shall have the right to terminate this license at any time by giving thirty (30) days' written notice thereof to the Company. An.y notice to be given under this license shall be in writing and may be served by delivering it, or a true copy thereof, to the other party or its general operating or engineering officers, or by depositing the same in a United States Post Office, enclosed in an envelope addressed to such party at its last known post office address with the postage thereon prepaid. At the expiration of the time limited by any revocation or termination notice, or upon termination of this license in any other manner, the Licensee will , at its own expense promptly remove said facility from the right of way and property of the Company�; or f rom above the right of way and property of the Con�pany as the case may be, and will restore the Company's right of way and property to a condition satisfactory to the Co�any. Upon default of the Licensee so to do, the ConQ any shall have the ri ght to remove sai d faci 1 ity and to restore its ri ght of way and property and the Licensee will promptly reimburse the Company for the cost and expense of so doing. 10. The waiver of a breach of any of the terms or conditions hereof shall be limited to the act or acts constituting such breach and shall never be construed as being a continuing or permanent waiver of any such terms or conditions, all of which shall be and remain in full force and effect as to future acts or happenings, not withstanding any such waiver. 11. This license is personal to the Licensee, and is not assignable or transferable without the written consent of the Co�any first obtained; provided, however, that in case of any assignment, passing or transfer of ownership of said facility without the Company's written consent to said assignment, the Licensee and the new user or owner shall both be �ointly and severally liable to the Cortpany under all of the terms and conditions hereof and this license shall be deemed a joint license to said parties, revocable forthwith by written notice which the Company at its option may serve upon said parties at any time. 12. The benefits of this license shall accrue to the ConQany, its successors and assigns. In accepting this license the Licensee covenants and agrees to perform and to be bound by all of the terms and conditions hereof to be performed by the Licensee, even though the performance thereof may not be required by the Company until after the revocation or termination of this License. 13. All property of whatsoever kind and nature in which the ConQany has a leasehold interest or which is used by the Company wholly or in part regardless of ownership thereof, shall for the purpose of this agreement be deemed property of the ConQany and be owned by the Company. 14. In case any of the terms or provisions of this license have been performed or carried out prior to the actual date of execution hereof, it is understood and agreed that this license shall nevertheless be of the same force and effect as though same had been executed by the �: parties prior to such performance. - Form 2976 3 . ' , ` �_ �.. Forni 2976 Page 4 (Revised 1981) � :r � � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrua�ent is executed at Chicago, I11. , this day of �19 ATTEST• ; CHICA60 AND NORTH WESTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY �y Assistant �retary Vice President - Engineer ng Pursuant to authority granted by resolution of the ;� �: of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, adopted • The undersigned, the Licensee mentioned in the foregoing license, ACCEPTS the same subject to the terms and conditions therein stated. Attest: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BY City er Mayor �� -:�< ��� :��,..��«. . . '�' , , ���b+ N•�•�rlA 4'r* � 7'' . "d . - ,�, . . �-, . � _ -� _ - � f: �:.,. . - _ .. _ . + ,J .�;. , .." . . �f� . .. _ ._ . , t .,.. . , ` � �, e�� - -,. - -_ __ _ - ,.._ . _�. _ �;�,;� _ r., _ :x� ... . _ ,,�j �', _ -. � T� =•; -. ,,,. . �� -�,�� _ ; ;:� ,.-�1;-.; _ : - ' ' - �'t �.�dv�"" . �.. { � , � .. . , _ . _ _ �Y� ; - _.Y ,,. . ,_, : . � ... - _ >..� µ f '� -,,,�� � ._ 1 r �... s : y �. . . ..... �_ . y �--' �' ' " ..:. ._ � . ' _ d . r �.� t 1z' � J �� � �s' # . `' -�. . -\.�..� . . ' � '.:..r � . ,tr � F -•! ,ti - .��/ti` � � � t.:.�� ._ .. . � .. _ :'r _`. t.� _-�T ,.�� �" ,g _'�'L x�:� _� `\..` .-:. „ � I •t�'�-^�� t,; � .(x �*�•' �� '. !�z •. -. r�:` .. j - � � " _� ! ' ,. ��?' ,,.� • c-M '"' - '" � � f ' �`� . ^ Y ,y ' i � �.�� .. L�t - .. ��3'Iu . �.ti. .. `� k .,,�' �a->�}f .. � l ?:^j< i ,,,,..:- .r'31�`^!� ri_ , _ . � ' _ . 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WHEREAS, pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, particularly, Laws of Minnesota 1975, Chapter 188, Laws of Minnesota 1980, Chapter 595, Laws of Minnesota 1981, Chapter 222, Minnesota Statutes. Section 462,411 et sea. as amended, and Minnesota Statues. Chapter 462C, as amended (the "Acts") , the City of Saint Paul (the "City") is authorized to to carry out the public purposes described therein and contemplated thereby in the financing of energy conservation related home improvements to housing units located within its boundaries, by making or purchasing loans (the "Energy Loans") ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Acts and Saint Paul Administrative Code, Chapter 72, the City was authorized to establish programs to finance housing and to provide mortgage loans to providers of housing to improve the housing climate in the City by participating in the making of loans to finance energy conservation and rehabilitation improvements to buildings located within its boundaries (the "Loan Program") ; and WHEREAS, the Acts provide that the City may exercise any and all of the same powers as are contained in the Acts, including the powers of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes. Chapter 462A, as amended (the "State Housing Act") ; and WHEREAS, the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Housing Finance Board (the "Board") has been created pursuant to Minnesota Statues. Section 462C.12 and a Joint Powers Agreement (the "Agreement") dated as of December 1, 1984, as amended, between the City of Minneapolis ("Minneapolis") , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "HRA") , and the Minneapolis Community Development Agency (the "MCDA") , and accepted by the City; and Yeas COUNCILME Na s Requested by DeQa t�ment of: Y � In Favor Against BY Form A by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By A►pproved by Nlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUB!lStiED J,Gf��� 16 1988